Fee payments. Payments of royalties Which literary magazines pay royalties today?

I would like to quote from Sergei Kozlov’s article “How much does a book cost and what are the writers’ fees?”:

“The only achievement of current freedoms is that today any author, having the means, can publish his creation. Or find a sponsor. The circulation of such publications varies from 100 to 3,000 copies. A good circulation for an author (in central publishing houses) is a circulation of 5–10 thousand copies. Even thick literary magazines today have dropped in circulation so much that they can barely eke out their existence. Famous " New world" has a circulation of about 1.5-3 thousand, and only the patriotic "Our Contemporary" has a circulation of more than 10 thousand copies. To be honest, fees for authors in these magazines are formal. For a short story, the author can receive from 1 to 3 thousand rubles. But here the power of prestige is already at work: being published in the oldest publication is the dream of every writer.

If a book is published at the expense of sponsors or regional administrations (according to their publishing programs), then the fee is negotiated in a special agreement with the publishing houses, and the amount is negotiable and can vary from 10 to 100 thousand rubles depending on the volume of the text, as well as the name of the author . The distribution of such publications is also the responsibility of the authors, as well as the owners of the circulation. Most often they are distributed free of charge to libraries and public organizations, and are also generously donated by authors to a narrow and wide circle of those who put these books on the shelves, most often without reading.

Central publishing houses today prefer to invest money, as usual, in well-promoted names that can be equated to brands. The production of this kind of literature, like television series, has been put on stream. Sometimes the author can no longer cope with the workload, and he has to hire so-called “literary blacks” who outline the main idea or several chapters in rough form, and the eminent author then “combs” these texts at his own discretion. Sometimes on such a "star" modern literature work up to five very talented people, receiving very modest remuneration for their work. The star herself, whose name will be difficult to remember in twenty years, receives on average from 5,000 to 10,000 dollars for a hasty novel. Then, with decent advertising support, the product is thrown onto the market, and also immediately comes to the attention of the creators of television series for an adequate translation into the language of television viewers. In this case, the author receives additional funds. Here, depending on the manufacturer and broadcast channel, the amount varies from 10,000 to 50,000 dollars, because cinema is an expensive pleasure.

It should be noted that in Russia, in Hollywood, those who come up with the most interesting stories The people who make us look at the screen - writers and screenwriters - belong to the lowest paid category of the film industry. More recently, Hollywood screenwriters even went on strike over this issue. Let me remind you that the actors involved in the films receive a “penny” from each rental, no matter where it takes place. For example, a film is shown on an airliner, the airline has already included the cost of this screening in the ticket price, the actors and the director will receive their “penny”. This is in addition to a truly fabulous fee, amounting to millions of dollars. But this is in normal countries, where intellectual property is not cheaper than movable and real estate and is protected by law.

The vast majority of Russian writers today do not have the opportunity to be published. Basically, regional authorities are engaged in their “exit into the world”, publishing collections, almanacs, literary supplements and individual publications at the expense of cultural, as well as publishing programs approved by the Dumas. It is more difficult for a provincial writer to get into a Moscow publishing house, get a “registration” and promotion there than for an applicant to enroll in Moscow State University or MGIMO. Usually there are one or two such writers living in a region. At the same time, their fees are very modest when compared with their brothers in the capital, who have a kind of “cunning” in communicating with publishers and know how to track additional circulations, which are usually hidden so as not to pay the authors additional money from the profit. Although, it should be noted that the publishing business today is a very risky business. The fee for a provincial author at a central publishing house varies from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles per author's sheet. What is an author sheet? This is 40,000 characters. And 40,000 characters is a dense text, typed in 14 font in the Times on 20–25 pages. In terms of the amount of spiritual, creative, and physical costs, 25 pages of literary text is a very labor-intensive work even for “quick-to-hand” writers.

