Battle ax weight. Battle ax. Common types of axes

Dark times, Middle Ages, knights and barbarians, aggressive campaigns and massacres. This topic is of interest to many human race. Someone admires the courage and bravery of the warriors of the past, someone is trying to understand what motivated the rulers who destroyed entire clans.

But an integral theme of such research was and remains the weapons used by the soldiers. One of the most ancient and widespread is the ax and its types.

What is an axe?

The modern word "axe" is rooted in the Old Slavonic "sikira" or "sokira". In translation, these words are general meaning- axe.

One of the most dangerous weapons of the past was the axe. The meaning of the word fully justifies it appearance. Almost all types of these weapons are similar. A wooden shaft, the length of which varies from several tens of centimeters to one meter. A blade is impaled on it, long and wide. The blade, the length of which reaches thirty centimeters, has a semicircular shape.

The ax and its types are widespread in many countries of the world, but in various eras and centuries.

where and when the weapon was used

The first mention of what an ax is refers to ancient eras. It is known that in Ancient Egypt the ax was made of bronze and was very popular among the warriors. The battle ax has become the most common weapon in the Eastern Region. Blacksmiths and gunsmiths experimented with the look and soon created an ax that had two parallel blades. This type of weapon did not bypass Ancient Rome and Greece.

During the battle, warriors armed with axes were in the second rank. They dealt deadly shield bearers. The long shaft of the weapon was used for strategic purposes: in battle, infantrymen cut off the legs of opponents and horses.

But Europe learned much later what an ax was. The definition of the word remains the same: a battle ax with a long shaft. However, weapons did not become widespread until the first infantry troops appeared in the eighteenth century.

How has the ax changed in Europe?

With the advent of European countries eighteenth century foot soldiers, the ax became increasingly popular. The meaning of the word has not changed, it was still a battle ax with a rounded blade and a shaft of various lengths. However, the appearance has changed.

In a battle against soldiers dressed in cast armor and helmets, the swing of the ax was not enough to inflict significant damage on the soldiers. Then the length of the shaft was changed. In the hands of the soldiers turned out to be a weapon two meters long, to the tip of which they attached not only sharp blades, but also various hooks, bayonets and tips.

But it is worth noting that even in this era, the ax on the shaft was not used as a spear. The imbalance of the shaft and the tip did not allow accurate long-range throws.

From the heyday of the Ancient Civilizations to eighteenth-century Europe, the ax underwent several changes.


One of the varieties of the ax was the halberd. It became widespread in the fifteenth century, becoming the most effective weapon against armored cavalry troops.

The appearance is slightly different from conventional weapons. The shaft of the halberd ranged from one meter to two and a half, and the maximum weight was almost six kilograms. The blade was different forms: flat, narrow, crescent, concave or vice versa. The main difference of the halberd is the combined tip, the length of which could reach one meter.

For fatal blows, the tip of the halberd was equipped with a needle-shaped spear blade, hook or butt.

Scandinavian ax

Asking the question of what an ax is, one cannot ignore the Scandinavian version. This type of weapon belongs to the Middle Ages. Outwardly, it resembles a modern analogue, but differs in a wider blade, equally diverging to the sides. The shaft of the weapon was thin. The width of the blade was only two and a half centimeters, and the weight, excluding the shaft, was no more than 500 grams.

It was from Scandinavia at the beginning of the tenth century that the battle ax migrated to Europe, and it reached Rus' only in the second half of the century. And if in Rus' they stopped using a battle ax in the thirteenth century, then European warriors did not abandon it for a long time.

Ax of Perun

What is an axe? Of course, a battle axe. But this is not a complete answer. In addition to the weapons of infantrymen and warriors of the past, such an ax was a talisman among the Slavs.

Ax of Perun, according to modern research, was one of the favorite weapons of the main and strongest Slavic god.

The ax of Perun is the main amulet of the warriors who went into battle. According to legend, the talisman takes spears and arrows away from a person. But it protects only those who fight for their Motherland and their people.

However, the symbol of the divine weapon helps not only people associated with battles. The ax adopted the symbolism of its owner and became a talisman that helps to overcome difficulties. It gives strength to fight evil and darkness.

The battle ax has taken a firm place among the weapons of antiquity, and even in our time it is used. Nordic, Scythian, Russian - warriors different countries fought on the battlefield with defense-crushing axes, bringing terror into the hearts of enemies.

