Which saint should I pray for release from prison? Conspiracy shield from prison. Ritual conspiracy shield from prison

Our life sometimes resembles a roller coaster. We then rise to the top, reaching our peak career ladder, then we sharply fall to the bottom until prison term. And practically no one can be immune from this. But we can, with the help of prayer, find a way out of this situation and thus avoid prison.

A conspiracy to get out of prison is a miraculous way to escape imprisonment. Every mother who loves her son or daughter wishes only the best for her child. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to keep track of your unlucky child.

There are quite frequent cases when, in the name of saving our family and friends from harm, we break the law. An example would be when you save a friend from bullies and cause them bodily harm. On the one hand, your rescued friend, and on the other hand, the hooligans whom you beat or, God forbid, killed.

Another example is the following case. You are the driver of a car in which, in addition to you, there are several other passengers. Suddenly, a traffic accident occurs and your passengers suffer various injuries. It may not be your fault for what happened; passengers can receive quite serious injuries, even fatal ones. This means one thing - you are guilty and must be punished for the incident.

From all of the above, one can conclude that no one is safe from court or prison.

  1. Directly on the Day of Judgment, do not take anything valuable from your home, do not give alms to the poor. Don't lend money to anyone. This rule applies to both the perpetrator and the suspect in a court case.
  2. Don't look in mirrors after twelve o'clock in the afternoon. This rule applies to all surfaces that have mirror surfaces.
  3. If you bring food or other foreign objects into your home, be sure to cross them three times.
  4. On Judgment Day at dawn, you need to drink spring or holy water, to which sugar or honey has previously been added. Take exactly seven sips. The number of sweet spoons in your glass should be a multiple of seven.
  5. Fasting must be observed throughout the entire day of judgment. Do not eat fatty, sweet, or flour products.
  6. If you suddenly feel ill during a trial, wash yourself with holy water and say the following words:

    “Water gives strength to a smooth destiny.”

    If you do not do this manipulation, you may receive an overly harsh sentence.

  7. If you did not perform all of the above rituals alone, their performer should be next to you in the trial.
  8. Be sure to wear clothes to the trial white. This color signifies purity and innocence. And, therefore, it will help mitigate the harsh punishment.

Under no circumstances should a widow or widower perform a rite of release from punishment. They can harm a person who faces imprisonment.

If you carry out the ritual yourself so that your unlucky son does not go to prison, follow one simple rule. When reading the saving prayer, be sure to take off your shoes, stockings and socks. You must perform the ritual barefoot.

How to create a reliable shield against imprisonment

This ritual is especially good for those people who are facing 100% imprisonment. You need to take egg, pre-hard-boiled. It needs to be wrapped in a new handkerchief. And immediately before the ritual, this handkerchief must be held by the person for whom the ritual is being performed. Thus, he absorbs the energy of this person.

At night, during the full moon, you need to proceed to the bridge. You need to try so that no one sees you along the way. The package with the egg must be buried directly under the bridge. Do this so that the water does not reach your place. And bring the earth that was taken out of the hole to the defendant’s house. Place the earth so that when leaving the house they will not step on it. Say the following magical prayer:

“As long as that bridge stands, I won’t be in prison. Holy thresholds, holy bridges, holy martyrs. Amen".

In the morning, the earth must be collected in the palm of your hand and taken to the nearest intersection. There they pour it out and say a prayer:

“People, spread my misfortune around the world. Let him not return to me, and let him not get it for you.”

To avoid being sent to prison and for the court hearing to be successful, you need to use the following magic spell. It is read in a quiet and peaceful place. Close the shutters or curtains on the windows, light a church candle, and say this:

“A bird in the sky soars freely and its flight knows no boundaries. Fish swim freely in water and the whole ocean is not the limit for it. So may you (name) be free from walls and bars, from rumors and from the government house. Let your path know no boundaries, and let you be free to choose where to go. Let only God be your judge, and not a person whose thoughts are not pure. Amen".

The spell must be read at least fifteen times in a row, without interruption and without being distracted by extraneous conversations. The number of repetitions must be odd.