Thus, the average modern dynamic novel (250 pages) - very small by classical standards - can bring the author from 60,000 to 200,000 rubles. Its film adaptation brings much more. Even with a very popular name, the cost of this work will not exceed half a million rubles, otherwise it will simply be unprofitable for the publisher to deal with this book. It should be noted that the author does not sell the text, but rather the copyright to this work for a certain time. Most often - for 5 years. And having sold the text once, he cannot during this time sell it to another publisher, audiobook creators, or even a film director without the consent of the original owner for publication.

If the above amounts seem large to someone, sit at your desk and try to write a book. An artistic text that philologists have yet to recognize as an artistic text. And one more thing: the task of a real writer most often does not coincide with the tasks of the market. Therefore, if in Soviet times many authors wrote to the table in connection with ideological dictate, today many write to the table because it is more difficult to sell and publish a literary text than a “sexy shooter”, “Santa Barbara”, richly seasoned with jargon and even obscenities. ”

What is your opinion about writers and fees?

Have you written a great article and want to publish it in General Ledger magazine? It's real. Moreover, the publishing house pays its authors well.

But before you send us material, please make sure that:

  • the topic of your article represents interest for our readers - accountants of commercial organizations. This actual question on accounting, taxation or labor relations, and he has practical solution;
  • your article does not retell the regulations and known rules, but describes, based on these rules, the sequence of actions of an accountant - what how And When do;
  • your recommendations are based on the requirements of regulatory documents, explanations from the Ministry of Finance, the Federal Tax Service and other departments, and, if necessary, an analysis of judicial practice - the reader should understand why it is necessary to act this way;
  • the article is not too long - no more than 20,000 characters(with spaces);
  • the article you want to offer us, not previously published in other publications or on the Internet.

Keep in mind that we only publish high-quality materials, so your article will not only pass three-step verification by our experts, but will also undergo literary processing. Be prepared to make corrections to the article based on our comments after each stage of verification.
Depending on the amount of revision of the material, the period for its publication can range from 2 weeks to 1 month from the date of submission of the material to the editor.
The final version of the article, which has gone through all stages of processing, will definitely be agreed upon with you. If you do not agree with it, we reserve the right to publish the material without indicating the author's last name.

Fee will be paid to you after the publication of the journal with your article.

If the editorial staff produced significant revision of the material, amount of royalties can be reduced depending on editorial labor costs up to 0.6 rubles/character.

Royalties are paid officially, that is, we will report your income to the tax authorities. You have the right to claim a professional tax deduction (in the amount of 20% of income or in the amount of confirmed expenses) by submitting an application to the editor before signing the contract.

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In the midst of a crisis in our open spaces, it’s time to introduce you to a list of sites that pay authors at least $50 per post or article (well, where else will they pay you that much?).

The list contains sites specializing in various fields From parenting to knitting to business to writing, there's something for everyone. Some sites indicate the amount they are willing to pay authors, while we learned about other sites from the words of freelancers.

Preliminary preparation

Before you start randomly visiting the sites below, carefully read the descriptions and study the posts published previously. The competition here is quite high. Make sure you have a fresh topic or can put a new spin on a subject that has already been written about.

If you want to learn about how to create a successful guest post follow this link or this link.

So, here is the list itself!

10 sites in the category "business, career and finance"

1. B. Michelle Pippin pays $50-$150 for articles about business.

31. Bitch Magazine's website pays for large newspaper articles about pop culture. The amount of payment varies, please discuss this with your editor.

32. BlogHer pays $50 per post on various topics related to lifestyle. This site is part of the SheKnows family of sites, which also includes StyleCaster, DrinksMixer and DailyMakeover.

33. Cultures and Cuisines pays $200 per article.

34. The Daily Beast reportedly pays $250 or more. The website indicates email address, which rarely gets answered, so you'll have to work a little harder to find someone to contact about the article.

