Roch series number. How to get a permit for hunting weapons, documents, storage of a gun

Most people who wish to acquire weapons are put off by the complexity of the process of obtaining a permit to acquire and carry a weapon. To collect permits, you need to obtain hunting ticket. In order not to be unarmed by the beginning of the hunting season, you will have to take care of everything in advance, since the registration process may be delayed.

It should be noted that these are hunting knives. And they are considered melee weapons.

What will be the illegal possession of edged weapons?

In accordance with Art. 6 of the Law on Weapons, carrying bladed weapons is prohibited. The punishment for carrying such a weapon is administrative penalty up to 2000 rubles (Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) and its withdrawal. In addition, do not forget about the unpleasant and lengthy conversation with the police.

When buying a knife in a store, be sure to ask for a Certificate for the knife. Also this paper is called "Information leaflet". It should be written that the knife is not a cold weapon and refers to household or other knives that you can safely carry with you. This Information Sheet does not take up much space, so you can carry it in your wallet, for example. This will allow in case of questions from law enforcement significantly save your time.

Also remember that weapons do not include products certified as household and industrial products, sports equipment that are structurally similar to weapons.

What is a melee weapon?

Melee weapons are weapons designed to hit a target with the help of a person’s muscular strength in direct contact with the target (Article 1 of the Law “On Weapons”).

The law clarifies that edged weapons should be understood as manufactured in an industrial or home-made way:

What documents are required to obtain a ROC permit?

To obtain a license for the purchase of edged weapons, you must submit to the territorial licensing and permit department of the internal affairs bodies:

    Application filled in the specified form.

    Medical conclusion on the absence of contraindications to the possession of weapons.

    Identification document of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

    Two photographs 3x4 cm.

    The act of inspection of places and conditions of storage of weapons.

    State duty payment receipts.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of eighteen and have received a license to purchase a specific type of weapon in the territorial licensing and permit department (LRO) of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation receive the right to purchase and store edged weapons.

In addition, remember that when applying, you will be required to provide information about the conditions for storing and maintaining weapons. These requirements are set out in the Federal Law "On Weapons" No. 150. The places and conditions of storage are usually checked by the district commissioner and draw up an inspection report with a conclusion.

4 Easy Steps to ROC Resolution

Step 1. You need to provide a package of documents (mentioned above) to the licensing and permitting service of the local ATC. This package includes an application in a special form, which indicates the passport details of the applicant, the address of his place of residence and information about the weapons he has.

Step 2. A license will be issued to a citizen only after he passes special training, within which he will be taught the rules of safe handling of weapons. Then you need to pass the exam and thus confirm the knowledge gained.

Step 3. After you have bought the weapon, you need to bring it back to the police department, where the licensing and permitting officers will inspect it. The weapon will be registered. After that, it will be possible to apply for a permit to keep and carry weapons, if one is required.

Step 4. The applicant's documents for obtaining a license are considered within one month from the date of application. Permission to carry and store weapons can be obtained in about two weeks.

The main question is: when can the weapon be used?

Citizens are allowed to use their weapons to protect their lives, health and property. At the same time, in a state of necessary defense, it is impossible to harm third parties. It is forbidden to use weapons against women, disabled people and minors. The only exception is if they did not attack you in a group and with weapons. Athletes can use weapons during shooting and competitions, and hunters - during hunting.

Those who legally own weapons are prohibited from carrying them during public events (rallies, meetings, demonstrations, recreational activities and religious ceremonies). The exception is law enforcement officers, they are allowed to carry weapons to ensure security.

During public events, Cossacks and participants in events representing different nationalities and wearing national costumes can have knives.

The knife is primarily a tool, not a weapon

Some legal aspects of carrying and transporting civilian cold steel should be considered. There are many myths and fears associated with this, but not all of them are true.

Knives, by permission of the ROC, are one of the most powerful tools. The store "Rognar" offers a wide selection of hunting knives. Each one comes with a certificate. Our consultants will promptly answer any questions in a convenient way for you.

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osy13 01.03.2017 - 11:46

Colleagues, forgive the beginner, but I can not understand one thing.
I always thought that after buying a weapon, it must be registered within two weeks. There was even such a question in the ticket.

Now I open and read:

The period for issuing a permit should not exceed 14 days from the date of registration of the application. You will be issued a receipt for payment of the state duty, which will indicate the necessary details.

Accordingly, it turns out that after buying a weapon, I must submit an application through the public services website within a maximum of six months and the LRO must issue a ROC within two weeks.

Or do you need to apply through public services within two weeks after buying a weapon? And when public services are invited to LRO, then go there.

Can not understand...

N.Valerich 01.03.2017 - 11:58

The carrying of weapons before obtaining a permit is carried out on the basis of a license for the acquisition of weapons, the validity of which is 6 months from the date of its receipt.
In my opinion, WEARING is superfluous here.

"Green" on which you have the right to buy a gun is valid for 6 months after which it surrenders if the weapon is not purchased.
After the acquisition, within two weeks, you must PERSONALLY (naturally with a weapon) appear to register your gun at the local LRO, and then, as it turns out, or they will call when they come for ROHA or set a date.

osy13 01.03.2017 - 12:03

After the purchase, within two weeks, you must PERSONALLY (naturally with a weapon) appear to register your gun at the local LRO
Now, as I understand it, they personally do not immediately run to LRO.
Now you need to run to the website of public services, and they will already invite you to the LRO on the right day.
I just don't understand. Two weeks - is it before submitting an application to public services or before appearing in LRO?

