Leo who suits him. Which zodiac sign suits a Leo woman

Who is suitable for a Leo man is the most common question among lovers astrological forecasts. Leo is a fire sign of the zodiac. People born under it often have a strong will, which helps them achieve their goals and realize their plans.

Leos include people who were born between July 23 and August 22. Fire sign men often occupy leadership positions or organize own business. Thanks to their determination and charisma, Leos are guaranteed increased interest and attention from society.

Professions suitable for Leo are:

  • Lawyer;
  • Sociologist;
  • Teacher;
  • Musician;
  • Actor;
  • Writer;
  • Journalist;
  • Decorator.

Relationships with women

Men by their nature are not at all simple people. They can go from one extreme to another: at first be generous and attentive to their woman, and then suddenly become capricious, like Small child. The girl must be prepared for the fact that she will never come first for Leo.

Next to him he wants to see a spectacular and beautiful girl, which cannot but leave you indifferent.

Due to Leo's excessive vanity, it will not be easy for his significant other to be with him.

She should admire and praise her man all the time. At the same time, you need to celebrate not only his achievements at work, but also the chosen dog, car, or successfully completed renovations in the apartment.

Which zodiac signs are suitable?

Astrologers believe that people of the following signs have every chance of having happy relationship with Leo men, start a family and have children:

  • Aries. Despite the fact that this sign is considered scandalous and capricious, it is rarely found mutual language with other people, Leos are an absolute exception for them. Such a couple will be very passionate, completely absorbed in their love. In time, they will be able to conclude successful marriage and get people going. The reason for this success is that Aries and Leo are very suitable for each other in character and lifestyle. Therefore, it will not be difficult for them to understand each other and find a way out of conflict situations. This union can be called the most successful and happy;
  • . Which woman suits a Leo man better than another Leo? This combination can be considered ideal. The couple will practically not quarrel; lovers will be able to understand each other perfectly. They are very similar, so they feel comfortable around each other. They say about such people: “they lived happily ever after.” In this situation, the main thing is not to forget that relationships need to be maintained. By uniting and not ignoring problems, a couple has every chance to start a family and be absorbed in their happiness. The absence of secrets is important in a relationship. Leos are quite straightforward and will not tolerate omissions from their girlfriend or fiancee. 100% honesty guarantees a woman trust from her partner and the absence of awkward situations;
  • Sagittarius. This sign suits Leo very well. They will be extremely selfless in their love, which will fuel Leo’s pride, playing to her benefit. Such a couple can be called successful and happy. By keeping the fire in the hearth of their relationship, they will create a good and strong family. Leo will simply lose his head over Sagittarius, he will want to take care of her, protect her from all problems and protect her. In gratitude for this, the girl will do everything possible to make her lover happy next to her. The sign is included in the list of the most successful for creating a family, long-term relationships, most often ending in marriage and a large number of children. The family becomes loving and quite happy;
  • Twins. When thinking about a suitable zodiac sign for Leo, it is Gemini that comes to mind. They will harmoniously complement each other, bringing part of themselves into the relationship. For Leo, showmanship and passion on the part of a partner are very important, in this case he will receive all this with interest. With such a companion, he will be able to have a great time on vacation, work parties and, of course, in bed. The signs suit each other well, they know exactly what they need and what pain points it is better not to put pressure on. Harmony, understanding and mutual respect make the relationship between Leo and Gemini very strong and reliable. Minor quarrels are possible due to differences in interests, different areas activities. Gemini is very proud of their work and will not tolerate Leo’s caustic statements about the fact that his profession is more interesting and important.

Other suitable signs

Horoscope compatibility is very important, because by checking it you can know exactly what to expect from your partner, what character traits are characteristic of him and whether they are compatible with you. Increased impulsiveness of the beloved, or vice versa, tightness and secrecy can destroy love even with a very strong emotional attachment.

Cancer is a good match for a Leo man. The signs combine well, and Cancer is ready to be patient with some of her loved one’s antics. She is too attached to him emotionally, so it is easier for her to appease him at the right moment than to make scenes and quarrel over little things. Leo appreciates all this and surrounds his beloved with the most tender care, gives gifts, takes her on vacation to the sea and makes pleasant surprises. Leos are capable of loving sincerely and strongly, but they cannot do anything about the peculiarities of their character. Scandals can break out out of the blue and continue for a long time. If lovers do not learn to come to interaction, harmony and understanding, then such love can end as quickly as it began.

