What photo is needed for a new passport application form. All photo requirements for a new passport

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new sample

On the biometric there is a digital image of its owner, made with the help of special equipment in the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The applicant is required:

  1. Take a picture alone, without strangers and objects in the frame, against a plain light background.
  2. At the same time, look into the lens, without blinking or grimacing, without a headdress. The face should be as open as possible.
  3. Take a picture while standing 4–5 m away from the camera so that the image is clear and the face is in focus.

It is desirable to withstand the dimensions - 4.5*3.5cm. You can use an image ordered for a civil passport or self-made on a smartphone.

old style

In such a certificate, calculated for 5 years, the photo is pasted.

Therefore, it must strictly comply with all conditions:

  • the image of the owner is identical to the age (preferably done immediately before the application is submitted, not earlier 3–6 months);
  • in black and white or color;
  • size 35*45mm;
  • on matte paper.

Samples of wrong photos

The requirements for the image are:

  • face occupies 70-80% from the total area;
  • the empty space from crown to top is 1–5 mm;
  • darkened or overexposed areas, blurring, distortion, glare are unacceptable;
  • the citizen is photographed so that his head and shoulders are in the frame;
  • the expression is neutral, without facial expressions and grimaces (eyebrows are not raised or drawn together);
  • the eyes are open and look directly into the lens (the line of the eyes is strictly horizontal, that is, the head cannot be tilted or turned);
  • hair does not obscure the eyes and does not hide the oval (it is better to comb it back or put it in a ponytail);
  • the background is light, without spots, stripes, patterns (it is better to use pure white, gray or light blue with a brightness of no more 10% );
  • without a corner, but with a blurry oval;
  • with uniform diffuse lighting from several weak light sources close to natural (yellow or red lighting cannot be used: this way a person turns out to be darker than he really is).

A headdress is allowed, which is worn on a daily basis for religious reasons. However, he cannot hide the oval of the face.

Glasses are mandatory if a citizen wears them for medical reasons all the time. They must be chosen from transparent glasses and a thin frame that does not cover the eyes. The pupils and the color of the iris must be distinguishable.

Clothes should be chosen in soft colors, without decorations and shiny elements. Pure white should also be avoided as the shoulders will blend into the background. The neck is open.

It is not recommended to wear a dress with ruffles or shoulder pads, as this adds extra volume to the shoulders. Uniform, work or sportswear is not allowed. A solid color dress or suit is best.

For a child

For an old-style passport, pictures should be taken in a specialized studio.

It is more difficult to make a digital image of a newborn in the GUVM, since it cannot be edited. In some departments migration service use special equipment for shooting babies, which fixes them in a vertical position.

Important to remember!

It is better for the father and mother to come to the procedure of the child together. The first holds the baby, his head and hands, the second makes him look into the frame (attracts attention with a rattle).

Photo Requirements

How much do you need

This quantity is required when making different types passports (orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 864 of November 16, 2017 and No. 889 of November 27, 2017):

For public services

When submitting through the Unified Portal of Public Services, a citizen uploads a photo at the stage of filling out the questionnaire. Requirements are standard. The GUVM officer prints it out, cuts it off, attaches it to the application and pastes it into the old type passport.

What image should be

So that the user does not make a mistake, the snapshot needs to have the following parameters:

  • age appropriate;
  • size 3.5*4.5cm, allowable deviation by 12% in any direction;
  • background white, light gray or light blue with no more than 10 percent brightness;
  • the face is in focus from the tip of the head to the chin, from the nose to the ears;
  • from the crown to the top edge, an empty space is left with a width of 1–5 mm;
  • face occupies 70–80% area, while the dimensions of the head are: length 32–36 mm, width 18–25 mm. Distance between pupils - 7 mm, from the line of the eyes to the chin - 11–13 mm;
  • without hats and glasses, only if their wearing is dictated by religious or medical reasons.

