Underground waste storage systems. Underground garbage cans This is what the containers look like together

IN Kaluga region They install garbage containers, from which nothing can be removed manually. The new tanks are almost entirely buried in the ground - only the lid with the hatch rises above the surface. The authorities refer to European experience and claim that no one has come up with anything better yet.

The first modern waste containers were installed in the vicinity of Kaluga. They rise above the ground by only a meter, and two-thirds are buried. A special crane removes the accumulated waste from them - it removes the liners from the containers and cleans them, dumping the contents into a garbage truck. Due to their large capacity, they need to be emptied less often than regular trash cans.

This is the first experience in Russia borrowed from Germany. It will significantly reduce the cost of garbage removal and transportation to the city landfill.

Multifunctional crane vehicles, which the authorities want to use also for collecting large waste, are purchased at the expense of the regional budget. At the expense of the local treasury, new waste sites will also be equipped and 240 new containers will be purchased. They plan to install “deep” tanks in the suburbs - in the private sector and dacha cooperatives.

Already inspected new containers Head of Kaluga Nikolay Polezhaev. He was especially pleased with the technology for removing debris from the tank. “The use of such containers is modern and civilized,” the official said.


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Similar containers have been used in Europe for 15 years. There they are divided by type of waste: plastic is thrown into some, glass into others, etc. In Russia, such waste separation is only in the future. The key advantage of buried containers is that the waste in them is compacted under its own weight. And due to the fact that part of the tank is underground, the garbage does not heat up in hot weather, which avoids unpleasant odors.

In turn, skeptics point out that, for example, if the lid of the tank is not closed, stray animals or homeless people who are looking for glass containers, clothes and food in the garbage may fall in. However, experts say that this is impossible due to the design features of special containers.

E-my, it feels like we have no other problems in Kaluga other than putting garbage into nanobins. People have nowhere to live, the roads are broken, there is no gas in the villages, but money was found in the budget for super trash cans! This may be a cool initiative, but it’s not a priority. Why didn't they like the old tanks? Take them out regularly and everything will be fine. And if there are interruptions in the removal of new bins, then you will have to look for these containers under mountains of garbage.

The container is undoubtedly beautiful. Now let’s imagine this life situation: someone made renovations at home, and construction garbage(pieces of tiles, bits of pipes, boards and old toilets) he will quietly put into this super-megananocontainer. And in the morning an expensive crane will arrive to pull out a huge bag from this giga-urn, and what will happen? either a ruptured bag, or a faucet that had fallen on its side, or both. Well, it’s not practical at all! Yes, if ordinary garbage simply migrates into it (walk past the containers and evaluate what lies in them and next to them), this plastic bucket with a fire extinguisher will not last long.

Three new garbage containers have already been installed near the village Kosarevo, next to a spring popular among Kaluga residents. In the near future, new containers will appear in the village Nekrasovo. At the same time, in the locality there is not only a waste site, but also no running water, street lighting, a store, a pharmacy, and commuter buses do not go there.

Actually cool stuff- look beautiful, aesthetically pleasing. In addition, they are environmentally friendly - the wind and dogs will not take away the garbage. I know the village garbage cans - the wind blew and the garbage was blown all over the area, besides, there are rarely garbage trucks in the villages and the waste accumulates in the mountains. And this is the solution to the problem.

A garbage container must be foolproof to the point of insanity, but how long did the old Soviet-era containers last? And the cool new ones on wheels? But of course, the new ones are more beautiful. But beauty should not come at the expense of functionality, and this is exactly what we see here.

Buried waste containers have long been used in Europe and the CIS countries. They are convenient and economically feasible. Today, not only megacities, but also small regional centers in the Russian Federation are actively introducing this useful eco-friendly design into our lives.

Buried containers - a modern waste collection system

The decision to purchase tanks recessed type for hard household waste rational and profitable.

Advantages of an underground waste accumulation system:

  • transport costs are reduced;
  • the wear resistance of the container is extended;
  • the amount of stored garbage increases while maintaining the same dimensions of the garbage can;
  • do not require the installation of additional elements (canopy, fencing, platform);
  • no smell;
  • design appeal;
  • 100% tank cleaning;
  • dangerous moments are excluded (heavy lid, broken wheels, puddles from household waste, sharp corners).

The container is a “glass” with a lid that closes tightly. Diameter 2 meters and 3 meters height. The installed tank rises one and a half meters above the ground. At a height of 1 meter there is a window under the bag for a buried container. According to buyer's requests, the color of the container varies.