Mother's prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

It is very important for every mother that her children are healthy and happy. And if trouble comes to the house, it is a huge grief for the mother.

This prayer is one of the most important magic spells for all Christians. Nicholas the Wonderworker is prayed to in the following cases:

  • if you need to get rid of a serious illness;
  • if you want to make your personal life happier and more successful;
  • if they want to climb the career ladder;
  • if you will soon be involved in a serious trial;
  • if you need help in a difficult life situation;
  • if you want to find your soulmate;
  • if a woman is infertile and wants to become pregnant.

There are many examples where the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is used. It is used in almost all spheres of human life. Many believers idolize Nicholas because he works real miracles. They consider this prayer truly magical. It is prayer to Nicholas that can change our lives for the better.

In ancient times, he patronized sailors, merchants and children. He was also a reliable patron of illegally convicted, seriously ill, undeservedly humiliated and insulted people. It protects against absurd deaths and pacifies warring people. Every believer can pray to him and ask him for miraculous salvation.

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Pleasant plays an important role on our children. For any loving mother, she is a real salvation. By regularly using such a prayer, a mother will be able to protect her son or daughter from any trouble.

To change the difficult fate of her son and save him from severe punishment, the mother needs to read this particular prayer:

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly pleasing to the Lord, our warm intercessor and quick helper everywhere in sorrow! Help me, the sinful and sad person in this life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, throughout my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the accursed one, beg the Lord God, Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment; May I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

If your son is facing a very difficult trial and is about to receive an overly harsh punishment, say the following:

“O great intercessor, the bishop of God, the Most Blessed Nicholas, who shone miracles under the sun, appearing as a quick hearer to those who call upon you, who always precede them and save them, and deliver them, and take them away from all sorts of troubles, from God given these miracles and gifts of grace! Hear me, the unworthy one, calling you with faith and bringing you prayerful singing; I offer you an intercessor to pray to Christ. Oh, renowned for miracles, saint of heights! as if you have boldness, soon stand before the Master, and reverently stretch out your hands in prayer to Him for me, a sinner, and grant me the bounty of goodness from Him, and accept it into your intercession, and deliver me from all troubles and evils, freeing me from the invasion of enemies visible and invisible, and destroying all those slander and malice, and reflecting those who fight me throughout my life; “Ask forgiveness for my sins, and present me saved to Christ and make me like the Kingdom of Heaven for the abundance of that love for mankind, to which belongs all glory, honor and worship, with his beginningless Father, and with the Most Holy, Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages.” .

This prayer very well protects a person from various troubles.

“O all-good Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who flow by faith to your intercession and call upon you with warm prayer, quickly strive and deliver the flock of Christ from the wolves that are destroying it, and protect every Christian country and save with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, coward, invasions of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire, sword and vain deaths. And just as you had mercy on the three men sitting in prison, and you delivered them from the king of wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed in the darkness of sins existence, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, for through your intercession and help, and with His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world and deliver me from my standing, and will make me worthy of desnago with all the saints. Amen".

A conspiracy from prison can gain enormous power only if a person really believes in it. And he believes not just out of hopelessness or a difficult situation, but with all his soul and all his heart.

Such magic spells help us restore justice, acquit an innocent person and mitigate the punishment of the defendant. And it doesn’t matter to us at all whether we want to protect our loved one from trouble or make him happy, help him cope with a serious illness or protect his son from a difficult fate. It is important for us to help a person with our prayers and requests to the Almighty.

Heavenly powers often come to the rescue in situations that seem hopeless. Anything can happen in life - sometimes even innocent people end up in prison. This happens by various reasons: someone was set up, and someone is objectionable because they have their own opinion that goes against the generally accepted one. In any case, one can only hope and read prayers from prison.

Even if a person is completely innocent, one should turn to God for protection. You can ask not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones, relatives, and spouse. The guilty pray much more often, because they may be tormented by their conscience for their future. Nobody wants to go to jail.

How will asking God help you out of prison?

