Abstract of GCD Ecology lesson plan on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic. Node on ecology theme "we are friends of nature" Node in the senior group on ecology

Summary of GCD in senior group on ecology “The Old Man-Lesovichok travels through the forest.”

1. Consolidate children’s knowledge about the forest, forest inhabitants, and plants.
2. Summarize children’s knowledge about the importance of forests in human life.
3. Develop curiosity, attention, vocabulary.
4. Strengthen the ability to answer questions, speak expressively, with intonation.
5. Encourage participation in the conversation.
6. Foster a love of nature.

Materials: Doll Old Man - Lesovichok. Illustrations of birds, animals.
Forest glade, Christmas trees, flowers, mushrooms, snowflakes. Nature landscapes. Sound recording of “Bird Voices”. Driver's cap. Cameras. Binoculars.

Vocabulary work: Thieving magpie. Elovik. Photo hunt. Photos. Driver. Station.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.
Educator: - Guys, look how many guests came to us today, let's say hello to them.
- Guys, remember, Old Lesovichok came to us. So today he invited us to his forest.
II. Introductory part.
Educator: - Then you and I will go to visit the Old Man-Lesovich. - But first, let's remember how to behave in the forest?
(You can’t make noise in the forest. Play loud music. Climb trees)
If you came to the forest for a walk,
Breathe fresh air
Run, jump and play,
Just don't forget
That you can't make noise in the forest
Even sing very loudly
You are just a guest in the forest
Here the owner is oak and elk.
Take care of their peace
After all, they are not our enemies!

Why can't this be done? (Birds and animals get scared)
- How are we going to behave?
-Then you and I will now take the train and go to the forest to visit Lesovich. Let's hurry up, otherwise the train is leaving soon.
(Children stand one after another, take their elbows, pretend to be a train. The child driver puts on his cap, stands forward, Then everyone goes. They reach the forest),

III. Main part.
- Guys, here is the forest, Lesovichok should meet us here. Where is he? (The sound of “Birdsong” begins),
S.L.: -I’m here, I was in a hurry not to be late and I’m very glad to see you in my forest. Hello guys! Today I will tell you about my forest, and you will help me a little. Fine.
S L: - Guys, you have arrived at the first forest station, it is called “Seasons”.
(There is a clearing made of green fabric on the floor. Flowers, mushrooms, autumn leaves, snowflakes. There are landscape paintings around: autumn, winter, summer,)
- Oh, guys, I can’t figure out what time of year it is in my forest.
Oh, what a mess. What happened here? Who mixed everything up. Maybe you guys can help me put things in order and figure it all out.
Voe pit.: -Guys, let's help Lesovich.
- First, tell me everything you see here? (Children list what they saw)
- When do we have yellow and red leaves? (Autumn)
-Now find me paintings depicting autumn? Well done.
- Now tell me when the flowers bloom and the berries and mushrooms ripen? (In summer),
- Find me pictures of summer?
What time of year would snowflakes and winter landscapes suit? (Winter).
What time of year didn’t we talk about? What's missing here? (Spring).
-What could be suitable for spring? Tell me?
(Spring pictures, spring flowers: snowdrops, coltsfoot).
-What time of year is it now? (Winter).
-What do we need to remove from this clearing? (Flowers, mushrooms, leaves, summer and autumn landscapes).
- Let's remove them? (Children remove everything unnecessary).
- What time of year do we have left and has it arrived in the forest? (Winter)
S.L.: - Well, you guys helped me restore order in nature. Now it’s clear that winter has arrived in my forest. Well done boys. But it’s time for us to go longer, the train is waiting for us.
(Children take the train and go to the Ptichya station).
S.L.: - Guys! So we arrived at the Ptichya station. Birds live here, look what birds have flown to the Christmas tree.
Tell me them? (Magpie, tit, sparrow, crow, woodpecker, crossbill, nuthatch, owl).
- What kind of birds are these? (Wintering).
-What does wintering birds mean? (Who live with us and do not fly away anywhere).
- Let's remember what we know about some birds,
Guess this riddle, what bird is it about?
This predator is talkative
Thieving, fussy,
White-sided chirping,
And her name is... (magpie).
-Yes, this is forty. (There is a picture of a magpie on the Christmas tree).
Why is it called white-sided? (She has white sides).
What is another name for a magpie? (The thief magpie.)
Why is it called that?
Well done, you know the magpie well, now find out another bird?
Guess what kind of bird:
Afraid of bright light
Beak with a hook, eyes with a snout
Eared head, this is ... (owl)
- That's right, it's an owl. (There are images of owls on the Christmas tree).
-What do people say about an owl? (Children talk about the owl).
Little owl - big head
He sees everything in the forest, knows everything in the forest, understands everything...
There is no wiser bird than an owl
The whole forest is the head.
The wisest bird in the world is the owl.
He hears everything, but is very stingy with words.
The more he hears, the less he talks.
Ah, this is what many of us miss!
- Guys, what kind of bird is this?
Who's jumping and rustling there?
Does it gut pine cones with its beak?
With a clear, clear voice
- Cool! Cool! Clue - sings with a whistle.
- Do you guys know anything about the crossbill? (Children tell
poems about the cross).

