Chulpan Khamatova personal life Alexander Shane. Chulpan Khamatova - biography, information, personal life. Public life of Chulpan Khamatova

April 20, 2017, 22:55

They had known each other for a long time, they were just friends. When Shane showed Khamatova the script of Arkady Vaksberg "Mayakovsky", he saw her as a performer of one of the roles. She did not like the script, but the project itself was interesting, and she became part of the creative team. In 2009, Chulpan, a rare guest in television films, starred in the TV series The Tower, where Alexander Shein was one of the producers. At that time they were already a couple. On April 27, 2010, their daughter Iya was born.

For several years prior to 2010, the couple lived in a happy civil marriage, and shortly before the birth of their daughter Iya, they married in one of the capital's registry offices, without pomp and celebration. The couple chose not to have a lavish wedding, but managed a modest registration. It was Shane who became the man who helped the actress once again believe in love.

Alexander Shein is a hereditary cinematographer, the son of the famous Russian and Soviet director of feature and documentary films, also Alexander Shein.

From an interview with Khamatova:

- How did it work out for you: did the family tandem turn into a creative one or vice versa?
Chulpan:The story with Mayakovsky has been going on for six years. At first I saw the script, and from that moment a very close work with Sasha began. It was so dense that we had a common child, daughter Iya. And "Mayakovsky" turned out to be a breath of air in an airless space in which I was suffocating as an actress. I have always been a fan of this time, I liked to understand it, my favorite poet is Marina Tsvetaeva. Therefore, I am very grateful to Sasha and the guys who took me to the project. I don’t even know how to imagine myself in it? ..

I note that on this moment, in 2017 "Mayakovsky" has not yet been completed.

Shane already has a son from his first marriage, and Khamatova has two daughters - the eldest Arina from actor Ivan Volkov and the youngest Asya from businessman Alexei Dubinin.

A selection of photographs of the couple.

The most enigmatic actress of Russian cinema, Chulpan Khamatova, likes to repeat that she has long taken for a credo a quote from the book "How the Steel Was Tempered": "Know how to live when life becomes unbearable." The star of Sovremennik is not disingenuous - you really can’t guess that a personal tragedy has occurred in her life. This woman is one of the few who knows how to enjoy every minute of life and always glows with happiness. And the tragedy, nevertheless, occurred, and not small-town. 33-year-old Chulpan divorced her husband Alexei Dubinin. After four and a half years of living together, the couple broke up, about which colleagues and friends spoke breathlessly: "Such tenderness lives only in the cinema" ...


The sublime love of the artist Khamatova and the actor Dubinin began to take on an earthy hue after Chulpan became a participant in the second season of the popular show " glacial period"Paired with a strong figure skater Roman Kostomarov, the star of the "Country of the Deaf" finally felt weak - in reproach to the prevailing image of a "boy-woman." With each fall, with each new injury at the rink, Chulpan felt: not only limbs were breaking. Slowly , but her fate confidently breaks down.At that time, the daughter of the newly-minted figure skater, whom she gave birth to from Alexei, was three years old.

Chulpan comes to training every day more and more nervous, as if she were not herself, and says that her head broken on ice has nothing to do with it, - said project colleagues. - In breaks, she often runs out to make phone calls, she speaks for a long time. About what - we did not ask, you never know what happens to a person.

The only one to whom Khamatova told what real reasons her lingering anxiety was her only friend, the actress Dina Korzun. Empathizing, the friend was in no hurry to give out Chulpan's personal secret.

She is a living person, and even if she has problems in the family, it concerns only herself, - said Korzun. - Do not pay too much attention to her, she is very vulnerable.

It turned out that the talented actress was wounded by none other than her beloved husband Alexei - the one who every day became such a stranger. The 42-year-old ballet dancer was not shy in expressions: he spoke frankly and loudly that he did not intend to share his wife with an ice rink. Chulpan began to disappear. First - in training, then just disappear for him as native person. The actress did not say that she decided to leave her husband, even to her mother. However, she didn’t have time to roar into her pillow - she had to start paperwork. The process took about four months, and Khamatova, as if she herself did not understand how she decided on this, became a free woman again.

For Chulpan, such a person as Alexei Dubinin no longer exists, - admitted close friend and Khamatova's assistant Aleksey. - They are no longer together, divorced a long time ago.