Types of battle axes

Photo View Characteristics
one-handed Ax with a short shaft

Two-handed ax Ax with a long shaft
Unilateral One blade (blade)

double sided two blades

Combination On the butt hook, hammer, mace and even firearms


Ancient battle ax

The progenitor of the weapon is considered to be a simple stone axe. Presumably, this type of battle ax appeared during the late Paleolithic. It was attached to the handle with the help of leather patches or animal veins. Also, sometimes a special hole was made, where the handle was inserted and then the resin was poured.

Initially, the sharpness of the blade was obtained by hitting one stone against another, which was the future blade.

Various stones were used, the main requirement is that their parts must be chipped off to give sharp edges.

Stone ax of primitive man

They fixed the blade on a clutch made of curly wood, bone or antler. Some axes, for the possibility of fastening with flexible rods, had a special transverse groove.

On some stone blades, the simplest drawings were found. The craving for the arts and murders has been inherent in people since ancient times.

In most graves of those times, men are buried with stone axes. There are broken skulls - according to scientists, this means death from a blade to the head.

In the Neolithic, drilled axes appeared with a special hole inside the stone, where the handle was inserted. But the real application of this technology began only in the Bronze Age.

Axes of the Bronze Age

In the Bronze Age, axes were made using drilling - with a special hole inside the blade for attaching the handle. A tubular bone was used for drilling, sand was taken as an abrasive. A stone drill, a bamboo stick or a copper pipe were also used.

Bronze is advantageous because it has hardly been exposed to corrosion - over time, it forms a kind of film that protects against pollution.

Celt - the so-called bronze ax.

It was available to various peoples. No extensive knowledge about him, unfortunately, has been preserved.

Axes of the barbarians of the era of Ancient Rome

To begin with, it is important to remember that ancient rome barbarians are all who were outside their lands.

Against the background of other countries, the ancient Germanic tribes are known for their love of axes, as they were quite cheap at that time and effective weapon. Usually they took two small axes in their hands. They crushed shields and pierced armor (before armor appeared).

A popular ax of those times was a weapon called the francisca. He had a meter handle, as with his help they fought with one or two hands - depending on the situation.

It was also made with a short handle and was used for throwing. Threw Francis to destroy shields, punching holes in the forefront of the enemy.

Battle ax Winnetou - Apache chief

The Germans preferred a free formation and, having made a hole in the defense, fought with each warrior one on one - in a close battle, the ax was ineffective. For the same Roman troops, with their clear formation and tactics, large shields, this weapon was not suitable.

Viking battle axes

The Vikings who fell upon Europe became a disaster, and their favorite weapon - the two-handed ax Brodex, the embodiment of horror and death.

The Vikings valued and loved their weapons so much that they gave them names - during the battle of enemies, axes with the names “War Witch”, “Wolf Bite” and many others were cut through.

To lighten the weight, the brodex blade was thin, but it had a distance from the tip of the blade to the butt up to 30 cm. It was not easy to miss, as well as dodge. The handle of the two-handed ax reached the warrior's chin - to match the terrible blade.

Ax "Ragnar"

Despite the lethality Two-handed weapon had the disadvantage that it was impossible to defend against attacks, especially in a battle with several opponents.

Therefore, the Vikings valued one-handed axes no less. It is difficult to distinguish them from a simple, working ax. Two differences - a narrower blade and a reduced butt.

Russian battle ax

In Rus', thanks to the path from the Varangians to the Greeks, there were weapons of Scandinavians, nomads, and European models. Here the ax evolved into different types.

Chekan - Russian battle ax with a small hammer on the butt.

According to the classification of weapons, it is sometimes correlated with a war hammer, but there is no clear decision among experts on Russian battle axes on this issue. It was suitable for crushing the armor of the enemy.

In Russia in different times often used not only as a military weapon, but also as a badge of distinction of military leaders.

The berdysh (analogous to the European halberd) is also known. It has a long handle and a curved blade.

Battle ax Berdysh

In the pictures of the past, you can see Moscow archers with a squeaker and a reed. Allegedly, each of them leaned the squeaker on the reed for a sure shot. In reality, not everyone used it - it depended on personal preferences in close combat. As a wealthy class, the archers could afford a reed as a weapon.

The savvy Russian mind, however, wanted to have an ax not only as a weapon, but also as a craft item for use during a campaign.