Year 01.03.2017 - 12:15

two weeks from the date of purchase for registration of weapons in the LRO. and there how you want to submit an application, even through state services, even in person.

osy13 01.03.2017 - 12:17

Those. two weeks before applying for public services?

Year 01.03.2017 - 12:20

later - administrative protocol

Green 01.03.2017 - 12:26

Clause 52 of PP 814 - subject to registration within two weeks. The date of filing the application through the state within two weeks is quite satisfactory. The phrase that confused should be written without a comma.
Therefore, you can carry under a license 14 days before the application (deadline) and 14 days until the permit is ready. Those. less than a month. More on resolution.

Year 01.03.2017 - 12:29

and do not throw away the license, it will come in handy

River 01.03.2017 - 14:15

If you lose your permission, a duplicate license will help you avoid trouble.

01.03.2017 - 14:35

Wearing before obtaining permission - under license. The license validity period (for purchase) is 6 months.
In my opinion, there is a mistake in your reasoning. If you mention a validity period of 6 months, then clearly you are talking about a license to purchase firearms. It is possible to transport and store weapons through it (Article 77, paragraph 1 of PP-814), but not to carry it (Article 62, paragraph 1 of PP-814). Under a license to purchase, you can carry a gas weapon (Article 13, paragraph 3 of the Federal Law and Order). It also has a validity period of 5 years.

Green 01.03.2017 - 15:19

We are discussing one specific proposal with the state.
Not by me, 6 months are mentioned in the source data. Therefore, we do not discuss gas.
P.62. The carrying and use of weapons is carried out on the basis of licenses or permits for storage and carrying issued by the internal affairs bodies ...
d) by citizens of the Russian Federation - during hunting, sporting events, training and shooting exercises, as well as for self-defense purposes;

License mentioned.

P.77, of course, transportation is allowed.
But storage according to clause 54 - only with permissions.
All this together at the state called one word - wearing. So that they do not delve in vain and do not get confused.

03/01/2017 - 16:27

Colleague Green, I understood you correctly, that you think that having a duplicate license for the purchase of firearms with a mark of acquisition allows you to carry and use the acquired weapon until you receive permission to store and carry it?

Green 01.03.2017 - 16:43

I am quoting NPA.
I will not advise anyone to run hunting with a duplicate license, because wait two weeks before receiving permission - and no one will have any questions. Although, in my memory, the owner shot the SCS he bought at the shooting range and returned it to the store (before registration with the LRRR) as unusable. Those. used.

03/01/2017 - 16:53

I am quoting NPA.
We are all quoting legal acts here. But after all, we quote not just like that, but in order to confirm our idea, to substantiate our opinion. Otherwise, the citation is meaningless.

So I'm trying to understand what kind of thought you wanted to confirm by quoting, what kind of opinion to justify? In this regard, it will not make it difficult for you to answer my question in the formulation in which I asked it - did I understand you correctly? If not, then here are your phrases

Wearing before obtaining permission - under license.
you can wear under a license 14 days before the application (deadline) and 14 days until the permit is ready

what did they mean?

Green 01.03.2017 - 17:00

Okay, I'll explain.
In the first message there was a phrase from the state.
"The carrying of weapons before obtaining a permit is carried out on the basis of a license to purchase weapons, the validity of which is 6 months from the date of its receipt."
I divided it into two self-sufficient and non-intersecting.
"Wearing before obtaining permission - under a license. The validity of the license (for purchase) is 6 months." Now you know where she came from?

Green 01.03.2017 - 17:05

I also explain that the only document for weapons in the period before filing for registration (maximum 14 days) and before issuing a permit (plus another 14 days according to the regulations) is a license, the third part of which remains with the owner. This is the maximum possible period, but not 6 months, about which the HARDWARE asked.

03/01/2017 - 17:10

Now you know where she came from?
This is understandable 😊

Another thing is not clear - what is your answer to my question. After all, the phrase

Therefore, you can carry under a license 14 days before the application (deadline) and 14 days until the permit is ready.
already belongs to you, this is not a free quotation of the State Services from the words of the TC.

Is it really difficult to give a definite answer - "Yes, I think so" or "No, I don't think so, but I think like this - ..."?

01.03.2017 - 17:11

the only document for weapons in the period before filing for registration (maximum 14 days) and before issuing a permit (plus another 14 days according to the regulations) is a license, the third part of which remains with the owner
Undoubtedly. But does this duplicate allow the carrying and use of weapons?

N.Valerich 01.03.2017 - 17:25

But does this duplicate allow the carrying and use of weapons?

USE - how is it?
It is not forbidden to transport greenery along the spine, well, transport it to the shooting range or shooting range, the hunt has already closed anyway.

01.03.2017 - 17:37

By WEARING, one should probably understand TRANSPORTATION.
No. Carrying and transporting are not the same thing. It's about wearing.

