Edible mushrooms deer horns: a description of the type and recipes. Description of the mushroom deer horns (yellow horns), places of distribution Deer horns mushrooms frying recipe

DEER HORNS (HARE CABBAGE) - SUCH MUSHROOMS GROW IN CRIMEA Description of the appearance and features of the fungus Seeing such a mushroom in the forest, not everyone dares to pick it. This is due to a very unusual appearance. But it is worth noting that deer horns are an edible mushroom, and you can cook it in many ways.

Description of the appearance of antler mushrooms One glance is enough to understand why "forest bread" has such a strange name. The mushroom grows vertically, expands in width due to numerous branched processes. from the side, they surprisingly resemble deer antlers or sea coral. Due to this, the fungus also has other popular names: coral blackberry, horned or coral. The color also adds similarity: light yellow, light brown, beige, rich orange or even purple. Pigmentation depends on the place of growth, features environment and age.

It is enough to make a little effort to separate the tender flesh into several pieces. A fresh cut begins to quickly acquire a burgundy hue, so the horns should be collected as quickly as possible.

Places of growth, timing and characteristics of the collection It is listed in the Red Book, so you can meet deer horns only in some regions. This is Crimea Far East, Western and Eastern Siberia, and also Karelia and the Caucasus. Due to the characteristics of growth, blackberry is unpopular in the Central part of Russia, most do not even know about this type of "forest bread".

But, despite the rarity, mushroom pickers often find places where the coral-shaped blackberry forms large rows or three-dimensional rings. Prefers damp and dark places in deciduous or pine forests, where the most delicious specimens grow. It can also be seen on the stumps or roots of any trees, regardless of their species.

Corals or deer horns are collected in summer and autumn, and in the Caucasus and Crimea even in the winter months. You should choose small mushrooms of light colors. The older the horned, the more inedible it is, as it acquires a characteristic bitterness and rigidity. You can judge the age by the shade of the fungus: they show more orange pigment. It is rarely affected by worms, but the horns must be carefully inspected during collection to detect their presence.

About the edibility of deer horns Interestingly, because of these taste differences in adults, some consider the mushroom to be poisonous, but this is not so. Properly cooked antlers are quite unusual, but harmless and delicious. They belong to the fourth category of mushrooms (and inedible ones are not included in the classification at all). The fourth category is assigned to rarer mushrooms, inferior in taste to varieties from higher levels. They are preferred by gourmets or experienced mushroom pickers. But this does not mean that the horns should be avoided, you just need to better study the features of this fungus.

deer horns”- mushrooms that are very unusual at first glance, and this is why they are attractive. The name of the product was due to its bizarre shape. From afar, it may even seem that real forests grow in the thicket. sea ​​corals. But in fact it is edible and quite useful mushrooms, which can be very original cooked at home.

This is interesting: Hornets are actively used in Chinese medicine for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. It is also believed that this product has a beneficial effect on lung function, reduces the risk of developing cancer and stimulates the immune system.

You will definitely surprise your loved ones when you serve salted “corals” on the table. If you are interested in the question of how to salt “deer horn” mushrooms for the winter, know that it is best to use a young mushroom body, as overripe horns can be bitter. The degree of maturity of the fruit is determined by its color - the older it is, the more clearly a rich orange hue appears. Well, if you got a light yellow product in your hands. Such a mushroom can be safely used for pickling.


Servings: - + 50

  • mushrooms 5 kg
  • salt 250 g

per serving

Calories: 56 kcal

Proteins: 1.6 g

Fats: 4.3 g

Carbohydrates: 2.8 g

45 min. Video recipe Print

    We carefully examine the mushroom body. It should be smooth, not wormy, not damaged. We wash the horns, remove debris and clean out questionable places. Coarsely chop the corals.

    It is important to properly prepare the dishes for salting: wash it and scald it with boiling water.

    We spread the first layer of mushrooms (6-8 cm thick) on the bottom of the container, sprinkle it with salt. Then we repeat the procedure until we put all the “deer horns” into the barrel (or the dishes that you use). We take into account the proportion: for 1 kg of cut horns we take 50 g of spice.

    On top we put a piece of clean gauze, folded several times. We put a wooden board on it. We crush the mushrooms with oppression. Initially, we leave the “corals” to salt for 5-6 days at room temperature. After this time, a brine should appear in the barrel.

