Ksenia Borodina gave birth to a daughter. Children of Ksenia Borodina: daughters of Marusya and Theon, from whom she gave birth and who is the husband (Photo and Video) Where did Ksenia Borodina give birth

Ksenia Borodina today became a mother for the second time. The long-awaited girl was born in one of the best clinics in the capital this afternoon. The 32-year-old host of the Dom-2 project prepared in advance for the birth of the baby.

“Give birth! Everything is fine. I'm still in the birth,– shared with “StarHit” TV presenter.

“Thank you all for the kind words. We come to our senses. Kurban, I love you! You are my hero who has been with me all this time. Dad left only at the very end, ”Ksenia thanked for the support of her fans and her beloved husband.

Recall that two days ago, Ksenia asked her subscribers on the Web for advice on what kind of interesting series she would watch. Thus, Borodina wanted to pass the time before an important event - childbirth. The TV presenter was at home under the supervision of relatives. The photo she published shows that the atmosphere was calm, comfortable. The star sat comfortably on the bed in front of the TV and communicated with her fans through Instagram. By the way, they advised her a lot of interesting serial films - from " Desperate Housewives to The Vampire Diaries.

Now the presenter is unlikely to be able to realize her desire in the near future - she has a new one ahead of her. life stage. A young mother expects pleasant maternal chores. The six-year-old daughter of the star Marusya and her husband Kurban Omarov are absolutely happy.

Ksenia found out about her happiness in the spring. At that moment, he and Kurban were actively preparing for the wedding, discussing the details. Initially, the celebration was planned for September 5, but in the end it had to be postponed to the summer.

Borodina still remembers with warmth in her heart the moment when she confessed her pregnancy to her beloved. “On the set of “House-2”, I felt a slight malaise - and began to guess. When I got home, I did an electronic test. He showed plus. Kurban was sleeping at that moment - he drove in Entertainment Center children, Marusya and Omar (Kurban's son from his first marriage. - Approx. "StarHit"), and, having finally handed them over to the nanny, he was tired and turned off. In addition, I was very worried about Mara, who had a cold, ”the TV presenter told StarHit. - I go up to him, gently wake him up: “Look” - and show the test. He jumps up: “Does Marusya have a temperature again?” I thought I brought him a thermometer. We laughed so hard at this story. When the husband understood, his eyes sparkled: “Are you kidding?” Wrapped me around, hugged and kissed me. We, of course, got excited, but we were in seventh heaven with happiness.

Ksenia Borodina: “Husband in childbirth? In no case!"

The host of the most scandalous show of the TNT channel, Ksenia Borodina, not only helps the participants of the Dom 2 show to find and build their love, but also manages to arrange her life and, by her own example, demonstrates to viewers all the subtleties true love and strong relationships. Since the famous host of the scandalous TV show is a public figure, they do not get tired of discussing her, but main theme of the day, the children of Xenia Borodina often become.

Biography of Xenia

Ksenia was born in the capital of Russia on March 8, 1983. By nationality - Armenian. The parents of the famous TV presenter separated when the girl was not even a year old. She has not seen her father since. Mom Borodina once married a businessman from Italy and left Russia. All the time, Ksenia remained in Moscow with her grandmother, periodically visiting her mother in Italy.

Until the age of 18, Ksenia bore her father's surname - Amoeva, but then decided to change it to maiden name his mother - Borodin. The host's own father showed up when popularity came to the girl, but she could not forgive him.

When Ksenia finally decided to pursue a career in television, bypassing numerous auditions and losing hope, she was about to leave to live with her mother in Italy, when she suddenly found out that she had passed the casting for the role of a TV presenter in the nascent new show of the TNT channel. Since then, Borodina has remained the most important unchanged TV presenter of the Dom 2 project.

In addition to working on television, Ksenia actively advertised the method of losing weight. The fact is that the TV presenter dramatically lost weight, which interested the public. Now the girl was really unrecognisable. Ksenia also surprised everyone with her writing skills, in 2007 she released a book - “Laws of Love”. In addition to writing, the TV presenter has opened her own beauty salons and is actively engaged in the production of clothing. The girl also does not refuse additional part-time work at corporate parties and weddings as a host of events. In clubs, the girl is engaged in a DJ career and travels to clubs in Moscow and other cities with her tracks.

Children from first marriage

In 2008, the TV presenter married whom she met on the set of the comedy show Comedy Club. It was a beautiful romance in Xenia's life. They dated for 3 years before getting married. The couple thought about the children immediately after the wedding. The presenter has already developed a plan for combining work and caring for the child, as she did not want to stay on maternity leave for a long time.


