Dream interpretation of dead mice in a dream. Dead mice in the house. Plots about dead mice

Small rodents spoil furniture, carry dirt and infections. Dead rats seen in a dream do not leave happy memories in the morning and suggest thoughts about upcoming problems and failures. However, the dream book gives an ambiguous interpretation of this picture. To find out why the mouse is dreaming, you need to remember the details of the dream, namely: its color, size and causes of death.

General interpretation

Any dream book associates the appearance of a dead rodent in a dream with difficulties and failures in real life. Perhaps something is oppressing you, and you just can’t find a solution to an issue that is important to you?

Another interpretation is that you have envious people and ill-wishers. Therefore, if you dreamed that you were literally surrounded by dead rats, from which a terrible smell comes, try to take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps not everyone has good feelings for you.

So, in order to understand why a dead mouse is dreaming, try to deal with your conscience. The dream book of the sorceress Medea explains this with your own bad deeds and the feeling of guilt that weighs on you in a dream. Well, if you really didn’t do anything shameful, but you still happened to see rodents, it’s about one of your friends.

dead man on the road

Dead rats, imposingly located on the road you are trying to pass, can only mean one thing - some plans will have to wait. If you dreamed of such an unpleasant obstacle, then such a dream indicates difficulties in the implementation of immediate affairs.

Destroy on your own

If initially in a dream the mice were alive, and you happened to see how you kill them, this is good sign. To find out why the murder of a rodent is dreaming, it is worth opening Tsvetkova’s dream book. She explains it this way - you will cope with difficulties and get rid of envious people before they can give you trouble.

So if you dreamed that dead rats fell from your hands, you can rejoice and start implementing those plans that you previously lacked determination. Maybe you'll get a promotion soon career ladder or smell big money that were so lacking?

Throw a problem

G. Miller's dream book explains - if you find a dead rodent and throw it to another person, you can shift some of your problems onto other people's shoulders. toss to someone dead rat it can also mean getting rid of extraneous envy, anger and harmful influences. To see how someone throws dirty tricks on you - good way identify your envious.

Relationships of lovers

If young guy or a girl dreamed of dead rats, from which an unpleasant smell emanates, this may mean a betrayal of a partner. The gypsy dream book calls for a closer look at the behavior and actions of your soulmate.

How important is color

The dream book recommends taking a closer look at the color of the dead man you met in a dream. If you dreamed that the animal was white, most likely your ill-wisher is the fair sex. Gray mice mean possible difficulties and problems. What a black rodent dreams about cannot be said unequivocally, although some interpretations consider this a good sign.


Why is a dead rat dreaming: the meaning of sleep

Why dream of dead rats and mice? As a rule, such dreams symbolize getting rid of the enemy. However, in some cases, for the correct interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to consider it in more detail. So, let's try to figure out why a dead rat is dreaming and what does such a dream mean? Let's start in order.

What is the dream of a dead rat

If the dreaming rat is killed by the dreamer himself, then he will be able to expose his enemy, who is already for a long time"digs" under it. random event will show who is really a friend, and who is just hiding under this mask. As a rule, such a dream is considered a good sign, because the enemy can be figured out even before he has time to cause serious trouble to the dreamer.

Thinking about what a dead rat is dreaming of, you need to remember what shade the rodent's hair was. In this way, you can find out how serious troubles have been avoided. However, this interpretation is not the only one. Sometimes such a dream means solving a long-standing problem. A dead rodent can also mean that it's time to realize your mistakes and try to correct the situation. A dead animal can also mean a betrayal of a loved one, so the dreamer should not be overly gullible.

What does the dream mean

If a dead rat lies across the road, it means that some ill-wisher is blocking the dreamer's path to success, who will try with all his might to eliminate him from his path. However, if the sleeper manages to remove the animal from the road, then in the near future all his problems will be resolved. When wondering what a dead rat is dreaming of, it should be remembered that a rodent can also portend instability in the financial sector. Perhaps the dreamer should reduce his expenses a little. Otherwise, he can get into debts, which will later be very difficult to repay.


What is the dream of a dead rat?

To see a rat in a dream means to have some unpleasant person near you who wants evil, while not showing any kind. Then why dream of a dead rat? Such a dream may different meanings depending on the circumstances.

