Script for Mother's Day. Competition program for mothers “Mom’s holiday. Mothers' competition for Mother's Day "Our Mothers" in the preparatory school group

Organization: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 125 "Dubok"

Locality: Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary


I developed an entertainment script for Mother's Day.

The most beautiful word on earth is mother. Mom is so short and important word! Without it, life on earth is not possible. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Years pass, mothers grow old, but they remain the most faithful and reliable friends and helpers in their affairs and endeavors. The event script can be used to prepare for Mother's Day. The holiday consists of two parts - a congratulatory and competition program. Helps bring children, parents and teachers closer together.

Target: to instill in schoolchildren love and respect for their mother, a sense of gratitude for her care and love.

Develop relationships between parents and children.

Host: Good afternoon, we are telling you. We are not by chance

gathered today on this November day, in our cozy hall. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a holiday as Mother’s Day. We greet all mothers and grandmothers who came to our holiday, which we dedicated to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.

Child: There are many kind words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important:

The simple word "mother" is made from two syllables.

And there are no words in the world more valuable than it.

1st child: Do you know moms?

2nd child: Do you know?

3rd child: Do you know?

4th child: Then only the children will be calm and happy,

When you laugh

And you don’t scold us,

When you hug

And you promise -

Always love us

Forgive for mistakes

We are allowed to play pranks and play pranks.

Read to us when it’s night outside the window

And stroke it gently with a soft palm.

We don't ask for much -

Love us, mothers,

How we love you -

The only ones!

Song "Congratulations Song"

Host: There are many proverbs and sayings about mothers. We will now check whether our mothers know them. You need to complete the proverb.

Competition 1. Warm-up - mental gymnastics.

It's warm in the sun, it's warm in mother's presence.../good/

Maternal care does not burn in fire, and does not drown in water...

The bird is happy about spring, and the child.../mother/

There is no dearer friend than... / dear mother /

Mother's caress has no end.../knows/

For a mother, a child is up to a hundred years old.../child/

Host: I think everyone in the room will be interested to know how well mothers know their children.

Competition "Find your child"

5-7 children line up, opposite their mothers. One of the mothers is blindfolded. Stroking the children on the head, she looks for her own.

Host: Now let’s check whether the children recognize their mother’s voice.

Mothers, according to the leader’s sign, one at a time, take turns calling the child, but not by name, but “son” or “daughter”. The child, who recognizes the voice of his mother, must turn around

Child: If the sun hid in the clouds, the birds fell silent.

If mom is upset, where can I have fun?

So let the sun always shine on people, sparkling.

We will never upset you, dear.

Host: We all know that mom knows and can do almost everything. However, she cannot do without helpers.


1. Our dear mothers, we will sing ditties for you,

Congratulations to you warmly and hello huge helmet.

2. I am a helper, no matter where I go, cleaning is nonsense to me,

I looked into the vacuum cleaner and my nose was sucked into the tube.

3. I took out the food processor and started chopping the potatoes.

I only remembered when I turned it on that I forgot to clean it

Chorus: Oh-ma, tru-la-la, that’s how my mother is.

4. So that the evil alarm clock does not wake up your mother for work,

I unscrewed two parts for him tonight.

Chorus: Oh-ma, tru-la-la, that’s how my mother is.

5. We all sang a little, we tried for you.

Clap your hands if you liked it

Host: And now, I want to invite the mothers of our boys. The competition "Tie a bow" is announced

Competition "Tie a Bow"

- A jump rope is brought out, in the center of which a large, bright bow is tied. Untied ribbons are attached to the sides of the bow on the jump rope. One girl is tying bows on the left, another on the right. The large bow in the center is the border. Two boys or adults are holding a jump rope.

Children go out in a semicircle

Child: Mommy is like a butterfly, cheerful, beautiful,

Affectionate, kind - the most beloved.

Mommy plays with me and reads fairy tales.

There is nothing more important to her than me – blue eyes.

Child: Mom, I love you very, very much.

I love it so much that I can’t sleep in the dark at night.