The ax became the ideal, which does not have a clear name, but in our time is known according to the classification of Kirpichnikov A.N. called Type 4. It has an elongated cut-out butt, two pairs of lateral jaws and a blade drawn down.

Such axes were also suitable for domestic needs - to chop branches for a fire or act as a tool for creating protective structures. In battle, they also proved themselves, easily crushing the enemy.

Battle ax and sword: comparison

The sword in the understanding of people has firmly established itself as a military attribute. In many fairy tales and films, a warrior often fights with him.

It took years of hard training to wield a sword.

Therefore, it could be professionally owned by people whose craft was war. For a militia: a peasant or an artisan who fell off the ground to go to war, an ax that was cheap to manufacture and easy to attack was preferable.

Of course, this means a one-handed ax - only a real hero could handle a two-handed ax well.

There was even a tactic when several mighty warriors with two-handed axes broke a dense formation, punching a gap for the allies.

The blow of the ax required a large swing - otherwise it was unlikely to break through the armor. With a sword, it is easier to deliver quick stabbing blows.

They did not differ in weight, so it is unlikely that a chopping blow with a sword took less time than maiming with an ax.

The sword was useful for defending, while the ax was suitable for crushing deadly attacks, but as a defense, the warrior had to dodge, rely on armor or hide behind a shield.

Modern battle axes

In our time, an army battle ax is used, or a tactical tomahawk.

The modern battle ax is used by the American troops - it is suitable for breaking doors and locks, opening surfaces, as well as an assistant in extreme situations and when performing operations in nature - in the mountains, forests, etc.

The military hatchet of the Americans is an analogue of our sapper shovel.

Of course, if necessary, you can hit them and the terrorist on the head once or twice. But these are extremes. The military hatchet of the Americans is an analogue of our sapper shovel in terms of the purpose of use.

ancient axes

boarding ax

Designed for felling in tight deck conditions. It had a length of no more than a meter, on the butt a hook that played the role of a hook - the latter was used to attract an enemy ship before boarding, or vice versa - to push it away.

Ax with firearms

In naval battles, axes were sometimes attached flintlock pistols. To destroy the front rows of the enemy or use in critical situation, if the fighter was surrounded by several enemies, the weapon fit perfectly.

Very few copies have survived to this day, so it is impossible to say anything about the frequency of use of such exotic weapons in the fleet.

Ancient Ax Pistol

Divination on an ax

A certain magician from Persia, Ostan, came up with the following divination: an ax was thrust into a round bar. Sometimes the action was accompanied by conspiracies. The answer to the question was interpreted depending on the vibrations and sounds emitted by the weapon during the impact on the bar.

With the help of an ax, they also searched for the criminal - taking the weapon by the hilt, called the names and waited - when the deck (the log on which the logs were chopped) began to spin, it means that the culprit was exposed.

Ax as a gift

It was customary for warriors to give weapons, including axes, for merit. Archaeologists have found many blades covered with silver, gold or damask steel.


Axes - formidable weapon capable of crushing any enemy. It firmly occupies a place in military history and took thousands of lives over many centuries.

A battle ax can be very different: one-handed and two-handed, with one and even with two blades. With a relatively light warhead (not heavier than 0.5-0.8 kg) and a long (from 50 cm) ax handle, this weapon has an impressive penetrating power - it's all about the small area of ​​​​contact of the cutting edge with the surface, as a result of which all the impact energy concentrated in one point. Axes were often used against heavily armored infantry and cavalry: the narrow blade is perfectly wedged into the joints of the armor and, with a successful hit, can cut through all layers of protection, leaving a long bleeding cut on the body.

Combat modifications of axes have been widely used all over the world since ancient times: even before the era of metal, people carved axes out of stone - despite the fact that quartz stess is not inferior in sharpness to a scalpel! The evolution of the ax is diverse, and today we will consider the top five most impressive battle axes of all time:


Brodex - Scandinavian war ax

Distinctive feature axes - a crescent-shaped blade, the length of which can reach 30-35 cm. A heavy piece of sharpened metal on a long shaft made sweeping blows incredibly effective: often this was the only way to somehow break through heavy armor. The wide blade of the ax could act as an impromptu harpoon pulling the rider from the saddle. The warhead was tightly driven into the eye and fixed there with rivets or nails. Roughly speaking, the ax is common name for a number of subspecies of battle axes, some of which we will discuss below.

