Fine for not having a sign for an inexperienced driver. Novice driver sign and where to glue the spikes

Hello everyone, dear friends! Previously, we have already touched upon identification marks for a vehicle, using the example of the now mandatory sticker. But today we will not talk about her. Surely among those who read this blog there are not only experienced drivers, but also beginners who have yet to learn the basics of driving with all its difficulties. We often see the novice driver sign on cars. Let's try to figure out what kind of informational component it contains, and what the traffic rules say about this.

Let's start with the legislative framework. According to the traffic rules, which contain section 8 “Basic provisions for the approval of vehicles for operation,” if the driver’s experience does not exceed 2 years, a warning about this must be stuck on his car. What appearance should it have? It is a black exclamation mark placed on a yellow square. The height of the image is 110 mm, and the width of the side of the square is 150 mm (as GOST says). The sign must be stuck on the rear window of the car. This requirement does not apply to mopeds and motorcycles.

How long do you need to carry such a designation, that is, how long to drive without removing the badge, and what the fine may be for its absence. Until the driver's experience exceeds 2 years. After that, you can pick it, but you can leave it. There is no liability for this. It is intended for those beginners who do not comply with the rules of the road.

Those who like to ignore this clause of the traffic rules will be verbally warned or fined 500 rubles in accordance with Art. 12.5 part 1 of the Administrative Code.

What happened before - the history of appearance

Why was such an exclamation mark introduced at all, and what is its purpose? The beginning of its history dates back to 2009. The fact is that novice drivers belong to a risk group, that is, they are more likely to cause accidents than others. This is not surprising, given their little experience and poor ability to instantly make decisions in a non-standard situation. Other traffic participants who are aware that there is a beginner in front of them treat him more carefully: they keep their distance, let him pass, do not honk if traffic is blocked, etc.

According to inexorable statistics, approximately a third of the accidents on our roads are caused by yesterday's driving school graduates. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, the level of training in many driving courses leaves much to be desired, and they themselves grow like mushrooms after rain. Secondly, the number of cars increases every year and, accordingly, road congestion increases. Well, and thirdly, the very quality of our road surface makes it difficult for inexperienced motorists to navigate correctly.

Previously, this role was played by stickers with large letters “U” on the front and back. Today, this norm has been abolished, but instead the rules regulate the presence of a new sticker with a yellow background and an exclamation mark. It is considered to be more effective in terms of attracting attention.

Where to hang traffic police fines in 2017

Until April of this year, the Administrative Code did not provide for penalties for inexperienced drivers for the absence of this designation. But concern for everyone’s safety turned out to be above all, and the traffic police introduced requirements in this regard. If you don’t want to pay a fine (and the fact of violation will be detected at the first stop and document check), then it is better to buy an inexpensive sticker and be insured against problems with the law.

It remains to find out exactly where such a sign should be hung, and whether it can be produced on a suction cup. The same legislation requires a rear window to indicate "inexperienced driver". There are no specific restrictions on the location of gluing. It is known that this should be a sticker with the characteristics described above. Drivers most often place it in the upper left corner of the rear window. This is the most convenient and convenient place for a car. It’s worse if the badge blocks the view from the driver’s seat to the rearview mirror located in the cabin.

As you can see, friends, the designation of a novice driver is still relevant in 2017. Since the sign is mandatory, you need to take care of its presence on the car windows. The point is not only that the traffic police will not have any complaints against you, but also that such a sticker can protect you from an unpleasant situation on the road, especially in metropolitan traffic jams. Don't forget to check out. Read my blog and you will be up to date with the latest information. That's all for today, bye!

On dear Russians There are often cars with a sign with an exclamation mark stuck on the back. If anyone doesn't know what the "Beginner Driver" sign is, this is it. Many people call him “Inexperienced driver”, which is incorrect, but this does not change the essence.

Purpose of the sign

The purpose of this sign is obvious: to make it clear to other road users that the driver is an inexperienced driver who has only recently received a license and got behind the wheel. Perhaps other drivers will keep a greater distance from a car with this sign or at least treat it with caution, because no one knows what a newcomer will do next on the road.

In fact, many drivers behave aggressively towards beginners. Having such a sign often gives others more confidence. They may honk at a newbie if he is driving at a speed that is slightly below the maximum permissible, some even cut the car off.