You can not radically change the picture in the editor. It is only possible to clear the background, change the contrast and sharpness, increase or decrease the size. Color rendition should be natural, correspond to reality. An incorrectly taken photo will cause the application to be rejected.

How to download

You can upload the file from your local computer.

At the same time, the system checks it for compliance with the specifications:

  • format PNG, BMP, JPEG;
  • resolution from 450 dpi;
  • size 10 Kb–5 Mb;
  • in 8-bit black and white or 24-bit color space.

A photograph can be rejected already at the stage of consideration of the application by an employee of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In this case, within 1–2 days a refusal with a reasoned justification will be sent to the Personal Account.

The image needs to be redone and the questionnaire resubmitted.

Rules for issuing a foreign passport

Issues related to obtaining this certificate are explained in detail by Federal Law No. 114 of 08/15/1996, orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 864 of 11/16/2017 and No. 889 of 11/27/2017.

List of all documents

Main In addition to pictures, the package includes:
  • application (Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 864 dated November 16, 2017) in 2 copies;

  • general passport;

  • valid biometric passport (if any);

  • military ID or certificate from the commissariat - for male applicants of military age;

  • certificate-permission from the command of a unit or subunit - for contracted servicemen and "siloviki".

The questionnaire includes several items:

  1. About the applicant (passport, biographical, contact information).
  2. About changing personal data.
  3. Citizenship.
  4. Addresses of permanent and temporary registration, actual residence and treatment.
  5. Purposes of registration (primary, in addition to the current one, replacement).
  6. Labor activity for the last decade.
  7. Special circumstances (conviction, work with state secrets, attitude to service in the army and law enforcement agencies).
  8. Valid passports.
  9. Children-citizens of Russia up to 14 years old, information about which a person would like to enter in his ORP.
  10. The legal representative of the incapacitated person.
For urgent registration of the old sample Documents confirming the need for immediate travel abroad will be required:
  • a telegram about the death or illness of a close relative;
  • Russian or foreign letter medical institution about emergency treatment in a foreign clinic.
Teen 14-18 Provides:
Up to 14 years old For a minor, his legal representative submits:
  • statement;
  • a birth certificate, which must indicate the citizenship of the child or a special stamp of the GUVM;
  • legal representative's passport;
  • a document confirming his authority;
  • valid biometric recipient.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The questionnaire and all documents are sent to the territorial divisions of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (until 2016, the FMS) or through the MFC.

Before that, you need to pay the state duty ():

Many MFCs have terminals that pay fees through Post-Bank. At the GUVM, a receipt is paid without commission through a cashier, an Internet application or an ATM of Sberbank.

A visit by a minor to apply for an old-style passport is not required. Minor from 14 years puts his signature, then in the finished document.

Upon receipt of a biometric ORP, everyone is photographed, even babies, and with 12 years- take fingerprints.

When purchasing a finished product, it is verified, that is, it is compared with the owner. This requires the personal presence of a citizen older than 12 years. Face from 14 years old along with the legal representative signs in the questionnaire, and then in the certificate.

Making takes time

Such terms are needed by the migration service to make sure that the recipient is allowed to leave the country, he does not have debts to society and the state. Since children are not subject to checks, the RAP for them is prepared faster, as a rule, for 10–14 days.

Through the Internet

If they receive the old format, a person will need to visit the migration service only 1 time in order to present the original documents and pick up the prepared ORP.

To apply, the user must have an account with the status "Verified". Through "Categories", "Life situations" or by searching, you need to find the card of the service "Issuance of a passport", select the type of paper and the type of recipient (for yourself, a child up to 14 years old and teenager).

Part of the questionnaire is automatically filled out from the account. You cannot change this information manually. To do this, you will need to correct the information in the profile and then re-verify your identity.

By attaching an image, the user sends a request to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If the request is successfully processed, its status will be updated. A notification will be sent to the personal account with the registration number and order further action. For a biometric, you will need to approach digital photography.