Spruce - short tail,
Spruce tree is a cheerful crossbill,
The spruce tree does not like rocks,
He took a fancy to the Christmas tree.
S L: -Why is it called spruce? (He lives on a spruce tree).
S.L: - And he also likes to live on pine and cedar. What else do you know about the crossbill?
Blizzards of snow are swirling,
The frost crackles at night.
On top of a lush spruce
A bright crossbill peels a pine cone.
He is not afraid of frost.
Winter is not scary for him.
Forest and pine trees are given to the bird
golden seeds,
S.L: - What great fellows you are, and I also know a funny poem about crossbills, let me read it, and you all repeat it together with movements.
Physical education minute. There are spruce trees in the forest
They look at the blue sky. (Hands up - stretching).
Branches stick out to the sides (Hands to the sides)
Crossbills are sitting on the branches (Hands to shoulders)
Crossbills are jumping on the trees (Jumping)
Crossbills collect cones; their needles do not scare them. Crossbills are clever little ones.
We'll sit under the tree (They sit down and look at the trees)
And let's look at the crossbills.

Author: Prokudina Evgenia Aleksandrovna
Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work:
Location: Kemerovo region, Belovsky district, village. Mencherep, st. Central

Integration of areas: " Cognitive development», « Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Software tasks:

Educational: expand and . To form an interest in, introduce children to the norms and.

Developmental: develop in children the desire to make a feasible contribution to the population, develop their horizons, thinking, and coherent speech.

Preliminary work: Video presentation “Life of Reservoirs”, reading fiction, .

Materials: decorated hall, large basin with water, nets, buckets, drawn travel map, transport and chairs (corresponding to the ticket), musical accompaniment.

GCD move:

Guys, we received a letter, we are invited to visit. Yes, there is something else here. What is this? (children card). Well done, right. Do you know what is shown on the map (path). Let's take a look together. What a trip, would you like to go on a trip? First you need to calculate the distance, and how to calculate (measure) it. Correctly what is used to measure (ruler, tape measure, meter). Well, we don’t have any of these items. Here's what it is. Let's check our pockets. Machine, hairpin, comb. Is it possible to measure distance with these objects? Yes (they do). That’s how cool we now know that to the station …………………….and to the station……………………….and to the station……………………………………A where the distance between which stations is greater………..and where the distance is less. Well done boys. You can go on a trip by any means of transport (car, train, bus, plane). We'll go by bus. But it’s not easy because for the trip you need to buy something... (tickets). Please come to the box office, tickets are bought for money...we will be there for you magic words. Remember. Hello. Please give me 1 ticket. Thank you.

Now take your seats according to your tickets (geomert.figugam). Everyone is ready, let's go, let's sing (chorus: We go, we go, we go to distant lands …).

1 The first station “Vesennyaya Polyana”.

What a clearing this is. Spring. Guys, what do you think happened here? Vacationers littered. What rules do you think vacationers should follow (children’s answers). What should we do now? Of course, we will help and restore cleanliness and order (collect all garbage in garbage bags). We’ll be leaving now, but what if vacationers come again? Let’s leave a “No Littering” sign here in the clearing. Here it is clearly missing something (red sign - cross out means don’t throw ). They put up a sign.