I peer into the darkness, I hurry the morning

I love you all the time, mommy.

Child: I will kiss my mother deeply and hug her dear one.

I love her very much, my mother is my sunshine.

Song "Tender Song"

Host: A woman must know how to do everything: wash, iron, darn, cook. Mothers and grandmothers know how to do this. Here's a thread, here's a button, you need to work hard,

I know our mothers, great craftsmen.

Competition "Who can sew a button faster"

Two mothers are given beautiful, specially sewn, double cloths; large bright buttons made of thick cardboard; needle and thread.

Host: It’s still too early for children to sew on buttons, but I think they can make beads for their mother.

Competition "Make Beads for Mom"

3 mothers sit on chairs. Her child stands next to the chair. Each mother is given a cord of a certain color (red, yellow, green). On the floor in a hoop there are five rings from a pyramid of the same color. According to the count “1,2,3”, children take one bead of the color of the lace and bring it to their mother, stringing it onto the cord. The couple with beads on their mother's neck wins.

Host: Dear mothers, as dear to us.

Tirelessly today, we will talk about you,

1 child: We wish to be the same as before,

But just a little more fun.

We wish that your hopes come true,

As early and quickly as possible

2nd child: So that daily worries,

The smile was not removed from his face.

So that you come home from work,

Without a shadow of sadness and sadness.

3 child: So that the autumn breeze,

I blew away the sediment from my heart of sorrow,

Only by laughing did he disturb the order.

4th child: Mothers beloved, kind and beautiful

We will now congratulate you and give you this dance.

Polka dance

Host: I propose to hold a competition that will help test the erudition of our mothers, grandmothers and children in the field of poetry and fairy tales.

Competition "Find a mistake and give birth correctly"

*They dropped the bunny on the floor and tore off the bunny’s paw.

I won’t leave him anyway, because he’s good.

*Sailor's hat, rope in hand,

I'm pulling a basket along a fast river.

And the kittens are jumping on my heels,

And they ask me: “Ride, captain!”

*I sewed a shirt for Grishka,

I'll sew some pants for him.

I need to sew a sock on them

And add some confetti

*What kind of transport did Emelya use? (on a sleigh, in a carriage, on a stove, in a car)

*Where should a bear not sit? (on a bench, on a log, on a stone, on a stump)

*What did Leopold the cat say to the mice? (stop being naughty, come visit, you are my friends, let's live together)

Presenter: We are finishing our holiday,

We wish dear mothers

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, prettier

Child: So that the autumn breeze,

I blew away the sediment from my heart of sorrow,

Only by laughing did he disturb the order.

Child: May adversity and sorrow

They'll pass you by

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.

Child: We are finishing our holiday,

Dear mothers, we invite you to dance.

Dance "Waltz for Moms"

Host: Our festive evening has come to an end, once again accept our congratulations on such a wonderful holiday, and may the smiles, so tender and joyful, never leave your lips.

Description: I offer you outdoor games for sports and musical leisure "Mother's Day" or " Women's Day- the eighth of March" for children of middle, older age and children of the preparatory group for school. This material will be useful to physical education instructors, teachers of secondary - preparatory groups, music directors.
Target: creating conditions for the development of motor activity in children.
- improve motor skills;
- to form coordination and coordination of movements various parts bodies;
- continue to improve children’s walking, running, crawling, and throwing skills;
- develop agility, dexterity, speed and intelligence through games and relay races;
- bring up friendly relations, desire to act in a team.
- cultivate a respectful, friendly attitude towards adults, a desire to engage in joint activities.
* * *
- There is a special day in November, it’s called “Mother’s Day”,
We will give her all the love, let her mother smile,
We wish her love, health and goodness,
And let’s shout loudly to mom three times “Hurray!”

