Essay on autumn in my city. Composition beautiful autumn Composition on the theme "Autumn"

Autumn is coming. The city turns yellow-orange. Schoolchildren put on briefcases and go to school. Vacations are coming to an end for adults. The leaves on the trees change their green color to vibrant reds and yellows. Fruits and vegetables ripen in gardens. Autumn is a time of magical changes.

This is the time when everything turns upside down. This is the time of rebirth. Isn't it a miracle that the bunny will change his gray fur coat for a new white one. And the bear will hibernate for the whole winter. But in my city, autumn is completely different. This is a parade of bright colorful trees. This migratory birds who fly into warm countries. These are first-graders who run through the corridors of the school. Someone will say that this is a completely ordinary autumn, everyone has it. But I will say that this is my very, because it is in the city where I was born.

Composition number 2 Autumn in my city.

I have a cup of hot tea in my hands, a warm mother's jacket is thrown over my shoulders. My heart is sad, nature dies in autumn. But this is a bright sadness, because soon everything will change and bloom again. I look out the window and remember Alexander Pushkin's poem “A sad time! eyes charm!

There is almost no foliage left on the trees, so the gray sky looks gloomily out the window. It blows its gray clouds and hides the last rays of the sun. Soon it will rain, large menacing drops will fall on the last yellow leaves and knock them off the branches. And the leaf will fly into its own last trip. He will spin, and a gust of strong wind will grab him in his cold embrace and carry him to unknown distances, perhaps to where the birds fly.

But not all birds leave their homes, some of them bask next to city pipes or on the warm trunks of cars. Birds sit on branches of still red rowan and begin to greedily pick ripe red berries. After they chirp merrily and fly away to look for a new home.

Not only birds try to keep warm in autumn, but also people. The whole street turns gray due to the abundance of black and gray warm clothes. Everyone wraps themselves in scarves and puts on fluffy hats. Young people walk around with warm coffee in plastic cups.

The first snow falls at this time of the year. Snowflakes merrily fall from the sky in a cheerful round dance, they warn of the coming of winter. Children have fun running around, opening their mouths and trying to catch snowflakes. But the white pranksters manage to slip away. And when the snow gets more, the children begin to arrange the first snow fights.
I look at this picture from the window of my house, and I think that this is a wonderful time.

Autumn teaches us to appreciate small joys and overcome gray everyday life. I again repeat the lines from the poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. And I'm starting to understand why great poet loved this time of year.

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Golden autumn

It gets cooler in autumn. The days are getting shorter because it gets dark early. Trees shed their leaves. They are very beautiful, they have rich colors: red, yellow, orange. More and more wind strong wind, circles the leaves and easily lowers them to the ground. At times the sky becomes overcast and it rains. I love this time of the year, you can walk in the park and admire the golden autumn nature.
Dasha Larionova

Golden autumn

Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year. It’s a little sad because the foliage is flying around, but it’s nice and fun to stand under the multi-colored leaf fall. Nature says goodbye to us until spring, chestnuts and acorns shed their unusually beautiful fruits. Yellow maple leaves look golden in the sun, they make the park even brighter and sunnier. You can collect all these autumn gifts and make a beautiful craft out of them, which will remind us of this wonderful time all winter.
Autumn smells of apples and mountain ash. There is nothing more beautiful than a carpet of colorful leaves. What a pleasure to run through it. I love you, my golden autumn! And I will miss you very much.

Semyon Vinogradov

Golden autumn

Autumn is the brightest time of the year. All the trees are dressed up in colorful outfits. Maples - in red caftans. Birches - in yellow sundresses. Oaks - in brown frock coats. Everything shines in the bright autumn sun. It is so beautiful that you can't take your eyes off it. I love Golden autumn. In autumn I like to walk in the forest.

Yura Zaitsev

Warm autumn

Autumn has come. The sun gilded the tops of the trees, painted the leaves in colorful, bright, Beautiful colors. Leaves hang from the trees like gold coins. A warm autumn breeze blows, and the leaves turn into small airplanes. The cloud will fly by, the wind will die down, and the leaves will fall on the water and turn into autumn boats. Other leaves will fall to the ground and cover it with a colorful carpet. When you walk on it, the leaves rustle like fried chips. And immediately comes good mood. And I want to roll in the leaves. In the sky, a flock of birds fly south, saying goodbye to us until next spring.

Gosha Kataev


In every season, nature is beautiful in its own way. This year, the beginning of autumn gave us a lot of bright and sunny days. The sky is not overcast yet. The leaves on the trees make us happy different colors. Red, yellow, green, orange leaves dressed the forest in bright dresses.
Warm days at the beginning of autumn are called " Indian summer". In September and October, people pick mushrooms, cranberries. Children make crafts from leaves, cones, acorns.
Unfortunately, the colorful and warm autumn ends quickly. Leaves fall, it rains more and more often, and even the first snow may fall. Nature is preparing for winter.