If the user has ordered an old-style passport, the invitation to visit the GUVM will come after a positive decision has been made. The citizen brings the originals of all documents and a photograph, the migration service officer checks them, prints out the application, prepares and issues the RFP within an hour.

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We have already considered, earlier, how and. Both options allow you to receive an old or new document, but both require you to upload a photo of the recipient. In this article, we will consider what requirements apply to a photo and how it can be uploaded through public services.

The international passport of the new sample is biometric and is issued for 10 years. You can prepare a photo for filing an application either on your own or by contacting a photo studio. In the second case, the photographer himself knows the basic requirements, and if you took it on yourself (which is quite logical, given the quality of the pictures that even a smartphone allows you to take), then you should consider the following recommendations:

  1. Save your photo as jpeg, jpg, bmp or png
  2. The size of the image on the hard disk must not exceed 5 MB
  3. File resolution must be at least 300 DPI
  4. The size of the photo must be 35x45 mm.
  5. If you are taking a black and white photo, then it must be monochrome (8 bit)
  6. If you are taking a color photo, it must be 24-bit.

Let's go through each item separately. You can select the format of the saved file in the settings of your camera or smartphone. If there is no such item in the settings, then do not worry, as the file can be edited in the free Gimp program or in any similar online service.

To reduce the size of a photo, you can resave it. If you have your photo open in Gimp, then in the menu click on file-export and specify the quality level in percent.

As far as image resolution is concerned, everything digital cameras allow you to take pictures with a resolution of 300 DPI. It makes no sense to set a larger value, since the human eye will not be able to find differences.

To change the size of the photo to the one you need (we have it 35x45), open the photo in the Gimp program and click on the image-image size menu and set the value.

Now let's look at not technical part passport photos, and artistic:

  • There should be no foreign objects in the photo, and you should look directly into the camera with your mouth closed. No need to depict any facial expressions and emotions
  • If you have long hair, then they should not cover their eyes, and your face should be evenly lit (no shadows). If the eyes turn red, then it is worth re-shooting or editing this picture.
  • Your clothes must be casual, it is forbidden to be photographed in overalls
  • The photo must be clear, no blurring on your face is allowed
  • The background should not contain images and stripes, it is desirable that the background be white
  • Bring the camera closer to your face so that it takes up 70-80% of the entire picture
  • If for religious reasons you must wear a headdress, then its presence is allowed, provided that it does not hide the oval of the face
  • It is forbidden to apply effects to the image and retouch it in popular graphic editors. Limit yourself to changing dimensions and technical components

Uploading a photo to the website of the State Service for a Passport

So you took a photo and saved it to your computer. Now it's time to upload it to the public services portal. This step is one of the components when filling out an application for a new passport, and the public services website does not provide for a separate procedure for uploading an image.

Click on the "upload photo" button and review all the requirements again.

Now we get to the page for cropping the photo and changing its position relative to the three lines. Make the adjustment and click on the "save" button. If this picture did not fit the requirements of the system, then take a picture again, taking into account previous errors.

Photo requirements for a new passport

Many people prefer to get an old-style passport so as not to overpay extra money. In addition, you can enter information about your children in it. To obtain such a passport, you will need 4 colored or black and white photographs measuring 35 by 45 millimeters. These can only be done in a photo studio, and printed photos must be on matte paper (glossy is not allowed). All other requirements are similar to the requirements for a photo for a new passport.

So, we have considered all the requirements that apply to a photo for a passport. If you decide to make it yourself, then this instruction should have helped you with this. Uploading the final photo to the public services portal is very simple, but if you didn’t succeed, then you can contact the nearest photo studio where a photographer with extensive experience in making photos for documents works. He does not need to explain the technical requirements and it will be enough to indicate for which document the photo needs to be taken.


Requirements for a photo for a new passport in 2017 have changed. Most of the Russian offices of the Federal Migration Service, which issue new passports, are equipped with special devices for photography. The FMS inspector takes a picture on his own and corrects it with special graphic editors.

  • What you need to know

What you need to know

An example of a passport photo is shown in the image on the right.

