What exams do you need to take to become a chef? Profession guide: where to study to become a chef

There are a huge number of confectionery courses both in Moscow and in St. Petersburg and others major cities. In addition, there are several schools and colleges that train pastry chefs.

It is noteworthy that you can enter most schools with a certificate of incomplete or complete secondary education. You can sign up for courses with virtually no age restrictions.

You should not write off specialized literature for confectioners, available online on the Internet or in paper versions. Information contained in these manuals general, as well as individual recipes, can be useful even for an experienced pastry chef.

The various universities offering education in the field of food technology are not worth attention, since their programs are aimed more at food technologists than at real chefs. Directly pastry craft they are either not taught at all or covered superficially.

Where to study to become a pastry chef in Moscow

In Moscow, training in the profession of pastry chef is provided by several educational institutions, the best among which are considered to be the College Modern Technologies them. Panova, Service Industry Colleges No. 10 and 32, as well as Food College No. 33.

Among the huge variety of confectionery courses, it is worth highlighting the courses from the large educational complexes “SOUTH-WEST” and “Educational Complex named after. Victor Talalikhin.

Where to study to be a pastry chef in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, among the schools, the following stand out: PL Culinary Skills No. 140, PU No. 49 and PU No. 43 named after. Petrova. Courses from the culinary studio “Live Tasty” and the training center “KITS-Group” are considered good.

How long does it take to study to become a pastry chef?

The duration of the courses is 2 - 6 months (including practice), while colleges and schools offer one, two and three-year training programs, which also often include practice.

The cost of training varies for courses from 15 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the prestige and duration of the program, for colleges and schools from 40 to 150 thousand rubles per year with the opportunity to enroll in budgetary, that is, free, places based on the results of the OGE or Unified State Exam.

Is it worth studying to be a pastry chef?

  • Firstly, the ability to bake cakes and cookies, prepare desserts and sweet snacks can (and should!) be useful not only for mastering the corresponding profession. The opportunity to periodically pamper yourself with delicious delicacies can in itself be a learning goal, not to mention for those for whom cooking is not a routine, but an exciting process or even a hobby. In this case, it is definitely worth studying to become a pastry chef.
  • On the other hand, if the purpose of training is employment, it is worth taking into account a certain “narrowness” of the profession and be prepared for not the greatest demand for this type of labor. Keep in mind also that pastry chefs, like chefs in general, are judged more by the presence of awards or certificates for victories in culinary competitions and exhibitions than by the presence of a corresponding diploma.
  • In terms of income level, you can count on 25 - 40 thousand per initial stage careers with a maximum of approximately 100 thousand in expensive restaurants as a pastry chef. The main thing is not to focus solely on the level wages, because the work of a pastry chef is extremely interesting, and most importantly delicious.

You might be interested.

5 reasons to choose the Culinary Institute program:

1) New cafes and restaurants appearing every day are always eager to offer their visitors original cuisine and high quality dishes, which means they require professional chefs with a diploma. Therefore, the knowledge you gain will quickly find its application.
2) After completing the course, a number of attractive prospects will open before you - quick career, a consistently high salary and the title of culinary specialist.
3) A state-issued certificate confirming the knowledge acquired, which you will receive upon completion of the courses, meets the standard both in Russia and abroad.
4) Individual program training will allow you to easily combine studying at the Institute of Culinary Arts with work or other studies.
5) Studying at the Institute will give you the opportunity to gain recognition in the world of culinary experts, increase your income, and in the future - open your own catering enterprise.

If it is important for you to improve your qualifications and become a professional as comfortable and in a fast way– come to the Institute of Culinary Arts MBA “CITY”!

Cooking training

Cooking courses for beginners

Cooking courses for beginners are an excellent opportunity for everyone who wants to join high world cooking, learn about the latest innovations and trends, learn how to independently prepare exquisite and beautiful dishes that until recently seemed incredibly difficult. In addition, such courses teach novice chefs not only to prepare famous dishes according to proven recipes, but also develop the creative potential that exists in every person, contribute to the development of their own taste, as a result of which completely new dishes are born that carry a piece of the culinary soul .
Classes at the culinary school at the Institute of Culinary Arts from the MBA CITY Business Academy are held in a favorable atmosphere, where each student feels comfortable and cozy and can get answers to any questions related to cooking. All this is facilitated by small groups of students, as well as the use of original teaching experiences. During culinary training, course participants get acquainted with unique recipes and cooking technologies not only classic, traditional dishes different cuisines of the world, but also learn to create something of their own. Our cooking courses are designed in such a way as to effectively combine not only theoretical knowledge, but also the practical skills of each student. The program takes into account both the vast experience of leading culinary specialists and the culture, traditions and customs of the world cuisines represented in the program.

