Who is Rotenberg in hockey. Roman Rotenberg. Business career

Rotenberg Roman Borisovich(born April 7, 1981, Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR) is an entrepreneur, manager, sports functionary. Son Russian billionaire.

First Vice-President of the Russian Hockey Federation, head of the headquarters of the Russian national team; Vice President of Gazprombank; Member of the Board of Directors, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Kontinental Hockey League, Member of the Board of Directors, Vice President hockey club SKA; founder of Vitawin (production and distribution of sports nutrition) and a number of companies providing services in the field of sports marketing, media, sports equipment; owner of the Finnish stadium Hartwall Arena, chairman of the board of directors of Arena Events management company; external communications consultant for Gazprom Export.

His mother, Irina Kharanen, had a good position in the city trade department, his father, Boris Rotenberg, a master of sports and judo coach, taught self-defense at the police academy. In 1991, the parents of Roman and his younger brother Boris decided to emigrate from Leningrad to Helsinki along the line of Ingrian repatriates. There, Roman, who had studied English and Finnish before leaving at school No. 204 near the Hermitage, went to the third grade of a regular school and received Finnish citizenship. In Finland, he continued to practice judo: from the age of five, his father trained his son and took him with him to sports camps. From the age of 11, Roman began to train in the local hockey team. After school, he entered a sports college and planned a career as a professional hockey player.

In 1999, the father broke up with his wife and returned to St. Petersburg. Roman went to study in London, which was insisted on by his mother, who at that time owned small business for the supply of gas condensate from Russia. After a year on preparatory courses Rotenberg entered the European Business School London at the Faculty of International Business, received a master's degree in entrepreneurial management. After graduation, my father offered to stay to work at Barclays Bank in London, while my mother called to Finland. In 2014, it became known that Roman Rotenberg has a third citizenship - Great Britain.

In 2005, Rotenberg decided to return to Russia and find work not in the structures of his father and uncle Arkady, who at that time had already become well-known entrepreneurs and co-owners of SMP Bank. On the advice of his father, Roman chose Gazprom Export, where he could be useful international connections And foreign languages. At the interview, he met the general director of Gazprom Export, also a keen hockey player.

In 2009, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Rotenberg met with representatives of Gazprombank, where Roman had an internship back in London. To work at the bank, he had to go through a three-year return process. Russian citizenship and get a Russian financial education (later he defended his dissertation on the topic “Strategy for the use of market instruments in the field of physical culture and sports” and received a Ph.D. economic sciences). He currently holds the position of Vice President and is responsible for attracting large clients.

In 2007, Medvedev began to develop a plan for the Continental Hockey League (KHL) and entrusted the development of the project to the external communications department of Gazprom Export. The company "KHL Marketing" was created to manage all commercial contracts of the league; Roman Rotenberg became Deputy General Director. On January 20, 2015, he joined the Board of Directors of the KHL.

In 2011, the president of the St. Petersburg hockey club SKA, invited Roman Rotenberg to the position of vice president of the club.

On December 11, 2014, Rotenberg was appointed First Vice President of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation (FHR). His responsibilities include issues of interaction between the FHR and the KHL, as well as the search for additional funding and the marketing strategy for the development of the Russian national team, including attracting new partners. Also, Roman Rotenberg is the head of the headquarters of the Russian national ice hockey team, including the analytical and statistical departments.

In the fall of 2010, Doctor Sport, a manufacturer of sports nutrition, was established. Doctor Sport was founded by SMP Bank, which allocated a budget of $20 million for three years to finance the new project. According to the company, it aims to provide athletes with quality and doping-free nutrition. The idea to create a Russian manufacturer of sports nutrition belongs to Alexander Medvedev, who in 2010 instructed Roman Rotenberg, together with the KHL Medical Center, to study the issue of import substitution. The American company GNC, one of the largest manufacturers and sellers of sports nutrition, vitamins, energy drinks and proteins, was taken as an example of a business model. A year after the launch, according to Rotenberg, Doctor Sport has already reached operational breakeven. As of July 2015, Doctor Sport had more than 50 stores, which makes the company one of the largest players in the sports nutrition market in Russia; the sole owner was SMP Bank. The company is a sponsor of the SKA club.

