How to distinguish a duck from a drake? What is a male duck called?

To many poultry farmers and residents countryside it is important to be able to distinguish a drake from a duck. At first glance it seems that this is impossible. This is especially difficult to do with newly born ducklings. People who have been growing this bird for a long time can quickly and without errors determine the sex.

There are a lot of recommendations and tips on the Internet on how to distinguish a drake from a duck. When it comes to the practice itself, it becomes clear that in fact, there are not so many differences, especially when it comes to chicks. Let's find out what methods are used to identify gender in ducks.

Indians. Duck or drake?

The main advantages and difference in appearance

Why is it necessary to distinguish ducks by gender? In fact, experienced farmers do their farming by gender.

What is taken into account:

  • female ducks do not tend to fly away, unlike males, they are not in conflict;
  • males have strong immunity;
  • the male duck is more enduring than the female, more resistant to disease;
  • drakes have much more weight than females;
  • egg productivity will depend on the sex ratio (1:4) - there should be more females.

According to sexual dimorphism, ducks differ in their plumage. Like many animals, the female does not have a bright color, most often it is a gray and dull color of feathers. The male, on the contrary, is gifted by nature with bright and colorful colors to attract the opposite sex. The drake on the neck has a long and bright crest. One of the differences is the beard, which female ducks are deprived of.

The tail is also slightly different. If you look closely at the very tip, you will notice that in males the feathers are twisted up (usually such a tail is in the Peking and Bashkir breeds), while in females the tail is straight. Feathers in males are already twisted from 3 months. The drake weighs almost twice as much as the female. So, if the male has a weight of about 5 kg, then the female is up to 3 kg. The forehead of the drake is wider, and the beak resembles a triangle. Females, on the other hand, have an extension of a trapezoidal character.

Additional external differences females from males:

  • the beak of the drakes has a growth located upwards;
  • forehead bones are more massive in males, widening from the beak;
  • the head of females is rounder than that of males;
  • the neck of females is shorter and thinner;
  • body of females narrower;
  • leg muscles are not as developed as in males.

It so happens that external differences are practically not noticeable. This will depend on the conditions of the birds and the diet. It even happens that females are larger than males. It is also not always possible to indicate the exact gender of ducks by plumage. The color depends on the species and breed. For example, domestic ducks are characterized by the same color, both for males and for females - white.

The behavior of males and females: what is the difference

In a flock of ducks, you can see that the weaker sex is not a leader and always goes somewhere on the side or behind. This happens both in flight and on a walk. Poultry farmers often notice aggression from drakes. Dominants often fight for food or females with other males. Experienced farmers have learned to distinguish a drake from a duck by its voice: the loud quacking of the female is difficult to confuse with the hiss and whistle of a duck.

Muscovy ducks (drake - top)

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During the breeding season, it is quite easy to identify the male. He is all feathered, becomes attentive to his chosen one. Additional sexual characteristics may appear that were not previously noticeable. For example, if earlier he did not have a beard or mustache, all this appears during the mating season. By such methods, birds attract the opposite sex. In order for the female to pay attention to him, he constantly curls around her, conflicts with other applicants. Marriage games can be accompanied by dances and songs. It is worth noting that not only the drake can take the first step towards “acquaintance”, but also the female can become the initiator of mating.

In young chicks, sex is more difficult to determine. Usually only at the age of 10-12 weeks does sexual dimorphism begin to appear. For many poultry farmers, gender is an important consideration when buying poultry. Therefore, many have adapted to use a special ultrasonic device that can attract individuals of only one sex.

If you hold the duckling upside down by the legs, the female will be motionless, and the young drake will make attempts to look around. Of course, this does not give a guarantee in determining the sex, but it's worth a try.

If ducks are not properly fed and kept in inappropriate conditions, same-sex pairs can form. The dominant female can even completely copy the behavior of the drake. Males can also form pairs with each other. That is why the behavioral method of difference is unreliable.

Differences in gender

It turns out that if you really want to, you can even distinguish the sex of daily chicks. To do this, you need to take the duckling with your left hand (with your head towards you) and massage his anal passage. If a small pseudo-penis appears (about 3 mm in size), then you probably have a young drake in your hands. If nothing like this appeared, then this is a female. For female representatives, small balls (like growths) will be visible.

