The most poisonous spider in the world (10 photos). Terrible Brazilian soldier spiders Brazilian wandering spider consequences of a bite

Let's talk about the Brazilian spider. He is among the top dangerous insects planets. The word wandering is added to its name and for good reason. This spider, unlike the others, does not weave a web, but is on a constant journey, that is, it wanders.

You can only meet him in America, where he lives not only in the tropics, but can often be a resident of houses and outbuildings. Why is it special and what threat does it pose to humans?

The assassin spider (phoneutria) is a very fast and aggressive representative of its genus.

The Brazilian has two types: jumping and running, but they are all equally poisonous. What does he look like?

Spider appearance

An individual of this type of spider is very large, sometimes its dimensions reach 10 cm in length. The size of the head and chest are small, in contrast to its belly, which is very thick, since the spider feeds a lot.

The legs are very massive, covered hairline, which makes his appearance the most menacing. Color changes depending on the habitat. Sometimes it can be dark brown, sometimes with the addition of green specks, or brown with reddish hues.

Another feature by which you can easily determine that this particular spider is in front of you is its method of protection, which also determines its type. During a threat from the environment, he takes a very interesting situation, stands on its hind legs and lifts its front legs up. During such a ritual, he swings from side to side, his chelicerae (jaw apparatus) become crimson-red.

Reproduction and life cycle

It is often found in nature that female insects are larger than the male, and this is also the case with spiders. After mating, the female can eat the male, but some species live in families, in one nest, and since the Brazilian constantly wanders, it sometimes happens that the male spider ends up being the victim.

In adult representatives mating dance looks very interesting. The male offers the caught food to the female, who cannot resist and freezes. At this time, mating occurs.

After a few weeks, the female lays eggs in a cocoon and guards it until young nymphs emerge, who then independently disperse throughout the tropics and wander in search of food in order to grow to large sizes.


During constant movement, the spider looks for prey, which can be insects, small spiders, and even attacks tropical frogs, birds and lizards.

The arthropod received its name “banana” for its special passion for fruit. Because of this, the spider can often be found in boxes of bananas prepared for export. Thus, it can be imported into another country.

But the basis of the diet is still meat. Once inside, the poison turns the insides into a broth, which is subsequently sucked out by the insect.


The soldier spider, so called because of the way it raises its front legs up, is a nocturnal resident, that is, in daytime he hides in a cool place. Such a place could be a snag or a stone (on the ground). Having seen its prey, the spider makes itself known with lightning speed. At night the insect wanders.

When attacking small animals, it sinks its jaws and injects poison into the body, which paralyzes the animal in a couple of seconds. If an insect manages to enter the house, it immediately hides.

Its storage can be shoes, clothes, hats. And therefore, people may suffer due to their illiteracy, that is, not checking items of clothing before putting them on.


Its habitat is the tropics and subtropics of South America. They prefer a terrestrial location, but often climb tree trunks and hide in thick, damp foliage.

In Russia, such a representative of wildlife has not been recorded, but you still should not be careful. There is a replacement for him, which is not inferior in danger - this is a black widow.

Danger to humans

The poison of the Brazilian representative of arthropods poses a mortal danger to humans.

It contains a neurotoxin that, when released into the human bloodstream, causes the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased body temperature and fever;
  • attacks of suffocation followed by respiratory arrest;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • complete atrophy of muscle mass.

The poison is most dangerous for males, the reasons for this are unclear. They experience a painful erection that lasts for a long time.

If you manage to meet a banana spider, then having bitten once, it does not try to escape, but strives to do it again. Once in the child's blood, the neurotoxin causes a severe allergic reaction, in which in some cases the child cannot be saved, even without being taken to the nearest emergency room.

And since South American countries are not very rich in experienced medical workers, and some settlements do not see them at all, an antidote that is not administered on time takes a person’s life.

Important! The insect does not attack the victim on its own. This happens in the case of self-defense. For example, if you put on a shoe that has a spider in it and thereby crush it, then it is not surprising that it will bite you. Therefore, caution is needed here.

An interesting fact from a traveling American who describes the symptoms of a spider bite. The incident occurred in 1998. While sorting bananas into boxes, he was accidentally bitten by a soldier spider. It looked like this: as if a long, sharp dagger had been stuck into my hand.

My hand immediately swelled and my head began to spin. His heartbeat increased to such an extent that he felt like it would burst out. My breathing stopped and spasms appeared. The doctors were in the right place and on time, they injected him with an antidote, which caused the American to get back on his feet the very next day.

