How will Moses be a short name? The name Moses in the Orthodox calendar (Saints). Love and marriage

  • The name Moses has Jewish roots.
  • Moses - Foster-son the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh, who found him in a basket floating on the river.
  • In the Bible, Moses is the brother of Aaron and Miriam, the leader, legislator and creator of the religion of the Jews, who is credited with the authorship of five books (the Pentateuch), Old Testament and many miracles during the exodus of the Jews from Egypt.
  • The patron saint of the name in the calendar is considered to be the prophet Moses, the Seer of God.
  • One day to young Moses The Lord appeared and ordered him to become the leader of the Jewish people and lead them to the promised land in order to save them from endless suffering and humiliation.
  • Moses led the Jews through the desert, and with God's help he obtained water and food for them.
  • The Lord spoke to the people through Moses, the people received laws and commandments.


  • Translated from Hebrew as “child”; The Egyptian translation of the name Moses is “taken from the water.”


  • This is a problem-free child who does not cause trouble to teachers and parents.
  • He has many friends, does well at school, plays music, and loves to read.
  • Most often, Moses has many brothers and sisters, but he grows up independent and very kind.
  • Outwardly he looks like his mother, loves to help her with housework.
  • “Winter” Moses often suffers from colds.
  • They prefer not to stand out from the crowd and selflessly help those who need help.
  • “December” are stubborn and grumpy, but at the same time obligatory.
  • He gets married late.
  • Moses loves to argue, has an analytical mind, has the ability to exact sciences.
  • Moses, born Lot, is reasonable, hardworking, but shy, he does everything thoroughly and slowly.
  • A fanatic of his work.
  • These are excellent tailors, writers, artists, accountants, lawyers, doctors and, sometimes, church ministers.
  • Moses is inquisitive, an excellent craftsman, every little thing is important to him.
  • Doesn't like traveling, prefers to sit in one place.
  • Overall it is responsive and soft man, does not tolerate deception.


  • The word Moses is associated with something safe.


  • Camel.


  • Blue.


  • Turquoise.

Zodiac sign

  • The name suits Virgos, Capricorns, Taurus and Sagittarius.

Harmony with

  • Bella,
  • Larisa,
  • Maria,
  • Nellie,
  • Pauline,

Incompatible with

  • Inessa,
  • Kira,
  • Christina

Name day

  • January 27, February 7, March 8, June 29, August 8, August 10, August 21, September 10, September 17, October 11, October 24.

Moses - familiar to all people who have studied the Bible, male name with the legendary interpretation: “taken, rescued from the water.”

Origin of the name

In the minds of millions of believers who know biblical stories, the name Moses, the meaning of a name for a child, is associated with all the chosen people. There is no doubt that this nickname is Hebrew, popular among the Indians.

general characteristics

Little Monya is an affectionate, obedient child. He tries to help his mother, does not contradict his father’s instructions, and takes to heart comments regarding his childhood clumsiness. Moishe rejoices if he can please his family and is upset if things do not go well in his hands.

Moses is a vulnerable boy with a fine spiritual structure. He feels the slightest details, changes in nature, watches with interest the growth of plants or is surprised by the trills of birds. The boy’s artistic taste is worth developing, since for Moses creativity can become the basis for a future profession.

Monechka studies diligently, although she cannot always boast of success in comprehending mathematical sciences. The guy gravitates towards humanities, his strong point is history and literature. In her spare time, the young talent loves to draw and talk about the meaning of life.

The gentle, dissident boy has few friends; he himself does not strive to win the favor of his peers. Moses is much more interested in enjoying alone listening to different genres of music or doing sculpting and art. Among the boy's friends - historical novels and encyclopedia of the arts.

The young man’s isolation, inaccessibility and aristocratic manners do not go unnoticed by the opposite sex; in his youth, Motya easily starts affairs, but the relationship does not last long. The beautiful half of humanity is represented by numerous unique specimens - why not explore each of them!

A man gets married late, when he realizes that a bright, gentle soul is not always hidden behind external beauty.

He is inclined to have many children, will not cheat on his wife and will not forgive betrayal on her part. Loves romance in relationships.