Green 01.03.2017 - 18:31

If only yes or no - yes, I think that carrying and using is allowed in accordance with the above paragraph of PP 814. At the same time, I repeat, I will not advise anyone to go hunting, it is the license in the hunting rules that is not prescribed as a document for presentation, only permission to store and wearing. It remains to be used at shooting facilities and for self-defense purposes (i.e. p. 62 d) excluding hunting)

MOA 01.03.2017 - 20:00

Therefore, you can carry under a license 14 days before the application (deadline) and 14 days until the permit is ready. Those. less than a month. More on resolution.
From the moment of purchase of a weapon under a license of the LG, LN series until the moment of registration with a permit for storage, a permit for storage and carrying, the weapon is in transport mode even if it is at that moment in the owner’s safe.
On the basis of a duplicate license for the acquisition of weapons, it is not allowed to store, carry, use weapons ... PP814.
- license, the third part of which remains with the owner.
When registering a weapon in a weapons store, the owner is issued a duplicate of the license of the LG, LN series, for transportation and registration in the LRR district at the department at the citizen’s place of residence .... while re-registering (purchasing) weapons in the LRR department not at the place of residence, the new owner is issued two duplicate licenses for the acquisition of weapons of the LG, LNa series .... while only a license for the acquisition and storage with the right to carry the LOa series does not provide for tear-off duplicates; all information from the moment of acquisition and registration at the place of residence is entered on the back side of the license.
I am sure that you know this ... I wrote topics for readers to clarify the understanding of the issue.

Green 01.03.2017 - 20:20

On the basis of a duplicate license for the acquisition of weapons, it is not allowed to store, carry, use weapons ... PP814.
Storage is not allowed, as discussed above. The rest is "not allowed" with references to paragraphs of PP 814, please.

MOA 01.03.2017 - 20:41

The rest is "not allowed" with references to paragraphs of PP 814, please.
P.62 d) Ch. XII. Carrying and using weapons

03/01/2017 - 20:53

If only yes or no - yes, I think that wearing and using is allowed in accordance with the above paragraph of PP 814.
Got you 😊

Green 01.03.2017 - 20:58

Then quote it and look for the word "license".

svarog71 03/01/2017 - 22:17

I bought a gun on February 22. The license expires tomorrow-March 2. Registration is given 14 days. That is, the last day of applying for a permit to store and carry on public services is March 7? Or are registration and obtaining a permit different procedures? licenses for the purchase of weapons on March 2, have I already got to the administration?

vjyfijyjr1971 03/01/2017 - 22:29

within 14 days from the date of purchase.

Green 02.03.2017 - 06:17

I bought a gun on February 22. The license expires tomorrow-March 2. Registration is given 14 days. That is, the last day of applying for a permit to store and carry on public services is March 7? Or are registration and obtaining a permit different procedures? licenses for the purchase of weapons on March 2, have I already got to the administration?

There is only one question.
Why not apply for public services with the current number now, if the gun has already been bought, what is holding it back? Date of submission of the application - the date of fulfillment of the obligation to register within 14 days.
An application is submitted for a permit to keep and carry (or keep, self-defense). From the same date, the procedure for issuing a permit begins.

svarog71 02.03.2017 - 11:24

The site works disgusting. And you won’t wait for the operators. Today I’ll try again

Green 02.03.2017 - 11:36

Operators are not needed. Send an application with a minimum of data in the form
This is on ROHA, storage and wearing.
If something is buggy, it does not attach from the dock-in - then imagine at the reception. Most importantly, fill in the required fields, you will receive a notification that the application has been accepted.

svarog71 02.03.2017 - 16:18

I bought a gun in Moscow. They completed everything in 2 hours. Having experience in processing various papers with us, I would never have believed it. The same thing with public services.

Green 02.03.2017 - 17:29

It seems there was a moment when there was no LRRR in the list at the state offices, an application was sent to a higher office, and they forwarded it to the right department according to their jurisdiction.

svarog71 02.03.2017 - 18:45

Everything worked out. Apparently they are working on improving the site! six months ago it was worse

Galichkin 11.09.2017 - 09:28

Tell me, 14 days after the purchase is given for filing an application, or receiving a ROC?

The situation is as follows, the next day after buying a gun, I applied for permission through public services, the deadline is 14 days. But I'm leaving for vacation in 7 days. It turns out that I can pick up the finished ROHA 21 days after the purchase.
Will I get fined for not receiving ROC within 14 days?

vlad_vv 11.09.2017 - 17:32

Wearing before obtaining permission - under license.
It's just that a license is not issued, it always refers to some action, and this is not necessarily an acquisition. By your logic, if you mean any license, a collecting license also allows you to carry it. In paragraph 62 of PP814, to which you refer, it is written "licenses or permits for storage and carrying." That is, the license must be for storage and carrying. Apparently it's about gas weapons. I believe that the type of license is implied from the context (as in paragraph 62), or is explicitly indicated in conjunction with this word, as in paragraph 77
Citizens of the Russian Federation carry out the transportation of weapons through the territory of the Russian Federation in the amount of not more than 5 units and cartridges not more than 1000 pieces on the basis of permits from the internal affairs bodies for storage, storage and carrying, storage and use, for import into Russian Federation appropriate types, types and models of weapons or licenses for their acquisition, collection or display of weapons.
As follows from the quotation, a license to acquire weapons is at the same time a perpetual permit for their transportation.