Time from bite to death

This concept is very vague, since it is impossible to define this period of time with the same name, it all depends on the resistance of the human body and the immune system.

Video: Spider Danger

If you believe the stories of travelers, this time can be 30 minutes if the bite occurred on small child. And a little longer if an adult was bitten. Not every time there is a doctor nearby with an antidote, so an encounter with a spider can end tragically.

Lethal dose of poison

It is believed that one bite and an injected portion of a toxic substance is enough to cause death. During a bite, a person may not feel the injection of poison, but after a second the skin begins to burn, the poison enters the lymph and blood. In 80% of cases, you are guaranteed to go into cardiac arrest.

If you determine the amount of poison that is needed to kill your victim, then it is as follows: for small rodent 6 mcg directly into the blood is enough and a little more, about 130 mcg under the skin. The human dose can be calculated by taking into account that average weight rodent about 50 grams.


Today, medical scientists have nevertheless developed an antidote against the venom of the Brazilian wandering insect.

Obtaining it is a very difficult process, but still it helps many. Due to the presence of antivenom, mortality from bites is reduced. According to statistics, it is 3%.


To summarize the whole story, we note that the spider causes danger if it itself senses danger from environment, he himself will not attack first. This must be remembered whenever you encounter an arthropod, be it Brazilian or other poisonous spider.

But there are real extreme sports enthusiasts in exotic breeding. And the Brazilian spider is their favorite pet, which is kept in glass terrariums.

Video: Brazilian Wandering Spider

Yandex.Taxi will launch a cargo transportation service
The new service will provide the opportunity to order cargo transportation at two tariffs. It will also be possible to use the service of a loader. The first tariff allows you to order a car(Citroen Berlingo and Lada Largus) with a cargo compartment with a total carrying capacity of no more than 1 ton. The second tariff includes light-duty vans with a carrying capacity of up to 3.5 tons, for example, Citroen Jumper and GAZelle NEXT. The cars will be no older than 2008, Kommersant reports.
Clients will also be able to order transport with loaders, but if the driver works alone, he will not receive such orders. Yandex.Taxi promises “special bonuses for some partners and drivers” who subscribe to the new tariff.

The most poisonous spider in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is considered “ Brazilian wandering pau To". This spider got its name because it does not sit in one place and does not weave webs, but actively moves in search of food. Another extremely dangerous spider is the Black Widow, which can be found in the Caucasus and Crimea.

Brazilian wandering spider ( Phoneutria) - fast, very active and most importantly - poisonous. Brazilian name of the animal: aranha armadeira, aranha de bananeira (aranha armadeira, aranha de bananeira) - armed spider or banana spider.

This spider deservedly received its self-explanatory name: it does not weave webs, like most spiders, because it does not need it. The wandering spider never lives in one place, but always wanders. What is unpleasant for a person is that sometimes he enters houses. In South America, these spiders are often found in clothes or in boxes with clothes and food.

The wandering spider is found only in America, and even then most often in tropical and subtropical regions. There are two types of Brazilian wandering spiders - jumping spiders, which pursue their prey with jerky jumps, and running spiders. The latter run very fast, but lead night look life, and during the day they sit under stones or hide in some other place, including in people's houses.

The Brazilian wandering spider loves to feast on bananas and will not miss the opportunity to climb into a box with this fruit. For its addiction, this spider received another name - the banana spider. But the main food for him is still not fruits. It hunts mainly other spiders and insects, and it also happens that it attacks birds and lizards that are larger than it.

He himself is a rather small predator - only about 10 cm. But his small size does not prevent him from being an excellent hunter and a serious problem for people, and all because he is capable of releasing a solid dose of toxic poison when biting, which is formed at the ends of the chelicerae. in the channels of the poisonous glands.

Maybe it's poison wandering spider less dangerous than snake venom. Adult healthy person it is unlikely to kill - it will only cause a serious allergic reaction, which modern medicine can quickly cope with. But if a Brazilian wandering spider bites a sick person or a small child, the poison can take effect faster than an ambulance can arrive. Some specimens of this spider are so dangerous that human death can occur within 20-30 minutes if immediate help is not provided.

Fortunately for the people of Russia, wandering spiders they do not live here and are unlikely to ever appear: the climate is not entirely suitable. But you still need to remember to be careful when handling these arthropods, in case you still have to meet them.

By itself, the wandering spider does not attack humans. It bites only in self-defense. But the problem is that these spiders like to hide and are very difficult to notice. If you find a wandering spider, try to quickly take it out of the house and look through all the boxes and cabinets to see if there is another one in them. If possible, you need to be as careful as possible and under no circumstances pick up the spider.