Description of mushrooms deer horns

among the people deer horns so called because in shape it really resembles the branched antlers of a male deer.

What kind of mushrooms are "deer horns", are they edible?

To many, it resembles coral.

Rules for collecting hornworms:

Important advice!


Taste qualities

Where does the mushroom live

Deer antlers live in middle lane Eurasia and North America.

Description of the mushroom Deer horns

In Russia, it can be found in Siberia, near Caucasus mountains. They prefer pine forests, but all are also found in deciduous. They grow on healthy or dead tree trunks.

mushroom classification


Conditionally edible:

The world of mushrooms is truly fascinating and unique. These organisms are unique in themselves and can surprise with their forms, complex life cycles, taste qualities.

In the forests you can sometimes find unusual mushroom resembling corals. People call it "deer horns". Let's talk more about these mushrooms.

Description of mushrooms deer horns

The correct botanical name is Ramaria flava. From Latin it is translated as Ramaria yellow. Belongs to the department Basidiomycetes, class Agaricomycetes, order Gomfaceae, family Rogatic.

The habitat of this fungus is mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests Caucasus, the North-West of our country, as well as the forests of Central Europe.

Sometimes in the mushroom picker's reference books you can find the following names:

The aerial part of the ramaria grows about 15-20 cm in height. The fruit body grows diametrically and reaches 20 cm in diameter. In the middle there is a dense hyphal plexus, which forms a common leg, and branched processes “horns” emerge from it. These "branches" are cylindrical and branch dichotomously at their apex.

The color of the aerial part of the fruiting body is yellow, and the yellow palette can have different shades. It depends on the substrate on which the ramaria grows, as well as on the intensity sunlight in the undergrowth.

Closer to the bases of the horns, the color may be saturated yellow. If you press on the fruiting body, then a brownish color appears at the place of compression. On the cut, the flesh is marble-yellow. The smell is quite pleasant, reminiscent of the smell of freshly cut grass.

Ramaria has a low nutritional category. According to the botanical scale of food categories - the fourth. There is no particular pronounced mushroom taste. If the fruiting bodies are collected old, the tops must be removed, as they accumulate substances that give a certain bitterness.

Collection Rules and Precautions

Many horn mushrooms are poisonous. In this regard, you need to know the yellow ramaria and be able to distinguish it from other "forest corals". Collection and harvesting is carried out in August and September. At this time, deer horns can be found in the undergrowth as single fruits or in small groups of 3-4 "bushes".

Rules for collecting hornworms:

Important advice! If you are a novice mushroom picker, then it is not recommended to collect horned mushrooms. Edible or not horned mushroom is difficult to determine. Some of them are so similar to each other that they can only be distinguished under a microscope. Only one moment calms - among these mushrooms there are no highly poisonous ones that lead to death.

How to cook mushrooms

Deer horn soup is especially tasty. To prepare it, you will need the standard ingredients of mushroom soup - a clove of garlic, onions, herbs, carrots, potatoes, butter, salt, pepper and 300-400 g of this wonderful mushroom.

Mushrooms should be boiled for 20 minutes separately in salted water. This decoction must be drained and not used. It may contain toxins. You can boil twice for 10 minutes. That will even be better.

The soup is then cooked in the standard way. Throw onions, potatoes, garlic, carrots in cold water bring to a boil, add mushrooms. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat and add salt, pepper and herbs. It turns out very delicious easy mushroom soup. Children will especially like it, as the mushrooms in the soup are unusual.

Ramaria can be salted, fried with potatoes, added to salads. The main condition for cooking - you always need to boil the mushrooms over low heat for 10-15 minutes in salted water. This helps to get rid of toxins. This is especially important, because among the horned ones there are many moderately poisonous species.

Edible mushrooms deer horns: a description of the type and recipes

Primary thermal processing allows you to destroy and reduce the concentration of toxic substances to a minimum.

Young antlers can be dried. Overripe fruiting bodies can rot when dried, while young ones dry out easily. To do this, they need to be divided into the maximum possible number of "branches" with part of the leg. A thread is threaded through the leg. Next, mushroom garlands are hung out in the shade in a dry and ventilated area.