To kill a rat in a dream means to expose your worst enemy. The cards will finally open, and it will be clear who is really a friend, and who is just hiding under a mask. This is a good sign, because it will be possible to recognize and neutralize the enemy before he has made any negative actions.

At the same time, the darker the rat, the more serious troubles can be avoided. However, this is not the only interpretation of such a dream. For example, killing a rat can also mean resolving some internal conflict. Perhaps the issue that has been tormenting for a long time will be resolved. dead rat- a sign that now is the time to correct past mistakes and realize your guilt in some situation.

To personally kill a rat in a dream, feeling anger or hostility towards it, means that a person will be able to solve some global issue, and his thoughts are now directed in the right direction. Nothing can prevent or influence the change of plans.

If the moment of killing an animal was not present in a dream, most likely this is not a very good sign. If a dead rat dreamed of a girl or young man who is in a romantic relationship, this may be a reason to doubt your partner.

A dead rat is a sign of betrayal of a loved one, so you should be more vigilant and not trust every word spoken.

Also, a dead rat can mean the presence of envious people around. If the rat is light, this indicates a female envious. At the same time, envy here is most likely far from bright.

It is worth taking a closer look at your friends and acquaintances and not putting all your successes on display. This will only irritate the envious person and cause negative thoughts and actions.

A dream in which a dead rat lies on the road means that the path to success will be temporarily blocked by one of the ill-wishers. It is worth expecting a set-up or betrayal. It can be either a person from a close environment, or someone completely unfamiliar.

However, in this moment any plans can be destroyed. It also portends instability in the financial sector. It is necessary to cut expenses in the coming days, otherwise you can get into a difficult situation. There is a chance to get into debt, since a large influx of money capital is not expected in the near future.

However, if in a dream a dead rat disappears or can be removed from the path, this is a good sign. This means that all difficulties can be easily overcome in the shortest possible time.

To dream of a large number of rats running somewhere - to untold wealth. For example, it could be receiving an inheritance or winning the lottery. Conversely, a lot of lying dead rats means large financial losses.

A dead rat seen in a dream most often does not bode well. However, if you tune in correctly and react in time to the current situation, big problems can be avoided. A dead rat marks temporary difficulties. In addition, the problem can only be in the head, but in reality it does not exist.


Dream Interpretation Dead Rat

Why does a dead Rat dream in a dream from a dream book?

Dead rats in a dream portend the collapse of hopes for the best. You will be deceived by a fan or lover, whose devotion was not in doubt.

Dead rodents also indicate a lack of life experience, resourcefulness to achieve success. A dying rat symbolizes victory over enemies.

How many dead rats did you dream about?

Dreaming of a lot of dead rats

A dream, where there are a lot of dead rats, portends significant financial losses, serious material difficulties. Prepare in advance for failures of this kind, it will be easier for you to cope with them.

I dreamed of a lot of dead rats

Many dead rats dream of the appearance of controversial, conflict situations with loved ones, relatives or friends. It also indicates aggression on your part, a manifestation of anger towards a particular person.


why do mice and rats dream



# Rats
Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of. Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality portend family troubles and insincerity of friends, discord in business and losses. If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.
Section: All dreams » Interpretation of dreams (Miller's Dream Book) » K
# Mice
Mice in a dream symbolize wives. If you saw mice in a dream, then they can gossip about your wife. You kill mice in a dream - to the fact that you do not suit your wife in intimate relationships, she experiences some inconvenience. If the mice ran away from you in a dream, then take a closer look at your wife, suddenly someone appeared on her side. Bat for pregnant women - a good sign.
Section: All dreams » Intimate dream book » M
# Rats
IN modern world Rats are almost universally treated with contempt. The reputation of the scavengers of pestilence always outstrips them wherever they appear. However, some people keep rats as PETS, their attitude towards them, of course, is different.
Section: All dreams "David Loff's Dream Book" K
# Mice
They dream of domestic troubles and failures, such a dream warns: there are insidious slanderers and dirty tricks nearby. If a young woman saw that a mouse was sitting on her, she should be more careful - so as not to be involved in a scandal.
Section: All dreams » Eastern dream book
# Rat
In general, a rat dreams of a quarrel with friends and acquaintances. Rats are always treated with contempt and disgust. For many people, dreams in which rats were present portend that they may soon be left alone. Therefore, if you dreamed of a rat, take care of your relationship with your loved one, put up first (first) in a quarrel.
Section: All dreams "Intimate dream book" K
# Rat
The rat is a symbol of legibility, fastidiousness, fertility, death, good luck. Seeing a sea of ​​rats eating crops - this dream warns that if measures are not taken to conserve land and reasonably exterminate pests Agriculture, it can turn into an ecological disaster that will lead to famine.
Section: All dreams » Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus » K