Dewshman 12.09.2017 - 13:26

Tell me, is 14 days after the purchase given for filing an application, or receiving a ROHA? The situation is as follows, the next day after buying a gun, I applied for permission through public services, the deadline is 14 days. But I'm leaving for vacation in 7 days. It turns out that I can pick up the finished ROHA 21 days after the purchase. Will I get fined for not receiving ROC within 14 days?

You have 14 days to apply from the date of purchase.
Guardsmen are given 14 days from the receipt of the application for registration of the ROC.

You can apply for the 13th day from the purchase, and the guardsmen will make you a ROC after 14 days on the 27th day from the purchase. And everything is legal.

It is important for you to have time to submit an application and you are responsible for this, but to get a ready-made ROKh in your hands - if you don’t roam with a gun, then no one will personally come to you. Go get ROHA when you come back from vacation.

egopersh 17.09.2017 - 23:06

thanks .. the right topic .. he himself was tormented with the conceptual apparatus ... now everything is on the shelves.

kerudg83 13.08.2018 - 20:08

Good day!
I am on a business trip and will not have time to arrive at the LRO at the place of registration in 14 days to register the acquired weapons. A copy has already been outlined for purchase, but I'm afraid I may not have time - the weapon is imported and the rate is growing.
Are there any legal options to resolve this issue?
I myself see several of them, but with incomprehensible moments after all:
1. Put the gun in reserve by paying part of the cost or to be completely sure that the seller will not change the price due to the growth of the exchange rate, make a 100% payment.
2. Submit an application through the State Services. Thus, having fulfilled its obligation to register the acquired weapons, and pick up the ROC upon arrival at the place of registration, transporting the acquired barrel under a license.
3. After the acquisition, hand over the precious barrel to the LRO at the temporary place of stay until departure (somewhere in the law or the PP I met a similar possibility, but as far as I remember, it was about registered weapons).
We do not acquire weapons every day and the subtleties fly out of our heads. Comrades give advice!

Green 13.08.2018 - 21:04

Item 1 is also practiced, but I did not use it. Let the practitioners clarify.
According to clause 3, you can deposit it (only at the Internal Affairs Directorate, not the LRRR), but the registration period after the purchase will "tick". Not the most the best option, because they don't like to take it anywhere. You can check details on the spot.

kerudg83 14.08.2018 - 06:44

I did according to point 2, I just managed to put it in my safe right after the purchase, before leaving. And upon his return, he came to receive the ROC and to be examined.
That is, you came with a gun for inspection with 14 days after the purchase and no sanctions were applied to you and before that the same gun was not presented for inspection?

hunter741 14.08.2018 - 09:57

That is, you came with a gun for inspection with 14 days after the purchase and no sanctions were applied to you and before that the same gun was not presented for inspection?
And what sanctions can there be if the owner submitted an application on time, within 14 days from the date of purchase of the weapon?
None. Our country is big, the road can take much more than 14 days - anything can happen. The terms during which it is possible to transport weapons under a license for the acquisition of any legal acts have not been established.
Just as there could be no sanctions (some were still bred for admin) at a time when buying weapons through special communications was a common thing. There, the weapon was received by the owner often much later than the 14-day period. And there were no public services back then.

The only thing that I would do additionally in such a situation is to make a printout from public services after passing the payment of the state duty. To facilitate explanations during possible checks.

Green 14.08.2018 - 11:03

and no sanctions were applied to you

kerudg83 14.08.2018 - 13:43

Everything is clear comrades! So it is, point 2. I called the OLRR, they only asked me to send a photo of the license spine after the store marks and check the number itself for compliance, well, report on the acquisition and application through the GU !!!

hunter741 14.08.2018 - 14:02

I called the OLRR, they only asked me to send a photo of the license spine after the marks of the store and check the number itself for compliance, well, and report on the acquisition and application through the GU !!!
surprisingly adequate response from LRO

Year 14.08.2018 - 21:52

made a printout from public services after passing the payment of the state duty. To facilitate explanations during possible checks
soon it won’t be necessary either, a couple of months ago I issued a license, the accounting department itself made a note about a 30% discount when making a payment, about which the inspector had information in the database (in posted payments), a printed payment from public services was not required.

hunter741 15.08.2018 - 10:40

soon it won’t be necessary either, a couple of months ago I issued a license, the accounting department itself made a note about a 30% discount when making a payment, about which the inspector had information in the database (in posted payments), a printed payment from public services was not required.
I didn't quite mean it.
And the fact that, with a possible check of documents and weapons, the joint venture along the owner’s route from the place of purchase to the place of residence (outside the time of 14 days from the date of purchase) does not hurt to have at least some confirmation that the application for registration of weapons was submitted in a timely manner.
Well, poke in the nose of the inspector PP 814 article 77, part 1

I have the same situation described and solved today. In short: after the technical work, the guardsmen have not yet restored the normal functionality of public services. I had to call Kotelniki today (the deadlines were already burning) and ask to send a receipt by e-mail and then pay it there at the GU with a 30% discount, but through entering the UIN from the receipt.

