♏ Scorpio - compatibility of lunar zodiac signs. Lunar Scorpio. Compatibility with other signs

The Moon in Scorpio in women makes them decisive, vain and sensual young ladies with a rich imagination and full of various plans.

Such a lady can be quite irritated and tense, she may become hysterical and experience loss of spirit. Internally, she is anxious and restless, all her feelings and emotions settle in her soul for a long time. The Moon in the fixed water sign of Scorpio makes the young lady remember both the bad and the good for a long time.

She does not like a calm and measured life. She is endowed with an internal need to insist on her own, and her reactions to external stimuli are extremely violent. Passions and emotions are constantly boiling inside her, which must find a way out, otherwise her health will suffer.

The Moon in Scorpio in women contributes to the fact that the girls themselves subconsciously look for or create conflicting, heated situations, thereby splashing out the accumulated tension. At times, they vitally need emotional shocks.

Selena in this position makes the woman’s character contradictory and complex: internally she is always inclined to argue and militantly defend her own views.

In communication, she often takes what is said personally, and quite painfully. She responds to criticism with aggression or resentment; a normal conversation with her easily turns into a quarrel, especially if her interests are hurt.

In an unfamiliar environment, she acts carefully and cautiously, trying not to reveal herself to strangers. And although the young lady with the Moon in Scorpio is prone to risk, she keeps her plans secret.

The girl is stubborn and persistent, and if she is interested in something, it is impossible to convince her to deviate from her chosen path, even with threats. On the contrary, opposition and obstacles only inflame her desire to get what she planned. With this in mind, you shouldn't force her to do anything.

In fact, a girl with the Moon in Scorpio is extremely sensitive, emotional and vulnerable. All her emotions are extremely intense for this reason.

This woman clearly sees through the essence of others. Her character always carries an element of expansiveness.

She can easily realize herself in the field of security, politics, law, insurance, pharmaceuticals / chemical industry, biology, medicine / psychiatry.

The Moon in Scorpio in women turns them into an ambiguous and mystical personality. Sharp, eccentric, quick-tempered, often suspicious and secretive, gloomy and gloomy. But, in addition to all this, she is also very sensual, passionate, capable of overwhelming feeling love. Unfortunately, she is deaf to the opinions of others and is programmed by the night luminary to suppress and subjugate her partner.

“Moon” Scorpio lives in parallel in two worlds. She has a strong perception of death and everything connected with it. Often among such ladies there are mediums who know how to communicate with the dead, and sometimes help them leave this world and free themselves. They facilitate the “transition”, brighten up the last hours of the dying person, and provide spiritual support.

This woman is sometimes visited prophetic dreams, and her premonitions often come true. But it is worth noting that she perceives the bad much more sharply than the good, since she is more tuned in to the “shadow”, gloomy side of life.

As a mother, wife, lover

In her personal life, our heroine is a jealous owner who knows how to preserve affections and feelings like no one else. She is very demanding in relation to manifestations of love addressed to herself; she generally needs a lot of attention from others.

The ward of the Moon in Scorpio is a wonderful lover and strict mother. She can be an excellent housewife, but only if the Sun in her natal chart is in weak sign Zodiac, otherwise a woman’s will and character are further strengthened, which is unlikely to contribute to her complaisance and homeliness.

Her tactile senses are unusually developed: she loves caresses and touches. It is very important for her to always be attractive to men and she wants everyone around her to desire her.

The intimate preferences of the “lunar” young lady sometimes go beyond the norm. Despite his passionate nature in Everyday life she is quite calculating and reasonable.

Family is one of the painful issues for her. On the one hand, she wants to create it, on the other hand, she has difficulty imagining how to still enjoy life in it.

She sees the roles of mother and wife as a series of constant sacrifices and worries: worrying about loved ones all the time, not getting enough sleep, giving all her strength to the family... In a word, it seems to her that she will have no time left for herself.

Such women always try to create ideal conditions for the lives of children and husband, sometimes even against their wishes. It’s difficult to argue with her about this, and teaching her to look at life more simply is completely useless.