Why dream of dead rats?



rats dream of deception
and if dead
so the lies will go away


It's time to take out the trash

Elena Suslova

In general, a rat dreams of a quarrel with friends and acquaintances. Rats are always treated with contempt and disgust. For many people, dreams in which rats were present portend that they may soon be left alone. Therefore, if you dreamed of a rat, take care of your relationship with your loved one, put up first (first) in a quarrel.


The rat is a symbol of legibility, fastidiousness, fertility, death, good luck.
Perhaps circumstances will develop in such a way that you will successfully get rid of annoying, unkind and deceitful people, thereby avoiding deception ...


rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. Seeing them dead - you can easily cope with the intrigues of your enemies and ill-wishers.



Hello, I dreamed as if I was relaxing abroad, in some eastern country, I remember that I came to some square where there are a lot of stairs, climbing the stairs I see a huge number of dead rats, they are gray, dirty, fall down from the stairs, roll down .... a terrible dream, it was terribly disgusting ...


i dreamed that I was cleaning my work and couldn’t do anything in order, I started to take care of the flowers and found a huge black rat under the foliage, it seemed like a deadly open eye, one of my colleagues prevented me from putting things in order and my son somehow caught and rolled the rat into a bag


I was at some event (entertainment), we went for a ride in cars. We ended up in a suburban garbage dump, but instead of garbage there were only rats, thousands and thousands! Walking through the landfill without stepping on them was simply not possible. Somewhere they were stacked in heaps, somewhere they burned or smoked. But there was no burning smell. The sky was gray and hazy.


I am very afraid of rodents and many people know about it. So I dream that they want to throw a dead rat at me on a robot and I start running away from fear, but when I turned around, this rat was lying near my feet.


First I cleaned the dirty toilet paper from a bucket in the toilet, and then there was a black fat dead rat and I understood that it was I who killed her.


In the pit was a dead rat that looked more like a dog. I was surrounded by people and we stood and looked at her.


a rat was killed, its skin was laid to dry on a chest of drawers where the icons stood. At the end, the mother stroked the cat, next to the cat there was still the same skin, but then came to life and ran away


Hello! I dreamed of rats running out of the gnawed floor and running out into the corridor, there were a lot of rats, large ones, among them were dead. In a dream, a neighbor saw them, asked the question, what are these large rats? Suddenly, one of the rats turned into a lap dog, I answered my neighbor: no, it's a dog. And immediately woke up, with a feeling of disgust. Here is such a dream.


Summer, I swim in the river with my girlfriends. Suddenly a dead rat, black in color, floats on me. It's not scary, it's more like it's not pleasant. I try to swim away from her or drive her away from me, but she still floats on me. The moment she almost touched me, I woke up


in the room near the window, when I came up, I heard the smell of dead mice or rats, they began to push something apart and on some kind of tray there were several large dead rats.


Hello. I see a dream as if I were in a dark room, I move the curtain on the window and I see how a man throws two dead rats tied to each other at me through the window. Rats hit the window and fall down. I can clearly see his face. Although it was at night, it was so bright. The whole dream.


Hello! I dreamed that I was in the kitchen of a friend of a girl, and in the sink where they wash the dishes there were large fluffy, gray, dead ones (well, I thought it was rats, 3 pieces) who really was I don’t know? Please explain


I dreamed of a dead big rat in my house near the bed on which my daughter was sleeping, and I lifted my sleepy daughter out of bed and took her out of this room


The rat ended up under the box in which I collected the black earth. She seemed to be strangled. I hit her several times with a box, but after a while she woke up and disappeared. Nearby were two people who looked like saints from icons, they looked at what was happening with amazement. I did not experience any special feelings.


