The name Dima origin and meaning. The meaning of the name Dima - useful information

According to the theory of P. A. Florensky, Dmitry has by nature powerful, but inconsistent inclinations. All his passions are not just inclinations, but real, deep feelings. Therefore, in life it is difficult for a person with such a name.

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The name Dmitry is found both in Orthodoxy and in Catholicism. It came from the name ancient greek goddess earth and fertility of Demeter. The traditional meaning is "fruit of the earth" or "tiller".

In Russian culture, the name appeared with the adoption of Christianity. In Rus', it was worn by tsars, princes and people close to them. Now it is one of the most popular male names in Russia.


    The secret of the name Dmitry is in the history of origin. It was given at baptism to the children of kings and nobles, and this circumstance left its mark on the name.

      Little Dima has an easy character, he gets along well with his peers around him, but only with those who he likes. He stands up for his friends and himself, a fight for him is a common thing. The boy is mobile, active, sociable. He studies well at school, he has favorite subjects in which he is the best.

      Already in the primary grades, it is noticeable that he needs to be controlled, he can be lazy and study subjects that are not interesting for him superficially, although he has high marks for them. The boy has an analytical mindset, which is already noticeable at an early school age.

      He usually loves technical sciences, and also loves to design. This may become his profession in the future. If the family instills in Dima an interest in learning from childhood, then he will be able to connect his future with scientific work. However, he can go along with his bully buddies, especially since he prefers to be friends with older boys.

      The state of health of small child and the teenager is not very good, there is weakness- Airways. With properly organized care, he quickly recovers, but he is naughty a lot and requires increased attention. In adolescence, Dima often shows negative traits character: he is selfish, expresses self-will, stubbornness, is able to take risks. In disputes with classmates, he does not want to hear anyone, because only he is right. Can show cruelty to people unpleasant for him.

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      Dmitry is, by temperament, a cross between a sanguine and a choleric. It can accumulate resentment and discontent for a long time. But the moment comes, and the energy is released. It usually shows up at the most inopportune times. Because of this, Dima has an explosive and impulsive character. He is unpredictable, and where he directs his energy depends on his fate. He loves and strives to be always in the spotlight. A cheerful optimist, open to communication, charming and courageous, he selects friends to match himself: strong, strong-willed, reliable. But it is difficult to be friends with him - he can undeservedly offend, be rude, but at the first call he hurries to help a friend, and if he is wrong, then he admits his mistake. Only people with a strong character allow themselves this.

      He is a diplomat and easily manipulates others. People sometimes do not notice this, fulfilling his will. Dmitry attracts people with his kindness, sense of humor and irrepressible energy. She "infects" others, and they are drawn to him. He will not betray, but he is trusting, and he himself is easily deceived.

      Smart, inventive, with a good memory, has an out-of-the-box thinking, inquisitive, but quickly cools down if he loses interest. Restless, does not tolerate monotony in work, which makes it difficult to climb career ladder. But thanks to his sociability, dedication, efficiency, he can quickly rise to the very top if he sees a goal.

      Most often, Dmitry is the leader, especially if he was born in winter. Must be a leader. A man with this name has been accustomed to discipline since childhood, demands the same from others. He is hardworking, has a cold analytical mind, draws conclusions only after a thorough study of the situation.

      Dmitry is absolutely not envious, not greedy, he does not take revenge for the wrongs inflicted, but he will delete the offender from his life. Him great taste he is creative. Success awaits him in a profession where communication with people is important - in medicine, trade, architecture, literature, politics, film studies, sports, military affairs, jurisprudence, religion, on stage. In business, Dima will achieve success if he manages to properly organize his business, and will not rely on partners who are not always honest. He has good intuition, but he rarely listens to it.

      Dmitry’s health in adulthood improves after childhood illnesses, colds are rare, but now, due to the explosive nature, other organs can be vulnerable - the heart, the circulatory system and nervous system. Dmitry is very sensitive to failure, and this can provoke an addiction to alcohol, but this happens extremely rarely. The support of family and friends is very important here. He loves to relax, traveling in comfort - this is his passion. The characteristic of this name is that Dmitry very rarely turns to horoscopes and talismans for help, because they believe only in their own strengths and facts. No wonder this name has a patron - a tiger.