Yes, she will often complicate everything, and life with such a charming woman cannot be called comfortable and calm, however, in a difficult moment, it is such a mother and wife who will do everything for the well-being of the entire family.

A person whose Moon was in the sign of Scorpio at the time of birth is eccentric, harsh and hot-tempered. He can be secretive, suspicious, gloomy and intolerant of other people’s opinions, and often strives to “suppress” and subjugate his partner. Sometimes he seems cruel and sarcastic, but deep inside he is extremely lonely, vulnerable and unhappy, longs for all-consuming love and can sacrifice very, very much for the sake of his loved one. Extremely affectionate, prone to fanatical adherence to someone’s ideas or guidelines. Subconsciously inclined to take risks and dangerous situations, to extreme and adventurous actions.

Lunar Scorpio has developed intuition: he often has prophetic dreams, and premonitions usually come true. True, he feels the bad much better than the good - after all, he is tuned in to the dark, “shadow”, negative side of life and tends to notice, rather, negative aspects in everything.

Often in the life of the lunar Scorpio it happens " fatal love"He subconsciously destroys both himself and his loved one, dramatizes, complicates and turns inside out what could have been resolved peacefully and without conflict.

A person with the Moon in Scorpio can realize himself in politics, law (the profession of an investigator, forensic expert, private investigator is especially suitable), the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, biology, medicine, and psychiatry. All professions related to military affairs, with risk and danger (stunt performers, trainers, testers, racers, trainers in extreme sports) are also suitable for such a person - by overcoming difficulties and testing themselves, the lunar Scorpio strengthens their character and shows their best qualities.

Attitude towards mother

“My mother did everything possible for me. No one loved me as much as she did,” an adult with the Moon in Scorpio, whose relationship with his mother developed harmoniously, can say in a rare moment of frankness. “My mother simply mocked me and my family. It’s because of her that I early years was forced to fight for his own existence,” such a person will say if the relationship was not harmonious.


“Permanent” perception is characteristic of children whose Moon is in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. For them, the most important thing is the image that has developed in their minds, the usual cliché of how things are done, how things should be. Everything that happens around is viewed as if through his prism: are the surroundings and actions familiar, is the idea familiar, is the mood characteristic. It is difficult for them to change and adapt. They need their mother's support and attention constantly. Even when she is not around, they should see signs of her attention. They interpret everything that happens to them from the point of view of the presence or absence of self-care on the part of the mother.

IN childhood the most important role for such a person they play the usual emotional states. He may not remember what happened, how it was explained to him, but what his mother’s voice was like, how she looked at him, how he felt at the same time - he will remember for sure. Try to maintain a calm, even atmosphere in the family. Take your child’s whims and emotional remarks from loved ones calmly and put the brakes on them. Permanent showdowns will make such a child difficult to communicate with. And he will perceive frequent transitions from peace to quarrel and back as a constant betrayal: love and enmity are constant concepts for him.


For a woman born under this position of the Moon, family is often one of the most painful issues. On the one hand, more than anything else, she wants to start a family, but on the other hand, she can’t imagine how, having done this, she can also enjoy life. The role of a wife and mother seems to her to be a continuous series of experiences and sacrifices: she will always have to fear for her loved ones, peace and sleep will disappear, all her strength will be given to the family, and there will not be a minute free for herself. She is determined to create ideal conditions for the life of her husband and children, sometimes even against their wishes. It is difficult to argue on this issue, and calling for a simpler view of life is practically useless... Yes, she knows how to complicate everything, and life with such a woman cannot be called ideally comfortable. But, on the other hand, in a difficult moment, it is precisely such a wife and mother who will not become limp, but will do everything for the well-being of her family.

What kind of woman is a SCORPIO moon man looking for?

Such a man is inclined to choose as his wife women of increased bitchiness, who have irrepressible obstinacy and quarrelsome behavior in everyday life, and who are also prone to playing on their spouse’s nerves. However, one should not think that he has no chance family life. It shines, and what a shine! Just hold on: as soon as something goes wrong, serious passions flare up: children go to neighbors, property goes to the trash heap, and then an even more stormy reconciliation. Not life, but an adventure novel. One task: to find a woman who would not be tired of all this.