I dreamed of a big house that I bought. I was not alone in it, everywhere
there were a lot of rats. We wanted to sell it. I went out into the yard, there are also rats.


Good afternoon.
Today, from 31.12. on 01.01., I dreamed of three dead rats, well-fed with a light color. It felt like it was in an apartment. I saw them out of the corner of my eye, even in a dream a feeling of disgust. And the eldest son, he died 6 years ago, removed them,
I almost never have dreams, or at least I don't remember. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?


In some house, unfamiliar to me, two girls are trying to hide from me, but I found them and ask (kindly) where their dad is. At this time, a woman throws a dead rat into the yard and I beat her (woman) until she took her away (it seems to me that she beat her to the point of blood)


i dreamed of my husband, I beat him very hard, I was very angry at him and then I turned him into a rat and I say: "Let the cat eat you."


an ordinary sunny day feels like a day off, easy serene, everything in life goes quietly serenely. The wife is calling - Yura, you know we have a dead rat in the kitchen. The next moment she is at the table, and takes out a dead black rat about 40-50 cm long from a white washbasin.


the rat was lying at the threshold of the house, dark gray. I was surprised that it was big. They are still found in the sewers of big cities.




Hello Tatyana, I had a dream that I was in a black swamp full of mud, about dead rats, and one guy from there saved me, because this mud pulled me down


In a dream, I ran away from someone and ran to my neighbors. They hid in the basement, and there are a lot of rats, live rats eat dead rats and the smell was terrible. It was intolerable. And in this basement there was a door to another room, this room was large and bright and there was a lot of closet.


The rat crawled out onto the kitchen table. But I didn't feel scared or disgusted. The rat looked like a mummy, something white, and the head was stained with dried blood.


I saw other dead rats and their poop ... I walk and I'm afraid to step on a dead rat, there were too many of their bodies.


I dreamed that I found a dead rat in my house. Then they put it in a bag and threw it out the window.


From the beginning I saw a dead rat when leaving the building .. I tried to remove it from the road with a shovel. It didn’t work .. Then after about two minutes someone removed it and put it in one pile with other dead rats ... clearing the way


i dreamed that in some house there was a fat, healthy dead rat on the table and there was also a rat on the floor, but not so big. And some other animal that seemed to look like a rat, but not a rat looked angrily and squeaked, but did nothing, only disgusted me in a dream, and dead rats had a terrible feeling.


Hello! I dreamed of a dismembered rat. The head, tail, paws lay separately on the table. I want to go to medical school. When I saw all this, I heard the words: “Do you still want to go to medical school? You'll have to cut them!" Wash me became ill. What could it mean?


Good evening. I had a dream that two unfamiliar women (in a dream they seem like my neighbors) brought a dead rat to my apartment and wanted to feed me with it, I tried to run away and it was very scary.


I'm in some kind of house, like a friend's house and I see a big rat Brown, lies dead on the edge of the room, I feel uncomfortable, I want to leave, but I haven’t found a way out yet, then I see another one and another one, like 3 rats in total


Hello! At the beginning of the dream, I was at school in the classroom, and then I ran away and rode the bus and saw my cousin there, then I drove a little more and got off at the bus stop, and there was my mother, I looked back there were fun 2 or 3 rats, then we rode with my mother on another bus home and again I saw my brother and a chewing rat was sitting next to him. What does this mean?

Different dream books explain in different ways what dead mice saw in a dream. However, almost all of them agree that the obsolete rodents seen in a dream, whether mice or rats, are a sign of some kind of problem, often prompting action.

Why do dead mice dream: interpretation by different dream books

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, dead mice can mean material difficulties (you may have to lose part of your property) or hunger. The same is said in folk dream book: dreamed of a dead mouse - you should expect material problems and unforeseen expenses.

Miller's dream book, on the contrary, says that seeing a dead mouse in a dream is a victory over enemies (Azar's dream book also says this) or self-resolution of a problem situation. If you killed a mouse with your own hands, it means that you will have to make an effort to get rid of the problem.

In the event that you have set traps for mice, care must be taken in real life to avoid difficulties.

Y. Longo interprets the killing of mice as a solution to domestic problems. According to the gypsy interpretation, a dead mouse in a dream means a rival who plotted against you and suffered from them.

