Separation of homonymous parts of speech. How to distinguish adverbs from homonymous parts of speech

With which they can be associated by origin, on the one hand, and with the service parts of speech, into which adverbs can go as a result of the loss of their inherent meaning, on the other hand.

Adverbs related to prepositional forms of nouns of the type without looking back, from the rear, at home, from above, into the distance, sideways written separately or together; nouns with prepositions are always written separately and allow an adjective to be inserted between them. Wed: He got up hard towards, and together with him from the table rose several grey-bearded clumsy Swedes(K. Paustovsky) - towards(i.e. forward) - adverb. My hopes for a meeting with something mysterious did not come true(A. Green) - for a (long-awaited) meeting- a noun with a preposition. The absence of definitions at the word and the impossibility of setting them also allows us to distinguish adverbs from case forms of nouns like step, horseback, day, night, summer. Wed: Once I sailed in the winter on a completely empty ship from Batum to Odessa(K. Paustovsky) - in winter - adverb. I admire the frosty winter- in winter - noun.

Short neuter adjective and adverb in - o type fast, easy, beautiful differ both in meaning, and in morphological, and in syntactic features. In a sentence The sky is clear in the morning(I. Turgenev) word It's clear- a short adjective, as it denotes a sign of an object, depends on the noun sky, agrees with it in gender and number, may have full form (the sky is clear) performs the function of a predicate in a two-part sentence. In a sentence The field was clear white all around(I. Turgenev) word It's clear- adverb, since it denotes a sign of action, adjoins the verb, in the sentence it is a circumstance.

When distinguishing adverbs and service parts of speech (unions, prepositions, particles), one should try to ask a question to the word (it cannot be asked to the service part of speech) and replace the analyzed word with a synonym. Compare: 1. Footmen ran past the door(A. Chekhov) - past- suggestion (perhaps: behind, before door). 2. As they sailed by, Aunt Osorgina said in a deep bass...(L. Tolstoy) - past - adverb (near, close). 3. He watched for a long time, while they talked about something later.(G. Troepolsky) - Bye - subordinating conjunction (in Meanwhile). 4. The one who is more patient wins, but for now you can enjoy what you have(D. Granin) - Bye - adverb (Now). 5. Only the gray crows made a noise in the meadow(S. Yesenin) - only- particle (only). 6. I traveled to Emba across the waterless steppe in a newly launched motor train.(K. Paustovsky) - just now - adverb (instantly, now).


When establishing the part of speech, it should be remembered that a preposition connects two significant words in a sentence that form a phrase. The preposition indicates the dependence of a noun, pronoun or numeral on other words: close to me, wet from the rain, walking in the garden, polka dot fabric. Prepositions can be simple, complex and compound. When setting the boundaries of a preposition, one should not forget that compound prepositions that include several components must be written out in full and considered as one word (for example: in spite of, along with, in accordance with).

Prepositions can be derivative and non-derivative. Derivative prepositions should be distinguished from their homonymous significant parts of speech. Let's look at a few examples.

1. The commander went ahead. 2. The commander was in front of the group. 3. We agreed on a trip to Moscow. 4. The money was transferred to a bank account. 5. Thanks to the efforts of the workers, the construction of the house was completed on time. 6. The guests dispersed, thanking the hostess for the good reception.

In the first sentence, the word ahead - adverb, since it depends on the verb, answers the question Where?, indicates the location. In the second sentence, the word ahead- suggestion. It has no independent lexical meaning, in a sentence depends on the noun, it cannot be removed from the sentence. In the third sentence, the word about- suggestion. It serves to connect the verb agreed and noun travel, replaced by the synonymous preposition o. In the fourth sentence on account - it is a noun with a preposition; it is possible to insert a definition between them (to my account). In the fifth sentence, the word thanks to is a suggestion. It cannot be removed from the proposal, it cannot be asked a question. In the sixth sentence, the word thanks to is a gerund, since it denotes an additional action in relation to the action indicated by the verb-predicate, controls the noun mistress, forms participial turnover and performs the function of circumstance.


The function of unions in a complex sentence can be relative pronouns ( what, who, what, whose etc.) and relative pronominal adverbs (where, where, why etc.), while retaining the signs of their part of speech. Unlike unions, you can ask a question to them, they are always stressed, they are members of the sentence, they are replaced by other allied words or other significant words, they are not omitted from the sentence without compromising the understanding of its meaning. In a sentence He willingly told them what had happened...(V. Arseniev) word What is a relative pronoun that functions as a conjunction because the word answers the question What?, carries a logical stress, performs the syntactic role of the subject in a sentence, is replaced by a pronoun something, it cannot be dropped. In a sentence When I'm happy, I always purr something to myself.(F. Dostoevsky) word When is a union, since logical stress does not fall on it, it can be replaced by another union (for example, while), it cannot be omitted, and it is not a member of the sentence.


allied words

Can I ask you a question?