Ksenia planned to give birth to a child on June 8 (the number 8 Borodina considered the happiest in her life). But the baby appeared a day later than the desired date. June 9, 2009 Ksenia became the mother of a wonderful girl. The newborn was named Marusya. A young mother from happiness immortalized her daughter's name on her hand.

Ksenia Borodina got married for the second time

In 2015, Ksenia married a second time to the Dagestan businessman Kurban Omarov. The TV presenter hid her romance with a businessman for a long time, actively posting her photos with her chosen one. hidden face, causing fans to be at a loss. But the novel did not have to be hidden for a long time, and Ksenia introduced her gentleman to the public. Millions followed the story of their love, and finally Kurban asked Ksenia for her hand and heart. The ceremony was attended only by the closest people, but this did not prevent her from being grandiose. Kurban from his first marriage has a son, Omar, who often visits his father, and Ksenia has a daughter, Marusya, who lives with her. Children get along well, which cannot but please parents. We can safely say that both of them are the children of Ksenia Borodina, photos with which she often posts on social networks. Also, Kurban's son and Ksenia's daughter are delighted with their newly-made parents.

Soon Borodina announced her pregnancy. The TV presenter hid this fact for a long time, but then she revealed to her fans the news of her situation. The couple prepared thoroughly for the birth of their second child. Not knowing the gestational age of the star, the fans became interested, Borodin gave birth to her second child. The questions stopped on December 22, 2015, when the second daughter of Xenia was born. However, now everyone began to worry about Ksenia Borodina. Parents were in no hurry to announce the name of the newborn to the general public.

Little Theona

The question of whether Ksenia Borodina gave birth to a second child closed by itself when on December 22, 2015 she became a mother. The baby was born in the same clinic as the first daughter of the TV presenter. The birth went well, and soon the young mother was discharged home.

Xenia's husband put on a real show in front of the hospital. Invited clowns and actors. They decided to name the baby Thea (Theon). To all the questions why she chose that particular name, Ksyusha replies that both parents liked just that Greek name. The children of Borodina Xenia get along very well. Marusya often helps her mother look after her sister.

On this moment the family lives in complete idyll, and the children of Borodina Xenia rejoice at every moment of joint happiness.

Ksenia Borodina gave birth to her second child on Tuesday December 22, 2015, Starhit reports with reference to the TV presenter herself. "She gave birth! Everything is fine," she told reporters. Borodina also spoke about the happy event on her Instagram.

According to Ksenia Borodina, who gave birth to a second child, her husband, businessman Kurban Omarov, was also in childbirth. The TV presenter noted that he "left only at the very end." Xenia thanked everyone and said that the doctor was so wonderful that she "didn't have time to understand anything."

Ksenia Borodina gave birth in the Moscow Perinatal medical center. In it, she gave birth to a daughter, Marusya, 6 years ago. The TV presenter announced her pregnancy only in mid-November 2015. "Today, November 16, and I'm telling you - yes! I'm pregnant and there is no way to hide my happiness anymore! Yes, and many of you guessed it earlier than my husband and I, probably," she wrote on her Instagram. Prior to this, Ksenia did not confirm the rumors that circulated on the Web, and dressed so that her stomach was not visible.

Ksenia Borodina married a businessman from Dagestan Kurban Omarova July 3, 2015. At first, the wedding was planned in early autumn, but then it was postponed. What was the reason for the change in date, neither the groom nor the bride said. The press decided that perhaps Ksenia Borodina was pregnant.

The host of "House-2" started dating Kurban Omarov after breaking up with Mikhail Terekhin in mid-2014. For a long time, the TV presenter hid the name of her lover, and those photos that she published on Instagram did not help to find out in any way. Ksenia claimed that her beloved was not a public person.

The name of the new lover Ksenia Borodina was recognized on her day birth, spring 2015. It turned out to be a businessman from Dagestan, Kurban Omarov. He has a son Omar from his first marriage. Photos and videos from the wedding quickly appeared in

Her friend told about the joyful event in the family of the TV presenter "MK"

TV presenter Ksenia Borodina on December 22 became a mother for the second time. In one of the capital's maternity hospitals, her second daughter was born. Judging by the entry on Borodina's page on the social network, the child's father, businessman Kurban Omarov, was present at the birth. About the well-being of Ksenia and the baby "MK" told her close friend Katya ZHUZHA.

Ksenia Borodina

Both Ksyusha and her daughter feel good, - said Katya. - The baby was born today. Now Ksenia is recovering, although the birth went well and without complications. So far, Ksenia is out of the access zone, and I don’t want to talk about the baby’s name and parameters for her. But soon, I think, she herself will tell about everything.