Lunar Scorpios are susceptible to diseases of the genitourinary system and intestinal disorders. Prone to cystitis, constipation, swelling and obesity.


With the Moon in Aries there is a very strange interaction, ambiguous, complex, despite mutual attraction and attraction. But these are in many ways related Moons, it is easy for them to understand and feel each other, they are drawn to each other and at the same time repel each other. These people have the same needs and drives, similar mental manifestations, they are similar in many ways, and it is difficult, almost impossible, for them to break off their relationship. They torture each other, but still continue to communicate. It is better if these are heterosexual relationships based on love and passion - in this case they can be long-lasting and fruitful, although not easy.

Lunar Scorpio has a very complex interaction with the Moon in Taurus, despite sexual attraction and emotional attraction. It is better if this is a heterosexual cooperation - in this case it can be long-lasting and fruitful. The relationship in this couple will always be ambiguous, incomprehensible, tense, painful (primarily for the Moon in Taurus), but at a high level they can give each other a lot, they can have a creative union in which both will reveal their abilities and talents and will support each other.

With the Moon in Gemini there is a very strange, changeable, unsteady interaction, despite the mutual emotional attraction. It’s hard for them to be together, but the past can hold them back, and then this couple will converge and diverge, torment each other, but it is almost impossible for them to come to an understanding. In addition, questions that were once unclear and understatement can lead lunar Gemini and Scorpio to serious mutual grievances and conflicts. These people can be advised to immediately dot all the i’s in their relationships and not leave unresolved issues for later.

There is a good combination with the Moon in Cancer - these are related elements, with similar character and temperament. Despite mutual grievances and disagreements, these people can be together for a long time, and the longer they live next to each other, the more difficult it is for them to part. A very good combination for love, but business cooperation is almost impossible.

With the Moon in Leo there is a very strange emotional interaction, ambiguous, painful, despite the strongest mutual attraction and attraction. They are drawn to each other and at the same time repulsed, but this is the case when it is incredibly difficult for people to separate, and this couple, subject to some work on themselves, has an excellent chance of a long-term union and finding harmony in the relationship. A good combination for marriage, for love relationships. Business cooperation is unlikely.

With the Moon in Virgo a very good alliance can happen. Both friendships and love can develop, family relationships, but they are unlikely to last long. But the more freedom and spontaneity they have, the greater the chance that they will be happy. The Moon in Scorpio is much more attracted to the Moon in Virgo, including sexually. Moon Virgo at the same time, she may remain cold towards Scorpio, but psychologically they still feel good and comfortable with each other.

The Libra-Scorpio lunar couple is a difficult combination, especially in long-term, protracted relationships. They are more difficult for the Moon in Libra, which strives to break this connection (which they do not always succeed in). As a rule, relationships are painful and unstable, and harmony in this couple is hardly possible.

Two Moons in Scorpio can be together only if high level spiritual development. At a low, everyday level, it is difficult for them to get along, although they understand and feel each other perfectly, they have a deep connection. Love relationships can turn out to be very favorable and bright, but they are unlikely to last long - against the background mutual attraction and passion, these two people have too many grievances and claims against each other, it’s hard for them to be together.

A good combination with the Moon in Sagittarius, although it is difficult to achieve complete mutual understanding in this pair. Might turn out good business relationship, cooperation, creative union. But in marriage and love relationships, these people may encounter obstacles; this combination is unfavorable for opposite-sex relationships; there is too little passion and psychological attachment. The Moon in Sagittarius is more interested in them - communication with the lunar Scorpio helps her to better know her secret sides and look at herself from the outside.

With the Moon in Capricorn there is a difficult interaction, harsh and painful. Mutual discomfort and misunderstanding, unconscious rejection, harsh and tense relationships. Business cooperation is better, joint creativity is possible. A love relationship is unlikely: these people get tired of each other too quickly. The marital relationship, as a rule, is short-lived and dissolved, and friendly relations are possible only occasionally, provided that they are free and unburdensome.