Is a member of the offer?

Is it logically emphasized?

Can it be removed from the offer?

What can be replaced?

significant word

By type of accessory


allied words





explanatory, defining

Conjunctions should be distinguished from homonymous combinations of pronouns and adverbs with particles (the same, whatever, the same), pronouns with prepositions (for that, for that, from that). Union can be replaced by another union (also=also=and, but=but, to=in order to, because=because). The particle can be omitted or rearranged to another place in the sentence. The preposition cannot be removed from the proposal. Compare: 1. He loves poetry, we love it too. 2. He likes That same ice cream as me (=He likes the same ice cream as me). 3. He is a bad chess player, but (= but) an excellent football player. 4. Thank you for That, that you came (= thank you for What?- behind That pronoun with a preposition).


It is also necessary to take into account the derivative nature of some particles, their correlation with other parts of speech (pronouns, numerals, adverbs, verbs, conjunctions, interjections). When establishing the part of speech, you can use the method of posing questions and the method of synonymous replacement. You can ask a question to the word of the significant part of speech, but not to the particle. The particle can be replaced by another particle, the word of the significant part of speech - by the word of the corresponding part of speech. For example: The cart was going straight, but for some reason the mill began to go to the left.(A. Chekhov) and It was scary: my heart just stopped(S. Smirnov). In the first sentence, the word directly - adverb, as it denotes a sign of action, indicates the direction of movement, answers the question Where?, is replaced by the adverb forward and in the sentence is an adverb of place. In the second sentence, the word directly - the particle, since it serves to emphasize the semantic expressiveness of the statement, allows its removal from the sentence. In a sentence Everywhere you look - everything sparkles, everything sparkles(D. Zuev) word All- a pronoun, as it points to an object, answers a question What?, replaced by a noun (for example, snow), plays the role of the subject in the sentence. In a sentence Through the brown leaves, the high sky over the steppe spread the canvas, and the sun descended lower and lower.(A. Sofronov) word All - the particle, since it serves to emphasize the semantic expressiveness of the statement, introduces an additional meaning of reinforcement, it can be removed from the sentence, and can also be replaced by another particle (for example, same).

Particles must be distinguished not only from significant, but also from service parts of speech, in particular from unions. Wed: As soon as the sun sweeps splashes - again the thunder hides at the gate ...(S. Ostrovoy) and Flashes of lightning over water occurred only in upper layers atmosphere, between clouds(V. Ardamatsky). In the first sentence, the word only- union, since it serves to connect parts of a complex sentence, is replaced by a union When. In the second sentence, the word only - particle, since it serves to highlight, limit, is replaced by a particle only.

In addition, one should distinguish between the homonymy of the particle not (don't know, wasn't) And prefixes not - (not stupid, nowhere); particles neither (no penny) prefixes neither - (nobody's, never) and union neither (no wind, no snow outside); particles -That. (Have you learned the words?) union then (it rains, then it snows) and postfix -someone (someone, somewhere).

Secondary school at the Russian Embassy in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 2009

slide 2

How to distinguish an adverb from consonant forms The problem of other parts of speech?

slide 3


Detect general and particular methods of distinguishing adverbs from consonant word forms

slide 4


1. Determine which word the consonant word forms depend on. What question is being answered? 2.What do they mean? 3.How do they change? 4.Which member of the proposal are? 5. Learn private techniques for distinguishing consonant word forms.

slide 5

General methods delimitations 1. Ask a question Noun - do (what?) evil Adjective - face (what?) evil Adverb - laugh (how?) evil

slide 6

2. How does it change, what is the ending? Noun - to do evil - by cases Adjective - face is evil, faces are evil - by gender and number Adverb - laugh evil, laugh evil, laugh evil - does not change

Slide 7

3.What member of the proposal is it? 4. What part of speech does it depend on? Noun - to do evil - from the verb Adjective - person evil - from the noun Adverb - to laugh evil - from the verb

Slide 8

Private methods of differentiation

Adverb Other parts of speech 1. Place of stress Smash on the head Put on the head 2. Possibility of using the definition I spent the evening (where?) at home. The roof (of what?) of the house the roof of the new house 3. The adverb can only be replaced by an adverb, and the pronoun can be omitted It was raining, then (then) There is a school behind that house. Sun was shining.

