Description of the nature of its beauty and wealth. Essay on the topic of the beauty of nature. Golden leaves swirled

We live on planet earth. It is completely unique, because it is the only planet known to us on which there is life. The nature of the Earth is a unique interaction of living and inanimate nature.

I love my planet, I love to breathe fresh air, look at the clear blue sky. It’s not without reason that they say that you can endlessly look at three things: how water flows, how fire burns, and how the starry sky shines. Nature miraculously combines eternity and transience. Her beauty is cyclical. What is a circle if not infinity? And at the same time, there are many beautiful moments in nature that, no matter how hard you want, cannot be stopped in order to fully enjoy them.

Everything in nature is interconnected: without plants, herbivores cannot survive, without herbivores, predators cannot exist. Each Living being has its function. The fluttering of butterflies fascinates me. The singing of birds always pacifies and brings harmony. And funny kittens make me laugh and entertain me.

Plants have existed on our planet for thousands of years. Some of them have adapted to the harsh conditions of the north, others can survive in the desert, and still others thrive in humid climates. It is impossible to convey all the beauty of flowers. Their petals come in all sorts of colors and shapes. Red roses, white daisies, black tulips - any of these flowers can create an amazingly beautiful bouquet. Deciduous and coniferous forests saturate our planet with oxygen. They, like lungs, clean and refresh the air around them. It is always amazingly beautiful and incredibly interesting to walk in the forest. And on the plains covered with fragrant greenery, you always want to walk through the morning dew and breathe in the fresh aroma of meadow herbs.

There is so much on our planet amazing places! I would like to visit all countries and visit all continents in order to fully appreciate the beauty of nature. See the mountains, admire their snow-capped peaks, drink water from mountain rivers and breathe in the rarefied air with your whole chest. I would like to visit the desert, see how the wind blows grains of sand in the scorching sun, and strange animals and plants escape from the unbearable heat. And at the North Pole it would be interesting for me to feel the breath of the Arctic, to look at the dazzling White snow and touch it with your hand. I would also like to visit Siberia: to see numerous fast rivers, impenetrable forests, and get acquainted with the flora and fauna of these places.

I am sure that wherever I go, I will definitely find something interesting, exciting and unforgettable, because the beauty of nature is limitless. And we, in turn, need to preserve and protect it from everyone negative factors, which man himself creates.

Nature fascinates with its fantastic landscapes, delights the human eye, and brings a lot of positive emotions. The beauty of nature is unique at any time of the year.

A snowy winter paints extraordinary pictures that even the most talented artist cannot replicate. Amazing snowflakes circle above the earth and each of them is unique and special. The patterns on the glass are simply amazing human mind. The winter mountains are stunning in their magnificence. Paths covered with crisp snow, trees and shrubs dressed in beautiful white clothes, icicles of unprecedented size - all this is the beauty of winter nature.

Spring awakens the desire to live and love. The buds are blooming, the first flowers are emerging from under the snow, and the trees are gradually putting on green clothes. Birdsong can be heard everywhere, and aromas can be heard from flowering trees. All this lifts your spirits, gives inspiration, brings new ideas, and fills life with meaning.

Summer, the most desirable time, it's time for vacations and summer holidays, picnics and incredible trips. Summer nature simply divine, the soul rejoices from the incredible bright colors and endless rainbow fields. The warm sun warms with its rays. The breath of life is felt everywhere. Seascapes, clean air, murmuring streams do not leave any human body indifferent. Sunsets and sunrises are amazing with their unimaginable colors and unspeakable beauty. Fresh fruits, vegetables and berries saturate the body with vitamins.

Autumn, not everyone loves this time, but for artists, poets and photographers it is of great value. Fallen leaves lie on the ground in a beautiful carpet, the brightness and variety of colors of which is amazing. Coolness, the smell of rain and mushrooms, storm clouds, the alarming cries of birds excite human consciousness.
Nature is picturesque, sometimes its beauty simply cannot be described in words. Every corner of nature is fraught with a magical and mysterious feeling. Take care of nature, take care of it, it delights souls and makes people happy.

The beauty of nature has no boundaries, it gives people bright, unforgettable moments, makes them enjoy every minute, every new day.

Essay Beauty of Nature

WITH early age we love to be outdoors. In the park, the sea, in the forest, it is interesting to observe nature and animals. For man natural environment, first of all, something new, unknown, something that causes a strong impression. We love to touch each new flower, smell it, and pick it if possible. Contact with the beauty of nature is a great source of inspiration for humans.

Over time, we stop noticing the beauty of nature in the area where we live. And only trips to the sea or to other distant lands make you pay attention to the beauty of nature in a particular area. A similar situation occurs with those who come to you. What you no longer pay attention to can make a big impression on people from another area.

