Choban Kule Crimea. Choban-Kule - the ruins of a castle on a picturesque cape near Sudak. Features of visiting the tract with a tower

Beaches, crowds of cars, billions of tents, umbrellas and mattresses, and more more bodies human, scattered along the beach ... Not horror and thriller, but relaxation was the place of Choban-Kule, near the village of Morskoye, Sudak City Council. And all this extravaganza of rest is crowned by a long-forgotten tower on Cape Agira. Choban-Kule is her name, which means "Shepherd's Tower". The appearance of this structure is associated with the Goths and Byzantines.

The tower became famous thanks to the Genoese feudal lords - the di Guasco brothers, who owned the castle in the 1470s. The Guasco brothers (Andreotti, Dimitri and Teodoro) seized the villages of Privetnoye and Tasili (Gromovka), which belonged to the Soldai (Sudak) consulate, and established cruel rules here. In Privetnoye, to intimidate the locals, the brothers set up a gallows, and a pillory on the border of their possessions. All the intentions of the consul to pacify the arbitrariness of the Guasco family ended in vain. The conflict ended on its own with the Turkish conquest of the site in July 1475.

The partially explored complex, consisting of a castle and a small settlement near it with a 15th-century temple, is a rare historical and archaeological material. Thus, one can single out a donjon (the residence of the Guasco brothers), surrounded by an outer perimeter of walls and towers, as well as a courtyard tangent to it, protected by a massive clay stone wall.

Building fortifications skillfully used the protective properties of the terrain, however, the fortification features of the relief clearly fade into the background when building geometrically regular polygonal walls of the fortress. The upper part of the hill, occupied by fortifications, is hilly. One of the heights is occupied by a donjon. The second peak is in the northwest. If you want to know everything about the Crimea, I recommend the site

Such a dangerous neighborhood from the standpoint of strategic expediency as a determining factor in the placement of fortifications is completely illogical. It also remains incomprehensible and non-functional devices of the southwestern loophole, which could control only a small space along the curtain. Perhaps this is just an esplanade that has not been completed to the end, which could compensate for the negative properties of the relief.

The protective properties of the fortress are clearly demonstrated by the loopholes of the foot battle of the corner towers. They were located in the lower tier of the building and were designed to flank the space at the foot of the curtains. All three surviving loopholes are of the same type. Their characteristic feature is a device with a floor part of two holes located vertically on the same axis. Loopholes of this type in the Crimean fortifications are a unique phenomenon. Probably, if we draw a parallel between the barbican of the Sudak fortress, we can assume that these were drains dating back to the 17th century.

On the western side of the tower, the remains of the defensive walls are still visible. Not far from the tower, according to archaeologists, there was a temple of the 15th century. The massive ruins somewhat resemble the platform of a building.

At one time, Choban-Kule was investigated by scientists who conducted excavations. An interesting find was when clearing the curtain wall masonry. Between the stones, in a niche that was formed as a result of the collapse of the stone, a compact accumulation of objects was found. Five plates and nine crossbow arrowheads were found here. The tips lay on the plates without any specific system, bushings and heads in different directions. The products were badly battered by corrosion, even traces of fabric were reflected on the surface of one of the plates.

Also found were traces of an underground passage that led to the foot of the cape. Unfortunately, it was blown up in the middle of the 20th century.

In the VIII-IX century, there was a large pottery center near Choban-Kule, as evidenced by the remains of pottery kilns and heaps of ceramics.

Perhaps it is wrong to think that there are no tourists here. The tower is simply teeming with those who wish, the bulk are vacationers under the castle cape. They just trodden paths, Crimean paths to magical world of the past.

Choban-Kule is one of the famous sights of the Sudak region.

Several centuries ago, on a small humpbacked cape not far from Soldaya (Sudak), the construction of a fortress began. The instigator of this construction was the di Guasco family. The head of the family - Antonio, a native of the city of Genoa, and his three adult sons went down in history as tyrants and bandits. The oppression of the local population and open confrontation with the Consul of Soldaya are confirmed by several documents from that era.

It seems that the fortress was never built to the end. Only a part of the main fortress tower - the donjon - has survived to this day. And what the fortress was called then, in the 15th century, we do not know. The name "Choban-Kule" - the Shepherd's Tower - was assigned to it after the invasion of the Crimea by the Ottoman Empire (in 1475).

