What awaits Libra in the new year?

2017 will begin with financial instability for people born under the sign of Libra. The most important thing during this period is to hold out and not get into debt. You will also try to appreciate everything that you have achieved in your life. Very important point will put unfinished business in order. At the beginning of the year, Libra will spend a lot of time dealing with the past and sorting everything into place - the mistakes made several years ago will not leave you so easily.

The coming year will not be the most pleasant for Libra in every sense of the word. In order to overcome all the difficulties that stand in your way, you will need a lot of strength and energy.

The main thing now is to withstand all the blows that fate has in store.

You shouldn’t have much hope for the Year of the Rooster - it won’t be rich in positive events and positive emotions, but will give Libra the opportunity to properly understand themselves.
Right now you can find that obstacle in your path that interferes with the life you strive for. Your inner voice and reasoning will be the keys that will open up new opportunities for you.

This year, those around you will begin to listen even more to the advice of people born under the sign of Libra; you can seriously help your loved ones in difficult situations.

Be attentive to the signs of fate - prophetic dreams, premonitions - all this will not happen just like that, they are trying to convey something to you. If you manage to decipher them, you can avoid many unwanted situations. These warnings will also apply to your family and friends.

There is an increased likelihood of injury when active work. Be careful when going outdoors, playing sports, even doing household chores. Libras must follow all safety measures.

Representatives of the Libra sign should not think about any grandiose plans or changes in the Year of the Rooster. Astrologers believe that being too active can only make things worse, and in the end you will be even more unhappy with the current situation. If you simply have nowhere to put your energy, then you can go on a trip; this will distract you from the problems that have piled up and help you tune in to the right wave. The right strategy would be to accumulate strength, because soon the representatives of this sign will definitely need it.

In general, the year of the Rooster for Libra can be called a year of reflection. You should think about your plans for the future. Right now is the right moment. Throughout the year there is a risk of depression and apathy.

It is better to take control of these moods as quickly as possible, especially since Libra is quite capable of coping with this.

Love horoscope for Libra for 2017

In a relationship with a loved one, Libra should devote every effort to strengthening it and increasing trust between partners. Try to take more seriously the person with whom you have decided to connect your destiny. Show your loved one with your actions and deeds that he is truly dear to you.

In addition, now is the right time - your significant other has long been hinting to you that it is time to pay attention to her. Be faithful, try to understand your partner’s position and then your efforts will not be in vain.

Try to spend more time together, arrange joint trips out of town and hikes. The stars promise that these days will be a great opportunity for Libra to take their relationship to the next level. new level and simply increase trust between partners. And you shouldn’t save too much on this - you can easily afford to spend money on your loved one and spend unforgettable days together.

Consider whether you are spending too much time with your friends. Close person may be offended by the lack of attention, and conflicts may arise with new strength. Then all your efforts will be in vain. Friends will understand and won’t go anywhere, but you can lose your loved one.

At the beginning of the year, there is a risk of committing situations that you will regret later. These could be intrigues on the side or just loud promises. You should think twice before saying anything.

Married couples should spend more time with their children and organize joint vacations. Now is the right time to establish contact with your child and learn more about his hobbies. Perhaps your child has a hobby or some talents - you should think about attending a music school or art club.

Money and career horoscope for Libra for 2017

In 2017, Libra is not recommended to set global goals for career growth.

The greatest benefit will come from consolidating and repeating the acquired knowledge. Astrologers predict conflict situations at work. There is an increased likelihood of gossip and intrigue behind your back.

The main thing is to restrain yourself and not enter into open conflict with the enemy. The best strategy will not pay attention to such things and stay away from the ill-wisher. It is better for Libra to completely immerse themselves in work. This will help not only improve your skills, but also abstract from the situation. Your efforts will definitely not go unnoticed.

Under no circumstances should Libra try to shirk work in 2017; this will not be able to be kept secret and will threaten you with serious troubles. Because of your laziness and apathy, you shouldn’t ruin your successful relationship with your boss and team. And then, quite possibly, you will be entrusted with a higher position.

In a sense, the year of the Rooster for Libra will be a test of patience. The main thing is to be steadfast in the face of all attacks from the outside, and then your wisdom will be appreciated.