Adverbs must be distinguished from nouns, pronouns and adjectives. To distinguish an adverb from a noun, we determine whether there is a dependent word. The adverb has no dependent words (except for words denoting the degree of quality). A noun has dependent words. I could see it in the distance. - I could see it in the distance of the sea. In the first case, there is no dependent word - this is an adverb, we write together. In the second sentence there is a dependent word - seas, we write the noun with the preposition separately.

Adverbs must be distinguished from adjectives. (shine) in spring - this is an adverb, we write with a hyphen (there is a prefix in -, the word ends in -him). Clouds ran across the spring sky - what kind of sky? spring - we write separately. Wasting time - Wasting time how? wasted - adverb, we write together. Entered an empty room. To what room? empty.

It must be remembered that an adverb can be replaced by an adverb, and a noun, adjective, pronoun - by the same part of speech. The phrase of a noun with an adjective or a pronoun with an adjective can be put in the initial form: in the distance blue - blue distance.

Spelling of unions and homonymous parts of speech

Unions so that, also, but, therefore, therefore cannot be classified into one spelling group. Let's consider them separately.

Union to has a homonymous form - the interrogative-relative pronoun what with the particle by. Techniques for distinguishing these forms are the transfer of a particle by, the ability to omit it, the ability to replace a pronoun with a noun. In this case, the particle would be written separately. If to- union, it can be replaced by another union - in order to, in order to. And then to write fluently. Let's not forget that the phrase through thick and thin written in six words.

What should I read? - What should I read? What should I read? What- the subject is implied: Would I like to read a book? I came by to discuss problems with you. Can be replaced by union in order to- this is a union to be written together.

Unions are also the same: if they are interchangeable or replaceable by the union And, we write together. We write the same thing separately if it is a pronoun with a particle, the same way if it is an adverb with a particle. Helper techniques: in a union, it is impossible to remove or transfer, in an adverb or pronoun - it is possible, the meaning will not change. Unions do not answer questions, are not members of the proposal. Pronouns and adverbs answer questions and are members of a sentence. The pronoun that can be an attribute or an object. The adverb so can be a circumstance. In addition, the adverb is usually accompanied by a comparative turnover with the union as well as the corresponding questions: how? how?

The pronoun that can point to some object, about which you can ask: what exactly? He demanded the same (what exactly? We write separately) as you. The pronoun that can be replaced by another pronoun: In the whole city there were no people who were as calm and at the same (= that same time, those same times) time as solemnly as these two.

Need to remember spelling of phrases: the same as, the same, the same, just like, everything is the same as.

The union, on the other hand, can be replaced by a union, but in this case we write together. It was not possible to meet, but (= but) letters were often written. The pronoun then can be easily replaced by a noun or an adjective. Don't take on (what?) that you can't handle. For that we write separately if this is a pronoun with a preposition.

Unions because, because are interchangeable, we write together, pronouns with a preposition according to that, from that we write separately. The scheme of reasoning is the same as with the union but. You must not judge me by what (= by those deeds) that I do. The boat pushed off from that (that shore) shore.

Spelling of prepositions and homonymous parts of speech

Prepositioning for, in conclusion, in continuation, as a result, must be distinguished from homonymous parts speech. Throughout the year he worked hard. Derived prepositions during, continue are written in two words with the letter e at the end. Combinations with prepositions during, continue have the meaning of time and answer the questions when? how long? The house was being repaired in the course of (an excuse, we write separately) a month. If during is a homonymous noun with a preposition, an adjective can be inserted between it and the preposition, then we write separately, the ending is according to the rule of declension of nouns. A noun with a preposition can be put in its initial form, there will be no preposition: There are many turns in the course (we put it in the initial form - current, we write separately) of the river. Or: in the lower reaches of the river.

The derivative preposition in conclusion has the meaning "at the end". At the end of the article, the results were summed up. It is written separately, at the end of e, because. this is a suggestion. The Decembrists were imprisoned in Peter and Paul Fortress. We write separately, at the end and, because this is a prepositional case.

Derivative prepositions due to, due to indicate the reason. A mistake crept into the investigation of the case - we write the preposition in with the noun consequence separately (the initial form is the consequence, the noun in -e, in vin.p. we write e). Due to bad weather we stayed at home = because of, derived preposition, we write together, at the end of e, can be replaced by another preposition.