Recall that Ksenia's daughter Marusya is already growing up from her first marriage with businessman Yuri Budagov. The second husband and father of the newborn daughter Kurban Omarov also has a child from a previous marriage - the boy Omar. The couple learned that their family is expected to replenish in the spring. They were just planning to get married and scheduled a celebration for the fall. But due to a pleasant surprise, the event was decided to be postponed to summer months. Ksenia prepared for childbirth very responsibly, she chose in advance the maternity hospital and the doctor who led her pregnancy and delivered the baby. The TV presenter tried to eat healthy food (due to such a healthy approach, she gained very few pounds). Ksenia decided not to engage in active sports, but she swam a lot in the pool. By the way, the maternity facility, where Borodina stopped, even made it possible to choose a delivery room in advance, which Xenia took advantage of. According to some reports, the presence of Kurban at the birth was not originally planned. However, judging by the entry that appeared on Xenia's page, the child's father was still present at early stages and left the family only at the very end. By the way, Xenia’s ward itself, where she was brought after giving birth, is arranged in such a way that dad can be there with his family until discharge.

Ksenia Borodina (Ksenia Kimovna Amoeva), - March 8, 1983, according to the horoscope of Pisces. Born in the capital of Russia, on the paternal side has Armenian roots. Xenia is known for Russian show business, as: TV presenter of the scandalous project "Dom-2", host of the program "Reboot", actress and DJ.

The childhood of Ksenia Borodina

Xenia was born in complete family, the parents' marriage broke up a year after her birth. Ksenia Borodina's mother, Inna Bulatovna, is Russian by nationality, and Kim Dzhioev's father is Armenian. After some time, Ksyusha's mother married an Italian businessman - an architect, after which she moved to his homeland. Ksenia did not want to live in Italy, so it was decided to leave the girl in the care of her grandparents, who lived in the Moscow region of Kuntsevo.

Once, Ksenia Borodina shared with reporters about how she was raised by her “second parents”. Galina Ivanovna, Xenia's grandmother, taught her from childhood good manners. She constantly repeated that it is always necessary to help those who have a harder life than us.

Ksyusha's grandfather's name was Bulat Bilyalovich - he loved animals, so he always brought home homeless, sick dogs. As soon as he healed, the grandmother would take the dog outside, but the grandfather always brought the next one. Thus Ksenia was brought up.

Periodically, Ksenia visited her mother in Italy, the girl practically did not see her father. At the age of 16, Ksenia finally stopped communicating with him. As soon as Ksenia was 18 years old, she took her mother's surname - Borodin. In 2015, information appeared in the media that Ksenia's biological father was detained by the police, the man was caught in the company of criminal authorities.

Ksenia has a cousin Nikita Grigoriev, an aspiring rapper under the pseudonym "Stakhat". In 2016, a relative of the star gave a short interview where he spoke about his relationship with his sister. Nikita and Ksenia do not communicate for about 8 years, they were close friends when he was 12 years old. Since then, they have been strangers to each other. At the moment, brother Xenia is about 20 years old. Nikita studies at the Faculty of Law at the Russian State University for the Humanities, in free time diligently pursues a musical career.

Ksenia Borodina: youth

Until grade 9, Ksenia studied in Moscow, in high school No. 749. Then she continued her studies at the Lyceum, where she studied foreign languages and was preparing to enter the university. Having received a secondary education, Ksenia was sent to study at summer school Multilingwich, in England. But soon she left the English school and returned to Moscow.

The reason for this was the youthful love of Xenia for the guy from the next entrance. The young man's name was Alexander, they were friends since school. Having become older, the couple began to meet, but they did not reach a serious relationship. Ksenia did not regret that she left a prestigious school and entered the Institute of Hotel Business and Tourism. Borodina also has a second higher education She is an economist by profession, which she received at the Capital University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics.

Ksenia Borodina on the show "Dom-2"

Also in youth Ksenia planned to realize herself in show business in the future - to become a TV star. After studying at universities, the girl began to actively send out her resume to the vacancies of a TV presenter, but all efforts were unsuccessful.

In 2004, Ksenia decided to go to Italy to her parents in order to build her future there. On the day of departure, Ksenia Borodina was invited to the scandalous show "Dom-2" as a host along with Ksenia Sobchak. After 4 years, Sobchak was replaced by a bright participant Olga Buzova. Ksenia Borodina works with her to this day.

Ksenia Borodina wrote 2 books

In 2007, Ksenia appeared before the public in an unusual role for herself - a writer. She wrote her first book called Laws of Love.

In 2011, she presented the next book on weight loss - "Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina." Due to the tricks of scammers, they tried several times to expose Ksenia as a swindler. On her behalf, unreasonable ways to lose weight were offered to gullible people.