Now we're on the road again. We take seats according to our tickets. They go and sing a song. We've arrived. Where have we ended up?

2 This is the Water World station

Let's see. What's happened swamp?

1. child - This is a very overgrown lake that has become polluted. There are snakes and frogs here. Water lilies and reeds grow - moisture-loving plants that need a lot of water. Stork birds live in the swamp. And also water striders and dragonflies, they glide through the water as if on skates.

What is it spring (answers).

2. child - Rodnichok. And they also say the key. This is not the one that opens doors. The key comes out of the ground. It's clean fresh water. There are no big fish in it.

What's happened sea, ocean (answers).

3. child - The water in the sea and oceans is salty. It's impossible to drink like this. But jellyfish and the largest mammals, whales, swim there. I like sharks - they are predators. And dolphins - they are called rescuers, the smartest ones treat people and children.

What's happened 4 lake?

4 . child - The lake may not be very big or small. But there is also the largest lake, Lake Baikal. There's the most pure water. Its underwater inhabitants are listed in the Red Book.

We looked carefully at this….lake. But, in my opinion, there is a problem with our lake... look (someone caught all the fish, shells, pebbles and algae). Let's help (children launch fish, shells, pebbles and algae). Well done. It became so great. I’m just thinking now that we’ll soon leave, and our lake will remain without such wonderful helpers. How to be... (let's put up a sign to protect the beauty of a living body of water - the Lake).

Are you ready to hit the road? (ride, sing).

3 Here we are station "World of Animals and Birds". Looks like something bad happened here. You saw what happened to the clearing, what happened to the lake. So the animals and birds could not live as before, they left. Here at this station everyone now lives together. Yes, it’s just not clear. Let's help. Listen carefully to who is asking for help (phonogram sounds. Cuckoos - yes, this is a WOLF, children NO this isCUCKOO) . Well done right. ,,tell me what you know about this cuckoo bird (children's story)

6 . child - Peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo cuckoo, Cuckooing at the edge of the forest.
The foliage hides it, protects it from eyes.
The cuckoo is calling for summer, which is lost somewhere,
The sun asks for heat, Let the wind carry away the rain.
She counts the years, And knows how long we should live.

Let’s listen again - it’s a CROW asking for help (the bear roars). Who...that's right bear.……… tell me what you know about the bear

7. child - A giant sleeps in winter, In a warm den.

Waiting for spring warmth, And the blossoming of nature.

Clubfoot is very dexterous and loves to catch fish.

To taste the sweet honey, You can destroy the hive.

Let's listen again (WOLF howls) Who is this? tell me what you know about him.

8. child -In our Kuzbass forests there are wolves. They also say about them: “Gray sharks.” They are very evil and dangerous. Wolves eat everything; they are predators. All forest dwellers protect their young. The she-wolf will not save her wolf cubs if they are in trouble, she will save herself.

And who are the GRASSHOPPERS... tell me what you know O Woodpecker.

9. child - The trees have their own doctor, Not an ordinary one, but a forest one,

He speaks simply, He speaks with birch and pine trees.

Without drugs and tools. He will heal the patient

He flew in and sat on a branch - How are you? Knock-Knock…

And who is this NIGHTINGALE. Correct. tell me what you know about the animal 10 . child - This is not an animal, this is a bird. She is not a domestic animal, she lives in the forest, or rather flies to us in the spring. Small and not very bright. She has wonderful songs. When the nightingale sings, everyone loves to listen.

2 gnomes come out.

1gnome: I'm afraid... And I'm afraid Ved: Who is this? Well, be bolder.

2 gnome: We are gnomes. I'm Tim. And he is Tom.

1 gnome: We came to thank the guys on behalf of all the forest inhabitants and on behalf of Mother Nature to say a big THANK YOU to you.

Ved: Guys, what will we answer... please (whispers in the presenter’s ear). Dwarfs are very shy... they have prepared a gift for you.