Duck or drake - sex determination

This method is called Japanese. It gives a 98% guarantee. But everything will depend on the correctness of doing the process. Only an experienced specialist will be able to determine the gender with this method with 100% accuracy.

When a farmer knows how to distinguish ducks by various characteristics, he begins to rationally plan nutrition, feed distribution, and egg productivity. All this knowledge affects the reproduction of birds, it is on them that development depends. meat direction or egg.

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Video: Determination of the sex of goslings (similarly with ducklings)

In some species of birds, the male from the female is quite easy to distinguish. As for ducks, such differences are not always obvious. If you do not know certain nuances, then in most cases it is impossible to determine the sex of ducklings, however distinctive features outwardly and in character still exist. The following information will help you easily distinguish a girl duck from a boy duck.

What is the name of a male duck

A male duck is called a drake. And this is not a separate breed or subspecies, but just a term for a male duck.

They differ from females in a number of ways.

Did you know? Newly hatched ducklings take for mother the creature that they see immediately after hatching.

How to distinguish a male from a female

Today you can find a lot of tips on how to recognize a drake and a duck. But when it comes to practical application, it becomes clear that these signs are not so many.

The most difficult thing is to look for males and females among ducklings. It is necessary to distinguish between chicks by sex, since it is necessary to correctly select the sex ratio in the agricultural population.

The ideal proportions for raising birds for meat or for eggs vary somewhat. However, their correct selection will help to achieve maximum efficiency.

The most accurate methods are the following recognition methods.

By appearance

Main visual differences drakes from ducks are as follows:

  • in males, the plumage is brighter than in females, which most often have a gray, dull color;
  • males are always larger than females;
  • males usually have a wide forehead in the shape of a triangle, females have a thinner forehead with smooth outlines, more like a trapezoid in shape;
  • males have a small crest on the neck;
  • in males, the tip of the tail is rounded, the tail of ducks is almost always straight;
  • males have a larger beak;
  • drakes are decorated with a feather beard.

By voice

It is worth paying attention to the sounds that birds make. Ducks usually quack and drakes mostly hiss. Moreover, the voice of the female is always louder (this is how she attracts ducklings), and the voice of the male can be heard extremely rarely.

Important! IN wild nature drakes are much larger than ducks, but in poultry this condition is not always observed. Sometimes males are smaller than females - it all depends on the conditions of cultivation and nutrition.

For the genitals

Unlike other birds, drakes have anatomical differences from ducks. It is in males that a large penis is located in the walls of the cloaca. It may not be immediately noticeable, although it is quite impressive in size.

During nesting or during the mating season, the genital organ can turn outward, although it is this dignity that seriously complicates the life of a bird, because its length is sometimes equal to the length of the body itself.

Differences between a duck and a drake in terms of genitals

Male habits

In the duck gang, you can see that the females do not try to be leaders at all: they always keep either somewhere on the side or behind. And this rule is observed not only on a walk, but also in flight.

Often, even when breeding poultry, aggressiveness on the part of drakes is noted. They often start fights for females or food.

Important! behavioral traits, like external features, by which sex is determined, appear only 2-3 months after birth.

In order to attract a female, the drake constantly curls around her, comes into conflict with other males. Marriage games may be accompanied by serenades and dances. The duck itself can become the initiator of mating.

In addition to the fact that drakes fertilize females, they have no other meaning in nature. From a practical point of view, they have healthy, tasty meat and warm fluff, which is used to make clothes.
In Peking ducks, the drake has curls at the tip of the tail, the duck does not.

How to choose a male for a tribe

Correct Definition gender will allow you to correctly determine the feed and choose the direction of development of the house. In order to choose a good drake, you should consider its structure.

It is desirable that the bird meets the following parameters:

  • flat, wide, without curvature of the keel - it should be parallel to the ground;
  • the chick must be healthy - healthy drakes behave noisily, actively, their plumage near the cloaca is clean and dry;
  • you need to purchase only individuals over the age of 7 days - by this age the ducklings have time to get stronger.