The preposition despite is written together with not: Let's go camping, despite (= contrary to something, although there was bad weather) the bad weather is a pretext. He walked without looking at his feet. Despite - gerund (went and did not look - additional action), we write separately.

The use of prepositions with the dative case

Prepositions thanks to, in spite of, in spite of are used with the dative case, this must be remembered: according to the order, due to circumstances, contrary to the forecast.

For more Russian language tips, check out our other articles.

The phenomenon of homonymy can be found on different levels language. This lesson covers some difficult cases morphological homonymy: spelling of homonymous parts of speech, techniques to distinguish between parts of speech and avoid mistakes in their spelling.

2. Reference and information Internet portal "Russian language" ().

3. Preparation for the Russian language Olympiad ().


Russian language: Textbook for 9 cells. educational institutions / S.G. Barkhudarov, S.E. Kryuchkov, L.Yu. Maksimov, L.A. Cheshko. M.: Education, 2011.

Russian language. 9th grade: textbook. for educational institutions /M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvov, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lviv; ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta, - M.: Drofa, 2011.

Litnevskaya E.I. Russian language. A short theoretical course for schoolchildren. - Moscow State University, 2006.

Rosenthal D.E. A guide to spelling and literary editing. - M., 2012.

Unified state exam in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Demo version control measuring materials unified state exam in 2013 in the Russian language, prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS".

Demonstration version of control measuring materials for carrying out in 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 the state (final) certification (in new form) in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE for students who have mastered the basic general education programs of basic general education, prepared by the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS".

Exercises on the topic " The difference between adverbs and other parts of speech

1. Determine which part of speech the highlighted words belong to, come up with and write down sentences with similar words of another part of speech.

Sample: good luck don't count but at first for real study the case. - We got lost and walked at random . Preface happens at first books. missed you present case.

1) In a different way swamp and summer violently get through.

2) Finally we have gathered together .

3) How much days In your , this work is calculated?

4) Secretly from all I wentafter for the sailors.

5) I came at all Not during .

6) Today is a singing lessonSecondly And Thirdly classes.

2. Determine which part of speech the highlighted words belong to, write down sentences with similar words of another part of speech.

1) All students wereon the face .

2) He did it on duty services.

3) We went to a meeting with writers.

4) The enemy is defeatedutterly .

5) Eggs boiled hard boiled .

6) He secretly dreamed of traveling.

7) For what go and find it.

3. Open the brackets, write the following words together, separately, through a hyphen.

(B) rise high - (b) fly high,

(c) a century not to forget a friend - (c) a century of scientific and technological progress,

(c) the end of being offended - running away (c) the end of the alley,

wear a coat (in) a cape - put on (in) a silk cape,

pronounce (in) stretching - give shoes (in) stretching,

(at) time to enter - (at) time of war,

the suit is (in) time for me - (in) the time of distant youth,

(c) secretly envy - (c) secret lies the answer,

resound (in) the expanse - (in) the expanse of the fields of the steppe,

raise your head (to) the top - attach (to) the top of the door,

lower your head (to) the bottom - substitute (to) the bottom of the cabinet,

climb (to) the top - climb (to) the top of the slope,

(for) tomorrow there will be a holiday - postpone business (for) tomorrow,

(on) the face was a mistake - (on) the face fell a shadow,

(by) how much can be judged - (by) how much this amount is less than necessary,

shoot (for) good luck - hope (for) good luck,

go (to) a meeting - go (to) a meeting with his son,

(for) the morning snow fell - make plans (for) the morning,

to appear not (at) time - this issue must be resolved not (at) class time,

draw (along) the top - go (along) the top of the fence.

4. Find synonyms for these words, make phrases with them:

Sample: conscientiously - worked hard, wrote diligently, dealt with the matter honestly ...

Close; instead of; enthusiastically; ominously; artfully; briefly; affectionately; Very; too much.

5. Choose antonyms for these words, make phrases with them.

Away, alone, hostile, polite, along, everywhere, on purpose, backwards, distinctly, timidly, diligently, outside, below.

6. With these words, make sentences using them in a direct and figurative sense:

Sample: He studied this matter in depth. - In this place, the lake is deep.

Hot, cold, hard, soft.

Give more adverbs that are used in a figurative sense.

7. Choose synonyms for these words and make phrases with them:

Sample: abstractly - abstractly, thinks abstractly.

Absurd, aggressive, passionate, original, delicate, collective, comical, logical, elementary.