But in any case, the essence of the sign is to make it clear to other drivers that a novice is behind the wheel. However there are some questions:

  1. Is it allowed to drive without a "Beginner Driver" sign?
  2. Are there any requirements governing the format of the sign and its placement on the car body?
  3. Who can be considered a novice driver?
  4. Is it even possible to get a fine for not having a “Beginner Driver” sign?

Let's try to understand all these nuances.

Novice driver and danger on the roads

Statistics of road accidents make it clear that a third of all accidents occur with the participation of newcomers who made a maneuver prohibited by the rules. This is not surprising, because as soon as a student graduates from a driving school and receives a license, he immediately gets behind the wheel and becomes the culprit of an accident. And even though he was the best student at school and learned all the rules perfectly, his lack of experience shows up immediately. The driving school pays attention to practical lessons, but driving with and without an instructor are completely different practices. There is also congestion on Russian roads, where there are a lot of cars, creating traffic jams and crowded traffic.


Few people know that according to traffic regulations, the “Beginner Driver” sign is required. This requirement is clearly stated in the rules. In particular, it is specified that a yellow plate with an exclamation mark must be installed on the rear of the vehicle. Citizens with no more than two years of driving experience must drive with this sign. The duration of ownership of rights is taken as length of service. Even if a student, two years after obtaining a license, did not drive at all, and then suddenly bought a car, he may not put on the “Beginner Driver” sign, since it is considered that he already has 2 years of driving experience.

But drivers with licenses that were issued less than 2 years ago are required to wear this identification mark, otherwise they are violators of the law. And such a norm prescribed in the rules is completely logical.

How dangerous is a newbie on the road?

Other road users must understand that an inexperienced driver may, due to lack of experience on the road, do something wrong, which will entail the likelihood of an accident. Therefore, you should keep your distance. Alternatively, such a driver can:

  1. Failure to turn on the turn signal or indicate the turn incorrectly.
  2. Stall.
  3. Brake sharply.
  4. Roll back when starting up a hill.
  5. Fall into a stupor.
  6. Drive at a very low speed.
  7. Change suddenly into another lane without checking the side mirrors to see if there are other cars.

The list of rookie mistakes could go on for a very long time, so you should pay attention to the yellow exclamation marks stuck on cars that are moving in front of you, behind you or to the sides.

The law requires that this sign be on the vehicle for at least several years after receiving the license. But in fact, it is recommended to remove it later - when the driver gains experience and feels confident on the road. For some it will take a lifetime.

Where does a novice driver put the sign?

This is enough actual question for beginners who want to comply with traffic rules. Note that the law does not provide for mandatory requirements, but only gives general information about the location of the icon. According to the rules, it must be located at the rear of the car.

But it is worth considering that it must be positioned in such a way that it does not block the view when viewed through the rearview mirror. The ideal place for it is the upper left corner of the rear window. It is believed that this is where it is easiest to notice it to the driver who is following the car. However, there are no specially designated places where to stick the “Beginner Driver” sign, so it can be placed on the left or right side of the glass.

Penalties for violations

The issue of imposing a fine for the absence of a “Beginner Driver” sign was and is relevant. Only a few people know that there is actually a fine for this. According to the decree, novice drivers with less than two years of driving experience are required to stick this plate on their vehicle. Otherwise, they face a fine of 500 rubles for not having a “Beginner Driver” sign. In some cases, the inspector may issue a verbal warning if the driver confirms that he will affix the badge at the earliest opportunity.

However, a newbie can also be stopped by a harmful inspector, who will fundamentally punish the driver for the absence of a sign, because after April 4, 2017, it must be present according to the requirements. So we can conclude that the “Beginner Driver” sign is required for use by all drivers who received their license less than two years ago. If it is not there, then there is a chance of getting a fine. It may be small, but it will ruin your mood.

Situation before April 4, 2017

Before this date, the “Beginner Driver” sign was mandatory, but no liability was provided for such a violation, so beginners rarely installed these signs. This is logical, because there will be no punishment. The traffic police inspector could only recommend that the driver stick a sign. But from April 4, a fine will be imposed for the absence of a “Beginner Driver” sign, which cannot but rejoice at many experienced road users. Now the number of yellow signs on cars has become much larger, and it is easier to identify an inexperienced driver who can do anything on the road. Therefore, we advise you not only to use this sign yourself if necessary, but also to stay away from cars with this sign.