1.Game "Recognize by Voice"(4-6 years)
Host: How many nights have you spent near children's cribs? As soon as they heard crying, they jumped out of bed. Therefore, you can easily recognize your child's voice.
Children stand in a circle, holding hands, mothers stand scattered in a circle, eyes closed. Children walk in a circle saying:
We walk in a circle, calling our mommy,
Mommy, guess who called you, find out.
The child says: “Wa – wa!”, the mother must recognize the voice of her child.
2. Game "Sun"(3-5 years).
Host: It’s warm in the sun, good in mommy’s presence.
Place ribbons around the hoop (rays), whoever is faster.
3. Game "Waiters"(5-7 years).
Host: Our mothers are used to cleaning, cooking, sewing, and now let’s check how dexterous they are: whose family will set the table and clear the table faster.
The child runs first, carries a saucer with a cup and a spoon on a tennis racket up to a cube and places it on it (sets the table), runs back, hands the racket to his mother. Mom must go to the cube, put a saucer, cup and spoon on the racket (remove it from the table) and take it back to whose family is faster.
4. Game "Cleaning the Apartment"(4-7 years old).
Balls of four colors are scattered on the floor (equal amounts of each color). Leading:
Watch your children play.
One, two, three - you clean the apartment!
Four children need to collect balls (each of a certain color) into baskets to see who is faster.
5. Game "Best Dancer"(4-7 years old).
To the music, mothers and children dance throughout the hall, as soon as the music ends, you need to stand together with your mother in a hoop, whose pair is faster. There is one less hoop than par.
6. Game “Building a house, a big house”(5-7 years).
Whose family can build a house from soft cubes faster?
7. Game "Winders"(6-7 years)
Whose family will rewind the ribbon faster?
8. Game "Call me"(4-7 years old).
The children stand with their backs to the audience, the mother calls her child, whoever is called responds.
9. Game “Whose Circle Will Meet Sooner”(4-7 years old).
Moms stand in a circle. Children walk around while the music is playing, and when the music ends, they stand up to their mother and hold hands, and then vice versa - the mothers walk in a circle.
10. Relay “Gift for Mom”(5-7 years).
We didn’t buy a gift for mom,
Let's prepare it ourselves.
Children are divided into two columns.
Task: choose from the basket what you can give to your mother. Children stand in two columns.
11.Game "House"(6-7 years old).
Two mothers stand in the corners of the hall, holding large scarves by the corners. Children jump around the hall saying:
We can run fast, we love to jump and gallop,
One, two, three, one, two, three - run to mommy’s house!
At the end of the words, they run to the nearest house (mothers raise their scarves up).
The last team in the house is eliminated.
12.Game "Find the tea pair"(5-7 years).
Participants are given one item each (paired cups and saucers). Children move freely and jump to the music. At the end of the music, after the words: “One, two, three, find your match,” the children run up to each other and put a cup of the corresponding color on a saucer.
13.Game "Collect as many balls as possible"(5-7 years).
Balls are scattered on the carpet, two players stand near the hoops (mother and child) with clubs in their hands (possibly with gymnastic sticks). After the words: “One, two, three, collect all the balls,” you need to collect as many balls as possible into your hoop.

Tatiana Rodionova-Yakovleva
Competitive game program for Mother's Day in senior group“My dear mother!”

Progress of the event:


1. Happy holiday today to my mother,

I hug my mother tightly by the neck.

The most beautiful my mommy,

I promise to always be obedient.

2. Mommy, sorry me: I spilled the tablecloth,

And your tulips fell off the table.

And the vase broke, and there was a puddle on the floor...

If you want, mommy, I'll stand in the corner.

3. I take care of my mother’s work and help as much as I can.

Mom made cutlets for lunch today,

And she said: “Listen, help me, eat!”

I ate a little, isn't that a help?

4. He who warms with love succeeds in everything in the world,

Even play a little?

Who will always console you, and wash you, and comb your hair?

He'll kiss you on the cheek - smack! This is how she is always - mine dear mommy!

Leading: In this world there are words that we call holy. And one of these holy, warm, kind words- word - "Mother". The word that the child says most often, and this word is "Mother". Word - "Mother" carries warmth - warmth mother's hands, mother's word, mother soul.

Today, on the eve of the wonderful holiday of the Day mothers, the day itself native people - we have gathered here to congratulate all women. And also in order to get a boost of energy, show off your erudition, and learn a lot of new and interesting things. Today in our competitive game program two teams will participate. Which consist of mothers and their children. Let's welcome the participants.