Even depending on where a person lives, be it in the city or in rural areas his communication with nature is very different. People living in the city have limited contact with nature. Therefore, having got out, even a few kilometers from the city, he begins to see the beauty of nature and appreciate it.
We are all very sensitive to the beauty of nature. However, the most important thing is that the beauty of nature stimulates the imagination, becomes material for fantasy and imagination.

The beauty of nature lies not only in beautiful landscapes and the surface of the sea. Everything that happens on earth is all the work of nature, (even skyscrapers and asphalt roads), because man is part of nature and everything he does is actually all from nature.

But the beauty of nature is not only what is done on earth; atmospheric variations are also often greeted with great enthusiasm by people, just like diversity in life. They love falling rain, snow that creates snowdrifts. People like to look at the stars and the moon.

The beauty of nature provides a person’s imagination with new elements taken from reality and stimulates him to creative activity.

Essay on the beauty of nature

Nature is so diverse in its manifestations. At every time of year and day, she never ceases to surprise and delight people with her beauty. And, she is good in any form.

For many favorite time year - summer. Of course, during this period everything grows and blooms, full of colors. This is a time of wild life for nature. Flowering meadows, forests - all this is beautiful.

But then autumn comes. Everything begins to fade and prepare for winter dormancy. And here nature does not lose its attractiveness. And at this time she looks delightful and solemn. A little sad, but everything looks beautiful and proud. There is a special and unique beauty in the leaden hue of the skies, in flying trees, and in gray rainy days. And what feeling can be caused when, walking through the forest, you meet a late flower among a heap of leaves? He stands alone in this pile of natural gold. When you see him, you will feel both sad and warm feelings will stir in your soul.

Winter is coming. And again you never cease to be amazed at the beauty. First snow. A little later - there are already huge silvery snowdrifts in place of the recent green carpets. Clear frosty sky. Snowfalls. All this is amazingly beautiful.

Spring. She always gives me a feeling of excitement. Especially when its imminent arrival is already beginning to be felt. The air is filled with some special aroma, inherent only in nature. No perfumer could replicate it.

You can endlessly admire and admire nature. And what power does she have that is capable of inspiring servants of art to great creations? After all, nature is a muse for both artists and poets. Even any prose work will become more alive, only it is worth mentioning its beauties in it.

How is she able to fascinate, inspire and delight so much? Maybe because she is always varied, she manages to do this. One picture is constantly replaced by another. And each of them is so saturated with natural colors that any artist will inevitably note that his brush will never be able to create anything like this. But, wanting to convey at least a piece of this splendor, he will select colors and shades again and again. It turns out that nature is not only an inspirer, but also a teacher.

And it’s not at all necessary to have any talents. You can simply contemplate it endlessly. But, involuntarily, still, watching these natural wonders, lines come to mind, or images arise even in people far from art. Let it not even be poetry, but just kind words that I want to say to a loved one. Here's another one amazing property nature. She pushes people to kind and bright thoughts.

The nature that surrounds us makes us admire it at any time of the year. Let it be summer, winter, autumn or spring. IN summer period she surprises with bright and beautiful colors, smells and warm sun. In winter, nature dresses in a white fur coat, blows cold air and makes children rejoice. Every day she brings a smile to her face and warms her soul. Each person will be able to write an essay on the topic “The Beauty of Nature.”

The world through the eyes of artists

Painters admire the beauty of the world around them so much that they love to depict them in their creations. Many of them accurately convey all the little details that allow ordinary people see all the beauty that they don't notice in Everyday life. One of these artists is Aleksandrovich. In his paintings he conveys all the splendor surrounding nature. His works are quite realistic and colorful. This artist selects colors so well that every small detail in his paintings perfectly complements any image and creates harmony.

All paintings by this artist are similar to real landscapes, which makes them popular among true connoisseurs of the beauty of nature.

An essay on the topic “The Beauty of Nature” will help every reader see the true beauty of what surrounds him. And take a different look at such an amazing world around us!

Essay “The beauty of nature in spring”

After long cold winter days the world fascinates with its colors. Everyone noticed that with the onset of spring the soul begins to rejoice and rejoice. A person understands that the blizzards are behind him, and only warm and sunny days await him. gives rise to something new and unusual. Spring is a time of love and admiration for the beauty that surrounds people.

Undoubtedly, everyone likes to watch when the first flowers and blades of grass sprout from the ground, which give hope for new life. Spring begins to warm up for all lovers of outdoor walks.

In spring, all the animals and insects that have been waiting for the onset wake up. warm days. Birds fly to their native lands and begin to delight people with their wonderful singing. Nature seems to be saying that it is beginning to live again.

