Time in Vietnam is now Phan Thiet. Time in Phan Thiet, Vietnam. Road from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui Ne on the map

Nowadays, you can sit at home on the sofa and find out what time it is. this moment in another country in the world or in a specific city. Moreover, this can be done using the network, or rather, through regular online services. They provide full information not only about time in various countries, but also about time zones, time in UTC, GMT and other zones in a particular city.

How long it is in Vietnam or in individual cities of the country is one of the most common questions asked by everyone who plans to go on a business or tourist trip to this exotic country.

Timezone. Vietnam

The territory of Vietnam is divided into several regions, and they all predominate in the same time zone. There is no change of clocks from summer time to winter time and vice versa. Vietnam's time zone is UTC+07:00. It shares this time zone with the following countries and states:

  • Cambodia,
  • Thailand,
  • Malaysia,
  • Laos,
  • western parts of Mongolia and Indonesia,
  • as well as Altai and the entire Altai region,
  • Omsk and Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions.

You can find out how much time it is in Vietnam by focusing specifically on these countries and some regions of Russia. UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, the basis of civil time. UTC is based on atomic time and is currently used instead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), which is now obsolete. UTC does not provide for changing clocks to summer time from winter and vice versa.

In those countries where the transition from summer to winter time is still relevant, the offset changes relative to UTC. Precise time signals are transmitted via various sources communications - Internet, television, radio.

In Russia, for example, in most regions, time zones are slightly shifted from natural ones forward by one hour. In addition, the boundaries of time zones are sometimes significantly deviated from the meridians. On maps with time zones, it is not immediately possible to determine how different the time in Vietnam is from the time in Russia.

Previously, it was possible to find out what time it is in Vietnam only from maps - no one could say for sure. Often there are numbers on the maps indicating how many hours it differs from Greenwich Mean Time. For example, this number is +8. It becomes clear that time in this time zone runs ahead of Vietnamese by an hour. If the number looks like +4, then it is clear that the time in this zone, on the contrary, is 3 hours behind the exotic one.

Time difference between Vietnam and Russia

The central region of Russia is 3 hours behind Vietnam. For example, if in Russia it is 5 am, then in Vietnam it is already 8 am. Since in different cities Russian time is different, then the difference between their time and Vietnamese will also be different. Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk are in the same time zone as Vietnam, so there is no time difference between them.

Omsk, located nearby, has a time difference of 1 hour with Vietnam - Omsk lags behind. In Yekaterinburg, in order to find out Vietnamese time, you need to add 2 hours to the local one. Samara differs from Vietnam in time by 3 hours, the same difference exists between Vietnam and Vladivostok. But, for example, Kamchatka, on the contrary, is 5 hours ahead of Vietnamese time.

What time is it in Vietnam now if it is 10 am in Moscow? Finding out is very simple: you just need to add 3 hours to Moscow time. That is, in Vietnam it will be 13 o'clock in the afternoon.

By the way, currently residents Novosibirsk region They vehemently vote for the desire to live according to Kemerovo time. More than half, or more specifically, 60% of the region have already cast their votes in favor of changing local time by 1 hour. In this case, the difference with Moscow will be 4 hours.

Today, Siberians living in MSK+3 hours see many disadvantages when living in this zone. They complain about the short daylight hours, the inability to have time to do all the planned tasks, rapid fatigue, little time for rest and sleep, etc. At the end of March 2016, the time in Barnaul was changed by an hour - now there is a difference between this city and Moscow is also 4 hours. And Transbaikalia on the same day changed the difference from the capital of 5 hours to 6.

Why know the time in Vietnam?

What time is it in Vietnam right now? useful to know in order to be able to allocate precious hours and minutes for important things. Very often tourists who choose to holiday in this exotic country, want to calculate what time it will be on the clock when their plane lands, for example, at Nha Trang airport.

The time depends on which city the tourist flies to Vietnam from, or more precisely, what is the time difference between Russian and Vietnamese cities. Plus you need to find out the time that will be spent on the flight. With this information, every traveler can calculate how long it will be in Vietnam when he arrives there.