Positive character traits

Moses is hardworking and kind, and most importantly, talented. His imagination is not confined within a limited framework - the young man thinks broadly and unconventionally, which makes him stand out positively against the background of the gray office “plankton”.

Moses will devote a lot of effort to any profession, but he will not stay long at an unloved job; he will prefer to leave and look for a new business that he will like.

The bearer of the name will create family comfort with his own hands - men's work will not trust strangers around the house.

Negative traits

Moses has a predisposition to bad habits. If a guy does not find understanding from his loved ones for a long time, and does not find time to engage in creativity, he may “get into the bottle.”

Zodiac sign

  • If your long-awaited son Born during the reign of the constellation Virgo, the name Moses suits him more than others.
  • The mysterious Proserpina has many wards - Moses is one of them.
  • The color of sea wave, blue, green, ash (optional) emphasizes the inner strength of the bearer of the name.
  • Turquoise or sapphire are suitable stones for Moses. If the stone is framed in silver, it will enhance the energy of the punchy young man.


Moisha, Mosya, Monya, Monechka, Moichik, Moik, Moiseika, Moiseichik, Moyushka, Mosenka, Motya, Moka.

Name options

Moishe, Moishe, Moises, Movses, Moses.

Historical figures

  • OK. 410 – approx. 490 – Armenian historian Movses Khorenatsi (Moses of Khorensky).
  • Unknown - 1043 - Orthodox saint Moses Ugrin.
  • 1782 – 1862 – Schema-Archimandrite Orthodox Church, Venerable Moses of Optina.
  • 1812 – 1875 – German philosopher, supporter of vulgar communism Moses Hess.
  • 1860 – 1924 – Russian artist Moses Maimon.
  • 1869 – 1958 – Russian photographer, portrait painter Moisey Nappelbaum.
  • 1885 – 1964 – Soviet, Russian engineer, cinematographer Moisey Aleinikov.
  • 1887 – 1995 – Russian, French artist Moisey Khatskelevich (creative pseudonym – Marc Chagall).
  • 1889 – 1942 – Russian logician, philosopher, mathematician Moses Sheinfinkel.
  • 1891 – 1919 – Odessa raider, known in criminal circles as Mishka Yaponchik, Moses Vinntsky.
  • 1891 – 1953 – French artist Moses Kisling.
  • 1892 – 1946 – Soviet architect Moisei Ginzburg.
  • 1895 – 1946 – Soviet artist, film director Moisey Levin.
  • 1898 – 1939 – Soviet intelligence officer, Captain Moses Axelrod.
  • 1904 – 1966 – Soviet, Jewish poet Moses Teif.
  • 1907 – 1988 – Soviet engineer, architect Moisey Shkud.
  • 1919 – 1943 – Soviet poet Moses Rybakov.
  • 1919 – 1996 – Polish, Russian composer Moses Weinberg.
  • 1927 – 2010 – Soviet poet Moisey Efimov.
  • 1936 – 1995 – Soviet, Belarusian teacher, violinist Moisey Shvayshtein.
  • Born 1935 – Russian industrial analyst Moisey Gelman.
  • Born 1994 - American actor Moises Arias.

Name day

  • January 27
  • 07 February
  • March 08
  • June 29
  • 08, 10, 21 August
  • September 10, 17
  • October 11, 24

The name Moses is now quite rare, although it was very common in the centuries before and last. Researchers attribute this to the fact that modern society the tradition of naming children in accordance with the calendar has been lost, as well as the fact that Orthodox faith in our country in the last century was, to put it mildly, not held in high esteem.

The origin of the name Moses is biblical; translated from Hebrew it means “saved from the water.” According to a less popular interpretation, the word "Moses" can be translated as "child." There is also a version according to which the meaning of the name is simply “man”.

The name came to Russia along with the Bible and biblical prophet Moses. In other countries, it is still popular to call boys with this “prophetic” name. However, everywhere the sound of the name will be different: the Arabic “Moses” became Musa, the American - Moses, the Jewish - Moishe, the Polish - Moizhes.