Leading: We wish you all good luck today! Before the beginning competition I would like to introduce the members of our jury.

There are good people everywhere.

There are a lot of them, no matter what you say.

This time you will be judged

A hyper-objective jury.

Leading: Five-point system. I think that the jury will appreciate our participants and will award only the highest scores. And I wish for the audience that our holiday brings a lot of joy and happy moments. And, as you understand, we cannot do without your support!

Don't spare your palms

Let the ovation in the group is thundering!

You cheer for our participants -

Let the smiles of the jury convince.

Leading: warm-up competition"Dance".

I ask participants to stand in pairs (mother - child). Now there will be dance music. First, the children perform the dance movements, and mothers, as in a mirror, must repeat all the movements after them. The judges will evaluate the accuracy and beauty of the movements. Then the warm-up participants will switch roles.

(Dance music plays. Children dance, and mothers repeat their movements. Then mothers dance, and children repeat their movements).

Leading: The jury sums up the results of the dance competition, and we continue.

(children read poetry_)

1. Congratulations, mommy, today is your day!

Let lilacs bloom in your soul in honor of the holiday,

The sun is shining brighter, the frost is not in a hurry,

Life will be strewn with rose petals!

2. May your life be full of joy,

There will be sunshine in the soul, spring in the heart,

Day mothers gives warmth and love.

I say thank you again and again!

3. Happy day I congratulate you mother,

Thank you for what life has given you.

I wish you health and bright years.

And remember, I love you very much!

Leading: Relay race "Make your bed" -

There are tables in front of each team, and the ones next to them are in disarray lie: crib, mattress, pillow, sheet, blanket and bedspread. At the signal, the mothers from each team run first and the first thing they do is set up the beds, words. children run and put down a mattress and so on.

Leading: Well done team, but still our jury, who are given the floor, evaluates you.

(word from the jury)

Leading: The jury announced the first results, don’t be upset - everything is just beginning! Our mothers have already shown how wonderful they dance, let's now check how they sing. I announce ditty competition, but these are not just ditties, and mothers will sing to themselves)

(Moms are given prepared ditties. "Ditties about our mothers")

1. Put your ears on top of your head and listen attentively.

We will sing ditties for you just wonderful.

2. Why doesn’t dad like it when mom puts on makeup?

Because all men immediately like mom!

3. Mom runs away from her family in the morning to go to work.

This mommy He’s just taking a break from us.

4. Mom went on a diet - she gives me all the candy,

If there were no diets, I wouldn’t have seen candy.

5. And who are you born into? -Mom is surprised.

Of course, who can doubt it?

6. The whole family and I played tag on the river.

Dad swam like an axe, Mom swam like a little mermaid.

7. Mom keeps telling me loudly nok: Our dad is a big child!

Musi-pusi-okay. He is grandma's child!

8. All questions and questions, but we have only one answer:

No one asks, there is anyone better than mom!

Presenter: Dear jury, we ask you to give marks for competition of ditties for our mothers. And for the next one competition I need the bravest ones.

(from each team a pair (mother + child, 2 pairs possible.)

Soon New Year and mothers are already thinking about what costume to sew for their child for the matinee. Let’s imagine that tomorrow is the matinee and you urgently need to make a costume for your child from what you have at home. (newspapers, stapler, scissors, tape, satin ribbons, etc.).team representatives can go to another room to create a masterpiece. We wish you good luck, you have 15 minutes! the jury times the time.

(the couples leave and the program continues)

Leading: Meanwhile we will continue. Children, you have all seen how your mothers are getting ready for work. Have you seen it?

What are they doing? They dress nicely, comb their hair, put makeup on their faces. Do you take a bag with you? (Children's answers)

Contest“Getting Mom ready for work”.on command, the children must get their mother ready for work.

(on the table: scarf, scarf, skirt, jacket (bolero, lipstick)

Leading: Moms are ready, let's walk a little so that the jury can evaluate children's efforts.