Green 31.12.2018 - 09:19

I had to call Kotelniki today (the deadlines were already burning) and ask to send a receipt by e-mail and then pay it there at the GU with a 30% discount, but through entering the UIN from the receipt.
Paid and relaxed? And the registration of the application in the department takes place after receiving information about payment. And this information is not exactly seen in the GIS GMP in Kotelniki, a couple of days ago I drove up to them with a similar question. Therefore, send back a copy of the receipt with a note of payment or UIP (payment) to the e-mail from which the receipt came. In general, this is not your duty, but if the deadlines are burning, it is better to play it safe, then there will be less showdowns with servicemen.

Al70 08.01.2019 - 17:15

Friends, tell me please, such a situation.
My father has a rifled one, he does not want to renew the permit, in a month the roha expires. I want to change it to myself. I have enough smooth experience, there are 2 smooth ones on this moment. The question is, do I need to undergo a medical examination now to get a pink one? I heard the opinion that, under the current law, you don’t need to go through a medical examination, but you only need a photo, a fee and an appeal through public services.
Forum briefly examined, if overlooked, I apologize for the button accordion. Please explain, if with references to the law, it’s generally wonderful. Thank you in advance for your response.

Al70 08.01.2019 - 18:01

Thank you! I will study and be fully armed!

eugenester 18.08.2019 - 22:06

My question is almost the same as that of the topikstarter - I also always thought that after buying a weapon it needs to be registered within 2 weeks, but then I realized that I didn’t understand anything. :-(

The description of the old procedure did not cause any questions for me - you come with a spine from the LG and a gun to the LRO, write an application for the issuance of a ROC and wait for the cherished document.

But a happy future has come and it’s no longer clear to me - how do State Services and 2 weeks to register a purchased gun compare? If I bought a gun and on the same day created an application for public services, which, according to the regulations, is also processed for 2 weeks, then it turns out that I can automatically fall into non-compliance with the registration deadlines?

Let's say I bought a gun on Saturday, the application from public services was accepted on Monday, and the invitation to LRO came on Friday evening of the next (second) week. If I come there with documents and a gun when they work - on Tuesday 3 weeks, then it turns out that all the deadlines on my part will have already been missed and I will have problems. Whereas LRO kept within the two-week time limit for its part.

Or I misunderstand the process of registering a purchased weapon in the LRO - is the registration of a weapon in the LRO and applying for the ROC two different procedures (?) - I first have to come to the LRO for the first time and register the purchased gun within 2 weeks. After that, from home, apply for a ROC in public services and wait another 2 weeks before receiving required document, then come to LRO for the second time?

achimd 24.01.2019 - 10:51

Comrades situation.

Question: can I purchase, purchase and obtain a permit for storage in a new city without traveling to Tyumen?

Semen-19_74 24.01.2019 - 21:07

Comrades situation.
Acquisition license obtained in Tyumen.
He left for another city to live, made a residence permit and now decided to buy himself a gun.
Question: can I purchase, purchase and obtain a permit for storage in a new city without traveling to Tyumen?

Why post the same question everywhere?
Your answer is here:

AlecR 18.08.2019 - 22:44

After that, from home, apply for the ROC for public services and wait another 2 weeks until you receive the required document, and then come to LRO for the second time?
Why such difficulties? First, you apply from home for the ROC at the state offices, pay the fee there (thus receiving a 30% discount), and then go to the LRO (once!) for the finished piece of paper.

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The mechanism for issuing permits for the storage, carrying of hunting, firearms and edged weapons (ROHa) has been introduced federal lawNo. 150-FZ dated 12/13/1996 as a tool for protecting citizens and ensuring law and order in society. The document is necessary for members of hunting organizations, as well as employees of paramilitary and security structures, who, by virtue of their professional activity the use of firearms is required.

For attempting to use or transport firearms (cold weapons) without appropriate permits 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation it is envisaged to seize it with the imposition of a fine on the offender up to 5 thousand rubles. or placement under arrest up to 15 days.

What does the ROC license cover?

The document is required for the legal operation of several categories of weapons:

  • Hunting and other knives that do not fall under the classification of tourist, collector's, sports blades or household appliances
  • Sporting rifles with a rifled barrel
  • Hunting rifles with a smooth, rifled combined (replaceable) barrel
  • Pneumatics with muzzle energy up to 25 J

IMPORTANT! When buying a knife, ask the seller for an “Information Sheet” (Certificate) of the product indicating its type. The form will help you understand if you need a permit for the blade, as well as avoid problems with law enforcement officers when wearing household or decorative knives

Hunters have the right to use the ROHA license only during the periods allotted by law for tracking and hunting game. A permit issued for official purposes is valid all year round.