In spring, the beauty of nature fascinates because life begins during this period. The sun begins to warm, plants and leaves on trees begin to grow, animals and insects begin to wake up, and people begin to rejoice. Nature in spring is unusually beautiful and alive.

Summer landscapes

How to write an essay “The beauty of nature in summer”? It is enough to look around and notice that during this period of time nature is especially beautiful. In summer you can enjoy the hot sun, which warms every cell of the body, astonishes you with amazing plants. In summer, wonderful flowers bloom that fascinate everyone with their beauty and fragility. They all enjoy the warm sun and delight the eyes of true nature lovers.

Everyone loves summer, because it is at this time of year that you can go on vacation to various Beautiful places: to the seas, to lakes, to mountains, to forests, to rivers, etc. It is in the summer that nature appears before us in all its glory. She demonstrates everything that she is rich in.

In the summer, the soul of true lovers and connoisseurs of nature truly rejoices, because, looking around, you can see the beauty that surrounds a person.

The beauty of Russian nature

Every person is fascinated by beauty. An essay on this topic can be written by every lover of these beauties, who is able to tell everyone how good what surrounds him in his native land is.

The Russian land has inspired many poets and artists who reflected their emotions and admiration in their work. Tula, Orel, Pskov can inspire everyone who has traveled through their protected places, revive pure thoughts in him, calm his soul and simply teach him to admire the beauties of the Russian land.

Many world-famous poets and artists were born on Russian lands. Here beautiful landscapes are woven together that will not leave anyone indifferent. The beauty of nature inspires not only the writing of poetry and paintings. An essay-reasoning can also be written by every child studying at school, as well as every adult who has lived his entire life on Russian soil, which enchants with the richness and beauty of the surrounding world.

Enviroment protection

Not a single essay “The Beauty of Nature”, written by a true lover of nature, can do without a description of its majesty and an incentive to protect it.

No one should forget that nature creates for us the most Better conditions for life. She allows us to admire her, breathe clean air and bask in the warm rays of the sun. Therefore, every person should know that nature must be preserved and protected.

We should treat nature like our mother and take care of it the way it takes care of us. Many people neglect this and destroy it for their own purposes. Never forget that she will repay you in kind! By destroying forests and drying up rivers and lakes, people are depriving themselves of clean air and favorable living conditions. Take care and love the planet, because it gives everything to humanity.

The essay “The Beauty of Nature” should awaken people’s love for it, because it gives new strength, creates good mood and simply gives a person life.

The beauty of our nature is a miracle that fascinates us all with its splendor and diversity at different times of the year and at any time of the day. She gives us everything we need for life. Summer delights with a variety of colors, exciting smells and warmth. Autumn leaf fall can be described and drawn endlessly. Winter is snow-white, snowflakes swirling and falling. The comfort of home warmth after a cold street and frost patterns on the glass make you fantasize. Beginning to come to life spring nature. Everything rejoices and rejoices at its arrival. We are part of nature and a lot depends on us to preserve it.

We live on amazing planet. We are surrounded by plants, animals, seas, oceans, insects, birds and people. Everywhere we look we see stunning scenery. Who among us has not admired the sunset, a rainbow after the rain, or a butterfly on a flower collecting nectar? And what a beautiful view snowy mountains or a blooming chamomile field. Every day brings something unusual and bright into our lives.

World of plants

It is impossible to even imagine how many plants and their species exist on our earth. Poppies burning brightly in the sun, delicate lilies, fluffy dandelions and sparkling snowdrops. Millions beautiful flowers decorate our world. Makes it even more amazing.

Each of us walked through the forest. What did we see there?

  • slender birches;
  • spruce trees swaying in the wind;
  • cedar with a squirrel sitting on it;
  • beautiful rowan;

And how easy it is to breathe in the forest, the air is all saturated with freshness and morning dew. I want to stay and enjoy the sounds of singing birds and the chirping of grasshoppers.


It is very interesting to watch animals as they play with each other, store food for the winter and hunt for prey. Each animal has its own unique appearance, behavior, and habits. Fearless eagle soaring high in the sky and small Gray mouse, sitting in her cozy hole, the complete opposite of each other. Have you observed the cat's behavior? She is independent, smart, moderately cunning, but at the same time, affectionate with her owner. If you dare to offend her, she is able to defend herself. People should treat animals with care and understanding, love them and protect them. They are residents of this world, just like you and me.

We are all very lucky, we can enjoy the beauty of our nature, every minute, at any time of the year. See the changing pictures of the seasons, golden autumn, snowy winter, awakening spring and colorful summer. Wake up early in the morning with great mood and fall asleep late in the evening. Don’t forget to take care and make sure that everything that surrounds us always brings only happiness and positive emotions.

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