Did you know? Some determine the sex of ducks in a funny way: they take the duckling by the paws and lower it upside down. The boys will break free and turn their heads, and the girls will remain hanging quietly.

As you can see, it is not difficult to detect the differences between a drake and a duck, you just need to look closely at the birds.

How to distinguish a drake from a duck: video

Let's talk about the name of the male duck. bird boys play important role in breeding, fertilizing female birds. In addition, they care for and protect the offspring and the female hatching it. Hatched ducklings can also count on the help of their father, at least in the first days after birth. Males stand out appearance, behavior and dimensions. The choice of the manufacturer depends on the quantity and quality of the new duck stock. Details in the article.


A duck boy is called a drake. It will not be difficult to distinguish it from a duck if you use the methods described in the article.

The male duck has important difference from the female - a spiral-shaped genital organ from 1.5 to 3-4 millimeters long, depending on age.

When excited, it increases in size, sometimes equaling the length of the body. This feature complicates the life of drakes, making it difficult to fly and move on water or land.

The male duck has other distinctive features:

  • Bright plumage color. During mating season it becomes even brighter - this helps the drakes to attract females for mating.
  • The body of males is larger than that of females. The weight of a wild male reaches 2-4 kg, domestic - 5-6 kg.
  • A long neck with a tuft of a brighter color than the rest of the plumage.
  • Head with a wide forehead, triangular beak, it has a beard.
  • Some drakes have "curls" at the tip of their tails.
  • Behavior dominant, sometimes aggressive. Males are able to arrange a fight for a female or food.

Differences between domestic and wild birds

The behavior of males change based on the habitat - whether they live at home or live in the wild.

In nature, drakes protect the nests where the females incubate the masonry from the attack of predators: birds, foxes, martens, snakes. In a home environment, this is not necessary.

Domestic drakes are trusting and are not afraid to approach people. Separate types wild birds, for example, mallard, are also suitable for humans. However, for them it sometimes ends badly. Due to the extermination of ducks by people for fun or subsistence, some wild species have become on the verge of extinction.

The nutritional characteristics of domestic and wild birds do not differ much. However, domesticated ducks do not have to look for food around the clock - they are fed by the owner. On the other hand, they are able to feed on their own, like wild males: crustaceans, grass, duckweed and other food found on pastures and in water bodies.

Description of wild males

The wigeon has a light body and a head with brown plumage. Males are cautious, shy, often hide in reeds and other secluded places, fly fast. Therefore, hunting for them is difficult and reckless for hunters. More information you will find in the article.

The teal has several subspecies: cracker, whistle, kloktun, marble and others. IN autumn period drakes become common Brown like the females. Learn more about this variety wild ducks can be in the article.

Distinctive feature male killer whale - black legs and beak. The plumage is inconspicuous, which makes them look like females.

During the mating season, the male pintail does not change the color of the plumage. It remains inconspicuous, as in females.

From wild to domestic

The mallard is a common species of wild duck. Drakes have bright plumage with a white stripe around the neck. They are careless and naive, so they become an easy target for hunters. Mallard males and females have long been kept at home. The features of their domestication can be found in the article.

Indiana is called differently Muscovy duck, due to the release of fat with a musky aroma. The drakes of this breed have big weight, unpretentious, rarely make sounds. Another feature of males is strong immunity. They live long and rarely get sick.

Peking duck is often kept in personal subsidiary farms. The males of this breed are similar in color to the females. You can distinguish them by weight: drakes reach a mass of 4 kilos, while ducks - no more than 3.5 kilos. In addition, boys are more restless than girls, and often conflict with "competitors". Other common domestic breeds are described in the article.

Drake selection per tribe

At right choice tribal drake Indians, Pekingese or any other breed can be counted on to get strong and healthy offspring.

Males play an important role in the economy. Starting from the fertilization of females to obtaining fresh, healthy meat and warm fluff. When choosing drakes for a tribe, be guided by the following parameters:

  • The body of the chick should have the correct proportions - a straight keel without curvature.
  • Healthy males are active and noisy. Lethargic or aggressive birds are not recommended.
  • It is better to choose weekly drakes - by this time they will get stronger and show character.