Virgo. In love, a girl born under the sign of Virgo will also be a good option. Very often, quarrels, misunderstandings and even scandals can arise between lovers. This is due to the fact that both signs are very capricious and always require increased attention. If people under these signs met and sincerely fell in love with each other, then the only way out for them is constant search compromises, reducing scandals to nothing. Otherwise, love will quickly break down in everyday life and people will run away immediately after satisfying their passion in bed. Virgos are narcissistic and scandalous; they certainly want to be admired and elevated to the rank of ideal. But Leo himself is not against taking such a position. Lovers need to not please their egos so much, otherwise falling in love will never turn into a serious relationship.

Scales. Your relationship with a girl under the sign of Libra will be strong. For relationships it's a good option, because Libra is quite reasonable and always tries to find a compromise, a balance in any issues. This character is very beneficial for Leos; they will fall under the girl’s complete care, and only occasionally will they compromise so as not to ruin the relationship and not anger their beloved when her nerves are running low. The impulsive Leo and the judicious Libra can enter into a successful alliance, start a family and live happy life. But these are relationships that need to be worked on. Of the less favorable symbols of the zodiac circle, this symbol best suits and complements Leo strengths. If a couple closes their eyes to each other’s shortcomings, then everything will turn out better for them.

Taurus. If we talk about who is most suitable for a Leo guy, Taurus, this is the most extreme option. Such relationships are rarely happy, but there is still a chance. The main problem is that both are very selfish and need increased attention, both from their partner and from strangers. This will make both very angry, cause jealousy, scandals and constant quarrels. If they do not find a compromise, then an alliance with Taurus will be impossible. Imprisoned families who never reach an agreement are rarely happy. This option should be regarded as extreme, because with the signs described below the relationship will not work out at all.

Not suitable signs for relationships

We have figured out which sign is suitable for Leo, now we will tell you which signs you should try to avoid in union with. Next we will talk about zodiac signs, with whom Leo will not be able to find a common language and create a strong, loving family.

Scorpio will always argue with their lover. However, if people can find a common language and come to a compromise, then everything will be fine. For marriage, such a sign is suitable only in cases where the lovers will meet for a long time and definitely get used to the oddities of each other’s character and come to a balance. The main problem This sign is that it may seem to them that everything is great, but in fact, every year the relationship gets worse. Scorpios and Leos need to understand well that love and family are a lot of work on oneself, sacrifices for the sake of a loved one, and not just fiery passion and dedication.

Leo will have a short relationship with Pisces girls, although quite bright. This is due to too different characters between the signs. Pisces are dreamy and airy, do not want to take off their rose-colored glasses and live in their own imaginary world. Leo is from a completely different planet. These people can be united by passion and fiery passion for each other. However, astrologers claim that the pressure of differences is too high, so things don’t go beyond bed and short-term relationships.

Capricorn, like other water signs, interacts poorly with Leos. According to their zodiac sign, they are the least suitable candidates. Weakness This relationship is that for both there is too little romance, quarrels, scandals and jealousy dominate. Water signs, including Capricorns, should be avoided because they are too different. The relationship will be incomplete; in the end, all the efforts made will not give the desired result.

According to astrologers, marriages between Capricorn and Leo are most often deeply unhappy. Even if it doesn’t come to a divorce, the atmosphere in the family is extremely oppressive. Children hear their parents' quarrels and lack of love all the time and, as a result, are also deeply unhappy.

Aquarius is the only sign with which astrologers associate a minimum level of compatibility. If you don’t know who is suitable for a Leo guy, then it’s better to stay away from Aquarius. Partners will not feel confident around each other. They are much more comfortable apart than together. Therefore, such relationships most often end in breakups. Marriages should also not be entered into. Even if these two signs begin to convince themselves that everything is fine with them and they will cope with difficulties, they will subconsciously begin to look at other people. You shouldn’t waste your nerves and time on a relationship that probably won’t bring any results. Such couples are deeply unhappy. We strongly do not recommend starting a serious relationship with Aquarius.

What you need to know about Leo men?

The Leo man is ideal for a family. By his nature, this man is characterized by increased practicality. He will do his best to take care of a loved one or family. At the same time, he tries to save money, saves money and tries to eliminate unnecessary expenses. In addition to funds, he is very jealous of his time, tries not to waste extra energy, and does not get scattered on trifles.