Anyone can make a mistake, but the Lord does not reject anyone. There is only one condition - complete repentance for sins, a desire to improve, and begin a righteous life. Remember the scene on Golgotha, when two thieves died next to the innocent Christ. One of them sympathized with Jesus and asked him to put in a good word for himself with God. Then he promised to introduce this man to heaven.

This episode from the Bible gives Christians confidence that God forgives everyone who is willing to open their hearts. It is believed that increased fasting and prayers will help mitigate the punishment. If a person has not been baptized, then it’s time to go to church and receive Orthodox faith. In the sacrament, special grace and help of the Holy Spirit will be sent. After this you can read prayers heavenly powers about not being imprisoned. It is advisable that several people make the petition at the same time.

  • You can turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and various saints.
  • Has special power.
  • Anastasia the Pattern Maker earned the trust of Christians through the power of her patronage.

Prayer from prison to Anastasia the Pattern Maker

A noble girl lived in Rome; she inherited the faith from her mother. Then she met her mentor - Saint Chrysogon. He is revered in Orthodoxy and Catholicism, as well as his disciple. The girl was married against her will - her father was a pagan; when his wife died, he was able to do with his daughter as he wanted. However, Anastasia managed to maintain her virginity, citing illness.

Secretly from her husband, the young woman visited places of detention. She helped the prisoners, fed them, healed their wounds, and if she could, she ransomed them. When her husband became aware of this, he severely beat Anastasia and locked her within four walls. Soon Pompilius died during a sea voyage. Then the Christian woman again began to help the poor and captive Christians. That is why prayers from prison are often addressed to her.

The righteous woman also had the gift of healing. When she was arrested, she steadfastly professed her faith and strengthened others. endured a lot of suffering - torture by hunger, bullying, threats, torture by fire, drowning, quartering. But nothing could break her faith. A great example of how to cultivate patience. Prayer to the martyr will not only ease mental anguish, but also give hope for the best:

“O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand with your soul in heaven at the Throne of the Lord, and on earth, by the grace given to you, you perform various healings: look mercifully at the people who are coming and praying before your relics, asking for your help: extend your holy prayers to the Lord for us, and ask us for forgiveness our sins, healing for the sick, the mourning and the distressed ambulance: pray to the Lord, may he give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that together with you we may be able to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer not to be imprisoned - to Saint Nicholas

Every resident of Russia knows the appearance of a pious elder, who is depicted next to Christ and the Mother of God. This is whose relics were brought to Russia from Italy in 2017. There was one incident in the life of the saint due to which he is considered the intercessor of the innocently convicted.

The saint, for his merits, was elected bishop in Myra Lycia (locally near modern Demre, Antalya province in Turkey). One day he had to leave on business. At this time, the mayor ordered the execution of three people who were innocent - the city ruler received a generous bribe. Night was falling, but the saint set off on foot back to Myra in order to prevent the execution.

The righteous man made it just in time - the executioner was already raising his sword. This scene was immortalized by the artist Ilya Repin. The bishop goes straight to the executioner and takes away the instrument of execution. The frightened mayor makes excuses, standing behind him. Only the righteous are calm and confident. You can read a variety of emotions on the faces of the prisoners - from anticipation of death to joyful surprise. In such a situation, the reverend cannot be called anything other than a messenger of God.

Therefore, on the eve of the trial, you need to boldly pray. Just remember that you cannot deceive the saints - if you are guilty, repent sincerely. Only in this case will you receive the patronage of Nikola the Ugodnik, who is known for his justice. It is entirely acceptable to pray to the saint in your own words, but it is better to read the church text first. This will discipline the mind and help avoid idle talk:

“Oh, great wonderworker and servant of Christ, Saint Father Nicholas! You, the quick helper and gracious intercessor of all who call upon you, especially those in mortal troubles.

You showed such miracles of mercy in the days of your life. When, after your death, you appeared before the Throne of God, no one can count your mercies, even if you had many languages. You keep those floating on the waters; You saved many drowning people.