Institute of Culinary Arts at the MBA CITY Business Academy

Cooking courses are the choice for those who want to learn something new. It is not necessary to have your own restaurant in order to be able to cook beautifully, efficiently and quickly. We understand that people come to us as those who want to open their own business in public catering, as well as those who are just beginning to learn the intricacies of cooking. Each student has their own level of knowledge, which requires an individual approach to further education. That is why the Culinary Institute of the MBA CITY Business Academy offers advanced training courses for practicing chefs who already work in famous restaurants, as well as for those who simply want to learn how to please themselves and loved ones with delicious dishes every day.

Cook is a food preparation specialist. A good cook is sometimes called a wizard, because he can cook a real masterpiece from the most ordinary products that will bring joy and pleasure to people. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

By the way! You can or download our chef resume sample.

What does a cook do?

The cook prepares dishes according to special recipes, but can modify them to his taste, that is, approach the process creatively.

Specifics of the profession

The work of a cook consists of several stages:

  • obtaining initial products;
  • maintaining cooking technology and recipes;
  • ensuring the cooking process: preparation necessary equipment, procurement of semi-finished products;
  • proper operation of kitchen equipment;
  • ensuring proper accounting and storage of products in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • sales of products.

In Russia there is chef profession classification, which differs from European and American:

  • Chef - the highest level in the profession. He prepares applications for necessary products, ensures their timely receipt from the warehouse, controls the timing, assortment, quantity and quality of their receipt and sale. Studying customer demand, forms an assortment of dishes and culinary products, compiles daily menu. Monitors food preparation technology and employee compliance with sanitary requirements and hygiene rules. Organizes accounting and reporting on the activities of the enterprise.
  • Pastry chef specializes in the production of confectionery products, which requires exquisite taste, imagination and ingenuity.
  • Cook-technologist organizes the process of preparing food. Determines the quality of raw materials, calculates their quantity to obtain portions of finished products, and calorie content of the daily diet. Develops recipes for new signature dishes and composes them technological maps. Prepares necessary documentation and instructs cooks.
  • Cook calculates raw materials and output finished products, prepares dishes, performs straining, kneading, chopping, molding, stuffing, stuffing products, regulates temperature regime, determines the readiness of dishes and products using control and measuring instruments, as well as appearance, smell, color, taste, produces artistic decoration of dishes and confectionery products, divides them into portions.

Even culinary masterpieces cannot be preserved in any museums. They are eaten the faster the more beautiful they are

V. Pokhlebkin

Advantages and disadvantages


The profession of a cook is in demand and creative; there is a place for imagination and ingenuity in it. U good cooks high level wages.


The work requires great physical endurance and responsibility. Not every person can stand standing at a hot stove full-time. Wherein constant pressure attention when you need to monitor the preparation of many dishes and there is no opportunity to relax or get distracted.

Gluttony is the worst of sins, but the most pleasant.

Chef's place of work

The profession of a cook is in demand in any industry: in schools, hospitals, kindergartens, canteens in factories and factories, modern offices, luxury restaurants, in the army and navy. IN good hotels The chef profession is considered key in the hotel business. In hotels, chefs cook themselves and at the same time control the process of creating almost all dishes - from standard breakfasts to desserts. They also participate in the purchase of equipment, create menus, and ensure that restaurant products are fresh and immediately processed.

The chef can also open his own restaurant or cafe. Wealthy people they hire home cooks.

Chef training (education)

graduate School cook's art educational activities since 1998. The main task of the school is to train everyone in one of the specialties in demand on the labor market. Training is conducted in Moscow according to various training programs that differ in duration, complexity, cost, and are intended both for training beginners and for improving the skills of already practicing chefs.

You can learn the profession of a cook through paid chef courses. Also, to master the profession of a cook, it is enough to receive a specialized secondary education, but for a more in-depth development of the profession and broadening one’s horizons, a higher education is necessary. Preparation program for the profession of a cook: 01/43/09 - Cook, pastry chef. To obtain the profession of a cook-technologist in the specialty “Technology of public catering products”, it is necessary to study for the qualification “Technologist” at a secondary specialized educational institution. There are advanced training courses for experienced chefs. The unofficial club of the world's best chefs "G9", organized in 2010, consists of 9 people.

