Smelt family (Osmeridae). Smelt fish, its description and photo Is the smelt fish bony or not

Smelt - sea ​​fish, widespread in the northern seas and highly respected by the Scandinavian and Baltic countries. And in St. Petersburg it is considered a symbol of the city. There is even a holiday named after her. However, in Russian expanses far from the cold waters, not every housewife will figure out how to cook such fish, although it is often found on the shelves there. We decided to fill this gap in the culinary education of a significant part of the population and tell how tasty and appetizing this northern fish is prepared. Surely at least one recipe will seem tempting to an amateur cook, and he will treat his family to a new dish.

Smelt fish: benefits and harms

To begin with, we note that this sea creature has an extremely beneficial effect on those who eat it. The indigenous inhabitants of the North are especially grateful to smelt for its increased fat content, thanks to which the body produces more heat, helping a person survive long, cold winters without loss. Moreover, this fat does not spoil the taste of smelt fish at all. The benefit of the fats it contains is also that they prevent various diseases blood vessels, heart and put a reliable barrier to the development of osteoporosis. Due to the high protein content in smelt, muscle mass gain is gaining unprecedented momentum, which is widely used by knowledgeable athletes. And against the development of periodontal disease, smelt is simply invaluable: a drug called “Carotinoly-M” has been developed on its basis. In addition to all these attractive properties of this sea ​​creature its complete harmlessness is attached. Smelt simply has no contraindications - unless you have a personal intolerance to fish as such. Most complete beneficial features They open up when dried, but they are preserved sufficiently no matter how they are cooked.

Classic smelt

The most common way in which smelt (fish) is prepared is by frying it. The carcasses are beheaded with the entrails removed (the caviar, of course, is left behind). In a deep plate, flour is mixed with salt and pepper, each fish is dredged in it, the excess is shaken off - and onto the frying pan. The smelt is fried until crispy and eaten hot: it tastes better this way.

St. Petersburg recipe

Do you want to get a more refined smelt fish (photos of ready-made dishes can be seen in the article)? Follow the advice of residents of the Northern capital. First stage remains the same as described above. However, after frying, the fish fold into glass jar and filled with marinade. For it, a large carrot is coarsely grated or cut into strips, two onions are sliced ​​into half rings, the vegetables are poured with half a liter of water and placed on a lit burner. When the marinade boils, add sugar and salt (one glass at a time), add two bay leaves and about eight peas of allspice. After five minutes, half a glass of vinegar is poured in and the pan is left on low heat for another five minutes. When the marinade has cooled, it is poured into a jar, the lid is closed - and in the refrigerator for three days. Spicy and tender fish will be a pleasant variety on your table.

Oven recipe

Baked smelt fish is also very tasty. How to cook it in the oven? There are several versions. The following seemed to us the most successful. A kilogram of prepared fish is placed in an enamel container, sprinkled with onion juice (for this, the onion is rubbed on a fine grater, collected in cheesecloth and squeezed over a saucepan), and a spoonful of lemon juice. The carcasses are salted and peppered and left for half an hour to marinate. A third of a kilogram of pickled pepper (red) is scalded; the skin is removed from it, after which the pulp is rubbed through a sieve and mixed with a spoon of grated cheese. The fish are laid out in a baking dish, covered with the resulting mixture, sprinkled with oil and placed in the oven for a third of an hour.

Boiled smelt

Not everyone likes boiled water inhabitants. The only exceptions are crustaceans and seafood. However, smelt is a fish that turns out tasty even with this method of preparation. The secret is that before cooking it needs to be salted and kept in this form for about an hour. Then she descends into cold water, to which bay leaf, allspice peas and a whole onion are added. The fish is cooked for about twenty minutes, but its readiness must be constantly monitored: when overcooked, smelt tastes rather boring. It is served with the addition of a small amount of its own broth and horseradish or horseradish sauce.

A pleasant surprise

If you come across a large enough smelt fish (photo above), classic recipe can be complicated, making the final dish worthy of the attention of any gourmet. Only the evisceration stage may seem difficult: you need to remove the entrails from the carcass, without cutting the belly, through the hole where the head was cut off. The washed fish are peppered and salted and set aside while the filling is prepared. For it, three hard-boiled eggs are chopped, chopped with a bunch of herbs (dill, onion, parsley, or, in general, whatever the housewife likes) and seasoned with sour cream. Using a spoon, carefully place the minced meat into each smelt, after which it is dipped in a beaten egg, rolled in breadcrumbs and fried - for a couple of minutes on each side.