However " historical reference” and knowledge of the literal translation of the name can say little about its meaning in the life of its owner. Which key points Should I pay attention first?

  • What will the boy's character be like?
  • What traits will he be enriched with as a teenager?
  • What profession is Moses most likely to choose for himself as an adult?
  • How will his personal life develop?

It has been observed that very often Moses is born in large families, while the boys grow up very independent and calm, without causing unnecessary worries to their parents, who already have enough trouble.

On the contrary, little Monya - best helper with housework for older family members, while not trying to “bargain” for any benefits for himself for his help. Little Moses also helps his friends, of whom he usually has a lot, and they are also ready to come to their friend’s aid.

Often, the owners of the name already in childhood show an ability to draw or play music. It is important that parents notice this and help their children’s talent develop. In this case, the artistic or musical field in the future may become a field of professional activity for Moses.

Parents are unlikely to have to worry about Monya's school grades. It is of great importance that Moses is usually endowed with good logical and analytical abilities, and he is interested in studying precise subjects. Therefore, the boy’s knowledge is not superficial, but quite deep and accurate.

The attitude of others towards a young man named Moses is, as a rule, respectful and friendly, since he is decent and responsive. The guy knows how to be a pleasant conversationalist even in conversations on the most complex topics. Despite the manner of conversation, he really likes to prove his own point of view with arguments.

Accuracy and calculation

The desire to be visible is not a trait that the name Moses imparts to its bearers. Such a man prefers to mind his own business - this gives him much more satisfaction than admiring himself performing in front of the public. His everyday practicality resonates with everyone around him, and colleagues often consult him even on issues not related to work.

Before his superiors, he knows how to prove that he is right, gently, but confidently and convincingly, for which his colleagues also respect him. He is not a supporter of conflicts, and if it is possible to resolve difficult situation peace, he will definitely do it.

However, in some cases, prudence, restraint and calmness are for Moses a protective shell of his sensitive nature from far from the best manifestations of the world around him.

Moses' practicality also meant that he would not undertake any task without thinking it through carefully several times. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine a situation in which such a man would be drawn into some dubious or risky enterprise. He prefers accurate calculations and a long but reliable path to the goal and a guaranteed result.

The ability to think through all the details in the upcoming task opens up paths for Moses in a variety of specialties that require hard work, diligence and perseverance. He can become a writer or an accountant, an artist or a tailor, a fashion designer or a lawyer, a designer or a doctor; There are frequent cases when the owners of the name chose the career of clergy. At the same time, Moses does not like to travel, and therefore tries to choose a specialty that does not require long business trips.

IN romantic relationships for Moses great importance plays the possibility of “recognition”. He carefully searches for ways to approach the object of his sympathy, which does not prevent him from experiencing several whirlwind romances in his youth. Often the period of romantic interests lasts for a man until he is 30 years old, so he gets married after this age.

My future wife he studies no less carefully, plans the details of the upcoming family life. Nevertheless, he himself is not going to adapt to future wife, his habits and behavior remain with him, which is why domestic conflicts are possible in the family over minor issues. But Moses sincerely loves his wife, tries to do as much as possible in the house with his own hands and resort to outside help as little as possible.

Likes to spend time with children and tinker with personal plot, if there is one. IN mature age may be prone to moralizing. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

Version 2. What does the name Moses mean?

Moses (presumably from Egyptian) means: drawn from water. In the Bible, Moses is the brother of Aaron and Miriam, the leader, legislator and creator of the religion of the Israelites, who is credited with the authorship of five books (the Pentateuch), the Old Testament and many miracles during the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.

Character in early childhood Calm, the boy does not cause trouble either to his family or to his teachers. He is surrounded by friends, studies well at school, plays music, and reads a lot. Moses is often born in big family and they grow up independent and kind, they always help their mother with housework, and they look like their mothers.

“Winter” people often suffer from respiratory diseases. They don't like to stand out from the crowd. They help friends and family without demanding any reward in return. Those born in December are usually grumpy and stubborn, but obliging. They get married late.

“Summer” ones are shy, hardworking and reasonable, they do everything slowly and thoroughly. Fanatically dedicated to the cause.