Chef Abilities

  • olfactory and tactile sensitivity, olfactory memory;
  • good taste and color perception, taste memory;
  • good eye;
  • refined taste, imagination, penchant for creativity;
  • the ability to recognize small deviations of technological process parameters from specified values ​​by visual signs;
  • the ability to simultaneously perceive several objects;
  • well-developed sense of timing;
  • dynamic thinking;
  • knowledge of measures, ability to quickly and accurately determine by eye the required amount of liquid, bulk products, spices
  • ability to understand the quality and freshness of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits
  • knowledge of technology instant cooking dishes, how to rationally allocate time
  • good coordination of movements of both hands, firmness of the hand, stability of the hands;
  • ability to perform small precise movements;
  • efficiency;
  • physical endurance: the ability to work intensively for a long time without reducing performance;
  • energy;
  • ability to improvise;
  • responsibility;
  • prudence;
  • punctuality, pedantry;
  • ability to switch from one activity to another;
  • striving for professional excellence.

A good cook has a lot of character, imagination and feeling

EMIL YUN, chef of the Strasbourg restaurant "Au Crocodile"


The chef's work takes place in the kitchen, in conditions elevated temperature and humidity. The professional activity of a cook begins in an educational institution. Many culinary schools and colleges provide students with full-time internships throughout their studies. For subsequent successful job search, a novice chef should create a portfolio with photographs of the dishes he has prepared. This is a modern approach to job search, which is perceived positively by a potential employer. In the profession of a cook, career growth is possible from an assistant cook to a chef in a prestigious establishment.

Salary as of 02/20/2019

Russia 18000—60000 ₽

Moscow 30000—70000 ₽

Chef salary depends on the region of residence, the specifics of the institution, the size of the enterprise and the range of responsibilities that the cook performs.


Do you want to study to become a chef in Moscow? Well, you're in luck. There are plenty of places to train to become a cook in Moscow. You can study in any district of the capital by choosing secondary vocational educational institutions.

You can also choose courses where you can study to become a cook while working part-time. And, of course, you can get a higher education - becoming not just a cook, but a technologist. But no matter what educational institution you haven’t chosen, it’s worth knowing that the profession of a cook, despite its apparent simplicity, is by no means easy, but is very much in demand in such a big city, like Moscow. The number of restaurants and hotels is constantly growing, the catering industry is developing rapidly, so the demand for culinary masters is great and shows no sign of falling.

Where do you train to become a chef?

Popular opinion believes that Moscow has the highest salaries and prestigious vacancies, and this is true in many areas of activity. This also applies to chefs, so studying to become a chef in Moscow is a good choice. Large establishments are always in need of qualified personnel and new offers are constantly appearing. You need to have time to get to the right place at the right time. A good cook will be able to do this without difficulty, but to become a good cook, you need to study. The question immediately arises - where do they train to become a cook? In short, almost everywhere. You can go to school, culinary college, technical school. You can complete courses and even get a higher education. The choice is really large.

Where is the best place to study to become a chef in Moscow?

Despite the fact that education plays a huge role, the work of a qualified cook with little experience, as a rule, does not attract high salaries, but if a specialist with solid work experience, then in Moscow such employment is highly paid. At the same time, the work of a cook is difficult and requires not only knowledge and skills, but also endurance. Therefore, as you understand, in this profession half of the success depends not on where it will be better to study to become a cook in Moscow, but on what kind of work experience you will have, say, 4-5 years after graduation.

And here everything is clear - a theory is a theory. But the main thing a chef should be able to do is cook. This is his main responsibility. True, the organization of the work process is also the responsibility of the cook. He must be able to prepare raw materials and culinary products for cooking, know the storage conditions of food and prepared dishes, and know the requirements of sanitation and hygiene.

Where can you train to be a cook in Moscow?

When choosing an educational institution where to study to become a chef, you need to take into account some specialization that is available in the culinary profession, as in any other profession. There is an opportunity to train as a general-purpose culinary chef, technologist, or pastry chef. The position of chef is a little different. It is impossible to teach it in the sense that is usually attached to this expression. A chef is a talent, a calling and hard work on oneself.

The cook-technologist draws up estimates, prepares and prepares dishes, and makes technological maps of dishes. This is more of a theoretical profession than a practical one, but, nevertheless, a technologist can also work at the stove, preparing dishes.

Usually, to study to become a chef-technologist, you need to graduate from a university. This is more, let's say, a production profession. After all, universities do not teach you how to cook, but they give you an understanding of the entire mechanism of the processes occurring in a catering enterprise or food production.

A culinary chef is a cook in the full sense of the word. He prepares dishes, monitors the cooking process, and maintains precision technological process, cooking time and temperature, applies the right spices, etc.

A pastry chef deals with sweet dishes, from small sweets to large cakes.

The chef deals with all production issues and cooks himself. Also, he conducts a unique study of the priorities and tastes of visitors to a restaurant or cafe, comes up with and compiles recipes, controls the processes of purchasing the required amount of products and their delivery from warehouses.

There is also specialization according to the type of dishes prepared - the hot shop cook prepares dishes that require heat treatment, the cold shop cook prepares cold dishes and snacks. When choosing a specialization, you need to take into account your preferences.