8. Replace the phraseological phrase with a synonymous adverb.

Let's talk face to face; ran headlong; lived soul to soul; smashed to smithereens, everything is done topsy-turvy; decided from the floundering bay; lived side by side; worked tirelessly.

9. Replace the adverb with a phraseological phrase.

Came occasionally; sitting idle; met daily; does everything carelessly; ran fast; got up early.

10. Open the brackets, write down the following adverbs and adverbial combinations together, separately, through a hyphen.

(Without) waking up, (without) asking, (without) getting tired, shoot (in) flight, (in) overlay, (in) overlay, (in) mockery, (in) stretch, (in) draw, (in) hug , (c) sawn-off, (c) close-fitting, (in) forever and ever, (in) out, (in) fully armed, (in) all, (in) second, (in) alone, (in) first, (in) truth, (willingly) unwillingly, (in) revenge, (in) full heat, (in) half a turn, (in) the truth, (in) right, (in) an eye, (in) a squat, (in) grinding, (in) starve, (c) good, (c) counterweight, (c) other things, (c) empty, (c) five, (c) fifths, (c) inconsistency, (c) installment, (c) loose, (c) seventh, (c) seven, (c) seven, (all) without fail, (c) sweetness, (c) blind, (c) crushed, (c) dry, (c) third, (c) three, (c) three, (c) three-road, (c) stop, (c) idle, (to) dry, (to) dark, (to) ashes, (to) roofing felt, (to) fall, (to) clean, (for) new, (for) one, (for) midnight, (for) frequent, is (under) quiet, (is) old, (on) the cross, cross (on) the cross, stand (on) the hood, (on) interruption, (on) the eye, (on) deafly, smash (on) the head, (on) the mountain, (on) the ready, (on) two, (on ) marvelous, (on) for a long time, (on) one, (on) riding, (on) backs, (on) the ground, act (on) evil, go (on) to the rescue, stand (on) the hood, (on) guishom , measure (on) the eye, (on) deafly, (on) cut, (on) interruption, (on) cut, with a gun (on) overweight, (on) count, (on) errands, (on) fall, do (on) show, do (on) half, (on) in half, (on) a break, (on) the missing, (on) away, (on) equal, (on) backward, (on) bail, (on) right , (on) rental, day (on) span, go (on) a gap, (on) the lost, (on) along with successes, (on) got rid of strength, (on) a gallop, (on) through, (on) a rarity boring, (by) little, (by) bearish, (by) a lot, (by) in vain, (by) naroshka, (by) hearsay, (by) real, (by) beginning, (by) ours, (by) captivity, (by) a little, smoke spreads (along) the bottom, (along) the current, (along) alone, (along) autumn, (alternatively), (along) noon, (on) the same, (on) empty , (according to) empty, (according to) childish, (according to) own way, (according to) the middle, (according to) the old, (according to) the old, (according to) so much, (according to) human, (from) the bottom (to) in top, (c) new, (co) blind, (c) in front, (c) early in the morning, (c) right, (c) run, strictly (on) strictly, (c) move, (quietly) quietly, (that ) hour, exactly (in) exactly, tight (on) tight, (honor) honor, honor (on) honor, side (o) side, (c) side (on) side, (a long time ago).

11. Open the brackets, write the following words together, separately, with a hyphen.

(B) to rise up - (to) to fly up to heaven, (to) a century not to forget a friend - (to) a century of scientific and technological progress, (to) the end to be offended - to run away (to) the end of the alley, to wear a coat (to) a cape - put on (in) a silk cape, pronounce (in) a stretch - give shoes (in) a stretch, (during) time to enter - (during) the war, a suit for me (at) time - (at) the time of distant youth, (at) to secretly envy - (in) the secret lies the answer, to be heard (in) the expanse - (in) the expanse of the steppe fields, raise your head (to) the top - attach (to) the top of the door, lower your head (to) the bottom - substitute (to) the bottom of the cabinet , climb (to) the top - climb (to) the top of the slope, (on) tomorrow there will be a holiday - put things off (for) tomorrow, (on) the face was a mistake - (on) the face fell a shadow, (on) as far as one can judge - ( on) how much this amount is less than necessary, shoot (for) luck - hope (for) good luck, go (to) a meeting - go (to) meet with your son, (in) the morning it snowed - make plans (for) the morning, do not come (during) time - this issue should be resolved not (during) classes, etc. flick (along) the top - go (along) the top of the fence.

12 . Open parenthesis; fill in the missing letters where necessary. Make it complete morphological analysis words with a number above them 3 .