In the summer of 2013, the Rotenberg family and Gennady Timchenko bought out 100% of the Finnish holding Arena Events OY, which owns and operates the Hartwall arena in Helsinki. In the autumn of the same year, they acquired 49% of the Jokerit hockey team, which moved to the KHL in the 2014-2015 season. In October 2014, Roman Rotenberg bought out the shares of his father and uncle, which are subject to US sanctions. The intermediary was Långvik Capital (a hotel and congress hall near Helsinki), which now also belongs to Roman Rotenberg. Hartwall Arena shares are now divided as follows: Långvik Capital - 49.5%, Roman Rotenberg personally - 1%, White Anchor Gennady Timchenko - 49.5%.

On July 30, 2015, the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control expanded the sanctions list to include 13 new individuals and legal entities, including Roman Rotenberg and Finnish Oy Langvik Capital Ltd.

Roman Rotenberg has many positions, and very high ones, - he is a manager, a director of a company, and a sports functionary. Whatever he undertakes, success accompanies him everywhere. But how did this fairy tale begin? From a successful acquaintance. Or rather, the acquaintance of his father, a master of sports in judo, with another judoka.

Roman Borisovich Rotenberg: family and childhood

Rotenberg was born into a family Boris Rotenberg in 1981. My father attended the judo section at the police academy, and it was at one of these trainings that he met the future president of Russia, Putin. In the early 90s, the country was falling apart, and Roman's parents decided to emigrate to Finland. Therefore, the whole family began to learn Finnish and English in advance. In Finland, Roman went to the third grade. In the new place, Roman Rotenberg fought a lot: at that time, Russians were not very fond of in Finland. It helped Roman that from childhood he attended the judo section with his father.

Then Roman had a new hobby - hockey. He went to the local hockey school, where he spent time from morning to evening. Roman Borisovich Rotenberg always remembered this period with warmth. But childhood happiness did not last long - in 1999, the parents divorced. The mother insisted that her son move to London, where he could study business and make many useful connections. Despite the fact that his father was against it, Roman nevertheless left for this metropolis.

Return to Russia

The study was successful, and Roman Rotenberg defended his diploma, but he did not stay in London to implement his business plan, despite great prospects and returned to Russia. In one of the interviews, when asked by a journalist why he did this, Roman replied that he was drawn to Russia "as a human being."

Returning to Russia, Roman refused the offer of his father Boris and uncle Arkady to get a job in their already successful business. He did not want the employees of their company to say behind his back that he got a job through a pull. Instead, he gets a job at Gazprom Export, although he still had a father. He got him an interview, but an interview is not the same as getting a job. He was hired by the head of the company Alexander Medvedev.

Rotenberg and hockey

Roman did something completely different from what he was taught in London. He prepared press conferences, organized meetings. Roman did not refuse any work, and fate rewarded him. Since at that moment Russian hockey needed reforms, the head of Gazprom Export, Alexander Medvedev, was instructed to develop a plan for the creation of the KHL (Continental Hockey League). Here the talents of Roman Rotenberg came in handy. The KHL Marketing company was created to implement this business idea, and Roman was appointed Deputy General Director.

In 2009, an economic forum was held in St. Petersburg, which was attended by many successful businessmen. There were also representatives of Gazprombank, whom Roman met. Deciding to change his life after talking with them, he decided to go to work in this bank, but difficulties arose. Firstly, he did not have the necessary citizenship, and secondly, he did not have a Russian financial education. The process of obtaining citizenship took three years, during which Roman Rotenberg managed to obtain the necessary diploma as a financier.

Not left in the past and hockey. Gennady Timchenko, president of the SKA hockey club, suggested young specialist become vice president of marketing. Roman gladly agreed and began to engage in a new position in attracting new viewers, selling rights and club paraphernalia, and organizing broadcasts of matches.

Rotenberg and personal business

Everything Roman did was work for someone, but not for himself. Since he loves sports with all his heart, then personal business must be related to sports. In 2011, the younger Rotenberg founded the Doctor Sport company, which produces sports nutrition.

After some time, it becomes clear that Roman Rotenberg is a good businessman, because the company began to make a profit. In connection with the success, he decides to start producing special magnets that give strength and accelerate the healing of injuries.

Roman Borisovich Rotenberg: personal life

With his wife, Latvian top model Marta Bezkalnaya, Roman met in March 2011, and five months later the wedding took place. They live in Moscow and are quite happy. To have children, according to Martha, they are not going to yet.

0 November 24, 2018, 20:45

The Rotenberg family is practically our answer to the Kardashians, however, the domestic dynasty of billionaires is still less public. The names of its representatives now and then flash in business publications and gossip columns, but not everyone knows who is who in this family. If you have not figured it out yet, we explain who the brothers Arkady and Boris Rotenberg are and who is in their immediate environment.