The lunar pair Scorpio-Aquarius is a very interesting union, emotional and bright. Both friendship and marital relationships are possible - despite disagreements and some tension, these people are very interesting to each other, in relationships there is always an element of play, freedom, novelty, impromptu. They are never bored together, and this union is very stable and long-lasting.

Lunar Scorpios and Pisces are drawn to each other, there is sexual attraction, psychological similarity, and emotional contact. But relationships are often difficult and painful, especially for lunar Pisces. The union can last a very long time, the couple will torment each other, break up and get back together, but since there is deep mutual understanding and a strong emotional connection, they will not be able to break off the relationship. Here lunar Scorpios “win” - psychologically they receive much more and, under the influence of lunar Pisces, they become softer, calmer and more tolerant.

November 8, 2017, 20:50

Moon in Scorpio

Oh, this is probably one of the most legendary “lunar” themes. How many emotions, experiences, even infernal horror this position of the night luminary causes in some especially impressionable young ladies. And ladies, let's be honest - for good reason. The Moon in Scorpio is always difficult for the owner and her environment. Scorpio is a sign of energy, transformation, purification, removal of toxins, close interaction, regeneration, the darkest states - and the lightest. The Moon, falling into Scorpio, finds itself in its native water element, only the instincts that the Moon controls are heightened to the limit here. Common sense, the voice of reason (mental) disappears.

The Moon in water signs perceives the world around it extremely intensely. There is a constant involvement and interaction in the affairs of the world, a reaction to events around. And Scorpio gives such a Moon colossal alertness and tension. There is no relaxation here. The world is full of dangers, the world is aggressive. And this means that a person with the Moon in Scorpio is always ready to fight back, he is always on the alert. Here Luna is extremely uncomfortable, it is always either fears or, at best, wariness. We must be vigilant- this is the motto of this position. There is absolutely no trust in the World. Outwardly, this manifests itself as seriousness, restraint and closedness. The owner of the Scorpio Moon opens up (relaxes) only in a very close circle of relatives (if he trusts them, of course! And so he is vigilant here, there have been more than one case).

So we have:

Suspicion, anxiety, manic states when you cannot get rid of bad mood, and the reason for this mood is some kind of vague premonition, which cannot be understood at all from a logical point of view; a person is unconsciously tuned to a crisis, severe mood swings. Here inner world, for which the Moon is responsible, is extremely unstable, everything is shaky. I will say from personal observations that a situation of equilibrium causes unconscious discomfort and anxiety. Scorpio is nervous - how can this be, because the World is always being destroyed, but now everything seems to be quiet. Surely something is about to break out! I feel. And very often it acts proactively and provokes an event.

It is believed that people with a similar position are energy vampires. Well. It depends on what you mean by these. If energy exchange, yes. To do this, Lunar Scorpio will unconsciously create stress for himself and those around him, create tense situations, and overcome them himself. No complexity, no passions - no life. I'm not saying at all that this will be a scandal. Vice versa! It will be silence. But what! Every living thing will tremble. Scorpios generally don’t like to make noise ahead of time. This will be a gradual accumulation of negativity. Focused, patient, tireless. Negativity, like any other type of energy, accumulates so that when it explodes, it provides the unfortunate sufferer with a little respite. Time-out. Then again, increasing. It is no coincidence that this position is associated with feminine expression and is considered our classic “feminine” and problematic.

In order not to torture yourself and your family, with this position of the Moon, it is recommended to do something energy-intensive. Sports, and strength training or yoga, or boxing is the minimum. In general, the owner of this position has abundant strength and endurance to run a marathon. Therefore, all this needs to be drained. Otherwise it’s dangerous! Don’t forget that everything under Pluto (Scorpio) is oncology. The grievances that Scorpio is full of contribute to the emergence of all sorts of formations. This is generally about the destruction of oneself. The Moon in Scorpio, especially for a woman, means the need to constantly check. Especially if there were precedents in the female line. Therefore, I recommend for owners of this position:

1. Loads in everyday life are above average. Ruthless is the key word.

2. If the Sun is in a good position, some kind of business (these are plutonic activities) or work in teams. Where there are undercurrents and intrigues and generally a serpentarium.