So, where to learn to be a cook in Moscow? In any prestigious or at least decent catering establishment they want to see a chef with an education. Without it, you can only get a job at a fast food establishment and “cook” potatoes or hamburgers. Wherever you really need to cook, you need masters with a diploma.

When answering the question of where to study to become a cook in Moscow in more detail, the first thing you need to mention is colleges. This is the basics. This is where they will give you good basic knowledge and practice the skills of preparing basic necessary dishes. There are many colleges in Moscow. For example, one of the most famous, GBPOU College "Tsaritsyno" No. 37, also, GBOU Vocational College of the Service Sector No. 44, Technological College No. 14, College of the Service Sector No. 3, College of the Service Sector No. 32, Food College No. 33 and many others.

You can get a higher education as a food production technologist at the Moscow state university food production, Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology, Institute Food Industry.

If you need to qualify as a chef quickly, then medium-term culinary courses are suitable. Many people offer to study to become a cook in Moscow training centers and even restaurants. State colleges and universities also offer courses. There is also the opportunity to undergo short-term training, specialized master classes in order to master any area of ​​cooking, national cuisine, undergo retraining or improve your skills. You can even study at a foreign culinary school if you have the money and time for it. The choice of training opportunities to become a chef is great; everyone can choose the option that suits them.

    As far as I know, universities do not train chefs. Specialists in a related specialty with higher education prepared at food industry institutes. And chefs, as a rule, are trained in vocational schools at various courses.

    An interesting and delicious profession - a cook! In Ukraine, more than 500 educational institutions train specialists in this profile. You can enter most of them after the 9th grade, but it is better (to learn directly the skills of this most important and wise science - the skill of preparing salads and snacks) after receiving a complete secondary education. With the exception of a few of the most prestigious higher vocational schools, there is no competition in them, due to the fact that the number of applicants is approximately equal to the number of budget places. However, contract training is also provided, the cost of which ranges from 12,000 to 16,000 hryvnia.

    As a rule, except for the interview, where the applicant must explain to the admissions committee as beautifully and convincingly as possible the reason that made him choose this particular type professional activity, you won't need to submit anything else. If your tongue hangs well, and you become a chef solely at the call of your soul and heart, the last thing you should pay attention to is the dress code that is not too strict, but always businesslike, and with some zest. Thus, you will certainly win the sympathy of the teachers, and you will certainly be enrolled as a student.

    Good luck with your tests!

    I have a friend, she is much older than me and has worked as a cook all her life. By the way, she didn’t study anywhere. You can study to become a cook without exams, that is, without exams at all, for example, these could be courses to become a cook. You can get a chef's profession without studying at a University or Institute. Why then aren’t all of them chefs?!

    To become a chef, there is no need to go to college. For this purpose, there are schools where they accept students without passing exams, obviously so that they have money to pay for training.

    A friend of mine studies at such a school. The training is not difficult, the main thing is the practice of the chefs. They cut their teeth in school in canteens, then go to courses for top chefs, and then to restaurants.

    You can enroll in chef courses without passing any subjects, absolutely without exams. There are no institutes that train specifically to become chefs; they have completely different names of specialties, and there you have to pass the Unified State Exam. Here the subjects will depend on the chosen specialty, but the specialty will not sound like a chef.

    To become a chef, you don’t even have to complete all 11 grades at school. It is enough to enter a vocational school after 9th grade. They enroll everyone there with any school certificate, the main thing is that they have completed 9 classes and paid money for training. And there will be an exam. But already at the end of training.

    To be honest, they wanted to lure me into chef courses when I was studying at a programming course, but there was no talk of taking any exams on various topics there. It’s enough to just sign up, attend and pay for these courses accordingly. So Even if you don’t have a knack for cooking, absolutely anyone can take a chef’s course if they have the desire)

    People study to become cooks at vocational schools (professionally technical schools) and at special courses.

    When signing up for courses, a person does not pass any exams, he only pays money.

    When entering a vocational school to become a chef, there is also no need to take exams.

    After completing your studies, you will still have to pass certain exams or tests.

    To master the profession of a cook, you do not need to enroll in any institute; you only need to graduate from college. But at the school, you don’t need to take any exams; on average, you’ll have to pay about 30 thousand for training, and after studying for about half a year, you’ll be given certificates for mastering a new profession as a cook.

    In our country, you can study to become a cook at a vocational school after finishing nine years of school. Accepted without exams. Eat budget places and contractual. Chef courses are also entered without exams. The main thing is to have a desire and love for your chosen profession. But if you want, for example, to enroll as a catering technologist at a higher educational institution, then you can go to the websites of these institutions and look at the requirements for admission.

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