“Winter” are great debaters, endowed with an analytical mind, and they have a knack for the exact sciences. Moses makes writers and tailors, accountants and artists, doctors and lawyers, some devote themselves to serving God. They are inquisitive, for them there are no trifles. Good craftsmen, everything works in their hands. They are tied to a place and do not like business trips.

It is better for them to offer their hand and heart to one of those whose names are Bella, Dolya, Eva, Larisa, Maria, Mirra, Nellie, Polina, Rosa. Inessa, Capitolina, Kira, Christina, Rada, Ruslana, Teresa are not suitable as a wife for Moses.

3 version of the meaning of the name Moses

Moses - from other Hebrew. taken from water, colloquially. Mosey.

Derivatives: Moiseika, Mosya, Mosseka, Mosyaka, Mogiya, Monyuka, Mulya, Munya, Musya.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Uncle Mosey loves fish without bones.

Every Moses has his own idea.

Moses Murin is asked for healing from heavy drinking.


What is captivating about Moses is his kindness, independence of judgment, exceptional modesty, commitment and punctuality: he does not like to be late for anything, he keeps everything sacred given promise. Moses is from the category of altruists, he simply loves to do good, so he never expects gratitude for his noble deeds - neither in words, nor even more so in material terms. For any service, Moses is a godsend; he is hardworking, reasonable, not fussy, and if he has already taken up a task, he will successfully complete it. And it seems to work slowly, but it turns out efficiently and quickly. In addition, he is inquisitive; He will hasten to find out and use everything new that is related to his profession or craft. In the family, Moses is the support; in fact, the house rests on it.

Name day named after Moses

January 27, February 7, March 7, June 29, August 8, August 10, August 21, September 7, September 10, September 17, October 11, October 24,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Numerology of the name Moses

Name number: 4

Number 4 is characterized by such qualities as practicality and reliability. Fours are trustworthy in everything, especially when it comes to relationships with people close to them. Thus, they value their friends and relatives very much and enjoy every minute spent with them.

Fours analyze everything that happens around them. Knowledge about the structure of mechanisms is important for them; they love science. Since Fours do not like to fantasize, their ideas are always realistic.

Meaning of letters in the name Moses

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

ABOUT- open, cheerful and cheerful natures. Those who have the letter "O" in their name are hardworking and possess creative abilities. Professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal for them. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

WITH- They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. In their actions they are accustomed to rely on logic and common sense. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on the partner.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

Y- owners of this letter in their name have an impulsive and explosive character. They often don't know how to communicate with people. For a more accurate meaning, you should look at the other letters of the name.

Name as a phrase

  • M- Think
  • ABOUT- He (Oh, About)
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • WITH- Word
  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • Y- Izhe (If, If, as well as the meaning of i – Unity, One, Together, Unite, Perfection, Union, Unification)

Name Moses in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Moses in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

According to Higir

Moses (presumably from Egyptian) means: taken out of water. In the Bible, Moses is the brother of Aaron and Miriam, the leader, legislator and creator of the religion of the Israelites, who is credited with the authorship of five books (the Pentateuch), the Old Testament and many miracles during the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.

The character in early childhood is calm, the boy does not cause trouble either to his family or to his teachers. He is surrounded by friends, studies well at school, plays music, and reads a lot. Moses is often born into a large family and grows up independent and kind, always helping their mother with housework, and they also look like their mothers.

“Winter” people often suffer from respiratory diseases. They don't like to stand out from the crowd. They help friends and family without demanding any reward in return. Those born in December are usually grumpy and stubborn, but obliging. They get married late.

“Summer” ones are shy, hardworking and reasonable, they do everything slowly and thoroughly. Fanatically devoted to the cause. “Winter” are great debaters, endowed with an analytical mind, and they have a knack for the exact sciences. Moses makes writers and tailors, accountants and artists, doctors and lawyers, some devote themselves to serving God. They are inquisitive, for them there are no trifles. They are good craftsmen, everything is argued at the docks, they are tied to the place and do not like business trips.