Required documents

To initiate the procedure for issuing a ROHA license, the applicant should have on hand:

  • 4 matte photos 3×4
  • 3 copies of the passport
  • Medical certificates No. 002-O / y, No. 003-O / y
  • Conclusions from a narcologist and a psychiatrist on the absence of contraindications for possession of weapons
  • Acts filled out by the district police officer on the state of the place and conditions for storing weapons
  • Receipts for payment of state fees
  • hunting ticket

The procedure for obtaining permission

Those who intend to buy and use weapons should obtain a license from the ROC. To complete the document, you will have to run along government agencies. The step-by-step execution of the document is shown in the table:

Stage number

Place of appeal

List of submitted documents

What you need to get your hands on

2 matte photos 3×4

2 photocopies of the passport

hunting license application

primary password for registration on the public services portal

hunting ticket

Psychoneurological dispensary,

drug dispensary,


Standard application for the issuance of certificates for security guards, hunters and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs + analyzes

HTI results according to the form No. 454 / y-06 (in special cases)

certificate No. 003-О/у

certificate No. 002-О/у

Gun shop

Safe storage

Training courses for the safe handling of weapons

(for the initial registration of the ROHA license)

2 matte photos 3×4

certificate No. 002-О/у

original and photocopy of the passport

Course completion certificate

Knowledge Testing Act

Local Department of Licensing and Permit Work (OLRR)

receipt for payment of state duty

application for the purchase of weapons from the list of ROC

application for the purchase of LLC

Act on checking the conditions of storage of weapons by the precinct

certificates and documents collected at the previous stages

Licenses for the purchase of weapons and ammunition for it

Gun shop

Local FRR

application for the issuance of ROC

application for registration of ROC for OOOP

Certificate of registration of weapons


ROCH on weapons

IMPORTANT! Scroll training centers accredited to maintain educational activities regarding the safe handling of weapons, is listed in the online registry of Rospotrebnadzor

The law provides for the possibility of online submission of documents to the HRRR (7th paragraph of the table). To exercise this right, the applicant must register on the public services portal. Account identifiers are e-mail, SNILS and cell numbers. The resource user's primary password is issued by the MFC. Once the entry is authorized, it can be changed.

The online application process includes several steps:

IMPORTANT! Employees of state special forces are required to provide a certificate of assignment service weapon, and private - RSLA card

The appeal will be considered by the territorial department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the order of the general queue. The status of the application can be tracked in personal account user of the public services portal. The time for consideration of the appeal is on average 10 days, but not more than 14 days from the date of filing the application.

At the appointed time, the applicant must appear at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The applicant must bring with him the original documents submitted in in electronic format, as well as weapons in a case, the quality characteristics of which meet the requirements of the law. As a rule, this is a holster, case or box of the manufacturer.

Location of master data on permission

The license looks like a laminated card blue color. On the back of the form, the type and number of acquired weapons are recorded. In the center of the upper part of the front side of the document, the name of the permit, series and number of the ROC are indicated.

I will describe point by point how I received the ROH permission for a weapon, what actions I did and what guided me to obtain a weapon permit. Although the legislation does not specify the need for certain actions and requirements.

1) Got a hunting license. Now you do not need to join a hunting club and pay money for membership in it to obtain a weapon permit - you need to get a federal ticket. It is issued absolutely free of charge (well, just give 3 rubles for a copy of your passport and for photos) To do this, you need to come to the department for the protection of wildlife in your region / region. Take the application form from them and fill it out. Make a copy of your passport and 2 photographs. The ticket will be ready in 5 days (in my case). not needed at all!

2) Buying a gun safe. It is also necessary to obtain a weapon permit. Bought the cheapest gun cabinet. It must be attached to the wall with at least two bolts. I screwed 3 (10 mm) to the load-bearing wall. The safe must have two locks. Take a photo of yourself next to him, print it out and bring it to the district police officer, arrange with him to come personally see it at your place (not the fact that he will come) and then draw up an act. You will take this act with a photograph to the LRO. It is not necessary to fix the safe to the floor! The main thing is that there should be at least 2 bolts, it should be a meter from the door and one and a half meters from the window

3) Medical board. I don't know how it is for anyone, but we have this:

  • We get a transcript of the article, according to which they mowed down from the army in the military registration and enlistment office (for those who did not serve),
  • We go to a neurologist, we get a certificate,
  • With a soldier and a certificate from a neurologist, we go to a psychiatrist, we get a certificate,
  • We go to the narcologist, we get a certificate,
  • We go to the clinic, buy a weapons commission at the box office (commission 93 + 239 narcologist + 144 psychiatrist), we go through doctors (oculist, therapist).

That's all. I have 3 certificates on hand: a narcologist, a psychiatrist, form 046.

4) Briefing. A test of 10 questions is conducted in the LRRR (in the permit). 3 possible answers and you can make one mistake. Read, cramming. You can prepare for the test here. Passed on the second try.

The permit was ready 3 weeks after the exam.


  • Statement
  • Photocopy of the passport
  • Medical certificate form 046-1
  • 2 photos 3x4
  • Certificate from the district police officer (indicate the presence of a metal safe)
  • Photocopy of hunting license
  • Receipt of the state duty: a license to purchase one unit of smooth-bore weapons - 100 rubles, permission to store one unit. weapons - 10 rubles.

5) Buying weapons. I bought a gun, took it to the LRRR, checked the numbers, they said to call in 2 weeks - to ask if the permission to store and carry weapons is ready.

If you decide to go hunting, then you need to start not with a dog, not with the selection of equipment, not with the purchase of a gun, but with the registration of all the proper licenses and permits for weapons. No wonder they say that without a piece of paper you are a bug, but with a piece of paper - a potential owner of a smoothbore gun. Why smoothbore, because to obtain permission for rifle, five years of uninterrupted hunting experience is required.