The issuance of old paper passports is still ongoing, albeit in limited quantities. These documents are more of an emergency nature, since they are quite simple to make: you just need to enter the owner’s information on the form and paste a regular photo on the passport. Accordingly, the photo must be paper, made according to the old standards.

Therefore, speaking about modern requirements for a photo for a passport, we will consider both the paper and digital versions of the picture, its parameters when sending a photo via online service. In addition, inspectors ask to bring photos, even if a biometric passport is issued - they are needed when working with personal profiles.

What should be paper photographs

The photo options are as follows:

  • photo size 35*45 millimeters;
  • color does not matter, both black and white and color options are acceptable, but it is better to take a photo for a passport in color;
  • paper should have a matte base;
  • the biometric version is done without placing the face in an oval;
  • the image is made full face;
  • the background of the image is light.

For an old document, you need to take four pictures, for a new sample document, only two. The size of the photographs of one and the second options is the same. If four photographs are submitted, then two are needed to be pasted into the questionnaire, two more are given to the inspector for work.

Snapshot options for a biometric passport

A foreign biometric document of a new sample is made with special equipment, where the necessary characteristics are configured. If the department of the Federal Migration Service at the place of residence or registration does not have the technical capabilities for photography, the applicant will be sent to a place where such capabilities are available. The rest of the papers will need to be handed over there.

Paper versions of photographs are made to the same standards as for old forms. For children, two separate photographs are also required.

General requirements for the style of the picture

The requirements for a passport photo include not only the parameters of the photo, but also its general style.

The clothes are monochromatic, but White color prohibited. Uniforms and hats are not allowed, except for the hijab, which is forbidden to be removed due to religious requirements. The oval of the face should be clearly visible. The photo on the passport should not have blackouts, creases and other defects.

If the applicant constantly wears glasses, then he must be filmed in them. Glasses are transparent, glare is not allowed. Facial expression neutral and looking into the lens.

Electronic photograph for the portal

The state online service gosuslugi.ru is becoming increasingly popular. When submitting an application online through the State Services portal, the applicant must attach a file with an electronic photograph to it. For the system to accept the file, the digital passport photo must meet the following requirements:

  • file extension - only JPEG;
  • resolution no more than 450 dpi;
  • size not more than 300 Kb and not less than 200 Kb;
  • for a color image - 24 bits, for b / w - 8 bits;
  • the image size corresponds to the paper version: 35*45 mm.

An applicant for an online version of a photo for a new type of passport may well take a photo on his own, and process it in any graphic editor. If this is difficult, then you can take a photo in the studio, copy it to any medium, and then make an online download through the State Services website.

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The issuance of any identity card requires the placement of a photograph of the owner of the document in it, and a foreign passport is no exception. It is especially important to comply with all existing requirements for a photo for a passport in 2019, because it will identify the identity of the owner outside of his native country. It should also be remembered that in 2019 international passports of the old and new samples continue to be valid, and the requirements for photos for their registration are different.

General requirements for a photo for a passport

As a rule, photographers in the studio often encounter requests to take pictures for a passport, and therefore they are familiar with the requirements for photographs. But it would be better when the customer himself knows the parameters of the passport photo and can control the result. Small, it would seem, shortcomings can be a reason for refusing to issue a document.

Consider the general requirements for a photo:

  1. The picture must be clear good quality without shadows or highlights.
  2. Photos submitted to paper form must be printed on matte paper. Glossy photos are not accepted because they cannot be laminated.
  3. It is forbidden to edit photos using special computer programs such as Photoshop.
  4. Both black and white and color photographs are accepted.
  5. The image in the picture can be in an oval and without it.
  6. The image is located strictly in the center of the photo.
  7. The background behind the person being photographed should be light gray or light blue. The presence of drawings and patterns on the background is unacceptable.
  8. The color scheme of the photo should not be too light or, conversely, dark, only natural colors should be used.
  9. Light plays an important role: there should be no shadows on the face and the background canvas. The main thing is that the spotlight does not blind and does not make you squint.
  10. Only photos taken less than 6 months old are allowed to be used.
  11. Any photo in which a person for some reason does not look like himself is not suitable for a passport. The image must fully match appearance applicant at the time of filing.
  12. Photos taken in the format required for a national passport or visa will not work.