Alexey until the last did not want to give consent to a divorce: jealous man, whom she called "the wall", tried in every possible way to save the marriage. But Chulpan didn’t want to hit this “wall” anymore - an era of great creativity began in her life.


The passports of Khamatov and Dubinin were secretly stamped in the summer of 2006 in Germany. For his sake, she was to run anywhere: not to Germany, even to the ends of the world. And there was where to run from - at the time of the meeting with Alexei, the actress was married to

Ivan Volkov, son of St. Petersburg actress Olga Volkova. Even the child she gave birth to on April 4, 2002 did not save their love. Four months after that, Vanya announced to his friends: "I'm getting a divorce." Fate, as if squinting, laughs at Khamatova: only a few years have passed, and now she is already uttering this fatal word - and already to another man. During the romance with Dubinin, the owner of the most magnetic look in Russian cinema received German citizenship, left her newborn daughter with her mother and went abroad - thinking about a possible permanent residence ..


Today, Khamatova has already stepped on her sore throat, and, having salted her personal life for the winter, she went headlong into work. Now Chulpan has left only one performance at the Sovremennik Theater - naturally, the main role. In parallel, rehearsals are taking place with her participation in the Theater of Nations. Her new theatrical boss is Yevgeny Mironov, a ladies' man. Just a couple of weeks ago, Mironov and Khamatova left their handprints on the Russian Walk of Fame near the Mosfilm film studio. Just like with a palm in concrete, Chulpan immured love with Alexei Dubinin. Knowing that accommodating fate has long prepared a new one for her.

According to journalists, Chulpan Khamatova broke up with her husband Alexander Shein. The ex-spouses themselves refrain from commenting on their personal lives.

The fact that not everything is going smoothly in the relationship between Chulpan Khamatova and Alexander Shein has been rumored for a long time. However, at the end of October, information appeared in the media about the divorce of the actress and director. According to some reports, the artist and public figure is now a free woman. Khamatova herself prefers to refrain from commenting on her personal life, wanting to keep her secret from the public.

It is not known for certain when Khamatova and Shane decided to end the marriage. Talking about the new film "VMayakovsky", the presentation of which took place at the "Territory" festival, the couple decided to refrain from making official statements about their personal lives. Khamatova played leading role in Shane's project dedicated to the famous poet. Chulpan got the role of Mayakovsky's beloved Lily Brik.

« I am very guilty before her, because I tormented her", - the director said about Khamatova some time ago.

Ludmila Maksakova, Yuri Kolokolnikov, Mikhail Efremov and Yevgeny Mironov also starred in Shane's film. " Look at key points the fate of Vladimir Mayakovsky through the prism today ", - the abstract of the project says. Work on it went on for about 10 years.

By the way, Chulpan Khamatova appeared at the opening of the festival in a sweatshirt with a slogan in support of Kirill Serebrennikov. Recently, the director, who is accused of organizing the embezzlement of 68 million rubles from budget funds, was extended house arrest. Many figures of culture and art issued a statement in support of Serebrennikov.

According to some reports, Chulpan Khamatova secretly registered a relationship with Alexander Shein in 2010. The lovers decided to sign a week before the expected birth common child- daughter of Iya. In 2014, information appeared in the media that the couple broke up. However, Alexander later denied these rumors, saying that he had no problems in relations with his wife.

Recently, journalists got in touch with Shane and asked him to comment on the details of the divorce. " I don't discuss it, we're not in a marriage agency", - the director told reporters. According to media representatives, the man continues to take Active participation in the upbringing of her daughter - on the first of September, Iya went to school with her parents.

Chulpan Nail Khamatova - Russian actress theater and cinema. She is Tatar by nationality, but at the age of fourteen she converted to Christianity.

The actress constantly acts in films and plays on the stage of the theater. Khamatova herself admits that she likes the theater more - there are no barriers between the audience and the actors. She began her first steps at the RAMT Theater, then at the Luna Theater and the Chekhov Theater. Since 1998 he has been playing in Sovremennik.

The famous actress has a huge number of prizes and awards, has been nominated more than once at various competitions.

The actress of domestic and foreign cinema has a beautiful figure. Many fans, fascinated by her physique, are in a hurry to find out height, weight, age, how old is Chulpan Khamatova? Chulpan does not make a secret of this: her growth stopped at around 1 meter 63 centimeters, and the scales freeze at 55 kilograms. "The Star of Dawn" - this is how her name is translated from Tatar - crossed the line, who is over forty, but this did not affect her external data in any way.