Financial instability will constantly haunt Libra this year, so it is unlikely that you will be able to save a lot of money. It would be a wise expenditure to invest money in a vacation - after such a difficult year in all areas, you will definitely need good rest. The money spent on yourself and your health should not be regretted; it will give you strength and restore your emotional state. You will work with enthusiasm, and your sharp mind will constantly come up with new ideas and great solutions.

Health horoscope for Libra in 2017

People born under the sign of Libra need to take care of their health. all year round and avoid risky situations - there is an increased likelihood of injury.

It is worth paying attention to oriental medicine. Yoga and meditation are exactly what you need right now. Also don't neglect traditional medicine. It will help you cope with chronic illnesses.

The greatest threat to representatives of the Libra sign in 2017 comes from various food poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders. Don't get too carried away national cuisine, and introduce simple foods into your diet.

Libras should be careful when drinking alcohol.

Pay attention to the condition of your teeth and oral cavity generally. It may make sense to visit the dentist.

Character Libra heterogeneous and contradictory. To understand how to interpret the horoscope for 2017 Libra, you should learn more about the representatives of this sign.

Have you recently met a charming, inquisitive, energetic Libra? You only half know them.

Different poles of mood, preferences and life goals can replace each other with incredible speed. During periods of vigorous activity, energy will be in full swing, and all things will “burn” in your hands. They will inevitably be replaced by days of apathy, when the sign may not leave the house for several days, ignore offers, or delay the completion of important tasks.

However, mood swings from one extreme to another do not happen very often in the life of a sign. More often you can find Libras in an oscillating phase, when making a final decision becomes unbearably difficult.

It doesn’t matter what the problem is - choosing a one-time parking space or buying real estate, Libra will weigh the pros and cons for a long time, trying to get down to molecules and atoms in their analysis. Such delay often leaves the representative of the sign “overboard” from important events and achievements.

But, as you know, every situation has its advantages, and this one is no exception. The habit of thinking cannot be called bad, and a deliberate step, if taken, minimizes mistakes.

Criticism and controversy are Libra's favorite pastime. Is there a reason to criticize someone? The sign will not miss the chance to insert its “2 cents”. Is there a dispute brewing? Libra is right here!

Representatives of the sign are born artists; they have a keen sense of art.

Libras are unique, with pronounced independence, they are extremely indecisive, with an unbridled desire to criticize everything and everyone, they attract with their charm.

The sign does not divide the world into black and white; in his mind it shimmers with hundreds of shades.

Horoscope for 2017 for Libra

The Year of the Fire Rooster will begin with disappointment for Libra. Due to its hot-tempered nature, the sign may miss a good moment that it has been waiting for a very long time. Hence - irritability, self-flagellation, dissatisfaction with others and everything that happens.

To avoid a catastrophe and not make enemies among your former friends, you will have to cool down, pull yourself together and always believe in the best.

Those who are able to quickly cope with the problems that have piled up will be able to implement their plans and benefit from a seemingly hopeless project already in the second half of the year.

will take place in the spring fateful meeting. In love or business sphere She will be? The stars are silent for now.

In 2017, representatives of the sign will have amazing intuition. An inner voice will tell you how to solve problems that have been bothering you for a long time. The seventh sense will help not only Libra, but also those around you - don’t be ashamed to give out useful advice.

People from close circles will be able to warn against trouble at the end of the year.

The Year of the Fire Rooster portends the danger of serious harm to health or injury. If renovations are planned in an apartment or country house, try to follow all operating rules electrical appliances And necessary measures precautions. Avoid stairs, stepladders and other shaky structures.

Horoscope for 2017 for Libra men

In 2017, the life of men born under the sign of Libra will be subject to serious changes. In the first half, be prepared for long-distance travel or frequent business trips.

In the summer you will have the opportunity to realize your career plans. To keep the bar, in the fall you will have to show your qualities as a fighter and, armed with strategic thinking, prove to others that you are indispensable.

Give up the habit of lying on the beach on vacation. Spend it actively, visit new countries, get acquainted with the culture, make exotic acquaintances, etc.

If you get caught in the whirlpool of events at the beginning of the year, you will hardly be able to get out of it at the end. The key to solving any problems and controversial issues is self-discipline and being demanding of yourself.

Fight attacks of despotism - excess pride can lead to serious conflicts with colleagues.