When preparing dishes from dried ramaria, it must be soaked in water for 12 hours, then rinsed thoroughly and boiled for 10 minutes.

Collect reindeer horns, cook culinary masterpieces out of them, but be careful and careful!

This amazing specimen is found in the forests from time to time. He is very unusual and even a little exotic due to his appearance. Such a name, of course, is associated with an unusual appearance and shape. After all, it is very similar to deer horns or corals. Because of such unusual shape and coloring, many mushroom pickers pass by these amazing specimens.


Deer antler mushrooms look very exotic and unusual. As mentioned above, they are similar to corals. The color of these mushrooms varies from light yellow to bright orange. Young specimens have light and delicate tones, but older specimens look a little brighter.

By weight, deer antler mushroom can reach a size of about one kilogram. And in diameter and height up to 20 cm. It is interesting that at first they grow in breadth, and then they begin to grow in height. That is, from one copy you can cook dinner for a large company.

Taste qualities

The taste of this mushroom is legendary. They say that it tastes incredible, although it belongs to the fourth category. Reindeer horns are incredibly tender, cuddly, and slightly similar in taste to chicken or shrimp. Of course, if they are well prepared for this.

Also, only young mushrooms are tasty. Old specimens are bitter and unpleasant. Alas, even soaking and heat treatment cannot remove their bitterness. Therefore, they should not be collected, but it is better to look for young mushrooms.

Deer antlers are used for cooking, soups, salads, pies, they are also used as a filling for any dishes. Also, deer horns are pickled, fried, stewed, and there are many more different ways to cook them.

On the Internet, you can find a bunch of the most different recipes to cook these mushrooms. They are all very tasty and interesting.

Where does the mushroom live

This mushroom is rare, so it is not common. Although, if you find a place where they grow, you will surely meet not one representative, but a whole bunch. Sometimes, in one place you can collect a whole bag of these mushrooms. They can grow in a bunch or in a circle.

Deer antlers live in the middle zone of Eurasia and North America. In Russia, it can be found in Siberia, near the Caucasus Mountains. They prefer pine forests, but are still found in deciduous forests.

deer horns

They grow on healthy or dead tree trunks.

Interestingly, on which tree this mushroom grew, it depends taste qualities. They say that deer antlers that grew on lindens and oaks are considered the most delicious, but less tender on pines and cedars.

This mushroom has no poisonous analogues, but there are conditionally edible ones.

mushroom classification


  • Horned bunch (color from pale red to rich brown).
  • Coral-shaped hedgehog (color white, cream).
  • The horn is purplish (the color changes from dark purple to deep lilac).
  • Amethyst horn (lilac color).
  • The horn is golden yellow (color is light yellow).
  • Formidable mushroom (cream color, slightly brownish).
  • The horn is yellowish (colour is dirty pale gray-yellow).
  • Horned comb (white color).
  • Mushroom cabbage (color is white with a yellowish tinge).
  • Mushroom noodles (color white - pink).
  • Horned mace truncated (brown color).
  • Horned Sakhalin (ocher color).

Conditionally edible:

  • The horn is blunt (the color is dirty cream, ocher).
  • Spruce horn (color yellowish - brownish, slightly ocher).
  • The horn is beautiful (color is pink, ocher).

These listed mushrooms are copies of deer antlers. They are all very similar, both in taste and in appearance. They are difficult to distinguish from each other.

If you accidentally confuse edible with inedible, then you will immediately feel it, because they will be too bitter and tasteless. It only threatens you with a spoiled mood.

Deer horn mushrooms: edible and inedible

The world of mushrooms is truly fascinating and unique. These organisms are unique in themselves and can surprise with their shapes, complex life cycles, and taste.

In the forests, you can sometimes find an unusual fungus that looks like corals.

Deer horns - mushrooms of an unusual shape

People call it "deer horns". Let's talk more about these mushrooms.

Description of mushrooms deer horns

The correct botanical name is Ramaria flava. From Latin it is translated as Ramaria yellow. Belongs to the department Basidiomycetes, class Agaricomycetes, order Gomfaceae, family Rogatic.

The habitat of this fungus is mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests of the Caucasus, the North-West of our country, as well as the forests of Central Europe.

In the people, deer antlers are so called because in shape it really resembles the branched antlers of a male deer. To many, it resembles coral.

