Mallorca in early October is it possible to swim. Mallorca in October: weather, rest, reviews. Features of weather conditions

A trip to Mallorca in October is a risk, you may or may not be lucky with the weather. If beach holiday- not the main purpose of your trip, then at this time you can safely go to the island, you will get a lot of unforgettable impressions, and also save money. So, find out on the Tour Calendar what Mallorca can please you in October!

Weather in Mallorca in October

The weather in October in Mallorca is unpredictable, it can be sunny, warm or even hot days, or it can rain or even get colder. The sea will most likely still be quite warm, but towards the end of the month it will already be cool. It might be a little warmer in Alcudia, Cala d'Or or Santa Ponsa. The average air temperature in Mallorca during the day is about + 22 ° C, but it can be both +15 and +27. It is already cool at night - about +15°C, so warm clothes are a must, even jackets may be needed.

beach holiday

October is not a month for a beach holiday, although the sea has not yet cooled down and allows you to splash or even swim for a long time. Another thing is how much the weather will contribute to this - during rain or winds you are unlikely to want to get into the water. But on such a clear October day, hardly anything will stop you! It is simply impossible to predict what the weather will be like during your holiday in October.

Entertainment and excursions

Leave the island in October recent families with children and young people, and it's time for a relaxing holiday in Mallorca. Many nightclubs and some amusement parks are closing. This is a favorite time for European pensioners to relax, because prices at this time are one and a half times lower than in summer. In October, the weather allows you to move a lot, so you can see a lot of sights of the island - in the northeast of the island, at an altitude of 150 meters above sea level, there are Arta caves, where there are "halls" with biblical names - "Purgatory", "Hell" and "Paradise" , as well as the world's largest 22-meter stalagmite. Shows, concerts accompanied by lighting effects are also arranged here for guests.

In the town of Valldemosa there is an interesting old estate of La Granja - a very colorful place. It is worth visiting Cape Formentor, in national reserve Cabrera, in natural park Galatzo and many other interesting places.

Holidays and festivals

Like at any other time, Mallorca always celebrates something in October. This month, the island hosts a seemingly unusual holiday - Okteberfest, a world-famous German festival. It's simple - in Spain they love not only wine, but also beer! The festival is held in Palma de Mallorca and Santa Ponce, where concerts, beer tasting and other events take place. At the same time, a tapas competition is taking place on the island - delicious small snacks for beer or wine.

For those who love dancing, and just romance, in October we can advise you to visit the tango festival held in Palma de Mallorca. During the festival, every day there are concerts of musicians and dancers from Argentina and Spain, as well as lessons for those who want to learn. So you have every opportunity to come home and surprise everyone with incendiary dances!

What are the prices for holidays in Mallorca in October?

Prices for holidays in Mallorca in October are among the lowest of the year, almost one and a half times lower than in July or August!

Mallorca was my old dream come true in October. The weather pleased with its warmth, allowing you to enjoy the trip in full. Now I will tell you how good it is to relax at this resort.

Mallorca - great weather

The daytime temperature reached 23-24°C, and the sun pleased all 10 days. Only once there was a light rain, at least a little bit cooling the excited tourists. It was possible to freshen up in the Mediterranean Sea. The water was heated to 23°C.

At night, I had to warm up a little, because the thermometer showed 15 ° C. I recommend bringing a sweatshirt and jeans.

What to do in Mallorca

October is considered low season so the water park will be closed. The Dolphinarium is open all month long. You will have time to visit the dolphin show. A very exciting event.

I advise you to go on a sightseeing tour of Mallorca. I like it:

  • admire the Torrent de Pareis gorge;
  • sample local cuisine(you are brought to small restaurants);
  • walk along the olive trees growing in the town of Sawyer.

The tour lasts all day, so count on your strength.

The beaches of Mallorca are famous for their cleanliness, so I advise you to take an evening promenade. It's nice to breathe in the fresh sea breeze while admiring the beautiful sunset.