(the jury evaluates the result competition“Getting Mom ready for work”.)

Leading: and here are our carnival costumes ready. I ask participants to submit their work.

(Participants pass by the jury.)

While the jury sums up the results, let the children speak

1. Together with autumn, all children

Greetings to dear mothers,

"Mother"- dear word,

There is warmth and light in that word

2. Mom is loved by everyone in the world.

Mom is your best friend!

Not only children love their mothers,

Loved by everyone around.

3 Today we invited you,

To be loud and friendly say:

Dear mothers, we congratulate you

And we want to wish you happiness!

Leading: the jury is out today simple work fell out, but still we ask for the results of the past competitions.

(the jury announces the results)

Leading: we’ve already covered a lot, and we’re a little tired, but I still propose the final relay "Mistress".

First (to mothers) are given: broom and balloon. On mom's signal start and with a broom they drive the balloon to the stand, go around it and, returning, pass the broom to the child. And so in turn - mother and child.

Leading: Let's applaud all participants competition. We ask the jury to evaluate the latter competition and sum up.

1. We are finishing our holiday,

We wish dear mothers,

So that mothers don't were getting old,

Younger, prettier.

2. We wish our mothers,

Never be discouraged

Be more and more beautiful every year

And scold us less.

3. Let adversity and sorrow,

They'll pass you by

So that every day of the week,

It was like a day off for you.

4. We want, for no reason,

They would give you flowers.

All the men smiled

From your wonderful beauty.

(Children give homemade cards to their mothers.)

Leading: Our holiday has come to an end. We thank all participants competition, for attention to children, for the pleasure and festive mood. Let joint preparation for the holidays and your participation in the lives of children kindergarten, will remain forever a good tradition of your family. Thank you for your kind heart, for your desire to be close to children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see kind and gentle smiles mommies, happy eyes of their children. For your participation in our holiday and for the fact that you are always with us, for being the most, the most.

Extracurricular activity - Mother's Day,

competitive game program “Mothers and Daughters”


1) nurturing love and feelings of gratitude towards the mother;

2) creating friendly relations between mothers and students;

3) moral and aesthetic education of students.


1) fostering a respectful attitude towards mothers, desire

To help them;

2) help children enter real life through the game,

And for mothers to take a break from her for a while;

3) creating a warm moral climate between mothers and children.

Equipment:1) newspapers “My mother is the best!”

(with photos of mothers)

2) portraits “Our Mothers” - drawings of children

3) posters with the words:

  • “A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness” (O. Balzac);
  • “Everything beautiful in a person comes from the rays of the sun and from mother’s milk” (A.M. Gorky);
  • “Love for the Motherland begins with love for the mother. And a person begins with his relationship to his mother. And all the best that is in a person is given to him from his mother” (Yu.A. Yakovlev);
  • “We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother” (Musa Jalil).

4) multimedia projector

Progress of the event.

The song from the movie "Mama" is played.

Teacher:-Good afternoon! For 4 years now, on the last Sunday of November, Russia has been celebrating a new holiday - Mother's Day.

Many countries around the world celebrate Mother's Day, although different time. At the same time, unlike the International women's day On March 8, Mother's Day, only mothers and pregnant women are honored, and not all representatives of the fairer sex

Presenter 1:The most beautiful word on earth - Mother. This is the first word a person utters. It sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world.

Presenter 2:Today we have gathered to say to our mothers: thank you very much! Thanks for your hard work! Behind sleepless nights at our cribs! For your patience during our training!

Presenter 1:On behalf of all children we say: Low bow to you, our dear mothers!

Presenter 2:

Your children want to congratulate you, dear women, kind, real, today. We give the floor to them.

-9th grade students Alexandra Ter-Sogomonova and Ilya Aksenov perform. They will read a poem about mom.

You only know your mother at home,

Native hands protect

Homely, affectionate comfort,

So familiar and familiar.

And you don't always see your mother

In her labor concerns...

Don't you send a telegram with her?

You don’t treat the sick with her.

