Bloomberg estimated the losses of the Saudi billionaire prince after his arrest. The richest families in the world The family of the King of Thailand

Here it is, the richest dynasty in the world. Everything is clear here. Middle East, oil industry, money, money, money again. But. Bathed in luxury, family members do not forget about real life. Last year, one of the Sauds, Prince al-Walid ibn Talal ibn Abdul Aziz, made the decision to get rid of his personal fortune. The prince has $32 billion on his account. The monarch donated all these incredible funds to charity. Try to make sense of it.

Unlike our neighbors hot ten The Waltons entered the business relatively recently - just over half a century ago. However, the idea to turn stores into a chain where you can buy everything from twine to TVs turned out to be simply golden. The Waltons are the owners of Wal-Mart, the world's number one retailer.
“I always told my parents that I was going to marry a man endowed with energy and pressure. It was important to me that he wanted to succeed. I found the one I was looking for. True, now I sometimes laugh that I overdid it a little, ”the wife of the founder of the Sam Walton dynasty, Helen, later admitted.

KOH, $80 BN
The Koch brothers, Charles and David, are the main brawlers and opponents of the current government and government in general. Their money is everywhere, from the production of pipes and oil industry to toilet paper and shares in the same Mars. Kochs supported on presidential elections opponents of Barack Obama, they are easily called pigs by popular TV presenters, and the media cast a shadow over the wattle fence about the secret organization run by the brothers. While enemies of the Democrats, the Kochs support LGBT people and advocate for a peaceful foreign policy. How it all fits together is a mystery.

This name is definitely on everyone's lips. The transformation of a modest confectionery business into a delicious empire in every sense began in the late 20s of the 20th century, after Mars received a patent for a nougat recipe. It was she who formed the basis of those same bars, whether it was Milky Way or Snickers, or, of course, Mars. Another super hit family business- M & M "s. Also in the assets of Mars there are dog and cat food Pedigree and Whiskas. One does not interfere with the other.

A century and a half ago, the Johnsons took up the manufacture of parquet, and then - a means for caring for it. Cleaning liquids and powders ended up being the Johnson family business and have been feeding (ahem) them all these years. However, the clan is not alien to the beautiful: it is for this reason that Ziploc, a brand of bags, is in the line of their assets. The Johnsons are one of richest families 2016.

The Pritzker family closes more than an honorary list with 29 billion dollars. Now the clan has only one asset - the Hyatt hotel chain, but it seems that this is enough for them. Three years ago, the Pritzkers made a splash in the States after one of the members of the family, 62-year-old James, a professional soldier, lieutenant colonel of the National Guard, announced his intention to change sex. And for starters, he changed his name, turning himself into Jennifer.
“These changes reflect how Jennifer feels about her identity. Now she identifies herself as a woman in both business and personal affairs, ”the official release noted. The words were followed by deeds, and Jennifer outwardly also ceased to be James. Otherwise, everything remains as before: she is engaged in Hyatt, actively supports the transgender military, donating decent amounts. Well, except that in the Forbes list of the 400 richest Americans, she is now listed among women.

The Pritzker family closes more than an honorary list with 29 billion dollars. Now the clan has only one asset - the Hyatt hotel chain, but it seems that this is enough for them. Three years ago, the Pritzkers made a splash in the States after one of the members of the family, 62-year-old James, a professional soldier, lieutenant colonel of the National Guard, announced his intention to change sex. And for starters, he changed his name, turning himself into Jennifer.

“These changes reflect how Jennifer feels about her identity. Now she identifies herself as a woman in both business and personal affairs, ”the official release noted. The words were followed by deeds, and Jennifer outwardly also ceased to be James. Otherwise, everything remains as before: she is engaged in Hyatt, actively supports the transgender military, donating decent amounts. Well, except that in the Forbes list of the 400 richest Americans, she is now listed among women.

King Rama IX of Thailand (real name Bhumibol Adulyadej) rules not only the country, but also his own clan. The family's fortune is $30 billion. Of course, Rama is in charge of all finances, but it is a sin for members of the clan to complain - they do not need money. Yes, and respect for the 89-year-old patriarch relatives do not hold. Lord of Lives and Possessor of twenty-four Golden Umbrellas, seated on the throne of the Golden Lotus of the country of the White Elephants - this is the full title of Rama - a great original and creative person: composes symphonies, which are performed by the Royal Orchestra in the best halls of the country and abroad, writes jazz pieces, plays the saxophone excellently. Rama is a gifted artist whose paintings sell well all over the world, and a lover of yacht racing, and designs his yachts with his own hands. Among other things, Rama actively spends his fortune on the development of agriculture in Thailand and on investments in the development of new technologies. In short, the ideal monarch.