Horoscope for 2017 for Libra women

A burning topic for the fair sex, born under the sign of Libra, in 2017 will be relationships with loved ones. In the first 3–4 months, the relationship with your husband may deteriorate. Learn to hear each other, and no troubles will be scary for you.

At the beginning of the year, you should refrain from participating in risky situations and projects. At the end of spring, you will be able to relieve yourself of the burden of a large loan obligation.

Summer 2017 will be a period of maximum activity. All important matters can be safely planned for the hot season with confidence that most of them will be completed at the highest level.

Make new acquaintances with caution and romantic relationship. The person to whom you entrust your soul may not live up to expectations and bring disappointment.

Libra love horoscope for 2017

In 2017, Libra should focus all efforts on stabilizing relationships with loved ones. It is better to abandon new dubious adventures in favor of connections that have been proven over the years.

From February to April, you will be able to earn the previously lost trust of your other half. Relationships that you yourself have given up on long ago can be revived with renewed vigor.

Joint recreational trips will bring a lot of positive emotions to both partners.

Dissolving in their partner, Libra should not forget about their needs. If you want something, don’t spare any effort or money for it.

At the beginning of autumn you will forget or due to disabilities you won't be able to deliver what you promised. Your loved ones will not forgive you for such an offense. Therefore, watch your words and promise what you can definitely deliver.

Finances in 2017 for Libra

The stars create a favorable environment for development in financially. From the first days of the new year, Libra will feel the excitement and inspiration to replenish their savings.

Each of the representatives of the sign will assert themselves differently: some will enter into intellectual battles with competitors, while others will set out to ruin their opponents.

When concluding deals, you should not rely on intuition, trust only facts and “dry” figures. Unjustified spending will not save even the lucky one from bankruptcy. Do not allow strangers to give advice and do not let anyone near your wallet. First of all, this is a recommendation to businessmen, entrepreneurs and investment magnates: if you have earned a lot of money, know how to invest it correctly. Don't see any promising areas? Keep it.

Career in 2017 for Libra

The healthy ambitions that the Fire Rooster bestows on the representatives of the sign should be directed in the right direction. You can take on new business and projects without fear; on the contrary, your bosses will note your enthusiasm not only verbally, but also financially.

Libra who will show off their financial opportunities in a favorable light, they can safely count on a promotion by the end of the year.

A personal business will generate good income and create the preconditions for expansion.

By the end of autumn, tension may arise in relationships with colleagues or partners. Resolve conflict situations immediately, without allowing them to grow and worsen.

For Libra, the end of the year may well present such a surprise as a change of job. An unexpected person may appear to play important role in your career advancement.

Health in 2017 for Libra

From the first days of the new year, you will have to pay a lot of attention to your health, in particular, emotional state. If every little thing makes you angry, there is a clear violation in the work nervous system. If mental instability is a consequence of loss of strength or temporary illness, rest is indicated, if the problem is more serious, you will have to visit a specialist.

Those Libras whose bodies are prone to frequent colds should be especially careful in winter - ignoring the first symptoms of a cold and suffering the disease “on your feet” can result in a hospital bed, and in particularly advanced cases, an operating table.

Libras who abuse fatty, smoked and spicy foods should change their diet in order to avoid exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Libra Celebrities

Vladimir Putin, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Will Smith, Michael Douglas, Dmitri Shostakovich, Oleg Basilashvili, Avril Lavigne, Ani Lorak, Brigitte Bardot, Dita von Teese, Monica Bellucci, Sting, Sergei Yesenin, Inna Churikova, Matt Damon.

Eastern horoscope for 2017

Other horoscopes for 2017

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The coming year will make Libra more confident and independent, strengthen their self-esteem, and allow them to achieve goals that previously seemed impossible to them. One of the most important topics will be professional self-realization, and within the framework of work in the company. Even those Libras who are accustomed to working for themselves will receive lucrative offers of cooperation in the first half of the year. Many representatives of the sign will think about changing their image, making it more mature and presentable. This is how Jupiter will affect Libra, passing through the first sector of their horoscope, which is associated with appearance, the impression that we want to make. The only thing is that the horoscope warns against such changes in image in March, then they can cause conflicts with a partner.

In the summer, Libra will be able to make new friendships; many interesting meetings and contacts are expected. Important time for self-realization, it is possible to receive interesting offers, promotion career ladder or even starting your own business. Do not neglect the participation of friends, they are the ones who can now help you achieve success. In the fall, representatives of this sign will change their attitude towards money, they will have the motivation to earn better money and concrete plans to realize this desire.