Loff's dream book claims that a dead mouse in a dream increases the likelihood of accidental resentment. In this case, you need to be careful not to accidentally hurt loved ones.

In Eastern countries, it is customary to personify a mouse as a symbol of wisdom and resourcefulness, so a dead animal in a dream may indicate that you lack these character traits in order to achieve success. If you're unsuccessfully trying to catch mice slipping out of your hands, it could mean a big risk of missed opportunities.

A dream involving dead mice can be interpreted differently: for example, according to the Tibetan dream book, mice in a dream indicate the presence of cunning, dexterous enemies. Thus, to kill a mouse means to defeat your enemy. Muslim dream book interprets the appearance of a dead mouse in a dream as a sign of a serious illness, while if a person kills a mouse, in reality he will be cured of the disease.

As you know, mice start only where there is prosperity. On the one hand, this means that everything is pretty good in your life, but at the same time, you have something to lose. Abundance can give rise to envious people who can attract negative energy to you, because of which rumors and petty intrigues will arise around you.

All this dirty trick can lead to quarrels at work and in the family, to financial problems, as a result of which stress arises, and there it is not far from illness.

Thus, if you dreamed of a dead mouse, analyze your surroundings: are all your colleagues, friends and acquaintances respectable, positive towards you? If you killed a mouse in a dream, it could be a good sign the fact that you are cleansed of spiteful critics.

Why do dead mice dream: the general meaning of sleep

Summarizing, we can say that a dead mouse in a dream can indicate three possible situations, which are not mutually exclusive:

  • you have opponents that you have defeated (in case you killed the mice yourself), or which you need to deal with in the future - in case you saw an animal that has already died;
  • you are waiting for problems of a material, property nature, you must be careful to prevent them or minimize risks. If you have debts, distribute them as quickly as possible, also try not to take loans or make large purchases in the near future - this may not end in the best way. If you dreamed that someone else killed the mouse before your eyes, dream books advise you to agree to the help that others will offer;
  • a disease, for the prevention of which you should think about your health, pay attention to symptoms that have long been disturbing. Take vitamins, eat vegetables and fruits, try to get enough sleep - these are the main measures to increase immunity. If you have been planning to go to the doctor for a long time - do it.

Video on the topic of the article

Seeing dead mice in a dream it means in reality to experience many life difficulties in any area of ​​life in reality. After such dreams, it is recommended not to relax, and prepare for difficulties. To give such a dream an accurate assessment, you need to remember all the details of the dream and look at the meaning according to the interpreter.

Dead mice and rats in a dream

Seeing dead mice in a dream means be attacked envious and ill-wishers. We'll have to prepare to repel their attacks. portends the collapse of hopes. If not just dead, but a sign that all your problems will be successfully solved, and troubles will bypass. If a young girl saw a dream- her wedding and personal life are under threat, she has a strong one.

Dead mice in the house

Dead means that your house may be overtaken by a series of troubles. It is worth being on your guard and doing the most simple rules security. If dead animals were found in the closet, then get ready to discover unpleasant secrets about your loved ones. A dead mouse in a bookcase, to a difficult choice in making a decision. Mouse in the kitchen or on the table - to losses, monetary losses and empty chores.

Dead little gray mice

Small dreams of the appearance in real life of a small, but no less nasty enemy from this. It can be an envious person or an envious person for small things. Be careful in dealing with people and do not tell them too much, so as not to cause unnecessary bouts of envy. For a man dead gray mice mean problems at work and in the family, do not get involved in disputes and scandals, show restraint.

Lots of dead mice

A lot of dead mice in a dream means that you have to fight for your reputation in reality. If you look at dead mice, then bright times and many good luck and pleasant moments await you. A lot of dead mice on, this is a rare dream. He portends to become a victim of libel in reality. Seeing dead mice in the yard, garage or shed, it means that the enemies are already nearby and you are in trouble due to their intrigues.

Dead mice in the apartment

You dreamed of dead mice in your apartment, this is a sign that in solving problems you will have to resort to the help of friends, you cannot cope alone. Dead mice in or on the table to family problems. Dead animals in the corridor, which means trouble and trouble, have already come to you. , around which there are a lot of dead mice, can mean unexpected support from a "big" person. Holding and examining the mouse you killed in real life means future success and successful completion of all started cases.