However, a fine for not having a “Beginner Driver” sign doesn’t stop some people. So far, inspectors are not particularly strict about such violations, issuing only warnings to violators.


Finally, we can recommend that novice drivers spend 20 rubles and stick a badge on the rear window of their vehicle. You shouldn’t neglect it, because there is a possibility that such a little thing can prevent an accident, because the driver behind you will keep a greater distance when they see this sign.

Now you know that according to the traffic rules, the “Beginner Driver” sign is required, and its absence is fraught with a small fine. So buy it from the store and stick it on your car. You will have to spend only 20 rubles on it, but it is much cheaper than later paying fines, and more than once.

In March 2009, a decree was issued introducing a new “Beginner Driver” sign into the traffic rules. It was from that moment that the request on the official websites of the traffic police for detailed information about him. Drivers are often interested in questions, which we will try to answer as best as possible in the article.

What it looks like and where to glue it

Answer. “Beginner driver” is a yellow warning sign, made in the shape of a square with sides measuring 150x150 mm. In the middle there is a black exclamation symbol, the height of which is 110 mm; it perfectly attracts the attention of other traffic participants due to the background. The warning sign is located on a self-adhesive base that adheres tightly to the glass.

Important! All signs on a yellow background are warning signs, and drivers pay attention to them!

The traffic rules do not have clear instructions on where to place the “Beginner Driver” sign, but according to an unwritten law, it should be placed on the rear window of the car. The side of placement does not matter much, as long as it is clearly visible to other road users and does not block the view of the driver himself.

Inexperienced drivers place it on the windshield, but this, firstly, may interfere with the view of the road, and secondly, will not give the desired result. The greatest effect is obtained from the sign when it is located in the upper left corner of the rear window of the car.

Is the “Beginner Driver” sign required or not?

Answer. As stated in the law on the basic approval of vehicles for operation, the eighth point: drivers whose driving experience does not exceed two years must stick the “Beginner Driver” sign on their cars.

Of course, failure to comply with the law entails punishment, but in this case, no punishment, for example, in the form of a fine, is provided for disobedience. This began to be used by drivers who had not yet reached two years of experience.

But is this justified? According to statistics, 30% of accidents are caused by drivers who have not yet gained sufficient experience in driving a car. And a period of two years does not guarantee its receipt. Only constant use of the car, studying life on the road, the main route will help you gain experience faster. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to put up a “Beginner Driver” sign to warn other road users that you received your license not so long ago and are still gaining experience.

How long should a sign hang?

Answer. According to the decree, those vehicles whose drivers have not yet reached two years of driving experience must have the “Beginner Driver” sign. It’s enough to look at your license, the date it was issued, and you can tell exactly how long the sign should hang.

Many novice drivers who have gone through this adaptation period decide to leave a sign on the glass if they are not yet fully confident in their abilities. There are no contraindications to this and is permitted by law. It is always better to prevent than to repair damage or losses later. This way you can feel more confident knowing that other drivers are understanding and patient.

Is there a fine for missing a sign?

Answer. As we said earlier, there is a special fine for the absence of a “Beginner Driver” sign on vehicles in legislative framework not provided.

However, if a traffic police officer stops you on the road and finds out that your driving experience does not exceed two years, and the vehicle does not have a sign, then be prepared to be fined. As many drivers testify, punishment follows for the vehicle’s unreadiness for use on the road, under Art. 12.5 part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Of course, this is illegal, because this article talks about specific malfunctions in vehicles for which they can be fined, and this list does not include the absence of a sign.

Important! If you wish, you can appeal the decision of the traffic police inspector to judicial procedure.

But frankly speaking, a fine is the only way to oblige a young and inexperienced driver to hang a warning sign. Thus, you protect not only your life and property, but also other people.