Do not forget about the ratio in the duck tribe: there is one drake for three females. The distribution of feed and keeping conditions depend directly on the number of drakes in the household.

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Baby animals sometimes have non-obvious names, and you may have even wondered questions like:

  • What is the name of a female ferret?
  • What is the name of a female deer, capercaillie, giraffe, peacock, woodpecker, wild boar?
  • What is the name of a baby seal, walrus, swan, sheep, elk, badger?
  • What is the name of a male duck, squirrel, cuckoo, pig, panther?
  • What is the name of the baby animals? For example, elephants, eagles and so on.

In a word, in this article we have collected the names of females - mothers, males - fathers, as well as the names of animal cubs, including animals (they are also mammals), birds, fish, insects, reptiles and amphibians.

If you did not find someone, then be sure to write about it in the comments, and we will add this material in the very near future.

The collected material is presented in the form of a table with 4 columns. The first column is the name of the male, the 2nd is the name of the females, the 3rd is the name of the baby animal, and the last column is the plural name of the baby animal.

Note also that there are colloquial names , which are acceptable in speech, but use them in a scientific report, or when preparing an essay, it will not be correct .

Names of baby animals

Parents Cub (child) in the singular Plural babies
Father (male) Mother (female)
Ram Sheep or sheep Lamb lambs
Walrus walrus walrus walrus
Giraffe giraffe, in colloquial speech there is a name - a giraffe. A calf is the name given to all young artiodactyl animals, but there is also a giraffe. Calves or in colloquial speech - giraffes.
Elk moose calf moose
Seal female seal; in colloquial speech, you can find the name of the seal. Belek, and in scientific literature a baby seal is called a pup. Belki, and in the scientific literature, seal cubs are usually called puppies.
Badger Badger Badger Badgers
Zebra Zebra Foal Foals
Hedgehog hedgehog hedgehog Ezhata
Deer That's right - a deer (Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary), and not a deer, as it might seem. The name Lanka is also found in Efremova's dictionary. deer deer
Wild reindeer or sokzha - that's what they call reindeer peoples inhabiting the tundra. Wild female reindeer or female reindeer. A deer up to a year old is called “non-blowing” or “non-spitting”, and only a born baby is called “fawn”. Fawns up to a year old are called “non-blues” or “non-spits”, and only those born are called “fawns”.
Serpent Snake serpent Serpents
Rhinoceros Rhino female A calf, in colloquial speech, a rhinoceros is also found. Calves, in colloquial speech - rhinos.
A boar is a male pig. Descendant of a boar. You can also meet a boar, but a boar cannot reproduce, as it is a castrated boar. Pig Piglet piglets
Lynx male Lynx A lynx or kitten, as a lynx is from the cat family. Lynxes or kittens.
Stallion (Horse) Horse (Mare) Foal Foals
Ostrich ostrich Ostrich ostriches
Swan Swan A chick, and in simple colloquial speech it is called a swan or a swan. Chicks, swans.
male panda Panda A panda cub, a panda bear cub, since the panda belongs to the bear family. You can meet the names "pandenok" or "pandenysh", but in the scientific literature the terms are not used - only in common parlance. When a panda cub grows up a little, they begin to call him a little panda. Panda cubs, panda cubs.
Fish fry Fry or juveniles
Crocodile crocodile crocodile crocodiles
Raccoon A female raccoon will be correct, but you can also find the names of a raccoon or a raccoon. Puppy Puppies
Eagle Eaglet Eaglet Eaglets
male monkey Monkey A baby monkey, and colloquially, a baby monkey can be called a "monkey". monkey cubs
Bull Cow Calf calves
Whale female whale, whale In scientific publications, either the phrase “whale baby” or “calf” is used; in colloquial speech, you can meet a whale. Whale cubs, calves, whales
male squirrel Squirrel little squirrel Belchata
Leopard female leopard Kitty kittens
Donkey donkey Foal donkeys
Wolf She-wolf wolf cub cubs
male toad Toad Frog ( feminine), frog (masculine) according to Dahl's dictionary Frogs
Hippopotamus (hippopotamus) Behemoth A baby hippopotamus, and you can also call the baby hippopotamus. Also note that hippos belong to the artiodactyl family. In the scientific language, the cubs of all artiodactyls are called calves. Baby hippos, calves
fox fox, fox fox cub fox cubs
Nerpa (type of seal) Seal Belek (belek), and in the scientific literature, seal cubs are usually called puppies. Belki, and in the scientific literature, seal cubs are usually called puppies.