It is better for them to offer their hand and heart to one of those whose names are Bella, Dolya, Eva, Larisa, Maria, Mirra, Nellie, Polina, Rosa. Inessa, Capitolina, Kira, Christina, Rada, Ruslana, Teresa are not suitable as a wife for Moses.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Saved from water” (biblical). According to legend, this name was given to Moses by the daughter of Pharaoh, who found him in a basket floating on the Nile.

Name energy and character: Moses is a proud and strong name, but at the same time there is absolutely no sense of aggressiveness in it. Perhaps it is just too serious, which prevents Moses from overcoming some of the negative aspects of the common Jewish karma of the exiled people. The energy of the name is further enhanced by the controversial image of the biblical Moses, the first legislator of Israel. Needless to say, this ancient namesake of modern Moses had a difficult character.

Be that as it may, however, there is every reason to believe that Moses’ pride will be very sensitive, perhaps even painful, which, in general, is typical for most owners of Jewish names and not only in Russia. The situation would have been much easier if not for this seriousness of Moses - he, perhaps, really lacks calm self-irony to smooth out the unpleasant moments associated with his sensitive pride. For this reason, Moses often prefers to stay away from noisy companies.

However, his kindness and hard work can be put to great use in life. He is reasonable and restrained, capable of long concentration on any one task and, moreover, has a fairly powerful creative imagination. It’s only a pity that behind this restraint, some kind of negative emotions and, not knowing how to prevent conflicts with the help of humor, Moses risks breaking down sooner or later. Furthermore, over time, this can make him a surprisingly irritable person, which can completely erase his innate good nature.

The fate of Moses is most favorable if he begins to smooth out his inherent seriousness with kind self-irony, thereby ridding his pride of pain and thereby opening the doors for normal relationships not only within the family, but also in almost any group.

Secrets of communication: Self-love, seriousness and commitment - this is what must always be taken into account when communicating with Moses. Don’t be late for a meeting with him, don’t break your promises, don’t go too far in jokes, don’t try to tease him in a conversation - this can serve as an excellent addition to the ten commandments that the legendary Moses once brought to people.

The name's trace in history:

Prophet Moses

According to biblical tradition, Moses is the first Old Testament prophet, through whom God revealed the famous Ten Commandments to his people. The origin of Moses and his childhood are connected with a cruel legend: since Pharaoh ordered all newborn Hebrew babies to be drowned in the Nile, Moses’ mother, trying to protect her child, put him in a tarred basket and sent him down the river. The Pharaoh's daughter, seeing the beautiful child, took him into the house and ordered him to be given to the nurse, who, by lucky chance, turned out to be birth mother Moses.

In such unusual circumstances the life of the great prophet began. Later, when Moses, having fled from the court of Pharaoh, lived in Midian, an amazing incident happened to him: from a thorn bush, engulfed in flames, but not being burned, an Angel called to him:

“I will send you to Pharaoh,” said the Angel in the name of God, “so that you bring my people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.”

Then the prophet’s difficult mission begins: he comes to Pharaoh with a request to allow the Jews to organize a holiday in the desert; Pharaoh (suspecting something was wrong) refuses the request, and then one disaster after another befalls Egypt through Moses. First, the Nile water acquires a bloody color and a terrifying smell, so that it becomes unfit for drinking, then the country is filled with hordes of toads and midges, throughout Egypt, except for Jewish homes, first-born children die, and so on - a total of ten so-called “Egyptian plagues.”

It is not surprising that soon Pharaoh, horrified by everything that was happening, allowed the Jews to have their own holiday, and Moses, taking advantage of this convenient pretext, led his long-suffering people out of the country.

Pharaoh's troops set off in pursuit of the fugitives, but were left with nothing: as soon as the Jews reached the coast, "Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and Yahweh drove the sea strong east wind all night, and the sea became dry land, and the waters parted; and the Israelites went out into the middle of the sea on dry land." So the prophet, with God's help, accomplished the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, and later on Mount Sinai he handed over to the people the Ten Commandments written on the tablets - a set of prohibitions and commands that are no less relevant today than they were thousands of years ago. .

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