1 gnome: We have a favorite game. We will give it to you now. We'll teach you how to play, and you can take it away and teach other kids how to play (a game is being played).

Gnomes:(they carry a large candy). We know that all the guys have a sweet tooth. Here's a gift for you (children, thank you).

Ved: We became so good friends. But it's time to go home. Let's say goodbye and go (driving, singing). We arrived (go to the map). Did you guys enjoy the trip? Which stations have you visited?

We helped everyone. Let's remember the rules of behavior in nature.

Well done! Now you can go eat sweets.

Article title: GCD summary for environmental education in the senior group “Journey to the world of living nature”


Educator: Prokudina E.A.

In class was used integration of areas: " Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Software tasks:

Educational: expand and systematize children’s knowledge about nature. To develop an interest in the problem of nature conservation, to introduce children to the norms and rules of behavior in nature.

Developmental: to develop in children the desire to make a feasible contribution to the environmental education of the population, to develop their horizons, thinking, and coherent speech.

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Preliminary work has been carried out:

Video presentation “Life of Reservoirs”, reading fiction, didactic games about nature.


a decorated hall, a large basin with water, nets, buckets, a drawn travel map, transport and chairs (corresponding to the ticket), musical accompaniment.

During the NOD, the pupils visited 3 stations: 1 POLYANA, where they cleared it of debris and prepared a model for vacationers - Reminders careful attitude to nature; 2 Lake - we restored the balance in nature, put it in order and released live fish, we also made a model - Reminders of caring for reservoirs; at station 3 - Forest residents returned their houses to all animals and birds. And as a reward they received a large sweet candy from the forest gnomes.

The students showed their knowledge of environmental education. They were active and creative in completing tasks.

Title: Abstract of educational activities on environmental education in the senior group “Journey to the world of wildlife”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, ecology, Extracurricular activities, Master classes

Lesson notes on ecology in preparatory group on the topic “Ecological city”

Target: To clarify children’s natural history knowledge about environmental factors,

necessary for life on Earth. Develop the ability to forecast

consequences of your actions. Foster a humanitarian attitude towards

Material: Alien costume, panels and object pictures for it, models,

photographs depicting different parts of the Earth, a tree without leaves

(“sad”, “withered”), paper leaves and flowers.

Preliminary work: Together with children and parents, select as many subject pictures as possible (plants, pets, birds, insects, fish) and arrange them for subsequent work on the panel. Conduct fantasy games with children: “Imagine and draw an environmentally friendly mode of transport”, “The house in which I would like to live”: drawing (design children’s works for use on panels).

Progress of the lesson

The lesson begins with a playful surprise moment.

A teacher dressed as an alien comes to the children's group.

Alien: I am an alien, I came to you from a planet far, far away,

I have been observing life on Earth for a long time and I know a lot about you, I have

I have a cherished dream - I want to build a wonderful

a city that will be the most beautiful, clean, cheerful on Earth.

Did you like my idea? Noah realized that without you earthlings, I can’t

cope with. I need competent assistants who are good

they know the laws of nature of the Earth and will help me do the right thing. You

Would you like to help me in this matter? (Children's answers)

First of all, we need to choose a location for our city. Bye

flew around the Earth, I took photographs of some places. Let's

We'll look at them together and decide where to start construction.

(Shows children photographs, suggesting this or that place, and the children explain why it is not suitable for the city)

· near a volcano – the air around is heavily polluted, the soil is poor, during an eruption the volcano is dangerous for all living things, there are no plants

· the ocean has no soil, but we can live in the air, because... there is no oxygen, no conditions for human life...

· desert - very hot, no water, poor soil...

· snowy desert – very cold, little light, frozen soil, no plants

The children take turns rejecting the alien's options.

Alien: Guys, tell me what conditions people need

for life on Earth.

Using models, children list and explain the conditions (required: air, heat, light, water, soil). The alien takes out another photograph (It shows the sun, blue sky, river, field, some plants, light) and says: “Look, maybe you’ll like this place?” Children examine and conclude that this place is suitable for building a city - there are all conditions for life here.