      In his personal life, he loves comfort, luxury, beautiful women. This is mom's favorite and minion, and he is very kind to her. Amorous, but cautious, does not limit himself in desires. He easily changes women because he is successful with them. The bonds of marriage are in no hurry to bind themselves. He marries late, but then the family is very important for him: he needs a warm corner where he is expected, understood and always supported. He is attached to children, loves and will always take care of them, no matter what happens.

Dmitry - common Russian name having Greek, Orthodox and Catholic roots. It is popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe, has many short forms and synonyms: Dima, Demeter, Mitya, Demetrius, Mikha, Dmitro, Demetrio.

Associating a name with Greek mythology, you can see a clear similarity with the name of the goddess of earth and fertility - Demeter. Dimitri is believed to mean dedicated to or belonging to Demeter. In ancient times, parents gave this name to the child, in the hope that he would love the Russian land and become a successful farmer.

  • The planet patronizing Dmitry is Saturn;
  • Zodiac sign - Scorpio;
  • The color that attracts good luck and luck is bright purple;
  • A tree that gives strength and positive energy - mountain ash;
  • Health promoting plant - chrysanthemum;
  • - walrus;
  • Stone - amulet - lapis lazuli.

IN Orthodox calendar Dmitry's name day (angel's day) was marked twice:

  • October 4 - St. Dmitry Tuptalo, Metropolitan of Rostov. He has published more than a dozen books that contribute to the salvation and enlightenment of believers. One of them is about the lives of the saints for the whole year;
  • November 8 - Saint Dmitry (Myrrh-streaming) was the mayor of Thessalonica. He was engaged in the enlightenment of pagans, attached to the Christian faith. He died in prison, after a long painful death from spear wounds. Healing myrrh exuded from the holy relics.

Dmitry's ideal compatibility with women named: Love,. Avoid Serious relationships follows with Zhanna, Ekaterina, Yulia, Christina, Polina and Sofia.

Character traits in childhood and dreams of youth

Baby Dima is growing up as a cheerful and sociable boy. This enthusiastic nature is always looking for something to do. He is interested in creative circles, extracurricular work. The boy is active, erudite, positive. Since childhood, love for books and new knowledge has been manifested. Tim differs from his peers in his good outlook, erudition and sharp mind.

Already from an early age, his desire to conquer and conquer this world is manifested, but often this is accompanied by a quick temper, impulsiveness and excessive independence. In relation to relatives, little Dmitry can be selfish. His whims and resentments can cause quarrels with his parents. But in school years it will pass.

Dimitri is a diligent and successful student. He can spoil a good grade in a subject only by his desire to talk about distant topics or dream, imagining aloud. But this is the case if he is not interested in the topic of the lesson. In adult life a love of boltology could cost him his career. No big lovers oratorical broadcast than the bearers of that name.

Tima's childhood is spent in love. His mother indulges him in every possible way and does not limit his desires, trying to realize all his unfulfilled dreams in him. This will negatively affect the young man. He can become pretty lazy and passive.

In relations with the opposite sex, a young man named Dima is gallant and polite. He often falls in love, but moves away quickly. Friendship with a girl often ends in a quarrel due to his quick-tempered and stubborn disposition.

As Tim grows older, he begins to understand that his diligence and diligence depend on him. Financial independence. And he so wants to live in comfort and well-being. In an effort to earn money, he agrees to any business, in case of failure, does not despair and moves on with perseverance.

How will the fate of adult Dmitry

Realization in the profession and love

In his mature years, Tim is often focused on success in the profession. He is desperately striving to move up the career ladder not for the sake of a high position, but in order to receive decent fees. Passion to beautiful women requires to be wealthy and respectable, otherwise you will not achieve their location and appreciation.

Dimitri is a man of creative impulse and beginning. He always needs inspiration and a muse. Enlightened and obsessed with an idea, he may well become a talented writer, actor, composer, artist. And his interest in research and knowledge of the new can allow him to become a leading scientist.

Believing in the prospects of his goals, he is able to concentrate for a long time, showing high scrupulousness and diligence. But this work should not be monotonous. It requires bursts of emotions, communication and social contact. Can be successfully implemented in political or social activities. A special oratorical talent, eloquence - this is something that Dmitry does not occupy.