Horoscope for 2017 for Libra: love, family

In the coming year, Libra will feel more in demand on the marriage “market” than ever before. Their charisma and attractiveness will increase significantly, especially in the first half of the year, which will attract many new fans to them. Lonely representatives of the sign can find love in winter. This could be a colleague or someone their family introduces them to. Libra couples will enter a new phase of their relationship with their partner, their love will become more responsible and deep. Perhaps the beginning life together for those couples who have recently started dating. In March, in the relationships of those born under this sign, a conflict related to the struggle for power is likely. Avoid bragging to your loved one about your personal and professional achievements, the horoscope advises.

The summer of 2017 will be remembered for a valuable gift from a partner that will improve the psychological climate in Libra couples. Also favorable time for various experiments in bed. In September, temporary cooling and misunderstandings are possible, but this time is worth just waiting out. By mid-autumn, the partner’s passion will flare up with renewed vigor. Last decade The year will be remembered for harmony in relationships.

Horoscope 2017 for Libra: money, finances

The first half of the year promises to be mostly calm and measured financially. In winter and early spring, many Libras will receive financial help from their partner, which will allow them to feel more confident. Offers of cooperation from potential business colleagues are not excluded, which will also have a positive effect on the level of income of those born under this sign. In the spring, many Libra will have the opportunity to increase their earnings with the help of their creativity. If you are engaged in any kind of creativity, this is the right time to monetize it, the horoscope advises.

The last ten days of 2017, when Jupiter moves into the Libra horoscope sector associated with finance, a sharp increase in income is possible. Most likely, representatives of this sign will be promoted or simply have their salaries raised. One way or another, new financial opportunities will be related specifically to work. At the end of the year, you should be careful when discussing your income with your loved one. There is a possibility of envy or jealousy on his part.

Horoscope 2017 Libra: career, work, business

It is in the career field that Libra expects the most radical changes in the coming year. Representatives of this sign will feel much more healthy ambition than usual. They will want to achieve a certain position in society, to demonstrate to others what they are capable of. The most successful career-wise will be the beginning of the year and summer. It is in the summer that Libra may have a long-awaited promotion. Those who have own business, may receive an unexpected offer to work for someone. The Libra horoscope advises them not to rush into refusal. It is profitable cooperation with someone more successful and status that will give a new impetus to your business.

The last ten days of the year will increase profits several times at work or in own business. In the fall, Libra may receive unexpected support from friends. It is their connections and advice that will contribute to their career advancement. But in October, the horoscope advises to be more careful with other people’s money, not to borrow or lend. In December you should be more attentive to your dreams and various signs intuition about work. It is also possible to receive some secret information that will help Libra in their career.

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A year of great opportunities - this is how this period for Libra can be briefly called. Moreover, it may seem to them that all events are not happening to them. Your head will spin from the number of meetings, projects, acquaintances, and lucrative offers that the Year of the Rooster will give you.

2017 will provide an opportunity for Libra to demonstrate their best qualities. Many representatives of this sign will think about whether this is where they are directing their energies? If for a long time I had to do something against my will, then fire Rooster gives you a chance to get rid of it.

IN winter period there will be an excessive tendency to introspection. A deep dive into yourself will encourage you to take decisive actions that were previously put off. But it is worth keeping in mind that if a mistake was made somewhere in the previous year, it should be corrected urgently.

Until October, Libra will have a busy schedule, and towards the end of the year there will be an opportunity to breathe out. The horoscope advises making any decisions before this time. Moreover, it is not necessary to discuss your ideas and thoughts. The wisdom, experience and intuition of those born under this sign will allow them to make the only right decision.

If a plan has already been prepared for the fulfillment of desires, then you can safely implement it. Moreover, there will be no unnecessary barriers on the way. True, expensive projects will require finding partners. This may take a long time.

Intuition will become a faithful companion in your personal life. Envious people may try to provoke conflict in relationships with their significant other. But is it worth starting an unpleasant conversation? An inner voice will tell you. In this regard, the horoscope asks you to pay attention to dreams and signs.

Trying to force your opinion on someone is a futile exercise. If you want to unite a team or family, you should explain your position and provide convincing arguments.

