Organization of leisure of minors in cultural institutions. Technology of organization of leisure for children and adolescents. Forms of organization of cultural and leisure activities of adolescents

The Russian Federation has a large number of institutions that create conditions for social and cultural activities (museum, library, club, etc.). All cultural and leisure institutions operating in Russia are divided into several types, each of which includes a group of homogeneous institutions with characteristic features:

  • - libraries are subdivided according to the purpose and nature of the work, the composition of the book collections, the scale of activities,
  • - centers with libraries, museums, clubs, etc. located at their base,
  • - socio-cultural complexes, entertainment arts institutions (music halls, theaters, circuses, philharmonics, etc.),
  • - institutions of lecture propaganda (lecture hall, planetarium),
  • - exhibitions and showrooms,
  • - institutions for children and adolescents (Houses of children's creativity, aesthetic education centers, etc.).

Nowadays, virtual cultural institutions are becoming widespread: Internet salons, Internet clubs. Over the past 10 years, there have been huge changes in the system of cultural and leisure institutions.

Of particular importance is the creative activity of employees of institutions and enterprises: Houses of culture, clubs, palaces of culture, cultural and leisure centers, folk art centers, cinemas, stadiums, libraries, etc. Much depends on them, on their ability to offer interesting shapes recreation, entertainment, services, from their ability to captivate. At the same time, the culture of spending free time is the result of the efforts of the individual himself, his desire to turn leisure into a means of acquiring not only new experiences, but also knowledge, skills, and abilities.

At present, the activity of a cultural and leisure institution should, first of all, solve social problems in the region, offering new models of lifestyle. The sphere of leisure today is becoming a concentration of such social problems that society cannot solve in other spheres of life (drug addiction, alcoholism, crime, prostitution, etc.). Of course, this does not mean that leisure activities are fully capable of fulfilling this social order, but the club sphere is obliged to offer alternative, socially significant leisure programs. The activities of leisure institutions should be aimed at creating the most favorable, optimal conditions for recreation, for the development of the spiritual and creative abilities of children and adolescents.

Cultural institutions impart qualitative certainty and significance to the joint socio-cultural activities of children and adolescents. At the same time, the development of social activity and creativity, the formation of cultural demands and needs, the organization of various forms of leisure and recreation, the creation of conditions for spiritual development and the most complete realization of a young person in the field of leisure. This is precisely the purpose of a cultural institution, as a socio-cultural institution, the main function of which is to organize the unification of people for joint activities to meet the cultural needs of a person and solve specific socio-cultural problems.

These really operating, dynamically developing socio-cultural institutions include modern cultural and leisure centers. They are an important part of the club structure. The idea of ​​their creation did not come about by chance. Real processes of development of people's interests and aspirations in the sphere of free time require a new approach to organizing their cultural and leisure activities, expanding its content and management foundations. Of particular note are the presence of three main parameters that are the basis for the creation of leisure centers: cultural, reflecting the cultural situation in the region; social, characterizing the state of the trend in the development of the social sphere; territorial, representing the economic-geographical, ethical and other features of the region. Almost each of these parameters in itself serves as a basis for searching for the most preferable structure of the socio-cultural center, the priority areas of its activity.

Socio-cultural centers are single or multi-profile organizations of a free, entrepreneurial initiative character. Cultural centers are created on the basis of a voluntary association of state, public, private, cooperative, departmental institutions of culture, sports, public education, information, advertising, services, etc. and have the status of a legal entity. Their opening is carried out according to the territorial production principle, by combining on a contractual basis certain socio-cultural, leisure and related formations that retain the status of an independent legal entity. The purpose of their creation is the integration of socio-cultural objects related in their tasks, the use of favorable conditions for the realization of the creative leisure potential of its structural units and formations, the organization of joint large-scale regional events, the development and implementation of socio-cultural programs.

The economic basis of the activities of the centers is the economic mechanism, including the use of budgetary and extrabudgetary appropriations, subsidies and proceeds from the equity participation of various departments, enterprises, institutions, public organizations, income from the provision of paid services, self-sustaining collectives, rent, etc. The structure of the cultural center is based on the interaction of professional or semi-professional work of the organizers in the person of full-time social workers, teachers, directors on the one hand, and on the other hand, developing, creative gaming, entertainment, recreational activities of all participants: children, adolescents, youth, adults.

Separately taken social institutions (club, library, park, museum, school, cinema, etc.) cease to be autonomous sources of culture for the inhabitants of the region, but become, within the framework of the socio-cultural center, a structure providing full-fledged cultural services to the population.

In working with children and adolescents, open-type leisure centers follow the principles of competition, mutual respect, trust and attention of participants to each other, individual approach and unity of interests of the individual and the team. This is what makes it possible to consider the cultural center as a special social institution. However, in each particular case, it can manifest itself in its specific form, determined by the range of cultural activities offered. Such centers are created and operate in diverse microdistricts of large cities, as well as medium and small ones.

The fundamental difference between modern cultural centers and previously functioning houses and palaces of culture is the predominant focus in their activities on group and individual forms of work with various social and democratic groups of the population, especially with children, adolescents, youth, and people of retirement age. Yes, and in the very idea of ​​socio-cultural centers of an open type, priorities are unconditionally given to democracy, self-activity and initiative of the population and public self-government. Such centers should make maximum use of the large and potential possibilities of such social institutions as the family, labor or educational collective, various public organizations, etc.

In pedagogical terms, the activity of a cultural and leisure institution is not so much to provide each individual with the most varied amount of activities, but to develop as diversely and deeply as possible through the business that a person likes to do at leisure various aspects of his personality: intellect, morality, aesthetic feelings, all the work of modern cultural and leisure centers should be based on a certain perspective, on such a system of events that would satisfy not only the needs for recreation or new information, but also develop the abilities of the individual. Consequently, leisure acts as a factor in the formation and development of the personality of its assimilation of cultural and spiritual values.

This process is called socialization, and a cultural and leisure institution is an institution of socialization.

Organization of leisure activities for children in the summer

institutions of cultural and leisure activities of the Ibresinsky district

So the long-awaited summer has come - a wonderful time for the sun, sea, warmth, positive emotions, accomplishments and new hopes! Someone has already gone to rest, someone is taking exams at school. Schoolchildren are looking forward to summer holidays. This is a change of impressions, places, social circle, constant movement, expectation of something new. Summer is a period favorable for an intensive exchange of spiritual and emotional values, personal interests. Summer is a period of free communication of children, satisfaction of each of them formed interests.

In pursuance of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic dated March 2, 2012 No. 70 "On the organization of recreation, health improvement and employment of children in the Chuvash Republic", in order to achieve more effective results in the work on the organization of recreation, quality health improvement, employment, intellectual and creative development, formation culture of a healthy lifestyle and attracting children and adolescents to active creative activities, an action plan has been developed to organize children's leisure activities in the summer

The main goals of the 2013 summer campaign are the implementation of traditional and the search for new forms of organization of recreation, health improvement, employment of children and adolescents in the Ibresinsky district.

Cultural institutions play an important role in the leisure organization system. They are not only a place of rest and communication, but also solve important social problems in the field of spiritual and patriotic education of the population. Properly organized leisure is, first of all, the prevention of delinquency and lack of spirituality, emotional poverty and intellectual limitation. A comprehensive solution for the organization of recreation, recreation and employment of children and adolescents in the summer provides the creation of conditions for expedient, emotionally attractive leisure for children, meeting their needs for novelty of impressions, communication, as well as for developing creative potential, improving personal capabilities, familiarizing with the values ​​of culture, entering the system of social relations, implementing one's own plans, satisfying individual interests in personally significant areas of activity.

Great attention is paid to the quality and safe recreation of children in the republic. For active and creative leisure during the summer holidays for orphans and children left without parental care living in boarding schools and orphanages in Chuvashia, the republican project "Planet of Health" was launched on July 1. It was implemented on the basis of the Ibresinsky special (correctional) general education boarding school. It involves boys and girls - pupils from 4 orphanages and 2 boarding schools. During the implementation of the project, the children visited the FSK Patvar, the Ibresinsky stud farm, the ethnographic open-air museum, and took part in various sports and entertainment events. The project ended on July 31st." alt="Miss Summer 2013" align="left" width="228" height="171 src=">В период летних каникул в районе открылись пришкольные оздоровительные лагеря с дневным пребыванием детей. Целью работы лагеря являлось создание комфортной обстановки, благоприятных и безопасных условий для успешного оздоровления каждого ребенка. Программа лагеря предполагала не только укрепление здоровья детей в летний период, а также занятость ребят в течение всего времени. Работники культуры совместно с работниками образования района провели большую работу по организации культурно – досуговых, спортивно-массовых и физкультурно-оздоровительных мероприятий для детей и подростков, Были созданы необходимые условия для развития личности каждого ребенка, приобретения социального опыта в условиях пришкольного лагеря.!}

Holidays on vacation are bright moments summer life children, helping to take a fresh look at the world, at the people around them, to feel a taste for creativity, to decorate their lives, to show their abilities, to unite with everyone in joy.

On July 22, the competition program "Miss Summer 2013" was held at the Shirtan ICC. The event consisted of several contests: “Introduce yourself and tell about your outfit”, “Riddle contest”, “Who will pick the most flowers”, “Understand me” and a dance contest. The participants of the program had to show erudition, ingenuity, creativity, and the ability to stay on stage. Between the competitive tasks, the presenter held games with the audience, thanks to which the event created a joyful atmosphere, everyone was very pleased. At the end of the holiday, the jury summed up the results of the competition and chose Miss Summer 2013. And for all those present, a disco with soap bubbles was announced.

Anecdote" href="/text/category/anekdot/" rel="bookmark"> jokes. The audience supported the children with stormy, friendly applause. Even the rain that suddenly came to our area did not stop the children. They rejoiced in the rain as if on confetti fell on them.

On June 2, in the foyer of the MBU "CRC" Ibresinsky Ethnographic Museum Complex ", an entertaining - theatrical competitive holiday" Childhood - a happy time! "was held. It is very good when both children and their parents participate in the event. Fantasy and energy are in full swing, ideas follow one after another, fun flows like a fountain. And in this difficult business, the role of professionals is very important. After all, specialists are people who not only can find an approach to any child, but also those who already have experience in holding such events. The scenario of the holiday was very interesting, the host (Irina Moiseeva) and the clown Vraka - Zabiyaka (Romanova Natalia) entertained the children perfectly, they are masters of their craft, they already know what children need, what they love and how they react to various contests, jokes, games, from which they are delighted and what they are afraid of. The employees of the cultural and leisure center cheered the smallest participants of the holiday, gave children songs, sang and danced with them, held various contests, games and quizzes. The festive event cheered everyone up, the results exceeded all expectations. Together with cheerful animators children participated in games and competitions. Diverse, unique and rich program everyone liked at the holiday. The children and their parents left the holiday in a great mood and with gifts in their hands.

Who among us as a child did not look forward to this day? Mountains of sweets and juice ... And all this is absorbed in one sitting. On August 11, 2013, a sweet performance "Healing Candy Pot" was held in the foyer of the regional cultural development center. The organizers of the game program, employees of the Center for Library and Information, Cultural and Leisure Services of the Ibresinsky Urban Settlement, launched a fun performance with colorful costumes, dance songs, riddle contests. The program dealt with the history of the emergence of the most delicious, extremely nutritious and, of course, healthy product - sugar. The participants in the performance were surprised to learn that their favorite delicacy has been around for many years. The participants showed enviable activity and participated in various contests and games: “Guess the jam”, “If you like it, then do it”, “Help the bee collect pollen”, also listened to excerpts and guessed what work they were from. For all the time of the competitions, the participants tried a bunch of different sweets, received a lot of useful information. In general, we had fun. The event ended with a children's disco.

Ecology and protection environment"href="/text/category/yekologiya_i_ohrana_okruzhayushej_sredi/" rel="bookmark">environmental protection. At present, the formation of an ecological culture of the younger generation is considered as the most important condition for improving the ecological situation in the country. In the year of environmental protection, employees of cultural institutions of the Ibresinsky district conduct an unusual event - "Ecological Marathon". The task of the participants of the marathon is to learn not to litter and make sure that others do not litter, to improve the environment. Employees of cultural institutions through educational activities, quizzes, competitions teach children and adolescents to love nature, protect Helping children to see the originality and mystery of the life of plants and animals, to understand the beauty of their native nature and to take care of all living things, has become the goal environmental project"Let's save life on Earth!", which was organized on July 10 at the MBUK "Malokarmala Information and Cultural Center". I would like to note that the "Ecological Marathon" is supported by all cultural institutions of the region, organizing various events: "Flower etiquette" - a holiday of flowers for children was organized on July 12 in the V. Klyashevsky village club, "After us is cleaner than before us", so employees of the H. Batyrevsky rural club called the environmental hour for children, “A pure soul of native nature” - an educational and entertainment program was prepared by the employees of the MBUK “Buinsky ICC” on August 8 and many others.