Tima's money appears as quickly as it disappears. He easily parted with them, as he is confident in the stability of financial income. But it can expect not only financial ups and downs. His business qualities border on crazy scams and ideas. He easily takes risks, from which he sometimes experiences a financial crisis.

Love for Dima is not just words, for the sake of a woman for whom he has quivering feelings, he is ready for a lot. In relationships, he is selective and cautious. He is attracted to experienced passions, but this does not mean that he is immoral. He is ready for marriage and is responsible to his future wife.

He is characterized by nepotism, he will never leave his child and will take care of him even in adulthood. The main authority for Tima is her mother. Therefore, a woman is often chosen, similar to her character or appearance.

The state of falling in love with young Dima quickly passes, and he finds himself in search of a new muse. This becomes the reason for remarriage, which in no way bothers him, providing financial support for both families.

How character and health depends on the month of birth

Dmitry, born in winter, is very active and temperamental. He does not like to dress warmly, and this is the reason for his minor colds. Tima is distinguished by endurance, practicality and coldness. Such people are successfully realized in the profession of a dentist or surgeon, where there is no place for sentimentality.

The leading position suits Dmitry very well. The position of boss is especially suitable for him, as he has the fighting qualities of a leader. He is characterized by discipline, order and diligence. It is difficult to convince him of something until he himself studies the issue and draws his own conclusions.

Those who born in summer, prone to music, passionate about art and painting, books, theater, cinema. The health of such individuals is not strong. Since he avoids active sports and does not like a too mobile lifestyle.

Famous people with the name Dmitry

  • Dmitry Donskoy - Grand Duke. He was respected as a brave commander and fearless warrior. Under him, Moscow established its position as the capital of Rus';
  • Dmitri Shostakovich is a composer, virtuoso pianist, teacher and public figure. Laureate state prize THE USSR. He made an invaluable contribution to Russian culture;
  • Dmitry Mendeleev is a Russian scientist who has shown his talents and knowledge in chemistry, physics, economics, meteorology, and pedagogy. One of famous discoveries professors - periodic law;
  • Dmitry Laptev is a Russian navigator, founder and participant of the Great Northern Expedition, the Laptev Strait is named after him. The Laptev Sea, located in the northern Arctic Ocean named after Dmitry and brother Khariton Laptev;
  • Dmitry Sautin - eight-time Olympic champion in diving, Honored Master of Sports;
  • Dmitry Sychev is a football player. Champion of Russia in 2004, footballer of the year in Russia among players;
  • Dmitry Medvedev - Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, chairman of the United Russia party;
  • Dmitry Kharatyan — talented actor, known for his work in film and theater.

There is an opinion that the fate of a person is influenced not only by the date of his birth, but also by the sign of the zodiac under which he was born, as well as the name by which he was called. All this combined with each other determines the character and life path person. Therefore, before naming your child by one name or another, it is worthwhile to figure out what it means. This article will discuss the meaning of the name Dmitry for a child.

Name origin

It is believed that given name appeared in Ancient Greece and associated with its mythology. It came from the word "demetrios", which in literal translation sounds like "dedicated to Demeter" - the goddess of fertility. Naming the baby with this name, his parents believed that it would bring prosperity and well-being to the house. This name came to Rus' from Byzantium along with the advent of Christianity, but then it had a different pronunciation - Demetrius.

Character in childhood

As a child, Dima often gets sick, but is especially prone to respiratory diseases such as flu, bronchitis, tonsillitis. Outwardly, he looks, in most cases, like his mother. The boy has not only poor health, but also an unstable nervous system, so breakdowns, whims, and tantrums are possible. Gradually, as he grows older, his capriciousness is replaced by such a character trait as stubbornness.

At school, Dima studies well, behaves quietly and modestly, although in the company of close friends he is completely liberated. If someone offends him, then he will certainly give back, he can start a fight, and this is a fairly common occurrence for him. This is the meaning of the name Dmitry for a child, I wonder what kind of character traits a person has in adulthood.

Name characteristic

A man named Dmitry has a strong-willed character, his main features are courage, intelligence, ingenuity, perseverance, hard work. He tends to do things without thinking about their consequences, he often has to regret it. Dmitry is very emotional and his explosive nature manifests itself especially clearly in cases where he is offended, reproached or hurt by his pride. Therefore, it is quite difficult to communicate with him. Dmitry has great patience, but emotions constantly boil inside him, tension accumulates, which sooner or later comes out in the form of breakdowns and reckless actions.