Surprise No. 2

Another stuffed smelt. Again, you need large fish. The preparation of the carcasses can be the same as in the previous recipe, or you can do it differently: cut each one from the back and carefully remove the ridge along with the entrails. Champignons (the amount that will be needed to fill the smelt you have) are finely chopped and stewed in any red sauce with the addition of flour until it thickens and the mushrooms are ready. Literally a third of an hour before setting the table, the filling is put into the fish and pinned with toothpicks. The carcasses are dipped in egg, breaded in breadcrumbs and deep-fried. Next it is laid out on a dish and sprinkled with lemon juice and stuffed smelt is seasoned with parsley. Fish will taste better if eaten hot!

Fish under a coat of omelet

It turns out to be a very tender dish, completely independent and very tasty. Smelt is a fish that almost everyone loves. In this version, you can even eat it for breakfast. The smelt is gutted and washed, two onions are chopped into half rings and simmered until transparent. Three eggs are beaten with a small amount of fat milk. The carcasses, salted and peppered, are fried for two minutes, turned over on the other side, sprinkled with frying and poured with the egg mixture. Cover the pan with a lid for five minutes until the omelette is firm.

Delicious smelts

Fans of the foamy drink will surely appreciate this excellent snack, which will satisfy even the most small fish smelt family. Half a kilo of gutted and headless carcasses are washed and dried. From big orange squeeze out the juice - it should be half a glass. The juice is mixed with a spoon of soy sauce. This mixture is poured over the fish and left to marinate for half an hour. Chili flakes, Sichuan pepper and coriander are fried in a dry frying pan - a teaspoon of all spices is taken. As the aroma develops, the seasonings are poured into a mortar and pounded, after which they are mixed with flour and salt. The smelts are strained from the marinade, but not dried, rolled in the resulting mixture and fried in olive oil until golden brown.

Smelt soup

In the first course this small fish sounds great too. True, the fish soup is prepared somewhat differently than we are used to. A couple of potatoes are cut into cubes, an onion is finely chopped, a carrot is cut into halves of circles. All this is put into a saucepan, and quarters of celery root and parsley are added there. Vegetables are filled with water and placed on the stove. After boiling, add laurel, ground pepper and peppercorns, nutmeg and salt. When the vegetables are almost ready, ten prepared smelts are placed in the pan. After five minutes, the soup is removed from the heat, chopped leeks are poured into it, and the dish is infused under the lid for a quarter of an hour. Lunch is ready!

Smelt in Latvian

We have considered almost all options culinary processing: frying, baking, and boiling. But we missed the stewing option. But smelt is a fish that, when stewed, turns out tasty, tender and aromatic. This is how Latvians do it. Half a kilo of fish, gutted and washed, is laid out in a greased frying pan. On top is placed an onion sauteed in oil and flour - a large head will be enough. A couple of tablespoons of chopped parsley are poured on top, the dish is seasoned with pepper and salt and poured with a quarter glass of white wine diluted with a glass of water. The smelt is stewed for 10-15 minutes. The resulting juice is drained, cooled slightly and combined with a small amount of heavy cream. This sauce is poured over the fish, and the stew lasts another five minutes. A delicate dish can be brought to the table.

The small fish smelt is popular among fishermen and is abundant in cold seas. It forms great view the smelt family, and smelt is one of the many species of this family. Fish is one of the most delicious commercial species.

The photo clearly shows that the fish is small in size with small and delicate scales of a silvery color. Its body is elongated and usually reaches 20-30 cm in length, but there are rare specimens that can grow up to 40cm. The fish's eyes are black, its back is gray or greenish, and its fins are transparent. A live fish looks more attractive than in the photo.

Since smelt belongs to the salmon family, the mouth is small in size with numerous large teeth. Usually smelt weighs 15-30g, but sometimes more, it all depends on the habitat of the species. Freshly caught fish smells like fresh cucumbers or watermelon. The smelt lives from 1 to 10 years.

Distribution and habitat

Fish loves to live in the northern seas, as well as lakes, bays and estuaries of Russian, Baltic and Scandinavian rivers. Smelt lives in large schools in sandy areas of seas or lakes, and for spawning it chooses river mouths where there is no fast current.

Smelt can be either Asian, European or smallmouth. European look lives not only in the northern regions of Russia and Western Europe, due to acclimatization, the fish descended to the Volga basins. Asian view found in coastal areas of the seas Pacific Ocean, in the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. The smallmouth lives near the Pacific Ocean, in Kamchatka, near the Kuril Islands and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Small fish has a good appetite, she is voracious, especially in summer and autumn. Smaller smelts are often found in her stomach, this is explained by the fact that the predatory species eats her in those reservoirs where there is no other food. Basically, the food of young smelt consists of small animals, such as crustaceans - daphnia, cypris, cyclops, planktonic algae; mature individuals often eat small fish and caviar. The photo clearly shows that the fish has sharp and rather large teeth for its small size.