As part of the Year of Environmental Protection, on June 15, an educational hour “Fishing by the River” was held at the Sirikli Village Club. During the event, a cognitive and informational conversation was held with children about the inhabitants of reservoirs and the rules of behavior by the river. The children’s interest was aroused by the club’s administrator’s story that every year the catch of fishermen is getting smaller, and main reason this is water pollution. Then the children took part in fun and exciting competitions: "Fisherman's ballad", "Collect the name of the team", "Fishing questions" and others. The event ended with a fun children's disco.

On July 22, the cultural organizer of the MBUK “M. Karmalinsky ICC" Natalia Kuzmina held a sports and environmental game "It's fun to play together ...". The purpose of the event was to foster a sense of responsibility, mutual assistance and mutual assistance; promotion of a healthy lifestyle; environmental protection. Seeing people with a kind, friendly smile, a happy look is always joyful and pleasant. For this, we decided to play with children in nature. Competitions such as "Winding Path", "Ostrich", "Grasshoppers" and others were held. For cyclists, a relay race "Who is faster" was held. The participants answered the questions of the quiz "Kinds of sports". The guys were satisfied with the game, after which they shared their impressions over a cup of herbal tea.

Rural settlements" href="/text/category/selmzskie_poseleniya/" rel="bookmark">rural settlements - this work contributes to the development of not only labor, but also aesthetic, environmental, physical and moral education, instills in the younger generation love and interest in rural We are also glad that in the work teams there are guys who take an active part in the cultural life of their settlements. During breaks, young workers arrange musical moments of relaxation for the workers. We hope that in the future in the field of culture and rural production, they will become true successors of creative works.

In realizing opportunities for self-development of the individual, for cultural, physical and intellectual growth, the use of their free time by the younger generation plays an important role. It seems expedient to form in the younger generation an orientation towards sports as a way of life. Physical culture and sports, a healthy lifestyle should become a reliable psychological protection for children, a product of the spiritual efforts of the child himself. In order to promote and involve children in physical culture, sports and a healthy lifestyle, cultural workers of the entire region hold various sports events and games. June 23 in Klimovsky rural settlement under the motto "With sports in life" a cultural and sports event "To be healthy every day" was held. Children aged 8-15 participated in fun and provocative competitions and relay races. The participants were divided into two teams "comet" and "Firefly" and competed in speed, dexterity, attentiveness, as well as in the ability to sing, dance and recite poems with talent. Then the guys moved on to the most interesting part of the event, showing skits in which they made fun of laziness. Greed, stupidity. As a result, the Comet team won by a small margin. At the end of the holiday, all participants received gifts and were invited to a tea party.

On June 27, cultural workers of the Buinsk Information and Cultural Center organized a sports and entertainment event on the water called “The Ball in a Circle”. Venue "Three Mountains". The guests of the event took an active part in water competitions, as well as funny drawings and competitions “guess the melody”, “Solve the crossword puzzle”, etc. A celebratory disco was held at the end. The organizers of the event set out to educate young people through sports in the spirit of better mutual understanding and friendship. On June 29, within the framework of the Olympic Day, the employees of the Chuvash-Timyash ICC held a health day for the younger generation “Be strong, dexterous and courageous”. In honor of the holiday, an exhibition-advice "How to become strong and dexterous" was arranged in the library. The librarian gave a fascinating presentation of the book "Athletes". After reading the book, the children learned about world-famous athletes, about the authors of high victories, records, as well as about the first Olympic Games in Athens and on the physical culture movement in Chuvashia. Then the day of health continued on a green meadow, where competitive game program"On the fly." The guys took an active part in the competitions: "Catch the Egg", "Flying Pasta", "Pour and Don't Spill", "Office Football" and others. The celebration was attended by about 50 children aged 5 to 14 years. All participants were charged with strength and energy, after which they all ran together to swim.

In order to organize physical culture and health-improving work among the younger generation, involving them in regular physical education and sports, leisure activities June 29 employees of the Aybech information and cultural center organized the track and field run "Olympic Spirit in Teams", dedicated to the World Olympic Day. On this day, the children really felt the spirit of the Olympic flame, as before the start of the run, the organizers showed a presentation about the upcoming Olympics in Sochi. For participants and spectators, this day has become a truly holiday in the Olympic spirit!

For the first time, the Ibresinsky district participated in the " morning exercises with a star” in the capital of the Republic at the celebration of the City Day. The delegation of the Ibresinsky region was attended not only by athletes, but also by cultural workers. At the mass sports festival, employees of the MBU "Center for Library and Information and Cultural and Leisure Services of the Ibresinsky Urban Settlement" and the MBU "Center for Cultural Development "Ibresinsky Ethnographic Museum Complex" together with the participants of the children's theater studio "Zerkalo" received a charge of good mood and a sense of a surge of energy and cheerfulness. This holiday has already become traditional and broke the mass record this year. 28,000 citizens and guests of the capital gathered on Red Square. The popular actor and TV presenter Viktor Loginov led this physical exercise. He is familiar to viewers from the series "Happy Together". The head congratulated all those present on the City Day, and the four-time Olympic champion, eleven-time biathlon world champion Alexander Tikhonov, Olympic champion Valentina Egorova, European champion, twice national championship champion, Honored Master of Sports in boxing Valery Laptev and others. Morning exercises can do wonders. It is performed by millions of people and they feel great.

A significant place in the organization of summer leisure for children belongs to circles, amateur associations, interest clubs. There are 209 circles and amateur associations in the Ibresinsky district. The most popular are club formations for children and adolescents, which operate in the following areas: arts and crafts, vocal, dramatic, choreographic, sports, etc. Also an important place in the organization of children's leisure is held by creative festivals, within which adolescents can not only relax, but also show your skills.

Observations of the work of cultural institutions convince us that in order for leisure to become truly attractive for children and adolescents, it is necessary to build the work of the institutions and organizations that provide it for the interests of each child. It is necessary not only to know well today's cultural demands, but also to anticipate their change and be able to quickly respond to them by regulating the appropriate forms and types of leisure activities.

In our time, there is a development of positive trends in the creation of a cultural and leisure environment that is adequate to the modern socio-cultural needs of society. And modern leisure institutions should become carriers of a holistic cultural environment. And it, in turn, will positively influence the nature and content of all leisure activities and cause people to need to actively participate in it.

Graduate work

Improving technologies for organizing leisure activities for children and adolescents


The current stage of development of Russian society is ambiguous and contradictory. The activity of institutions of the socio-cultural sphere, as an integral part of the social organism, takes place against the backdrop of fundamental changes in all spheres of society - from the economy to ideology. There is a change in value orientations, life goals of both individuals and society as a whole.

It is known that today the leisure of both young people and adults who grew up in large and small cities is different. It is so different that, when communicating with representatives of small towns, we catch their difference from representatives of large cities so clearly that it becomes clear that these are different people, and their leisure culture is different.

It is free time that becomes the sphere where a person communicates with art, painting, cinema, literature; playing sports, in drama circles, visiting exhibitions, theaters, museums, meeting interesting personalities.

For all positive aspects leisure, it can be noted that leisure is clearly subject to the state of politics, economics, ideology, education and culture. As practice shows, the leisure of the younger generation, with a relatively low culture of its use, not only does not bring the expected restoration of lost strength, the flowering of creative abilities, and the like, but, on the contrary, turns into a criminogenic factor in society.

The fragmentation of existing theoretical developments and the limited empirical material on issues related to the socializing impact of leisure on school-age children and reducing it mainly to the implementation of an educational function significantly reduces the effectiveness of practical activities in the field of leisure, which also determines the need and relevance of this study.

OBJECT of research - organization of leisure for children and teenagers.

The SUBJECT of the study is the organization of leisure for children and adolescents in the conditions of the leisure organization "Brigantina".

The PURPOSE of the study is to study the features of the organization of leisure for children and adolescents in the conditions of the leisure organization "Brigantina".


Consider the influence of the modern socio-cultural situation on the development of the personality of a teenager.

To analyze the main ways of optimizing the work of schools, cultural institutions and families in the process of organizing teenagers' leisure.

To study the features of organizing leisure activities for children and adolescents in clubs at the place of residence.

Give a brief description of the Brigantina Club.

Consider the main areas of work of the Brigantina Club.

BASE of research - leisure organization "Brigantina".

In rural areas, the task of organizing cultural and leisure activities of adolescents is relevant, in which their many sociocultural needs are realized and with the help of which children are socialized. different ages. It is during adolescence that the main structures of the personality are formed, the qualitative characteristics of which largely depend on the development of the environment. The most difficult process of socialization occurs in adolescence, as there are great changes in the body and in consciousness. There is a wide variety of relationships - friendship, enmity, love and others. A teenager is strongly influenced by micro and macro environments, as well as various social institutions.

The socialization of a teenager is the subjective formation of a personality based on the assimilation of sociocultural values, inclusion in socially significant activities, the result of which is social competence: knowledge, skills, abilities and abilities that are formed in the process of socialization and allow a person to quickly and adequately adapt in society and effectively interact with social environment.

The world needs an independent person. A dependent person is dangerous to the world. In the conditions of the dizzying speed of technological achievements, the often changing political and social situation, a person who considers these changes as a tragedy goes into borderline relations with the world. To avoid this, the child needs to be helped to dynamically navigate in a rapidly changing world, to build relationships with other people within the framework of a civilized dialogue.

Diverse cultural and leisure activities of the KFOR in the village. Atrachi Tyukalinsky district Omsk region maybe, in our opinion, a means of socializing the personality of adolescents, since most often, it is in the sphere of leisure that adolescents act as free individuals.

The problem of leisure pastime of adolescents is dynamic and controversial. A large amount of unorganized free time of adolescents and the inability to manage it often leads children to social problems. The problem of organizing cultural and leisure activities of adolescents in rural areas deserves close attention just because a person who knows how to spend his leisure time with benefit and interest where there are few institutions in the relevant field of activity, not only develops his own personality, but also contributes to the formation of cultural competence of specialists. - leisure sphere.

object term paper is the process of socialization of adolescents in rural areas.

The subject is cultural and leisure activities as a means of socialization of adolescents of the creative association "Brigantine" of the Atrachinsk SDK.

Purpose: the impact of cultural and leisure activities on the process of socialization of adolescents.

· Describe the concept of "Cultural and leisure activities."

· To reveal the features of cultural and leisure activities of adolescents in rural areas.

· to diagnose the socialization of adolescents;

· develop and implement a complex of cultural and leisure activities aimed at increasing the level of socialization of adolescents.

In the course of our study, we used theoretical and empirical methods:

literature analysis;

study of documents;



quantitative and qualitative processing of results

Research base: CDK p. Atrachi, Tyukalinsky district, Omsk region

1.Technology of organization of leisure for children and adolescents

1.1 The influence of the modern socio-cultural situation on the development of the personality of a teenager

teenager sociocultural family

Until recently, in the history of human development, the change of equipment, material and spiritual values ​​was much slower than the change of generations of people. The child was brought up and trained in accordance with the requirements of the existing social environment and political setting. The transfer of experience in the process of education from the older to the younger, their creation “in their own image and likeness” was natural and expedient, since the social system in which the child was to live, with minor changes, resembled the social environment in which his parents lived.

The current situation indicates a rapid change in working conditions, public attitudes and beliefs. Many personal qualities and priority values ​​are being reviewed. Therefore, educational work should be evaluated not so much by how fully the educators managed to convey their knowledge and convictions to the young, but by whether they were able to prepare them to act and make decisions independently.

In order to live and work successfully in the extremely mobile and dynamic society of the near future, the individual must possess two oppositely directed series of qualities. On the one hand, you need to be a person, have a stable worldview, social and moral convictions, otherwise, at every sharp turn in history, in a difficult life situation, a person will, figuratively speaking, disintegrate into its constituent parts or react with neuroses. On the other hand, high psychological lability, flexibility, the ability to assimilate and process new information and create something new are necessary not only in youth, but also at an age when we are used to making do with old baggage. Without this, the individual will lag behind the course of history.

The formation of certain personality traits, attitudes and beliefs is especially important during adolescence. At this age, the socialization of a person takes place, the awareness of oneself as a member of a certain culture, political system. The search for life values ​​and orientation to them in their actions, the development of personal qualities in accordance with them determines the position of the child in this society.