The secret of the name Dmitry, the choice of profession

Ability to get along with people and get along with them mutual language helps a man with this name to succeed in those professions that are associated with communication. He can also make a good leader, since Dmitry has an analytical ability to soberly assess the situation and is not afraid of difficulties.

This person can work in various industries, he is quite capable of mastering the profession of a politician, sales worker, dentist, actor, artist. Even if failures arise on his way, he will not grieve for a long time about this, but will get down to business with renewed vigor.

The meaning of the name Dmitry for a child: what will be his relationship

This person is very amorous, he can get carried away with new relationships so quickly that he immediately breaks his old connection. By nature, he is a romantic, although he is not very active in communicating with women, so the fair sex will have to take matters into their own hands. IN family life he is a difficult person great importance material goods and comfort. Strong relationships can be built with Anna, Lyubov, Natalya, Elena, Lyudmila and Elvira.

The meaning of the name Dmitry for a child, astrological characteristics

When naming a child by one name or another, one should also take into account the date of his birth, because from an astrological point of view, all these aspects affect a person and his fate. As for the name Dmitry, the zodiac sign Scorpio suits him. The ruling planet for him is Saturn. The colors that bring good luck to this name are red, blue. As a talisman, Dmitry is suitable for the Plant-symbol of the name - elm, chrysanthemum, mountain ash. Animal - walrus, tiger.

It is no secret that the fate of a person is greatly influenced by his name. It can lead to success, make its owner happy. So, the beautiful name Dmitry or his form Dimitri also affects the character and fate of the boy.

The origin of the name Dmitry or Dimitri is ancient Greek. It means "dedicated to Demeter" - the goddess of agriculture and fertility. The name is very popular in Russia.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
  • Ruler Planet: Pluto
  • Talisman Stone: Lapis Lazuli
  • Color: purple
  • Tree: rowan
  • plant: chrysanthemum
  • Animal: walrus
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character traits

Dmitry's main personal qualities are will and perseverance. He has a solid, even a little tough and complex character. But the people around him respect him, because he is charismatic, sociable, often the leader of the company. This is a responsible man who will never let you down in a difficult situation. In addition, he is a moralist by nature and in no case will he go over the heads for the sake of his goal, for which he may seem boring.

Dmitry is devoid of a sense of fear. He can join the fight even with unequal forces, especially when it comes to the opposite sex. Lucky in life, it is very difficult to break him. He has a sharp mind that helps him out in difficult life situations. It is easy to talk to a guy, he is very friendly and able to attract people to him. But at the same time, his talkativeness can play a trick on him, especially in promotions.

The owner of the name Dmitry is able to achieve his career goals, although he does not like to overwork, so he can easily miss something important in his work. In life, he is unyielding. The inability to recognize the rightness of others sometimes goes to extremes, which can alienate close acquaintances and friends from him.

Zimny ​​Dmitry is a born leader both in his career and in love. Unusually ambitious, authoritarian. Born in the spring - stubborn and at the same time unpredictable, he is constantly in search of new sensations. Summer - very emotional, which even goes to extremes, jealous and unusually amorous. And the autumn one is a careerist, loves and knows how to earn and spend money.

Interests and hobbies

The secret of the name Dmitry hides a very mobile and active person. He loves fishing and hiking. In his youth, he often attends sports sections, sometimes he achieves success in boxing and martial arts. Very often travels, discovers the whole world. But when he grows up, he spends more and more time in the family circle.

Profession and business

The ideal profession for Dmitry is one where you need to communicate a lot with people. These include journalism, trade, design, architecture, and medicine. He also lends himself easily to creative professions. He usually does not aspire to leadership positions, but he makes an excellent boss, moderately demanding. In a career, you should beware of laziness and excessive talkativeness.

Dmitry can become successful entrepreneur in the presence of business acumen and purposefulness. He needs to carefully look at the environment so that no one takes advantage of his trust in their own interests. In general, a good businessman can come out of it.


From an early age, Dmitry often gets sick, he can pick up almost all childhood diseases at a tender age. With age, frailty usually goes away, health is strengthened. But at the same time, he should pay attention to the work of the heart, kidneys and circulatory organs.