You keep them on the road, which were caught by the winds, great snow, fierce frost, and heavy rain. You protect houses and estates from being set on fire by evil-minded people and from ultimate burning. You protect beings on the way from the attacks of villains.

You help the poor and wretched, deliver them from extreme despondency and fall from grace, for the sake of poverty. You stand up for the innocent from slander and unjust condemnation. You saved from death three men who were imprisoned and who were to be cut with the sword.

So, you have been given the great grace from God to pray for people and save those in trouble! You have also become famous for your help among the infidel Hagarites. Can’t you just help me, unfortunate and needy, even if I myself have prepared this lot for myself?

Intercede for me from the despondency and despair that surrounds me in evil. Oh, great saint Nicholas! You yourself suffered imprisonment in prison for the holy faith and, like a zealous shepherd of Christ, you yourself knew how difficult it is to be deprived of freedom and to remain in chains.

Since you have helped many who pray to you in prison! Make this misfortune easier for me, who is sitting in prison. Grant me to soon see the end of my prison stay and receive freedom - not for the sake of continuing my sins, but for the sake of correcting my life!

Pray earnestly for this too, that we may be delivered from eternal prison, that with your help we may be saved, I glorify God, wondrous in His saints, amen.”

Prayer for protection from prison of the Pochaev Mother of God

Tradition claims that this miraculous image was brought to the monastery of the city of Pochaev by a noblewoman, A. Goyskaya. She received it as a gift from the Patriarch of Constantinople. Then the heirs took the icon, and it remained with them for two decades. Then the image returned to the Pochaev monastery, where it remains to this day. The image is known in many European countries.

  • The composition is somewhat unusual. Refers to the iconographic type " ".
  • The Mother of God holds Christ in her arms. Jesus rests his left hand on Mary's shoulder, and with his right hand he makes the sign of the cross over the believers.
  • There are crowns on the heads of the Mother and Baby.
  • At the bottom of the composition is a footprint. This is in memory of her miraculous appearance to the monks from the Pochaev Monastery.

They pray to the Mother of God for... She is able to give comfort to everyone who has already despaired of receiving support. When a person is deprived of his natural right to freedom, everyone endures it in their own way. Many seek consolation from higher powers and emerge as transformed people.

To You, O Mother of God, we, sinners, prayerfully flow to You, Your miracles in the Holy Lavra of Pochaev, revealed in remembrance and lamentation of our sins. We, Lady, we know, as it is not fitting for us sinners to ask anything, except for the righteous Judge of our iniquities to leave us. All that we have endured in life, sorrows, needs, and illnesses, like the fruits of our falls, have languished for us, and I allow this to God for our correction. Moreover, the Lord brought all this truth and judgment to His sinful servants, who in their sorrows came to Your intercession, the Most Pure One, and in the tenderness of their hearts they cry out to You: Our sins and iniquities, O Good One, do not remember, but more than Your all-honorable hand Having risen up, stand before Your Son and God, so that the evil we have done may be forgiven us, and for our many unfulfilled promises, He will not turn His face away from His servants, and He will not take His grace, which contributes to our salvation, from our souls. To her, Lady, be an intercessor for our salvation and, not disdaining our cowardice, look upon our groans, even in our troubles and sorrows we lift up before Your miraculous image. Enlighten our minds with tender thoughts, strengthen our faith, confirm our hope, grant us the sweetest gift of love to accept us. By these gifts, Most Pure One, and not by illnesses and sorrows, may our belly be elevated to salvation, but protect our souls from despondency and despair, deliver us who are weak from the troubles and needs that come upon us, and human slander and unbearable diseases. Grant peace and prosperity to the Christian life through Your intercession, Lady, establish the Orthodox faith in our country, throughout the world, do not betray the Apostolic and Catholic Church to disparagement, preserve the statutes of the saints forever, unshakable, save all who come to You from the perishing ditch. Also, bring the heresy of our deceived brethren or the saving faith of those who have been destroyed by sinful passions to true faith and repentance, so that together with us those who worship Your miraculous image will confess Your intercession. Vouchsafe us, O Most Pure Lady Theotokos, even in this belly the victory of truth by Your intercession to behold, vouchsafe us grace-filled joy before the end of our perception, just as the ancient inhabitants of ancient times were shown by Your appearance to the victors and enlighteners of the Hagarians, so that we all have a grateful heart, together with the angels, and prophets, and apostles, and with all the saints, glorifying Your mercy, let us give glory, honor and worship in the Trinity to the sung God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers of the Holy King Arsenios of Cappadocia to free those who are not guilty

Every problem in life is answered in the Bible. There are many stories about justice and injustice, about wars and prison. To pray to God for those in prison, to ask for their release, it is good to read the Psalter.