What to wear for passport photography

Clothes in the passport photo are almost invisible, but nevertheless, some requirements are also imposed on it. Therefore, before choosing what to be photographed on a new generation passport, read the following recommendations:

  1. Dress code can be business or casual. It should not create extra volume at the level of the neck and shoulders: women should not choose dresses with frills and shoulder pads, as well as dresses decorated with a lot of jewelry that will create highlights.
  2. It is worth giving preference to plain things of light shades, not colorful. However white clothes not suitable - it merges with the background.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to take photos in overalls, sports and service uniforms.
  4. What are the requirements for the face, glasses and headgear

    When a citizen who is going to apply for a foreign passport orders photos in a photo salon or takes pictures on his own, it is important to remember all the nuances regarding how the face in the picture should look:

    1. The face must be turned strictly full face.
    2. The oval of the face should be completely open.
    3. There should be no emotion on the face. Smiling, raised eyebrows, or pursed lips are not acceptable. The state of a person should be calm, he should not be tense.
    4. The eyes must look directly into the camera lens - if the gaze is directed to the side, the photo will not be accepted. The line connecting the eyes should be horizontal, without slope. Red-eye effect is not allowed
    5. Before photographing, do not apply makeup or bright makeup, which significantly distort the facial expression. The maximum that you can afford is light daytime makeup.
    6. Hair should be neatly gathered into a ponytail or braid or left loose, while not covering the face or its individual parts. Hair on the side should not hide the oval of the face. If the bangs usually cover one eye, you still have to remove it.
    7. Lighting should not distort the natural color of the skin.

    A separate item in the requirements for what clothes to be photographed for a passport refers to the presence of headgear: they are permissible only if the citizen is an adherent of a religion that prohibits appearance in public with an uncovered head.

    We are talking about Muslim women who are required to wear a hijab, and Jews who do not allow themselves to go out without a kippah. Be that as it may, the headdress should not create shadows and hide the oval of the face.

    People often doubt whether it is possible to be photographed for documents in a headdress if their image and style of clothing imply wearing it all the time. The answer here is unequivocal: hats, berets, caps, scarves and other headgear used as accessories cannot be worn before taking pictures.

    Glasses with transparent and dark glasses as decoration should also not be present in the photograph. However, if a person is forced to wear them daily to correct vision, glasses can be left.

    If you wear sunglasses or only during work, it is better to remove them in front of the camera.

    Despite the fact that it is more difficult to make a photo of a citizen wearing glasses suitable for a foreign passport, it is still possible to fulfill the requirements:

    1. Through the lenses, the eyes should be clearly visible and the pupils and irises should be distinguishable.
    2. The elements of the glasses should not overlap the eyes, and therefore thick frames should be immediately excluded.
    3. Spectacle lenses should not create glare.
    4. Dark, tinted and colored lenses are not allowed.
    5. How many photos do you need for an old and new passport

      Let's find out how many photos you need for a passport:

      1. To apply for an old-style international passport, you will need 4 photos:
        • 2 pcs. will be pasted into the application forms of the applicant;
        • 2 pcs. must be submitted along with the documents.
      2. To obtain a new sample (biometric) passport, 2 photos must be attached to the documents.

      The procedure for issuing a biometric foreign passport involves the appeal of citizens to the departments of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration for photographing using special equipment. If it is not available at the place of application, the specialists of the institution should send the applicants or, where it is possible to take an electronic picture. Photographing in authorized bodies does not replace the need to submit paper photographs.

      Photo requirements for a biometric passport

      Photos on a biometric foreign passport are not pasted, but printed directly on the spread. And doubts about whether a photo is needed for a biometric passport on photographic paper are understandable. However, paper photographs will be needed in order to attach them to the applicant.