Experiment: a car with a “Beginner Driver” sign - drivers’ reaction

Vladimir, Moscow

“I have more than 10 years of driving experience. After the adoption of a new sign in the traffic rules, I decided to personally verify its necessity. There is a regular route that I take every day to work. Constant traffic jams, everyone honks, swears, shouts. Sometimes you have to jump between cars at speed in order to get into the traffic.

A week ago I hung the “Beginner Driver” sign on the rear window, and now I can draw conclusions about the changing situation on the road. When I got out on the road, I pretended to be an inexperienced driver: I drove slowly, sometimes made sudden movements, or suddenly braked. The first thing I noticed was that I wasn’t being pressed by cars from all sides. Everyone tried to give me more space and kept their distance. I had the opportunity to calmly maneuver in the flow, everyone treated me with understanding.

Secondly, almost no one honked at me or the cars nearby. After all, as you know, a sharp signal can confuse a beginner and cause an emergency. So I calmly got to work.

After driving for a week with the “Beginner Driver” badge, I catch myself thinking, shouldn’t I keep it? Now I can confidently advise newcomers to be sure to hang a warning sign.”

The conclusion is up to you

Let's summarize all of the above:

  • the appearance of a new warning sign has caused a large number of questions that boil down to several basic ones: what kind of sign is this, where to place it and who needs to have it. How long to drive with the “Beginner Driver” sign and its impact on surrounding drivers;
  • There is no penalty in the form of a fine for failure to warn. However, it is strongly recommended that beginners attach it to their vehicle in order to avoid accidents;
  • The presence of the “Beginner Driver” sign helps a young, inexperienced driver quickly get used to the road. At the same time, all participants in the movement actively help him in this: someone lets him go ahead, someone waits patiently behind him, others do not honk or shout. All this creates a calm environment and gives confidence to the beginner;
  • the sign can be left on the glass after the expiration of two years. Until a person is completely confident in his abilities and gains more riding skills, the sign has the right to remain in its place.

Important! The purpose of a Novice Driver warning sign is to provide awareness to a new and inexperienced road user.

Of course, you can give many arguments in favor of having a sign on the glass, but the main decision remains yours: whether to have it or not. As the experiment shows, you will gain more from his presence than you will lose.

How to get over yourself

Some drivers think and are afraid of this, that if they hang a sign on their car “Beginner Driver”, then they will become outcasts on the road, everyone will harass or insult them. As practice shows, 90% of the movement participants were understanding and patient. If you only came across the remaining 10%, then it’s worth noting to them that they too were once just as unsure and inexperienced. Don't pay any attention to them!

According to psychologists, most participants in the movement have an adequate reaction to the mistakes of other people, they understand this and treat it with patience. Those who, from childhood, showed disdain for younger children or in the army - oppressed those of lower rank, such people show aggressiveness and disrespect. It’s good that the number of such people is not large and meeting them on the road is rare.

The sign does not make you an outcast, but rather gives you a number of advantages and makes your ride easier. In addition, try to think about your safety first, and only then about other people’s opinions of you. So don’t be shy, feel free to step over your fear and inconvenience and stick it on the glass.

Where can I buy?

Your firm decision to hang up a “Beginner Driver” sign should be followed by a corresponding action: purchase it. You can buy a sticker in any specialized store in your city, on the market, or order its delivery on the website. It doesn't matter where you buy it, its meaning doesn't change. The main thing is that it is a black exclamation mark on a yellow background.

" How can you recognize a novice driver on the road? Of course, this requires a special novice driver sign. Today I want to talk about this sign, is it needed at all? And if not, what will be the fine? Read on...

You have all completed your driving school and are ready to drive independently in the city. But this is not as simple as it seems; if you are left alone in city traffic, you can very easily get confused - get lost and get into an accident. Because city traffic is a very difficult test, there are a lot of aggressive drivers who strive to cut you off and get in front of you! To be honest, I am a driver with a lot of experience and sometimes I get lost, and what can we say about beginners!

In general, a beginner should be visible on the roads after driving school. And you can identify yourself as a beginner - the sign of a novice driver.