With the blessing of Saint Arsenius of Cappadocia, Psalm 32 is intended for God to release those who were imprisoned without guilt. It glorifies the power of God and recalls the moments of the creation of the universe. From one breath of the Lord the stars were created, by His will the heavens and everything below them appeared. It would seem, what does this have to do with the court? But this is David’s way of reminding us that there is a great Judge in heaven. He sees everything that happens in the hearts of people and rewards justice.

It is very convenient for those who open the Bible for the first time to read its Russian translation. Then the Church Slavonic text, which is used in Russian Orthodox Church, becomes clear.

Rejoice, ye righteous ones, in the Lord!

It is fitting for the honest to praise Him.

Praise the Lord with the harp,

play for Him on the ten-string lyre!

Sing a new song to Him;

play skillfully, shouting for joy!

After all, the word of the Lord is right

and all His works are faithful.

The Lord loves righteousness and justice.

The earth is full of the Lord's mercy.

By the Word of the Lord the heavens were created,

command from His mouth - the starry army.

He gathered the waters of the seas as into a vessel,

put the abysses in storage.

Let all the earth fear the Lord;

let all the inhabitants of the world tremble before Him,

because He said - and it became,

He commanded - and it appeared.

The Lord destroys the advice of people

and destroys the plans of nations.

But the counsel of the Lord endures forever,

the plans of His heart are from generation to generation.

Blessed are the people to whom God is Lord,

No person can know what awaits him in the future. And no one is immune from the fact that tomorrow they may lose their freedom of movement. Just yesterday rich and successful man could end up behind bars today. In the event that one of your loved ones or friends is in trouble, they find themselves under the supervision of a prison guard, or in the near future it may be time to use unconventional methods to help a loved one. Spells and prayers from prison are effective if all conditions in the instructions are met.

Anyone can lose their freedom at any moment

For the prison conspiracy to work, it is important to adhere to some rules and recommendations of experts in the field of esotericism and occultism:

To get out of prison, you need to follow the rules

  1. When reading spells to magic words you need to be respectful, you also need to be confident in your actions.
  2. Before reading the conspiracy from prison, you need to memorize the words. As a last resort, it is permissible to read from a piece of paper.
  3. It is important that the person for whom magical actions are intended is innocent before God.
  4. All manipulations are performed only in private. No one should interfere with the performance of rituals, including pets.
  5. Before carrying out the chosen ritual, you need to clear your thoughts; for this, the Lord’s Prayer is used.
  6. Turn to higher powers for help, as the last resort, ask, but do not demand.
  7. Before and after the ritual, you cannot give or take anything to anyone for three days.

If you follow these rules, you can free an innocent person from prison and avoid unfair punishment.

Effective conspiracies

Get favor from the court

There are many powerful rituals with which you can give a person well-deserved freedom and prevent imprisonment. Such rituals will be effective even if the person is at a distance.

The very first version of the rite is a ritual to ensure that the trial has a successful outcome. Such magical actions are carried out using photographs and lit candles. The following conspiracy is read when a person faces the prospect of spending the near future in places of detention:

“Just as birds soar freely in the sky, there are no boundaries or restrictions, so let the servant of God (name) be free. May there be protection from the official house, from the involuntary walls, from bad fame and slander. Just let God be his judge, the will of the Almighty will prevail. Amen".

Repeat such a conspiracy so as not to be imprisoned three times, five, seven or 9 times.