Sasha Penzin


Autumn is very beautiful time. Only in autumn there is such a diverse palette of colors. Leaves change their habitual green color on red, brown, yellow, burgundy. And in the middle of autumn, the trees shed their leaves to rest in the winter. At this time, it is pleasant to wander around the park when the leaves rustle underfoot. And we also like to go to the forest for autumn mushrooms. Main autumn mushrooms- again. But I don't like that it often rains in autumn. And they change our plans for the walk. But in the fall there is an "Indian summer". Nature seems to want to bring summer back. The sun is shining brightly and it's hard to believe that it's already autumn.

Denis Gorlov

Golden autumn

Autumn is a wonderful time of the year. The azure sky attracts the eye with its purity and cloudlessness. The sun, like a golden ball, rolls across the sky. Trees change their "clothes". Leaves, like multi-colored coins, cover the branches. The grass stretches to the last warm rays of the sun. It seems that all nature calms down and enjoys this beautiful times"golden autumn" before the harsh cold winter.

Golden autumn is a time of farewell to warmth and the arrival of cold weather. Every day it becomes more and more noticeable, as the days are getting shorter. The sun rises from behind the horizon later and sets earlier, and with each subsequent day it warms weaker. It got noticeably colder in the evening. It rained more often and cold winds began to blow. As soon as the sun was shining and warming, a strong wind suddenly appeared, clouds covered the sky, and a light rain began. I wanted to write an essay in my diary beautiful autumn.

Some time later, after a cold snap and rains, the Indian summer comes, which everyone is so looking forward to. To remember the summer warmth and comfort. Beautiful autumn amazes with its colors and variety. Previously, I did not like this season and it always reminded me of cold and rain, but every year I began to notice that the cool season is diverse and beautiful in its own way.

Presentation about different autumn

Autumn, like other seasons, is beautiful in its own way. The first month - September still resembles late summer. Many trees have green leaves, in some places you can see green grass. Although it is cold in the morning, but in the afternoon when the sun is shining, it is warm, and sometimes even hot. True, it rains more and more often, and with each subsequent day, the cold is felt more and more.

In October, golden autumn begins. It is at this time that everyone is looking forward to the Indian summer to remember the past summer. In the middle of the season, almost all the trees have yellow leaves and a lot of them fall from the trees, which then cover the ground with a yellow carpet. It's great to take a walk in the park or alley and enjoy the yellow rays of the sun and the light cool breeze. This wind rips yellow leaves from the trees and they slowly circling under the rays of the sun fall to the ground. Especially this a natural phenomenon looks beautiful when viewed from a distance. In addition, during the golden season it is great to observe nature from above. The leaves on some trees are yellow-red, on others green-yellow, on others yellow-brown.

At the end of November, the arrival of winter is already felt. At night, the temperature drops below zero and often in the morning you can see frozen puddles. Snow is falling instead of rain. It often happens that in one night, if the temperature drops below zero, all the leaves fall from the trees. Then when you go to school in the morning, there is a thick layer of leaves under your feet, since the janitors have not had time to remove them yet. Different autumn like many people.

I love the golden autumn in our area. After exhausting summer heat nature and people rest. There are still warm days, but at night a chill flows through the open windows. In the mornings, you want to dress warmly, and the warm gentle sun will warm everyone in the afternoon and make you take off your clothes.
The days have become noticeably shorter, but on the dark evenings the starry sky is clearly visible. In golden autumn, the stars are so bright and seem a little closer than at other times of the year.

Rains in our area in summer are rare, so the first autumn rains are even pleasing. They wash away summer dust from plants, and after a while, a green carpet of young grass appears on the land scorched by the summer heat. Violently, brightly, as if they know that they have little time left and everything will end soon, autumn flowers bloom in city flower beds, in parks and gardens. Beauty!

Huge flocks of birds fly like a black cloud over the city. They sit down in the trees with a loud uproar, as if arguing among themselves what to take in long way and agree on when to set the day of departure.

The autumn forest seems especially majestic and beautiful in autumn. Autumn generously painted the foliage on trees and shrubs in crimson and various shades of yellow. It's so great to take a walk in the golden autumn in the park, in the forest, listen to the rustle of leaves under your feet, listen to the thoughtful whisper of the leaves above your head, as if they are in a hurry to tell about something good and eternal. You catch with your eyes a yellow leaf that has come off and escort it to the ground. And when the wind rustles in the tops of the trees, and the leaf fall of colorful leaves begins, it becomes even a pity to step on such beauty with your feet. Only evergreen pines condescending look at the slow undressing deciduous trees. It doesn't threaten them. And in the cold winter they will guard the peace of the naked forest.
You walk through the autumn forest, listen to the rustle of leaves, inhale the smells with your whole chest autumn forest, damp earth and some kind of bright sadness takes possession of you: soon this beauty will disappear under the gusts of cold wind, fine annoying rain, winter cold.
The great Russian river Volga, on which stands best city on Earth - Kamyshin, in the fall it also acquires some special majesty and dignity. Pure water reflects the sky and seems blue-blue. It takes your breath away from this blue and the power of water. Steamboats floating along the river, you see off with a thoughtful look for a long time. And when the wind disturbs the surface of the river and huge dark waves run, chasing each other, you involuntarily cringe from revelry water element and think, "It's good that you're standing on the shore, and not sailing on that boat."