The fish is very tenacious, a distinctive feature of smelt is that after it is taken out of the water, it can remain alive for several hours in a row. This is explained by the structure of its gills; they have two cavities in which water is stored.

Mature smelt spawning

  1. Since the lifespan of this type of fish is different, maturity does not occur at the same age. If smelt lives up to 3 years, then it reaches maturity at 1-2 years, if it lives 2-4 years, then it is ready to spawn at 3-4 years. Siberian individuals, which can live up to 10 years and even 12, become mature after 5-7 years.
  2. Immediately after the ice drift, the fish begins to spawn as soon as the water temperature becomes +4 o C, the peak of spawning occurs when the water reaches +6 o C and +9 o C. The fish goes to streams, shallow and large rivers, often traveling long distances to lay their eggs. The entire spawning process takes several days.
  3. Females lay their eggs at the very bottom; thanks to the adhesive surface of the shell, the eggs are easily fixed in one place. A lot of eggs do not survive, they are eaten by predators that remain alive, after half a month they turn into larvae, then they end up in the sea with the current. At first they eat only algae, but very soon they move on to more substantial food.

Fishing for smelt, photos and videos

Fish is a commercial species, hundreds of thousands of tons of it are caught every year all over the world. Fishermen are also willing to catch smelt, since the fish’s bite is almost always active and such fishing is exciting for many amateurs fishing. The fish bite most actively in December and in one fishing trip you can catch several kilograms of fish.

What can you cook from smelt?

This type of fish contains a lot of useful substances for the body, it rich in healthy protein, fats, there is especially a lot of sodium in it. This element is required for of cardio-vascular system and providing cells with glucose. The entire supply of nutrients is easily and quickly absorbed by the body.

Smelt is almost always eaten with the bones, which is also good for joints and bones and prevents osteoporosis. The high content of vitamin A helps improve vision, as well as obtain the necessary and important collagen.

Fish is very healthy eat for preventive purposes many diseases, it improves metabolic processes, so it can be an ideal food for those who want to lose weight. Fish is always popular and affordable for many people.

It must be said that fish can also cause harm to the body if there is one that lives in polluted waters. In such a habitat, smelt accumulates heavy metals and harmful substances, so it is better not to eat fish caught in contaminated water.

Fish of the smelt family. Anadromous, but there are also isolated lake populations. It has a large distribution area and is one of the most numerous of this family.

Types of smelt

The following types are distinguished:

  • European (or smelt);
  • Asian toothed (or American);
  • marine smallmouth.

In addition to purely physiological differences, they differ in weight and lifespan. Smelt lives up to 3 years, weighs 6-8 g, length 9-10 cm. Siberian smelt lives 9-12 years, grows 30-35 cm in length and gains weight up to 350 g. In species that mature longer longer duration life.

Appearance and lifestyle of smelt

Asian and European smelt

The body is elongated, the scales are large, easily falling off. She has a large mouth, silvery sides of the body, and a brown-green back. Freshly caught, it smells like fresh cucumbers.

The European species differs from the Asian one in having weak teeth and a shortened lateral line.

Habitats of European smelt

Lives in the North and Baltic seas and their basins, in Lakes Onega and Ladoga. Ozernaya (dwarf) is found in lakes of Russia (in the north-west of its European part), in northern countries Western Europe.

It lends itself well to acclimatization. Smelt descended into the Volga basin (from White Lake) and is found in the Saratov, Rybinsk, Kuibyshev, and Gorky reservoirs.

European view from the “small ones”. The smelt weighs 6-8 g, grows to 9-10 cm in length. Naturally, it lives short - up to 3 years.

Habitats of Asian smelt

Lives in the north Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans. The places it inhabits are pre-estuarine areas of rivers and coastal zones of seas.

In the north, within Russia, it is distributed from White Sea to the Bering Strait. In America - the Cape Barrow-Mackenzie River section. In the western part of the Pacific Ocean - from Chukotka to Korea and Japan. It is found in the Razdolnaya River (Peter the Great Bay), in the Amur, on Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk coast, and Kamchatka.

Dimensions and weight depend on the region of residence. The largest (up to 34 cm and up to 345 g) is caught in the White Sea. Lives 10-11 years.