Knowing the time will help you correctly distribute the rest of the day, plan a certain number of tasks that can be redone and how much free time will be left for rest.

Today you can find out what time it is in Vietnam today without any maps or other calculations. You just need to go to any website that has an online clock showing the time in this country. With the help of such services, you can quickly and accurately find out what time it is in a specific city on planet Earth.


When is the best time to relax in the resort of Phan Thiet in Vietnam: weather, rainy season, sea

The beach season will begin very soon in the countries South-East Asia, and in connection with this, tourists begin to ask a simple question: which country to choose for a vacation. In fact, there are many options, and it is simply physically impossible to go everywhere. But there is one country that our compatriots love and is visited by more than a million tourists from Russia every year. We're talking about Vietnam and luxury resort Phan Thiet. Find out when is the best time to vacation at this resort, what to take with you on vacation, and what is special about a vacation in Vietnam. So, let's talk about Phan Thiet - one of best resorts in Asia.

Phan Thiet – unique resort. People come here on vacation married couples, families with children, elderly people and young active people getting younger. Everyone will find their own leisure and activity here. You can just lie on the shore and admire the sea, you can walk along the endless sandy shore and see that the sea is huge, you can go diving and see undersea world, but it’s possible... in general, anything is possible here, as long as the weather doesn’t let you down.

When is the rainy season in Vietnam Phan Thiet

In fact, you can vacation in southern Asia all year round. In the summer months the heat here reaches +40 degrees, and in winter it is slightly lower, about +32. But, unfortunately, there is one here weather feature which is called the rainy season. And he does not bypass Vietnam.

The so-called rainy season lasts six months: from May to October. At this time, a strong wind is blowing, there are huge waves on the sea, and water is pouring from the sky as if someone is pouring from there from a huge bucket. Typhoons are quite common at this time in the country.
The closer to the end of the rainy season, the more rainfall there is. The most rainy month is September. In October there is already less precipitation, but it is still the second month with the greatest number rains.

You will be least likely to get wet in January and February, when there is almost no rain. The beginning of spring is also not rainy, and only in May there can be 4-5 rainy days.

Weather in Phan Thiet by month

The weather distribution in Phan Thiet by month was very interesting. During the rainy season, when there is very little sun, it is the hottest. But when the rains stop and the sun shines all day, on the contrary, it is a little cooler. It has to do with longitude daylight hours. In the summer months, the day lasts almost 16 hours and during this time the air has time to warm up quite strongly. But in winter months the day lasts 8-10 hours, and the sun simply does not have time to warm the air before the weather becomes hot.

The hottest month is May - this is the beginning of the rainy season. You can still go shopping this month, because the rains are only gaining momentum.
In the summer months the air temperature is almost the same, about +33 degrees. But heavy rains and high air humidity do not allow you to go outside.

When the typhoons subside, the temperature drops slightly and becomes a comfortable +30 +33 degrees. The “coldest” time is January, when the thermometers show +30 and slightly lower.

Sea water temperature in Phan Thiet

The sea near the resort is always warm. It never cools down to temperatures where you can't swim. But during the rainy season, swimming here is dangerous. High waves, strong currents and a lot of garbage are the main obstacles for tourists.

With coming beach season the sea calms down and cools down a little, although it is still very comfortable temperature about +25 +27 degrees.

Sunny and cloudy days in Phan Thiet

Most sunny days at the resort in March and April, that is, at the beginning of spring. But the winter months can boast of good results: in December there are 19 days of sunshine, and in January and February there are 25 days each.

The least sun is in July, in the middle of summer. Although there is not much precipitation this month, only 84 millimeters.

When is the best time to relax here?

As you can see from the weather, best month January is the month for holidays. It is a dry month, the sun shines every day, and the sea is calm and warm. There are also many tourists at the resort in February.

Tourists begin to arrive in large numbers in Phan Thiet in November, and the high season lasts tourist season until the beginning of May.
From May to October it is cloudy and rainy here, so it is unlikely that you will be able to swim in the sea. But excursion holiday is quite possible, and prices are much lower at this time of year.