1. Machine (in) download.. 3 rushed along the edge of a deep beam (Leonov). 2. At six o'clock in the morning, the clean hall of the tavern was full ... 3. A bullet hit him, and he staggered and fell (on) to his back .. (L. Tolstoy). 4. Lizaveta Ivanovna married (for) her husband .. for a very kind .. young man (Pushkin). 5. The master becomes .. not (in) tolerant .. (Chekhov). 6. Before (on) stitch.. open door the stable owner himself (Turgenev). 7. The blow was strong, not female, (to) wave away .. (Fedin). 8. Nadia was happy, she wanted to take him to her room and talk (until) full .. 3 (Pomyalovsky). 9. It was a long time ago, but I remember everything (before) clean .. (Sholokhov). 10. The Frenchman was (at) quickly .. warmed up, fed and clothed (Turgenev). 11. Pakhomov (is) braid .. looked at the Neva (Paustovsky). 12. The hut was (for) new .. covered with reeds ..m (L. Tolstoy). 13. In the fall, the owner ordered to score (on) a deaf .. cottage (Fedin). 14. And the young oprich..nick groaned (c) lightly, swayed, fell (for) dead .. (Lermontov). 15. And how pr..dёt..sya (s) .. starts ..sya all the economy, so it will not (to) laughter (Pushkin). 16. Tears (from) rare.. 3 dripped on her work (Pushkin). 17. (B) lion .. blurry from the path .. then the outlines of the towers .. of the rivers .. valin (Gaidar). 18. He laughed like he had not laughed (for a long time) for a long time (Sholokhov). 19. (Here) here 3 they were supposed to bring the wounded (Fadeev). 20. (Some) where women were shown from the windows of village huts .. and heads in headscarves (Mamin-Sibiryak). 21. Little by little the trees began to grow, and Vladimir left the forest (Pushkin). 22. Where do we (in) English go broke! We would be (according to) Russian .. ski at least full (Pushkin). 23. F..tilek unraveled (barely) barely (Antokolsky). 24. Head .. having crossed the leaves (to) the cross, he brought the sealing wax .. to the fire (Fedin). 25. Romashov (by) hastily, quite (by) boyish 3 , darted into the living room .. (Kuprin). 26. He went to the outskirts..well of Krasnodon, to his friend (for) the 3 party ..zanstvo (Fadeev). 27. Elizaveta Alekseevna sat silently opposite Volodya, who (according to) the former 3 did not sleep (Fadeev). 28. Decide that everyone is (in) their own right. Everyone sings (in) his own voice (Mayakovsky). 29. Priest (according to) then wont bless me (Paustovsky). 30. Old men ra..kissed right there on the streets.., and then everything went already (honor) honestly..yu (Mom-Sibiryak). 31. I told you, father, right now (according to) home, quite like that (according to) friendly (Dostoevsky). 32. The fish was rare .. nay, (amber) amber (Melnikov-Pechersky). 33. I crawl (a little) a little (on) back 3 (Nagibin). 34. Meanwhile, the health of Andrei Gavrilovich was getting worse hour (from) hour 3 (Pushkin). 35. Gold on Vetluga, I tell you, apparently (not) visible (Melnikov-Pechersky). 36. Without wasting time (by) empty, (by) friend .. ski yes (by) just talk to you (Fatyanov). 37. We pr..went to take possession of Kiril Petrovich Troekurov and ask other others to get out (for) good (for) health (Pushkin). 38. Time (from) time his attempts became weaker (B. Field). 39. I will first (on) first learn these words (Sholokhov). 40. Maslynikov strictly (on) strictly forbade his wife and brother to write ..vat..sya (Melnikov-Pechersky). 41. If the game was not wounded and Pegaz was sent (on) empty, he returned (that) hour (Turgenev). 42. There are only one (on) university students in our district (Chekhov). 43. I did not write to you, (firstly), (for) the fact that I was not up to you, (secondly), for lack of the right case (Pushkin). 44. Well, having cut down your norm of coal, go out (to) the mountain and wash yourself with steamy water in a hot bath (Gorbatov). 45. (At) the end, our ped..gog wanted to learn Vukola (in) Latin .., but there was no Latin book (Pomyalovsky). 46. ​​They count, write down and find in the (end) ends that the costs are ugly high (Chekhov). 47. Father was getting worse 3 , (for) this, the family tried to speak w..then and walked (on) the c..kidneys (Konovalov).