Recessed containers are suitable for any climate. The tight-fitting lid prevents rain and snow from getting inside. Prevents the scattering of waste, the contents are inaccessible to birds and animals.

An underground waste container provides storage for household waste. Characterized by the absence of icing in winter period and reduction of microbial growth in summer.

The tank contains a special bag in which waste is accumulated and stored. It provides the ability to quickly empty a garbage can using a garbage truck with a manipulator. The eleven-meter boom allows you to work independently of cars parked nearby.

Economic effect of an underground storage tank of a buried type

The main point when choosing an underground waste container is cost-effectiveness. A specially designed tank holds 5 m3 of solid household waste with an occupied area of ​​2 m3, which significantly saves space in the courtyard of a residential building.

Buried waste containers are much more economical than above-ground ones in installation and use:

  • replaces 5 conventional garbage cans (tank volume reaches 5000 l);
  • does not require additional installation elements;
  • the number of service personnel is reduced by 3 times (1 driver is enough);
  • the amount of required equipment is reduced by 2 times;
  • fuel costs are reduced by 40% (maintenance does not require frequent trips);
  • does not require periodic painting and welding;
  • durability (about 30 years).

The saved space in the courtyard of the house can be used for parking, a playground, or a flower bed.

Pros and cons of new generation containers

Recessed ones have positive and negative aspects.

Description of the undoubted advantages:

  • durability;
  • does not rust;
  • resistance to natural conditions;
  • saves space;
  • the built-in fire extinguishing system prevents fire;
  • the same temperature inside the tank prevents household waste from sticking and freezing, making cleaning easier.

The only downside, but a very significant one, is the price.

Why regular trash cans are obsolete

Metal trash cans are outdated and cannot handle the volume of household waste that is disposed of each year. Garbage cans quickly become unusable due to corrosion and the aggressive environment of the products. Requires replacement every 2 years.

The volume of household waste is growing, and with it the number of above-ground garbage cans, which significantly reduces the space in the courtyards of residential complexes. When the bins are overfilled, garbage accumulates around, polluting the air and the environment. The process of rotting food contributes to unsanitary conditions.

Europe and part of Russia are gradually switching to in-depth waste containers, replacing landfills. The structures are durable, strong and safe for people.

Garbage trucks for underground waste containers

Recessed tanks for MSW are more economical and convenient than conventional metal tanks. They have a number of advantages: they protect the contents from animals and birds; they are larger in size without compromising the space they occupy. But they are also serviced by special equipment.

The in-ground garbage truck is equipped with a manipulator for raising and lowering a garbage container with a weight of 2,500 to 5,000 kg. This greatly facilitates the collection and removal of waste. Allows you to carry out all manipulations for the transportation of solid waste by one person, in narrow courtyards of residential areas and with a large number of parked cars.

Until recently, Russia purchased garbage trucks equipped with CMU to work with buried garbage cans abroad. Today, the auto repair plant in Ryazhsk produces such equipment.

Platform for buried containers

The site for the pit for a buried waste container is prepared in advance. Check for the absence of telephone and electrical wires, drainage, sewer and water pipes. Comply temperature regime, below +5C° – do not install.

Container installation

Before you begin installing the underground container, remove the lid and other parts. Into the technological holes located at the bottom, insert 4 pipes 64 mm in diameter, 800 mm long, wrap them with wire together.

Installation procedure:

  1. Lower the tank into the hole. Rotating, sink the pipes into the sand (gravel) to a special level. Cover each installation pipe jumper with polyester sandbags.
  2. Place the lid and bag on the top of the tank.

The pit cannot be filled with wet soil.

The flange is filled with concrete, marble chips, paving slabs or laid with concrete blocks about 10 cm thick.

SanPin standards when installing a garbage container for solid waste

The accumulation of garbage is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and the presence of large quantity insects and rodents.

SanPin is a document indicating the standards for installing garbage cans. The rules stipulate how garbage receptacles should be installed in residential areas and how often they should be cleaned.

According to the current SanPin, containers must be emptied daily, located 20-100 m from parks and places with large crowds of people, located on a specially equipped site, fenced with a 1.5-meter fence on three sides, and well lit at night.

What components can be added to containers?

The waste container is constructed from a tank without seams, so there is no leakage of waste into the soil. The tank is guaranteed for 10 years. The tank contains a liner that is made of polypropylene. It has a 3-year warranty. The liner is mounted with a lifting mechanism, allowing for quick replacement.