Alien: I'm very glad that we have finally found the right place for

our city. Now you and I will be both builders and

gardeners and artists. Let's take a rest and remember that

done by people of different professions.

Physical exercise: Children, on instructions from an alien, perform movements

characteristic of a particular profession.

Painter - paints

Carpenter - hammering in nails

Gardener - planting, watering plants

Dressmaker - sewing

Musician - plays

Artist - draws

After the physical activity, the children come up to the panel and begin to fantasize and build their own city together with the alien.

Alien: Let's first plant different

plants. What plants would you like to have in our city?

(Children choose pictures with plants and offer to plant them in the city).

Questions for children?

Why do we need this plant?

What's the use of it?

Where will it grow better?

(Answer options: “It is necessary to obtain berries, fruits, to keep the air clean for animals, birds, for beauty, to have places for walking, etc. As they answer, children place their plants on the panel.”)

Alien: How beautiful it turned out! Now I want to settle here

all kinds of animals. I really like big animals: elephants,

hippos, rhinoceroses - now I’ll put them here... (trying to

attach pictures) These animals can live here, right?

You agree with me?

Children explain why they cannot be settled here, offer their own options for settling animals: domestic animals, wild ones from our forests, insects, birds. They explain who will live where and why. The alien is trying to attach a tiger, a lion. Children put forward their options for why we don’t need these predators in our city. Thus, the introduction of whales into the lake is discussed).

Alien: And where will we live?

The children explain that they have already come up with houses that can be built in this city. (They show their drawings of houses and tell what they are built from, attach them to the panel)

Alien: Great! It turned out to be a real city with streets and houses. Oh! But our streets don’t have names! Come up with names for them quickly!

(Children come up with street names)

Alien: Which Big city We did it! How will we

get from one end to the other? I don't want it in mine

Cars and buses with their exhaust fumes were driving around the city!

All the beauty will be destroyed!

(The children reassure the alien so that he does not worry. They have already thought about this, show and tell what environmentally friendly modes of transport they have invented, place pictures on the panel)

Alien: Well, that's it! Our city is built, you can already live in it.

Guys, what should the residents of this city be like? What do you need

to ensure that our city remains clean,

elegant and beautiful?

(Answer options: Residents should be kind, caring, affectionate, take care of nature, etc.)

Alien: Guys! But today turns out to be the birthday of our city!

(you can come up with a name for the city) And on a birthday it’s customary

give gifts. Let's give our city this tree

(brings in a tree without leaves).

Look how beautiful the tree is.

(Answer options: The tree is ugly, without leaves, sad, the branches are crooked, there is no need to give such a gift)

Alien: And we won’t give it away like that. Now you will come up with our

congratulations and wishes to the city and draw them on the leaves and

flowers, and our tree will become very beautiful and festive.

(Children paint flowers and leaves and attach them to the tree)

Alien: Happy birthday,……….(city name)!

Please accept our congratulations and wishes!

Description of work: I offer you the summary directly educational activities for older children preschool age on the development of environmental ideas. This is a summary educational activity, promoting increased social and cognitive activity. Addressed to teachers of the senior group of preschool institutions.

Topic: “Such different plants.”

Integration of educational areas:“Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Physical education”.


1. “Socialization”:

To evoke in children an emotional and positive response to gaming activities.

2. "Cognition":

Mastering the action of constructing models that reflect the relationship between a plant and living conditions (using the example of the dependence of leaf structure on the amount of heat and moisture);

Familiarization with the functions and modifications of the sheet;

Development of environmental ideas.

3. "Communication":

Develop the ability to talk about the content of plot paintings;

Develop free communication with adults and children;

Enrich vocabulary;

4. “Physical culture”

Physical exercise.


Demo. Natural material, herbarium or pictures depicting various types of leaves (balsam leaves, begonias, linden, palm trees, water lilies, cactus needles, camel thorn, etc.). Pictures depicting these plants in real conditions (in a pond, in a savanna, in a prairie, in a forest). A plant with colored stems and leaves. Cards with symbols modifications of the sheet, cards with symbols of living conditions (heat, water), one-sided arrows.

Dispensing. Notebooks, pencils.