Friends and acquaintances ask when is the best time to go to Mui Ne in Vietnam))) So that there is a swimming sea there, without strong waves. In general, Mui Ne as a whole is most valued by kitesurfing enthusiasts, so the season in Mui Ne is considered to be the time when there are a lot of waves to practice this sport. Therefore, I will now talk about the opposite season in Mui Ne, when you can calmly swim in the sea and/or jump in small pleasant waves, having real pleasure and without getting injured))))

So, the pleasant wave-free (and fruity!) season in Mui Ne begins at the end of March. April and May – best time for a beach and seaside holiday in these parts. And in the summer the waves begin again. In April and May, fruits are good in Mui Ne - the season of sapodillas, durians, dragonfruit, and jackfruit starts.

I would like to note that in April and May there are still often winds at sea in Mui Ne; the weather is completely calm only in the mornings (6-7 am) and evenings. If you come to the beach at 6-7 in the morning, the sea is very often like a lake, very pleasant, delightful!))) Then the wind gets stronger, and excitement appears in the sea. But you can always swim! There are still no huge traumatic waves. Believe me on this, this is being told to you by a person who is terribly afraid of big waves, because in 2011 I was severely injured by one of these waves, my tailbone hurt terribly... and it hurt for a long time. So now I have a phobia.

In April and May, we and many of our friends bathe our children in the Muinesh sea))) Ahhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-the-April-May we.

And the weather in March, April and May is sunny. Zero rain!

A few more words about who most often comes to Mui Ne. These are, first and foremost, kitesurfers. And secondly, families with children and just mothers with children. It’s easy for girls to live independently here, because... well developed here public transport and in general everything is very close, you can get around on foot. In the mornings, mothers come to the beach with their children and go swimming))))) And Mishanya and I come there every morning and swim))) Either we bathe him in a circle, or just like that)))

By plane

You can get to the resort of Mui Ne from Russia by plane via The largest city Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City. A direct flight from Moscow will take about ten hours. Of course, there is no hassle here, just endure 10 hours and you are already in Vietnam. Such flights are provided by Aeroflot and Vietnam Airlines. A round trip flight will cost you 35-40 thousand rubles. A more economical option is to fly with transfers at airports in major Asian cities, such as Bangkok, etc. It’s up to you. I love connecting flights - you can take a break, stretch your legs, and walk around the Dewey Free zone. And if you suddenly manage to buy a ticket with a long transfer of 12-24 hours, you can spend a wonderful day exploring the city. This will only add additional impressions and emotions to the trip! It is best to look for such tickets not directly from airlines, but on search engine sites, for example. They will help you find the best deals among hundreds of air carriers, do not charge a commission and are generally very easy to use. Depending on the number of transfers, airline discounts, season and other factors, such tickets can be found at a price of 25 thousand rubles.

There are a couple of ways to get from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui Ne:

By bus

From Ho Chi Minh City Airport you need to get to the central tourist street of Ho Chi Minh City, its name is Pham Ngu Lao. You can get there by taxi for 5-10 dollars or by bus 152 for mere pennies. On this street you will find many tourist offices; by going to any of them, buy a bus ticket to Mui Ne for the date and time you need. Buses go to different time days. Ticket price is about 7 dollars. Travel time is from 5 to 7 hours. There are both regular buses and a sleeping bus - a bus with seats that fold out to lie-flat ones. I would recommend these after a long flight. Very comfortable, you can take a nap. I don’t understand why buses like this don’t travel around Europe yet. In addition to the benefits and the opportunity to stretch your legs on the bus, you get the opportunity to walk and see the sights of the wonderful city of Ho Chi Minh City. If time permits, you can even stay for a day at a hotel, of which there are plenty on Pham Ngu Lao. Evening walk through the roast big city with a large glass of mango smoothie - a pleasure! When you get on the bus, tell the driver or his assistant which hotel you need. You will be dropped off near him.

By car

Taxi is the easiest, fastest, most comfortable and expensive option. A taxi can be booked in advance through your hotel or other intermediaries, or you can rent a car directly at the Ho Chi Minh City airport, which will be significantly more expensive. The drive is not that close - about 220 kilometers. Expect to spend about five hours on the road. The cost of this method is from 100 to 200 dollars per car.