66-year-old Arkady Rotenberg is the chairman of the board of directors of Stroygazmontazh LLC, CEO sports club judo "Yavara-Neva". By the way, it was the passion for judo that played a decisive role in the life of a businessman: one of the comrades of young Arkady in the martial arts section was Vladimir Putin. They still maintain friendly relations.

Rotenberg is now in 40th place on the list richest businessmen Russia according to Forbes. The publication estimated his fortune at $ 3 billion, in addition, he was awarded third place in the 2018 ranking of "Kings of the State Order".

As for his personal life, it is known that the entrepreneur has five children, he was married twice.

First wife: Galina

Nothing is known about Rotenberg's first wife except that her name was Galina and she gave birth to her husband's three children - daughter Lilia, sons Pavel and Igor.

Second wife: Natalya

From 2005 to 2013, Arkady was married to Natalya Rotenberg, who now lives in England with their common children, Varvara and Arkady.

Most recently, the ex-wife of the oligarch came out, in which she said that she was good to ex-husband and "always puts him on a pedestal":

He was my teacher, sage, father, husband, friend, helper, everything, he was God in general for me. You know, and now there are not enough conversations with him, because now I have become independent, strong. Sometimes I miss those times when I want to pretend to be weak, forget about stilettos, just dissolve in a man.

Now, apparently, everything is fine with Natalia again on the personal front: shortly before the release of the sensational interview, she posted a romantic picture on Instagram with 52-year-old Armenian businessman Tigran Arzakantsyan, adding the signature as one of the hashtags " new story love."

In addition, Natalia organizes events, design and her charitable foundation.

Children of Arkady Rotenberg

Daughter: Lily

The 40-year-old daughter of a medical businessman. According to media reports, she owns the Berlin medical clinic Vitalis-medical, but lives in Russia. Lilia is ranked seventh in the ranking of 25 richest women Russia with a fortune of 500 million dollars. She owns a stake in TPS Real Estate, which owns several shopping malls.

Son: Igor

35-year-old Igor Rotenberg is a co-owner and direct owner of several energy, road construction and gas companies. His fortune is estimated at more than a billion dollars. By official information online, Igor is now married and has three children. But since the businessman does not talk about his personal life and does not go to social events, it is very difficult to find out at least something about his family. It is only known that he has already divorced his wife Alina.

Alina Rotenberg: "A moment of nostalgia. My first wedding and my wonderful first husband! I sorted out the secret drawers of the table and found a lot of funny pictures. By the way, I don't understand people who talk badly about the former"

Alina Rotenberg is an interior designer, graduated from Tel Aviv University, as well as from the Faculty of Psychology and a Master's degree from the London School of Economics. The designer's portfolio includes a joint project with Arkady Novikov, restaurant "Gusyatnikoff".

Son: Pavel

The son of Arkady Rotenberg, Pavel, is 18 years old, and he is a successful hockey player: the young man plays for the Brookings Blizzard team (South Dakota).

I started playing hockey by accident. A friend who is a year older than me started playing hockey, and then I,

Pavel said in an interview.

He took to the ice for the first time at the age of five. However, it’s probably not entirely accidental: his father was once the president of the Dynamo hockey club, then he headed the board of the Russian Hockey Federation.

61-year-old Boris Rotenberg is a co-owner and member of the board of directors of SMP Bank, vice-president of the Russian Judo Federation. In the Forbes ranking, he is this moment occupies the 83rd line, having a fortune of approximately $ 1.2 billion.

First wife: Irina

The first wife of a businessman, Irina Haranen, is a Finnish citizen, general director of Anirina OY (Helsinki). She is also known by her grandmother's last name, Lambert. Now Irina is married to a Finn. In a marriage with Rotenberg, she had two sons. Irina says in an interview:

My marriage to Boris was based on the feelings of first love. At the age of 17, we were both incredibly beautiful, smart, intelligent ... And this marriage took place, and he was happy. Years have passed, a lot has changed, but I still have a good relationship with Boris, with his brother Arkady, with Arkady's children from his first marriage with his wife Galina - Igor and Lilia, and his children from subsequent marriages.

Second wife: Karina

Boris met his second wife Karina in 2008 in Monaco, where both flew to the final of the Football Super Cup. Karina has lived in the United States since childhood, where her family emigrated in the 90s. The girl has always loved horses, now she is the head of the Moscow Equestrian Federation. They say that one of the Rotenberg dachas near Monaco is specially designed for working with horses.