The most furious dispute that accompanies the ax from the moment Hollywood fell in love with this formidable weapon is, of course, the question of the existence of double-edged axes. Of course, on the screen, this miracle weapon looks very impressive and, coupled with a ridiculous helmet adorned with a pair of sharp horns, completes the look of a brutal Scandinavian. In practice, the “butterfly” blade is too massive, which creates a very large inertia upon impact. Often, a sharp spike was located on the back of the warhead of the ax; however, Greek axes-labrys with two wide blades are also known - weapons for the most part ceremonial, but still at the very least suitable for real combat.


Valashka - and a staff, and military weapon

National hatchet of the highlanders who inhabited the Carpathians. A narrow wedge-shaped knob protruding strongly forward, the butt of which often represented a forged muzzle of an animal or was simply decorated with carved ornaments. Valashka, thanks to the long handle, is a staff, a cleaver, and a battle axe. Such a tool was practically indispensable in the mountains and was a status sign of a sexually mature married man, head of the family.

The name of the ax comes from Wallachia - a historical region in the south of modern Romania, the patrimony of the legendary Vlad III Tepes. It migrated to Central Europe in the XIV-XVII centuries and became an invariable shepherd's attribute. Starting from the 17th century, the valashka gained popularity at the behest of popular uprisings and received the status of a full-fledged military weapon.


Berdysh is distinguished by a wide, moon-shaped blade with a sharp top

The berdysh is distinguished from other axes by a very wide blade shaped like an elongated crescent. At the lower end of a long shaft (the so-called ratovishcha) an iron tip (inflow) was fixed - with it the weapon rested on the ground at the parade and during the siege. In Rus', the berdysh in the 15th century played the same role as the Western European halberd. The long shaft made it possible to keep a great distance between the opponents, and the blow of the sharp half-moon blade was truly terrible. Unlike many other axes, the berdysh was effective not only as a chopping weapon: the sharp end could stab, and the wide blade repelled blows well, so the shield was unnecessary for the skilled owner of the berdysh.

The berdysh was also used in equestrian combat. The berdysh of equestrian archers and dragoons were smaller in comparison with infantry samples, and on the shaft of such a berdysh there were two iron rings so that the weapon could be hung on a belt.


Poleks with protective splints and a butt in the form of a hammer - a weapon for all occasions

Polex appeared in Europe around the 15th-16th centuries and was intended for foot combat. According to disparate historical source, there were many variants of this weapon. Distinctive feature there was always a long spike at the top and often at the lower end of the weapon, but the shape of the warhead varied: there was a heavy ax blade, and a hammer with a counterweight spike, and much more.

Metal flats can be seen on the shaft of the poleax. These are the so-called langets, which provide the shaft with additional protection against cutting. Sometimes you can find rondels - special discs protecting the hands. Poleks is not only a combat weapon, but also a tournament weapon, and therefore additional protection, even reducing combat effectiveness, looks justified. It is worth noting that, unlike the halberd, the pommel of the poleaxe was not one-piece forged, but its parts were attached to each other with bolts or pins.

Bearded Ax

"Beard" gave the ax additional cutting properties

The "classic", "grandfather's" ax came to us from the north of Europe. The name itself is most likely of Scandinavian origin: the Norwegian word Skeggox consists of two words: skegg(beard) and ox(axe) - Now you can show off your knowledge of Old Norse on occasion! characteristic feature axes are the straight upper edge of the warhead and the blade drawn down. This form gave the weapon not only chopping, but also cutting properties; in addition, the "beard" allowed to take weapons with a double grip, in which one hand was protected by the blade itself. In addition, the notch reduced the weight of the ax - and, given the short handle, the fighters with this weapon did not rely on strength, but on speed.

Such an ax, like its numerous relatives, is a tool for both domestic work and combat. For the Norwegians, whose light boats did not allow them to take excess luggage with them (after all, there was still room for the loot!), Such versatility played a very important role.

Good day everyone! By writing this article, I am opening a new section on my resource - chopping melee weapons. There are many varieties of battle axes and it is simply not possible to consider them all in one article. And therefore, this article will be introductory - a kind of introduction to all subsequent ones, and at the same time - a table of contents for the section. I already used this practice earlier in the section on " daggers».