Don't rush with her on a steam locomotive,

You don’t see her at the machine,

And glory to her in her work

You don't share yet.

But if mom sometimes

She will come tired from work -

Warm her with your care,

Help her with everything then.

Do it in the world

We can do a lot

In the depths of the sea and space too.

Business and roads

There will be a lot in life...

Let's ask ourselves:

Well, where do they begin?

This is our answer

The most correct one:

Everything we live

It begins...

From mom!

Presenter 1:

Children are the most precious thing for a mother.

A mother's happiness lies in the happiness of her children. There is nothing in the world more selfless than her love. Mom is the first teacher and friend, and the closest one. She will always understand, console, help in Hard time, will protect you from trouble. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than mother.

Teacher : The mother's hands rocked the children in the cradle when they were little.

It was mother who warmed them with her breath and lulled them to sleep.

With your song.

Presenter 1:

9th grade student Nikolai Cherkasov speaking. He will read a poem about his mother.

The morning begins

Mom wakes up.

And my mother's smile

The morning begins.

With warm palms

Mom will warm us up

With kind words

Sadness will dispel.

Presenters 1 and 2 (in turns):

Our mothers, caring for two children and a husband, during the year:

18,000 knives, forks and spoons are washed,

13000 plates,

8000 cups.

The total weight of the dishes that our mothers carry from the kitchen cabinet to the dining table and back reaches 5 tons per year.

They also wash mountains of laundry; if you add up all the washed laundry, you will get a mountain as tall as Elbrus;

During the year, our mothers walk 2000 km for shopping.

What if mothers work?

And if mothers work, we should help them!

It seems that after such work, my mother has no strength left. Yes, mothers get very tired. And yet they still have time for us. Mom is the closest person to us.

Presenter 1:
Yes, indeed, for each of us, be it Small child or an already graying adult - mother - the dearest, dearest person in the world. And today we once again congratulate our mothers on the holiday and wish them health, youth, peace of mind and a caring attitude from their loved ones. But as you know, mothers are not born, mothers are made. Once upon a time, our mothers were restless, cheerful girls who loved to play different games.

Therefore, today we invite mothers to remember their childhood and feel like little girls again and take part in our competitive game program “Mothers and Daughters”.
So, meet the Mommies team.

They enter to the song “Talk to me, mom” by V. Tolkunova

Presenter 2: The second team is represented by their daughters, girls who will become mothers in the future and cope with all the work and worries that will fall on their shoulders. Meet the "Daughters" team.

Enter to the song “Daughter” by A. Pugacheva

Presenter1: Well, we’ve met the teams, let’s meet the jury who will evaluate the performance of our participants.
Today the jury consists of:

- Siluyanova M.V. - head teacher

Kurbatskaya T.V. – Deputy Director for Educational Work

Zakharova M.A. – deputy security director

Trubkin P.V. – teacher – organizer of sports work.

Teacher: And now Competition No. 1 “Getting to know each other.”

The homework that the teams prepared was baking. And now the teams had to prepare a story about themselves, about their team.

Presenter #1:

Competition No. 2 “Warm-up” .

Participants need to answer funny questions. The team that gives the most answers in a minute is considered the winner of the competition.

Questions for competition No. 2: Warm-up

  • How to write “mousetrap” in five letters? (Cat)
  • Who throws themselves into work? (Diver)
  • What is "glue business"? (Fishing)
  • Which fields can you drive through or walk through? (On the brim of a hat)
  • What has a head but no brain? (Onion garlic)
  • How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (Hay)
  • Who sits with his back to the king? (Coachman)
  • Who's grasping at straws? (The one who drinks the cocktail)

Teacher: Now it’s time to hold the next competition.

Competition No. 3: Define the cereal.

Blindfolded, identify cereals (flour, beans, rice, buckwheat, peas, noodles, rolled oats, millet).

Presenter No. 2: Competition No. 4: Understand without words.

Mothers and daughters participate in the competition. "Mother" must use facial expressions and gestures to say a phrase, and "Daughter" understand it and vice versa.