Sometimes in the mushroom picker's reference books you can find the following names:

The aerial part of the ramaria grows about 15-20 cm in height. The fruit body grows diametrically and reaches 20 cm in diameter. In the middle there is a dense hyphal plexus, which forms a common leg, and branched processes “horns” emerge from it. These "branches" are cylindrical and branch dichotomously at their apex.

The color of the aerial part of the fruiting body is yellow, and the yellow palette can have different shades. It depends on the substrate on which the ramaria grows, as well as the intensity of sunlight in the undergrowth.

Closer to the bases of the horns, the color may be saturated yellow. If you press on the fruiting body, then a brownish color appears at the place of compression. On the cut, the flesh is marble-yellow. The smell is quite pleasant, reminiscent of the smell of freshly cut grass.

Ramaria has a low nutritional category. According to the botanical scale of food categories - the fourth. There is no particular pronounced mushroom taste. If the fruiting bodies are collected old, the tops must be removed, as they accumulate substances that give a certain bitterness.

Collection Rules and Precautions

Many horn mushrooms are poisonous. In this regard, you need to know the yellow ramaria and be able to distinguish it from other "forest corals". Collection and harvesting is carried out in August and September. At this time, deer horns can be found in the undergrowth as single fruits or in small groups of 3-4 "bushes".

Rules for collecting hornworms:

Important advice! If you are a novice mushroom picker, then it is not recommended to collect horned mushrooms. Edible or not horned mushroom is difficult to determine. Some of them are so similar to each other that they can only be distinguished under a microscope. Only one moment calms - among these mushrooms there are no highly poisonous ones that lead to death.

How to cook mushrooms

Deer horn soup is especially tasty. To prepare it, you will need the standard ingredients of mushroom soup - a clove of garlic, onions, herbs, carrots, potatoes, butter, salt, pepper and 300-400 g of this wonderful mushroom.

Mushrooms should be boiled for 20 minutes separately in salted water. This decoction must be drained and not used. It may contain toxins. You can boil twice for 10 minutes. That will even be better.

The soup is then cooked in the standard way. Throw onions, potatoes, garlic, carrots into cold water, bring to a boil, add mushrooms. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat and add salt, pepper and herbs. It turns out very tasty light mushroom soup. Children will especially like it, as the mushrooms in the soup are unusual.

Ramaria can be salted, fried with potatoes, added to salads. The main condition for cooking - you always need to boil the mushrooms over low heat for 10-15 minutes in salted water. This helps to get rid of toxins. This is especially important, because there are many moderately poisonous species among the horned ones. Primary thermal processing allows you to destroy and reduce the concentration of toxic substances to a minimum.

Young antlers can be dried. Overripe fruiting bodies can rot when dried, while young ones dry out easily. To do this, they need to be divided into the maximum possible number of "branches" with part of the leg. A thread is threaded through the leg. Next, mushroom garlands are hung out in the shade in a dry and ventilated area.

When preparing dishes from dried ramaria, it must be soaked in water for 12 hours, then rinsed thoroughly and boiled for 10 minutes.

Collect reindeer horns, cook culinary masterpieces out of them, but be careful and careful!

Amethyst horn

Amethyst horn. Clavulina amethyst (Clavulina amethystina)

Amethyst horn. Clavulina amethyst (Clavulina amethystina) photo

It grows in a deciduous forest with an admixture of birch from late August to October, singly or in groups. Fruit body up to 7 cm in height, strongly branched, lilac-violet, paler at the base. The branches are cylindrical, initially smooth, later finely wrinkled, with a blunt or serrated ending. Legs or not, or it is very short.

Amethyst horn edible belongs to the fourth category. Used boiled and dried.

Comb hornwort, comb clavulina (Clavulina cristata)

hornwort pectinate, clavulina pectinateClavulina cristata

fruiting body


Can only be confused with other white horns.


The mushroom is tasteless.


Hornwort (Ramaria botrytis)

hornwortRamaria botrytis

fruiting body

with a pleasant smell and mild taste.

season and place

It grows in summer (until autumn) in deciduous and mixed forests, especially near beeches. Occurs rarely.


The mushroom is edible while young.