Consider the factors influencing the formation of a modern teenager. I.S. Kohn identifies several of the most important institutions for the socialization of early adolescence: the parental family, the school, the peer community, and the mass media. It is advisable to add the influence of out-of-school institutions of leisure activities.

I.S. Kohn notes that there is practically no social or psychological aspect of adolescent behavior that does not depend on their family conditions in the present or past.

Unfortunately, in our country, the attitude of parents towards a child is determined depending on the extent to which the child fulfills the requirements of the parents. If a teenager does not study well at school, then, as a rule, he is treated in the family as a loser, rarely praised, thereby causing severe psychological trauma.

In addition, the alienation of childhood from the world of adults in general seems to be psychologically dangerous. The child became, as it were, a stranger, unnecessary. We have a serious lack of attention, respect for the child, including from close people. Today, children are close, but not within the family. Parents are concerned about how to feed and clothe the child, and his problems, worries, inner world remain inaccessible to them.

Adults do not have the time and desire to figure out what and how their child lives. But adolescence, like no other, requires a special attitude, understanding. With unrealized communication, many children have a feeling of loneliness, reaching despair, cynicism grows, respect for the most important human values ​​is lost.

The second most important factor influencing the development of modern adolescents is the school. The word “school” refers not only to a purposeful educational process, but also to the whole set of relations between teachers and students and the relationship of students with each other.

As D.I. Feldshtein, “Historically, the main focus of our school's activities is on learning, acquiring knowledge, and upbringing is still, in fact, a by-product of learning. This state of affairs is due to many reasons. First, the general situation that has developed in society, when social indifference, alienation from social values, and an uncritical attitude to reality have become the norm. Secondly, the attitudes in the field of education, when the formation of self-esteem in students, a sense of their own importance, in fact, was replaced by the education of obedience. Thirdly, the principles and methods of the educational process itself, where there is a well-established system of rewards and punishments, which forms not adherence to principles, independence and responsibility, but opportunism.

Moreover, the students themselves do not decide anything at school. In educational institutions such conditions are created under which children are not required to show responsibility, but such qualities as dependency, passivity are developed, the child takes the position of a consumer.

Unfortunately, our school does not prepare children for real life at all. They are not included in various spheres of society's activity, they are not involved in the discussion of the problems that adults live with: environmental, economic, socio-political.

Neither the parents nor the school fully satisfy the needs of the child for personal communication, which is necessary in the complex world of relationships between people. Children, especially at a transitional age, are often concerned about issues of personal significance, relationships between the sexes, problems of a moral and ethical nature. At this moment, it is important to have an older comrade who could help the teenager in choosing life positions, his self-determination.

In adolescence, peer society is perhaps the most significant factor influencing development, sometimes exceeding the influence of teachers and parents. The need to communicate with peers arises very early and intensifies by adolescence. Lack of communication with peers negatively affects the development of children's communication skills. I.S. Kohn identifies several reasons for the enormous influence of this factor.

At present, the communication of adolescents often takes ugly forms. The lack of an elementary culture of communication, all kinds of complexes and the inability to cope with them, the desire to assert themselves, to gain recognition by any known means, often pushes teenagers onto the path of an unhealthy lifestyle, criminal behavior, the path of conflicts and stress.

This is partly the fault of the state of modern society. For several years of "shifting" from one extreme to another, the old ideals and principles have been distorted or simply forgotten, and the new ones have not yet been established. Many moral qualities, such as honesty, decency, in modern society as if leveled. The new social policy itself was undecided in its ideals.

Psychologists note that modern teenagers are more cruel and cynical. Our teenagers really lack humanity and humanity in their relationship to each other. The media force them to look at life from an egoistic point of view, from the position of "have" and not "be". The quality of life is measured by them by the number of acquired things, and not by spiritual values. Modern teenagers learn the rules of intersexual relations very early, but only in their primitive version. The fruits of these relationships then replenish the children's homes and boarding schools.

The mass media, designed to enrich the spiritual world of man, in our country seem to have forgotten about their main purpose. Of the three main functions: cultural, educational, informational and entertaining, assigned to it, the first of them is given the least importance.

D.N. Kondratyev, after analyzing the programs broadcast by modern television on the main channels, came to the conclusion that our teenagers have practically nothing to watch. These are either entertainment programs that have practically no educational value, or old films that have largely lost their relevance and, therefore, are not able to serve as a guide in modern life. Either these are adult-oriented programs with a weak emotional coloring. From this follows the conclusion already made earlier - modern teenagers are cut off from society.

Education in the era of the scientific and technological revolution should be, above all, the education of independence, creative initiative and social responsibility, which are inseparable from each other. An independent, creative person is formed only by independent creative activity. An opportunity for such activities can be provided by educational institutions in the leisure sector.

To optimize the process of family interaction, and institutions of the socio-cultural sphere in the formation of a culture of leisure of the younger generation, it is necessary to fully include the family in the educational system. This is not an easy matter, because now the ideas of folk pedagogy, care for education, born of folk wisdom, are almost lost, and the knowledge of the basics of the theory of modern education by parents is small and unsystematic.

formation of a harmoniously developed personality:

moral, aesthetic and physical improvement of adolescents;

Satisfaction of spiritual needs of teenagers and development of their creative abilities.

Currently, there are a large number of extracurricular institutions (studios, clubs young technicians, stations for young tourists, etc.), which focus only on children, and cultural and leisure centers hold events mainly for young people and adults. Theaters put on performances either for children or for adults. This is hardly socially and pedagogically justified in modern conditions. The efforts of cultural institutions should be directed, first of all, to the family as a team, to the organization of joint socially oriented leisure activities of parents and children - this is one of necessary conditions optimization of such work.

Forms of work of institutions of the socio-cultural sphere with the family can be very diverse. So, for example, in teenage clubs in many cities of Russia, family holidays, family evenings have become traditional, individual forms are enriched with new content, based on the interests of the family. The organization of traditional forms of family leisure in the Russian folk style has become widespread: youthful games, fairs, Russian gatherings, circles of applied art for children and adults - “Skillful Hands”, fine arts, folklore ensembles and orchestras of folk instruments. Family communication clubs, interest clubs, puppet and actor theaters, libraries and other centers should contribute to the solution of the problem of lack of communication between parents and children. In the leisure time of children, such programs as "Adults and Children" have been developed.

moral and spiritual revival of the family;

socio-psychological rehabilitation of the family;

personal rehabilitation of adolescents;

updating the approach to organizing joint leisure activities for adults and children;

formation of a healthy lifestyle.

At present, conferences of fathers, men's clubs, meetings, consultations, conversations of doctors, psychologists, teachers, joint work in workshops, trips, excursions, etc. are increasingly being created and becoming popular.

The value of cultural and leisure forms of work with the family lies in the fact that they actively include such communication mechanisms as: children and children, family - children, family - family, children - adolescents - adults. These contacts give the process of communication a special attraction and sincerity. The opportunity to communicate with adults together with children creates a favorable psychological microclimate in the family and strengthens its foundations.

The effectiveness of the use of the social potential of the family to a large extent depends on the level of pedagogical culture of the parents. The efforts of the school, social services, club institutions, libraries and other centers contribute to its increase. Today, the idea of ​​combining the efforts of all socio-cultural institutions in the pedagogical education of parents remains pedagogically justified. It is necessary to create psychological assistance services not only for adolescents, but also for families. School teachers, social educators, preschool teachers, psychologists, doctors, lawyers, employees of out-of-school institutions, teachers and university students can be involved in their work.

In the organization of leisure, it is necessary to use those forms of work that are most popular with the population and in which there is a need. The challenge is to channel these forms of communication into socially valuable channels that promote culture. We need to think about how to do this in each club specifically, taking into account the traditions, customs, habits characteristic of the area.

1.2 Psychological characteristics of adolescence

Teenagers, due to their age-related psychological characteristics, are ready to perceive everything new and unknown, without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, they are still ideologically unstable, it is easier to introduce both a positive and a negative image into their minds. When there is no positive alternative, the ideological vacuum is quickly filled with drugs, smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits. That is why the main task of the governing bodies and cultural institutions should be the organization of leisure activities for children and adolescents, the improvement and expansion of the cultural services provided, taking into account the leisure preferences of this category of the population.

Rural populations are distinguished by the history of their individual life and perform so many different functions that it seems no longer so self-evident to make any one function more essential. Instead, the people in the village are recognized as individuals. They manifest themselves in their character, and not in individual roles. Roles are not fixed, they can be performed by different persons and performers can be calculated. Characters are also quantifiable, but they cannot be rented. They belong to a very specific individual, a very specific personality.

Life in a village association has a certain similarity with the life of a family. At the same time, elements of both traditional and modern families are combined in a completely new form. Life in the village is similar to the traditional family in that a large number of its members are connected by common ties. Family associations are quite large, and each village can be considered an even greater unity of branched family ties. So, for example, small holidays take place in individual houses, while large ones are open to all residents of the village. The birth of a child is of universal interest, and baptism is such a great social event that the whole village is invited to the celebration. The same applies to weddings and funerals. In the villages, family life is not hidden: all the inhabitants take part in it.

The social environment of the village acts as a unifying principle for all its inhabitants, including children, who are most susceptible to its spontaneous influence. At the same time, the qualitative characterization of rural cultural institutions (clubs, libraries, film installations), the entire atmosphere of cultural life reveals an ever greater significant lag in the countryside. Understanding the limited (in comparison with the city) "range" of cultural institutions in the village gives rise to a certain dissatisfaction among rural residents with cultural, educational and consumer services.

The cultural center is a complex that unites all the main cultural and educational institutions serving the population at their place of residence.

The problem of formation and satisfaction of cultural needs is especially acute for rural cultural institutions. Many needs can be met through the interaction of various cultural institutions, for example, a library and a club, a school and a club, a club and sports organizations. Cultural institutions are a kind of leisure centers.

The younger generation, who grew up and lives in rural areas, has socio-psychological characteristics.

1.3 Features of the organization of free time and leisure of adolescents in rural areas

An extensive analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature and mass practice of content-filled leisure of adolescents allows us to identify the types of activities that ensure the effectiveness of working with children in the field of free time, since most domestic and foreign scientists directly associate free time with activities, defining it as leisure time and creative knowledge outside of production (in our case, outside of schooling), used to satisfy needs and develop human abilities on an independent basis.

Based on a wide range of views of domestic and foreign researchers on the content of leisure and the structure of activities in it, on a deep and lengthy analysis of the types of activities that exist in the structure of the content of free time, which have their own specific and specific content, it is advisable to single out the following types of activities:


Cultural - leisure;


Sports - recreational;

Scientific research;



It should be noted that the majority of foreign and domestic scientists in the structure of the activities of each individual distinguish 4 main types: study, work, play, communication.

Analysis of the meaningful employment of children's free time in the mass practice of the activities of institutions additional education children showed that the most significant share in the organization of their free time is occupied by educational activities. It is defined as a free activity not regulated by state compulsory education, based on personal interests, voluntariness, initiative and independence of the children themselves, providing satisfaction a wide range their diverse individual needs and interests, based on a rich arsenal of means, forms and methods of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities sufficient to achieve success in life, allowing to deepen, supplement and develop the information and knowledge gained in a secondary school.

One of the main types of meaningful content of children's leisure is cultural - leisureactivity - the sphere of self-expression and self-realization of the individual, his potential desires and opportunities, which allows you to include this very type of activity in the framework of time, free from social or other coercion.

In cultural and leisure activities, adolescents get acquainted with art, nature, labor, norms and rules of interpersonal communication, moral and aesthetic values. As you know, deviant behavior of adolescents is a consequence of a violation of the process of socialization. And its correction is possible only through the involvement of adolescents in the sphere of leisure activities, since here adolescents are more open to the influence and interaction of various social institutions on them, which allows them to influence their moral character and worldview with maximum efficiency.

Organizational forms of work with adolescents should be aimed at developing their cognitive processes and abilities. It is important to note that the adolescent period of development is characterized by significant changes in all aspects of the personality - the psyche, physiology, relationships, when the adolescent subjectively enters into a relationship with the adult world. In this regard, only a differentiated approach in the choice of certain forms can ensure the effectiveness of their impact. One of these forms - artisticform. Includes messages about the most active events, which are grouped according to the degree of importance and are presented figuratively with the help of emotional means of influence.

This form includes mass performances, evenings of rest, show performances, spectacles, literary evenings, creative meetings with famous people.

educationalforms include lectures, conversations, disputes, discussions. A teenager learns not only something new, but also learns to form his own point of view.

So, for example, in adolescence, the child is very concerned about the problems of sexual development, and in connection with this, lectures and discussions on this topic will arouse great interest.