Chulpan Khamatova photos in his youth and now can be found in huge numbers on the World Wide Web. Also, the actress is happy to pose for the camera with her daughters and husband. She uploads many pictures with her ward children and their parents.

Biography of Chulpan Khamatova

The biography of Chulpan Khamatova begins in Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan. Here, on the first day of October, in 1975, the future actress was born. Father - Nail Khamatov and mother - Marina Khamatova worked as engineers all their lives. Chulpan and her younger brother Shamil are Tatars by nationality, but they do not know their native language, since their parents spoke only Russian at home.

As a child, the girl was a shy and very sickly child. She was given to figure skating to strengthen her immune system. This helped to improve his health, and in the future to win first place in the Ice Age show.

Chulpan was easy to give exact sciences, parents hoped that she would follow in their footsteps. No one even thought about the career of an actress until the teacher saw a hidden talent in her students. Playing in school plays, Khamatova overcame her innate shyness and realized that she wanted to become an actress.

At the end of school, the girl easily entered the Kazan State Financial and Economic Institute. At the beginning school year she took the documents and began to study at the theater school of her native city. In her first year, Chulpan transferred to GITIS in Moscow.

Filmography: films starring Chulpan Khamatova

Chulpan's filmography begins with the film "Dancer's Time". By the way, for her role in this film, she was nominated for the Nika award. This was followed by the film "Country of the Deaf", which brought the actress public recognition. And the film "Moon Dad" generally participated in the nominations three times. From that moment on, they began to say that if the name of Khamatov is present in the credits of the film, then it will certainly be appreciated positively by both viewers and critics.

Chulpan has more than 45 paintings with her participation. Of the later ones, one can distinguish: "Doctor Zhivago", "Dots", "Brownie", "Ivan the Terrible", "Katya", "Half", "Mysterious Passion".

Chulpan Khamatova's personal life

The star of theater and cinema does not like close attention to his person, so the personal life of Chulpan Khamatova, if possible, is hidden from prying eyes. Nevertheless, some details still seep into the print media.

It is known that she was married twice: the first marriage is official, and the second is civil. It is impossible to say one hundred percent that she was unlucky in marriages, because she has two wonderful children growing up from these men.

Now she is officially married to director Alexander Shein. Together they are raising their joint daughter Iya and two children Chulpan from previous marriages.

Chulpan Khamatova's family

The family of Chulpan Khamatova is an example for many people to follow. The actress manages to find time for everything: for work, charity and, of course, for her closest and dearest people.

She does not like to attend social events, preferring to spend this time on something more important than just in Once again show off your new dress or listen to uninteresting gossip about someone's life.

The woman still maintains a warm relationship with her younger brother Shamil Khamatov. He followed in his sister's footsteps and became an actor.

Children of Chulpan Khamatova

The children of Chulpan Khamatova are three wonderful daughters: Arina, Asya and the youngest Iya. Even though they were all born in different marriages They get along remarkably well with each other. Much credit for this to their mother. She tries to raise her daughters without protecting them from outside world. He instills in them a sense of compassion for others by his personal example.

Children love and respect their mother, appreciate every minute spent with their families. They read books, visit museums and theaters. Chulpan often takes his youngest daughter with him to rehearsals. It is noteworthy that at the request of the mother, all three daughters are not at all interested in computers, do not disappear for days on the Internet, preferring to communicate with peers and friends live.

Daughter of Chulpan Khamatova - Arina

The daughter of Chulpan Khamatova - Arina - was born in 2002. The girl was the first child in the family of Chulpan and Ivan. But soon the couple broke up and raising their daughter, basically, the mother of the actress began to deal with, while she went on tour and filming.

Now Arina is already a teenager, she is seriously interested in tennis. Ivan, her father, tries to take an active part in his daughter's life. This is facilitated and friendly relations between him and Chulpan, which they managed to keep, no matter what. The girl is the eldest in the family and we are happy to help her mother with housekeeping.

Daughter of Chulpan Khamatova - Asya

The daughter of Chulpan Khamatova, Asya, is only a year younger than her sister. Because of this, the yellow press claimed for a long time that the father of the child is Khamatova's first husband, Ivan Volkov. The actress until recently concealed the name of her daughter's real father. It turned out to be Alexei Dubinin, who at that time was officially married.