3. Public work on communication with housing and communal services. Generally perfect. Any public work where you need to “punch through” something, demand, push through something.

4. And finally, without any jokes, charity. You, the owner of such a position, need serious charity more than anyone else. Not just - I transferred 100 rubles to someone I don’t understand. And according to Scorpio, you need inclusion, concern, deep immersion in the issue. Ruthless to yourself - again.

The places of Scorpio and the Moon are hospices, cancer centers, children's cancer centers, everything related to life and death. Because the power of Scorpio is in transformation and passage through all Limits in order to be resurrected in new form. And the Moon is a concern. So we need to give the power of Scorpio to people who are in the process of Transition. This is very difficult, I understand. But Scorpio is not a childish sign, and requires a very serious approach. Here everything is subordinated to interaction - as an exchange of energy. And a person with such a position of the Moon can give a lot.

This position of the Moon gives natural psychologists. Here again there is a “selfish” interest - an exchange of energy. But this is colossal sensibility and sensitivity, understanding of other people's pain and suffering. Excellent clinical psychologists, disaster psychologists. This ability to interact with human grief is a Gift.

In general, in my opinion, this is very "feminine" theme. Oh, how magnetic the lunar Scorpios are!

How attractive they are to paralyzed poor men! Only look and man smitten. No fuss, no antics. Excluded. Only energy. And how ruthless they are towards weak (from her point of view) individuals. There can be no other opinion here - I chose you, and you are not able to maintain my rhythm of scandals, sex and passions. Please be so kind! I'm not sure how lucky the person such a woman deems worthy will be. After all, the chosen one will have no room for maneuver. Only complete immersion in life together. Family is a place where you will give all your energy; devotion to the family is colossal. It will move mountains. But I’m not sure if it will let me breathe. The Moon in Scorpio is unjustifiably suspicious and jealous, but if the betrayal is real, its rage will be like atomic explosion. I don’t think anyone in their right mind would want to try for themselves what it is. This guy must be completely brainless.

The victim. If the family demands that she leave work for her husband’s career, she will do so and will support her husband in every possible way in his endeavors. This is a Warrior, I say this from personal observations. Girls with this position of the Moon are ready to go to the end. They put a lot on the line, they take risks, they don’t skimp; the stakes in their game are high, and they perceive a loss with great pain. In general, they are not ready to lose, whatever.

Moms Such lunar Scorpios have difficult women. Pressing, requiring constant participation, such mothers are always close, close. Or the life of such mothers was not easy, again, girls - their mother has cancer. But I think aspects from Pluto to the Moon are needed here. And mothers are very strong and fearless. Loyalty to the family, if done well, is strength and support for the bearer of such a position of the Moon.

Man with such a situation, of course, he is a sufferer. After all, the Moon in his chart is his mother/wife. And as a rule (often) you come across a wife who is, if not bitchy, then – well, not indifferent, so to speak. She cares about everything in this person's life. She is very passionate, stormy, emotional, endless clarification of relationships - and dissatisfaction with family life.

But the subtlety is that the card belongs to the man, which means he has a request for such a relationship. For what? To work through the tasks of the past, in order to remind his mother, perhaps he likes it when his geolocation is tracked - so he feels needed. There are a lot of reasons. Not every woman is ready for this; it requires a huge amount of energy. Where to get it? In short, many are leaving the race. They break, so to speak.

And I'll touch a little children with such a moon. It is only in your power to help a child with this position of the Moon. Make his world a little warmer, a little more protected, a little more calm. Everything comes from childhood and such children require special attention.

Unfortunately, Scorpio is always ambiguous. And Darkness is much more malleable as energy than Light. Therefore, the well-known problem of Moon Scorpios is the choice of the Dark Side of the Force. Because it's much easier this way. The trouble is that the Moon is responsible for unconscious needs - and what will come out of the Darkness with such a choice? In the worst case scenario, he is a sadist, manipulator, tyrant. In the best case scenario, this is what we see mainly in everyday life. When a woman abuses her family. But if you still choose the theme of care, emotional participation, or the Path of the Warrior of the Spirit, then the Moon in Scorpio gives the deepest natural wisdom, understanding of life, finding balance and harmony in oneself.