1. And..ty (to) back down was already late..but (Yasensky). 2. The trouble remained with her alone (on) alone (Astafiev). 3. The car raced (to) the blind (Proskurin). 4. Fog all night, and (in) the morning of spring .. the air is definitely fading (Bunin). 5. He read first (in) black .., (quickly ..) speaking, and (after) he read the same verse (in) white .., (thunder ..) loudly, with extraordinary .. triumph .. nost..yu (Turgenev). 6. And (for) four he splits the deer .. raet (Krylov). 7. Rifle, pouch, against .. gas and bread a pound (for) two (Tikhonov). 8. (For) absolutely (for) why should I sell it? (Ivanov). 9. The alarm struck (under) the morning (Proskurin). 10. They go (by) two, (by) three, finely fingering with bare feet (Bunin). 11. Still .. (by) now bliss breathes in empty chambers and gardens (Pushkin). 12. The train went, and everything went (on) back, (on) always, irrevocably (Kuprin). 13. (To) fight tomorrow! There are thousands of them .. five .. ten, and there are barely five of us .. eleven thousand .. (Pushkin). 14. He, tea, has long been out of the gate; love (for) saved tomorrow (Griboyedov). 15. They will be bitten by longing if tomorrow does not look like (like) today, and (after) tomorrow - (like) tomorrow (Goncharov). 16. The word "shuffle" means and .. disappear, destroy ..sya, get off, so to speak, (on) no (Dostoevsky). 17. He (for) a gift performs carpentry and joinery work (Nagibin). 18. What will be, will be, try (on) maybe (Gogol). 19. Today the patient (on) is much better than yesterday (Nagibin). 20. At Easter, I left (for) many years in the province (Gilyarovsky). 21. I didn’t expect help (from) outside and didn’t hope for a happy chance ... (M. Gorky). 22. In the meantime, in the tents, wine is pouring and goes (to) a circle (Pomyalovsky). 23. Kretov came close to Shumilov (Nagibin). 24. Most often, fights ended in a draw (Nagibin). 25. To get to the lodging for the night, but rather (on) the side (Melnikov-Pechersky). 26. He could not enter without an escort (in) a dark room (Leskov). 27. - (As far as) as far as I know, - Lermontov said calmly, - you only play (in) dark. Well, let's play (in) dark (Paustovsky). 28. Exp..division got lost. I had to and .. ty on the computer (to) daring (Mamin-Sibiryak). 29. Happened good people who advised to go (to) the world (Gogol). 30. Shouting and flapping with whips, they with difficulty divided the herd (into) two (Fadeev). 31. Before lunch we need (one by one) (Sholokhov). 32. Having lined up in platoons, (by) two, the detachment went to the highway and here lined up in columns ... by us (by) four (Fadeev). 33. (B) three of them with Andrey they talked about their newspaper (M. Gorky). 34. We walk on the edge of a knife, and if you are already careful .., then be careful .. (c) three (Fedin). 35. For the time being, we will have police officers (for) one with the thieves, until he is caught (Pushkin). 36. Petka, as a true athlete, improved (in) alone (Andreev). 37. The soldiers began to run across (by) two and (by) alone to the next ditch (A.N. Tolstoy). 38. Our disagreements have nothing to do with it (Granin).