Karaku?rt(from the Turkic “kara” - black and “kurt” - worm, insect; lat. Latrodectus tredecimguttatus) or steppe spider- a species of poisonous spiders from the genus of black widows.

Karakurt- a medium-sized spider (female 10-20 mm, male 4-7 mm), black with red dots on the abdomen. Distributed in desert and steppe zone Central Asia, in the Caucasus, Crimea, as well as in Iran, Afghanistan and along the shores Mediterranean Sea. Favorite habitats are virgin wormwood, wastelands, banks of irrigation ditches, slopes of ravines, etc.

Only female spiders are dangerous to humans and farm animals. The female's bites can be fatal to humans and animals such as camels and horses. The male, having a much smaller size, does not pose a danger to humans, since he cannot bite through the rather thick human skin. It does not pose a danger to animals to the same extent as the female. Mature females are the most poisonous. Karakurt poison is not only 15 times stronger than poison one of the most terrible snakes - rattlesnake, but in general it is one of the most toxic substances of organic origin on Earth.

The frequency of bites in some years increases sharply due to the massive reproduction of karakurt. The number of victims increases during periods of migration of female spiders - in the summer months.

Karakurt poison neurotoxic, causes an extremely intense release of acetylcholine at neuromuscular synapses, as well as acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine and alpha-aminobutyrate at the synapses of the central nervous system, as well as intense release in the sympathetic-adrenal system.

The cause of the bite is most often the crushing of a spider that accidentally crawled into the victim’s clothing or bed. In most cases, people sleeping or resting in shaded areas are bitten. Lesions predominate in rural areas and in the field. In cities, karakurt bites are extremely rare.

Karakurt often attacks a person unexpectedly. Particularly active in summer at night. The bite is not painful and is often not felt by the victim. The local reaction to the poison is absent or very weakly expressed - around the bite site there may be a zone of pale skin (several centimeters in diameter), surrounded by a rim of weak hypermia. In most cases, there are no local changes and it is extremely difficult to find the bite site. Sometimes the bite feels like a needle prick. Due to the low pain of the bite (unlike stings by scorpions and wasps), many victims, especially those bitten at night during sleep, do not associate their sudden illness with the bite poisonous insect, seek medical help due to a general manifestation of intoxication.

General toxic phenomena are developing quickly, 5-30 minutes after the bite, and progress rapidly. The severity of poisoning varies from relatively mild, rapidly transient forms to extremely severe, sometimes fatal cases. Severe forms are characterized by excruciating muscle pain, combined with paresthesia in the limbs, lower back, abdomen and chest. Patients are excited, often covered in cold sweat, fear of death is expressed, the face is tense, hyperemic, sclera " poured"Blood, poor facial expressions, pained facial expression. Watery eyes are often observed. Soon after the bite, severe muscle weakness develops, especially in the lower extremities, as a result of which patients have difficulty moving or cannot stand on their feet at all. Excruciating pain syndrome(aching, pulling and tearing pains of different localization) are combined with pronounced muscle tension.

The abdominal muscles are often very tense, which, together with a dry tongue, intestinal paresis (weakened peristalsis, no gases), severe leukocytosis and an increase in body temperature to 38 C and above, imitate the picture of an acute abdomen (cases of erroneous surgical intervention for karakurt bites are possible). Nausea and vomiting may also occur. However, the correct diagnosis is easy to make when other symptoms are taken into account. Tension and dysfunction of the muscles of the limbs, back, occipital (thrown head back, positive Kernig syndrome), their tremors and convulsive twitching, dysfunction of the respiratory muscles (saccade breathing), spasm of the sphincters - narrow pupils, urinary retention with overstretched bladder, increased blood pressure (toxogenic karakurt hypertension) - create a very characteristic picture of the disease and allow you to make the correct diagnosis.

Extremely severe cases excitation gives way to apathy, depression, confusion (sometimes with psychotic reactions), collapse and progressive shortness of breath with symptoms of pulmonary edema (crepitus and moist rales, foamy sputum).

Some sick A rose-colored rash appears on the skin. The acute phase of intoxication is especially characterized by the phenomenon of layering of pain of different nature and localization on top of each other, combined with a feeling of fear, excitement, sharp muscle weakness and tension of various muscle groups, disturbances of peristalsis and urination, increased blood pressure and body temperature. In mild forms of poisoning, the painful phenomena stop by the end of the first day; in moderate and severe forms, they can last 3-4 days.