35. Dame reportedly pays $200 for essays. They accept eyewitness accounts and other articles.

36. Dorkly pays $75 for long articles about Batman, Marvel, Pokemon and others strange topics.

37. END/PAIN - a new site that launched only this year. He pays $250.

38. Expatics for American expats. This is another site where you will need to negotiate payment in advance.

39. Fund Your Life Overseas pays $75 for articles about business ideas that generate income for foreigners.

40. Gawker Media reportedly pays $250 for eyewitness accounts and feature stories on its sites, which include Deadspin, Jezebel and others. They prefer detailed articles. They have recently shut down some sites and are planning to focus on politics, so make sure you find a site that is working.

41. getAbstract reportedly pays $300 for long (2000-4000 words) book reviews.

42. Gothamist pays $50 to $150 for eyewitness stories about events in New York.

43. HowlRound pays $50 for blog posts about theater management and marketing, producing and writing plays.

44. The International Wine Accessories blog pays $50 or more for articles.

45. Pay for The Daily Dot's online magazine The Kernel varies, so be prepared. For an article of 1000-2000 words they can pay $350.

46. ​​Knitty pays $75-$100 for articles about knitting.

47. Listverse pays $100 for long (1500 words) articles on various topics.

48. The Mix from the online publication Hearst (including Country Living, Bazaar, Esquire, Popular Mechanics and others) pays $50-100 for articles.

49. The New York Observer pays $100 for posts about politics and culture for "representatives of the metropolis with sophisticated tastes."

50. OZY pays freelancers, but the rate varies.

51. Paste pays $50 for articles on various topics.

52. Penny Hoarder talks about saving ideas. You will need to discuss payment with the editor.

53. Playboy.com pays up to $350 per article, depending on the topic.

54. Pretty Designs talks about fashion and beauty. You will have to negotiate the cost of each post.

55. PsychCentral talks about mental health. The site does not provide the amount of payment, but according to readers, they pay well for articles.

56. Refinery29 reportedly pays $75 for slideshows, articles and essays on various topics. You can find article topics on their home page.

57. Salon pays $100-200 for essays and eyewitness accounts, even very long ones.

58. Saveur offers $150 for “ amazing stories about food and travel."

59. The Salt (NPR's food blog) reportedly pays around $200.

60. Smithsonian Magazine Online pays experienced freelancers about $600 for eyewitness accounts.

61. Pays $200 for articles about databases.

67. Graphic Design School blog pays $100-200 for articles and training videos about Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and open source design tools.

68. Indeni pays $50-200 for posts about Check Point security systems, F5 load balancer or Palo Alto network security systems.

69. Linode pays $250 for articles on Linux, Socket.io, NoSQL databases, game servers, Open Change, and Web RTC.

70. SlickWP pays $100 for posts about WordPress and the Genesis Theme software package.

71. Treehouse pays $100-200 for posts about web design and development.

72. Tuts+ pays $100 for educational videos on various technologies, including web design and flash memory. Tuts used to run 16 different blogs, including Freelance Switch, but now everything is consolidated into one site that includes design, game development, photography and more.

73. WordCandy pays 6 cents per word for articles posted by someone else. Articles about WordPress will appear on the largest WordPress blogs, such as wpmudev.

74. WPHub pays $100-200 for posts about web design trends, best coding, and other WordPress related topics.


75. Funds for Writers pays $50 for newsletter articles on how to make money as a writer.

76. Make a Living Writing. Yes, this blog also pays $75 for each post on a free topic, as well as $100 for posts on topics specified by the editors.

77. WOW! Women on Writing pays $50-$150.

78. The Write Life pays for certain posts - you will need to negotiate the payment amount.

79. Writer's Weekly pays $60 for articles related to writing.

Have you already tried writing to these sites? Or maybe you found some more? Be sure to let us know in the comments.

Program to support scientific publication activity of MIPT students and staff for 2020.

1. Goals and objectives of the Program:

To increase the indicators of publication activity and citation of articles by MIPT employees;

Increase the visibility of MIPT in the global scientific community;

To stimulate students, graduate students and MIPT staff to qualitatively and quantitatively increase publication activity;

To encourage students, graduate students and MIPT staff who have achieved high rates of publication activity and citations of articles.

2. Persons entitled to incentives from the Program funds:

Students, graduate students and employees of MIPT, as well as persons who have lost this status no earlier than 8 months before the publication of the article for which the award is requested.