Mui Ne - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow − 4

Kazan − 4

Samara − 3

Ekaterinburg − 2

Novosibirsk 0

Vladivostok 3

When is the season? When is the best time to go

Seasonality in Mui Ne is not very pronounced; almost all year round the air temperature here is about 30 degrees. But highlight the most favorable time you can still relax here - these are winter or summer months, depending on your preferences during your holiday. You can find out the prices for tours in Mui Ne.

Mui Ne in winter

Winter is the busiest time for Mui Ne. Life is in full swing, beach clubs and open-air bars are open until the morning. At this time here best winds, so athletes from all over the world come to sail in this paradise. Competitions are being held high level. The sea is rough during this period. Big waves come to the joy of surfers. Be careful, swimming with children at this time may be difficult - choose a hotel with a swimming pool. Winter is the driest season, the sky is clear and there is practically no rain. And of course at the very high season here are the highest prices.

Mui Ne in spring

By spring, you can notice a clear decline in the number of tourists in Mui Ne. The forecasts for skiing are no longer so good, short-term rains begin. Most winterers leave for their hometowns. But in general, the holiday can be called very comfortable and calmer than in winter.

Mui Ne in summer

In summer it is as quiet, empty and relaxed as possible. For people seeking peace and maximum mental and physical relaxation from the bustle of big cities, this is perhaps the best time. This is the wet season, there are rains, but they are short and mostly at night. Prices are reduced at this time. The sea is calmer and very warm - reaching air temperatures (about 30 degrees). This is a great time to relax with the kids!

Mui Ne in autumn

It falls in September maximum amount precipitation. And by the second half of autumn, winter workers and tourists from all over the world begin to arrive and life in Mui Ne begins to boil again.

Mui Ne - weather by month


Mui Ne - weather by month

Districts. Where is the best place to live?

The entire resort area of ​​Mui Ne is located along one street about fifteen kilometers long. The central part is marked on the map, the distance inside the red oval is more than 5 kilometers, you can walk it in 1 hour. In this area you can find everything a tourist might need - a wide selection of hotels for every taste and budget, a variety of places to eat - from baguettes to seafood, shops with drinks, ice cream, chips and the like, trays with tropical fruits, banks and ATMs, travel companies providing various services - from all kinds of excursions to motorbike rental. You will definitely find what you are looking for in this area!

What are the prices for holidays?


The second item of expense is food. The average bill for a main course and a drink (juice/coffee/beer) in an average cafe for one person is 100,000 Vietnamese dong, which is about 5 dollars. Fruits always cost differently, depending on the season. Average price - 1-2 dollars per kilogram. I do not recommend taking expensive fruits. A high price only means that the fruit is not in season now, which means that it may not be tasty. For mango lovers, I will say that the main season for them is the second half of spring; they sell a lot of types at a price of 0.5-1 dollar! You can only eat them. Local beer costs from 0.5 dollars per bottle, and cane rum from 2! Some tourists do not risk drinking such cheap alcohol and drink local alcohol of higher quality. Price - $4 per bottle of whiskey/rum/gin/vodka. Imported alcohol is cheaper than in duty free. Jim Beam Bourbon - $10-11.


Prices for excursions range from $30 to $60, depending on the distance of the attraction.


Bus fare is 0.3 - 0.6 dollars. A taxi around the city with a meter is not expensive - 1-5 dollars. Motorbike - 6-7 dollars per day - the longer the rental period, the lower the price. You can see the cost of renting a car.

Mui Ne is a small village in the south of Vietnam, but it is very attractive to Russian tourists. Why? One street is about 5 km long, along which there are hotels, cafes, bokehs (restaurants with live seafood), and souvenir shops. The sea is rough, quite powerful waves and always strong wind. It’s not for nothing that Mui Ne is called a paradise for surfers (and kitesurfers): they feel good here. But why do tourists come to Mui Ne expecting beach holiday, we don’t understand this.