Smallmouth smelt

The differences are more pronounced. She has a small mouth, protruding forward lower jaw. The dorsal fin is shorter than that of its “relatives” and is located, like the ventral ones, in the middle of the body. The marine one is smaller in length, its lateral line is shorter and is composed of 9-13 scales.

Habitats of sea smallmouth smelt

The range is mainly the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. It is found in Kamchatka and in coastal areas from it to northern Korea. The Far Eastern species has “chosen” the bay named after them for permanent habitat. Peter the Great, Sakhalin, southern Kuril Islands. It is found even in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

It grows up to 25 cm, reaches a weight of 160 g, and life expectancy is up to 8 years.

What does smelt eat?

The main component of the diet is zooplankton (cladocerans, calanids, mysids, cumaceans, copepods). A significant portion of the food consists of juveniles and caviar.

Actively feeds in autumn and summer. This happens near the shores where it lives.

Smelt spawning


The lifespan of species varies, respectively different period reproduction. In smelts that live up to 3 years, spawning occurs at 1-2 years of age. In the Baltic smelt after 2-4 years of life, in the White Sea after 3-4, in the Siberian (lives up to 12 years) after 5-7.

Spawning progress

Spawning follows immediately after ice drift, when the water warms up to +4°C and picks up the pace during the period +6°C…+9°C. To do this, the fish rises into rivers and streams, sometimes covering considerable distances. For example, in Elbe it travels up to 100 km to the places where it lays eggs. And in the White Sea area - from several hundred meters to 2-3 km. The massive process takes several days.

Peculiarities of spawning of smallmouth sea smelt

Becomes sexually mature at 1-2 years of age. During its entire life it spawns no more than 3 times. The spawning period in the southern part of the range is April-May, in the northern part later - in June. Caviar is deposited in the surf zone of the seas, on algae, and sandy bottom. At one time it releases 8.5-35 thousand eggs.

Fishing for smelt - where to fish, gear, fishing tactics

In St. Petersburg, they begin to actively peck at the beginning of winter - in December. Small specimens are caught and the catch of 400-500 pieces does not exceed 5-6 kg. The beginning of the hunting period for large fish is the end of January-beginning of February.

Fishing is interesting and exciting, especially if the bite is active. But it requires skill and endurance from the angler.

Smelt fishing spots

The best spots for fishing in the Gulf of Finland are a canal near the village of Manula (4 km from the city of Primorsk) and a coastal area within the city of Vysotsk.

The canal is artificial, located one hundred meters parallel to the shore and has a depth of more than 30 meters. Due to the difference in depth, the place is abundant with smelt, mostly small ones, but there are also medium-sized ones.

The city of Vysotsk has shallower depths (12-13 m). The fish is small, but bites actively. The place is catchable, but due to the size of the catch, it is better to come here before the beginning of January, and then look for places with larger individuals.

When choosing a fishing spot for large smelt, take into account the ice conditions in the bay. According to this indicator, its southern coast is preferable: the area of ​​​​the villages of Krasnoflotsk, Krasnaya Gorka, Lebyazhye. This coast pleases with decent-sized prey - 1 kg of catch is 10-12 specimens. Under favorable conditions, fishing in winter brings up to 13 kg per day. The disadvantages of this place include the instability of the ice situation: there are many “fresh” cracks and frequent ice breaks from the shore.

If the danger of reaching the ice on the southern shore is high, fishing continues on the opposite, northern shore. There are many places for fishing. The most attractive ones start from “ Scarlet Sails"(24th km). The bottom of the bay in this area is flat, there are no large differences.

When the bite fades, try fishing near the village of Peski. The bottom here is uneven, the depth difference reaches 3 m. Between the 28th and 29th km, its relief levels out and the amount of smelt caught depends only on its approach.

The area of ​​km 33 is known for unstable ice conditions. Although the catch here is always decent. Further, along the coast, there is a row of cans, where, if you know the area, you can go fishing well.

Okuneva Bay (44th km) ends the area where catches are stable. These places are known for unpredictable ice conditions - ice is safe only on a strip up to 4 km wide along the coast.

Further, the coast is protected by the Berezovye Islands and the ice remains (up to 56 km) reliably until spring. They are caught 4-5 km from the shore, the fish are large – 22-24 pieces. per 1 kg. The last ice brings rich catches, and you can fish closer to the shore.

The size of the catch, in addition to luck, is influenced by the size of the school entering the bay, which affects the activity of biting at any time of the day. The approach of the flock depends on the currents caused by the tides. Moreover, this dependence is different in different places. The weather does not affect smelt (its behavior, bite), which cannot be said about fishermen. To always have a catch, study the features of the bottom topography and fish in the selected places for more than one year.