Love sphere of Libra in the year of the Rooster

The horoscope encourages you to be consistent in building relationships. There is no need to rush into the arms of the first person you meet, wanting to find love. Convincing yourself to be with someone without love is also a bad idea.

Libra needs to be patient to enjoy a love affair fully prepared by the stars. In April-May, intuition will tell you who should be nearby.

If you already have a relationship or Libra is married, then in order to strengthen it, you need to initiate changes. But you don’t need to bend your partner under you. It is much more useful to open up and also think about what it is time to change in the relationship. Most likely, you will need to fill your love ties with new colors. In the second half of 2017, there will be an opportunity to go on vacation to distant countries or even move there for permanent residence. Such tests will strengthen the existing alliance.

The love horoscope foretells many reasons for flirting during work trips. Therefore, those with a busy travel schedule should be careful not to spoil their reputation. Libra men can meet their other half during such movements. It is possible that she will have family status.

Career and money of Libra in the year of the Rooster

If Libra - employee, then your career will develop according to the previously planned scenario. The whole year will go smoothly, it will just take effort to do the job well. Fulfilling this condition will allow management to decide on further growth.

Those in the creative field will want change. It is possible that new education will be required. But at the end of July, the stars point to the chance of signing a lucrative contract.

If you have your own business, there is a risk that the staff will confuse something in important documents. You should not strain relations with partners and other founders. Breaking the relationship will result in the liquidation of the business. This scenario is not beneficial to anyone.

In winter and spring, Libra will not have to waste money in vain. A balanced approach to spending will allow you to learn to determine what is important and what you can do without. In the summer, inspired by the profits or bonus received, they will want to celebrate this event especially brightly. The best thing to do is go on a trip.

The Libra horoscope does not recommend lending. A cash loan from a bank would not be the right solution. These funds will not be able to provide the necessary financial freedom, but will temporarily relax you. Libra, on the other hand, needs to be on high alert.

Health in the Year of the Rooster

IN winter months problems with the musculoskeletal system may occur. Massage will help bring your joints and spine back to normal. The stars are more favorably positioned for this type of treatment in February.

In general, Libra's health will be quite good. high level. But the risk of injury and burns is high throughout almost the entire year. Even if you have to do repairs, you need to fear for your body. The unpleasant period will pass after October 2017.

The Year of the Rooster has many days with high solar activity. Therefore, Libras who have problems with blood pressure may need constant monitoring of their body. It is better to always have tablets on hand.

We also need to pay close attention to the health of children. Those born in late September–early October will have to deal even more with the health of their loved ones than with their own. However, this does not mean that you need to stop paying attention to yourself. It will be useful for everyone to actively prevent colds, as well as switch to a healthier diet.

Horoscope for women of the Libra sign

The Libra woman may fluctuate greatly in her decisions in the first quarter of the year. But then, realizing that her intuition helps her more than it hinders her, she will begin to make decisions. Moreover, swiftness and self-confidence can even surprise others. It is important not to go too far here. Otherwise, you will have to take on all the responsibilities, even men’s ones. After all, a representative of this zodiac sign has not been able to resolve any problems so well for a long time.

This can lead to a partner or spouse mistaking such behavior as an attempt to challenge his leadership. In order not to hurt a man’s pride, one should give the spouse the maximum opportunity to resolve domestic issues.

In order for your significant other to be confident in his superiority, you can invite him to do the repairs. The Libra woman herself must find time to take care of herself and improve her level of professional knowledge. You should not refuse offers to undergo a foreign internship. Even if it means taking time away from your family.

Investing in someone else's business can bring great profits. But the money will appear only in the fall of 2017.

An urgent need for love can motivate you to create an easy relationship. However, very quickly the beauty will understand that this option is not for her. Single ladies will have the chance to plunge into a love whirlpool in April-May. If you trust your intuition, then a person can stay in life forever.

For those who are proposed to, it is better to try to conclude their marriage in the most favorable period: August–November 2017.

This year is favorable for replenishing the family. The birth will be easy. In addition, gaining a mother-child connection will strengthen the developed intuition.

For travel, it is better to choose the beginning of spring, end of summer and beginning of autumn. Such trips will give you a lot of pleasant moments.

Libra man and his year 2017

Wish big changes and the determination of Libra men will lead them to great success. You will have to make an effort, but if the goal is set, the result will not be long in coming.