Although Choban-Kule is close to Sudak, I climbed up to it for the first time quite recently.

The easiest way to see Choban-Kule is for residents and guests of the Morskoye village. The coast near this village stretches in a smooth line from Cape Ai-Fok to Cape Agira. In my notes there is already one that closes the bay from the east. And I haven’t gone to Cape Agira, a little protruding into the sea from the opposite side, in the west.
In December, my friends and I were going to go towards the southern coast of Crimea, and I, taking the opportunity, suggested that Choban-Kule be the first point of the program.

The path from the seashore to Choban-kul leads along a rather steep slope. But this ascent does not take long. There is also a more gentle path - from the pine forest, a little north of the hill with the tower.
Rising above the sea, I was surprised - how silky it is today! So tender and cold... And the small swirls of water near the shore are like thin white lace. Ai-Foka, Karaul-Oba and Meganom float into the silky sea...

I was the first to climb the dilapidated wall of the tower. Interestingly, the thickness of the wall varies: on the northeast side, it is twice as large as in the rest of the tower.

From the monumental donjon, the basement, first and partially second ground floors have been preserved. Now the height of the tower reaches nine meters, presumably, it was at least three or four meters higher ( quote from here).

Over the past decades, coast and long wild beaches near Choban-Kule have become a popular place for car camping.
Popularity and accessibility usually have a downside. Unfortunately, Choban-Kule is heavily covered with inscriptions both inside and outside...
View from the tower to the east:

West view:

View from the south side:

View from the north:

In the 15th century, the castle di Guasco should have become the extreme western stronghold of the Sudak consulate. But the unprincipled behavior of the di Guasco brothers and the powerful offensive of the Ottoman Turks prevented this plan. The unfinished fortress fell into disrepair. And a small settlement, located under the walls of the fortress, disappeared from the face of the earth ...

It is difficult for us, not archaeologists or historians, to imagine how the di Guasco castle looked like - with turrets, defensive walls and an adjoining household courtyard - more than five hundred years ago. Now we see here only hills washed out by rains and a dilapidated donjon ... But, anyway, this landscape is a valuable addition to the treasury of impressions!

Fortress ruins:

We go back to the beach. Cape Meganom is no longer visible, it was overwhelmed by a cloudy wave.

A grove of maklure grows on the shore! How many fruits they dropped!

Maclura apple-bearing(Adam's apple), family Mulberry is deciduous, usually tall tree, on which interesting fruits ripen in autumn. They are inedible, used only in traditional medicine(for the treatment of joints, with varicose veins, sciatica, rheumatism, etc.). A heavy fruit, inside of which small nut seeds are hidden, releases a white sticky liquid when injured. In my opinion, maclura looks great in nature and in parks. Tree branches densely strewn with round "apples" look very elegant! And the close "edible" relatives of maclura are figs and mulberries.

Another historical object, but not as old as Choban-Kule, is a former wine cellar. There are also such storage facilities near Sudak, for example, in the Kapsel valley. Cellars were often built near vineyards, on hillsides.

It's empty inside, just stupid writing on the walls right there.

We lingered in a pine forest near Choban-Kul. December was mushroom month! Someone has already walked here, leaving the "conditionally edible" russula intact. Masha and Lenya decided to collect and cook them all the same (after cooking, the russula lost its pungent taste). In addition to russula, in the pine forest we came across butterflies and gray ones, if I'm not mistaken.

We return to the cars.
The usual silhouette of Choban-Kule, which is visible from the highway: a round tower with a "stool" at the top...

Opposite is a hillock with a tower, on the road there is a fork. You can turn north and go to Zelenogorye,. The beauty is there! But, this time we drive further along the south coast highway, to Generalskoye, and from there - on foot to the Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall! I hope to find him very full-flowing.

The road winds, climbing one of the coastal hills. We stopped: we wanted to see how low clouds were moving in from the east. Choban-Kule is no longer over the Black, but over the White Sea ... In the distance, the Sandyk and Perch mountains are visible.

5 km from the village of Morskoe, in the area with. Privetnoe, Cape Agira is located, on which the medieval tower "Shepherd-Kule" of the XIV - XV centuries is located, which means "Shepherd's Tower". It is surrounded by the remains of ancient buildings and defensive walls.