Mice in the water

See dead mice in the water, which means that in the near future you will have to shed due to troubles in real life. If , then the cause of these troubles will not be clear. Also, such dreams can portend material problems. The mice swam and drowned and you saw it, which means that your enemies will fail in the fight against you. If the water was muddy or dirty, this means that a dirty game is being started against you, and you immediately don't understand what's what.

Dead mice and cats

To see dead mice and cats in a dream is an ambiguous sign. If a cat strangled all the mice, it means that an influential person will help you solve your problems. Just to see among the dead mice for difficult times. Also, such a dream can mean that minor troubles will be replaced by major ones. A cat carries away a dead mouse, such a dream portends lost luck or profit. If it carries in your direction, then in real life luck is on your side.

White dream book

Dead mice in a dream are a generally unfavorable sign. It portends many small problems and empty troubles. If dead, then luck has turned away from you. A large dead mouse on the road means an unforeseen obstacle to reaching the goal. A dead animal and you killed it, this means that you will have good luck and success in business. Dead mice in the water, means that you will be opposed by enemies on the way to your goal.

Big dream book

Seeing dead mice for imminent trouble, because of which many tears will have to be shed. Dead mice in a house or apartment portend a danger to your home. They can get in there. Mice in the water portend material problems and possible conflicts because of this. Mice gray or black, such dreams promise problems at work. A dead white mouse symbolizes lost profits. A dead mouse in the teeth of a cat means that luck is leaving you. If mice are found in a closet or bedside table, then your friends or relatives will unpleasantly surprise you.

Dream Interpretation of the Soothsayer Mary

Mice in a dream and in particular dead mice the sign is rather negative. Such dreams bring difficulties, troubles and petty quarrels. A white dead mouse is a lost profit or a broken deal. dead mouse on the road means that on the "path" in real life you will meet an obstacle. A cat or a cat carries a dead mouse into your hands, you will be lucky in the most unexpected business. If a cat takes away a mouse, then the seemingly right thing will be lost. Dead rodents in the water promise slander and slander. If the water is dirty, then there is a risk of loss of reputation due to slander.

Lunar dream book

Dead mice or rats in a dream, such a sign is negative character . Dead animals in the water, such a dream portends financial problems and conflict situations. Seeing a cat or a cat among the many dead rodents portends that your problems will continue and intensify. The cat takes away the mouse - luck leaves you. See a white dead mouse it means that you yourself are to blame for the lost profit, there is no need to look for enemies or those to blame. If you hold the mouse you killed in your hands, this is a good sign, portending an early solution to problems and good luck.

Ukrainian dream book

If in a dream they found dead mice or rats in the house, whether on the floor or a table, such a dream means that your house is in danger from neighbors, it can also mean a major quarrel with neighbors. see dead rodents white color, to financial losses or a lot of empty worries. Dreamed of rodents in the water, especially in a muddy one, this dream means that because of enemies you will suffer losses or become a victim of deception.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed of a black dead mouse, then the conflict in which you have to take part may go beyond certain limits. Can be used against you black magic. These are very dangerous and insidious opponents. To see a dead white mouse, such a dream promises vain work. Mice in the water promise tears in reality. Mice lie on the threshold of the house, portends that you will be able to protect yourself or loved ones from danger or prevent trouble.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Dead mice in a dream are a more favorable sign than living ones. Especially if these are mice killed by you. Seeing a black dead mouse to victory over the "black" forces. see dead white rodent, such a dream means a quick improvement in business. Dead animals in the water symbolize that all the consequences of trouble will be washed away by water and nothing will remain. see how the cat sits among the mice he killed, such a dream portends a meeting with influential person which will help you. Mice in the house is a warning that the house is in danger and care must be taken.

Find a mouse in a dresser or closet in a dream means expecting an unpleasant surprise from friends.

Mice and other rodents in most people cause, if not fear, then a clear feeling of disgust and disgust. Therefore, it is not surprising that involving these characters is perceived as a bad sign. And why do dead mice dream? Dead rodents are the personification of all ill-wishers, secret enemies and competitors of man.

What does sleep mean?

Everyone interprets the plot of a dream involving dead mice differently.