Immediately after the bite ( but no later than two minutes later) you can burn the bitten area with a flammable match - the heating destroys the poison that has not had time to be absorbed. This method is indispensable when away from medical care. In other cases, urgent hospitalization is required. Otherwise, the bite can lead to the most disastrous results.

Brazilian wandering spider - also known as soldier, runner, wandering spider, . Belongs to the runner family Ctenidae. Reads 8 types. The natural range covers South and Central America. As pet found throughout the world. In 2010, it was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most poisonous.

Description of appearance

The Brazilian wandering spider grows to a size of 15 cm, which is equal to the size of an adult's hand. Listed as . The color is varied - gray, brown, black, red, brown. The body is divided into the abdomen and cephalothorax, connected by a thin bridge. Long powerful 8 pieces. Well visible mandibles. The photo is located below.

The entire body is covered with small, dense hairs. Legs serve as instruments of movement and are organs of smell and touch. On the head, providing a broad outlook.

On a note!

The wandering spider sees in different directions, but good eyesight is not different. Perceives silhouettes, shadows, and responds well to movement.


Brazilian spider The runner got its name due to the characteristics of its life activity and certain qualities. The animal moves quickly and jumps well. Lives in trees, most of them bananas. The bur does not stand; it constantly moves from one place to another in search of food.

On a note!

The Brazilian spider forms powerful trapping webs. The diameter of the largest reaches 2 m. The threads are so strong that they freely hold birds, lizards, snakes, and small rodents. Fishermen put them in several layers and use them to catch fish.

The Brazilian wandering spider often crawls into residential buildings in search of food. Hides in cabinets with dishes, things, shoes, in the corners of rooms. Since in such conditions it does not spin a web, it does not reveal its presence in any way.


The main diet is insects, snails, small caterpillars. Often the victims are small birds, rodents, lizards, and snakes. The soldier spider lies in wait for its victim in a shelter. When she sees her, she takes a characteristic pose - she rises on her hind limbs, lifts her front limbs up, pulls her middle ones forward, and spreads them to the side. He waits for the right moment and rushes to attack.


The runner spider injects venom and saliva. The first substance paralyzes the victim, the second turns the insides into a liquid mass, which the predator then drinks. Insects die almost immediately, frogs, rodents, snakes after 15 minutes. The Brazilian soldier spider hunts at night and hides away from sunlight under stones, in crevices, tree leaves.


Runners lead a solitary lifestyle and gather in pairs at the time of mating. The male appeases the female with food. Such manipulation is necessary so that the spider does not simply eat it. After fertilization, the “suitor” must immediately hide, since the hungry female may begin her hunt.

After some time, the wandering spider lays eggs in a cocoon formed from a web or on bananas. The cubs are born after 20 days and scatter in different directions. Up to a hundred small spiders are born at one time. An adult lives on average 3 years.

Danger to humans

The British wandering spider is one of its huge family. Toxic substance disrupts operation nervous system, causes spasms. Possible consequences bite:

  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • temperature change;
  • arrhythmia;
  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.

Redness, swelling, pain, and burning appear at the site.

The situation is especially dangerous for young children, people with weakened immune systems, the elderly, and people with allergies. The venom of the Brazilian wandering spider can kill a child in 15 minutes and an adult in half an hour. Alarming symptoms develop within 20 minutes after a predator attack. However, with the provision of qualified assistance, the condition returns to normal. Call ambulance should be taken immediately if breathing difficulties occur.

Poison in high concentration leads to muscle failure, heart function is disrupted, and breathing becomes difficult. Death occurs as a result of suffocation. There is an effective antidote - Phoneutria. When it is administered, nothing threatens a person’s life.

Benefits of the Brazilian wandering spider

The animal is kept as a pet all over the world. Attracts the unusual appearance, large sizes. In artificially created conditions, the runner lives up to 3 years, reproduces, and feeds on insects.

The poison contains a powerful neurotoxin PhTx3, which is used in medicine in strictly dosed concentrations. The substance has a beneficial effect on male potency. Effective medicines are made from the poison.

In this topic I would like to talk about a spider that has nothing to do with tarantulas, but it is very interesting. Phoneutria fera is one of the most poisonous spiders on the planet, so I decided to post about it on my blog.

Wandering soldier spiders are one of the most poisonous spiders on Earth.