14. Open parenthesis; fill in the missing letters where necessary.

1. Mil..itsioner knelt down, threw up his rifle and from the third shot put Dymka (to) death (Sholokhov). 2. The struggle was still not for life, but (for) death (Fedin). 3. He himself (in) secrets .. realized that he was ... making a mistake (Paustovsky). 4. They loved each other, they gave in silence, (in) secrets .. (Dostoevsky). 5. All of them with open love .. inquisitiveness, as they look (at) a significant person, looked at him (Fadeev). 6. There were about forty musicians (per person) (Turgenev). 7. Alexei crawled (along) what was once (then) a village street (B. Polevoy). 8. But I did no harm to people, and (for) that my deeds are not of much use to you to know (Lermontov). 9. So..nce shone already (from) side (Chernyshevsky). 10. The wound (in) the side was visible, and he felt that he was dying ..rather (L. Tolstoy). 11. Romashov looked (to) his side, and it seemed to him that no force in the world could force him to shift his eyes (Kuprin). 12. On both sides of the road they walk, sedately waddling (from) side (to) side blazing rooks (Kuprin). 13. A sharp pain stretched .. poured through the ankle, and the grandfather fell (on) side (Sholokhov). 14. A cauldron sh..l nearby, tilting (on) its side a white head in an American cap .. (Fadeev). 15. Side (o) side with Kurchatov, he was slow .. but rolled along the tr .. bun (Nagibin). 16. Girls .. do not lie to stupid things, all the chu ..stva (on) side (Kuprin). 17. On this day, Uncle Yuzya was very nervous, (without) smoking (Paustovsky). 18. The lecturer finished his instructions by showing (at the end) how to use against..gas (Ilf and Petrov). 19. (B) the end of both .. strong, I threw away the shovel (Nagibin). 20. Bykov last..l pr..spect (from) the end (to) the end (Sayanov). 21. (At) (late) ends I quit working on the book (Paustovsky). 22. Andrei Ilyich! (At) the end (then) you came to us (Kuprin). 23. On Tverskaya, the snow (half) melted, and the runners of the sleigh kept scraping on the stones of the pavement (Gilyarovsky). 24. He sat down (on) half of his height (Pomyalovsky). 25. I am always like snow (on) my head (Fedin). 26. K..ratelnaya exp..division under the command of Colonel Molchanov was (on) head smashed by p..rtizans (Fadeev). 27. Zakhar opened (in) half the door, but did not dare to enter (Goncharov). 28. Philip .. Fedorovich went along the long .. one, (in) half the length of the workshop, the table against the wall (Fadeev). 29. He entered .. l (in) the time of youth (Fadeev). 30. It’s too thick for the birth .. Such (at) time with .. to reap! (Nagibin). 31. (From) the family has not seen such a primal cemetery (Pushkin). 32. Rostislav six .. eleven years old (from) gave up military school and ush..l to war (Fedin). 33. The drake quacked, carefully looked (at) the top (Ivanov). 34. The cloud (from) the top (to) the bottom .. was illuminated by a silver .. light (A.N. Tolstoy). 35. Tomorrow I had to drive (into) the depths of the steppe one hundred and two kilometers .. tsat five (Semyonov). 36. All the windows of the room were dark, except for the last one (on) the top, hung with a curtain (A.N. Tolstoy). 37. The smoke of the factory stretched (into) heights (Bunin). 38. And this name is destined (for) forever to be strengthened .. for the lost creature (Sholokhov).

15. Open parenthesis; fill in the missing letters where necessary .

1. Read, read, but all (without) sense (Pushkin). 2. Immediately (k) stat .. (for) one perched and the cook's son (Chekhov). 3. We drove briskly, (c) on the move we crossed .. chili forward posts (B. Polevoy). 4. He spoke (without) silence (Fedin). 5. (Under) to him was a bride (Pushkin). 6. But the fishing village burned down (to) the ground (Sholokhov). 7. Alexander put her (under) her arms and put her on her feet (Proskurin). 8. Now he wandered (to) guess (Proskurin). 9. We went into battle (from) the move (Drabkina). 10. He disposed of some tanker standing in front of him (on) the hood (B. Polevoy). 11. And the close ones (on the run) grabbed op.. stems (Bunin). 12. Pr..pod..vanie was conducted (for) hearing and (for) memory (Sholokhov). 13. And at that moment the stump pr .. turned into a man (Mironov) sitting (on) squatting .. 14. - We drove to the black mouth (on) Easter cakes, - brother (Mironov) muttered. 15. And what a day it was today! - (in) hearts in .. Yakov Lukich (Sholokhov) called out. 16. If he knew what would happen, he would never, even (in) a joke, say this (B. Polevoy). 17. Both he and Pavlusha, (in) appearance were no more than two ... twelve years old (Turgenev). 18. Prokhor was in such a hurry that (by) force he hit the stirrup with the toe of his boot (Sholokhov). 19. Pop and d..cell..k were (under) to match each other (Fedin). 20. (After) quietly from my mother, I began to save money ..nk (Sholokhov). 21. What you want to answer this? I became (in) a dead end (Lermontov). 22. In total they had (in) will: and land, and forests, and water (Garshin). 23. Grigory (c) focusing on Aksin.. in the eyes (Sholokhov). 24. Troubles and wars of the 17th century (c) shook the root National economy(Melnikov-Pechersky). 25. - Start up! - (c) the voice shouted Sobolkov (Leonov). 26. - Do not shoot without k.. mandy! - Sobolkov (Leonov) ordered almost (c) hearing. 27. You never know what a person will say (in) hot (Sholokhov). 28. Time .. I have (in) a sawn-off shotgun (Sholokhov). 29. Awakened rooks (c) flew alone over the ground (Chekhov). 30. Stolz is only (in) half German, according to his father: his mother was Russian .. (Goncharov).

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