Methodical techniques: observation, conversation-dialogue, looking at illustrations and talking about them, problematic situation, physical education, productive activity of children, game situation, analysis, summing up.

GCD move

Grandma-Riddler asks a riddle:

Purify the air

Create comfort

The windows are green,

They bloom all year round.

Children's answers (Indoor plants)

Children look at the leaves with the Riddle Grandmother indoor plants, herbariums, pictures, noting that all leaves are different.

Grandma-Riddle suggests dividing them into two groups:

with large leaves and spines.

Grandma-Riddle asks where the children will take these plants:

1. I have a liana growing

In a tub near the sofa.

Its leaves are carved -

They have through windows. (Monstera)

2. All winter and all summer

Dressed in a red dress. (Begonia)

Children's answers. (To the group of plants with large leaves)

3. Leaf with a hump, with a groove,

It has thorns, but does not know how to hurt,

But he treats us any day and any time. (Aloe)

4. A hedgehog settled on my window.

He keeps looking out the window, but he can’t walk.

Where are his paws? Where is his face?

Maybe he's shivering from the cold without a hat? (Cactus)

Children's answers. (To the group of plants with thorns)

Grandmother-Riddle suggests thinking about what work the leaves do. The children's attention is drawn to a plant with colored leaves (the water has risen into the leaves, what happens to it next?). After all possible options expressed by children, Grandmother Riddle offers children the following experience: she wets back side hands the children with water and asks how they feel.

Children's answers (wet, cold).

After the water dries, Grandma Riddle and the children draw the following conclusion: when the water evaporates, it cools the hand. Grandma Riddle or the children note that water also evaporates from the leaves, cooling the plant.

When there is a lot of water around (hot, humid climate), the leaf is large, a lot of water evaporates from it (a card with a symbol for a large leaf is shown).

When there is little water around and it’s hot (hot, dry climate) - the leaf is small - thorn, since the plant has nothing to drink, it saves water, almost does not evaporate it (a card is shown with the symbol of the leaf - thorn). Grandmother-Riddle asks children to think:

- “Do we have a lot of water in our climate?”

Children's answers (many).

- “Is it hot here?”

Children's answers (no).

- “What kind of leaf will plants in the middle zone have?”

Children's answers (normal).

- "Why?"

Children's answers (it's not hot and there's plenty of water, you don't need to save it and you don't need to drink a lot).

Grandmother the Riddle draws the children's attention to how they divided the plants into groups in the previous lesson. On one side are those that drink a lot and need to be watered often, on the other are those that drink little and need to be watered rarely. Children name what kind of leaves they have (on one side - fleshy, large, on the other - small, like thorns). Children justify their assumptions and then test them.

One of the children lays out the model on a flannelgraph, using cards with symbols of leaf modifications (large, regular, thorn), living conditions ( heat, low temperature, a lot of water, little water).

Lots of water, high temperature - large leaf.

Little water, high temperature - leaf - thorn.

Lots of water, low temperature - a normal leaf.

Summary of the lesson.

Grandma-Riddle plays with the children the game “What did the artist mix up?”

Analysis of the situation shown in the figure.

Explain its absurdity.

Make up a funny story based on the picture.

Purpose of the game: to evaluate the child’s imaginative ideas about the world around him and about the logical connections and relationships that exist between some natural objects. To develop in children the ability to reason logically and express their thoughts grammatically correctly.

- “It seems to me that the artist has confused something, help me figure out whether everything is in its place and drawn correctly. How should it really be?”

Abstract of direct educational activities in the field of knowledge in environmental education in the senior group.

Topic: “Take care of nature, it is our common home!”

Educator: E.V. Shipova.

Target: Form ideas about the rules and norms of behavior in nature.Program content:

Cognitive: let children understand that nature is our common home, continue to form an understanding of the role of nature in human life, expand and systematize children’s knowledge about nature, and develop interest in the problem of nature conservation.

Speech: develop in children the desire to make a feasible contribution to environmental education of the population, develop their horizons, thinking, and connected speech.

Social and communicative:develop the ability to evaluate one’s own actions and the actions of peers.Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Physical: formation of correct posture of children in class.