On Karina's Instagram page, many photos are dedicated to this hobby of hers, she also often posts family shots, including romantic photos with husband.

We are like Masha and the Bear. I am so small and annoying, but he is big, strong, despite everything he tolerates me and does not let me go anywhere,

Karina signed one of the shots with Boris.

The couple has three children: 8-year-old twins Sophia and Dani, as well as youngest daughter Leon. It is known that Sofia Rotenberg is making her first successes in music: for example, at the anniversary of Viktor Drobysh, the girl sang a song with the daughter of the hero of the day, Lida. And this year she already sang a duet with Valeria (the singer and her husband Iosif Prigozhin are friends with Karina and Boris).

Children of Boris Rotenberg

Son: Boris

Boris Rotenberg Jr., now 32, has been playing football since childhood. He currently plays for Lokomotiv Moscow, played in the Finnish national team, and played in several Russian teams. The press, of course, was ironic about the fact that Boris's sports career is being promoted mainly thanks to an influential father. The football player himself tries not to pay attention to such conversations and says that for him, on the contrary, they are motivation for self-development.

The athlete has a 5-year-old daughter Leah and a son about whom we could not find any information. As well as about Boris’s wife: he is so closed in relation to his personal life that all the information that the journalists learned: they met while studying at St. Petersburg University and Rotenberg had to make an effort to win over the girl.

Son: Roman

Roman Rotenberg, 37, is the founder of the Doctor Sport chain of sports nutrition stores, vice president of Gazprombank, head of the headquarters of the Russian national ice hockey team, and first vice president of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation. Novel for a long time appeared in the ratings of the country's most enviable suitors, and the tabloids enthusiastically shared the details of his love affairs.

Roman's first wife: Martha

Rotenberg was married to a fairly well-known Latvian model, Marta Berzkalne. The couple met during a hockey match in the stands thanks to a mutual friend. As the girl said in an interview, at first future husband seemed to her very arrogant and she was not even going to communicate with him. However, after some time, the young man still got Martha's phone number, and it turned out that they had a lot in common. They decided to get married just a couple of months after they met.

When people fall in love so much with each other, it makes no sense to delay the wedding. We all matched amazingly.

- the girl said in an interview.

However, the marriage was not happy: the wife left the billionaire in her fifth month of pregnancy and returned to New York. Now she is raising them common daughter Martin, Rotenberg supports his daughter and ex-wife.

Roman's second wife: Galina

In August of this year, Roman on his beloved, 30-year-old model Galina Keda. They have been together for a long time: six years ago, the girl gave birth to a businessman's daughter, Arina, and then her son, Roman. Galina describes her occupation on Instagram as "twice mom, dreamer."

Galina, by the way, is friends with the wife of her husband's brother, Karina Rotenberg.


The press wrote a lot about the fact that in 2015 the businessman once again became a dad, however, it was not his "official" lover who gave birth to his son, but another model - Margarita Banet.

Photo Instagram/Russian Hockey Federation

Photo Marina Volosevich/ East News Russia

Member of one of the richest and most influential Russian families Roman Rotenberg, like his relatives, is fond of sports. Success in business is accompanied by participation in hockey life countries. A love relationship the young oligarch is reminiscent of Mexican passions.

Childhood and youth

Roman's biography begins in the city on the Neva on April 7, 1981. The boy's father in the distant time of perestroika trained young judokas and taught self-defense lessons at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Mother Irina Haranen held a position in the trade department of the city.

Roman has younger brother, named after his father Boris. Like the rest of the Rotenberg men, the biography of Boris Jr. is inextricably linked with sports. True, unlike older relatives, the young man plays football professionally.

The family is already Soviet years occupied far from ordinary positions of the townsfolk. Boris's older brother - - is also connected with judo, led a coaching practice. In addition, the current billionaire, the main person of Russian hockey, has often been a sparring partner since childhood.

Roman's mother had Finnish roots. In Leningrad, the boy entered school No. 204 near the Hermitage, the main hallmark which was the study of the Finnish language. The knowledge of the language did a good job when the family immigrated to Helsinki in 1991. In Finland, a schoolboy went to a regular high school and eventually acquired the citizenship of the country.

From childhood, the father instilled in his son a love for sports, from the age of five he took Roman to training. However, the boy's heart belonged to hockey, which he became interested in from the age of 11. After graduation, the young man entered a sports college, planning to continue his career as an athlete. This decision was strongly supported by the father.