What to bring

Grab your clothes different weather. It is worth taking not only summer clothes, but also warm ones. It gets chilly in the evenings. If you do not want to sit in the room, then think over your wardrobe in advance.

It gets very hot during the day, so take sunscreen and glasses. You can burn out in a matter of hours.

Photo equipment is very useful on excursions.

seasonal fruits

In October, you can saturate your body with vitamins. Worth a try:

  • quince;
  • figs;
  • clementine;
  • persimmon;
  • cheremoyya;
  • grape.

Prices are high everywhere. If you want to save at least a little, then you should go to the market. Part of the fruit can be tasted at breakfast at the hotel. The choice is pretty good.

Mallorca is one of the major islands of the Balearic archipelago located in the Mediterranean Sea. The island has a second name - Mallorca. This Spanish resort is famous for its mild, warm climate, and the combination of beach holidays, diving and rock climbing attracts young tourists from all over the world.

General tourist information about the resort in Mallorca

The resort is famous for its availability and low prices for vacationers. Services in hotels represent the ideal value for money, especially for those who are used to traveling in a large and noisy company. Most favorite time for lovers budget holiday in Spain - Mallorca in early October.

The turnover of tourists according to the data for 2017-2018 already exceeds the mark of 8 million travelers. Most of the tourists:

  • citizens of England;
  • Germans;
  • the Swiss;
  • French.

Spanish resort of Mallorca

There are no rivers on the territory of the resort. From all sides the island is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. In an area of ​​3600 km there is a large and diverse flora and fauna. At every step you can find a luxurious natural reserve.

In addition, it is possible to take a look at the following cultural monuments:

  • The Almudaina Palace is one of the first royal palaces that served as an Arab fortress.
  • "Formentor" is picturesque cape the islands of Mallorca and one of the best viewpoints.
  • "Randa" is a sanctuary and one of the main monasteries of the island. It is located in the center of Mallorca.
  • Casino "Palladium" 14 kilometers from the capital is the largest casino, inside which there are many small gambling entertainment.

Official language spoken locals- Catalan. They are also fluent in the following languages:

  • Spanish;
  • English;
  • German.

Important! Before you hit the road, like on any warm resort, it is necessary to think over and analyze at what time of the year the velvet season begins. The cost of the ticket depends on what time of the year the trip is planned. The tourist season opens at the end of April and lasts until the beginning of October. This is the time when the main flow of tourists arrives here.

The temperature at this time reaches 30 degrees and stays at this level all summer. Precipitation during the height of summer is almost non-existent. Only in the mountainous areas does it occasionally rain. water temperature during beach season(May, June, July) reaches 25 degrees.

Weather in Mallorca in October

Mallorca in October can pleasantly surprise tourists or upset, as the beginning of October is considered the end velvet season at the resort. In the first days of this month, the thermometer begins to slowly drop. The average air temperature is 22 degrees. The sun spoils its tourists for about 7 hours a day. In this case, the water becomes equal to the air temperature.

Mallorca landmark - Almudaina Palace

For tourists who are going to go on vacation in the second half of October, strong advice is to take warm clothes. Despite warm weather during the day, in the evening the air temperature drops to 8 degrees. The weather in Mallorca in October is famous for its unpredictability.

Important! At the end of the month, the season of rains and whirlwinds begins, so there is an opinion among tourists that October is the most stormy month. According to statistics, a thunderstorm, flood and a small tornado are expected on every third day of autumn.

When traveling, you need to remember the rules of rest for October tourists:

  • Do not try to engage in extreme water sports during this period. Tornadoes and small tornadoes often occur over the sea, there is a high probability of falling into a whirlpool.
  • The island has large area and not always throughout its territory it's raining. Even at this time of the year it is local. Therefore, if bad weather occurs in the tourist’s habitat, you should not be sad, you can always change the route and visit an interesting excursion in another area.