In the practice of leisure activities, there is such a form as educational and entertaining.

It is of great importance for adolescence. It is during this period that the nature of gaming activity changes, one can say that the game loses its “fabulousness”, “mystery”. The cognitive significance of the game comes to the fore.

A great effect is given by forms borrowed from the television screen, for example, educational - entertaininggames "Bray - ring", "What? Where? When".

Teenagers are most interested in such a form of leisure organization as a disco club. There are two types of disco - educational(disco - club) and dance and entertainment(disco - dance floor). If in the first case a clear goal is pursued, which is accompanied by some kind of theme, then the second has no goal. So, the creation of a disco club contributes to the development of musical taste.

One of the extremely important types of free time employment of children in modern conditions is becoming sports and recreationactivities due to the fact that the state of their health in Russia is of particular concern. The formation of a healthy lifestyle, including a rationally constructed mode of study, rest, physical exercises combined in an optimal mode, proper nutrition, hardening, hygienic and psychophysical measures should become an integral element of the activity of each of the social institutions.

In the structure of teenagers' free time, a rather specific type of activity is gameactivity, which in terms of content is considered in terms of the emotional and moral expression of the attitude of the individual to the events taking place, including to himself. The game type of activity in terms of content involves mastering the experience of the behavior of a socially active person.

It is in this regard that the role of play activity in the sphere of free time and leisure of adolescents is extremely large, since it is organically included in the general system of activity education in the field of free time. It blends well with other activities, often compensating for what they don't provide. Education, cultural leisure, sports, work, play, communication mutually penetrate each other and constitute the content side of the lifestyle of children and adolescents and their creative development in the field of free time and leisure.

Among the mass of organizations involved in the organization of youth leisure, the leading place is occupied by cultural institutions. As practice shows, the actual activities of cultural institutions for the prevention of various asocial phenomena, including crime, are much broader, more diverse and deeper. Almost all categories of the population are involved in it, although, undoubtedly, children, adolescents and youth are singled out as priorities.

Competent organization of leisure employment and education by means of culture and art is considered today as an alternativeteenage neglect, which is one of the prerequisites for committing illegal acts, as one of the components of a large work on primaryprevention of this asocial phenomenon.

Teenagers, due to their age-related psychological characteristics, are ready to perceive everything new and unknown, without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, they are still ideologically unstable, it is easier to introduce both a positive and a negative image into their minds. When there is no positive alternative, the ideological vacuum is quickly filled with drugs, smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits.

It is in this connection that the main task of the governing bodies and cultural institutions should be the organization of leisure activities for children and adolescents, the improvement and expansion of the list of cultural services provided, taking into account the leisure preferences of this category of the population.

Creating a positive attractive image cultural institutions will attract more children and adolescents to its walls, which will create a certain alternative to idle pastime, which is one of the prerequisites for committing crimes. This is especially true for adolescents in rural areas, where the cultural level of the population is much inferior to the same level of the urban population. In rural areas and villages, adolescents sometimes have no one to follow an example from, they do not know how to spend their free time usefully.

The issues of organizing leisure activities for children and adolescents are of particular relevance during the holidays, when children have more free time. Adolescents, whose rest is not organized, require closer attention.

Projects and activities carried out within the walls of cultural institutions and aimed at solving these problems should be an integral part of those developed and implemented on the territory municipalities targeted programs for the organization of recreation and leisure activities for children and adolescents in the summer.

The main forms of organizing leisure activities for adolescents and their cultural services in the summer can be:

organization of work of children's health camps on the basis of cultural and leisure institutions

cultural services for urban and suburban children's health camps, playgrounds (concert, intellectual, educational, competitive, game, entertainment programs, theatrical performances, holidays, film screenings, etc.)

Conducting cultural and leisure activities and organizing film screenings for unorganized children and adolescents

holding Days of the Teenager (with the organization of legal and psychological consultations, meetings on career guidance, etc.)

attraction of children and adolescents to club associations and groups of amateur folk art

organization of touring activities of groups of amateur folk art

Conducting creative shifts for members of amateur folk art groups and gifted children (“theatrical shifts”, “folklore holidays”, etc.)

participation in the organization and holding of events for the employment of adolescents (“Job Fairs”)

organization of youth actions for the improvement of the city (village), cultural institutions.

One of the options for organizing summer holidays for children and adolescents is the organization summer camps on the basis of the club institution. The basis of such camps can be a temporary children's association, which must be turned into a temporary children's team. It is possible to create several specialized associations that will unite

teenagers fascinated by one idea. The following areas of activity can be most effective: search, sports, labor, merciful and charitable, aesthetic, etc. The activity of such an association can be most effective if it consists of children of different ages. The advantages of such associations are the following factors:

direct transfer of experience of seniors to juniors, where the juniors borrow a manner of behavior, acquire skills and abilities in a specific joint activity;

the opportunity for everyone to open up as a person around an attractive idea, an interesting business;

satisfaction of age needs: for the younger ones - to have an "example", to be like him; for seniors - to establish themselves in the role of leader;

cooperation between elders and younger greatly enriches the attitude of children in such associations, a respectful attitude towards both elders and younger is certainly brought up;

wide social connections, excluding the danger of isolation, isolation from other teams.

In organizing summer recreation for children and adolescents, the experience of summer health camps and camps based on general education schools can be used.

In addition to the above general fundamental approaches to determining the strategy of activity, the role and place of government bodies and cultural institutions in the system of preventive work, there are very specific areas of activity for the prevention of offenses using the resources of cultural institutions.

First of all, it is the implementation of projects and cultural eventsdirectly aimed at educating legal culture of the younger generation, on the formation of positive attitudes and cultural stereotypes that will help adolescents and young people to adapt more easily in the adult world. When conducting events, it is important to consider psychological features adolescents and young people, to move away from didactics and the principle of prohibition as much as possible. Instead of “you can’t” (you can’t commit crimes, use drugs, drink, smoke, etc.), it’s better to say “you can” - you can be creative, read, sing, draw, play the guitar, dance rap, etc. And then your life will become interesting, eventful and there will be practically no time left for empty pastime.

The disco is still the most popular and demanded form of organizing youth leisure.

The disco is able to synthesize in itself the most diverse types of artistic creativity, amateur hobbies. Absorbing the spirit of the new time, it creates excellent opportunities for the manifestation of creative activity, the expansion of various knowledge and interests. Despite the fact that the combination of informative and exciting in the disco is limited due to the specifics of this form of work, it still allows young people to realize the need for a full-fledged meaningful rest and entertainment. After all, the disco is based on the communication of young people through youth music, despite the fact that the musical hobbies of young people of one generation are very diverse. It is at the disco that a diverse youth audience with a wide range of orientations and requirements gathers. And it is known that visits to disco evenings exceed the number of visits to other types of club events. In this regard, the issues of organizing and improving youth musical leisure are very relevant. This primarily applies to discos in small towns and villages. The level of the material base on the periphery is not very high. This is the essential difference between a large city with a huge number of private disco clubs and small towns and villages with their discos.

The development of discos attracts the attention of a wide range of sociologists, psychologists, and musicologists. Obviously, a significant amount of musical information, the influence of television, audio, video programs, the variability of the palette of musical hobbies of young people - all this requires special study at the present stage, constant attention from the organizers of disco programs and constant reflection on their personal experience. After all, the requirements of young people to the work of discos are increasing from year to year.

In the light of the problem under consideration, libraries play an important role as institutions that carry out outreachon the formation of a legal culture among the younger generation, a negative personal attitude towards the commission of unlawful acts. Libraries are characterized by such a form of work with teenagers as various thematic evenings (an ideologically and plot-organized chain of oral presentations, images, united by a script and a director's move). The specifics of the thematic evening: common interests of the audience, festive situation, entertainment, theatricalization, game situation, understandable and close topic, understanding the depth of the content and then active participation-creativity, use of informational-logical and emotional-figurative moments, strict compositional sequence, connection with significant a date in the life of a society, or an individual team, a person, a documentary basis, local material, the presence of a real hero.

The most common genres of themed evenings are: evening meeting, evening portrait, evening meeting, evening ritual, evening reporting, evening story, evening interview, evening dialogue, etc. .

So, the forms of cultural and leisure activities that have developed today are aimed, first of all, at the spiritual development of the personality of a teenager, built on the relationship with the social environment and society as a whole. Houses, Palaces of Culture and Leisure Centers are traditionally considered the main places of leisure for young people. Young people prefer to gather in yards, in apartments, on green areas, in the entrances of houses and places of residence.

The adult population, for the most part, falls out of sight of cultural and leisure institutions and spends their free family time at home.

In recent years, in many regions of Russia, the development of cultural and leisure activities has a variable character.

The ongoing reorganization in the cultural and leisure sphere, the liquidation of many club institutions and a change in their detail, opened the way for a diverse work of interest clubs in micro-societies.

With expediently formed pedagogical activity, which has a direct impact on the choice of free time for adolescents and young people, there is a development of organized and unorganized types and forms of amateur creativity. In order to satisfy the demands and interests of the modern generation, it is important and necessary to experiment, but not under duress, but under the condition of a comprehensive identification of the individual's interest.

The changes observed in all spheres of public life are reflected both in the development of amateur art activity and in the development of amateurism. It is becoming more and more difficult both to engage in artistic creativity itself and to create an environment for its habitat, which causes new problems to arise. There are many reasons for this:

* firstly, the lack of formation of the Russian market, when the ratio of supply and demand is not balanced;

* secondly, the lack of support in the form of theoretical experience in the organization of leisure forms, which gives rise to uncertainty in the actions of the leaders of club associations;

* thirdly, insignificant state support for cultural institutions (and sometimes even the absence of it). 3. "Organization and methodology of club work" // Editor E.Ya. Zaresky, Ed. "Enlightenment" 1995.

Despite all the difficulties in organizing the work of leisure institutions, the process of democratization of society has increased the manifestation of initiative among workers in the socio-cultural sphere. This was facilitated by the departure from overorganized forms of work, and the modification of the value orientation of adolescents, the desire for independent and free types of leisure, which are the main ones in the work of many cultural and leisure institutions at the present stage. Many variants of the discussion about the possible relocation of club associations to the walls of school institutions, where a large number of circle groups voluntarily exist, have become the main topic of the search for new ways to organize teenagers' leisure. But entrusting the school with all the work of organizing the leisure of schoolchildren is hardly competent, since many of them, especially in cities, suffer from a lack of premises (classes in two or three shifts), and the school atmosphere is not always conducive to free communication and involvement. most children and adolescents in the field of amateur creativity.

In the structure of the social needs of the modern urban population, the trend towards informal "yard communication" has increased. Informal groups exist everywhere, covering most teenagers. Often these groups function outside of pedagogical guidance and control, thus falling out of the sphere of out-of-school work.

One of the ways to solve this problem was in all regions of the country to intensify the activities of teenage clubs at the place of residence. In addition, with the development of teenage clubs, it became possible to unite the efforts of the school, family, state institutions and public organizations for a continuous educational process. The book “Fundamentals of Socio-Cultural Activities” gives the following definition: “Residence is a socio-cultural space surrounding the club, in which: the life of the family is carried out; time is spent; everyday life, leisure and recreation are realized (restoration of forces of teenagers and adults); there is a socio-cultural communication of residents on the basis of the exchange of social norms and cultural patterns; traditions, values ​​and initiatives of community life are formed”

In some regions, cities of Russia, the contingent of participation of the younger generation in clubs at the place of residence is determined by small age limits - this is up to 15 years. But some youth clubs are visited by young people under 30 years old. Where the age limit is higher, sports simulators, tennis, informal communication of interests are at the service of young people. Nevertheless, there are still a number of problems everywhere in the organization of work in the place of residence. Among them are the following: an outdated regulatory framework that does not correspond to new realities; different approaches to determining the status of a youth club (a club is often regarded as an institution of additional education; a club as a cultural institution; a club as a center of youth leisure at the place of residence); the orientation of many clubs to circle-sectional work, the lack of a system for training and retraining specialists, insufficient protection of workers; poor logistical support. This position is reflected by many theorists and practitioners in the field of organizing adolescent and youth leisure.

In teenage clubs at the place of residence, a variety of effective forms of work are used that contribute to: reducing the level of deviance; activation of developing leisure of minors, youth; formation of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle among the youth.

In accordance with the existing base, the contingent of children attending the clubs, their interests and the organizing teacher, the profile of the circles working in the club, the direction of the club is also determined. However, regardless of the choice of any of the activity programs, the club should be a place for children to communicate with each other and with a teacher representing the world of adults. A direct living example and artistic training of the teacher, the head of the association, his competence in various types of art not only give rise in adolescents and young people to an internal contradiction between the existing and necessary level of their aesthetic development, but also arouse in them the need to become familiar with art.