Tackle for catching smelt

The simplest gear is used. The main thing in their design is convenience, since the process is long and the production is numerous. Therefore, it is important to minimize effort, which affects overall fatigue.

You can use purchased products; it is less expensive to make fishing rods yourself. For example, a cylindrical handle is machined from dense foam and equipped with two support legs. For nods (8-10 cm in length), a twisted spring is used, its free end is equipped with a red foam ball.

The fishing line used is 0.30-0.25 mm in diameter; this parameter does not affect the bite. Rigid types that curl tightly and interfere with the process are not suitable. Due to constant contact with ice, the fishing line becomes unusable in one season and a new one is purchased the next.

Reels are supplied with those fishing rods that are used this moment are caught. They are usually used 2-3. Due to their rare use, it is not practical to equip the remaining spare rods with reels in advance.

Luminous jigs are used: purchased or made independently. Preference should be given to those that glow longer in the dark. They can be different in shape; spindle-shaped gives good results. Hooks must be sharp and in size appropriate to the prey that is intended to be caught.

The need for jigs for fishing is 2-15 pcs. and depends on the fishing conditions. A large amount is spent on equipping fishing rods - “whatnots”, designed for simultaneous fishing of all layers of water. They are placed one meter in height to the upper level of the horizon, which is fished.

Standard tackle has 2-3 jigs. The bottom one is tied 4-5 cm higher than the sinker, the second one is 20 cm higher, the third one is 1 m higher from the second one. The main sinker weighs 45 g and is usually teardrop-shaped. When fishing for small fish, its weight is reduced to 25-30 g.

When biting is active, luminous rippers and small (1-3 cm) twisters are used instead of jigs. When first used, they are treated with flavorings. This type of tackle allows you to save time during the season on securing the nozzle.

Tactics for catching smelt

The beginning and middle of the season are not rich in catches. To improve the result, give up fishing “in the crowd” and look for “wild” places without large differences in depth. These conditions correspond to areas beyond the 33rd km.

After finding a school, 8-9 fishing rods are put out. It is better to place them in a checkerboard pattern, diagonally or across the direction of the flow. Lack of a bite is a reason to move the fishing rod to another place. The holes need to be cleared of snow and sludge more often.

To increase the catchability of the tackle in weak currents, the line must be released 3-4 turns. This leads to improved jig play and an increase in the number of bites. More line release reduces the quality of the hooking.

Lures and attachments for catching smelt

The main species are smelt, perch, and ruff. They are the same in terms of production. Which one is better is determined on the spot. Pieces are attached, which are previously cut into small cubes from the sirloin. IN winter time the nozzle can be crab sticks, hake meat, other seafood.

An eelpout is used as a bait. It is durable and is used for active biting and the use of “whatnot” fishing rods.

The bite improves with frequent changing of the nozzle. Constantly illuminating the jigs and twitching the fishing rods with a small amplitude helps.

A small spoon, 5-6 cm long, is also used for fishing. It should be light, double-sided, preferably yellow-white. Hooks (preferably without a barb) up to size 5 are soldered into it.

The bite is brisk, so you need to have an excellent reaction. In order not to tear off the fish's jaw, the hook must be done gently.

Catching smelt in St. Petersburg

Smelt in St. Petersburg is one of the unofficial symbols. Catching it turns into a citywide celebration. With the beginning of the season, everyone who knows how to hold a fishing rod at least a little goes out on the ice. She gets caught when making the right choice plenty of space for simple gear. This holiday includes eating the catch in fried, which is similar to consuming divine ambrosia.

Recipes for cooking smelt dishes

Smelt soup recipe

First prepare the broth. Use 2 potatoes, 1 onion, celery roots (1/4 pcs.), parsley (1/4 pcs.). After boiling, reduce the heat and add black pepper (4 peas), Bay leaf(2 pcs.), salt, nutmeg. Boil until soft, then strain and put on fire.

Fresh smelt (10 pieces) are cleaned and added to the broth. The soup is brought to a boil, after 3 minutes it is turned off and poured into the tureen. For beauty and aroma, sprinkle with chopped parsley and dill.

Frying smelt

The most common dish. Fresh smelt is cleaned, decapitated, and the entrails are removed. The finished carcasses are rolled in flour and salt and placed in a heated frying pan with oil (olive, sunflower). After frying on one side, turn it over to the other. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes.

According to another recipe, the prepared fish is salted and kept for an hour. Then dip in a beaten egg (add a little water), roll in flour and then fry in hot oil. Served with vegetable salad.