Correctly called: “Brazilian soldier spiders”, or “Brazilian wandering spiders”. In books and publications we often come across the “banana spider,” a name that denotes many different spiders of the genus Nephila (N. clavipes) and Phoneutria, to which the Brazilian soldier spiders belong. Representatives of the genus Phoneutria are the most poisonous spiders. Their favorite habitat is banana plantations. Latin America, so they have another name that the people gave them: “banana spider.”
The genus of spiders Phoneutria Perty is widespread on the American continent. Habitats of species of this genus:

· Phoneutria bahiensis – eastern Brazil, forests on the coast;

· Phoneutria boliviensis – South and Central America;

· Phoneutria eickstedtae – Brazil;

· Phoneutria fera - Suriname, Peru, Ecuador, Guyana, Brazil;

· Phoneutria keyserlingi – forests of the eastern coast of Brazil;

· Phoneutria nigriventer – northern Argentina, eastern Brazil, Uruguay;

Phoneutria pertyi – East Coast Brazil;

· Phoneutria reidyi – Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana.

Spiders were also called “wandering” because of their dietary preferences, which affected their lifestyle. Soldier spiders do not weave webs. These fast creatures are very active. They constantly move and do not stay in one place for long. They do not use or weave webs. They spend their days searching for food. The most poisonous spider, oddly enough, loves to feast on bananas. Therefore, there are many of them on banana plantations in tropical America.
In search of food, the banana spider often ends up in residential buildings, turning into a formidable source mortal danger. The poisonous spider, the photo of which you see, meets people not only in wildlife. Quite often they end up in people's homes straight from a bunch of bananas from the store. He can be found anywhere in the house. They find temporary shelter in folds of clothing, boxes of fruit, and inside furniture.
Although bananas are a delicacy for the most poisonous spiders, soldier spiders are still predators. Their main diet is insects and other types of spiders. The size of the spider is small, with elongated legs they reach about ten centimeters. But despite its modest size, the most poisonous spider is an excellent hunter. It attacks small reptiles: lizards, snakes, frogs. Can even attack small birds, much larger than it.
Therefore, we can say that soldier spiders are aggressive and very dangerous creatures for humans. Death from a spider bite occurs after 2-6 hours. Although the banana spider is one of the most poisonous spiders on Earth, deaths from their bites are fortunately not the rule.
The fact is that the toxicity of its poison is inferior to that of, for example, poisonous snakes. And its effect greatly depends on the body weight of the victim. How more mass, the weaker the effect. A dose of poison into the human body from spiders Phoneutria species fera can allocate quite a decent one. But this does not always lead to death.
The poison is produced by special glands located at the tips of the chelicerae. Getting under the skin, it causes a severe allergic reaction. If a person is healthy and adult, then usually the bite of the most poisonous spider does not lead to death. But when a child or a sick person with a weakened immune system is bitten, death can occur quickly if no medical treatment is provided. health care.
The most powerful neurotoxins contained in the venom and extremely aggressive, fearless behavior have given the banana spider the reputation of not only “the most poisonous spider,” but also “the most dangerous” to humans.
A spider bite is very painful. The poison causes symptoms of severe intoxication, then, after a certain period of time, the respiratory muscles are paralyzed. A few hours after the bite the person dies.
But, if medical assistance is immediately provided, then fatal outcome can be avoided. This is how the lucky ones who received such help in time describe the bite of the most poisonous spider. Doctors administered an antidote to them, which saved their lives. The bite is compared to the prick of a sharp thorn that penetrates very deeply. Dizziness sets in. There is a strong pressure in the chest, making it difficult to breathe normally. Pressure in blood vessels rises sharply circulatory system. You can feel your heart beating strongly.
But in Latin American countries, tragedies still happen today. An incident that occurred in Brazil: children were playing and climbed into the attic of their house, where they saw a spider. But they were not afraid, but decided to play with him. The soldier spider bit the girl. Her brother rushed to her aid. He wanted to throw it aside, but he was also bitten by the most poisonous spider. The children's parents immediately called an ambulance, which arrived half an hour later. But for the girl this time turned out to be fatal. Only thirty minutes, but she could not be saved.
The behavior of the most poisonous spider is aggressive, but at the same time it does not attack large animals or humans. Bites occur more often due to the fact that a person simply does not notice the spider, which is hiding in a shelter. Or, out of ignorance that the spider is poisonous, they are caught and picked up.
It is well known that snake venoms are used in medicine. They make effective medicines. The banana spider has venom, which also has interesting properties. According to the testimony of men who suffered from the bite of the most poisonous spider, during the action of the poison they felt a strong, painful erection (priapism). And after recovery, they claimed that their quality sex life much improved.
This gave scientists a reason to begin researching the venom of soldier spiders. Research is underway suggesting that the spider toxin Tx2-6, which causes this reaction in the body, can be used to create medications to stimulate erections.