The work of teenage clubs is built in close contact with various socio-cultural institutions. Conducted and planned studies are aimed at considering many unresolved tasks facing cultural workers:

* determination of the most priority types of artistic creativity;

* study of the problems of the existence of artistic creativity in the teenage and youth environment;

* revealing the role of school and out-of-school institutions in shaping the creative interests of the younger generation;

An analysis of the educational activities of amateur associations in teenage clubs in our country showed that in a short period of time the methodology for organizing and planning leisure activities has changed. The most popular are such forms of creativity that contribute to the embodiment of ideas, ideas in a specific ideological form, as well as the realization of fiction, fantasy through the individual and mass process of seeing many life phenomena. These are arts and crafts studios, sports and recreation sections, music and game programs, and much more.

The decline in interest in traditional forms of amateur circles led to the creation of conditions for the emergence of authorial types of artistic associations in order to spread the practice of craftsmen among amateur associations of children's, youth movements, the disabled and the elderly. As a result, work in many clubs has noticeably intensified and the children's leisure time has become the most interesting.

The most popular are the traditional forms of amateur associations and interest clubs, where in the process of musical and pedagogical education the individual performing abilities of the individual are formed and developed. Creative, performing abilities develop in the process of human life, so it is necessary to create such social conditions that contribute to their formation. Among the main and key problems of adolescents, one can note the organization of leisure and their support during the period of growing up. There is a need to form services of socio-psychological assistance to adolescents and youth, as well as the possibility of implementing regional programs of socio-psychological, cultural and educational rehabilitation. A.I. Luchankin and A.A. Snyatsky in the textbook “Social and Club Work with Youth” write: “We need a club of professionals, we need enthusiasts of the club business - and, above all, from among the managers of the social sphere, not to mention just smart people who are able to take responsibility. In this regard, the prospect of promoting the ideology of socio-cultural work, processing the mechanisms for its implementation and testing is not only a practical, but also a methodological task. Each club is a mini-world in which there are traditions, an individual culture of communication is created, a nutritious microclimate of knowledge and creativity. Large-scale events organized by the City Center for Children and Youth can offer a variety of content and form of games, holidays, informative and enlightening conversations, meetings with interesting people. In teen clubs, the younger generation realizes its potential, here everyone compensates for certain communication problems, here socio-cultural patterns of behavior are most realistically assimilated.

The teacher of an amateur association, when leading a team or group, must master three aspects of activity that create favorable conditions for the development of the individual. This is artistic, pedagogical and organizational, without which it is impossible to captivate, satisfy the spiritual needs of a person, and also realize them. This action requires the intuition of the leader, the mutual inspiration of the teacher, individual or group, the presence of novelty in the existing forms of activity and the “life-giving stream” of originality of ideas that are not typical for these conditions. It is then that a creative atmosphere can be created.

Recently, in Russia, interest in national traditions and holidays has noticeably increased, in which both children and adult residents of the microdistrict take part with pleasure. Such cooperation contributes to the involvement of "unorganized" amateurs in a collective pastime and is an opportunity to transfer the skills of the older generation to the younger.

Of particular interest, both among children and adults, are traditional holidays - "Christmas gatherings", "Epiphany evenings", "Maslenitsa" and many others, held by clubs at the place of residence and taking over the baton for organizing local traditions from the Houses of Culture. Among the traditional mass holidays can be called the "Forest Carnival" and innovation - the forum "Culture of Peace through Children's Perception"

To stimulate the participation of the younger generation in joint pastime, it is necessary to provide cultural leisure skills, which is possible with:

* providing favorable conditions for the daily stay of adolescents and youth in amateur art organizations;

* creation and implementation of programs for the organization of informal communication in adolescent and youth groups, taking into account demographic data, inclinations and interests;

* creating conditions for an independent, individual contribution of the individual to the artistic and creative activities of the collective, group, for which use a variety of entertainment and business games in order to develop imagination and self-confidence;

* the implementation of the specific conditions for the development of each individual in identifying the internal state (questionnaires, individual conversations) and the overall development of the individual, not imposing, but captivating types and genres of artistic creativity in the field of free time;

* varying the methods of education and hobbies in circles, studios, amateur associations for the individual to independently choose the types and genres of amateur art;

* attraction of the local population to interest clubs and amateur associations to the live action of harmony, beauty and antiquity;

* organizations of amateur associations: "Dad, mom, I am a creative family", "Dad, mom, I am a sports family", "Hut of crafts", "Skillful hands workshop".

And for this you need to learn:

* work with children at a close psychological distance;

* organize workshops to improve skills in working with children and youth;

* to involve in the children's and youth amateur movement older people who are engaged in some kind of artistic creativity at home for joint pastime, in order to communicate and transfer the experience of mastery;

* celebrate initiative participants, as well as sponsors (television, newspaper publications, brochures from the experience of employees in the field of culture and leisure), who are actively involved in the revival of the regional culture of their region.

Thus, the above recommendations are aimed at creating a unified system for organizing amateur movement at the place of residence. All this suggests that teenage clubs at the place of residence are the ground for self-expression, development and identification of the creative abilities of the individual, where momentary desires are realized, new talent is born, an atmosphere is formed for the development of amateurism, home unorganized creativity. This is the coordinating link in the system of socialization of adolescents and youth with the involvement of the adult population in the process of education, where, provided various types activities, there is a parallel activation of the sphere of communication through hobby groups. It is here that the educational effect of pedagogical influence is manifested by means of art, with the help of which the spiritual and creative qualities of any visitor and club member are revealed.

.4 Features of adolescence

Adolescence is the most difficult and complex of all childhood ages, which is a period of personality formation. At the same time, this is the most crucial period, since the foundations of morality are formed here, social attitudes, attitudes towards oneself, towards people, towards society are formed. In addition, at this age, character traits and the main forms of interpersonal behavior are stabilized. The main motivational lines of this age period, associated with an active desire for personal self-improvement, are self-knowledge, self-expression and self-affirmation.

In adolescence, all cognitive processes, without exception, reach a very high level of development. In the same years, the absolute majority of the vital personal and business qualities of a person are openly manifested. For example, direct, mechanical memory reaches the highest level of its development in childhood, forming, together with sufficiently developed thinking, the prerequisites for the further development and improvement of logical, semantic memory. Speech becomes highly developed, varied and rich, thinking is represented in all its main forms: visual-effective, visual-figurative and verbal-logical. All these processes acquire arbitrariness and verbal mediation. In adolescents, they already function on the basis of the formed inner speech. It becomes possible for a teenager to learn various types of practical and mental (intellectual) activities, moreover, using a variety of techniques and teaching aids. General and special abilities are formed and developed, including those necessary for future professional activities

The teenage period has many contradictions and conflicts characteristic of this particular age. On the one hand, the intellectual development of adolescents, which they demonstrate when solving various problems related to school subjects and other matters, encourages adults to discuss quite serious problems with them, and adolescents themselves are actively striving for this. On the other hand, when discussing problems, especially those related to the future profession, ethics of behavior, responsible attitude to one's duties, one discovers the amazing infantilism of these people, outwardly looking almost adults. .

The features of the manifestations of adolescence are determined by specific social circumstances, and, above all, by the change in the place of the child in society, when the adolescent subjectively enters into new relationships with the world of adults, which constitutes a new content of his consciousness, forming such a psychological neoplasm of this age as self-consciousness.

According to the well-known teenage expert I.S. Kona " characteristic feature self-awareness is a manifestation in a teenager of the ability and need to know himself as a person, with its specific qualities. This gives rise to a teenager's desire for self-affirmation, self-expression and self-development. This is facilitated by the new circumstances that distinguish the way of life of a teenager from the way of life of children of primary school age. First of all, these are increased demands on the teenager from adults, comrades, public opinion koto ?s? determined not so much by the success of the student in learning, but by many other features of his personality, views, abilities, character, ability to comply with the "code of morality" adopted among adolescents, all this gives rise to motives that prompt the teenager to turn to an analysis of himself and to compare himself with others . So, value orientations are gradually formed in him, relatively stable patterns of behavior are formed, which, unlike the patterns of children of primary school age, are presented not so much as the image of a particular person, but in certain requirements that adolescents place on people and on themselves. » .

In adolescence, there is a well-known "jump" in the psychophysiological development of the individual.

The appearance of the first signs of puberty (in boys at 12-13 years old, in girls at 10-12 years old) entails a restriction in blood supply, which affects not only the work of muscles, but also other organs, including the brain. Thus, adolescents of this age are characterized by a decrease in motor activity and general endurance, their intellectual activity is temporarily reduced.

In the future, at the third stage of pubertal development (13-15 years for boys and 12-14 years for girls), the volumetric blood flow rate increases and, accordingly, there is a slight increase in physical and intellectual capabilities.

At the same time, the skin temperature rises markedly, especially in the extremities. At the same time, due to the expansion of skin vessels, the possibilities of physical thermoregulation are reduced, which leads to an increase in colds.

Characteristic of a teenager at this stage of adaptation, categorical judgments, the desire, by all means, to seem like an adult, while flaunting his imaginary independence, only emphasizes the marginal nature of the adolescent stage of socialization. The abrupt changes that occur during this period in the body and psyche of a teenager make him irritable and easily vulnerable. He is trying to form his own system of views on the world, but much of it has not been fully thought out, based only on random observations, and the teenager quite easily changes his views, either under the influence of new impressions, or in the course of further deeper understanding.

Adolescents at this time are characterized by impulsiveness, emotionality, sensitivity, negativism, a critical mindset, maximalism, daydreaming.

In adolescence, the scope of the child's activity expands significantly, and its character changes qualitatively. Significant changes are taking place in the intellectual activity of children. There is a growing desire to engage in complex, creative activities, such as evaluating works of art, discounting on a book read, etc.

By adolescence, a person has a fairly mature mindset, the ability to analyze certain phenomena of reality, the ability to understand their complex inconsistency. Adolescents seek to understand the logic of phenomena, refuse to take anything for granted, require a system of evidence. The main feature of the intellectual activity of a 10-16-year-old teenager is the ability to abstract thinking that grows every year. When the abstract thinking of adolescents is activated, the visual components of thinking do not regress, do not disappear, but remain and develop, continuing to play a significant role in overall structure thinking. An important feature of this age is the formation of active, independent, creative thinking of children.

The attention of a teenager is characterized not only by a large volume and stability, but also by a specific selectivity. At this time, deliberate attention develops. Perception also becomes selective, purposeful, analyzing. With a significant tendency towards the romantic, the imagination of adolescents becomes more realistic and critical. They more soberly assess their capabilities.

In connection with learning, maturation, the accumulation of life experience and, consequently, advancement in general, psychological development in children, by the beginning of adolescence, new, broader interests are formed, various hobbies arise and there is a desire to take a different, more independent position.

“With the entry of a child into a new age phase - adolescence - his social position at school, family, on the street changes significantly. He learns new disciplines, in the family he is assigned more complex and responsible responsibilities, he no longer plays "these children's games with the kids", but seeks to cling to the youthful "party". That is, he is no longer a child, but not yet an adult.

At this age, a temporary psychological separation of a teenager from the family and school takes place / their importance in the development of the personality of a teenager decreases, while the influence of peers increases. Often he is faced with a choice between an official team and an informal communication group. A teenager gives preference to the environment and group in which he feels comfortable, where he is treated with respect. It can be a sports section, and a technical circle, but it can also be the basement of a house where teenagers gather, chat, smoke, drink, etc. .

As a rule, at this age, adolescents have problems with adults, in particular with their parents. Parents continue to look at their child as if they are small, and he is trying to break out of this guardianship. In this regard, relationships with adults are usually characterized by increased conflict, increased criticism of the opinions of adults, but the opinion of peers becomes more significant. The nature of relations with elders is changing: from a position of subordination, a teenager tries to move into a position of equality. At the same time, the nature of relationships with peers also changes, there is a need for communication with the aim of self-affirmation, which, under adverse conditions, can lead to various forms of deviant behavior; increased interest in the intimate life of a person, which can lead to asocial violations of the sexual life of a teenager.

A teenager develops a sense of adulthood, which manifests itself through the desire for independence and independence, a protest against the desire of adults to “teach” him. A teenager at this age often chooses for himself an idol (the hero of a film, a strong adult, a hero of a program, an outstanding athlete, etc.), whom he tries to imitate: his appearance, demeanor. Appearance for a teenager is very important.

Unusual hairstyle, earrings, and then two and three in the ears, ripped jeans, bright cosmetics and other attributes give the teenager the opportunity to separate himself from others, to establish himself in a group of children.