October is very changeable in terms of weather conditions. Forecasters have established that it is impossible to predict in advance what the weather will be like. So, in 1983 and 1989, only 5 mm of precipitation fell per month, which is 5 times less than the monthly norm. Residents of the capital Palma de Mallorca were outraged by the weather in October 1994 (about 250 mm of rain fell).

Tornado over the mediterranean sea

Weather in October in the capital Palma de Mallorca

One of the most popular resorts on the island is the capital Palma de Mallorca. Domestic tourists try to buy a tour to this place at an affordable price in October. This month's weather in Palma is great for those who like to combine vigorous activity, walks and beach holidays. The air temperature at the beginning of the month still allows you to swim in the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea, but by the beginning of November, relaxing on the beach becomes impossible.

Water temperature in October

Interesting! According to data for the past year 2017, temperature regime beat set record on the island of Mallorca (Spain). The weather in October, according to weather forecasters, was rated as tropical.

The maximum air temperature for the month was 25 °C. At the same time, the lower threshold did not go below 15 ° C. The average air temperature in October varies from 17 to 23 °C.

The water temperature was recorded at a maximum of 25 degrees. At the end of October, the data dropped a couple of degrees and amounted to 22 ° C. Thus, average temperature water in October 2017 stayed at around 23.5°C.

The average number of solar daily hours is 8.5. The water temperature in the evening is 2 degrees higher than in the morning. If a warm day falls in October, then thunderstorms are observed in the evening hours.

Weather forecast for the coming days

As of July 2018, the air temperature in the capital of the island during the day is 30 ° C, in the evening the thermometer drops to 26 ° C. Sunrise starts at 6 am 42 minutes. The sunset can be seen at 9pm 9 minutes. The length of the day is 14 hours 27 minutes. The water temperature on July 25, 2018 was 24 °C. People who are especially weather dependent should pay attention to the fact that the phase of the moon is in the growth stage, and the geomagnetic field is unstable. For the next week, forecasters predict a slight increase in temperature. Over the weekend, the air will warm up to 32 ° C, the probability of precipitation is 32%, the wind strength is 2 meters per second.

Mallorca in October

Tips for vacationers and tourists: what to do in October

October in Spain is full of holidays. What is a holiday dedicated to national day Spain with a special flavor celebrated among the entire population. Therefore, if the weather forecast does not please with warm sunny days, do not be sad. This is a great chance to immerse yourself in the life and culture of Spain, visit several attractions.

Tips for vacationers: what you can and can not do on vacation

A few points about what to do on vacation in Spain, and what actions you should refrain from.

  • The main means of transportation is public transport. The cost of the trip will cost a maximum of 1 euro*, while the minimum price of a taxi is 2-3 euros*.
  • It is better to buy products, souvenirs, local goods with the national currency. There are exchange points in every bank.
  • It is better not to drink tap water, it is often unusable. No need to spare the euro for a bottle of clean water.
  • Tourists need to follow the signs on the street. Severe penalties apply to smokers in public places.

International Day of Spain

Note! The local population has dinner later than 21:00, so it is recommended to visit the restaurant no earlier than 22:00.

Enjoy good rest in Mallorca it is possible in October. The main thing is to go with good mood and read in advance what to expect from the weather during which you plan to travel.

*Prices are current as of July 2018

In the Mediterranean. It is part of the Balearic archipelago. Near Mallorca nestled her smaller sister - Menorca, tiny but famous Ibiza (Ibiza) and very microscopic Formentera. But in this article we will not talk about the sights of the Balearic Islands. We are interested in Mallorca in October. Is it worth going there in the middle of autumn, or is it better to wait for the opening tourist season 2017? In no case will we dissuade you from a trip to Mallorca in October. But they do not intend to mislead the description of hot and clear days. We will just tell you about the weather conditions in the Balearic Islands in the middle of autumn. And we leave the conclusions to you.