Sex and love

Dima is very amorous, but quickly loses interest in the object of his passion. Jealous, he can instantly explode and “break wood” if he doesn’t like something. He often lacks restraint and diplomacy.

For Dmitry, his woman should be the embodiment of the ideal: smart, beautiful, passionate, able and loving to cook, and most importantly - to adore him. In his youth, he is often fond of the fair sex, until he finds the very one - the one and only. But at the same time he is able to sincerely love several girls.

Despite his fondness for female gender, the owner of this beautiful name very indecisive. He cannot take the first step towards a woman until he is convinced that the sympathy is mutual. Therefore, it is very important for his chosen one to convince her beloved of her feelings.

Jealous Dmitry never forgives his girlfriend for betrayal. She has to endure constant control from her lover. But if he discovers the fact of infidelity, he does not arrange scandals and scenes of jealousy, but simply deletes her from his life forever.

Dima needs a brave and liberated woman who can satisfy him sexual desires. He tries to suppress his feelings, referring to moral principles. Therefore, it is very important for his girlfriend to gently and unobtrusively hint at intimacy with him. With the fair sex, he is usually correct and polite, and with life experience, an understanding of female nature appears.

Family and marriage

Dmitry's attitude to marriage is very serious. His wife should be the best, the embodiment of ideals. At the same time, he needs to be sure that he is ready to be with this woman all his life. That is why he never enters into hasty marriages. He must live with a girl for a long time before going with her to the registry office.

Dmitry forms a family only out of love. This feeling in the union should only grow and grow stronger so that the husband does not get tired of his chosen one and does not rush into the pool of new sympathy. Often the owner of this name enters into several marriages, while falling in love with each of his new wife.

Family for him is the basis of his whole life. She loves children very much and pays a lot of attention to them. For all his temper, he is a good and not too strict teacher. Even after the divorce, she tries to be with the children. And for the wife, in order for the marriage to work out successfully, it is very important to be able to compromise, put up with his stubbornness, jealousy and stinginess for compliments. Dmitry is a faithful spouse, his moral principles will not allow him to go to the left.

As a child, a child named Dmitry is very charming and talkative. It often happens that such children are similar to their mothers, adopt not only her appearance but also character traits. This means that Dima has a strong bond with his mother. The latter determines the craving for universal attention.

He likes to feel the care of relatives. Against this background, capriciousness is possible, which manifests itself quite often due to some soreness in early age. Later, capriciousness develops into stubbornness. In general, Dmitry is faithful to friendship and kinship, but getting along with a child is not easy.

A boy can be incredibly talented, smart and quick-witted, but he will not be able to achieve serious academic success until he stops being extremely talkative. For the mother, Dima is the embodiment of their dreams and an object for pampering.

In adolescence, Dmitry study well and are subject to outside influence. It will not be a big problem for Dima to be an excellent student, but his preferences relate to technical sciences, which are more understandable for him and seem practical. Problems with study and behavior may arise due to the bad influence that all Dmitrys are permanently exposed to. This influence is not always positive, so parents should monitor their child at this stage of life in order to notice harmful changes in time.

Dima often becomes the cause of sighs of the same age, as he has all the data for this. But he himself begins to be interested in girls much later than his environment due to extreme employment. Having a hobby or some kind of hobby that is not related to school and friends, Dmitry will devote himself entirely to him, which significantly cuts down time for other entertainment. This can serve as some seclusion, since nothing will interest him as much as the found occupation.

At this age, Dima is often fond of sports under the influence of his mother. His health will be well affected by visiting any sports section, which will not only develop him physically, but also expand the range of interests. Hiking, fishing, joint outdoor activities will not be superfluous.

Having matured, Dmitry attracts people with his unwillingness to put up with restrictions, freedom-loving character and determination, original thinking that catches not only girls, but also males, allowing him to quickly make friends among his interlocutors.

Dima makes a good friend. He attracts people with sincerity and reliability. But in noisy companies he often drinks, which is another hallmark. There is usually no cause for concern - craving for alcohol during a party rarely develops into alcoholism.

In maturity, he is prone to a series of ups and downs, which are due to a changeable and somewhat contradictory nature. Dmitry loves to surround himself with beautiful and vibrant women, noisy events and pleasure in its various manifestations. The latter often becomes a serious problem for him.

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