Among celebrities with this position, I would like to take Alfred Hitchcock.

This is where the Moon in Scorpio is more beautiful than ever. Psychologism of suspense, escalation of the atmosphere until the hair stands on end - and a bloody, powerful denouement! Energy of incredible power. He had precisely an unconscious need to explore the dark recesses of human Souls. And, as I said above, the most monstrous monsters rose to the surface.

He himself is a creative Leo (Sun + Venus) - this is cinema and theater, this is brightness and brilliance! And the Moon in Scorpio + Jupiter gives him a corpulent figure on the physical plane. But Jupiter also expands what it touches. Makes it excessive, hypertrophied. And then there’s the 4th house! Our subconscious! Yes, it was simply created to delve into it and turn the nightmares found into a movie. A trine from Neptune and Pluto to the Moon adds energy and subtlety. It’s not enough to crawl into the basement of the soul and find a monster there, you also need to arrange it all beautifully and tell others (bisextile on Mercury).

Hitchcock's wife Alma Reville fits perfectly into his Moonlight theme.

After marriage, Alma made a choice in favor of her husband’s career and completely subordinated her life to it (Moon in Scorpio). Their marriage certificate stated: Alfred Hitchcock - film director and Alma Hitchcock - housewife. The love relationship of this couple has always been behind the scenes. Hitchcock once said, either jokingly or seriously, that there was no sex in their marriage, except for the time their daughter was conceived. My wife was present during the filming, dubbing and editing. She was always the first to look at the finished picture. For all her husband’s films, she was an “invisible” but irreplaceable co-author. That is. her “quiet” influence and involvement was colossal.

When Hitchcock's wife had a stroke, he sat in the restaurant across the street the entire time his wife was undergoing medical procedures. In the future, he never approached this restaurant, as he remembered all the feelings that he experienced when his wife was hospitalized.

Here are some quotes from Hitchcock that perfectly illustrate his intense Wonder Moon:

“Revenge is sweet, but it doesn’t make you fat”

“If I filmed Cinderella, the viewer would immediately start looking for the body in the carriage.”

“Always make the viewer suffer - the more, the better.”

“If I hadn’t become what I became, I would like to become a criminologist - delving into the lives of criminals and their crimes.”

“One day I was on a train and it slowly passed by some big old red brick factory. Against her background, I noticed two small figures - a guy and a girl. The guy was urinating on the wall, and the girl was holding his hand. Love cannot be interrupted even to urinate.”

Updated 08/11/17 23:36:

That's all for us -for the night looking. And dilute the drama of the theme a little. "Girl."

Light side of the Moon in Scorpio
You become more persistent, ambitious, emotional, idealistic, and your imagination intensifies.
Dark side Moons in Scorpio
You become more stubborn, secretive, jealous, intolerant, and domineering.

Scorpion - astrological sign death, reproduction, and emotional extremes. Scorpio emphasizes the sensuality of the Moon and at the same time brings out her strength. If you have the Moon in Scorpio, you are spiritual and passionate in your feelings, motivating your actions. Moon Scorpios know how to skillfully hide their true feelings. The Moon in Scorpio is very contradictory. Lunar Scorpios are driven by strong passions, but they tend to deny their motivating role. They are often unhappy with their emotions (such as anger or jealousy), and therefore hide their reactions under the guise of calm and friendliness. If something hurts them, they will deal with their feelings (that is, eliminate the pain) and put an end to their suffering. Lunar Scorpios have enormous power will and keen powers of observation. Their judgments are deep and accurate. Phenomenal memory is their gift and curse. It usually helps them in their work, but makes them worry for a long time due to emotional trauma. Some Moon Scorpios never forget a grudge and wait for years for the right moment for revenge. This does not mean that they are cruel and vindictive, but they are ready at any moment to remember the wound inflicted on their pride. Perseverance and perseverance help them overcome obstacles - unfortunately, Moon Scorpio faces them more often than other people. In the life of Moon Scorpios there is usually a secret trouble or a secret problem related to family or health.