Beach season in the Balearic Islands

You can go to Mallorca at any time. There all year round very beautiful, always the same high level service. But if we talk about a purely beach holiday, then its season officially begins in early May and ends at the end of September. But not everything is so clear. Wealthy tourists and students flock. But the velvet season continues. Budget tourists and Western European pensioners are trying to catch summer by the tail. Beach in October is possible. And numerous reviews of tourists are proof of this. Of course, lying like a “seal” on the beach for two weeks is unlikely to succeed, especially at the end of the month. The breath of autumn begins to be felt in these subtropical latitudes. Possible cloudiness, precipitation, which falls mainly on the northern part of the island, sea roughness. It is difficult to characterize in Mallorca in October for the reason that the weather in this month is unpredictable. A hot, summer-like sultry day can be replaced by a thunderous evening with heavy wind and downpour.

Weather in Mallorca in the middle of autumn

October in the Balearic Islands is still not like the rainy and cool period that fell to the lot of the inhabitants northern latitudes. All the trees are covered with lush greenery, and the sea is still quite warm. The summer entourage of nature is enhanced by the cloudless sky that delights tourists in Mallorca in October. There are an average of twenty-one clear days this month. So you can lift the curtain of the beach season and enjoy sea bathing and sunbathing. But going to Mallorca for a purely beach holiday is a risky business. It may also happen that the autumn will turn out to be rainy. And if it starts to rain, and it passes here with Spanish expressiveness, in the form of thunderstorms, downpours, accompanied by floods and tornadoes, then there will be nothing to think about tanning. But there can be a couple of such days for the whole month. The rest of the time, the weather pleases with the sun and warmth. But, unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the sea. October in the Balearic Islands is the most stormy month. Therefore, during this period it is better to get to Mallorca by plane, and not by sea.

Temperature indicators of the first half of the month

October refers to the transitional period. Therefore, the temperature indicators of air and water this month differ significantly. The beginning of October may well pass for the continuation of the velvet season. Sometimes it is not just comfortably warm, but unbearably hot. The maximum temperature in Mallorca in October was recorded in the area of ​​the capital of the island. It was 33.4 o C. But usually the thermometer in the first half of October rarely crosses the line of thirty degrees, but fluctuates in the range of + 24 ... +28 o C. Excellent indicators for those tourists who crave a beach holiday, but in At the same time, they cannot bear the heat! The Mediterranean Sea in early October also behaves quite well. The chance of storms is low. And the water temperature, although lower than in summer and in September, is still comfortable: + 23 ... + 24 ° C. You can do long swims, and if excitement starts, jump on the waves near the shore. Be sure to take it with you sunscreen and… a warm sweater. After all, autumn makes itself felt in the evenings. At night, the thermometer can drop to plus sixteen degrees.

middle of the month

The weather in Mallorca in the second decade of October can remain as idyllic as in the first. But bad weather can also come. The probability of rain is greater in the mountains of Tramontana, which is in the north of the island. Leave the resorts of Formentor and Port de Soller for day trips. It is beautiful and interesting there, but in mid-October it is windy, rainy, and fog creeps in the gorges. The temperature during the day, especially on the east and south coasts, is still conducive to a beach holiday. The air during the day warms up to twenty-four in the shade. The sea cools more slowly, and its temperature remains within 23 degrees Celsius. But after a storm passes, the water can become unexpectedly cold due to the currents. For swimming, you should choose secluded bays, of which there are many from the southwest to the southeast of the island of Mallorca. It is best to stay in Santa Ponsa, Paguera, Magaluf, Arenal, Cala Millor, Alcudia.