Traffic regulations extract:

« Novice driver sign, this sign is in the form of a yellow square (side 150 mm) with a picture exclamation point black, 110 mm high, mounted on the back of motor vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled vehicles and motorcycles) driven by drivers who have been licensed to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years»

I think this is correct and beginners should definitely identify themselves with these signs! Of course, there is an opinion that, on the contrary, a beginner does not need to identify himself with this sign, because some drivers, on the contrary, try to cut off the “newbie” and create an emergency situation, but there are only a few of them and they are from the category of car substitutes. Many drivers, including me, treat cars with this sign with understanding - they let them go ahead, do not cut them off, give them time for a slow maneuver, etc. This is correct, this is how you should behave, I urge you, professional drivers!

A sign is necessary, but many people ask the question is it mandatory!

Is the novice driver sign required?

The absence of a sign for a novice driver in a car does not provide for any punishment. That is, if a traffic police inspector stopped you and, after looking at your license, determined that you have less than two years of experience, he will not issue you any fine. But without this sign, the driver will not be able to undergo vehicle maintenance (technical inspection). That is, whether to glue the sign or not is up to you.

Where to put the novice driver sign?

It must be secured to the back of the car, but the traffic regulations do not explain where. However, there are recommendations from driving schools - the sign is attached to the rear window of the car either in the upper right corner or in the upper left corner. This will make the sign more visible to cars coming from behind.

Many novice drivers put the novice driver sign not only on the back of the car, but also on the front, so everyone knows that a novice is driving!

Guys, respect newcomers on the roads, remember, we were all beginners once!

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Black exclamation point yellow background, enclosed in a triangle and pasted on the rear window of the car - a kind of warning that a novice is driving the car in front.

This sign is designed to reduce the number of conflicts and accidents on the roads associated with the driver’s lack of experience. But what else do you need to know about him?

Give in to the newcomer!

A Novice Driver warning sign warns other road users to use extreme caution. After all, it is unknown when the person inside the car received a license (or maybe even bought it). You can expect rash maneuvers from such a driver, which will certainly lead to an accident. Of course, this does not relieve the offender of responsibility, because the rules are the same for everyone, but is there a need for trouble in the form of lengthy registration of the scene of an accident?

So, if there is a car ahead of you with a warning sign, it is better not to practice yours. Skip it, give the person a chance to get comfortable. Remember yourself at this moment, it was so scary to be in heavy traffic for the first few weeks.

Requirements for the sign

If you are a beginner and decide to buy a sticker, then consider a few points:

  • The sign has been mandatory since 2009. It must be applied to the car by all drivers with less than 2 years of driving experience.
  • The sign warns drivers of your inexperience, but does not give privileges. You shouldn’t hope that traffic police inspectors will turn a blind eye to violations when they see the badge.
  • All drivers react differently to this sign. Some become more polite, let people through, and help. Others, on the contrary, are trying to show their “coolness”. In addition to sticking the sign, continue to study the rules and signs.
  • The sign is glued to the rear window so that it does not interfere with your view.

Fine for not having a "Beginner Driver" sign

Previously, there was no penalty for missing a sign. But since April 2017, a new clause has appeared in the Code of Administrative Offenses - Part 1, Article 12.5. It says that violation of this requirement is punishable by 500 rubles. At the same time, the driver can be punished repeatedly and until the coveted sticker is on the glass.

It is also worth considering that novice drivers with less than 2 years of experience do not have the right to tow other cars or use a trailer.

Popular questions

Despite the long existence of this sign, many drivers still have questions. Let's answer the most common ones.

Is there a penalty for using a sticker by a driver with more than 2 years of experience?

Once you have passed the two-year driving experience mark and become an experienced driver, the sticker can be removed. But if you leave it, you will not be fined for it. You should remove the sticker when you have real driving experience and confidence on the road. Because after 2 years, many drivers rarely use the car, which reduces the period real experience driving.

What to do if a beginner uses the car of an experienced driver?

The sign needs to be glued. Even if you use 10 cars for driving, each one should have a sticker. When an experienced driver is behind the wheel, the badge does not need to be removed.

Is a sign required for technical inspection?

The “Beginner Driver” sign is mandatory when passing a vehicle inspection as a novice driver. Without it they simply won’t give it to you.

What do several signs on a car mean?

Means that you need to be afraid of this driver and stay as far away as possible. Indeed, many beginners stick two stickers on the front and rear glass at once. By this they show that they have no real driving experience and are very afraid to be on the road.

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