Kangaroo Kangaroo Kangaroo kangaroo
Goat Goat Kid goats
Camel Camel camel Camels
arctic fox fox female A fox cub, but it can also be called a puppy, since the fox is a mammal of the canine family, and a cub is called a cub not only of a dog, but also of a wolf, fox and other canines. fox cubs or puppies
male turtle Turtle Turtle
Fur seal female fur seal Puppy Puppies
male marten Marten Puppy Puppies
Pigeon Dove Dove chick, in colloquial speech there is a dove. Pigeon chicks, colloquially - pigeons.
Gusak (Goose) Goose Gosling Goslings
Elephant Elephant Baby elephant Elephant
Magpie male Magpie shirt Sorochata
Martin Swallow chick. In Dahl's dictionary, the name of the cowgirl is found. Swallow chicks.
a lion Lioness lion cub lion cubs
Male mouse - colloquial Mouse little mouse mice
male panther Panther A kitten, like a panther from the cat family. In colloquial speech, you can sometimes meet: a panther or a panther. kittens
male frog Frog Tadpole (frog larva emerging from eggs). After the process of metamorphosis, he becomes a frog. A frog is a young frog. Tadpoles, frogs
Dolphin female dolphin Dolphin according to explanatory dictionary Efremova from 2000. Dolphins
Dog Dog Puppy Puppies
Sable Sable female Puppy, sable is also used colloquially. Puppies
Crow Female crow (emphasis on 1 syllable - crow) or crow Crow crow or crow chick. Crows or crow chicks.
Male crow or crow Crow Crow chick, crow. Crow chicks, crows.
Stork Stork in colloquial speech. stork storks
Cheetah female cheetah A kitten, like a cheetah from the cat family. kittens
shark male Shark baby shark shark
Hare hare Hare Bunnies. In general, the offspring of hares happens 3 times a year. The first brood at the end of March. They are called - "nastoviki", the second brood is born in June, and they are called "spikelets" and "herbalists". Autumn hares are called "leaf fall", and they appear in September. Thus, late hares are called "deciduous".
Tiger Tigress tiger cub tiger cubs
male red panda Red panda Panda cub or small (red, red) panda cub Panda cubs or small (red, red) panda cubs
The male cuckoo, and names like: cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo are not correct. Cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo
A male roe deer, and the Altaians call him kuran or guran. Hunters call a male roe deer a goat. Roe deer or goat. You can also find the name of the female among the Altaians - kerekshin. And in some places the name is used - goat. Roe deer in the dictionary of Ephraim. Roe deer
lizard Lizard lizard Lizards
male heron Heron Heron chick Heron chicks
Ferret female ferret Puppy Puppies
male antelope Antelope Calf, although in colloquial speech you can find such names as "antelope", "antelope" or "antelope", which should not be used in literary speech. calves
doe male Doe Calf calves
male killer whale Killer whale, sometimes you can find the spelling killer whale, but the correct version is still killer whale. In colloquial speech, you can use killer whales, or rather killer whales, but in general, killer whale cubs are called that - a killer whale cub. killer whale cubs
Starling female starling Starling skvorchata
male mink Mink Puppy Puppies
Turkey Turkey, and in cooked form, for example, fried will be a turkey. turkey chick Turkey poults
Penguin Penguin little penguin penguins
male gorilla Gorilla Gorillion Gorillion
male weasel weasel Puppy Puppies
Gopher The female gopher, and options like gopher, gopher, gopher - are not true. Baby gopher. And the name like gophers is not true. gopher cubs
Mole A female mole, but a mole is allowed in colloquial speech. Mole or mole according to Dahl's dictionary. moles
Sparrow or diminutive to sparrow - sparrow, sparrow Sparrow - according to Ozhegov's dictionary Sparrow or colloquially sparrows or little sparrows and you can even meet a little sparrow. sparrow
male otter Otter Puppy Puppies
Rabbit Bunny rabbit rabbits
Crane Female crane, crane, crane Crane Cranes
Polar bear polar bear bear cub bear cubs
male jackdaw Jackdaw Galchonok Galchata
Rook rook rook Grachata
Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
Bear Bear bear cub bear cubs
Rooster Chicken Chick chickens
Chipmunk Chipmunk Chipmunk Chipmunk
Cat Cat Kitty kittens
Drake Duck Duckling ducklings
Buffalo buffalo Calf calves
Beaver is also a beaver, but the word "beaver" means the animal itself, but "beaver" is the fur of this beautiful animal. The beaver is used in scientific literature, and the beaver in colloquial. beaver beaver beavers
Goat Goat Kid goats