Ksenia Borodina's career in the film industry

Ksenia got her first experience as an actress in 2008 on the set of the comedy film Zaza, where she played the role of Vicki, the girl of the protagonist.

In 2011, Borodina starred in an episode of the detective series Lavrova's Method, in season 1, episodes 3 and 4. In 2013, she played herself in the famous comedy series "Deffchonki". In 2014, she played the role of the main character's girlfriend in the film "Since March 8, men!".

Personal life of Ksenia Borodina

On May 12, 2014, new members of the Karimov brothers came to the Dom-2 show: Stanislav and Oscar. Young people immediately found mutual language with the team, handsome twin brothers competed with many male participants. Oscar immediately took a liking to Xenia. The guy courted the presenter for a long time, but Ksenia tried to observe subordination.

At one point, the project administrators put Oscar before a choice, participation in Dom-2 or a relationship with Borodina outside the show. Karimov, without hesitation, chose the second, for this reason, at one of the men's votes, he was sent out of the gate. A little later it became known that Ksenia and Oscar were together, according to sources on the Internet, they met for about a year.

Then Borodina began an affair with influential person, President of the insurance holding "Prime Insurance" - Nikita Isaev. There were rumors that the couple was going to get married, but it never came to a wedding. One of the versions of their separation was the work of Xenia. Allegedly, the status of Nikita Isaev did not make it possible to marry a girl working on a scandalous project.

In 2008, Ksenia began to be noticed in the company of the Moscow DJ Antonio. When the couple started talking, the DJ had a girlfriend. Soon they friendly relations grew into a romantic, but the relationship with him did not last long.

For some time, Borodina met with Russian singer Leonid Nerushenko. A member of the group "Dynamite" died in a road accident on a motorcycle.

Ksenia Borodina got married

On August 8, 2008, the telediva became a wife successful businessman Yuri Budagov. The couple met on the comedy show "Comedy Club". After a month of dating, Ksenia and Yuri met again, when Ksenia's car broke down, Budagov helped her with pleasure, from that moment he began to look after Ksenia. The relationship of the couple developed safely and quite rapidly. As a result, the man made Xenia a marriage proposal. Mostly relatives were invited to the wedding of the newlyweds.

On June 10, 2009, Ksenia became a mother for the first time. The TV presenter gave birth to a daughter who was given Slavic name Marusya. With the birth of a child, Borodina began to pay less attention to her husband, she was torn between work and raising her daughter. Yuri was a jealous husband, so the couple began to have serious conflicts. On April 4, 2011, the couple divorced.

Ksenia Borodina and Mikhail Terekhin

On September 24, 2012, Mikhail Terekhin came to the scandalous project. Ksenia met him when the man came to the casting. The presenter was in a hurry to shoot, and Mikhail was sitting in his car waiting for the upcoming interview with the Dom-2 administration. Terekhin was not at a loss and spoke with Borodina, and so their communication began. When he became a participant in the show, he began to seek the location of Xenia. Soon the telediva reciprocated and the couple began dating.

Michael was divorced ex-wife his son Daniel tied him up. The lovers constantly quarreled and even parted, but Borodina had strong feelings for him, so she quickly went to reconciliation. Terekhin left the television project on December 6, 2012, but continued to build relationships with the host outside of it.

The couple dated for about 2 years, but one day Ksenia Borodina finally broke up with him. In one of her interviews, Ksenia admitted that the reason for the break with Mikhail was his wild life. She suspected him of treason, besides, Terekhin had a rather quick-tempered character, with which Borodina could not come to terms.

The second marriage of Ksenia Borodina

After parting with Mikhail, Ksenia was not alone for long. On June 3, 2015, the star married businessman Kurban Omarov. Ksenia hid his identity for a long time. First, Borodina began to publish joint pictures in in social networks, where only some parts of Kurban's body were visible. A little later, the couple began to appear together at social events.

Kurban Omarov did not think long and made Xenia an offer to become his legal wife. On December 22, 2015, their joint daughter Thea was born. In 2016, Ksenia and Kurban broke up due to alleged infidelity. For a while, the couple parted ways, the presenter was going to file for divorce, but it didn’t come to that. Omarov was able to convince Borodina that he had never betrayed her, perhaps she did not believe him, but gave the last chance to save the family.

Kurban Omarov is Dagestan by nationality, was born on August 25, 1980 in the Levashinsky district, the village of Khadzhalmakhi. The businessman is raising his son Omar, who was born in civil marriage. The boy's date of birth is February 1, 2008. Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov live together to this day and raise three children. The couple shares with followers moments from family life in social networks. Mutual understanding and love reign in their house.

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