Example phrases:

  • wash the floor,
  • read a book
  • go to the grocery store (for moms),
  • sign the diary, I got a bad grade,
  • We're having a disco at school today (for our daughters).

Teacher: It's time for the next competition.

Competition No. 5: Game “Shifters” (names of TV shows).

You can write on pieces of paper, quickly discuss and answer.

1. “Bad Night” (“Good Day”)

2.“Completely Glasno” (“Top Secret”)

3. “Bar of the Sad and Confused” (“KVN”)

4. “Looking for you” (“Wait for me”)

5. “Cold Twenty” (“Hot Ten”)

6.“Good night, world" (" Good morning, a country")

7. “Your garden” (“Our garden”)

8. “Village” (“Town”)

9. “Evening parcel” (“Morning mail”)

10. “You’ll put it on later” (“Take it off immediately”)

11. “Hello! Alone on the street!” (“While everyone is at home”)

12. “From the war of people” (“In the animal world”)

13. “Good morning, old lady” (“Good night, kids”)

14. “Death 03” (“Rescue 911”)

Teacher: And now we will hold the next competition.

Competition No. 6 “Dance”.

We need to dance “Gypsy” and “Lambada”. During the dances, music is turned on that does not at all correspond to the dance. The participants’ task is not to lose their way.

Presenter 1: Let's move on to the next competition.

Competition No. 7 "Culinary".

In front of each team there is a certain list of products on the table. These are: boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, carrots, beets, white bread, mayonnaise, cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers.
From these products, in 7 minutes you need to prepare one or more dishes that could be fed to an unexpected guest. The whole team participates in the cooking process. The originality, quantity and decoration of the dishes will be judged.
(A competition is held and the results are summed up).

Teacher: Guys, you have gradually grown up and have already begun to learn your first children's poems with your mothers. And when you confused the lines, your mothers tried to tell you. How did they do it?

Competition No. 8 “Pantomime”

So, the teams receive a note with the beginning of the poem and a pantomime hint, they show the movements of the characters in the poem, they need to guess and tell the poem to the end.


  • “The bull is walking, swinging...”
  • “They dropped Mishka on the floor...”
  • “The owner abandoned the bunny...”
  • “Our Tanya is crying loudly...”
  • “Teddy bear...”
  • "I love my horse..."

Teacher: Competition No. 9. "Guess the melody"

Teacher: Have you forgotten children's songs from cartoons yet? A fragment of a song plays for a few seconds, you need to guess the name of the song or cartoon. You can sing a little.

A choir of students from grades 3 to 6 performs a song about mother.

Presenter #2: Competition No. 10 “In the world of musical works”

Teacher: In the names of famous musical works, all words were replaced with their opposite meaning. Restore

The true names “encrypted” in this way.

2. “Father Frost” (“The Snow Maiden”, opera by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov)

3. “The Awake Scarecrow” (“Sleeping Beauty”, ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky)

4. “Sad Bride” (“The Merry Widow”, operetta by F. Legare)

5. " King of Diamonds"(The Queen of Spades, opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky)

6. “The Tale of the Iron Hen” (“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, opera by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov)

The jury sums up the results of the competition

Teacher: And now guys, we will praise our mother (the word “Mom” is pronounced by everyone together)


1.The sun is brighter for me - Mother!

2.Peace and happiness for me - Mother!

3. The noise of the branches, the flowers of the fields - Mother!

4.Call of flying cranes - Mother!

5. The spring has clean water - Mother!

6. In the sky bright Star - Mother!

7. Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers.

We are for everything, for all relatives

Let's talk "Thank you!

Teacher :

Dear women! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! May your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love, and happiness!

Presenter 1:

Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This holiday leaves no one indifferent. That is why we would like to say today words of gratitude to all mothers who give love, kindness, tenderness and affection to their children. Thank you!

Presenter 2:

– Always be beautiful and loved! May your children give you strength and happiness! Life goes on because you are on Earth!

Presenter 1: This concludes our competitive game program “Mothers and Daughters”. Many thanks to all participants, fans, and helpers. Let this charge of vivacity and Have a good mood will be with you for a whole week. And we say goodbye to you. Goodbye!