Lots of dead rodents

A large number of dead mice means tough competition, a battle with life circumstances, protecting your reputation and honor. Seeing a dead mouse in your hands means a bright streak in, good luck and future joy.

A lot of mice in the snow speaks of big deceit which is gaining popularity every minute. Mice lying on the floor of the dwelling indicate that the threat is approaching, and rodents located in the car or in the garage speak of the betrayal of a friend or beloved woman.

For women, such a dream suggests that she will have to protect their children or relatives from the attacks of others. For unmarried girls such a dream can mean the loss of innocence. For men, such a dream means many problems related to family and money.

little animals

Little dead mice mean little trouble, which do not deal much damage, but are annoying and affect emotional condition dreamer. Also, such a dream speaks of an envious person, a weak enemy who looks more like a petty dirty trick than a serious enemy.

A small dead mouse in a dream is a sign of an envious woman, often it is either a neighbor or a work colleague. This hurts on trifles and on the sly. A large number of small dead mice warns of imminent danger, that the dreamer needs to keep his mouth shut and not trust anyone, at least in the near future.

Mouse found in closet speaks of a difficult choice to be accepted by the dreamer. Little dead mice scattered on the table mean financial losses, unwillingness to admit the obvious, empty chores.

Explaining why a dead mouse is dreaming, the dream book suggests trusting your intuition. An unpleasant image arises in night dreams for a reason. What you see in a dream warns of impending troubles. The correct interpretation will help to meet the blows of fate fully armed and, if possible, bypass many of them.

Miller's predictions

When a dead mouse dreamed, Miller's dream book advises not to trust even the closest ones. The current period is characterized by a heightened sense of envy, sometimes getting out of control. Being under its influence, it is not always possible to resist temptations and unseemly acts.

Their name is legion

Predictions of why not one dead mouse is dreaming of, but many, should be given special attention. Often a symbol turns out to be a harbinger of an accident or a global catastrophe.

If you dreamed of a lot of dead rodents, danger can lie in wait at almost every step. The likelihood increases exponentially natural Disasters: natural disasters and large-scale man-made accidents.

If you happen to see a lot of mouse corpses, beware of lightning, plane crashes, snake bites and poisonous insects, short circuit. tricks of ill-wishers, be careful on vacation near the reservoirs.

In rat company

The interpretation of a dream, in which not only a dead mouse appears, but also a larger creature, takes on a special meaning. This is how the dream book explains the presence of dead rats in a dream:

  • If you dreamed of dead rats, in reality you are tired of hidden enmity;
  • In a dream, the cause of the death of a rat is the one who is ready to fight back in reality;
  • Seeing a "catch" in a rat trap means that trouble has bypassed;
  • The image of a tormented rat means that the cunning of enemies knows no bounds.

If in real life the dreamer experiences a phobia for these creatures, the dream interpreter is encouraging. that in this case the meaning of what he saw in a dream is neutral, the sleeper has nothing to fear.

What color is the mouse

The dream book draws attention to what color the individual dreamed about. Ordinary grays often represent the dreamer's helplessness. In Loff's dream book, the gray skins of the dead, on the contrary, symbolize an enemy or competitor for whom you are inaccessible.

This is not the only explanation for what gray dead mice dream of. If you had to see them die, the symbol indicates that you will achieve the best results in a team of employees.

If you dreamed of a dead white mouse, you run the risk of offending a friend.

Mice that have outlived their

It is curious to know what the little cubs of rodents dream of, whose age turned out to be short. The symbol that you dreamed of reflects the accumulated minor grievances and annoying factors from everyday life.

The esoteric oracle calls for careful handling of money, in particular to control expenses. Small and seemingly insignificant leaks can lead to financial ruin.

With extreme cruelty

When it happens to see in a dream a killed mouse in blood or dismembered - that is, the method of reprisal clearly exceeded the potential threat - the dream book warns that you have to deal with an unscrupulous and merciless enemy. Some interpreters fear magical attacks.

The dream interpreter of the Apostle Simenon Kananit puts the emphasis differently: the image that you dreamed about in a dream predicts the fate of your enemy in the near future.

Who brings everything into the house

Finding a dead mouse in the house is not very pleasant even in a dream. And yet, the Emperor's dream book does not advise getting too upset. What this episode is dreaming of indicates the business acumen of the sleeping person.

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