Artistic and aesthetic: teach children to read with the expression of a poem, cultivate a joyful, caring attitude towards nature.

Vocabulary work:introduce into children's active vocabulary: globe, planet, nature. Get used to answering with a complete answer.

Preliminary work:looking at a globe, memorizing a poem and physical education lesson, creating a presentation, reading fiction, conversations, selecting audio recordings - forest melodies.

Materials and equipment:globe, projector, audio recording “Sounds of the Forest”, presentation “The Earth is Our Common Home”, candy wrappers, baskets.

Progress of the lesson: Hello guys! The teacher reads a poem:

Our native home, our common home -

The land where you and I live!

We can’t count all the miracles,

They have one name:

Forests and mountains and seas -

Everything is called - earth! Show slide #1

Educator: Shows a model of the globe.What is a globe? (A globe is a model of the earth, reduced many thousands of times, on which plants, animals, and humans live. The earth is their common home).Show slide number 2
What colors do you see on it?
Which color is more?
What does he represent?
That's right, the water shown in blue is oceans, seas, lakes, rivers; green - forests, plains; brown - mountains. All this is our land. Today we will talk about how we should live on earth. If nature is a common home, then each of you has your own home. And everyone tries to maintain cleanliness and order in their home.

Guys, now I suggest you go on a trip to hot-air balloon, Let's take the telescopes and look into the distance. I can see the treetops.
Do you see? Let's land here. Let's come closer and see where we are? Audio recording with forest sounds.The children answer that they are in the forest.

That's right, who lives in the forest? Children's answers. Show slide number 3

Guys, do you know that every animal has its own home, I suggest you play the ball game “Name the animal’s house.”

What birds can we hear in the forest? (woodpecker, magpie, tit). Guess what birds these riddles are about?

Riddles about birds

Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter, but the first worker in the forest.

Vereshunya, white-sided, and her name is...

That's right, well done, now let's see if you can collect birds from the cut pictures. The game “Collect the bird” is played.

Guys, where do birds live? (On the trees). Yes, look at the trees around. These are spruce and birch trees. Do you know any other trees? They all need the Earth because it is their home.

And now we will relax and play a little.

Physical education minute:The wind blows in our faces, the tree sways,The wind is getting quieter and quieter, and the trees are higher and higher.

Educator: Have you guys rested a little?

Examination of prohibition cards and a story about them. Working with cards.

Everyone, sit down on the chairs and now we will look at some interesting illustrations on the projector, will you look at them and tell me if everything is okay? What happened? (the pictures show various situations bad behavior in the forest)

What not to do in the forest:

Don't make noise in the forest!

Don't light fires in the forest!

Don't leave trash in the forest!

Don't take forest animals home!

Don't destroy birds' nests!

Don't destroy anthills in the forest!

Don't pick or trample flowers in the forest!

Don't break trees in the forest!

Don't catch butterflies in the forest!Slide show No. 4 - No. 9

Now let's carry out breathing exercises"Tree Leaves"

Guys, look here, what happened here? Who do you think could have done this?

Some hooligans came into the forest and created a complete mess here. Is it possible to behave like this in the forest? Let us put it all together, do you agree? Let's take trash baskets and collect all the trash.

Well done boys! So, what signs were we talking about today? Who will remember and tell?Result: Show slide number 10

Guys, tell me who lives on Earth? Do you understand for whom the Earth is a common home? ( Children's answers)

Tree, animal, flower and bird,
They don't always know how to defend themselves
If they are destroyed,
On the planet we will die like them.

Educator: Today I decided to initiate you into"Active conservationists"A friend of nature is a person who protects and protects it. I present you with medals. Do you think you will be true friends of nature? What will you do for this?(children's answers) What do you remember most about today? classes ? (children's answers) . What will you do if you see that your friends or neighbors are picking flowers in a flower bed, throwing garbage, breaking branches?(children's answers) Well done boys. And our motto will be this: Take care of your planet - after all, there is no other in the world! Show slide number 11

This is where our interesting journey ends. Did you guys like it? (Children's answers).

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