How to create a prison shield

The prison shield plot is one of the most effective options. To carry it out, you will need the following attributes:

The egg needs to be boiled

  • boiled egg;
  • a handkerchief previously used by the accused person.

For the ritual to be effective, it is recommended to perform it during the full moon. The celestial body should illuminate the sky well. The egg is wrapped in a scarf and taken under the bridge. It is important that no one sees the ritual actions. Dig a shallow hole under the bridge and take the soil to the threshold of the accused person. While digging up the ground, you need to read the spell:

“If a person is convicted without guilt, then let the bridge not stand on the ground. Holy martyrs, I will bow and pray to you and ask for help.”

Let the earth lie near the threshold for a day; it is advisable for the accused to step over it. Next, you need to collect it and take it to the intersection. While pouring out the earth, say:

“As the words are spoken, there will be no sadness, others will not get it. Let it be so".

You need to go home without talking to anyone

Go home silently, without talking to anyone or turning around.

Prison-proof rituals

It is important to remember that before reciting any spells or prayers for release from custody, the accused person must pray, read the Lord's Prayer. He must also be completely innocent to save himself. The accused charms the white skin of a birch tree. You only need a little bit of it. To free yourself from punishment, read these powerful words on birch bark 15 times:

“The birch bark does not shake in the wind, and the adversary’s tongue does not flutter. Let the dishonest shut up. Only the truth will prevail. Let it be so".

Take Cora with you to the meeting room.

Another effective option is a conspiracy for the fairness of the trial. His mother reads:

Mom can bend the court to justice

“I was able to raise my son. There were no mistakes when growing, he is innocent before people and before higher powers. To the west with a ridge, and to the ground with a finger. Mother of God, you are a saint, forbid it litigation for the servant of God (name). Grant your help, may my family be preserved, may my dear one be happy. Judges, be fair, do not make gross mistakes, do not believe untrue slander. Holy Mother of God, be merciful to the servant of God (name), as you are merciful to every person on earth. Amen".

Making life easier behind bars

You can use prayer or a spell from prison so that a convicted person in captivity is not offended. It is better to give such a prayer to the prisoner so that he can read it himself. Repeat daily, several times a day:

“Evil spirits instill anxiety in me, but the Lord God shows the way. Father heavenly light and goodness restores, he is strong in his words and thoughts. Amen".

Peace of mind in a cell depends on the prisoner himself

Another strong conspiracy for a son or husband who will help get rid of enemies in prison. It should be read on the prisoner’s birthday or every third day of the month. It should be read by a close relative, for example, a father or mother:

“There are huge demons standing, the apostate is holding the government keys. The devils await an unjust execution for those who shed a tear for the son of the Father of God. The all-merciful Lord has forgiven and forgives all sins. So forgive the servant of God (name), grant forgiveness of his sins, send guardian angels from heaven to the protection. Let them become a strong protection for him, protect him from sin, and in difficult times pacify him. Amen (repeat three times).”

Rituals for speedy liberation

There are many rituals that help you get out of prison. You need to understand that magic does not help to escape, it can only help you get out of prison as quickly as possible. If an innocent person is in custody, there is an effective spell against prison that helps to save him, protect him from unfair punishment, and leave him in prison early. In order to be released from prison as quickly as possible, a spell is recited the day before the end of the fast. Speak on holy water, after which it will need to be handed over to the prisoner:

Give the charmed water to the prisoner

“God's servant (name) walks on the ground, comes out of the hut through the door. A sighted person walks, looks, but is silent. So his enemies will not be able to utter a word or raise their gaze. Let their mouths not open with unjust speeches and unfounded accusations. All-merciful God, grant your mercy. Give him a good fate and a speedy return. May he have the opportunity to be released. He will return to his home and never leave it again. Let it be so".

Rules of conduct before and during trial

  1. On the day of the meeting, you cannot lend money to anyone, you cannot take valuables or jewelry out of the house, and you cannot give bread to anyone.
  2. Don't look at your reflection in the mirror.
  3. Get up at the first rays of the sun, drink spring water, taking seven sips.
  4. Don't eat until evening.
  5. When going to the courtroom, do not accept things from the hands of strangers. If you cannot avoid this, quietly cross the item.
  6. It is better to wear light clothes.