Baking smelt in the oven

Clean, put in a tray, spray vegetable oil, salt, pepper. Place in an oven preheated to 220ᵒC and bake for 20 minutes.

To add piquancy to the dish, before putting it in the oven, sprinkle with a mixture of coriander and paprika seeds crushed in a mortar (1/4 tsp). Cooking can be done with a mixture made from other spices, such as thyme and garlic. Before putting in the oven, sprinkle with lemon juice.

For lovers of dishes with sauces, there is another recipe for cooking in the oven, in which it is cooked in tomato. Place half a kilogram of tomatoes canned in their own juice into the tray, add ½ cup of water, sugar (1 tsp), half a bunch of parsley, salt, mix everything. Pre-fried smelt (600 g) is placed in the sauce, sprinkled with chopped garlic, whole cherry tomatoes (300 g) are added, and watered with vegetable oil. The tray is placed in the oven for 40 minutes.

Smoking smelt

Before smoking, they clean, gut, wash, put in a pan, sprinkle with pepper and salt. Cover the container with a lid and place it in a cool place for a day. Then they are removed from the brine, wiped, strung on hooks, hung in a smokehouse and smoked with cold smoke for 2 days.

Ideal consumption per kg of fish: 6 g ground black allspice; 100 g salt; 2 g sodium benzonate.

How to dry smelt

According to one method, peeled potatoes are thrown into a container of water and salt is added (stirring) until the potatoes float to the surface. Add soy sauce(320 ml per 12 l), lay the smelt and load it with a 3-5 kilogram load.

After 5-7 hours (time depends on the size of the raw material), add a tablespoon of vinegar. After another hour, remove from the brine, rinse with running water and leave for an hour to drain. Then washed in sweetened water. After an hour, the fish is hung on a rope and dried in a well-ventilated area.

Another method is dry salting. Uneviscerated fish are placed in layers in a container, sprinkled with salt at the rate of 1 tsp per kg. salt. Leave it uncovered for a day, take it out, wash it, string it by the tail onto a rope and dry it as in the previous recipe.

The third recipe involves salting with an excess amount of salt. The fish is sprinkled with salt until a coat of salt is formed, kept under it for 5-8 hours, then laid out on multi-layer paper. After 3-5 hours, the excess juice drains and the smelt is hung by the head on a rope for drying.

The small fish smelt is very popular among domestic fishermen. It brings a lot of pleasure while fishing, and smelt meat has a special, refined taste. The richness of the catch will depend on the right time and place for fishing. Based on the seasonal behavior of the cucumber fish, the optimal fishing method and equipment are selected.

Smelt fish different regions has names such as smelt, naked, root and root. She is a member of the smelt family. Distinctive feature the fish's small scales became translucent. On the back it shimmers with bluish-green shades, and on the rest of the body the color is yellowish-white. The fins of smelt can be colorless or gray. Unlike similar freshwater fish(, dace) there is an additional fin on the back of the smelt.

There are teeth in the fish's mouth and on its tongue. In males, the lower jaw protrudes somewhat, and before the mating season they have many tubercles on their heads. The body length ranges from 10-40 cm, and the maximum weight is 350 g.

There are many varieties of smelt. Domestic fishermen most often encounter the following species.

  • Smelt has a short lifespan (2-3 years), and individuals of this species become sexually mature a year after birth. The length of smelt reaches only 10 cm and weighs 6-8 g.
  • The most major representative smelt is a Siberian subspecies. This fish lives up to 12 years, growing to 35-40 cm in length and gaining a weight of 350 g.

Spotted! The later the smelt becomes sexually mature, the longer the fish lives and grows larger.


Depending on their habitat, smelt have a certain division.

  • European smelt lives in Lakes Ladoga and Onega, as well as in the basins of the Baltic and North Seas. It has a short lateral line and poorly defined teeth. Smelt is often called a dwarf European subspecies that lives in freshwater areas. The population of this fish began to increase in the Volga basin, while the “stock” in White Lake was decreasing.

Photo 1. Lake Ladoga.

  • Lake smelt is found in some lakes in the northwestern part of Russia. It is mined on an industrial scale.
  • Asian or American smelt is common in the Arctic and Pacific Oceans. The fish has a longer lateral line and strong teeth.
  • On Far East There is another species called smallmouth smelt. This fish lives in coastal areas and often enters freshwater areas.
  • Capelin also belongs to the smelt family. However, this fish is not caught with amateur gear, since its habitat has become the northernmost waters, far from the shores densely populated by people.


Despite their small size, all types of smelt are voracious. The bulk of the daily diet consists of zooplankton. However, this small fish is not averse to feasting on fry, which is not much smaller than it.