      There is no need to worry about electronic photographs, and it makes no sense to study the requirements for them: specialists government agency Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs take pictures on specialized equipment with automatic settings for the correct image parameters. And if necessary, graphic editors are launched that can correct a not-so-good shot.

      In addition, too strict requirements are not imposed on electronic photographs, since a new passport will be used for 10 years, and during this time a person will certainly change in appearance. The identity of the owner of the document will be confirmed by his biometric data.

      As for the paper photographs attached to the applicant's documents, the format of the photo for the new passport does not differ from that for the old-style identity card: 35 by 45 mm.

      Details about the rest of the documents and the procedure are in the article ““.

      Take a sociological survey!

      List of photo requirements for an old passport

      In 2019, in the departments of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, along with biometric passports, old-style international passports will continue to be issued. Photos are pasted into them, not printed, and therefore you should pay special attention to the requirements for pictures - the photo should reflect changes in the person's appearance as much as possible.

      A passport photo for 5 years must meet all general requirements, which we talked about at the beginning of the article. In addition, photographs must meet the following criteria:

      1. It is allowed to make color or black and white photograph, but a full color photo is preferred.
      2. The dimensions of an old-style passport photo are 35 mm x 45 mm, while the face should occupy almost the entire area of ​​the picture - 29 mm x 34 mm. From head to upper bound The photo must have at least 2mm of blank space.
      3. At the bottom, the image is blurred in the shape of a semi-oval.
      4. Requirements for a child photo for a passport

        An identity card for traveling abroad must be obtained not only by adults, but also by children.

        In the case of children, it is recommended to apply for an old-style international passport, since children grow quickly, and the biometric passport will have to be changed before its expiration date due to the fact that the photo of the baby will not match his actual appearance. In addition, "old" passports have a lower cost compared to biometric ones.

        The problem when issuing a new passport for small child it also becomes how to photograph a newborn for a passport, because there are no concessions regarding the requirements for photographs - the pictures must meet all standard parameters. Therefore, it is recommended to photograph children in their usual surroundings - this will make it easier to take a picture, and parents will have enough time to achieve a positive result.

        For photography baby offered special devices, helping to fix the face in the desired position, and therefore, if you decide to issue a biometric passport, contact the specialists of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs immediately. The child will have to be supported, but remember that the faces and hands of the parents should not be visible in the photo.

        An old-style passport photo for a child under 14 years of age must be clear and of high quality, since it will serve as an identifier when crossing the border, and the child’s facial features are quite smooth, which complicates the recognition process. Photos of children on a foreign passport can be printed in color or in black and white, but it is still advisable to take full-color pictures.

        Despite the fact that it is difficult to make very young children behave calmly, in the department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, parents will be required to take a photograph where the child’s mouth will be closed and the gaze will be directed to the camera lens. In addition, facial expressions are not allowed: the face should be calm, the child should not smile, squint and grimace.

        How to upload a photo on the State Services website

        On this moment The official portal of the State Service provides an opportunity to issue both types of international passports online - old and new. Whatever foreign passport you decide to get, you will need, which should be accompanied by a finished photograph in electronic format. And before uploading a picture, you should study the technical requirements for a passport photo in in electronic format:

  • acceptable image formats are .jpeg, .bmp, and .png;
  • the minimum image resolution is 300 dpi;
  • the maximum allowable file size is 5 MB, minimum size- 10 Kb;
  • black and white photograph in 8-bit monochrome space, color - in 24-bit.

The rest of the parameters are standard, and we talked about them earlier. As you can see, you can take a photo for a passport for the State Services at Home website, but remember that you can’t retouch pictures in graphic editors: you can only add sharpness and edit the size and format of the image.

When the photo is ready, you can start working with the State Services website. To do this, you must be a registered user and confirm your identity in one of the accredited institutions listed on the portal: only then will most of the services offered, including the issuance of a foreign passport, become available.