Although passion always occupies an important place in their lives, their sexuality may be sublimated into other areas, e.g. creative activity or a career that requires self-sacrifice. Work is important to them because through it they express themselves better. They have high standards, and professional pride is noticeable in all endeavors. They are ambitious and capable of being good administrators.

Moon Scorpios have a sensuality that attracts members of the opposite sex to them, although they are not aware of it. In their personal life, this quality leads to complications, and many Moon Scorpios marry more than once. The fear of being dominated also affects them love relationship. It is difficult for them to trust someone; they are not quick to give their soul to another person. The secret is that they really need emotional security. The feeling of danger does not allow them to love deeply. Lunar Scorpio fascinates with its deep, but clearly palpable passion and sensuality. His innate magnetism can literally drive you crazy and make you lose your head. If you have fallen into the snare of the lunar Scorpio, then, most likely, you yourself will not be aware of your behavior and before you have time to come to your senses, you will find yourself in his arms, so that later, having come to your senses, you will wonder in bewilderment: “What is this with?” was it me? And Lunar Scorpio places his nets very skillfully. Sometimes he only needs to cast a meaningful glance at the victim in time - and he is already entangled in an invisible web! The eyes of the lunar Scorpio have enormous attractive power. And if the lunar Scorpio has decided to get someone, he will achieve his goal, and no rivals will interfere with him. If some kind of mutual sympathy has arisen between you and Lunar Scorpio, you won’t even have to think about how to take the first step: he will understand and feel everything before you and will do everything himself to ensure that you are together. At the same time, know that in the life of the lunar Scorpio there are practically no fleeting feelings and random connections: he takes everything related to love very seriously, and even the shortest connection is not accidental for him, but is an important event in his life.

Moon Scorpio compatibility. Lunar Scorpio is very sexy, but sex alone is not enough for him, he also needs the relationship to be romantic. Lunar Scorpios really need intense feelings; they dream of living their whole lives in a state of intense passions, which is practically beyond the capabilities of other signs. At the same time, lunar Scorpio has a deep inner world and can be very sensitive and vulnerable. It is very important for those who connect their lives with a representative of this sign to understand this. Lunar Scorpio needs adventure, but even more than that, he needs a person who will understand his inner world, who will see the sensitive soul behind this external passionate pressure and frightening magnetism. Therefore, he is looking for a partner who is passionate like him, but at the same time just as sensitive - someone who can understand him. There will be no peaceful, calm, serene relationship with lunar Scorpio. He is jealous and may have outbursts of rage and frequent mood swings. But at the same time, lunar Scorpios are considered the best lovers in the entire lunar zodiac. So be proud if you are lucky enough to connect your fate with the Scorpio moon. Be proud of yourself if you manage to withstand his passion and his eternal craving for romantic adventures. If you are a boring, down-to-earth person, incapable of strong feelings, you and Lunar Scorpio are simply not on the same page. You cannot be cold and indifferent with him; you must be a warm, lively person with a sense of humor, who knows how to love and respond to love.

We want to believe that we are in control of our lives, everything we do and everything we think about. But it turns out that there is some invisible force, our unconscious “I” that controls each of us. To take the first step towards understanding its hidden capabilities, you need to know your Moon. Because the The moon in the horoscope is, first of all, archives of past incarnations of the soul, where our actions and emotions are stored, which have now become instinctive, and with the help of which we are forced to adapt to life, to the outside world, to express our conscious self as described by our Sun sign.

The analysis of the Moon begins with its position in the Zodiac sign. Let's see how the Moon in the sign of Scorpio makes its owners react and feel (this is also true if there is an aspect of Pluto to the Moon in the natal chart).

Moon in Scorpio

If we consider the influence of the sign from a psychological perspective, then the themes of Scorpio are guilt, resentment, the desire to control, anger and revenge. Therefore, a person with a natal Moon in Scorpio is characterized by intense, even explosive sensitivity, which the person in most cases hides from others. There is often deep dissatisfaction with oneself and desire remake yourself in a new way. But since Scorpio is a fixed sign, a person can endure a situation that does not satisfy him for a long time, then an emotional explosion will follow and either a sharp change in himself through a painful crisis, or a change of situation and avoidance of the problem.