Description of the mushroom deer horns

Yellow hornwort (Ramaria flava)

Yellow hornwort (Ramaria flava) photo

It grows on the ground in deciduous and coniferous forests in August-September. Fruit body up to 20 cm in height, up to 20 cm in diameter, very branched. All twigs and stems are creamy lemon yellow, later becoming ocher or almost orange. Branches flattened, equal in length.

The pulp (tissue) is white, pale yellowish, fragile, watery. spore powder pale ocher. Leg up to 8 cm in height, 4-5 cm in diameter, whitish at the base, turning reddish when pressed. Button edible, the fourth category.

In cooking, yellow horned is used boiled.

Horned golden

Beautiful horned, beautiful ramaria (Ramaria formosa)

Hornet is beautiful, ramaria is beautifulRamaria formosa

fruiting body

whitish-yellowish, yellowish-pink or salmon above, yellow ends. Old specimens are distinguished by a single leather-brown color. pulp white, brittle, sometimes turns red when pressed, tastes bitter.

season and place

grows in deciduous forests.


The mushroom is POISONOUS! There may be disturbances in the activity of the stomach and intestines.

Horned truncated

Reed horn. Reed clavariadelphus (Clavariadelphus ligula)

Reed horn. Clavariadelphus reed (Clavariadelphus ligula) photo

It grows in coniferous, (rarely in deciduous) forests on fallen needles in July-September. It occurs rarely, singly or in small groups (3-6 pieces each). The fruiting body is small, club-shaped or elongated tongue-shaped, up to 10 cm in height, up to 15 mm in diameter, smooth, creamy, then ocher-yellow or yellow-orange.

The flesh is white or cream. Spore powder is white. little known edible mushroom of the fourth category.

Use boiled reed horn.

Top 10 Sites Related to Horned Mushroom

  1. Pictures on demand Mushroom horned - edible

  2. Encyclopedia of mushrooms > Horned

    Clavulina comb (Clavulina cristata) Other names: Horned... Clavariadelphus ligula) - edible mushroom from the genus Clavariadelphus (lat.

  3. mushroom mushrooms- Alexander

    19 Sep 2013 mushroom mushrooms- ramaria and horned reed. … horned reed - just belong (at a young age) to mushrooms edible.

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  6. Horned yellow (Ramaria flava). — Edible mushrooms and poisonous

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  7. Horned reed. — edible mushrooms- Description of mushrooms

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  8. Culinary Club Mushroom Picker's Guide Edible mushrooms Rogatic

    Mushroom picker's guide Edible mushrooms Rogatic yellow, or ramaria yellow.

  9. mmarym is true edible mushrooms? horned yellow

    Oct 4, 2011 here I found it on the internet. This horned yellow, conventional edible, soup is cooked from it ... http://4aga.ru/klassifikator- mushrooms/rogatik-ametistovyiy.html

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Phallomycetidae (Velkovye)
  • Order: Gomphales
  • Family: Gomphaceae (Gomphaceae)
  • Genus: Ramaria (Ramaria)
  • View: Ramaria flava (Deer horns)
    Other names for mushroom:

Other names:

  • yellow horn

  • bear paw

  • deer horns

  • coral yellow


The fruit body of Ramaria yellow reaches a height of 15-20 cm, a diameter of 10-15 cm. Numerous branched dense bushy branches that have a cylindrical shape grow from a thick white "stump". Often they have two blunt tops and incorrectly truncated ends. The fruit body has all shades of yellow. Under the branches and near the "stump" the color is sulfur-yellow. When pressed, the color changes to wine-brown. The flesh is moist, off-white, in the "stump" - marble, color does not change. Outside, the base is white, with a yellowish tinge and reddish spots of various sizes, most of which are found in fruiting bodies growing under coniferous trees. The smell is pleasant, slightly grassy, ​​the taste is weak. Tops of old mushrooms are bitter.

Spore powder is ocher-yellow.

Habitat and growth time

Deer horns grows on the ground in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests in August - September, in groups and singly. Especially abundant in the forests of Karelia. It is found in the mountains of the Caucasus, as well as in the countries of Central Europe.


Antlers mushroom is very similar to golden yellow coral, the differences are visible only under a microscope, as well as to Ramaria aurea, which is also edible and has the same properties. IN early age similar in appearance and color to Ramaria obtusissima, Ramaria flavobrunnescens is smaller.