Cox, $32 billion

It all started at the end of the 19th century with the purchase of the Dayton Evening News by one of the fathers of the family. Over the course of a century or more, the Coxes have acquired a car dealership network, cable TV, and - it seems to be an inherited passion - a media asset that includes the press and radio stations. Formally, the elder of the dynasty is James Kennedy: as can be seen by his last name, he is a relative of another significant clan, and more specifically, the nephew of that same John, the president. James has already plowed his own and is now deservedly dozing at meetings of the board of directors, and his daughter Ann Cox Chambers really rules the empire.

Hurst, $35 billion

One of the brightest and richest not only in dollars, but also in talents and adventures of dynasties began with William Randolph Hearst. Hearst the First was a real celebrity of his time, the father of the tabloid genre; it was from him, the media mogul and the richest man of his time, that Orson Welles “copied” the image of the main character in Citizen Kane. Mark Twain and Jack London worked in his newspapers, he was friends with Hitler and hated Stalin, broke all sorts of rules and built incredible castle, one of the most striking in its luxury in the States. Hirst kept Monet's canvases in the linen closet, because there was nowhere to hang them. His son became a serious journalist, granddaughter, Patricia, is it-girl No. 1, and also a heroine famous history with kidnapping. In 1974, she was kidnapped by left-wing radicals, demanded a ransom, kept in a box, raped, as a result, Patricia sided with them and participated in a series of bank robberies. After the capture of the terrorists, she spent five years in prison, was released, and now lives quietly with her husband, children and grandchildren.

A century and a half ago, the Johnsons took up the manufacture of parquet, and then - a means for caring for it. Cleaning liquids and powders ended up being the Johnson family business and have been feeding (ahem) them all these years. However, the clan is not alien to the beautiful: it is for this reason that Ziploc, a brand of bags, is in the line of their assets. The Johnsons are one of the richest families in 2016.

Everything here is harsh and clear. The Cargills are engaged agriculture- food, raw materials and everything else. The MacMillans are a branch of the Cargills that began with the son-in-law of the head of the dynasty, William Cargill. The husband of his daughter, John Macmillan, proved himself so cool that the patriarch deigned to add his surname to his in the family business. The clan is still true to itself - its representatives live on a ranch in Montana, do not go out into the world, do not welcome rumors about themselves and do not shine in the gossip column. Solid guys.

This name is definitely on everyone's lips. The transformation of a modest confectionery business into a delicious empire in every sense began in the late 20s of the 20th century, after Mars received a patent for a nougat recipe. It was she who formed the basis of those same bars, whether it was Milky Way or Snickers, or, of course, Mars. Another super hit of the family business is M&M's. The assets of Mars also include Pedigree and Whiskas dog and cat food. One does not interfere with the other.

The Koch brothers, Charles and David, are the main brawlers and opponents of the current government and government in general. Their money is everywhere, from the production of pipes and the oil industry to toilet paper and shares in the same Mars. The Kochs supported opponents of Barack Obama in the presidential election, they are easily called pigs by popular TV presenters, and the media cast a shadow over the wattle about the secret organization run by the brothers. While enemies of the Democrats, the Kochs support LGBT people and advocate a peaceful foreign policy. How it all fits together is a mystery.

Unlike our top ten neighbors, the Waltons entered the business relatively recently - just over half a century ago. However, the idea to turn stores into a chain where you can buy everything from twine to TVs turned out to be simply golden. The Waltons are the owners of Wal-Mart, the world's number one retailer.

“I always told my parents that I was going to marry a man endowed with energy and pressure. It was important to me that he wanted to succeed. I found the one I was looking for. True, now I sometimes laugh that I overdid it a little, ”the wife of the founder of the Sam Walton dynasty, Helen, later admitted.

Saud family, $1.4 trillion

Here it is, the richest dynasty in the world. Everything is clear here. Middle East, oil industry, money, money, money again. But. Bathing in luxury, family members do not forget about real life. Last year, one of the Sauds, Prince al-Walid ibn Talal ibn Abdul Aziz, made the decision to get rid of his personal fortune. The prince has $32 billion on his account. The monarch donated all these incredible funds to charity. Try to make sense of it.

Today, the names of billionaires such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim are heard. But the success of one person is nothing compared to what a whole family can achieve.

Rothschild family

How did you get rich: banking (for the most part).