Every day in big cities, small towns and others populated areas Tons of garbage accumulate. Street garbage containers and bins located near institutions and residential buildings quickly fill up. They emit an unpleasant odor and spoil the appearance of the landscape, attract rodents and insects, becoming sources of dangerous diseases. What solutions exist today? A breakthrough in waste disposal technology was the underground waste collection system developed by Villiger from Switzerland.

How is waste stored and collected in underground containers?

The Swiss company Villiger presented a conceptual solution for waste disposal. These are underground containers that are hermetically connected to waste receptacles located on the surface. Waste containers are lowered into and out of the shaft using a hydraulic lift. When they are full, they are removed using the TER SPA series control panel, loaded onto a garbage truck and transported to a waste recycling facility.

Underground container systems are airtight, take up little space and hold 5-7 times more waste than traditional trash cans. Above-ground garbage receptacles fit organically into the urban landscape, do not emit a stench, and there is no falling garbage around them. The tanks do not need to be opened or moved while the contents are being shipped, making maintenance as simple and cost-effective as possible. Access to them is carried out using cards, and its owner pays only for what he threw away.

Villiger underground disposal systems are versatile and practical due to the fact that they are fully automated. They are convenient to use, even if you need to ship household waste or construction waste directly from the back of a truck. It is enough to pay for the shipment with a card, after which the platform with a hydraulic lift rises, making it possible to unload the waste into the waste collection chamber.

Why are underground garbage disposals convenient?

Underground waste disposal systems are a versatile and cost-effective solution.

  • The large capacity of the containers allows you to store a large amount of waste in a small area.
  • There can be several garbage collectors; depending on the amount of garbage on the site, up to 5 containers are installed.
  • Storage suitable for different types waste: organic waste, paper, cardboard, PET containers and textiles.
  • The waste does not harm people and environment, which confirms the environmental friendliness of the storage system.
  • The storage is hygienic, it is impossible that a bird, rodent or pet will accidentally get into the garbage receptacle.
  • The garbage disposal is easy to use, and its configuration does not spoil the urban landscape.

The storage facilities are sealed and protected from accidental ingress of moisture and precipitation, so they last longer and the garbage in them does not decompose.
The containers are safe to use and maintain. Their cover is not heavy and lacks sharp corners. The locking mechanism ensures maximum fire safety of the contents and prevents spillage.
If you buy a container for underground storage and waste disposal, the costs will quickly pay off. Why? Due to the large volume tanks, which allows not only to store a large volume of garbage, but also to increase the interval for its removal.

Separate waste storage - how does it work?

The problem is easily solved with an underground storage system separate collection garbage, which significantly improves the environmental situation in megacities and small towns. Its shape and appearance fits well into urban environment and allows you to improve the appearance of residential and industrial areas.

To summarize, we suggest watching a video of such a system in action:

Abroad, underground storage of household waste has long become commonplace and the phenomenon is quite colorfully described by Varlamov: http://zyalt.livejournal.com/659286.html I will just add technical details and personal observations.
There are many ways to implement this idea, from simple to very sophisticated. However, technical excellence does not always mean manufacturability - often the problem can be solved with less blood and financial investments. Let's consider several categories according to the degree of their mechanization.

1. The first option involves the presence of a lifting device that raises the container to ground level. In order not to supply electricity to each glass, the drive is sometimes organized using pneumatics from a garbage truck.

2. Maybe, of course. This is the opposite option, in which the container does not have any active elements.

All the work is done by the hydraulics of the garbage truck. Such containers can be recognized by the attachment for the manipulator (sometimes hidden inside the urn):

The video schematically shows how they work:

The containers open from the bottom, which I see as the main drawback - debris will leak and contaminate the glass.

3. In a compromise version, only the lid is equipped with a drive (in the most budget-friendly case, it is tilted manually).

Details Created 05/18/2013 05:40

At the end of 2010, recently installed buried containers in the Solnechny microdistrict. The old metal tanks were reinstalled in front of the modern container yard. And the picture became familiar again: torn bags, garbage and stray dogs.

In total, as part of the experiment, the authorities installed about fifteen buried containers in Solnechny. According to Deputy Mayor of Irkutsk Dmitry Razumov, the management company on whose territory the containers are located entered into a waste removal agreement with a private enterprise that does not have the appropriate equipment to service the new bins. Therefore, it was decided to preserve them.