Most of all, men will be concerned about increasing their own income. Getting to know the right people and the implementation of the previously outlined idea will make it possible to obtain the first financial results in April-May.

Invest in securities doesn't make much sense. But for a short period, this may allow you to obtain small working capital.

When building a personal life, the hero-lover may encounter difficulties. This could be a real rival or a significant distance between the object of love. The stars do not exclude the possibility that married Libras will suddenly want to get a divorce for the sake of new feelings. Moreover, this behavior this year will be correct for those who have no children in the family.

In the year of the Rooster, the horoscope recommends that men devote more time to the younger generation. These are not necessarily your own children. The horoscope sees that the problems of nephews or other wards will bring out the paternal instinct. Libra will want to share experiences, organize hikes, organize tourist rallies or long trips.

At the beginning of the year, the stars are well positioned for changing an apartment or car. But it is better to postpone the renovation or construction of the house until next year.

Those who own a business should actively expand it. From the second half of the year, a unique period begins, which happens once every ten years, when development will bring high results. For this reason, any business trips, trips, negotiations, as well as communication with remote partners will be successful.

At the end of the year, conditions for moving are likely to be created. But here the stars do not give a clear indication whether this moment is worth taking advantage of.

Despite minor difficulties in achieving goals, Libra men will be pleased with the fruits of this year.

Remember, unpredictable and eccentric behavior in 2017 will have an impact on your relationships with partners. Fortunately, Jupiter will support you most of the time, and you can learn about this from our Horoscope for 2017 for Libra.

General horoscope for the sign Libra for 2017

As Jupiter, located in your constellation, will help you and influence appearance, and relationships with others, we recommend being vigilant, since you will have to face a subjective approach from others, which will have an impact on both family life and relationships from loved ones. According to the Libra 2017 horoscope, some representatives of the Libra sign will experience a literal rush for various events in 2017. If you act carefully and correctly under the influence of Jupiter while it is in the constellation Scorpio, then the end of 2017 will give you super profits and a lot of opportunities.

Love horoscope 2017 for Libra

According to the Libra horoscope for 2017, the spring of next 2017 will be full of various stormy events, thanks to the transition of Venus through the constellation Aries (it will enter the retrograde phase in March 2017). This planet will bring various challenges in your life related to love relationships. This is especially true for those who live family life, because you will have to face annoyance, childishness, rudeness and unrequited love from your partner.

It is quite possible that such situations will arise under the influence of your emotions and desire to find a relationship on the side. In particular, this will be expressed when Venus enters the retrograde phase, and it is at this time that you will see those selfish and personal interests that are hidden behind the loud statements of others.

Despite all this, while Jupiter is in the constellation Libra until October 10, 2017, you will be under his protection and will be able to do everything to create harmony, peace and will be able to overcome all the trials that will await you with sufficient ingenuity.

However, Jupiter loves to exaggerate everything, and therefore sometimes those around you will shun you, as you will simply be unbearable. This attitude will be caused by the fact that in attempts to establish peace and tranquility you simply will not take into account the obvious facts. The Libra horoscope for 2017 recommends that you weigh everything more carefully and try to find the right ways to find the right way out of such situations.

IN love life August will be very fruitful, and then partial moon eclipse in the constellation Aquarius and the time for change will come. In most cases, only a sense of independence can be the most adequate way out of any problem. However, this feeling should be used correctly, since it can be deceptive and behind it may be hidden a banal desire to receive additional support from others in order to achieve personal goals.

Business horoscope for 2017 Libra

The last three months of next year are a time of personal achievement. This will be possible due to the fact that Jupiter will be in the constellation Scorpio. After October 10, 2017, you will have the talent to identify the most promising people and cling to the right circumstances, but the stars tell us that your attempts will be in vain and will not lead to significant changes in terms of professional activity.

Rather, this state of affairs will allow you to manage and motivate others by being eminence grise, and you will be able to competently use all the opportunities that entail the achievement of personal interests. For you, the main motive will be money and, most likely, you will receive it, but in 2018 the chances of this will be much greater. Rather, in 2017 you will only be able to build a good foundation for receiving significant Money in future. But you shouldn’t be greedy and you shouldn’t forget about mutual interests on the part of your partners in any endeavor.

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