Holidays in Mallorca at the end of October

During this period, autumn is already beginning to fully come into its own. This is especially felt in the evening and at night. The thermometer can drop to plus five degrees, and in the mountains even below zero. Mornings are also very, very fresh, so swimming at dawn or after sunset will not work. But warm things to take with you is a must. Do not forget to grab an umbrella as well - Mallorca in October can meet you with a drizzle, or even a downpour. But, despite the increase in precipitation, there are quite a lot of sunny days. Then the air warms up to twenty-three degrees. It is quite possible to settle on the beach and sunbathe from noon to three in the afternoon. But to make a long swim is unlikely to succeed. A sea temperature of twenty-one degrees will satisfy only hardened people. But you can take a dip in the cool waters.

What to do in Mallorca in October

The coolness that comes to the Balearic Islands in mid-autumn makes it possible to combine a beach holiday with an educational one. Unlike summer, a tourist does not need to overpower his body to embark on a journey through the hot Mallorca for sightseeing. Despite the official end of the beach season, tour desks are working at full capacity. And you can rent a car or use the well-established public transport to commit independent travel. Families with children and young people at this time are becoming few. Their place is taken by pensioners from Western Europe who are interested in Mallorca in October not as an opportunity to swim and sunbathe, but to see its sights. Feel free to go to Valldemosa, where Chopin spent the winter in the ancient monastery. No vagaries of the weather will spoil the excursion to the Dragon's Cave (in Porto Cristo) or Cuevas del Art with the largest stalagmite in the world (in Canyamel).

Events in Mallorca in the middle of autumn

It may seem incredible, but this island also hosts an Oktoberfest. This is done to please the German pensioners, who are firmly established in the Balearic archipelago (Spain). Mallorca in October is also famous for the Tango Festival. Many great dancers not only from Spain, but also from Argentina and other countries come to the island to demonstrate their skills and give master classes. Gourmets are also not ignored. It is in October that the Tapas Festival takes place in Mallorca. Famous Spanish appetizers - from toasted slices of bread with soft sausage, paprika and honey to huge pans of paella - will be offered for tasting to all visitors of this mouth-watering event. But if you want to be in the center of all events, it is better to choose resorts near the capital of the island - Magaluf, Santa Ponsa, Arenal, Illetas, Palma Nova.

Tours to Mallorca in October

An important advantage of a trip to the Balearic Islands in the middle of autumn is its cheapness. Coastal resort hotels, hoping to catch the last customers, reduce prices to such a level that such offers at first seem like some kind of scam. An apartment with a kitchen can be rented for eleven days for one hundred and sixty euros. With the end of the tourist influx, the price of the flight also decreases, which makes Mallorca more accessible in October. Reviews claim that low-cost airlines will take you to the island and back for one hundred and sixty euros (in particular, the low-cost carrier Norvegian).

The decoration of the Balearic archipelago, the Spanish island of Mallorca is popular with Russian tourists due to the affectionate mediterranean sea and convenient beaches. Holidays in Mallorca in October - this is a bliss not on the beach with comfortable temperatures air +24-28, water +23-25.

The main purpose of the tour is usually "beach", with all kinds of catamarans, water skiing, bananas and other active entertainment. Sea and coastal fishing is popular among men. Well, the evening is a celebration of partying at beach parties, which literally every hotel on the island holds with chic and brilliance.

lovers a relaxing holiday go to the golf courses. Even if you are not fond of this sport, you can simply ride through the emerald meadows on your own or with a driver. Fans of historical adventures are advised to visit Palma de Mallorca, take a walk around the Old Town, take pictures at Bellver Castle, drive to the Valldemos Monastery, where part of the premises is reserved for a rather interesting museum.

Active tourists prefer trekking to the Serra de Tramuntana, where there are specially laid paths for bicycles, and an experienced guide will select the route according to your physical condition.

The main October events of the island are the Harvest Festival and autumn fairs, where the stalls are bursting with goat cheeses, fruits, olives and young wine. And in the evening on the Harvest Festival, "Estol del Rei En Jaume" takes place - a costumed performance of young Spanish artists who play scenes from the history of Mallorca.

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