Nuclear submarines - comparison of projects. nuclear submarines "Akula"

Submarine "Alexander Nevsky" of project 955 "Borey" (Photo:

US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter during a visit to the submarine base in Groton (Connecticut), he declared the global superiority of the American submarine fleet. This superiority applies primarily to its main competitors - the Russian and Chinese navies. But at the same time he demonstrated diplomatic prudence, expressing the hope that “these countries will never become aggressors.”

Carter emphasized that, despite the “comparatively high technological potential of Russia and China, the United States will maintain superiority in the future.”

Top US military officials have two types of "public" statements. And in the opposite direction.

When they testify before Congress to increase the defense budget, they argue that the Russians and Chinese are powerful beyond measure and there is an urgent need to catch up with them. When speaking to the military personnel of any base, in order to raise their military spirit, you need to talk about power American weapons, before which the insidious Russians and Chinese are powerless. The truth, of course, is in the middle.

Development of nuclear submarine fleets of Russia and the USA, which as main task assume nuclear deterrence, proceeded at different speeds. And in Russia, and earlier in the USSR, it is also at a torn pace. This happened because the concepts for the development of nuclear triads - ground-based ICBMs, submarine fleet, strategic aviation— the USA and the USSR were different. Initially, we relied on powerful silo-based ballistic missiles. Since the beginning of the 60s, the United States has systematically developed a nuclear submarine fleet, which has a huge advantage - secrecy even in modern conditions, when numerous spy satellites “plow” space.

By the mid-60s, the US Navy had 41 SSBNs (nuclear-powered submarine ballistic missiles). They were armed with Polaris-3 missiles with a range of 4,600 km, with warheads split into three charges (200 kt each). The Soviet Union gave chase. As a result, parity was achieved by the mid-70s. And by 1980, we took the lead: at that time, the USSR Navy had 62 submarines with 950 missiles in service against 40 American submarines with 668 missiles.

In terms of armament, Soviet submarines were on par with American ones. The boats of the Kalmar project were equipped with 16 R-29R missiles. The rocket was capable of delivering seven 0.1 Mt charges over a distance of up to 6,500 km. The maximum deviation from the target did not exceed 900 m. In the case of using a monoblock warhead with a capacity of 0.45 Mt, the firing range reached 9000 km.

In the 90s, the domestic strategic submarine fleet was dealt a powerful blow. It was inflicted not by the American Navy, but by the “native” leadership of the country. The logic was something like this: why have powerful army, If Yeltsin regularly flies to visit friend Bill? The submarine fleet was rapidly shrinking. And not only due to the depletion of the resource, but also due to the lack of funding for its maintenance. The number of strategic submarines capable of combat duty has been reduced to seven.

But it must be taken into account that the significant weakening of the underwater component of the nuclear triad has not become dramatic. Since ground-based vehicles began to appear in the 1990s mobile ICBMs“Topol”, which have significant secrecy. The United States' ground-based nuclear weapons are significantly weaker and more vulnerable than Russia's.

Now things are getting better. But not as fast as we would like. Currently, the Russian Navy has the 14th SSBN. 11 of them were inherited from Soviet Union. These are third generation boats of the Kalmar and Dolphin projects. “Squid”, developed in the mid-70s, is, of course, quite outdated. It uses the same above-mentioned R-29R liquid-fuel missiles. True, there is information that this missile will soon be replaced by the R-29RMU2.1 “Liner”, which has significantly greater combat power.

"Dolphin" is a more advanced boat. As a result of modernization, R-29RMU2 “Sineva” missiles were installed on it, which have an absolute world record for energy saturation - this is the ratio of the missile’s energy to its mass. The missile entered service in 2007. Its range is 11,500 km. Armed with ten multiple warheads of 100 kt each. The Liner, which entered service in 2014, has the number of separable warheads increased to 12.

And more recently, the fourth generation Project 955 Borei submarines began to arrive in the Russian submarine fleet. Now there are three of them - “Yuri Dolgoruky”, “Alexander Nevsky” and “Vladimir Monomakh”. Next year, the Prince Vladimir is expected to be transferred to the Pacific Fleet. Four more are expected to arrive by 2020. Thus, the fleet of Russian SSBNs will consist of 19 boats. Well, or from the 17, perhaps a couple of “Squids” will be written off.

The US Navy operates 18 SSBNs. These are third generation Ohio boats. The youngest of them is 20 years old, the oldest is 35. At the same time, renewal of the fleet of American strategic submarines is not planned until the mid-20s. In the mid-2000s, according to international treaty 4 boats were converted to carry Tomahawk cruise missiles. And, therefore, the Americans actually have 14 SSBNs. That is, the same amount as Russia has now. And by 2020 there will be less.

However, American submarines have a higher nuclear potential. Russian boats are armed with 16 ICBMs, while American boats have 24 Trident-2 missiles on board. At the same time, the Trident flies a couple of thousand kilometers further than the Bulava installed on the Borei. And it has greater power: 8x475 kt versus 15x150 kt. However, the Bulava is less vulnerable to missile defense systems, having a short active flight phase, a flat trajectory and more advanced means electronic warfare. True, the Bulava is still undergoing tests, and they are far from ideal. So there are a lot of nuances here.

But the Borey boat itself is definitely more advanced than the Ohio. It makes less noise: it uses the latest noise-absorbing coating, along with the propeller it has a water-jet propulsion unit. The Borey boat has more advanced hydroacoustic and navigation equipment and a higher level of automation.

To summarize, it must be recognized that due to the fact that the majority of the Russian Navy consists of boats older than the Ohio, the strategic segment of the US submarine fleet truly has superiority. Although not that significant. However, by the end of the decade, when all the laid down Boreis will be completed, the situation will change to the opposite.

USS Georgia (SSGN-729) Ohio class (Photo:

Yasen-class multipurpose nuclear submarine (NPS) Severodvinsk (Photo: Vladimir Larionov/TASS)