The interests of a teenager change significantly compared to a younger child. Along with curiosity and the desire for creative activity, he is characterized by scattered and unstable interests.

For adolescents, the opinion and assessment of peers is of great importance, and at the same time, in the adolescent environment there is a kind of behavioral charter, in which the priority belongs to the manifestation of will. It is in this regard that adolescence is sensitive for the formation of a strong will, in particular such traits as purposefulness, independence, endurance, determination, courage, initiative, endurance, masculinity, etc.

“Adolescence is characterized as pubertal ne rhyod associated with deep ne restructuring of the endocrine system, the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, as well as sexual desire, caused by abundant secretion of hormones. This ne the period when the issue of gender should be reinforced by behavioral acts of relations between boys and girls, this is the most auspicious time the formation of masculinity and femininity".

According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky "Adolescence differs from other age groups in that the feeling of adulthood determines its further actions and deeds, affects the development of its emotional-volitional and intellectual spheres" .

So, the features of adolescence are: new relationships with the adult world, an expansion of the scope of activities, a change in character, the ability to think abstractly, a change in social status, a psychological distance from one's family and school, a sense of adulthood is formed, and the interests of a teenager change, biological changes, formation qualities: purposefulness, independence, courage, initiative, endurance and determination; ability to build logical schemes.

2. The study of the characteristics of the organization of leisure of adolescents in the village. Atrachi, Tyukalinsky district, Omsk region

2.1 Organization of the study

Target:studying the features of the organization of free time and leisure of adolescents p. Atrachi


) Select the study sample;

) Develop diagnostic tools;

) Organize the survey;

) Carry out data processing;

) Give a description (description) of the organization of leisure activities for adolescents in the House of Culture p. Atrachi


Preparatory: selection of diagnostic tools, determination of the research base, identification of the number of adolescents in rural areas, conducting a questionnaire.

Core: research implementation

Final: processing and analysis of the results, writing conclusions and recommendations.

Base:With. Atrachi, Tyukalinsky district, Omsk region.

Sample: 23 teenagers.

Diagnostic tools: questionnaire

The questionnaire is designed to identify the interests of a teenager, which circles he prefers to attend, what he does outside of school, how he organizes his free time. Also, in the questionnaire, a teenager can indicate which circles he would like to create, if none of them interests him from the existing circles. Questioning allows you to determine the level of employment of a teenager.

2.2 Analysis of the organization of leisure of adolescents in the village. Atrachi

Cultural institution with. Atrachi, Atrachinsky rural House of Culture.

The population of Atrachi is 684 people, of which 136 are children and adolescents under 18 years old.

The educational system of social orientation of adolescents performs the following functions:

) Developing, aimed at stimulating positive changes in the personality of the child, supporting the development of the abilities of children, adolescents and adults.

) Integrating, contributing to unite all educational influences into one whole.

) Protective, aimed at increasing the level of social security of adolescents, neutralizing the influence of negative environmental factors on the personality of the child and the process of his development.

) Regulatory, involving the creation of conditions to compensate for the insufficient participation of the family and society in ensuring the life of the child, the disclosure and development of his inclinations and abilities.

) Corrective, which consists in the implementation of an expedient correction of behavior and communication in order to reduce the strength of the negative influence on the formation of his personality.

Implementation of the functions of the educational system of implementation when creating such conditions as:

Expansion of the network of circles. At the moment, circles are working at the school:

) "Skillful hands"

) Dance circles "Rhythm"

) Circle "Needlewoman" - for older girls

) Circle of Vocal Singing

The school is actively working to organize leisure and free time for teenagers. The following forms are used:

· Thematic evenings (literary evening.)

Thematic concerts (concert for Mother's Day, concert for Teacher's Day, etc.)

Ball (autumn ball, New Year's ball.)

Thematic discos (“Anti AIDS”, “We are against cigarettes”, etc.)

Subject Olympiads.

· Mind games. ("What? Where? When?", "Brainring", Field of Miracles,)

· Exhibitions.

· Sports holidays. (“Autumn Marathon”, etc.)

House of Culture

On the territory of the village there is an amateur association "Brigantina". She is visited by (43) teenagers. The amateur association "Brigantina" is doing a lot of work on the aesthetic education of adolescents. Themed evenings are regularly held, to which high school students from the general education school are invited. Waltz evening, dance evening, evenings and concerts dedicated to creativity famous composers. During the summer, the amateur association held an extensive program of various events.

Opening of a children's recreation area "Let me always, I will be ..." 1-8 cells. Game program "Funny get-togethers" 1-6 cells Leisure with benefit"1-8 gradeHistory hour"Blessed memory of the past years1-8 gradeGame program"Minute of glory"1-4 grade

Craft competition "Funny patches"Children 6-9 years oldDance program"Like Ivan Kupala"Children from 6 to 12 years oldTheatrical sports relay race"Zebra on vacation"Children from 6-12 years old Dance evening"Children's party"Children from 6-11 years oldCompetition program "Who wants to become an athlete"Children from 7-12 years oldThematic program"Life without cigarettes"Children from 6-12 years oldGame field of miracles"Mighty nature is full of miracles"Children from 6-12 years oldGame program"Robinson"Children from 6-12 years old

Children's disco "Dragonfly"Children from 6-12 years oldCompetition program"Big races"Children from 6-12 years oldSports program"I choose sport"Children from 6-12 years oldExhibition of drawings"I love my native land"Children from 6-12 years old Dance evening" Retro disco»Children from 6-12 years oldInformative program"Recreation with benefit"Children from 6-12 years oldChildren's program"Colorfulness of summer"Children from 6-12 years oldEntertainment program"Hello school"Children from 6-12 years old

2.3 Analysis of results and conclusions

. Findings from the Adolescent Questionnaire

We conducted a survey on the topic "Leisure for teenagers".

The survey involved 23 adolescents from the Atrachinsk secondary school, 11 of them boys (47.8%) and 12 girls (52.2%). Adolescents aged 13 to 15 years, namely students in grades 7-9. The age composition of the sample looks like this: 13 years old - 6 people, 14 years old - 6 people, 15 years old - 11 people. We set a goal to determine the most popular types of leisure activities, to identify preferences in leisure activities.

Diagram #1. How satisfied are you with leisure activities in your countryside?

Based on the results of this diagram, we can conclude that most teenagers are satisfied, but not quite, with leisure activities in their area. This can be explained by the fact that the countryside does not have all the available means for organizing a versatile and complete organization of leisure activities for teenagers. Basically, only the House of Culture and the school work with the children. The House of Culture provides choir, dance and art circles and classes, and the school provides sports sections. Leisure activities in the village. Atrachi is done on an artistic level, not a professional one. There are many talented teenagers in the countryside, but there are not enough leisure facilities that would contribute to the realization of the abilities, hobbies and interests of teenagers.

Diagram #2. What kind of activity do you prefer to do in your free time?

The majority of adolescents aged 13-15 who participated in the survey spend their free time rather unevenly. The most preferred pastime for teenagers is watching TV (20%), playing sports and physical education (16%) and communicating with relatives, neighbors, friends (16%). The answers received less distribution - (0%) needlework (knitting, embroidery, wood carving), (1%) help to parents.

Diagram #3. Are you a member of any circle or leisure association in your village?

Most of the respondents (65%) are a member of any circle or leisure association in the village. Atrachi

Diagram #4. If so, what is the main motive for your participation in it?

The predominant motive for participation is the desire to obtain a new amount of information, knowledge, skills and abilities. This can be explained by the fact that there are practically no large families, children tend to go out somewhere, get additional communication, express themselves.

Diagram #5. Can you say to yourself that within the framework of your free time, in the conditions of the countryside, you manage to fully realize your talents and hobbies, skills, personal skills and abilities?

From the results of the diagram, it can be said that most adolescents are far from being able to realize their talents and hobbies, skills, personal skills and abilities in this rural area. It seems that the guys have realized their abilities, they were noticed at the village level, but when they have achieved certain results, they want to go further, consolidate and improve their abilities and skills, but they cannot get further development, so there is no opportunity, for example, to go to the city.

Diagram #6. How is your personal participation in the cultural and mass work of your area expressed?

From this diagram it follows that personal participation in cultural work is expressed by the fact that adolescents participate in concerts,

Respondents were asked the question, “Which circles, sections or public associations Would you like to see in your village? 16% of respondents ask to organize ice skating and football sections in the winter, 8% - to organize free clubs of interest, 4% - to learn ballroom dancing, theater, etc.

To study the distribution of free time by teenagers, we conducted a questionnaire called "My Day". After processing the results, we entered all the data obtained into a pivot table and calculated the average indicator for each type of activity (Table 1).

Table 1

CasesAverage value of time spent1. Sleep.8 h. 50 min.2. Food (except for its preparation). 1 h. 30 min. 3. Taking care of your appearance.1 h. 05 min.4. Caring for parents and other members of their family.1 part 5. Self-service (cooking, cleaning the apartment, room, etc.). 0 h. 50 min. 6. Household work, in home production. 1 h. 20 min. 7. Duration of classes at school.6 h.8. Self-preparation for schoolwork, doing homework.1 hour 10 min.9. Classes in circles. 0 h. 45 min. 10. Physical education and sports.1 h.11. Community work. 0 h. 15 min. 12. Communication with relatives and friends.1 h.13. Reading literature, magazines, newspapers.-14. Watching TV.0 h. 40 min.15. Listening to music.0 h. 10 min.16. Board games.-17. Classes with a computer. 1 h. 10 min. 18. Outdoor games. 0 h. 30 min. 19. Walks. 0 h. 55 min. 20. Complete rest (absence of any activity) 0 h. 15 min. 21. Other cases (write below others). 0 h. 15 min.

As an assessment of the usefulness of leisure and free time, we used two main criteria. The first is the amount of free time (time) allocated for organizing leisure activities. And the second criterion is the content of leisure (form). According to the results presented in the table, the average leisure time for adolescents in rural areas (points 9-21) is 4 hours 11 minutes a day. The content of leisure is determined by the interests of adolescents. Adolescents give an important place in the leisure structure to playing on the computer for 1 hour 10 minutes, physical education and sports - 1 hour, communication with relatives and friends - 1 hour, walking - about an hour. Of particular concern is the lack of interest in reading literature, board games among adolescents. We believe that this is due to the fact that teenagers prefer to spend their free time playing on the computer and the Internet.

Analyzing the results of our study, we can draw the following conclusions.

) Adolescents have a well-formed opinion on the organization of leisure activities.

) The leisure of teenagers is not versatile, there are not enough opportunities for the realization of abilities and skills

) The problem of the village is that people who work with children and organize leisure are already of pre-retirement age, who ?s? I no longer have the strength to go hiking with the guys, to conduct sections and classes.

) Young specialists do not go to the village, who would actively work with children and organize versatile leisure activities.

) In rural areas there are no qualified specialists who would organize leisure.

) The average leisure time for teenagers in rural areas is 4 hours 11 minutes a day.

) Common forms of leisure: physical education and sports, playing on the computer, communicating with relatives and friends, watching TV.

) Adolescents are not interested in such forms of leisure as: reading literature, listening to music, outdoor games,

So, teenagers living in this village do not have enough conditions for revealing their abilities (skating and football sections in the winter, ballroom dancing lessons, theater, etc.), show themselves, do what they love. According to the results that we have obtained, we believe that the hypothesis of our study was partially confirmed.

Based on the conducted research and the results obtained, we offer recommendations on the organization of leisure and free time for adolescents in the village of Atrachi

) include parents in joint leisure activities with their children so that they are interested in the abilities of their children and help them realize them;

) use the possibilities of the family to organize the free time of children, their comrades in the yard, class, school (home libraries, audio, video equipment, sports and tourist equipment, musical instruments).

) open circles, clubs, creative associations for organizing leisure activities in accordance with the interests of children;

) the initiator of the creation and organization of work with adolescents and youth associations should be the social institution of the village: school, village club, museum, rural administration ???tradition, committee for youth affairs, peasant economy, etc.;

) the basis for the development of the youth movement in the countryside should be traditions, which are a form of transferring educational values ​​from one generation to another, they must be preserved.

) develop modern youth associations, which should be based on the introduction of the latest information technologies, telecommunications .

) organize joint socially useful and cultural and leisure activities of adolescents and adults in society;

2.5 Ways to optimize the work of schools, cultural institutions and families in the process of organizing teenagers' leisure

To optimize the process of interaction between the family and institutions of the socio-cultural sphere in the formation of a culture of leisure for the younger generation, it is necessary to fully include the family in the educational system. This is not an easy matter, because now the ideas of folk pedagogy, care for education, born of folk wisdom, are almost lost, and the knowledge of the basics of the theory of modern education by parents is small and unsystematic.