Family status: cannot be assessed. According to rumors, from 350 billion to 3-4 trillion dollars (the last figure is closer to the truth).

Heine once said: "Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is its prophet." Today, the names of the Rothschilds are rarely found on the list. the richest people planets by Forbes versions. The wealth of the clan is evenly distributed among its many members, so that the wealth of one family member is not something outstanding (compared to, say, the wealth of Gates). However, the strength of the Rothschild family lies in its unity, and here it has no equal, including in terms of capital.

The clan originates from the end of the 18th century. It all started with Mayer Amschel, who founded a bank in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. His business quickly went uphill, Mayer's business was continued by his five sons, who managed to significantly increase their capital. The dynasty quickly gained strength and power. It soon spread throughout the world. It is known about the branches of the Rothschild family in Austria, Italy, Britain, France, etc. The clan has influenced the fate of entire states for two centuries, using its wealth and connections to manipulate.

The family was able to rise thanks to the unswerving adherence to the rules set by its founding father. Firstly, in the financial world of the Rothschilds, all key positions are occupied only by family members. Secondly, disputes and conflicts within the clan remain there. The Rothschilds do not take dirty linen out of the hut. Thirdly, the property accumulated by the family is preserved within the family, so marriages between Mayer's cousins ​​are not uncommon.

Today there are many conspiracy theories associated with the Rothschilds. Someone says that the clan no less secretly rules the world. Rumors are fueled in no small measure by the relatively secretive lifestyle of Mayer's heirs, who do their business discreetly, adhering to the principle "money loves silence."

Rockefeller family

How did you get rich: trade, oil business.

State: cannot be estimated, according to official data - about 10 billion dollars.

All the same conspiracy theories put the Rockefellers on the same scale with the Rothschilds. The “modest” figure of $10 billion, which is estimated by the family’s fortune, hardly reflects the true size of the capital.

The history of the family began with John Davison Rockefeller. He was born in 1839 in the family of a small merchant. John was modest and thrifty. The guy from childhood got used to work. He raised domestic animals, which he then sold, tried himself in the accounting field, but achieved real success in commerce. Rockefeller made his fortune in oil. At one time, he invested in a promising resource, which soon brought him unprecedented income. At the end of the 19th century oil company Rockefeller's Standard Oil controlled 90 percent oil industry USA. John became the first dollar billionaire in human history. At the time of his death in 1937, his fortune was about 200 billion dollars (in modern money, adjusted for inflation).

Rockefeller's heirs continued the work of their ancestor. Among them were not only famous businessmen but also politics. Nelson Rockefeller was Vice President of the United States in the 1970s and 1980s.

The success of the Rockefeller family is in the ability not only to make money, but also to save it. The clan practices regular family meetings. John attached great importance to the opinion of his wife.

Saud family

How did you get rich: sale of oil.

Family status: about 1.4 trillion dollars.

The Saudis are the ruling royal dynasty V Saudi Arabia. The history of the family dates back to the 18th century. It played a huge role in the fate of the Arabian Peninsula. Great fortune the current Saudis cannot be seen as greatest achievement clan, realized primarily in the political arena. Since 1720, the Saudis have been a dynasty of emirs (princes). Emir Muhammad ibn Saud in the 18th century supported the theologian Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and adopted his religious teachings, which today is known as Wahhabism. Throughout the centuries of bloody wars, the Saudi family has managed to expand its possessions and strengthen its influence in the region. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932. At the end of the 30s of the 20th century, gigantic oil reserves were found in the country, which today is the basis of the state's well-being.

The Saudi clan is one of the largest in the world. The exact number of its members can hardly be counted. The men of the clan had no shortage of love affairs, they usually had many children. For example, the founder and first king of Saudi Arabia Abdulaziz ibn Abdurrahman Al Saud had more than ten wives, he left behind 45 legitimate sons. The 25th son, Salman, rules the country today.

Walton family

How did you get rich: retail trade, namely: a network of hypermarkets WalMart.

Family status: about $130 billion

The Waltons traditionally top the list of the richest family clans in the United States according to Forbes. The brightest pages of family history were written by the American Sam Walton (1918-1992). He was born into a family of farmers. The future billionaire was not a good boy, his “university” was the street. As a child, Walton helped his parents a lot with the housework, while looking for opportunities to earn money. Sam raised pigeons for sale, distributed the latest press. In 1942, he was drafted into the army, after which Walton went into the retail business. He started from scratch and soon reached unprecedented heights. The secret of Walton's success is a personal approach to the client. He worked with every customer who came to him, and ensured that people wanted to return to his store. One of the first businessmen to use the strategy low prices- he refused intermediaries and purchased goods directly from the manufacturer. The father's business is now continued by Walton's four children.