For a Leo man, a lady will be well suited who will not only share his beliefs, but will also be ready to take on part or all of the responsibility. A woman should be bright and beautiful, but at the same time he will not approve of her zeal for social life and too much active life. It is for this reason that relationships with balanced and practical signs are most optimal for Leo; they allow them not to once again enter into confrontation due to too different views on life.

Often Leo men are representatives of creative professions, such as an actor or musician. In this case, he expects his woman to fully support his creativity and understand the importance of his work.

The ideal woman would be one who shares his interests and can support Leo during a creative crisis or moral desolation. Remember that after a period of moral decline, a rise will definitely begin, and then Leo will be very grateful to his woman, will begin to carry her in his arms and talk about his love.

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Nata Karlin

The Leo woman is strict, demanding of yourself and others, self-sufficient and well-groomed in any life situation. She always carefully chooses her cosmetics, clothes, home furnishings, equipment and people with whom she has to communicate quite often. The characteristics of the Leo woman by zodiac sign would be incomplete without mentioning her pride and feeling self-esteem. These are qualities that she will not compromise under any circumstances.

The lady of this zodiac sign is absolutely does not accept criticism and condemnation addressed to you. She only pretends that she perceives the injections positively or does not pay attention to them at all. However, he will definitely improve the opportune moment and brutally take revenge on the offender. The character of the Leo girl is not simple, but by nature she is an optimist and a very purposeful person. Therefore, no mistakes or failures seriously affect her. On the contrary, mistakes force her to concentrate and start the failed business anew, bringing it to its logical conclusion and success.

The character of the Leo girl is not simple, but by nature she is an optimist and a very purposeful person

The Leo woman is sociable and simply loves to be the center of attention of a large company.

She enjoys showing off all her talents. and abilities to the public, favorably accepting the admiration and recognition of the majority. She is always extremely concerned about her reputation, so she almost never commits rash acts. Work for her is prestige, position in society and a way to achieve even greater honor and respect.

The woman of this zodiac constellation, usually, achieves its goals. Most likely, because he always plans his actions and strives for achievable and realistic heights. She is a true fighter and a winner in everything - work, friendship, love and sports. However, sentimentality and romance are not alien to the Leo lady. At such moments, she looks like the Goddess of Olympus in love - strong and weak, defiantly proud and tenderly pliable at the same time.

The Leo woman always strives to be a leader in everything

In men The Leo woman always arouses admiration and interest. In turn, the lady herself revels in her own irresistibility, breaking men’s hearts one after another, while remaining cold and unapproachable. She knows how and loves to flirt, but only out of boredom. However, relations with her chosen one are always a serious topic for her; her essence does not tolerate a frivolous attitude towards such important issue. She strives to start relationships with men who have achieved a prominent position and success in life.

The first love for a Leo woman is always the standard of a man, a relationship, and she will always compare each next lover with that very first and only ideal man.

Not many people can stand the difficult character of a Leo woman, so she often breaks up with people who could not understand her

The worst thing about this situation is that, looking back, the Leo woman understands perfectly well that she underestimated those whom she so carelessly lost.

Whether this is an advantage or a disadvantage must be considered from the point of view of a certain situation, but the Leo woman always strives to be a leader in everything. The man who chooses her as his life partner will have to come to terms with the supporting role in the family. However, a woman of this sign needs understanding, love, care and affection. Only with such an attitude can she turn from a stern lioness into an affectionate kitten.

Compatibility of Leo women with other Western zodiac signs

Love for a Lioness woman is a holiday she is waiting for long years until she meets the very man who is ready to do anything for her. A woman of this zodiac sign is looking for a man who capable of laying the whole world at her feet, put her on a pedestal, and she is absolutely sure that she deserves such honors. IN marital relations The Leo woman enters quite late because she takes a very long time to choose a suitable partner. She needs a man who will allow her to look great, have time for herself and her own appearance, and also spend money without counting it.

Lioness women do not cheat throughout their lives the only man

A Leo woman is best suited to a partner with a strong and unbending character, who will become her “shadow” in society and a lion in bed. If a lady of this zodiac sign falls in love, then she is ready to go to the end and fight for her happiness. Married or serious relationship a partner should not worry about his significant other cheating. Lioness women do not cheat on their only man throughout their lives. or until the relationship is destroyed, they will not look for love on the side. It is this quality that is very valuable in a serious partnership of two loving hearts.