Prayers to help

An effective prayer is that read to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is better to read it in front of the icon of the saint:

“Nicholas the Wonderworker, you grant your protection and help all those who ask you for help. You are merciful without limit. You are merciful beyond counting. You can grant salvation to all those who have stumbled, who are drowning in the ocean of injustice. You can save life on the road, shelter from winds, snow, frost. Intercede for those who have suffered from unjust slander, who have been unjustly judged. Intercede for the servant of God (name), help the one who turns to you and guide him on the path of correction. Amen".

It is important to remember that when turning to higher powers for help, a person must be innocent.

You can also ask for help from the Lord, the Guardian Angel, Anastasia the Pattern Maker, and Matrona the Wonderworker.

If trouble happens to a loved one, he is in a cell or under investigation, then you can protect him from arrest or trial with the help of a ritual. Conspiracy from prison has been known for a very long time, many people confuse it with protective amulet, shield. In fact, this is protective spell, but not a talisman. After all, a talisman involves the creation of some thing endowed with magical power. And the conspiracy is Magic force words, which is protection.

Examples of conspiracies

  1. If a person faces prison. At midnight, boil an egg, take it under the bridge and bury it in a dry place. Take a small handful of earth from above, take it to the person’s house and pour it at his doorstep. Say: “The bridge stands strong and does not fall. I (the slave) shall not be in prison, shall not put my feet in forged chains, shall not place my hands against solid walls.”
  2. On the day of judgment. Find a young birch tree, pick a pereper from it (a piece of white soft bark, similar to paper). Come to court, holding the pereper in your left hand and say in a whisper: “Just as the pereper on the young birch tree shakes and bows in the wind, so my judges, my adversaries, trembled, they did not know the words.”
  3. Turn over an empty bucket on the threshold of the house, a ladle in front of the threshold and a basin behind the threshold. Say 3 times: “Rodin didn’t make it, the other is at his post, the third is behind the cage. Just as a third man is free beyond the threshold, so am I (a slave) from court to freedom, to air, to water. The first will close the eyes of the judges, the second will take away the tongue. They are silent, they don’t threaten me. They will say - they will let you go, in peace and bread.” Place the inverted containers outside the threshold until the end of the trial.

Rules for conducting conspiracies from court and prison

  • On the day of the ritual, the performer and the person being charmed must not treat anyone with bread.
  • You can only look in the mirror before noon.
  • If a person brings anything into the house on this day (shopping, gifts, letters, etc.), then they must first be baptized, and then only carried over the threshold.
  • It is advisable for a person facing trial to take 7 sips of water with honey or sugar in the morning.
  • After the ceremony, the performer should not eat anything until the evening, especially flour (rolls, bread, cookies).
  • If during the trial the defendant becomes ill, then you need to immediately splash it in his face. clean water and say: “From the water there is strength for a smooth destiny.” Otherwise the sentence will be very harsh.
  • In the courtroom, the perpetrator of the conspiracy must have something white on his clothes (scarf, belt) or be dressed in white.
Conspiracy from prison cannot be performed by widows and widowers. It is believed that they have the seal of death, so their performance of this ritual can aggravate the situation of the defendant and contribute to a tougher sentence. If the performer is the convicted person himself, then before the ceremony he must take off his shoes.

Unfortunately, not all people can find out their future. Some of them may be successful people and in a few years already sit in prison. Life is a complex thing that has its own plans for each person. And it is very difficult to fight fate. If a situation has occurred in your life that a loved one is in prison or there is a possibility of such an event, then you should think through a plan of action in advance. Some individuals begin to look for a good lawyer and pay him a large sum money. But, there are a number of people who are starting to look for help in magic. There is a wonderful conspiracy against prison that you can do yourself at home.

In some situations, the problem may be of such magnitude that even the most experienced lawyer will not be able to help you. In this case, you will simply throw money away. If you use prayer to have a loved one released from prison, then higher power will always help.