Let's talk about the richest and most influential dynasties in the world. Who are they, how rich are they and in what countries do they live. Below is the top 10 richest families on the planet.


The Pritzker dynasty has a fortune of $ 29 billion. This is a well-known clan of capitalists in the United States, belonging to the richest families in the country since 1982. Founder Nicholas Pritzker. The family's assets are the Hyatt hotel chain, banks, airliners, and industrial firms. A couple of years ago, a representative of the James family changed his orientation and name to Jennifer, now in Forbes, the name Pritzker can be found on the list of the richest women in America.

Family of the King of Thailand

The royal family of Thailand ranks 9th among the world's richest dynasties. Wealth $ 30 billion. Chief in the clan 89-year-old Bhumibol Adulyadej or King Rama IX. In addition to its core business, it actively invests in agriculture and nanotechnology. Hobbies of the monarch: playing the saxophone, painting and composing symphonies, designing yachts.

Dynasty Cox

Owners of a fortune of $ 32 billion. Representative - Ann Cox Chambers. Daughter of James Kennedy, nephew of President John. The source of income is the media business. The clan's activities began with the purchase of the Dayton Evening News. Now the family has many organizations that deal with cable TV, car sales and more.

Dynasty Hearst

This family is the owner of the largest communications corporation in the world. Their fortune is $35 billion. The media holding publishes many thousands of editions of newspapers and magazines every day - 351 well-known publications. The clan also owns 29 channels, which is 1/5 of all television in America, which is most often watched by Americans.

The Johnsons

The Johnson dynasty are the founders of the world well-known organization Johnson & Johnson. The company is a leader in the production of healthcare products. The transnational holding includes at least 250 organizations involved in educational, financial and scientific activity Worldwide. Wealth $39 billion.

Dynasty Cargill and Macmillan

Owners of a fortune of $ 43 billion. They are engaged in agriculture, raw materials, food. Conservatives. They live on a ranch. The press does not like to shine.

Mars family

The clan has $ 60 billion on its balance sheet. These are the owners of delicious sweet bars that everyone ate: Snickers, M & M "s, Milky Way, Mars and many other confectionery products. Mars is also engaged in the production and sale of cat and dog food: Whiskas, Pedigree.

Koch dynasty

The brothers David and Charles Koch have $ 80 billion on their balance sheet. They make money on everything: the brothers are the owners of many companies and factories involved in the production of pipes, toilet paper, they are shareholders of the most famous world corporations, they are engaged in oil and gas production and others.

Walton family

Owners of a fortune of 152 billion US dollars. Owners of the Wal-Mart business, founded in 1962. It is the leading retail organization worldwide. Head Rob Walton. In their stores you can buy everything you need for life.

Saud family

The richest dynasty, with a huge fortune of 1.4 trillion US dollars, settled in the Middle East. The clan is engaged in oil production and everything connected with it. Family members bathe in luxury, but at the same time they do not forget about charity, regularly investing funds.

The richest families in the world live in 4 countries. Among them are the heirs of huge fortunes, pioneers of the international financial market, a dynasty of entrepreneurs and a confectionery manufacturer. One of them is headed by a woman. Two made their fortunes through politics and privileged access to resources, and one employs more than 2 million people. Each family has a fortune of at least $ 34 billion, and two - more than $ 1 trillion.

1. The Rothschild family, Germany

British actress Joanna Lumley with Lord Jacob Rothschild, who received the Prince of Wales Medal for Charity

Wealth ≈ $350 billion – $2 trillion

The richest families in the world cannot do without these people. The name Rothschild has been associated with international banking since the late 1700s. Mayer Rothschild, from whom this dynasty of the wealthy began, was the chosen assistant and financial manager of the German royal family. He used his position in the courts to give great development banking for the German aristocracy. When his five sons came of age, they settled in Frankfurt, Naples, London, Vienna and Paris, managing the local banking business. From that moment began the prosperity of the centuries-old financial empire.

Due to their relative restraint and reticence in matters of doing business, the Rothschilds formed an impression of themselves as conspirators and secret history makers. It is difficult to trace their assets and capital among a large number descendants, but we can say for sure that they are still very rich. No wonder the family motto "Concordia Integritas Industria" calls for harmony, integrity and providence.