male titmouse Tit Tit chick, colloquially found - titmouse Chicks of a tit, colloquially also used - titmouse
Woodpecker female woodpecker Woodpecker chick, woodpecker is used in zoology Woodpecker chicks, zoologists use - woodpeckers
Boar Boar boar Boar
Mammoth Mammoth or female mammoth Mammoth Mammoths
Thrush A female thrush or a female thrush. In colloquial speech, it is found - a thrush. A thrush chick, in colloquial speech - a thrush. Thrush chicks
Desman or crest Desman female Desman cub, colloquially a muskrat. Desman cubs, in colloquial speech - desmans.
Teretev, a kosach, he is a polyukh. The female black grouse, you can also find the names - black grouse, scythe, female scythe, chicken. black grouse chick Black grouse chicks, popular name - powders.
A male owl, hunters use the name owl. Owl Owlet Owlets
Partridge male. Ornithologists call the male cock, hunters - partridge. Among the local names there are names: drummer, pitoon. Partridge, there are also many local names: chicken, partridge, partridge, white grouse, tallovka, alder, birch. partridge chick partridge chicks
Skunk female skunk Puppy, colloquially - skunk Puppies
Ant-eater Female anteater, colloquially - anteater Anteater cub Anteater cubs
Vulture Vulture female Vulture chick Vulture chicks
Toucan female toucan toucan chick toucan chicks
Tapir female tapir Foal or baby tapir Foals or baby tapirs
Male coati or male coati Nosuha, the scientific name is coati. Noseha cub or coati cub Nosihi cubs or coati cubs
Meerkat A female meerkat, colloquially a meerkat A baby meerkat, colloquially a meerkat. Meerkat cubs, colloquially - meerkats.
Tamarin or saguin female tamarin baby tamarin tamarin cubs
Jackal female jackal Puppy or baby jackal Jackal puppies or cubs
Ermine female stoat baby stoat baby stoat
Bison or European bison A female bison, also called a cow, in colloquial speech - a bison. A calf or a bison cub, in colloquial speech - a bison. Calves or young bison, in colloquial speech - bison.
male bat Bat Puppy or baby bat Puppies or baby bats
Snow leopard, irbis or snow leopard Female snow leopard or a female snow leopard or a female snow leopard Kitten or snow leopard cub or snow leopard cub or snow leopard cub Kittens or snow leopard cubs, or snow leopard cubs, or snow leopard cubs
Jerboa A female jerboa, colloquially you can sometimes meet a jerboa Baby jerboa. Also on the Internet you can find the name - jerboa. This option can be considered colloquial. Jerboa cubs, colloquially - jerboas.
Hamster Female hamster, hamster. A baby hamster, and colloquially - a hamster. Hamster cubs, colloquially - hamsters.
Yak. The Tibetans call him g-yak. Yak female. Tibetans call a female yak - dri. Calf, baby yak or lamb. Calves, baby yak or yak.
male heron Heron Heron chick Heron chicks
Male gull or male gull. And no seagulls or seagulls! Gull Seagull chick, chabar (an outdated version from Dahl's dictionary). In colloquial speech, you can meet - tea. Also, a chick of a seagull is called - kavysh. This name is also applicable to goslings and ducklings, but it is used very rarely. Seagull chicks, savory, kavysh.
A male pike, and in Ukraine a male pike is called a pike. Pike Shchurenok, pike cub, there is also a name pike. Squirrels, pike cubs. In the fairy tale "At the command of the pike" the name of the pike is found.
Fenech or fennec fox or male fennec fox fennec female Fennec fox puppy or fennec cub Fennec fox puppies or fennec cubs
male gazelle Gazelle Baby gazelle, colloquial version - gazelle Gazelle cubs, colloquial version - gazelles
Parrot Female parrot, colloquial version - parrot Parrot chick, colloquial version - parrot, parrot Parrot chicks, colloquial version - parrots
male echidna Echidna baby echidna, English language Echidna cubs are called the word puggle, which means “cute” or “cute” in Russian, and the name puggle is also a zoological name. In colloquial speech, you can find the name - viper. Echidna cubs, in colloquial speech - vipers.
Platypus A female platypus, colloquially a platypus. Baby platypus. In colloquial speech, you can find the name - platypus, which is a diminutive of the name platypus. Platypus cubs, in colloquial speech - platypuses.
Bullfinch, in the people they are called mockingbirds. The female bullfinch, in colloquial speech - the bullfinch, among the people they also meet the name of the female snow maiden. A bullfinch chick, in colloquial speech - a bullfinch. Bullfinch chicks, colloquially - bullfinches.
Wren female beetle Kinglet chick King chicks
Quail Quail quail chick quail chicks
swift Strizhikha - in colloquial speech. Haircut - in colloquial speech. Sheared - in colloquial speech.
Perch female perch Perch - in colloquial speech perch