Rules of conduct in court

If you want to receive a lenient sentence or be completely acquitted, then you should adhere to several rules.

  1. During the investigation, it is best not to lend money to anyone. It is not recommended to give something from your home. It is forbidden to share bread.
  2. In order for the prison conspiracy to be effective, you should not look in the mirror. It's better to hold off on this for a few days.
  3. On the day of the trial, you should drink special water on an empty stomach. It is best to take spring water and add honey to it. You should drink in small sips. The sips should be counted. There should be seven of them. No more no less.
  4. The person who read all the saving prayers must be present at the trial.

Experts convince that a widow or widower cannot carry out conspiracies from prison. Their participation can only make the situation worse.

A ritual that helps protect against negativity

There is a whole category in magic various prayers. Most often, individuals pay attention to those prayers that can protect the individual from evil fate. Popularly this ritual is called “shield”. The ritual involves boiling a chicken egg exactly at midnight. Moreover, the important fact is that it must be hard-boiled. Next, you should put a boiled egg on the thing that belonged to the defendant.

This item should be taken to the bridge and buried in a place far from the water. A small pinch of earth should be brought to the defendant’s home and placed near the threshold. In this case, you should read the conspiracy against prison:

“I, the servant of God (name), want to save my loved one who is about to become a prisoner. I don’t want him to be walled up in a prison and tortured there. I want him to be home and found not guilty. The problem is that he's not really guilty. Someone framed him and simply wants to destroy our family. It is quite possible that someone sent damage or the evil eye to us. I don’t yet know to whom we could bring so much grief. But I will definitely find out and punish the traitor. Let higher powers help me solve the problem. I ask you, Lord, make sure that my son (husband) is released from behind bars. I ask you to hear the words of the prayer and my request should be fulfilled. Let my son (husband) have the opportunity to be released. He should escape punishment because he is innocent. Amen".

As soon as you say the cherished words of the prayer, take the earth to the crossroads and leave it there. Let the demons take it all for themselves. Such a shield can ensure that your son or husband quickly leaves prison.

How to save yourself from prison

There are prayers and spells from prison that can help a person save himself from jail. The ritual should be performed only at home and independently. No one should know that you are turning to magic for help. This may have a negative impact on your future fate. As soon as you wake up in the morning, you need to read a special spell “from prison”.

“I, the servant of God (name), suffered from an unpleasant situation. I had to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don’t know for what reason, but a terrible situation has developed in my life. They are going to put me behind bars, but I have no desire to go there. Let the court acquit me and find the true culprit of this situation. Explain to me, higher powers, why an innocent person should ruin his life. I understand that I am not without sin. But my mother and wife are worried. They cannot find a place for themselves and are trying in every possible way to help me. I don’t want them to waste their energy and health on searching for a rescue method. Even if they put me in prison, they may let me out very soon. The armed forces must find the true culprit. The bird in the cage is very ill. So why should I go into a cage? I am an independent person and they will decide which path I should choose. Lord, I ask you, save me from evil rock. Help me save my face in front of the outside world. Only you can correct the current situation. Send me your blessing. Amen".

It's easy to talk yourself out of prison. You just need to fulfill all the requirements of the ritual.

A conspiracy that only relatives can read

If a member of your family was unjustly put behind bars, then you can save him. Either the prisoner's wife or his mother should read the words of the prayer.

Prayers to Saint Anastasia

Believers can ask Anastasia for help. It helps things get better and your loved one is released from prison. The words of the prayer are as follows:

“Saint Anastasia, you can ask the Lord for anything. So ask him to release our close and dear man from prison. We cannot calmly watch his suffering. You have always helped humanity. So help me this time too. Send your Angels here to resolve this unfortunate situation. Make sure that my son (husband) can avoid undeserved punishment. We will be grateful to you all our lives. Amen".

Many people wonder whether a conspiracy from prison will help and how to read it. In principle, there is nothing complicated about them. They are carried out independently at home. A person should only follow all the instructions correctly and then the result will not be long in coming.

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