Heads and employees of laboratories receiving support in 2019 under the “5-100” program and Government Decree No. 220 of the Russian Federation, visiting professors from MIPT and members of teams under their leadership, receiving support in 2020 under the “5-100” program ", as well as executors of the state task for 2020 can not receive basic remuneration from the Program funds.

These persons retain the right to receive increased remuneration.

3. Conditions for receiving remuneration from the Program funds:

Only publications that have the Article or Review type according to Scopus are considered.

The publication must indicate “Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology” or “Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology” as the author’s place of work. (If the address of the organization is required, you can specify "141700 Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Institutsky lane, 9" or "Institutsky lane 9, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, 141700"). In the Scopus system, the publication must be assigned to the MIPT profile.

- In 2020, articles published from December 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020, as well as publications published from January 1, 2019 to November 30, 2019, are accepted for consideration under these Rules, if they were indexed by the system Scopus in 2020

4. Amount of remuneration paid:

The program provides two forms for calculating the amount of remuneration: basic remuneration And increased reward.

Size basic remuneration calculated by the formula:

Where P 1 - the amount of the main remuneration in rubles,

I is a coefficient proportional to the ratio of the SJR of a journal to the lowest SJR among the journals included in the first quartile for the corresponding subject area (the values ​​of the coefficients for all journals that meet the conditions of the Program are given in ),
k 1 - coefficient taking the following values:
1.4 - if the applicant is the first author or the author responsible for correspondence (corresponding author), who indicated an email address in the domain site or phystech.edu, and the MIPT affiliation is indicated in the publication first in order;
1.2 - if the applicant is the first author or the author responsible for correspondence (corresponding author), who indicated an email address in the domain site or phystech.edu, and the MIPT affiliation is indicated in the publication second in order;
1 – in other cases.

k 2- coefficient equal to 0.3, if total authors of the publication exceeds 20, and equal to 1 in other cases,
N MIPT- the number of authors of the publication who indicated MIPT as their place of work.
Overall size the basic remuneration received by an employee (student/postgraduate student) for a year cannot exceed 600,000 rubles, while the amount of the basic remuneration assigned to an author for one publication cannot exceed 200,000 rubles.

Increased reward awarded for publication in the following journals:

Magazine name

Nature Materials

Nature Nanotechnology

Nature Photonics

Nature Chemistry

Nature Biotechnology

Journal of the American Mathematical Society

Nature Geoscience

Annals of Mathematics

Journal of the American Chemical Society

Physical Review Letters

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

ACM Computing Surveys

Proceedings of the IEEE

Size increased remuneration calculated by the formula:

Where P 2 - the amount of increased remuneration in rubles.

The total amount of increased remuneration received by an employee (student/graduate student) per year cannot exceed 600,000 rubles, while the amount of the basic remuneration assigned to the author for one publication cannot exceed 300,000 rubles.

If an increased reward is assigned for a publication, the main reward for it is not assigned.

5. Procedure for receiving remuneration

Within 10 working days after registration, the application is reviewed to ensure compliance with the Program requirements. The author is notified of the decision by e-mail. If a positive response is received that the article meets the requirements of the Program, the author is prohibited from re-applying for a reward for the same article.

If you have any questions, applicants can contact us by e-mail

There are a lot of sites offering work to freelancers. Each offers projects from a specific area: journalism, translations, design, IT technology, etc. Therefore, first of all, you should decide what exactly you want to do. So, if you...

...you write lyrics
You need sites that are ready to buy your text or give you the opportunity to choose a customer and write an article to order. For example, these:

The community of journalists and others like them. Here you can sell a finished article, respond to an order for material, participate in a project, etc. Prices range from $20 to $50 per page of text. What do you need? Be registered in LiveJournal and write a letter to the moderator - tell your nickname and your topics. Also in this community they are “fasting” interesting messages and notes that can form the basis for an article.