How to take a passport photo yourself

Many have the idea to take a photo for a passport on their own. Not everyone will succeed, because they need good camera with sufficient resolution, but if this issue can be resolved, then it remains only to choose the background and lighting. Taking a picture at home, you can save on a photo studio.

The digital version of the photo can be obtained in one of the following ways:

  • scanning paper photographs;
  • photography and photo editing from scratch.


Earlier it was said that there are special requirements for the background for photography, and therefore you will have to find a piece of white fabric or a sheet of drawing paper and hang it on the wall so that the window is behind you or directly in front of you. To avoid shadows and highlights on your face, the light should fall on you evenly - for this you should be photographed during the day in natural light and use the camera's flash. If the light source is on the left or right, a shadow will appear on the opposite side of the face.


To take a usable photo in the minimum number of attempts, you need to correctly find a place where to install the camera, which must remain stationary. Stand about half a meter from the background, and put the camera on a tripod or on any object that could serve as a stand, about 2-3 meters away from you. Have someone position the lens in front of their face, focus the camera, and take the picture.


The resulting image must be sent from the camera to electronic media or remove the flash card and transfer the images to a computer. It remains only to edit the picture: crop it to size, make the background white and adjust the sharpness. If necessary, you can make a translucent oval below the shoulders.

Remember that photos should be printed on matte quality photo paper, and the cartridges in the printer should not be old or half empty - otherwise the efforts will be in vain, and the pictures will be pale and blurry.

What are the prices for photos for a passport

How much it costs to take pictures in photo salons depends only on the region of the Russian Federation and the level of a particular studio: since the requirements for photos for an old and biometric passport are the same, their cost is similar. True, some ateliers agree to make 2 photographs, while others oblige the customer to pay for all 4 photographs, although only two are required for a new passport.

After evaluating the information, citizens, as a rule, decide to contact the studio in order to save their time, since the price of a photo for a passport in the Russian Federation is acceptable and not too burdensome.

Special photographs in electronic format taken by specialists of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are provided free of charge. Probably, their production is included in the cost of the state duty for issuing a passport.

Here is the average photo rates for a passport photo in several major cities Russia:

CityThe cost of a photo for an old-style passport (for 4 pictures)The cost of a photo for a passport of a new sample (for 2 pictures)
Moscow and MO260 rub. (120-400 rubles)130 rub. (60-200 rubles)
St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region240 rub. (110-350 rubles)120 rub. (55-175 rubles)
Nizhny Novgorod135 rub. (120-150 rubles)65 rub. (60-75 rubles)
Vladivostok200 rub.100 rub.

Where can I take a photo for a passport

Whether you need to take a photo for a passport in a photo studio or take a picture at home is up to you. As a rule, it is not difficult to find a salon providing such services nearby. They are usually located in shopping malls or basements, and the list of services offered includes a passport photo. Here you can ask to print a paper version of the picture and send digital photography to electronic media for further sending through the website of the State Service.

Turning to professionals will relieve you of the need to equip a place for photography, set up a camera, ask for help, edit photos and worry about printing images: photo salon employees know the rules for issuing photos for documents, and you will not be threatened with refusal to accept papers from employees of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Examples of good photos

Here is a sample photo for an old-style international passport, made in accordance with all requirements.

And here you see photos that would be accepted at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from an applicant who is issuing a new type of passport (biometric).

Examples of unsuccessful photos

A passport photo may not meet many requirements, and therefore there are many examples of unsuccessful shots.


To issue a foreign passport of any type, it is necessary to prepare black-and-white or color photographs on matte paper measuring 35 by 45 mm. It is important that the image matches the owner, so the photo cannot be taken earlier than 6 months before submission as part of the package of documents.

The list of requirements for what photos are needed for is quite strict. The best solution would be to contact a photo studio or take a picture directly in territorial subdivision GUVM MIA.

Those who decide to make a photo on their own must withstand all the parameters of illumination and color and not resort to retouching.

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