Smelts love various small animal organisms. Numerous swarms destroy fish eggs, insect larvae, as well as amphipods, daphnia and cyclops.

Since smelt is not too picky about its diet, and also acclimatizes quite easily to new conditions, it began to be artificially bred in industrial quantities. This requires a deep pond with cold running water. Lakes located in the central part of Russia are best suited for fish farming.

Behavior by season

Schools of smelt lead a fairly active lifestyle throughout the year. But for fans of fishing with fishing rods, winter and spring are the most attractive. From summer to late autumn, the fish spends time in the sea away from the coast. Therefore, at this time, fishermen are unable to catch it with a fishing rod. Some species can live near the shore throughout the year; in such places you can constantly catch “cucumber fish”.

  • In winter, after freeze-up, schools of smelt enter bays and estuaries, where they find food. The fish occupy horizons ranging from 6 to 25 m. In pursuit of a feeding school, fishermen often have to travel several kilometers across the ice.
  • comes even closer to coastline, preparing for the mating season. At this time, the fish feeds at a depth of 4 to 6 m.

Observation! The easiest way to find an active school of smelt is to look for a crowd of anglers. If you sit alone a few tens of meters from a gathering of competitors, you may not get a bite.


Before the mating season, most sexually mature representatives of smelt go through a different migratory route. Its length depends on its habitat. If the species live in the White Sea, then the Yenisei relatives can travel about 1 thousand kilometers. The flocks spend approximately 3-4 months on this move. Amur individuals go to spawning grounds, which are located within 300 km. And coastal smelts enter rivers no further than 20 km. Lake inhabitants prefer to lay eggs at the mouths of inflowing rivers.

As soon as the water warms up to 4ºC, the first individuals begin to spawn. The most massive smelt spawning occurs after the water temperature reaches 7-10ºС. Accordingly, the timing of the marriage period differs significantly. In water areas Western Russia the beginning of spawning dates back to March, while in the east of the country spawning occurs from April to May, and in Siberia mating season observed only in summer.

The duration of spawning is limited to 2-3 days, after which the fish leaves the spawning ground. The masonry is located at a depth of up to 2 m, where there are stones, tree roots or abundant vegetation.

The eggs hatch into fry after 15-20 days. They immediately go downstream, feeding on plankton. As they grow older, they become eggs and fish fry.

Fishing methods by season

Depending on the smelt fishing season, a suitable fishing method is selected. Since the size of the fish is small, the fishing rod should be light and elegant.

Gear and bait used

Fishing gear that is used for fishing for smelt can be divided into winter and summer. Each group of fishing rods has certain equipment secrets.

Having installed a dozen tyrants, the fisherman can only watch the nods. From time to time you can approach each tackle to play along with the bait.

To catch a nimble schooling fish with the smell of cucumber, you need to stock up on attractive baits. They are natural and artificial.

  • The best natural baits are baits. It could be worms or fish meat. Smelt has its own preferences for fish meat, which is explained by the food supply. In some regions, carp or carp works well. Somewhere, perch or perch meat attracts smelt better. And St. Petersburg fishermen successfully catch borage using eelpout.
  • Among artificial baits, I would like to mention foam rubber, which is painted white or yellow. The bait holds the hook well, and the bright color attracts fish. The best spinners are considered to be light, narrow-bodied silver-colored baits. Tandems of vertical spinners and phosphorus jigs have proven themselves well.

Catching smelt using amateur gear is popular in different regions of Russia. Local fishermen use their own set of gear and bait. It is important to take this point into account when going fishing.

, how to choose fresh smelt, composition of smelt, description of smelt fish, benefits of smelt for humans, harm of smelt for humans, is it possible to eat smelt, can children eat smelt, smelt festival in St. Petersburg

In springtime in St. Petersburg, a scent appears on the city streets fresh cucumbers, and all because fishermen bring tasty and healthy smelt fish, which surprisingly has such a smell, for which it received a comic nickname from fishermen - fish-vegetable.

Description of smelt fish

Smelt has become traditional dish late spring in St. Petersburg. We loved this representative of salmon fish for delicate taste meat, for quick cooking. The smelt fish is not at all large in size and not the brightest in appearance: no more than 30 cm in length, and an adult specimen, colored dark and light, reaches 350 grams of weight gray, with a greenish tint on the back, with iridescent scales.

In nature smelt fish prefers cold waters, so it stays close to the bottom. Distinctive feature smelt can be called a wide mouth with a large number of teeth, which are quite large for the modest size of the fish itself, so don’t let yourself be bitten!