Ducks and geese are water birds. There are a lot of them and they live all over the world. These birds have dense plumage that helps keep them warm, and webbed feet that are well adapted for swimming.

Duck- this bird is small in size with a short neck and tarsus, covered in front with transverse shields, it comes from the order of new-palatine, order of anseriformes, family of ducks. In total, there are about 110 species of these birds in the world. The coloring of ducks can be both monotonous and several colors. The most common ducks are white or gray in color.
All types of ducks have a weight of 2 to 5 kilograms, depending on age. They have short legs, on which they waddle amusingly when walking. On the paws are three webbed front toes and a free back toe. Most species of ducks live in fresh water. They feed on insects, worms and other plant food. Male ducks are called drakes. They have bright plumage that attracts females. Feathers of females are beige-brown.

Peking ducks can be found in villages and villages. Males have an impressive weight of 4 kg, and females - 3.5 kg. They can lay up to 120 eggs in a year. Young ducks gain weight in just 60 days.

One of best ways rearing ducks is duck(hen), which, together with the brood, swims in the pond, looking for natural and naturally clean food, teaches and protects the ducklings.
The most common ducks are: Mallard, Gray duck, or half-mallard, Pintail, Sviyaz, Teal cracker, Teal whistle, Broadnoska, Red-headed dive (blue black), Crested duck, White-eyed dive.

Goose belongs to the class of birds, the subclass of neopalates, the order of anseriformes, the family of ducks, the subfamily of goose and the genus of geese. Geese are usually larger than ducks and have longer necks. Geese have rather large beaks, with which they pull grass out of the ground. The beak of ducks is flatter - it is convenient for them to catch food from the water.
Geese, unlike other birds, have a beak that is colored orange or grey colour. The beak has great height, but its width is not large, the end of the beak is expressed by a nail with a sharp edge. Along the edges of the beak are small teeth. Geese have a neck, but it is not as long as swans, they also have high legs painted in orange or gray, and paws are a bit like flippers, which allows them to swim on the water.

geese have a large number of feathers and down. The main difference between males and females is only in the bone outgrowth (“hump”) at the beginning of the beak near the bridge of the male, as well as a slightly larger body size.

Almost all species of geese cackle or make murmuring sounds, hiss when threatened or irritated, and may bite. The most common are geese: wild geese, gray geese, goose, Canada goose, White-fronted geese, White geese, White goose, Red-breasted goose, Black goose, African geese.

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