Leo women are compatible with:HighAverageLow
Aries ManLove, friendship, sex, work, marriage
Taurus Man Love, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Gemini ManLove, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Cancer ManLove, sexMarriageFriendship, work
Leo ManLove, marriage, sex, work, friendship
Virgo Man Love, sexMarriage, friendship, work
Libra ManLove, marriage, sex, friendship, work
Scorpio ManLove, sexMarriageFriendship, work
Sagittarius Man Love, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Capricorn Man Love, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Aquarius ManLove, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Pisces ManLove, marriage, sexFriendship, work

The best compatibility for a Leo woman is possible with fire signs of the zodiac or representatives of the air element.

Leo woman in bed and sex: what is she like?

A Leo woman in bed, like a magnet, leaves no one indifferent

She is a wonderful lover, being close to such a partner is both scary and sweet. She can be either a sweet, affectionate cat or a formidable lioness. This woman chooses partners only with real ones, worthy men and allows only a select few to approach him. However, no matter how charismatic and attractive a man is, the Leo woman will never agree to heaven in a hut; she knows her worth too well.

The Leo woman chooses real men and allows only a select few to approach her

Weak-willed and insecure men will never claim the affection of this lady . It is difficult to win the heart of a lioness, and only a man who is equally good in love and sex, as well as in friendship and partnership, can cope with this. A jealous and despotic Leo woman will never tolerate rivals before marriage, much less her husband’s infidelity. Having caught a man cheating, she will never forgive him and will immediately leave him. It will not be possible to return the Lioness woman later with any persuasion or promises. She is passionate, hot, impulsive and alluring, exactly the kind that can light a flame in any man and maintain it for the rest of his life.

How to win an unapproachable and proud Leo girl?

The Leo woman is in no way inferior in character to men of this zodiac sign

She is just as determined, brave, proud and arrogant. Her every look and word reveals royal patience and condescension. She even pays attention to some and allows them to communicate with her. You will never be able to make this lady fall in love with you using trivial methods of courtship. In order to please her even a little, a man must be at least wealthy and attractive in appearance.

Never a Leo woman will not attract a languid and enthusiastic romantic, who will compose praises in her honor, quietly suffering from unrequited love. Even a lout with a cigarette butt in his mouth, smelling of fumes and cheap cologne, will not be able to win her heart. But the courtship of an intelligent, intelligent and well-mannered man, with self-esteem, dressed in fashionable and clean clothes, will appeal to your liking. A woman of this zodiac sign needs a man who knows his worth.

For a guy who decides to seduce an unapproachable Leo girl, I can give you some interesting tips:

  • Tease your lady, getting her attention, but make sure that the jokes are not offensive or offensive.
  • Admire her, but don't go overboard when praise becomes overt flattery.
  • Set the boundaries of what is permitted so that the Leo woman sees that you are also a leader and are not so easy to conquer.
  • Give her the understanding that she can rely on you in any situation, because no matter how strong and independent the Leo woman is, she is just a woman, like any other, looking for a reliable shoulder.

To win a Leo girl, admire her, but don’t go overboard

If you manage to convince a lady of this zodiac sign that your intentions are serious, consider that you have won her heart.

How and by what signs can you understand that a Leo girl is in love?

A Leo girl in love is amazing and unusual in her behavior. She is tormented by contradictions between the need to always remain the crowned person and throw all the symbols of greatness at the feet of her chosen one.

The lady of this zodiac sign is not used to being tormented by such strong feelings; it is more common for her to condescendingly accept the love of men

If suddenly the man she likes does not pay attention to the Lioness woman, she becomes perplexed and cannot understand why he, like everyone else, does not sing odes of praise and confession to her. She becomes demanding and aggressive in relation to others and to the chosen one, then disappears from view for a long time. He simply withdraws into himself to evaluate and think about the current situation. When the decision that the choice has been made correctly comes, the Leo woman appears and herself announces her feelings to her lover.

What gift can you prepare for a Leo woman?

Quite often, the hobby of Lionesses women becomes collecting jewelry, figurines, accessories. Knowing her passion, you can give something themed, this will definitely flatter her pride. Ladies of this zodiac sign simply love fortune telling with cards, various solitaire games and magic. You can give her something magical as a gift or, for example, a deck of fortune telling cards.