The active participation of institutions of the socio-cultural sphere in the organization of family leisure, as practice shows, allows us to look at leisure activities as an important factor in overcoming the social passivity of some families, neutralizing intra-system conflicts, restoring the lack of mutual trust, creating favorable opportunities for the implementation of many alternatives, including number of domestic, leisure activities.

The main tasks of the joint activities of the family and cultural institutions in organizing the leisure of the younger generation have always been:

) formation of a harmoniously developed personality;

) moral, aesthetic and physical improvement of adolescents;

) satisfaction of the spiritual needs of adolescents and the development of their creative abilities.

Currently, there are a large number of out-of-school institutions (studios, clubs for young technicians, stations for young tourists, etc.) that focus only on children, while cultural and leisure centers hold events mainly for young people and adults. Theaters put on performances either for children or for adults. This is hardly socially and pedagogically justified in modern conditions. The efforts of cultural institutions and schools should be directed, first of all, to the family as a team, to the organization of joint socially oriented leisure activities of parents and children - this is one of the necessary conditions for optimizing such work.

The forms of work of institutions of the social and cultural sphere with the family can be very diverse. So, for example, in teenage clubs in many cities of Russia, family holidays, family evenings have become traditional, individual forms are enriched with new content, based on the interests of the family. The organization of traditional forms of family leisure in the Russian folk style has become widespread: youthful games, fairs, Russian gatherings, circles of applied art for children and adults - “Skillful Hands”, fine arts, folklore ensembles and orchestras of folk instruments. Family communication clubs, interest clubs, puppet and actor theaters, libraries and other centers should contribute to the solution of the problem of lack of communication between parents and children. And at the heart of the activity of the Tambov City Center for work with children and youth is the program "Adults and Children", which includes a variety of experimental programs, among which the most popular are "The world will be saved by beauty", "I am for Russia", "Mercy and care ”, “Know yourself and know the world of people.”

The main goal of the "Adults and Children" program is to focus the attention of children and parents on the expediency of spending time together. The main areas of this program are:

) moral and spiritual revival of the family;

) socio-psychological rehabilitation of the family;

) personal rehabilitation of adolescents;

) updating the approach to organizing joint leisure activities for adults and children;

) the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

At present, conferences of fathers, men's clubs, meetings, consultations, conversations of doctors, psychologists, teachers, joint work in workshops, trips, excursions, etc. are increasingly being created and becoming popular.

The value of cultural and leisure forms of work with the family lies in the fact that they actively include such communication mechanisms as: children and children, families - children, family - family, children - adolescents - adults. These contacts give the processes of communication a special attraction and sincerity. The opportunity to communicate with adults together with children creates a favorable psychological microclimate in the family and strengthens its foundations. The effectiveness of the use of the social potential of the family to a large extent depends on the level of pedagogical culture of the parents. The efforts of the school, social services, club institutions, libraries and other centers contribute to its increase. Today, the idea of ​​combining the efforts of all socio-cultural institutions in the pedagogical education of parents remains pedagogically justified. It is necessary to create psychological assistance services not only for adolescents, but also for families. School teachers, social educators, preschool teachers, psychologists, doctors, lawyers, employees of out-of-school institutions, teachers and university students can be involved in their work.

In the organization of leisure, it is necessary to use those forms of work that are most popular with the population and in which there is a need. The challenge is to channel these forms of communication into socially valuable channels that promote culture.


In order to socialize the younger generation, a special system of institutions has been created. These are, first of all, kindergartens and schools. In addition, there are naturally formed institutions and organizations, the functioning of which is aimed at the "inclusion" of individuals in society. These are cultural and leisure institutions, sports complexes, scientific and technical centers, etc., operating in the field of leisure, with the expansion of the boundaries of which the socializing impact on children, adolescents and youth increases.

However, leisure itself is not an indicator of values. The most important thing is the nature of its use, the degree of its social saturation. Leisure can be a powerful stimulus for personal development. Therein lie its progressive possibilities.

A very significant role in the socialization of children, adolescents and youth is played by the school, where at various stages the educational program includes subjects that contribute to the implementation of this process.

According to the results of the study, we came to the following conclusions that: adolescents have a clearly formed opinion on the organization of their free time and leisure; leisure and free time of adolescents is not versatile, there are not enough opportunities for the realization of abilities and skills; the problem of the village is that people who work with children and organize leisure activities are already of pre-retirement age, who ?s? no longer have the strength to go hiking with the guys, to conduct sections and classes; young specialists do not go to the village, who would actively work with children and organize versatile leisure activities; in rural areas there are no qualified specialists who would organize leisure and free time; the average leisure time for adolescents in rural areas is 4 hours 11 minutes a day; common forms of leisure: physical education and sports, playing on a computer, communicating with relatives and friends, watching TV; teenagers are not interested in such forms of leisure as: reading literature, listening to music, outdoor games. An analysis of the statistical picture of teenagers' leisure over the past decade leads us to the following sad conclusion. Leisure activities of adolescents do not always have a developmental focus, and sometimes have a negative impact on health, limit the development of skills and knowledge, the ability to translate them into cultural and creative activities, social activity.

insufficient funding;

their low attendance;


Summarizing the above, leisure and free time is the sphere of free human behavior, the possibility of choosing leisure activities and, at the same time, the purposefulness of the leisure process itself, which includes art, play, communication, entertainment, artistic creativity, etc.

The leisure sphere gives the child the opportunity to do what he loves, meet interesting people, visit places that are significant to him, and be a participant in important events.

In the process of leisure, it is much easier for a child to form a respectful attitude towards himself, even personal shortcomings can be overcome through leisure activities.

In the sphere of leisure, children, adolescents, boys and girls are more open to the influence and impact on them of a variety of social institutions, which allows them to influence their moral character and worldview with maximum efficiency. In the process of active leisure pastime, the feeling of camaraderie is strengthened, labor activity is stimulated, and life position learning the norms of behavior in society.

Leisure can be a powerful stimulus for personal development. Therein lie its progressive possibilities. But leisure can turn into a force that cripples a person, deforms consciousness and behavior, leads to a restriction of the spiritual world and even to such manifestations of asociality as drunkenness, drug addiction, prostitution, and crime.

Thus, the issue of complete system education in various fields of activity - in the family, at school, in leisure institutions.

According to the results of the study, we came to the following conclusions that: students have a clearly formed opinion on the organization of their free time and leisure; leisure and free time of adolescents is not versatile, there are not enough opportunities for the realization of abilities and skills; the problem of the village is that people who work with children and organize leisure activities are already of pre-retirement age, no longer have the strength to go hiking with the guys, to conduct sections and classes; young specialists do not go to the village, who would actively work with children and organize versatile leisure activities; in rural areas there are no qualified specialists who would organize leisure and free time; the average leisure time for adolescents in rural areas is 4 hours 11 minutes a day; common forms of leisure: physical education and sports, playing on a computer, communicating with relatives and friends, watching TV; teenagers are not interested in such forms of leisure as: reading literature, listening to music, outdoor games.

Free time, the technology of its organization, plays an important role in the development of personality. Leisure activity is a sphere of self-education and self-determination. A teenager, in accordance with his own attitudes and preferences, chooses a certain type of activity.

An analysis of the statistical picture of teenagers' leisure over the past decade leads us to the following sad conclusion. Leisure activities of adolescents do not always have a developmental focus, and sometimes have a negative impact on health, limit the development of skills and knowledge, the ability to translate them into cultural and creative activities, social activity.

Children and adolescents, due to their age-related psychological characteristics, are ready to perceive everything new and unknown, without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, they are still ideologically unstable, it is easier to introduce both a positive and a negative image into their minds. When there is no positive alternative, the ideological vacuum is quickly filled with drugs, smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits. Therefore, children and adolescents should be more actively involved in clubs, circles, sections. Sometimes a teenager's leisure comes first in his life. Therefore, it is very important during this period to fill the free time of a teenager. Just do not forget that the organization of leisure activities should not take place under the compulsion of a teenager, but only with the consent and interest of a growing child.

The study of the activities of cultural and leisure centers for the organization of leisure for children and youth confirms that they are currently going through a rather difficult period, which is characterized by the following negative processes:

insufficient funding;

falling interest among the population in the activities of leisure institutions;

their low attendance;

outdated or weak material base of the Houses of Culture and leisure centers.

Significant socio-cultural and socio-pedagogical resources in the formation of civil, personal qualities of children and youth are laid in the sphere of leisure, which is the dominant element of children's and youth culture. The socio-pedagogical value of leisure activity largely depends on the ability of the personality of a child or young person to self-regulate this activity.


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Smirnova E.V. Magazine "Club", No. 4 2004-28 p.

Smirnova E.V. Journal "Club" No. 6, art. "Leisure XXI". 2004-28 p.

Forms of organization of cultural and leisure activities of adolescents

Among the mass of organizations involved in the organization of leisure activities for younger adolescents, the leading place is occupied by cultural institutions. As practice shows, the actual activities of cultural institutions for the prevention of various asocial phenomena, including crime, are much broader, more diverse and deeper. Almost all categories of the population are involved in it, although, undoubtedly, children, adolescents and youth are singled out as priorities.

The competent organization of leisure employment and education by means of culture and art is considered today as an alternative to child and adolescent neglect, which is one of the prerequisites for committing illegal acts, as one of the components of a great work on the primary prevention of this asocial phenomenon.

Children and adolescents, due to their age-related psychological characteristics, are ready to perceive everything new and unknown, without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, they are still ideologically unstable, it is easier to introduce both a positive and a negative image into their minds. When there is no positive alternative, the ideological vacuum is quickly filled with drugs, smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits.

That is why the main task of the governing bodies and cultural institutions should be the organization of leisure activities for children and adolescents, the improvement and expansion of the list of cultural services provided, taking into account the leisure preferences of this category of the population.

Creating a positive, attractive image of a cultural institution will attract more children and adolescents to its walls, which will create a certain alternative to idle pastime, which is one of the prerequisites for committing crimes. This is especially true for adolescents in small towns, where the cultural level of the population is much inferior to the same level of the urban population. IN small towns and villages, teenagers sometimes have no one to take an example from, they do not know how to spend their free time usefully.

The issues of organizing leisure activities for children and adolescents are of particular relevance during the holidays, when children have more free time. Adolescents, whose rest is not organized, require closer attention.

Projects and activities carried out within the walls of cultural institutions and aimed at solving these problems should be part of the targeted programs developed and implemented on the territory of municipalities for organizing recreation and leisure activities for children and adolescents in the summer.

The main forms of organizing leisure activities for adolescents and their cultural services in the summer can be:

Organization of the work of children's health camps on the basis of cultural and leisure institutions;

Cultural services for urban and suburban children's health camps, playgrounds (concert, intellectual, educational, competitive, game, entertainment programs, theatrical performances, holidays, film screenings, etc.);

Carrying out cultural and leisure activities and organizing film screenings for unorganized children and adolescents;

Holding Days of the Teenager (with the organization of legal and psychological consultations, meetings on career guidance, etc.);

Attracting children and adolescents to club associations and amateur folk art groups;

Organization of touring activities of groups of amateur folk art;

Conducting creative shifts for members of amateur folk art groups and gifted children (“theater shifts”, “folklore holidays”, etc.);

Participation in the organization and conduct of activities for the employment of adolescents;

Organization of youth actions for the improvement of the city (village), cultural institutions.

One of the options for organizing summer holidays for children and adolescents is the organization of summer camps on the basis of a club institution. The basis of such camps can be a temporary children's association, which must be turned into a temporary children's team. It is possible to create several specialized associations that will unite children who are passionate about one idea. The following areas of activity can be most effective: search, sports, labor, merciful and charitable, aesthetic, etc. The activity of such an association can be most effective if it consists of children of different ages.

The advantages of such associations are the following factors:

Direct transfer of experience of seniors to juniors, where the juniors borrow a manner of behavior, acquire skills and abilities in a specific joint activity;

An opportunity for everyone to open up as a person around an attractive idea, an interesting business;

Satisfaction of age-related needs: for the younger ones - to have an "example", to be like him; for seniors - to establish themselves in the role of leader;

Cooperation between elders and younger greatly enriches the attitude of children in such associations, a respectful attitude towards both elders and younger is certainly brought up;

Wide social ties, excluding the danger of isolation, isolation from other groups.

In organizing summer recreation for children and adolescents, the experience of summer health camps and camps based on general education schools can be used.