In 1999, the teenager's parents broke up, and Boris returned to St. Petersburg. Irina Haranen, who remained committed to the economic and entrepreneurial fields, insisted on her son's education in London. Roman himself did not speak out against it, because, according to his confession, he understood that a diploma in economics was much more beneficial for future profession. In London, Roman received a master's degree in international entrepreneurship.

Career and business

An excellent education, connections between his father and uncle at home, a perspicacious mind and ambition opened the door for Roman to the world of young millionaires. In 2005, Rotenberg returned to Russia, where the older members of the family had already achieved high status, being co-owners of SMP Bank.

However, Roman decided to build a career not in the structures belonging to the dynasty. Following the advice of Rotenberg Sr., in 2006, a young businessman successfully passed an interview at a Gazprom subsidiary, Gazprom Export.

And since 2009, the career of a businessman begins at Gazprombank, where Roman currently holds the post of vice president. To get a position young man I had to go through the procedure of restoring citizenship and get a Russian economic education.

Despite the fact that Rotenberg did not become a hockey player, his life is associated with Russian hockey. Since 2015, the entrepreneur has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Continental Hockey League established by A.I. Medvedev. Since 2011, by invitation, he has been the vice-president of the hockey club of his native city - SKA. And in 2014 he received the position of Vice President of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation.

Entrepreneurial, diplomatic entrepreneur, well-versed in hockey and with many connections, he brilliantly copes with the duties of developing a marketing strategy and attracting funding for the national team.

It is not surprising that Rotenberg develops directions own business directly or indirectly related to sports. In particular, Roman is the founder of a Russian sports nutrition company. Conducts business in the field of sports marketing, equipment. Roman developed and popularized the Red Machine brand in the symbols and paraphernalia of modern hockey. Owns the Finnish stadium Hartwall Arena.

Personal life

A young wealthy handsome man could not do without female attention and broken hearts. In 2010, the press exploded with the news that the businessman's wife was a top model from Latvia, Marta Berzkalna. Young people decided to legalize the relationship a few months after they met. Wedding Dress the bride chose in an accelerated mode. A chic ceremony was played near Helsinki in Finland.

A detailed interview of the newlyweds in Tatler, accompanied by numerous photos married couple Unfortunately, it didn't stay relevant for long.

Soon Marta, unable to bear the constant admirers of her husband, left Roman, being in her fifth month of pregnancy. The girl went to the United States, where she is raising a child on her own. Of course, the young father did not refuse the duties of a parent and financially supports ex-spouse.

enviable groom did not remain single for long after he divorced Martha. Soon he was seen in the company of model Galina Keda. Since 2012, young people have been living together civil marriage. In 2013, the beauty gave Roman a daughter, Arina, and in 2015, a son, Roman.

However, Rotenberg has another son, Robert, who was born in the same significant 2015 by another model, Margarita Banet. The children of the entrepreneur do not need anything and are fully provided for, like mothers.

It is noteworthy that the girls are aware of each other's existence. The press and subscribers are watching with interest the photos that appear with enviable frequency on the Instagram pages of both young mothers. One gets the impression that the beauties staged an unspoken competition.

The businessman was credited with an affair with a fatal beauty from the world rhythmic gymnastics. However, the girl explained in an interview that they were just good friends with Roman and there were no amorous relationships between young people.

Roman Rotenberg now

In 2018, the SKA vice-president is making optimistic plans for the development of the club. However, the performance of the hockey players' games at the beginning of the year leaves much to be desired. The team flew out of the fight for the Gagarin Cup.

Roman Rotenberg in 2018 in Pyeongchang

The victory of the national hockey team at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, according to Rotenberg, will be a new starting point for the development of Russian hockey. At the same time, the national team coach Oleg Znarok, who is also the head coach of SKA, leaves his post after the Olympic victory.

According to media reports, Roman Rotenberg is tired of the rudeness, arrogance and disrespectful attitude of the head coach. Yes, and Znarok himself spoke about the fact that he was psychologically tired. In general, the cards fell in such a way that the coach of the national team, like the coach of SKA, changed. Ilya Vorobyov became the new mentor.

Condition assessment

On one's own financial condition Roman Rotenberg was not evaluated by economic authoritative publications. The young entrepreneur was not included in the lists of oligarchs and the wealthiest people in Russia and the world.

But the Rotenberg family, including Roman, has been included in the rating of the richest dynasties of the Russian Federation for more than one year. In 2014, businessmen occupied the first line according to Forbes estimates. In connection with the sanctions policy in 2015, the Rotenbergs lost the title of the richest in the country and moved to second place, losing the position of leader to the Gutserievs' business.

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