Nevertheless, we experienced this calm, peaceful atmosphere of Mui Ne: here you don’t want to fuss, life flows calmly and measuredly. Maybe this is precisely why our compatriots come here, neglecting the interesting, bright and beachy, but noisy and restless Nha Trang? One thing we know for sure: we couldn’t survive more than a week in Mui Ne; it’s good for recharging, but not for long-term living. Of course, this is our personal opinion, based on our rhythm of life and our interests.

Phan Thiet on the map of Vietnam:

What is the sea like in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet?

Message Vietnam borders the South China Sea, but it behaves differently in different coastal areas. As I wrote above, this sea in Mui Ne is choppy.

The peculiarity of the location of the village is that the wind always blows here, all year round. Stronger than the wind blow in winter - this time is called “season”. In fact, it is the season for kitesurfers and surfers, who are primarily attracted to Mui Ne by this constant wind allowing you to ride every day.

Kitesurfing schools in Mui Ne at every turn

But for ordinary tourists, the sea in Mui Ne is not very suitable: strong waves make it dangerous for swimming with children, plus kitesurfers and surfers are constantly spinning around swimmers, which is why there is a threat of getting hit on the head with a board.

In the off-season (that is, in summer), the sea in Mui Ne is calmer and the winds are not so strong. However, the sea is somewhat turbid. After rains, a lot of garbage washes up on the shore, making the beach very dirty.

The beach in Mui Ne lasts along a single street. From the beginning of the street (we will consider the part closest to the Red Dunes as the beginning) and approximately until the middle, the beach looks extremely unpresentable: just steps into the sea, without a strip of sand. There are low tides, during which you can see a thin strip of wet sand, but mostly vacationers in hotels in this area have to swim, entering the sea from the stairs.

During the day the sea reaches the steps

The other part of Mui Ne beach (which is located closer to Phan Thiet) looks pretty good: a wide strip of sand, sun loungers and umbrellas. We were on this beach in the off-season, in June, which is why the beaches are so deserted.

Every evening in Mui Ne we watched the tides, during which many beautiful shells appear on the shore.

We also noticed that there are a lot of jellyfish in Mui Ne, but in Nha Trang there are much fewer of them, and they appear quite rarely, mainly in the fall.

Despite the fact that during our stay in Mui Ne the sea was quite calm, we had no desire to go into it and swim. Fortunately, our hotel on the shore had an excellent pool. By the way, we noticed that almost all hotels on the beach in Mui Ne have a swimming pool. Maybe all the tourists vacationing in the village, like us, are saved by the pool overlooking the sea?

To be fair, it is worth saying that you can find a decent beach in Mui Ne. We read that one of these is available at the Sea Links Hotel (the same one on whose territory the Wine Castle is located).

You can choose and book a hotel in Mui Ne with good discounts here:

Distance from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet (Mui Ne)

Mui Ne is located 220 km from Nha Trang, Phan Thiet is a little further - 240 km.

Road from Nha Trang to Mui Ne on the map:

How long does it take to get from Nha Trang to Mui Ne (Phan Thiet) and how to get there

The easiest way to get from Nha Trang to Mui Ne is by intercity bus - slipbus. A ticket for it can be bought at numerous street travel agencies in Nha Trang or at bus stations of Sinh Tourist, Hanh Café, Futa Bus, Nam Phuong. We bought a ticket from The Sinh Tourist company, the ticket for one person cost 109,000 dong ($4.6).

The bus journey takes about 5 hours, but they fly by very quickly: in the slipbus you can sit comfortably, practically lying down, sleep, read, watch interesting videos(there is free Wi-Fi). The bus makes 2 stops of 15-20 minutes each, during which you can go to the toilet, have a snack in a cafe or just stretch your legs.

Slipbus Nha Trang-Mui Ne

Traveling from Nha Trang to Mui Ne on a bike is quite difficult, and we strongly advise against overcoming this route in this way. It’s not just about fatigue, but also about the huge trucks that drive along the highway at breakneck speed, under the wheels of which our Russian guys who travel between cities on their own very often die. The Vietnamese deal with trucks very carefully; there is an unspoken rule: the larger the vehicle, the more important it is. Russians are accustomed to equal rights on the roads, and perhaps that is why everything ends tragically.