A similar story happened in the north of Moscow. Next to the brand new round tanks there are also hastily painted old metal tanks. In total, more than 3,000 buried containers have already been installed in the capital, and a significant part of them are not properly maintained. Residents of the northern district of the capital have been inundating representatives of the prefecture with letters of complaint for almost a year to no avail.

Why do such situations arise?

The underground waste collection system is widely used throughout the world, and extensive experience in its operation has been accumulated. But, apparently, with the introduction of fashionable western technology Utilities don't always take into account important rule. In order for the technology to work, its implementation must be ensured by the correct technology and equipment, correspond to the current state of the market and the consumer’s worldview, and most importantly, all technological requirements for installing equipment must be strictly observed.

A system for storing waste in containers partially hidden underground was developed in Finland more than 20 years ago. By that time, separate waste collection technologies were already being actively used in this country, and the market was developing towards reducing waste removal costs. The main arguments in favor of this method included saving space for the site, its appearance, and most importantly, the ability to remove garbage less frequently. For Finland, a country with a low population density, this system was perfectly suited. It is unprofitable to remove waste from sites scattered over large areas every day. A buried container allows waste to be accumulated for several days and certain types of waste to be removed as they accumulate. For non-perishable fractions - glass, plastic - large containers are installed; they can rarely be taken out. For solid waste - smaller containers for more frequent emptying. At the same time, household waste does not deteriorate as quickly as in a regular trash can. The container is tightly closed with a lid, and the temperature underground is much lower. In addition, the Finnish open spaces allow a vehicle with a long crane to freely approach the container (only such equipment can work with buried tanks).

Later the technology spread in central and southern Europe. Underground tanks there they are installed at remote gas stations, in pedestrian and park areas, and in squares. Where the garbage does not need to be removed every day, and its composition is lighter. These are mainly plastic and glass bottles, pieces of paper: everything that can be thrown away simply by passing by.

In Russia, underground containers are used in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Irkutsk, Omsk, Izhevsk, Voronezh, Murmansk and other cities. European technology in our country was immediately converted to new way and began to install buried containers in the residential sector, in multi-storey buildings. Moreover, one underground container is installed instead of 5-6 usual ones, which means that garbage will have to be removed from it again every day. There can be no talk of any time savings. While loading a conventional 1.1 m3 Eurotank using a modern lifting device will take about 20 seconds, emptying a 5 cc bag from an underground tank is not a quick task. The operator needs to move the CMU from the transport position to the working position, extend the outriggers or hydraulic supports, pick up the bag, empty it, and then do all these operations in the reverse order. All this time, most likely, the garbage truck will interfere with the passage of cars, bicycles and strollers.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that recessed containers are designed specifically for lightweight waste. On average, according to European experience, a fully filled 5-cubic bag should weigh no more than 400 kg. Russian practice shows that, being stuffed heavy household waste, such a bag weighs about a ton. This entails increased requirements for container materials and equipment that will serve it. The bag must have an appropriate safety margin, and the crane boom must have a load capacity (at least 1000 kg at maximum reach). Otherwise, the bags will constantly tear, garbage will spill out, and equipment will fail. The most important performance characteristics of the CMU include the length of the boom. It should be sufficient to reach the container when it is impossible to drive close to the site due to the many cars parked around it. Many problems can also be caused by improper installation and the use of structural elements that do not comply with the technology. For example, in some cases, instead of a sealed plastic or concrete capsule, container bags are placed in containers made from ordinary concrete rings for country wells and are constantly flooded with groundwater. And the bags themselves, in order to reduce costs, are often not made from original high-strength materials, as a result of which they cannot withstand the loads placed on them.

In Moscow, new containers also suffer from a lack of parking spaces. Recessed container sites, in accordance with the concept of saving space in cramped Moscow courtyards, do not have a protective fence. In one of these courtyards inexperienced driver, trying to win a piece of parking for himself, damaged an expensive container, after which its use became impossible. There is no budget for replacing the container, and it turns into a local “unauthorized dump” for a long time. The remaining containers are also constantly overflowing.

The method of removing waste from buried containers using small flatbed trucks with a manipulator is also common. Such a machine can serve only 1-2 container sites, after which it must go to the disposal site. Overload garbage from such vehicle It is impossible to use a larger garbage truck within the city without auxiliary equipment. The cost of removing one container in this way is very high, and all these costs naturally fall on the consumer.