In addition to the above general fundamental approaches to determining the strategy of activity, the role and place of government bodies and cultural institutions in the system of preventive work, there are very specific areas of activity for the prevention of offenses using the resources of cultural institutions.

First of all, this is the implementation of projects and the holding of cultural events directly aimed at educating the legal culture of the younger generation, at the formation of positive attitudes and cultural stereotypes that will help adolescents and young people to adapt more easily in the adult world. When holding events, it is very important to take into account the psychological characteristics of adolescents and young people, to avoid didactics and the principle of prohibition as much as possible. Instead of “no” (you can’t commit crimes, use drugs, drink, smoke, etc.), it’s better to say “you can” - you can be creative, read, sing, draw, play the guitar, dance, etc. And then your life will become interesting, eventful and there will be practically no time left for empty pastime.

The disco is still the most popular and demanded form of organizing youth leisure.

The disco is able to synthesize in itself the most diverse types of artistic creativity, amateur hobbies. Absorbing the spirit of the new time, it creates excellent opportunities for the manifestation of creative activity, the expansion of various knowledge and interests. Despite the fact that the combination of informative and exciting in the disco is limited due to the specifics of this form of work, it still allows young people to realize the need for a full-fledged meaningful rest and entertainment. After all, the disco is based on the communication of young people through youth music, despite the fact that the musical hobbies of young people of one generation are very diverse. It is at the disco that a diverse youth audience with a wide range of orientations and requirements gathers. And it is known that visits to disco evenings exceed the number of visits to other types of club events. Therefore, the issues of organizing and improving youth musical leisure are very relevant. This primarily applies to discos in small towns and villages. The level of the material base on the periphery is not very high. This is the essential difference between a large city with a huge number of private disco clubs and small towns and villages with their discos.

The development of discos attracts the attention of a wide range of sociologists, psychologists, and musicologists. Obviously, a significant amount of musical information, the influence of television, audio, video programs, the variability of the palette of musical hobbies of young people - all this requires special study at the present stage, constant attention from the organizers of disco programs and constant reflection on their personal experience. After all, the requirements of young people to the work of discos are increasing from year to year.

An important role in the light of the problem under consideration is played by libraries as institutions that carry out information and educational activities to form a legal culture among the younger generation, a negative personal attitude towards the commission of unlawful acts.

Libraries are characterized by such a form of work with teenagers as various thematic evenings (an ideologically and plot-organized chain of oral presentations, images, united by a script and a director's move). The specifics of the theme evening:

General interests of the audience;

Festive situation;



game situation;

Clear and close topic;

Understanding the depth of content and then active participation-creativity;

The use of information-logical and emotional-figurative moments;

Strict compositional sequence;

Connection with a significant date in the life of society, or a separate team, person;

Documentary basis;

local material;

The presence of a real hero.

The most common genres of themed evenings are: evening meeting, evening portrait, evening meeting, evening ritual, evening reporting, evening story, evening interview, evening dialogue, etc. .

Visiting discos is a kind of distinctive card for young people over the age of 15. The period of growing up is marked by a characteristic desire to communicate with peers and a desire to please opposite sex. Being always in the center of events, having fun and having fun - this is typical for teenagers over 15 years old, especially during the student period.

Leisure time sports are one of the main ways of spending leisure time, and in most cases young men prefer sports.

Spending free time walking with friends is more like city dwellers. In most cases, teenagers prefer to spend time with friends on the street.

22.2% of adolescents devote their free time to computer games. The computer as one of the manifestations of the entertainment industry has recently entered the lives of teenagers and children. If 10 years ago it was in most cases replaced by game consoles, then over the years, more and more advanced models of computers with multimedia capabilities have become the dream of children and adolescents. Appeared computer games with excellent graphics attract children and teenagers at any age. The factor of having a computer at home is not always decisive; in most cases, teenagers visit computer salons or friends who have miracle equipment at home.

The financial situation of young people affects the attendance of leisure institutions. Financially secure young people are more likely than low-income young people to spend their free time in various activities.

With income growth, only the number of visits to various events increases. The choice of this or that leisure form is not connected with the material support of young people.

Reading Differences fiction and periodicals in high-income and low-income groups is practically not significant. This confirms our assumption that all groups of young people, regardless of their financial situation, have equal access to those universal values, knowledge, and experience that are transmitted through books and other printed publications.

Conclusions to Chapter 1

In the process of solving the first problem, we found out that leisure is a part of non-working time that a person has after performing immutable non-productive duties. In the modern world, human leisure means “time that is free from the necessary labor in the sphere of social production, as well as from the reproduction by a person of his life functions within the household and social relations". We used this definition in our thesis as the main one. Leisure can become a factor in physical development for a teenager, as it helps to get out of stress and minor worries, and is also recognized as a significant tool in the prevention of mental retardation and the rehabilitation of mentally ill children, helping the child to realize the best that he has. Leisure is characterized by: pronounced physiological, psychological and social aspects, voluntariness in the choice of occupation and degree of activity, free creative activity, the formation and development of a teenager's personality

In the process of solving the second problem, the socio-psychological characteristics of adolescence were considered. Among others, the following are recognized as the most important in this study: a high level of development of all cognitive processes, this age is characterized by increased inconsistency, and hence conflict, often there is a feeling of anxiety, increased excitability, and reduced self-esteem. As a result of these features, the main reactions of a teenager can be distinguished: emancipation, grouping with peers, hobbies. The main feature is a higher level of self-awareness, the need to realize oneself as a person. Acting as an important stage in the formation of a personality, early adolescence is a complex process of personal development, characterized by multi-level characteristics of social maturation. So the younger adolescence is one of the most important stages in the formation of personality, and one of the most difficult for pedagogical influence.

Coursework on the topic Ways to optimize the work of schools, cultural institutions and families in the process of organizing teenagers' leisure


The relevance of research

At present, the work of schools, cultural institutions and families in the process of organizing teenagers' leisure is the most urgent problem of modern society. In the formation of a culture of leisure for the younger generation, it is necessary to fully include the family in the educational system. This is not an easy matter, because now the ideas of folk pedagogy are almost lost, concerns about education, born of folk wisdom, and the knowledge of the basics of the theory of modern education by parents is small and unsystematic.

The active participation of institutions of the socio-cultural sphere and schools in the organization of family leisure, as practice shows, allows us to look at leisure activities as an important factor in overcoming social passivity, some of the families, neutralizing intra-system conflicts, restoring the lack of mutual trust, creating favorable opportunities for the implementation of many alternative including home leisure activities.

The main tasks of the joint activities of the family, schools and cultural institutions in organizing the leisure of the younger generation have always been:

Formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

Moral, aesthetic and physical development of adolescents.

Satisfaction of the spiritual needs of adolescents and the development of their creative abilities.

Currently, there are a large number of out-of-school institutions (studios, clubs for young technicians, stations for young tourists, etc.) that focus only on children, and cultural and leisure centers hold events mainly for youth and adults. Theaters put on performances either for children, or for adults. This is hardly socially and pedagogically justified in modern conditions. The efforts of cultural institutions and schools should be directed, first of all, to the family, as a team, to organize joint socially oriented leisure activities for parents and children - this is one of the necessary conditions for optimizing such work. After all, it is the family that gives the image of the world in which the child will live, it is in the family that role behavior is formed.

The forms of work of institutions of the socio-cultural sphere and schools with families can be very diverse. For example, family holidays and family evenings have become traditional in teenage clubs in many cities of Russia, individual forms are enriched with new content, based on the interests of the family. The organization of traditional forms of family leisure in the Russian folk style: youth games, fairs, arts and crafts circles for children and adults - “Skillful Hands”, fine arts, folklore ensembles and orchestras of folk instruments. Family communication clubs, clubs should contribute to the solution of the problem of lack of communication between parents and children on interests, puppet theaters, libraries and other centers.

At present, conferences of fathers, men's clubs, meetings, consultations, conversations of doctors, psychologists, teachers, joint work in workshops, trips, excursions, etc. are increasingly being created and becoming popular.

The value of cultural and leisure forms of work with the family lies in the fact that they actively include such communication mechanisms as: children and children, family-children, family-family, children-teenagers-adults. These contacts make the communication process particularly attractive and sincerity. The ability to communicate with adults together with children creates a favorable psychological microclimate in the family and strengthens its foundations.

The effectiveness of the use of the social potential of the family to a large extent depends on the level of pedagogical culture of the parents. The efforts of schools, social services, clubs, libraries and other centers contribute to its increase.

Today, the idea of ​​combining the efforts of all social and cultural institutions in the pedagogical education of parents remains pedagogically justified. It is necessary to create psychological assistance services not only for adolescents, but also for families. School teachers, social pedagogues, and students can be involved in their work.

Organizational forms of work with adolescents should be aimed at developing their cognitive interests and abilities. It is important to note that the adolescent period of development is characterized by significant changes in all aspects of the personality - the psyche, the physiology of relationships. The task is to direct the forms of communication into a socially valuable channel that contributes to education of culture. You need to think about how to do this in each club specifically, taking into account the traditions, customs, habits characteristic of the area.

Research problem. Currently, there is a problem of the full inclusion of the family in the upbringing and educational system of the younger generation.

Object of study. Features of the work of the school, cultural institutions and the family in the process of organizing the leisure of adolescents.

Subject of study. Ways to optimize the work of schools, cultural institutions and families in the process of organizing teenagers' leisure.

Purpose of the study. To identify the most effective ways to optimize the work of schools, cultural institutions and families in the process of organizing teenagers' leisure.

Research objectives.

To reveal the features of the work of the school, cultural institutions and the family in the process of organizing the leisure of adolescents.

Determine the forms and methods of work of the school, cultural institutions and families in the process of organizing teenagers' leisure.

To consider the specifics of organizing teenagers' leisure in institutions of additional education.

To reveal the variety of cultural and leisure programs of the school, cultural institutions in the process of organizing teenagers' leisure.

Research methods. Theoretical-system-functional analysis, synthesis.

Empirical - observation, analysis, description.

Chapter? Features of the work of the school, cultural institutions and the family in the process of organizing the leisure of adolescents

The specificity of the organization of teenagers' leisure in institutions of additional education.

Out-of-school forms of work with adolescents in institutions of additional education are of great importance, which contribute to the development of creative abilities, self-realization, self-organization, self-education, the formation of moral and spiritual values.

The inability to properly organize their leisure time leads modern teenagers to sit in front of the TV for a long time, computer addiction, etc. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of physical inactivity, there is a loss of appetite, poor sleep. The teenager becomes apathetic, irritable, his mood often changes. The ability to access the Internet and virtual communication does not contribute to the development of communication skills with real peers. On the contrary, some irresponsibility for their words pushes the guys further and further away from real communication. For the time being, "home" children do not cause fears of parents, problems appear later in the form of various illnesses, conflicts with peers, etc.

R a r y in t e x t a. . . . . .

“Autumn-Wonderful Mosaic” is an entertainment and game program for teenagers.

“Autumn-red-haired friend” - dance show program.

“We are all neighbors on the planet” - entertainment program for teenagers.

“The New Year is knocking on us” is a theatrical show program for teenagers.

“This wonderful night of magic” is a musical and entertainment program.


In the current socio-cultural situation, teenage leisure of adolescents appears as a socially conscious necessity. Leisure for teenagers is an area in which they most acutely and fully reveal their natural needs for freedom and independence, for active work and self-expression.

The current socio-cultural situation, the crisis of society have given rise to the most difficult problems in the upbringing of the younger generation and in the formation of a single individual.

Many years of ignoring the objective phenomena occurring in the sphere of organizing free time for adolescents and young people, the low level of the proposed forms of leisure communication, the underdevelopment of the material and technical base of cultural institutions have led to the fact that every day the crime rate among adolescents is growing; the number of vagrant children, underage prostitutes, and drug addicts is increasing. The number of adolescents who use drugs has increased 10 times over the past ten years, and the age of initiation to drugs is 14 years, but there are even 6-8-year-old children.

Of great importance for adolescents is the efficiency of using the social potential of the family (which largely depends on the level of pedagogical culture of parents). The efforts of schools, social services, clubs, libraries and other centers contribute to its increase. Today, the idea of ​​combining the efforts of all socially - cultural institutions in the pedagogical education of parents. It is necessary to create psychological assistance services not only for adolescents, but also for their families. The opportunity for adults to communicate with children creates a favorable psychological microclimate in the family and strengthens its foundations. , lawyers, employees of out-of-school institutions, teachers and university students.

In the organization of leisure, it is necessary to use those forms of work that are most popular among adolescents and in which there is a need. The challenge is to channel these forms of communication into socially valuable channels that promote culture. You need to think about how to do this in each club specifically, taking into account the traditions, customs, habits that are characteristic of the area.

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