The second daughter attends a music school, loves to sing and dance, like her mother at that age. Does Asya communicate with her father - there is no exact data. However, even if not, she has enough attention and participation from her stepfather, Chulpan's third wife.

Daughter of Chulpan Khamatova - Iya

Chulpan Khamatova's daughter, Iya, is the third child of the actress. The girl was born in 2010. Many fans did not even know about the pregnancy of the actress until they wrote on the theater posters that significant changes were made to the performances with the participation of Khamatova. Chulpan gave birth in a regular Moscow clinic. So that journalists would not bother her, she registered under a false name.

Literally a week before such a joyful event, Chulpan Khamatova and Alexander Shein officially formalized their relationship. Everything went more than modestly. The newlyweds decided to celebrate this event a little later, when the baby is a little older.

Former husband of Chulpan Khamatova - Ivan Volkov

The ex-husband of Chulpan Khamatova, Ivan Volkov, is the son of the famous Volkov artists: Olga and Nikolai. Officially, his parents did not register the marriage. Almost immediately after the birth of her son, Olga left her husband. Vanya's childhood passed behind the scenes, so the boy did not hesitate for a long time with the choice of profession and became a successful theater and film actor.

Volkov met Chulpan Khamatova at the institute, in his second year. They knew that parents on both sides would not approve of their decision to get married. Secretly from everyone, they signed, and then simply put everyone before the fact. Seven years after the wedding, their first child was born - the girl Arina. Unfortunately, their union broke up almost immediately.

Former common-law husband of Chulpan Khamatova - Alexey Dubinin

Former civil husband Chulpan Khamatova - Alexey Dubinin - a native of a provincial town in Vladimir region. After graduating from a choreographic school, he came to Moscow and became quite famous dancer ballet. Alexey married Larisa Mergulanova. After some time, their daughter Lisa was born. The three of them move to Germany, for permanent residence, signing a contract with one of the theaters. Here the first meeting between Alexei and Chulpan takes place.

At the time of their acquaintance, Dubinin left the ballet and was successfully engaged in business. Khamatova fell head over heels in love with an extravagant man and persuaded the latter to return to his homeland. He reciprocated and, despite the fact that he was still married, returned to Russia.

In 2003, Alexei and Chulpan had a girl, Asya. Friends and colleagues said that their couple complemented each other, like two halves, that their relationship was perfect. So when in five years civil marriage their union broke up - it was a big surprise for everyone.

Chulpan Khamatova's husband - Alexander Shein

Chulpan Khamatova's husband is Alexander Shein, an actor and director by profession. Fate brought them together when Alexander and the actress worked together on the Mayakovsky film.

In 2010, the couple had a daughter, who was named unusual name And I. The director does not share daughters, believing that the children of the beloved woman from previous marriages and his children, including. He was able to fix great relationship with older daughters Chulpan Khamatova.

Currently, the actress is truly happy, because she is the mother of three wonderful daughters and her beloved wife.

Fund give life, charity

Chulpan Khamatova is a versatile person. Many people know her not only as a theater and film actress, but also as a woman who created the Give Life Foundation. Charity takes second place in Chulpan's life.

Somehow, in one of the interviews, she even admitted that she was acting in films so that she could help children with cancer.

It all started with a charity concert at the Sovremennik Theatre. Then the actress collected funds for the treatment of a sick child. Many people supported her idea in 2005 Russian star TV screen with his girlfriend created a fund called "Give Life"

A few years later, with the support of the President of Russia, Khamatova managed to open a specialized child Center immunology, oncology, hematology. She is not going to stop there, planning to continue the work she has begun, which gives her strength and fills life with additional meaning.

During her busy life, the actress tried her hand at numerous projects: she starred in commercials, participated in the filming of clips. Often fans are interested in whether there is a photo of Chulpan Khamatova in Maxim magazine. No, in this magazine, you will not find pictures of the presenter. In September 2005, she appeared on the cover of another glossy publication, no less famous.

At all, candid photos actresses are unlikely to exist somewhere open to all the townsfolk. Those who have known Chulpan since childhood know that she grew up as a very shy child, did not like close attention. From this we can conclude: naked actress will not appear in public unless something happens that can force her to undress on camera. But you can look for Khamatova in a swimsuit, because she likes to relax on the shore near the sea.