An example of a correct and reasonable approach is the Tomsk enterprise MUP “Spetsavtohozyaystvo”. The company installed a trial site with buried containers and immediately purchased a special machine for its maintenance - a Zoeller Medium series garbage truck on a Scania chassis with rear loading, a crane-manipulator installation and a lifting device for Euro-containers. This machine is universal. It can load waste not only from underground tanks, but also from ordinary tanks and quickly pays off the investment. Long service intervals, absence of unscheduled downtime due to breakdowns, low fuel consumption of imported chassis - all this saves money for both the waste collection company and consumers of services.

The volume of the Zoeller Medium XL body is eighteen cubic meters. This means that with a compaction ratio of 1:6, its hopper will hold 108,000 liters of waste. And this is approximately 22 buried containers with a volume of 5 m3. Typically such a machine runs two schedules per day. That is, it will serve up to 44 containers per day and will only go to the landfill twice. A small machine will load 44 containers in 22 steps, but physically cannot go to the disposal site 22 times, that is, at least four such machines will be needed.

Now let's compare the costs. A small car spends about 20 liters of gasoline per 100 km. The big one is 50. But four small cars already consume 80 liters per 100 km. Given that the landfill is 25 km away from the city, they will cover at least 300 km per day, and the Zoeller garbage truck no more than 150. In addition, these four vehicles need to be bought, maintained, serviced, and even paid to 8 personnel instead of 2. According to the manufacturers of this vehicle, the Moscow region company RG-Techno, the Zoeller garbage truck with CMU is the optimal solution for servicing buried containers. The machine can operate in any region of Russia: the hydraulic system operates stably at temperatures from -50°C to +50°C. The safety margin of the body and the pressing mechanism even allows loading of heavy goods vehicles. home design feature machines – combined loading device. If the organization serves Various types containers and platforms, such versatility will allow you to significantly save on logistics. An additional hydraulically controlled special receiver increases the capacity of the receiving hopper to 5 m3. This means that the contents of a 5 cubic meter bag can be easily unloaded without spilling garbage.

Now the municipal unitary enterprise "Spetsavtohozyaystvo" continues to introduce new waste collection technology. While using the trial container site, Tomsk utility workers identified another difficulty: the small size of the hatches does not allow throwing large bags of garbage into the tank. After all, the standard European design is intended for small portions of pre-sorted waste. But at subsequent sites tanks with a larger loading opening were installed, and this problem was solved.

The company’s specialists, together with the city authorities, chose the right tactics. In Tomsk, buried containers will be installed primarily not in the courtyards of residential buildings, but in public places - in parks, boulevards and squares. Spetsavtohozyaystvo plans to purchase from RG-Techno another universal Zoeller garbage truck with a CMU with a larger body capacity.

Practice shows that even if a technology that has been proven over the years is borrowed, it must be correctly adapted to existing realities. Companies and municipalities Those who are just about to start installing and servicing in-ground containers already have something to rely on. Their colleagues in the regions of Russia have already accumulated some experience, both positive and negative, which can be taken into account and similar mistakes can be prevented.

OPINION.Roman Lobov, executive director of RG-Techno LLC:
In my opinion, one cannot say that the underground waste storage system is bad or unsuitable for our country, based only on the unsuccessful experiences of some cities and companies. Europeans are very rational. The fact that this technology is constantly developing in Europe indicates that it has a right to exist if it is applied specifically, where it is appropriate.

Our clients often turn to us for advice when they are planning to expand the range of their services: installing and maintaining in-ground containers. We try to help them choose the right direction, master a new market segment with maximum efficiency for themselves and for their clients. We pass on to them not only our knowledge, but also the wide capabilities of our technology, which is backed by 65 years of experience in waste management in Europe. The Zoeller garbage truck models that we offer in Russia meet the highest requirements and are maximally adapted for use in our country.

Now for one of our clients we have developed new car for servicing Eurocontainers and underground bunkers. The crane-manipulator installation of this garbage truck is mounted not behind the cabin, but on the roof of the body. This allowed us to reduce the cost of the design, reduce the time it takes to bring the crane boom into working position and increase the volume of the body to 21.5 m3. Another important point: The center of rotation of the CMU is shifted towards the rear. This means that even when it is difficult to get to the location of the container, the reach of the crane boom is not 12, but only 7.5 m. We encourage our clients not to be afraid of the new. Market leadership often depends on who is the first to occupy a new niche. The main thing is to choose the right approach and the most effective and reliable technology to achieve the goal.

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