So what circles of hell and thorns we have to overcome on the way to the coveted rugby bike, we will now consider them.

Basic requirements for potential owners

So you've made the decision to become a hunter and buy a gun. What is needed for this?

You must meet a number of requirements and parameters:

  • live to the full age of 18;
  • be a capable citizen and have a passport;
  • have a permanent registration in the passport;
  • to be a hunter officially - to have a hunting license;
  • prove their knowledge of the use and storage of weapons - pass the exam and get the conclusion of the commission;
  • provide the conclusion of the medical board on your health and moral stability (certificate from drug and neuropsychiatric dispensaries and a military ID);
  • do not have a current conviction for intentional crimes or a prohibiting court decision;
  • not have more than one admin violation per year and none due to drugs and psychotropics;
  • provide conditions for the storage of weapons (place of residence and safe).

If you fit into the Procrustean bed of these requirements, you can start collecting documents.

List of documents

The possibility of acquiring weapons gives a license, and a special permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs is required for storage and transportation. Without this permission, not a single cartridge will be sold to you.

To obtain a license, you need to collect and provide:

  • an application of the established form (you get the form from the licensing and permitting service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in any way convenient for you, personally on the spot, from the website, etc.);
  • passport, of course your own, and its photocopy;
  • two photos 3x4;
  • medical certificate form 002-O / U, along with it a certificate from the drug dispensary, form 003-O / U (about the absence of drugs in you) and the conclusion of the MND;
  • a certificate of passing the exam for the safe handling of weapons issued by a licensed training center;
  • hunting ticket.

To obtain a permit to keep and carry (ROH), you must submit:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • your passport;
  • again two photos 3x4;
  • hunting ticket;
  • a copy of the permissive license with a store mark of sale or confirmation from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of receipt from the previous owner;
  • a copy of the technical passport for the gun.

How to receive

Well, now we will analyze how we can step by step reach the coveted possession of a smooth-bore gun.


6 photos 3x4 - the simplest movement in our business. Two photos will go to the hunting license, two to the license, the last two to the ROH. An ordinary selfie will not work here, it is better to do everything with a specially trained person. Movement price 10 min. and about 200 rubles.

A hunting license gives you the right to legally participate in hunting in the country and obtain permission to hunting weapon.

The hunting license is single, perpetual and, most importantly, free. You can issue it by contacting the nearest MFC, or at the authorized one, in your field, government agency. An application is required in the prescribed form, it can be submitted in person or sent by mail.

Attached to the application:

  • two photos 3x4;
  • a copy of the passport.

Officially, to get a ticket, you need to know the hunting minimum. Roughly speaking, when you can shoot, where to shoot, where it is better not to shoot at whom you can shoot at whom you can’t, and who you, in the end, shot. They, of course, are unlikely to be asked when issuing a ticket, but it is very desirable to know them.

Your application, upon receipt, is considered for no more than five days, after which a decision is made on extradition, or not extradition.

You may be denied for the following reasons:

  • you have not waited for 18 years or are incapacitated, for example, by court;
  • filed erroneous, well, or false, data;
  • you do not have a permanent registration;
  • there is a conviction for an intentional crime;
  • you have already been deprived of the right to hunt, and the deadline has not yet expired.

A ready-made hunting ticket must be obtained by presenting a passport.

If you did not use domestic mail, then the period of receipt does not exceed a week.

Drug test

Before you pass the medical examination, you will need certificates from the narcological and neuropsychiatric dispensaries. Regarding drugs, you will need two certificates, a certificate stating that you are not registered, and a certificate in the form 003-O / U - "Medical report on the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the human body." The latter can be obtained by passing tests, both in district and commercial clinics.

Terms and price will be, depending on the institution, 1 - 5 days from 800 to 2000 rubles. With this order, go to the drug dispensary to get a certificate of not standing and not being registered. For everything about everything, the average for the regions is 500 - 600 rubles. and up to two hours, it all depends on the queue.

HTI forms 003- O / U

References from the psycho-neurological dispensary

This certificate is obtained similarly to the previous one, only instead of analyzes, you will most likely be forced to first do an EEG, which often has a preliminary record. After the EEG, a doctor's appointment and voila, you have a certificate. Up to two hours of time plus a preliminary EEG recording by phone, 400 - 1000 rubles. EEG, 500 rubles. - Doctor visit.

Armory Medical Board

Take all three certificates, a military ID or ascribed, and go to the medical board with them to get an opinion in the form 002-O / U. It can be issued in a district or any commercial clinic. With poor eyesight, it is advisable to arm yourself with glasses or lenses to communicate with an optometrist. On average, the passage requires up to 3 hours and takes from 500 to 1200 rubles.

Weapon courses

Approval requires training in safety and handling firearms, and pass the examination of the commission. Training takes place on licensed courses. Similar services can be found at the local DOSAAF, various security training centers and large hunting organizations. Based on the results, they pass a theoretical exam and practical shooting from a weapon in a shooting range.