Instagram and Wikipedia Chulpan Khamatova

If open official pages instagram and wikipedia Chulpan Khamatova - then you can find all the information you need about life and creative activity this man with a capital letter.

This seemingly fragile woman with huge expressive eyes was able to win the hearts of many people. Thanks to her ability to deeply reveal the image of the heroines she plays and her big heart that is not indifferent to someone else's grief, she is loved and respected not only by the audience, but also by politicians.

In 2016, Chulpan played in the premiere performance of Ivanov. To match the image of the heroine, she shaved her head. This act once again proves that the actress is an extraordinary person and is ready for a lot to fully enter the role.

Chulpan Khamatova - the "morning star" of Russian cinema - is an amazing woman. "A man with a pure soul" - this is how the actress is called by her many fans. When you see Chulpan on the screen, you involuntarily smile. She captivates men with her unique charm, and conquers women with touching kindness. The kindness that this woman radiates is becoming less and less common. The personal life of Chulpan Khamatova is the subject of controversy that flares up from time to time in in social networks and on women's forums between fans of the actress and her detractors. Eternal disputes about husbands, lovers, children, skeletons in the closet, cockroaches in the head, stones in the bosom ...

Personal life of Chulpan Khamatova. 33 misfortunes...

It takes incredible strength to give people so much kindness. Maybe this is the key to the "misfortunes" in Chulpan Khamatova's personal life. Next to such a woman can only be very strong man. And she's always unlucky. At least that's what her fans think.

Chulpan with daughters

Ivan Volkov. First husband

She was only 18 when she married classmate Vanya Volkov. They secretly signed and were going to rent an apartment. But Vanya's mother, the famous St. Petersburg actress Olga Vladimirovna Volkova, found out about this and offered the newlyweds to live in her Moscow three-room apartment. By the way, the mother-in-law adored her daughter-in-law "Chulpashka".

Young people who had just graduated from GITIS disappeared at rehearsals. And at this time, the wise mother-in-law was establishing a joint life for the newlyweds.

Together with Olga Volkova

But family happiness Ivan and Chulpan did not work out - their careers became a stumbling block. After the "Country of the Deaf" Khamatova woke up famous. She was invited to Sovremennik and offered leading roles. And Vanya Orlov became a clown - in a red wig and with a red nose in the background. Three years later, Chulpan won a place for her husband in Sovremennik, but family life did not improve. The pregnant actress flees to Austria, and Ivan files for divorce. The reasons for the divorce of the ex-wife are still kept secret.

Alexey Dubinin. german prince

A year after the divorce, Chulpan met the "German prince", left her daughter Arina to her mother and fled to him. For a whole year, fans of the actress "guessed at the prince" until the truth was revealed. Khamatova's foreign love turned out to be Alexei Dubinin, a ballet dancer who emigrated to Germany.

Alexei was sitting abroad without work and prospects. But Chulpan found him something to do at home, and he returned with her. They lived together for five years, without registering their relationship, gave birth to a daughter, Asya, and separated. The reason for the separation, according to rumors, was the participation of Khamatova in the ice show. Alexei Dubinin was incredibly jealous of her.

Alexander Stein is the second husband of Khamatova. Take two

A year later, Chulpan began to live with Alexander Stein. And she hid these relationships almost until the birth of her third daughter, II-Anastasia. But when the fans found out about the new husband, they immediately noticed an analogy with Chulpan's first marriage. Stein is not particularly in demand in the profession. “Not a couple, misalliance, again it’s not right,” many whispered. And after the last creative tandem with Yevgeny Mironov and his candid interview, and even began to predict married couple quick divorce.

Khamatova and second husband

Chulpan Khamatova and Evgeny Mironov. Love can not be friends

He wants to be a stone wall for her, she dreams of being taken care of ... Yevgeny Mironov and Chulpan Khamatova caused a storm of rumors after joint work in the film "Petrushka Syndrome" based on the work of Dina Rubina. They brilliantly played their roles, and the frank sex scene did not leave the minds of the audience for a long time. It turned out too believable! To be or not to be - time will tell! Chulpan knows how to hide his personal life from prying eyes, however, Yevgeny Mironov does not lag behind her.

Chulpan Khamatova and Yevgeny Mironov at the premiere of the film "Petrushka Syndrome"

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