The last agricultural work is being completed in the fields: gourds are harvested, the land is plowed, and winter crops are sown. Vegetables are harvested on plantations, fruits are harvested in orchards. All these gifts of fertile local land are transported everywhere, put in storage, and transported to local markets. Kamyshin markets in autumn are single song! Such an abundance of fruits, vegetables, grapes, all kinds of greens, watermelons, melons, pumpkins. Well, just for every taste! You walk through the market and think: what a rich region and how responsive to human labor Earth!

And people enjoy the gifts of golden autumn, walk with pleasure in autumn parks and forests, bask in the rays of the still warm gentle sun, rejoicing sincerely on the last fine days, using them as much as possible for going out into nature. It seems to me that the golden autumn is a time to think, to draw some conclusions, to outline future plans. And yet, man and nature, in the golden autumn, more than ever at any other time of the year, live in peace and harmony.

An essay about "Autumn has come"

Autumn has come. The sun is still warming almost like summer, trying to give away the last unspent heat. on blue and clear skies there are almost no clouds yet. Only the wind became colder and sharper, reminding us that it was already September. Among the bright greenery, the first harbingers of autumn are noticeable: yellow and red leaves. Soon they will fall from the trees and cover all the roads and paths.

Composition on the theme "Autumn"

Autumn is the time to say goodbye to warmth and the arrival of cold weather. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer, and it's getting more noticeable with each new day. The sun appears on the horizon later, and sets earlier, and day by day it warms less and less. The temperature on the thermometer outside the window slowly drops down, it becomes noticeably colder in the evenings.

Here comes Golden autumn. The most beautiful and picturesque time of the year. Autumn she loves yellow, red, orange paints, and how she loves to shower everything with gold. Here you come to birch grove and you can't look away, everything is in gold. Instead of leaves, golden coins hang on the birch trees, and it seems that from one breath of the breeze they will immediately begin to ring.

Composition on the theme "Autumn time"

Autumn- the most beautiful time of the year. No wonder Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin had autumn as his favorite time of the year. It is impossible not to admire the beauty that gives us autumn nature. And how beautiful it is in the autumn in the forest! Sometimes just words are not enough to describe all this splendor, only an artist can convey the autumn landscape.

Composition on the theme "Golden Autumn"

It's over happy summer. September became the full owner. It gets unusually cold in the morning and at night. Only during the day the sun still warms, trying to remind us of summer. After exhausting long work, the fields rest. Golden orchards have already presented their harvest to the owners. Everywhere you can feel the cool breath of autumn. Low clouds began to appear more and more often in the gray sky. It's raining lightly.

An essay about "Why I Like Autumn"

Autumn, autumn is coming... Marvelous and wonderful time. The sun no longer fries mercilessly from morning to evening, as in summer, and still does not hide behind dense gray clouds, as it will in winter. It generously and gently warms, caressing every cell, it seems to ring in the sky with a million bells and scatters its tenderness and warmth. Go, people and animals, blades of grass and flowers, birds and trees, catch its lovely rays, bathe in them, rejoice, smile.

An essay about "Autumn" for 2, 3, 4 classes

1 option. Autumn has come. Leaves turned yellow on the trees. Soon they will start to fall to the ground.
Yesterday we walked with my mother in the autumn park. It's sunny and quiet there. The birds no longer sing. They are preparing to fly to warmer climes.

Option 2. On the first day of autumn we went to school. There are nice days. Every day I come back from school and enjoy the autumn sun.
The autumn rains are coming soon. It will get cold. Now the leaves are golden. But soon it will wither and fall off.

An essay about "Autumn in Odessa"

I live in Odessa. It is a very cozy and nice city. Here we got autumn. The trees gradually began to dress in yellow, orange and red clothes.

Our autumn is very warm, but this year is even warmer than before. You can still swim in the sea. The sun does not shine as intensely, but still quite often. I was always surprised that in autumn you can sometimes not wear jackets and coats, while in all other cities located to the north, everyone wraps up, feeling the approach of winter. It is very good to walk among the trees now, when everything around is so colorful and bright. I love my city, for me it is like a whole world in which you can enjoy life. Autumn gives Odessa more grace and beauty. We can say that autumn is coming to my city.

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