Distance from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui Ne (Phan Thiet) and how to get there

From Ho Chi Minh City to Phan Thiet - 191 km, to Mui Ne - 214 km.

Road from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui Ne on the map:

You can get there the same way as from Nha Trang - by slipbus. Travel time and ticket price are the same: about 5 hours and 110,000 dong ($4.6).

Nha Trang or Mui Ne (Phan Thiet): which is better?

For us, the answer to this question is obvious: of course Nha Trang! Mui Ne has only one single advantage - sparseness of people, and as a result, peace. For some, another advantage of Mui Ne, compared to Nha Trang, is the cheapness of housing. This is true: you can rent a small house for just $ 150−170.

You won’t find such prices in Nha Trang; for this amount per month you can only rent a room in a guest house. But for us this plus is not a plus, since we don’t want to live in small “Vietnam style” houses, and there are simply no modern European-style apartments in Mui Ne.

You can, of course, live not in Mui Ne, but in Phan Thiet itself. This city is quite modern, slightly smaller in size than Nha Trang, but with developed infrastructure: apartment buildings, shopping centers and places for walking.

Deserted main street in Mui Ne, and it's already lunchtime

Where are all the people?

And this is Phan Thiet: it’s more lively here

But all the same, Phan Thiet (and even more so Mui Ne) loses to Nha Trang by many criteria:

  • Sea. In Nha Trang, even on the city beach during the season (from April to September), the sea is calm, transparent, without waves. Well, or with small waves occasionally, bringing garbage, but in Mui Ne this garbage and these waves are permanent, and in Nha Trang they are a temporary phenomenon. And not far from Nha Trang there are paradise beaches from the “bounty” category: , . You can spend the whole weekend there.
  • Infrastructure. There are not even large stores in Mui Ne where you can buy household items. For everything you need to go to Phan Thiet, which takes time and money (if you don’t have your own bike). In Mui Ne there are only small Vietnamese “all in one” shops and a few supermarkets, but their prices are higher than in ordinary shops. There are no hospitals in Mui Ne (only small private clinics), and what am I talking about - there is not even a gas station in Mui Ne! Seriously, to refuel your bike you need to find a petrol cart parked outside some cafes. This gasoline costs more than at gas stations, and one can only guess about its quality - any Vietnamese will not miss the opportunity to dilute gasoline to make extra profit.

Gas station with chickens on the way to Phan Thiet

Phan Thiet has some nice bridges

  • Sights and interesting places. If in Nha Trang you need to choose what to visit, then in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet you can see everything in 2 days. And spend the rest of the day exclusively on the beach or by the pool. Maybe for some this is a plus. Of course, you can always find excursions from Mui Ne to other cities.
  • Fun with kids. In Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, we found only two entertainments for children: a mini-zoo near Fairy Creek and a children's play area in Lotte Mart in Phan Thiet. For comparison, in Nha Trang there are play areas for children in every mall(and theirs), an amusement park, where for 10-15 thousand dong you can ride any attraction, climb in a maze, catch toy fish and go to a 5-D cinema. There is also Vinpearl in Nha Trang. And many children's stores. Read our article about.
  • Transport. Of course, in Mui Ne there is a local minibus that runs between Mui Ne and Phan Thiet. Strictly speaking, there is no need for more there. In Nha Trang, the distances between objects are quite large, but any place can be reached by city bus in 8000 dong ($0.4). And even Zoklet beach, located 50 km from Nha Trang, can be reached by regular bus for 24,000 dong ($1). I believe that transport in Nha Trang is developed acceptable - convenient for both local residents, and for tourists.

To summarize, we see how much more advantages Nha Trang has over Mui Ne. I understand that there are people who dearly love Mui Ne for its peace and tranquility; we ourselves liked it for its tranquility. But we ourselves would choose Mui Ne only for a short-term vacation, when you just want to relax by the sea or pool. But not for a busy vacation, much less for a long life.

Watch a short video from Mui Ne:

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