The tower is built of fairly massive stones and pieces of rock. The walls reach a thickness of 2-3 meters. Its height is now approximately 9-10 meters. The entrance to the tower is located on the southwestern side and is badly damaged.

The upper part of the tower was also destroyed, probably mainly due to tourists.

Inside the tower, in the wall, there is a rather deep niche with an opening to the outside, the purpose of which can be very diverse. The fireplace and water basins located in the basement have been preserved.

On the eastern side of the tower, the remains of defensive walls are still visible; according to some sources, a temple was located not far from the tower. Massive ruins at the foot of the tower bear the outlines of some buildings.

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5 km from the village of Morskoe, in the area with. Privetnoe, Cape Agira is located, on which the medieval tower "Shepherd-Kule" of the XIV - XV centuries is located, which means "Shepherd's Tower". It is surrounded by the remains of ancient buildings and defensive walls. The tower is built of fairly massive stones and pieces of rock. The walls reach a thickness of 2-3 meters. Its height is now approximately 9-10 meters. The entrance to the tower is located on the southwestern side and is badly damaged. The upper part of the tower was also destroyed, probably mainly due to tourists. Inside the tower, in the wall, there is a rather deep niche with an opening to the outside, the purpose of which can be very diverse. The fireplace and water basins located in the basement have been preserved. On the eastern side of the tower, the remains of defensive walls are still visible; according to some sources, a temple was located not far from the tower. Massive ruins at the foot of the tower bear the outlines of some buildings. Save Changes

On the way, in the navigator we saw a marked landmark - the Choban-Kule tower. We read that it offers gorgeous views, a kind of observation deck. We decided to see this for ourselves and hit the road.

Choban-Kule. Historical reference.

Choban-Kule is translated as "shepherd's tower". There is a variant of the name Choban-Kale, which means a shepherd's fortress. It is generally accepted that the Choban-Kule tower belongs to the complex of towers left from the Tasili fortress, which belonged to the Genoese feudal lords - the brothers of Guasco. The tower is built from massive stones and pieces of rock. The walls are up to three meters thick. Height today is about ten meters.

In the nineteenth century, there was a large pottery center near Choban-Kul. This is evidenced by a large number of fragments of burnt clay and ceramics left near the furnaces. Manufactured dishes dispersed throughout Taurica and beyond.

After the Tatar Khan recognized himself as a vassal of the Turkish Sultan, the right of the Genoese granted by the Khan of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh ceased to be valid. The lands and wealth of the Genoese in the Crimea were declared the property of the Sultan. The Guasco brothers decided to fight, hoping for the height of the walls of their fortress, but after a long siege they were forced to surrender.

Choban-Kule. Review.

On the way from the Morskoye village, we turned onto a country road towards the sea. We drove past an abandoned well. We saw a small forest where people stood with tents. They brought it into the navigator as a place for camping. We drove a little further quiet place parked the car and got ready for the ascent to Choban-Kul. A horse blocked our way.

Then we saw another one:

Here they are together:

After talking with the animals, we went on the ascent. It leads to Choban-Kul and quite good road, the downside is that it makes the path straight ahead longer. We decided to climb straight, the Choban-Kule tower itself was a landmark. Barely visible from below. The path was uphill, it's good that we rested the previous two days. Do not forget to turn around in order to admire the views:

We mastered the path with one respite. Although the height is not very high, but the joy of achieving the goal was still there, here in all its glory Choban-Kul:

By Slavic custom, everyone wants to leave a memory of himself and write his name or the name of the city on the ancient structure:

The views are really amazing:

It's time to climb the tower itself:

Let's take a picture from another angle:

An interesting moment, being near Choban-Kule, a shepherd's tower, we met a shepherd with a flock of sheep:

After the study, we went downhill to the car.

Choban-Kule. Outcome.

Our morning work-out in the form of an ascent to the Choban-Kul tower came to an end. Climbing will not be a big work and will not take time, but it will give pleasure. Especially since it's close to the highway. Recommended to visit. And in the meantime, we headed for, a mountain lake of indescribable beauty, surrounded by mountains, and a hike along the gorge to the Arpat waterfalls awaited us, this will be the next issue! Thank you for your attention, see you soon! Don't forget to watch the video for the best performance and subscribe to channel if you haven't already:

The south-east of Taurida is hidden among the seaside cliffs and mouths of small rivers. And the region of Sudak is generally a curious in shape and relief coast in the Crimea. Cape Choban-Kule is the most unique in this respect. Photos and reviews of tourists say that it looks like a tower - that's why the Crimean Tatars called it "the fortress of the shepherds." At its top, the ruins of an ancient bastion are also really preserved. In addition to shepherds, artisans lived here - the remains of their necessary products are found everywhere.