Lioness women always look great, they follow fashion, they like beautiful things. If you are in a close relationship, you can give your lady lace lingerie or stockings. When a guy is just courting a girl, stylish accessories in the form of a scarf, handbag, and gloves are perfect.

Leo women love gifts and luxurious bouquets.

When the choice falls on cosmetics and perfumes, you should pay attention to classic fragrances with spicy, long-lasting notes

If you choose a floral gift, it should correspond to the status of the queen of beasts. Leo women are very fond of gifts and luxurious bouquets. They perceive every gift as a tribute to their own greatness and beauty.

10 February 2018, 20:13

The science of astrology has long been helping people who believe in it in making important decisions and finding a partner. What are the zodiac signs that harmoniously suit Leo? You need to know this in order to build happy and harmonious relationships with the opposite sex.

Zodiac signs that are perfect for Leo

Using the stars, you can predict the future and even find out which of the representatives of different zodiac signs would be better to choose as your soulmate.

For Leo, love is an escape from reality and whole philosophy. If the object of Leo’s love is too realistic and does not strive to become a romantic, to fly far from the earth in his illusions, then his feelings for such a person will cool down very quickly. For Leo, spiritual unity is more important than prudence in choosing a partner.

Leo - Sagittarius

Among the zodiac signs, suitable for Leo, Sagittarius. Leo would have a very promising alliance with Sagittarius. There will be love and friendship in their relationship, but the leadership inclinations of both will both help and hinder them.

Both Leo and Sagittarius love to manage and find it difficult to compromise and find the ability to obey, but they both strive to achieve success and this makes them like-minded people and may help strengthen their union.

Leo - Aries

The relationship between Leo and Aries can also be successful, since both of them are proud and stubborn. Everyone wants to realize themselves and everyone strives for leadership; such similarity of interests can help Leo and Aries easily understand each other.

Leo - Gemini

Which zodiac sign fits Leo perfectly according to the horoscope is Gemini. They are ready to make concessions, they are very romantic and love adventures and risks. In this union, Leos will be able to show their desire to rule and become a leader in the relationship, and Gemini is unlikely to resist this. The Gemini and Leo couple will be very harmonious.

Leo - Virgo

Leo and Virgo can also make a very good couple if they can adapt to each other's personalities. Some Leos are characterized by pedantry and a desire for order, and these qualities are key in Virgos. Their union is possible if Leo is a strong protector in it, and Virgo is a suitable devoted friend.

Leo - Libra

Leo and Libra can get along well together, as they are both friendly and sociable. With their calmness, Libra will balance Leo's impetuosity, and Leo will help Libra gain self-confidence.

Leo - Scorpio

Leo and Scorpio are suitable partners. Both are ambitious personalities and, despite possible conflicts, it will be quite easy for them to find a compromise with each other, since both Leo and Scorpio have common goals- desire for success and personal growth. Scorpio is more economical and prudent, Leo is generous and magnanimous; disagreements can sometimes arise on this basis.

But most importantly, if there is love between people, they will do everything to find a compromise and maintain their relationship.

Leo is the zodiac sign that is unable to live without love. Fiery temperament in tandem with acting skills push him to find new partners whom he will sacrifice for love, these are not just romantic adventures, he tempts, his magic is strong, having conquered someone’s heart, captivated the soul and convinced of this, Leo proudly leaves.

Love of the zodiac sign Leo – natural lovers and actors

For a woman of the zodiac sign Leo in love, it is enough to know that they dream about her, that she owns the world of dreams and erotic fantasies of another admirer, this pleases her vanity. But the Lioness does not at all intend to satisfy someone’s lust; she is too proud to wander around other people’s beds.

A man of the Leo sign is a conqueror, a conqueror of women's hearts. Having set a goal, he achieves it; refusals are unlikely to stop him. By the way, it rarely occurs to women to refuse Leo. This is the zodiac sign Leo in love.

Achieving what you want, Zodiac sign Leo in relationships prudent and reasonable. This is the complete opposite of other Fire signs - Aries and Sagittarius. Aries loses his head in passion and rams the gate again and again, regardless of its strength or his own pain. Free and optimistic Sagittarius, having suffered a love defeat, will laugh and say: “well, some other time!” Leo acts differently.