Presenter 2:

See you again!

Song “Mama” (from the movie “Mama”).

Trap Mom

The mother is blindfolded and her child is given a bell. We need to catch the baby.

Get to know your child

The mother is blindfolded and several children are brought to her. A mother needs to get to know her child.

Whose mom is this?

The mother is placed on a high chair, covered with a blanket or other cover, and the kids determine whose mother it is.


Carlson's assistant

Carlson blindfolds the child and offers to try several types of jam. The child should recognize it by taste.

Game option: find out by taste what kind of sweet Carlson put in his mouth (pieces of toffee, marmalade, chocolate, marshmallow, etc. are used).

Tie the girl a scarf

Two or three boys compete. In front of each boy, a girl sits on a chair; headscarves hang on the backs of the chairs. At the signal, the boys tie scarves on the girls. Who is faster?

Dress your son

Two girls participate in the game. A table is placed, two diapers, two caps, two rompers for the doll and two shirts are placed on it. At the signal, the girls begin to dress the dolls. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Make soup and compote

Children are divided into two teams: one will “cook” the soup (name vegetables), and the other will “compote” (name fruits). The children take turns speaking. The team that names the most words wins.

Option: not teams play, but two people.

Transfer your purchases

There are two chairs on one side of the hall. Arranged on them: a skittle - a bottle of milk, a cube - a loaf of bread, a bag of sand - a bag of sugar. The players stand on the other side of the hall. At a signal, they take the baskets and run to the chairs, put the “products” in the basket and return back. The one who completes the task faster wins.


On two tables there are each a handbag, beads, clips, lipstick and a mirror. There are two players. At the signal, you need to put on beads, clips, put on lipstick, take your purse and run to the opposite wall of the hall. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Tender words

Children invite their parents, and everyone stands in a circle. The presenter says a gentle word about mom and passes the balloon to the person standing next to her. He says his gentle word and passes the ball on. Whoever does not say the word leaves the game. The remaining 2-3 people win and are rewarded with balls.

I am the most beautiful!

For the game you will need four chairs on which lie 4 long skirts, 4 scarves. Two teams consist of a boy and a mother. First, mothers run, put on a scarf, a skirt, sit on a chair, and say: “I am the most beautiful!” Then they undress, run to the children, who do the same actions. The team that finishes the relay first wins.


Colored hoops are laid out on the floor - these are “flower beds”. A child, a “flower,” squats in each “flowerbed.” To music (for example, “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky), children imitate the growth of flowers, run out of hoops and dance. As soon as the music stops, you need to return to your flowerbed and not get confused!

Who will drink from a bottle faster?

Mother and daughter participate in the game. You need to drink juice from a bottle with a nipple.

Variant of the game, two or three children participate.

Scooter racing

Two teams, each with three children, participate in the relay race. At a signal, two children race on scooters to a certain point and return back, passing the scooters to other team members, etc. Which team will complete the task faster?

Collect a flower for mom

Prepare two large cardboard flowers in advance, poppy and cornflower, with the same number of petals. Flowers are cut into petals and cores. Lay them out on the table or floor in disarray. Two players, at a signal, collect a flower, each their own. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Courtesy check

This competition is tricky and is only held once. Before the start of the boys' competition, a girl passes in front of them and, as if by accident, drops her handkerchief. The boy who guessed to pick up the scarf and politely return it to the girl wins. After this it is announced that this was the first competition. Option: if the competition is between two teams, then the point is awarded to the one from which the most polite boy was.

Compliment competition

A girl is invited to the middle of the hall. The teams take turns complimenting the girl; repeating cannot be done. The team that gives the most compliments wins.

Grandma's ball

The rope is tied into a ring. One person driving leaves the room or turns away. The rest, holding the rope with both hands, become entangled, forming a living “grandmother’s tangle.” The driver must untangle it so that the circle forms again.

Gift for mom

2-3 children compete. Everyone comes up with what gift they would like to give their mother, and then pantomimes this gift. Who made it clearer?

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