The word flava in the mushroom's name means "yellow". coral mushrooms are considered basidiomycetes. They form spores on the fruit layer, on the outside of the "knots", everywhere. For the most part, corals are good, but poisonous ones are also found among them.

This ramaria is considered edible mushroom, but when eating it, you must take certain precautions. First of all, only young specimens should be collected and the base should be used, as the branches are bitter. Mature mushrooms are not edible at all due to bitterness.

The world of mushrooms is truly fascinating and unique. These organisms are unique in themselves and can surprise with their shapes, complex life cycles, and taste.

In the forests, you can sometimes find an unusual fungus that looks like corals. People call it "deer horns". Let's talk more about these mushrooms.

The correct botanical name is Ramaria flava. From Latin it is translated as Ramaria yellow. Belongs to the department Basidiomycetes, class Agaricomycetes, order Gomfaceae, family Rogatic.

The habitat of this fungus is mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests of the Caucasus, the North-West of our country, as well as the forests of Central Europe.

In the people, deer antlers are so called because in shape it really resembles the branched antlers of a male deer. To many, it resembles coral.

Sometimes in the mushroom picker's reference books you can find the following names:

The aerial part of the ramaria grows about 15-20 cm in height. The fruit body grows diametrically and reaches 20 cm in diameter. In the middle there is a dense hyphal plexus, which forms a common leg, and branched processes “horns” emerge from it. These "branches" are cylindrical and branch dichotomously at their apex.

The color of the aerial part of the fruiting body is yellow, and the yellow palette can have different shades. It depends on the substrate on which the ramaria grows, as well as the intensity of sunlight in the undergrowth.

Closer to the bases of the horns, the color may be saturated yellow. If you press on the fruiting body, then a brownish color appears at the place of compression. On the cut, the flesh is marble-yellow. The smell is quite pleasant, reminiscent of the smell of freshly cut grass.

Ramaria has a low nutritional category. According to the botanical scale of food categories - the fourth. There is no particular pronounced mushroom taste. If the fruiting bodies are collected old, the tops must be removed, as they accumulate substances that give a certain bitterness.

Collection Rules and Precautions

Many horn mushrooms are poisonous. In this regard, you need to know the yellow ramaria and be able to distinguish it from other "forest corals". Collection and harvesting is carried out in August and September. At this time, deer horns can be found in the undergrowth as single fruits or in small groups of 3-4 "bushes".

Rules for collecting hornworms:

Important advice! If you are a novice mushroom picker, then it is not recommended to collect horned mushrooms. Edible or not horned mushroom is difficult to determine. Some of them are so similar to each other that they can only be distinguished under a microscope. Only one moment calms - among these mushrooms there are no highly poisonous ones that lead to death.

How to cook mushrooms

Deer horn soup is especially tasty. To prepare it, you will need the standard ingredients of mushroom soup - a clove of garlic, onions, herbs, carrots, potatoes, butter, salt, pepper and 300-400 g of this wonderful mushroom.

Mushrooms should be boiled for 20 minutes separately in salted water. This decoction must be drained and not used. It may contain toxins. You can boil twice for 10 minutes. That will even be better.

The soup is then cooked in the standard way. Throw onions, potatoes, garlic, carrots into cold water, bring to a boil, add mushrooms. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat and add salt, pepper and herbs. It turns out very tasty light mushroom soup. Children will especially like it, as the mushrooms in the soup are unusual.

Ramaria can be salted, fried with potatoes, added to salads. The main condition for cooking - you always need to boil the mushrooms over low heat for 10-15 minutes in salted water. This helps to get rid of toxins. This is especially important, because there are many moderately poisonous species among the horned ones. Primary thermal processing allows you to destroy and reduce the concentration of toxic substances to a minimum.

Young antlers can be dried. Overripe fruiting bodies can rot when dried, while young ones dry out easily. To do this, they need to be divided into the maximum possible number of "branches" with part of the leg. A thread is threaded through the leg. Next, mushroom garlands are hung out in the shade in a dry and ventilated area.

When preparing dishes from dried ramaria, it must be soaked in water for 12 hours, then rinsed thoroughly and boiled for 10 minutes.

Collect reindeer horns, cook culinary masterpieces out of them, but be careful and careful!

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