His strategic plan is to attract and capture. The tactics zodiac sign Leo in love changes depending on the circumstances and weaknesses of the object. Compliments, poems, gifts, spontaneous actions, and decisive actions are used. And also the zodiac sign Leo in relationships, at the expense of others. So for a guy of this sign there is no greater pleasure than making the chosen one of the girl he is about to conquer look like a fool, a miser, an ignoramus, a coward - again, depending on the circumstances.

Leo girls act more subtly. Appearing in society, they gather a crowd of fans around them, while watching with narrowed eyes the reaction of their chosen one. Isn't it normal man Can he resist the temptation to fight with his rivals? Oh, these girls know male psychology very well!

Relationships of Leo with other signs - zodiac sign Leo in relationships

In the sensual relationship zodiac sign Leo loves when his partner idolizes him. Leo, regardless of gender, needs to be complimented, praised, and made to feel his own exclusivity. Then the zodiac sign Leo in love will reveal his generous sunny soul, from which darkness recedes and all evil spirits run away.

In the intimate aspect, the zodiac sign Leo in love is not as crazy as Aries, not as domineering as Scorpios, not as gentle as Cancers and not as exalted as Pisces. different, these are actors, but one thing can be said with complete certainty - these are temperamental people.

Zodiac signs suitable for Leo

The ideal companions that suit the zodiac sign Leo can be considered Sagittarius due to the similarity of their attitude towards life, Pisces due to their mutual reverent attitude towards each other, Leo due to the complete coincidence of love aspirations.

  • Aries may suit a young Leo; they will go crazy and give in to mutual passion. But the zodiac sign Leo in love develops faster than Aries, and after 30 years he changes radically, becomes more practical, thinks about his personal future and the future of his family. He begins to actively realize his ambitions. During this period, he is compatible with the already settled Gemini, who are at the peak of their intelligence.
  • Which zodiac sign suits Leo after 40? Leo is compatible with obsequious Libra, this is the classic astrological “slave-master” type. A rare alliance with Scorpio may also form. This is where the real power, intelligence, creative connection is! This union is very strong, capable of crushing everything in its path. &1

The lioness knows her worth, she clearly understands that she is worthy of herself. best man. She has many fans, but she is in no hurry to choose a chosen one. The one who will ultimately be next to her must understand that he is truly lucky - he passed a very difficult selection.

Those born under this sign are accustomed to always getting what they want. If any man rejects her, her anger can become destructive.

Often the Leo woman experiences difficulties in choosing between a high position in society and real feelings. She is vain, and this sometimes prevents her from being happy.

She has a calm temperament; even when she falls in love, she does not lose her head. But without love, her existence turns into hard labor. She considers any man of hers as a potential husband. But, unfortunately, quite often Lionesses destroy family life with their pride and thirst for superiority.

Compatibility of Leo with other zodiac signs

Most woman born under fire sign Leo, with an Aries man. Aries attracts her attention with his eloquence, good financial prospects and ambitions. These are two stubborn and narcissistic signs. The desire for leadership does not interfere with their relationship, but becomes common interest. Such a couple has an understanding - the most important thing for a successful coexistence.

The Lioness has a very beautiful union with Gemini. She loves passion, a storm of emotions, love experiences, and it is the Gemini man who is able to give her all this drive. The family life of such a couple will not be complete without noisy scandals involving breaking dishes. But their reconciliations will also be bright. Leo will love Gemini's romanticism and their desire to take crazy risks. Such a man will generously give her gifts and let her reign a little.

A Sagittarius man is not the height of a Lioness’s dreams, but his talent for making money and living to the fullest often becomes the reason for marrying her. Their union is quite strong, but due to the fact that Sagittarius is the most popular macho in the entire zodiac, Leo often has to suffer from jealousy.

The union of a Leo woman with a Leo man can also be magnificent. They are both passionate, generous and generous. If they can make compromises, they will family life will be happy and harmonious.

A Lioness is incompatible with a man born under the sign of Cancer. Cancers are too slow, they cannot keep up with the frantic rhythm of the Lion Cub's life. The Lioness will admire her Cancer husband’s homeliness, but his lack of independence, thriftiness and lack of energy will soon begin to irritate her greatly.

Also, Taurus and Aquarius are not suitable for Lioness. Taurus will be too economical and down-to-earth for her, and Aquarius will be too proud and original.

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