Where is the cape located in Crimea?

ledge sea ​​shore, about which in question- This is part of the Sudak urban district, the territory between and the mouth of the Uskut River. The lower course of the latter in the coastal part is a conditional administrative border with Bolshaya.

Choban-Kule on the map of Crimea

History of life on the cape

Do not be deceived by the translation of this toponym - Choban-Kule was built not by local shepherds, but by Genoese merchants. The conversation is about the brothers di Guasco, who appeared near Soldaya (present-day Sudak) in the 15th century. A small castle built of raw bricks was called Tasili. Rumors reached the ears of medieval chroniclers about the violent temper of these provocative Italians.

In fact, they fought with neighboring rulers (Crimean Tatars, Greeks and other Genoese) for land, livestock and slaves. As for the slaves, everything is very understandable - locals were valued by the craftsmanship of making ceramics (round-bottomed ovoid amphoras, pithoi and flasks). Archaeologists have found dozens of remains of pottery kilns and thousands of fragments of various dishes.

This center of crafts goes back to the 8th century - the time of the settlement of multinational artels of artisans. The products of the potters briskly dispersed to Byzantine shops and bazaars. The last section of the ascent to the remnant of the citadel is not particularly convenient. For this reason, the cape was called Agira (“heavy”) in the old days. Today, it is safer to go to the tower a little bypass - through a gently sloping pine grove.

Features of visiting the tract with a tower

It is clearly visible on the map - in the east, the cape occupies the space from the place where R-29 turns sharply to the northwest. Therefore, to this historical "reserve" you need to start after crossing a rivulet, barely perceptible in the thickets. Travelers move along a quite tolerable road. On their way, they will cross a slope with a vineyard and a small grove located a little further, located, as it were, on the steps.

Below there will be, on the one hand, a small wasteland, on the other, several paths leading directly to the sea. Fans of local history at this point usually turn west - to the fort "Shepherd's Fortress" (Tasili). There is still quite a bit left of its largest donjon - 10 m. Di Guasco detachments from here went on robbery raids on many farms of the Soldai community.

In the above location, many human bones with obvious signs of damage were found. The tower and its surroundings are officially recognized historical monument. The complex is protected by the state.
There is also a campsite on the local seaside patch, which is well known to all and many experienced tourists. Car wanderers come here with trailers.

The coast is more large-pebbled, and in some places it is frankly rocky. There is no flat strip here even near the sea. Walking on the beach without shoes is not recommended. Previously, a tunnel led directly from the water to the castle of the di Guasco brothers. They say it was blown up in the middle of the 20th century ... It should be borne in mind that Cape Choban-Kule is. Here you can not worry about crowding or appearance her bathing suit, as well as her lack of clothes at all.

Under the eastern sole of the sights of Sudak, a stream of the same name runs. It flows into the sea just at the campsite. From the latter to the village of Morskoye, where you can replenish supplies, go 4.5 km along the coast (meaning the path to the bus station). There are almost the same amount of climbs along the shtetl road and the highway.

How to get to Choban-Kul?

It is easy to reach the described object. The road to the cape starts from R-29, behind the first river bridge after the Morskoy bus station. You have to walk 450 m to the coastal slope of the cape. To the Choban-Kule tower - another 300 m of a winding dirt road running up.

For better orientation, we also offer a route on the map that will help you get to Choban-Kul:

Note to the tourist

  • Address: Morskoye village, Sudak city district, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44.811296, 34.746083.

The cape and the Choban-Kule tower in Crimea are interesting as a hidden place for swimming and a quiet tent camp, as a space with many historical sights and as a low observation platform. The picturesque landscape lying around and the clear azure sea are attractive. Ruins can be found nearby. underground passages and ancient wells of the VIII-XV centuries. Not far from the castle, enthusiasts built a small copy of rubble stone. Against its background, you will get excellent shots for a memorable photo collection. However, sometimes not so masterpieces of land art are also made here.

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