At such courses, they are usually not very picky - they answered thoughtfully questions, often on a computer, fired in the right direction from a rifle and a pistol, and that's it. Training takes up to three days, although they usually fit into one day along with exams. Education is possible even remotely, plus a couple of hours for the exam. For everything about 4000 rubles, in Moscow up to 8000 rubles. along with exams.

Application for public services

To obtain a license, you can, of course, contact the licensing and permitting center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in your region, but it is much easier to use the public services portal after registering.

To register, you need a pension number (SNILS), a mobile number and, of course, an E-mail. After filling out everything for registration, you need to activate your account using electronic signature or key. The activation key can be obtained through the Russian Post or at the Rostelecom service center.

After scanning all the documents, see their list above, fill out the application and submit it along with the documents through the public services portal. As a rule, after a few days, you will be contacted by the Licensing and Permitting Department, for a meeting, providing documents, and giving instructions for the district police officer. By this time, it is desirable to pay a one-time fee for issuing a license, now for a smoothbore gun it is 100 rubles.

Sample application for issuing a license for the purchase of hunting weapons -

Buying a safe

By law, your guns must be stored in a gun safe, iron cabinet, or metal-reinforced wooden crate in your area. A proper gun safe should have two locks, an internal closable ammo compartment, a 3mm wall to fit a rifled one, and be bolted to the wall and/or floor. Gun safes are usually tall and, most importantly, heavy, so in order to avoid them falling on household members with subsequent self-harm, it is better to screw them on.

Safe for storing hunting weapons

In theory, the district police officer himself, having received information from the HRRR, should visit you and check the conditions for storing weapons, but it is better to speed up the process by going to the district police officer himself and agreeing on a visit. Based on the results, an act is drawn up and signed, and a seal is put in the regional department.

Obtaining a license

According to the norms of the law, LRRR is given 30 days for registration and issuance of a license, usually they are announced a few days earlier. You drive up to them, with your passport and a copy of the receipt for paying the fee, and you get a license. Without taking into account the travel time, everything takes no more than half an hour.

Buying a gun

The license is given for a period of six months. During this time, you must buy a gun. When buying in a store, the seller fills out the license and gives you the third part. Show permission, by the way, only with a passport. The number of the gun, its system and caliber are entered into the hunting ticket. If the gun is bought from the hands, then the license is filled immediately at the LRRR, where you received it, the gun is immediately reissued to the new owner. After the purchase, within two weeks, you must register the gun in the LRRR by submitting an application and attaching the part of the license given to you.

Getting ROC

But that's not all, the gun is still in your safe. To go hunting with him, you need to get a special permit for storage - ROH. It gives the right to freely transport and carry the gun. In addition, cartridges will not be sold to you without the permission of the ROC.

Usually, an application in the prescribed form is submitted simultaneously with the registration of weapons, a list required documents given above. 14 days are allotted for the procedure for issuing a permit for the LRRR. After these days, you come to the LRRR with a gun and a passport, pay a fee of 10 rubles, check the numbers, and get a permit for storage. Sometimes the district police officer asks, upon receipt of the ROC, to bring him a copy to make a copy so as not to go himself, you can provide him with such a service.

That's all. Happy hunting.


As far as wasted time and money. It is clear that the cheaper, the longer, or the time spent looking for where it is cheaper. But the averages will be as follows.


Considering that many activities, especially on initial stage were carried out simultaneously, the time costs will be as follows:

  • hunting ticket - 5 days;
  • medical certificates, commissions, courses - a working week;
  • obtaining a license - 30 days;
  • obtaining permission from the ROH - 14 days.

A total of two months, if everything is done without delay, and you clearly know the next step. So, while waiting for a license, you can choose a gun, deal with the safe, while you are waiting for a hunting ticket, you can deal with inquiries, etc.


In terms of money, the costs, primarily depending on the region and speed, will be as follows:

  • photo - from 200 to 300 rubles;
  • hunting ticket - free of charge;
  • form 003-O/U, drug test - from 800 to 2000 rubles;
  • certificate from the drug dispensary - 500 - 600 rubles;
  • EEG + certificate from a neuropsychiatric dispensary - 900 - 1500 rubles;
  • certificate 002-O / U, medical board - 500 - 1200 rubles;
  • weapons courses - from 4000 to 8000 rubles;
  • fee for issuing a license - 100 rubles;
  • ROC permit fee - 10 rubles.

Total for everything about everything from 7010 to 13710 rubles., plus a safe, plus a gun, plus a case, plus…

In what cases can they refuse

You may be denied a permit to purchase a weapon for the following reasons:

  • you are under 18;
  • no permanent registration;
  • you provided false data or not all documents, for example, a medical certificate that is not in the form, you are registered with a dispensary, etc.
  • training is not documented;
  • there is an outstanding/unexpunged conviction for an intentional crime;
  • the court has deprived you of the right to own a weapon;
  • less than a year has passed since you committed an administrative offense related to drugs or any other twice;
  • you do not have the prescribed conditions for storing weapons (did not reach an understanding with the district police officer).

All of these can lead to rejection until they are corrected.

P.S. This instruction was written on the basis of the memories and recommendations of people who decided for themselves this problem in 2017, in Moscow, Pskov, Novosibirsk and several other cities of our country.

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