The scales of smelt are moderately shiny and quite soft, making them easy to peel off in a few movements with a simple knife. The fish themselves, unlike most of their relatives, are able to remain alive on land for up to several hours, which increases their freshness and is very convenient for fishermen and buyers.

Smelt fish: benefits and harm - composition

In addition to its excellent taste, smelt also has undoubted benefits for the human body, and this is due to its very good composition, like most fish.

Smelt meat consists of proteins and fats, water and ash, and contains a large number of vitamins and minerals given in the table.

Smelt fish - composition: protein, fats, water and ash.


Quantity per 100 g. smelts

1.5 grams


Retinol or vitamin A (15 mcg), B1 (0.01 mg), B2 (0.12 mcg), B3 (1.45 mcg), B6 ​​(0.15 mg), B9 (4 mcg), B12 (3 .44 mcg), vitamin E (0.5 mg), D (0.8 mcg), K (0.1 mcg), B4 (65 mg)


Potassium (290 mg), Calcium (60 mg), Magnesium (35 mg), Sodium (60 mg), Phosphorus (230 mg)


Manganese (700 mg), Selenium (36.5 mcg), Copper (139 mcg), Zinc (1.65 mcg), Iron (0.9 mg)

Nicotinic, pantothenic (B5) and folic

As can be seen from the table, despite the sufficient fat content, smelt does not have a high calorie content, and even people who are watching their figure or on a diet can eat it.

Small smelt can be eaten whole, with bones; this is especially useful for people suffering from osteoporosis. Thanks to smelt you will restore the balance of micro- and macroelements.

The rich composition of smelt generally has a beneficial effect on human health, especially for the following organs and systems:

  • Smelt strengthens bones and joints.
  • Helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Smelt increases brain productivity.
  • Smelt helps reduce stress, fatigue, and improves mood [there is no arguing here, smelt is very tasty and cannot help but improve your mood, find out and try it yourself].

So useful and delicious product It is not capable of causing harm to health; it can be eaten by everyone: children, adults, and the elderly.

Smelt can be harmful in two cases: if you are unlucky enough to be allergic to it, and if the smelt was caught in a dirty pond.

Smelt caught in a dirty pond may be tasty and no different from ordinary fish in appearance, but inside it may contain heavy metals, wastewater products or industrial and agricultural products. Buy smelt in trusted places, better and cheaper from familiar fishermen. The price often depends on, it makes sense to study the issue in advance so as not to end up with a low-quality product.

Can children have smelt?

As mentioned earlier, smelt is extremely useful product, and of course it can be given to children. Naturally, we are not talking about infants, but children who eat meat and other adult foods can be given smelt. I would not give fried smelt, perhaps it is better to just boil it, or remove the fried meat and give only pieces of meat free from bones.

Smelt will only strengthen the bones and joints of a young body and can even improve vision, this is especially true for schoolchildren who spend a lot of time reading and on the computer.

Give children smelt for the first time in small quantities to assess whether the child has an allergy and, if something happens, take action, because the less allergen gets in, the easier it is to deal with the consequences.

How to choose fresh smelt

Smelt can be Baltic, Neva and Ladoga, and even Far Eastern [but this is a completely different smelt]. In the Baltic, in the Neva and on Ladoga, the smelt is the same, only in a different time period of its migration route. There is an opinion that the current in the Neva is stronger and the strongest and most big fish, and judging by the counters, it's true.

You can choose fresh smelt like any other fish according to appearance and smell.

For fresh smelt:

  • There should be no fat or mucus on the carcass.
  • The gills should be bright red.
  • There should be a smell of fresh cucumbers.
  • The eyes should not be cloudy; they become cloudy after freezing [which is typical, the smell of cucumbers does not disappear after freezing].
  • The pupil should be narrow; if it is dilated, then the fish has already laid down.

Petersburg smelt - history

Smelt is highly cultivated in St. Petersburg, and is almost a symbol of the city in late spring - early summer. St. Petersburg residents fell in love with smelt so much that they even came up with Smelt Day: mass celebrations are organized in Lenexpo, with cooking and tasting of smelt, mass entertainment, competitions and a fish market.

The love story of St. Petersburg and smelt is shrouded in all sorts of legends and secrets. There is an opinion that Peter I initially fell in love with smelt and he popularized it among the people and even supported fishermen, and gave it the name Tsar Fish. The second story talks about the life-saving smelt during the siege of Leningrad, which saved many city residents from hunger in the spring. To believe or not to believe in legends is everyone’s business.

The main thing is that smelt fish healthy and tasty and will perfectly diversify your table, both adults and children will like it and there is something for every taste and budget.

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