For a long time, the palm was held among dangerous poisonous spiders by " black Widow" But she had to share the championship with the dangerous Brazilian wandering spider. Soldier spider, runner spider, banana spider - these are the names of the formidable arthropod killer all over the world.

Noted in the Guinness Book of Records for its toxicity. Eighty-five percent of bites are fatal. Fortunately, this species is distributed in a limited area.

Brazilian wandering spider

There are two types:

  • jumping - moving with sharp jumps;
  • running.

Appearance and habitat

Arthropods do not weave webs. It got its name because of its constant movements. As a result, its color changes. Most often it has a sand color, reddish-brown, brownish-brown.

The cephalothorax is relatively small in size. The abdomen is large. Long, thick and hairy limbs.

It reaches up to 15 centimeters in size, which is equal to the palm of an adult.

Central and South America, its tropical forest part, are the most suitable for habitat. Often sighting a spider soldier in houses. Climbs into closets, hides in shoe boxes or clothing bags. Crawls into things scattered on the floor and secluded places indoors (closets, basements, utility rooms, garages).

Almost all the time he wanders, moving from one place to another. Loves the dark time of day. During this period he feels better. At night it actively hunts. During the day, it tries to stay in the shade, hides under logs, crawls under stones, and looks for secluded places where the direct, scorching rays of the sun do not penetrate.

Reproduction and nutrition

Spiders are dioecious. To attract the attention of the female, the male performs a certain dance. Female color a little brighter than that of the male. The male is much larger than the female and has an extra pair of limbs, which he uses during copulation.

The banana spider got its name because of its addiction to bananas. They are often found in packages containing this fruit.

The diet consists of:

  • insects;
  • small individuals of their own species;
  • lizards;
  • frogs;
  • small rodents;
  • affects small birds that accidentally fly into the area of ​​its accessibility.

Deadly poison

Due to its external unattractiveness and love of playing hide and seek, encounters with this arthropod are always unexpected and end sadly for the finder. In a person's home comes in search of peace and quiet. An unexpectedly discovered spider leaves no choice. The state of the soldier spider is always aimed at hunting. The spider is aggressive, but attacks a victim larger than itself only when danger approaches. He instantly takes a fighting stance, raising his front paws towards the victim. Runs quite fast for a spider and can also jump a fair distance.

Its powerful poison causes paralysis of the respiratory muscles, resulting in suffocation and death. From the moment of bite to fatal outcome takes from 2 to 6 hours.

A person who has been bitten must immediately be shown to a doctor.

First symptoms:

  1. painful bite;
  2. dizziness;
  3. heaviness in breathing;
  4. increased blood pressure;
  5. nausea.

One of the victims of a Brazilian spider bite shared his impressions.

In 1998, a 23-year-old guy was sorting boxes of bananas. A Brazilian spider was hiding in one of them. Disturbed, he bit into his hand young man. As the guy describes his condition: “Bite looks like a pierced thorn, very deep. I immediately felt dizzy, my chest felt so tight that it was difficult to breathe. The pressure rose so much that the heart beat was beating in the chest.” He was not at a loss and immediately asked for help. A life was saved. He was discharged from the hospital the very next day.

In modern medicine there is an antidote to the poison of this killer; it is also toxic and causes certain consequences for the body. For an adult, strong person, a bite causes a severe allergic reaction. Very scary for children, sick or elderly people.

For Russian residents, there is no danger of encountering the Brazilian monster; the climate saves them. But nowadays many Russians love to travel. Exotic places beckon and tropical latitudes. And they can meet him by visiting Brazil, South America. When arriving in such areas, you should always think about safety. Remember, the Brazilian spider loves to live in houses. You need to be especially careful when checking items and boxes in wardrobes. When meeting, do not make sudden movements or pick them up. Try to take it out of the room and check the wardrobe again for the presence of other Brazilian soldier spiders.

When going to travel to any country, study what insects you will encounter. Make up your own medicine card, what medications you can and cannot take. Consult your doctor regarding your health. Most unpleasant moments come from our ignorance of our body. Southern countries- this is a certain risk.

Scientists still found the benefits of poison for humans. Based on it, drugs are being developed to help our strong half gain masculine strength. The venom of this spider may be included in the Guinness Book of Records for the creation of drugs to enhance potency.

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