Pluto, the ruler of the sign Scorpio, creates a strong mental attunement in a person. Such people have keen powers of observation and intuition. They can read other people's thoughts and motivations. The presence of the Moon in Scorpio is an excellent position for psychoanalysis, and it does not matter what position the person takes - doctor or patient.

The principles of the Moon (Cancer sign) and Pluto (Scorpio sign) are geared towards self-preservation. Therefore, the Scorpio Moon owner is usually so attuned to the needs of survival that he can be incredibly resourceful in times of crisis. He has a deep ability to intensive efforts, an unrelenting commitment to purpose and self-discipline.

The next important topic for a person with Moon in Scorpio is personal relationships. Lunar Scorpio feels a strong need for a partner. If he does not find a partner on the external plane, the person bifurcates within himself and is nourished through his internal inconsistency. The best option for the Moon in Scorpio - long, emotionally charged partnerships. But, unfortunately, this does not always work out the first time, and a person needs to go through pain, understand his mistakes before learning to build a harmonious relationship with a partner. This is often due to the fact that when the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio or when there is an aspect of the Moon to Pluto, one of the parents, most likely the mother, was a powerful person, seeking to impose his opinion and control others. If one parent was openly dominant, the other could more subtly manipulate the child. As a result, the child acquired the skill of painful codependent relationships.

For example, if this is a man's card, then most likely such a man will find it difficult to trust women; there may be resentment towards them or a desire to manipulate them in order to make women dependent and thereby avoid rejection. He will unconsciously replay his painful relationship with his mother until he consciously takes control of his behavior. Let’s not forget that the Moon is something that comes from within, our habitual experience of behavior. Do you want to change your destiny?

Everything described above is pure manifestations of the position of the Moon in Scorpio or in aspect to Pluto, they will be blurred in the presence of aspects of other planets to the Moon and the general direction natal chart. But, in any case, we can conclude that in past incarnations the soul has accumulated enough deep emotions, which now require exit through the physical and emotional stress, be it sex, emotional crises or psychological thriller.

Now let's look at living examples of how the owners of the Moon in Scorpio describe their condition.

Real stories

According to personal observations, the Moon in Scorpio gives rise to a volcano of passions, which is often invisible to others. Also, this position of the Moon gives a very good memory for emotional events. “I will remember forever” is just that case.

I am observing a colleague with the Moon in Scorpio (Sun in Capricorn). A person is completely unable to adapt to the environment. All the rules that go against his ideas seem stupid to him and he is actively trying to tell the world this; he does not want to come to terms with reality, he does not intend to adapt. Conflicts over trifles, completely unwilling to adapt...

No emotions - no life. It’s good that we know how to keep everything inside, otherwise people would run away :). Sex and watching horrors (without bloody nasty things), dramas, tragedies - purely Plutonian - help well.

The Moon in Scorpio is very corrosive, restless and touchy. Unrest is one of the stable internal characteristics this position.

I once read on one of the sites: “If you come across a woman with the Moon in Scorpio, there is only one piece of advice: run!” Perhaps the advice is correct. I always knew when my husband was into someone. He didn’t give any reasons, but I knew. And she tormented herself incredibly.

Scorpio Moon in its pure form external manifestations very reserved. Yes, she will not internally accept the situation, but outwardly this will practically not manifest itself.

In general, I am a fan of psychoanalysis and often at the first meeting I do a good job of “scanning” people for complexes, problems, and often guessing some secrets.

My young man Moon in Scorpio. The most difficult thing is when he silently experiences his emotions. Sometimes this position of the Moon can really “sting” those who are close to such a person. Especially gets it loving people. This requires maximum patience and understanding, and in some cases even compassion. What I like is the depth of feeling. Moon Scorpios are deep, not superficial people. These are people with excellent memory. My boyfriend surprised me accurate descriptions details of our conversations, excerpts of dropped phrases, our letters... In general, these are thinking people who need love and care.

The article uses materials from the books of Stefan Arroyo, Donna Cunningham and the forum of the website www.astropro.ru.

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