You can either sell an already finished article, or respond to an offer from a customer. The topics of the articles are very different. Register and choose. The price of the article is determined by the customer or you (in the case of selling the finished article). Often they order rewriting, i.e. rewriting the finished article to the format required by the customer.

In this community, vacancies for journalists are posted, in addition, journalists publish their resumes, suggest topics or ready-made articles.

The community is very similar to mamarazzi_ru. But here freelancers offer their articles, and editors of publications select these articles. No discussions or vacancies. Everything is strict and to the point. The author writes that there is a topic for an article or a finished article, reports its volume (number of characters) and price (most indicate that the price is negotiable, and later resolve the issue with the customer).

...and if you want to start making money from your knowledge of languages, you need to choose a suitable site, register and select a suitable offer.

In essence, this site is just a bulletin board with offers from customers and translators. If you are a translator, you can either place your ad and wait patiently for someone to choose you as a performer for their project, or quickly respond to a project that has already been announced and suits you. In the first case, you yourself determine what price you are willing to work for; in the second, you agree (or disagree) to the remuneration offered by the customer. Prices fluctuate around 400-600 rubles. per page (or per hour of work).

Job offers for translators from the most different languages. The most popular, of course, is English, but the more valuable is a person who knows other languages. The offers are very different. This includes text translation, on-site visits, and simultaneous translation at presentations, exhibitions, and so on. In general, there are many offers. The prices are also quite adequate; they largely depend on the type of translation and language (from which one and into which one it is necessary to translate).
In addition, interesting links to sites dedicated to different languages, interesting notes on translations, and much more interesting things sometimes appear here.

Those who know well can find a part-time job here English language. These are not necessarily translations. It happens that you need to help pass a test in English, fill out a questionnaire, or participate in a survey or testing. Such work will not take much time, and money is not superfluous.

...doing something with your own hands
And you want to not only present your crafts to friends and relatives, but also sell them profitably, earning money from your hobby.

This is a community on LiveJournal where users post their handmade works for sale. To do this, you just need to register in LiveJournal and subscribe to this community. Next you post with the most best photo your product, indicate the price and wait for the buyer. They sell mainly jewelry here, and less often - clothes. But sometimes you come across very interesting things like sconces with a lampshade self made or mini-cakes made of felt, wool and beads.

Handmade things. A community very similar to the one described above, only with a wider range and links of some authors to their personal sites. They even sell handmade cosmetics and many other interesting things.

Everything here is almost the same as on the two previous sites. The only difference is that you send a text description and photographs of your works to the administrator, and he then decides whether to publish them or not. Welcome a large number of photographs, so that there is plenty to choose from (the selection of photographs of works is also carried out by the administrator). The maximum that the site may require from you is a commission from transactions, which, by the way, you may not assign.

...you want everything at once
If you don’t yet know what exactly you would like to do (preparing an article, translating, etc.), and want to see all the offers, then you need a site that brings together many different freelance offers.

A very popular exchange where you can find a wide variety of projects. Programming, design, working with texts, advertising, drawings, calculations, etc. - it's all here. By registering, you can respond to any project, you can publish your own, you can join a team or organize your own. In general, there are many possibilities. The amount of payment is also set by the customer. The main disadvantage is the popularity of the site, which means that the likelihood that you will be chosen is small, especially if you are a beginning freelancer. So it’s important to respond to as much as possible larger number projects, and then choose from those that received a response from the customer.

In this community, work is offered on TV, radio, publishing houses, Internet portals, advertising, many interesting projects are announced, for example, they are invited to film a new show as a heroine, a girl asking questions, or simply to participate in the crowd. Or you can participate in testing hand cream. All that is required of you is to tell the camera about your feelings. Sometimes there are offers to write reviews on restaurants, cafes, clubs. So you can combine business with pleasure. In general, there are many proposals, they can be very different. The main thing is more self-confidence.

Freelance community. Here you can offer your services as a journalist, proofreader, translator, tutor... Or respond to an existing offer from a customer. And also communicate with other freelancers, find out some details, ask questions that interest you.

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