2. The Royal House of the Saudis, Saudi Arabia

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

Wealth ≈ $1.4 trillion

Although the current government of Saudi Arabia was formed in 1932, the Al Saud family absolute monarchy in the country since the 1700s. Since 2016, the family has been led by King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. The state he controls has huge oil reserves, which is the reason for the gigantic fortune of the Saudis.

3. The Walton family, USA

Son of founder Sam Walton, chairman of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Rob Walton, on stage during the annual shareholders meeting

Status ≈ $152 billion

Sam Walton built a retail empire in a relatively short period of time. In the late 1940s and 50s, he gained sales experience in various franchise stores. In July 1962, in Rogers, Arkansas, Walton opened the first store, named Walmart and then Walmart Discount City. Since 2016, the chain has been called Wal-Mart Stores Inc. .

Walton revolutionized the industry retail sales. Success was brought by the original strategy - to open large stores with a wide range of goods in small towns where there is no fierce competition. In the process of development, the company began to provide services for the search, selection and delivery of goods.

Sam Walton's six heirs own a 54% stake in Wal-Mart Corporation. It is now the largest non-government employer in the world, employing approximately 2.1 million people (as of 2015).

4. The Koch family, USA

Brothers David and Charles Kohey

Wealth ≈ $89 billion

Koch Industries is the second largest private company in the world. It is a multinational conglomerate whose activities cover real estate, finance, oil production and refining, consumer goods trading, chemicals and fertilizers.

It all started in 1940, when Frederik Koch launched an oil refinery. Things were going well, but the real heyday of the company began in the 1980s, when the business was taken over by his sons Charles and David.

5. Mars family, USA

Business tycoon. Son of Forrest Mars Sr. and grandson of Frank Mars, founder of the American confectionery company Mars

Wealth ≈ $80 billion

The richest families in the world love the sweet life. Most of these people's fortunes come from the world's largest candy and confectionery corporation, Mars Inc.

The company was founded in 1911 by Franklin Mars. His son Forest Mars became a worthy heir to the confectionery empire, and built on the success of the enterprise, including through the launch of products such as Mars bars and M&Ms.

6. The Slim family, Mexico

Carlos Slim Helu – Lebanese-born Mexican businessman, son of Maronite emigrants from Lebanon

Wealth ≈ $77 billion

Carlos Slim Elu in 2016 was in fourth place in the list of the richest people in the world according to Forbes magazine. In the period from 2010 to 2013, he took first place in this rating. Slim is the founder of Grupo Carso, a holding conglomerate that controls approximately 40% of the Mexican stock exchange (on a total stock basis). The main leaders of the financial empire are Carlos Slim himself and his sons.

7. Family Cargill-McMillan, USA

Cargill CEO and President - Dave McMillan

Status ≈ $45 billion

The only private company in the world worth more than Koch Industries is Cargill Inc. (American food company). It was founded in 1865 by William Wallace Cargill. The company is 88% owned by the Cargill-McMillan family, which has 14 dollar billionaires. This is more than any other family in the world.

8. The Betancourt family, France

Liliane Betancourt with her daughter

Status ≈ $42.7 billion

In 1909, a young Franco-German chemist named Eugene Schuller developed a unique hair dye formula. Since Paris was the fashion capital of the world at the time, Eugene had no problem finding a market among wealthy Parisians and hairdressers. As a result, Schuller's business turned into cosmetics giant L'Oreal. His daughter, Lillian, took over control of the company following the death of her father and husband André Betancourt in 2016. And in 2017, the largest cosmetic business inherited daughter Liliane Francoise Bettencourt Myers - the most rich woman in the world at the moment.

9. The Arno family, France

Bernard Arnault - French businessman, president of the Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy group of companies

Status ≈ $37.7 billion

Other french family billionaire, Arnaud is best known as the owner of luxury brands Moet Hennessy, Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior. The head of the Bernard family, Jean Etienne Arnault, is still Chairman and CEO of Louis Vuitton. Two of his children, Antoine and Delphine, are also involved in the administration of the empire.

10. The Cox family, USA

James Cox - American politician, 46th and 48th governor of Ohio, presidential candidate in the 1920 elections

Status ≈ $34.5 billion

The last place in the ranking of the richest families in the world is occupied by the name Cox. They have learned to turn access to government into intergenerational wealth. James Middleton Cox served two non-consecutive terms as Governor of Ohio. In 1920, he took part in an unsuccessful presidential campaign for the Democratic Party.

After political experience, he opened several newspapers and built a media brand, while not alienating the Democratic Party and Franklin D. Roosevelt, who chose him as his assistant in 1920. Cox Enterprises is now run by two grandsons of James Cox.

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