And now directly to the point. We all imagine the appearance of an ax, and there is nothing surprising in this - an ax is such a useful, convenient and practical thing for creative work, known to everyone, that it is simply impossible not to know about it. We will touch on a more interesting component of the hypostasis of the ax - its combat use and varieties.

A multifunctional shock-chopping melee weapon, a kind of ax designed to defeat the enemy's manpower. Distinctive feature battle ax is the small weight of the blade (about half a kilogram) and a long ax handle (from fifty centimeters). Battle axes were single-handed and two-handed, single-sided and double-sided. A battle ax was used, both for close combat and for throwing.

According to the generally accepted classification, the ax occupies an intermediate position between the usual percussion weapon and blade cold weapons. This is a group of chopping edged weapons or, as it is also called - percussion-chopping melee weapons.

A little about the origin of the ax ...

First, let's decide when the history of the ax begins? An ax similar to the classical form, having a handle and a striking part, appeared approximately six thousand years BC, in the Mesolithic era. The ax was used mainly as a tool and was intended for cutting trees, building dwellings, rafts and other things. The shock part was stone and roughly hewn. Only in the later stages of the development of the Stone Age did the ax begin to take on a more "human" appearance. Polished and drilled stone axes began to appear, which were used not only as a trench tool, but also as a weapon in close combat or hunting.

The ax is generally clearest example as household tool can be reborn and become a melee weapon. This basically explains its ubiquitous distribution among almost all peoples. And before the advent of other purely combat weapons, such as the sword, the ax was, in a way, a monopoly in the field of effective edged weapons. After the appearance of the sword, they became the main rivals for the championship in the field of combat edged weapons, this is especially clearly seen in the example of the West.

Why did the ax never lose the fight with the sword?

The answer to this question lies on the surface. True, there are quite a few reasons. Let's take a look at them. I will not consider the positive qualities of the sword, since the article is still about axes.

So let's go:

  • An ax is much easier to make.
  • The ax is more versatile.
  • At close and short distances, the ax can be used as a throwing weapon.
  • Much great power impact, due to the large mass and short blade.
  • In combat, almost the entire design of the ax works. The corners of the blade can be used to poke or cling to the enemy, and the prepared butt was often used as a striking or stabbing weapon.
  • Grip versatility. A battle ax can be used with one or two hands.
  • High efficiency against enemy armor. Armor can actually break through, inflicting severe injuries to the enemy.
  • The ability to inflict stunning, but not fatal blows.

As can be seen from the above material, positive qualities not to occupy a battle ax, and this is far from all. In general, the battle ax is a rather formidable and effective weapon.

General classification of the battle ax.

Let's now look at the main categories by which battle axes can be classified, there are two of them:

  1. Handle length.
  2. The shape of the blade of the ax itself.

The length of the handle, as the main criterion, could be of three main sizes.

Short handle was up to thirty centimeters long, and in the general case, equal to the length of the forearm. Axes of this size received another name - hand ax. Such axes could be used in pairs, striking with two hands. In addition, the small size of such an ax made it possible to throw it easily and accurately, as well as use it as a secondary weapon or a weapon for the left hand. It was convenient to hold such an ax under the blade and inflict a kind of “knuckle blows”. The handle itself at the end usually had a slight thickening, or a special limiter that prevented the hand from slipping.

The second version of the handle - medium size handle. Other name - two-handed ax . This variety had a handle up to one meter in size and was intended for a wide two-handed grip. With this type of battle ax, it is convenient to block blows and counterattack. A metal ball, pike or hook was usually attached to the butt of the handle, which made it possible to deliver additional blows. In addition, with such a grip, one hand is protected by a blade, like a guard. Such an ax is convenient for use from a horse and in tight passages and rooms.

Third view- This long handle. In general, the handle

such a battle ax is longer than that of two-handed ax, but less than that of the peak. Such weapons are designed mainly for combat against enemy cavalry.

By blade shape the classification is somewhat more complex. Do more early species battle axes, there is a main emphasis on chopping blows and, accordingly, such axes had a shape elongated from the butt to the blade. The length of the blade was often half the width of the axe.

The presence of a semi-circular blade with a length greater than the width indicates that this ax. This shape of the blade increases the possibility of stabbing, as well as chopping with an outflow of blows. At the same time, the penetration power of the weapon as a whole is somewhat reduced.

If the upper end of the ax is sharply protruding forward, giving an even greater opportunity for piercing and cutting blows, then we have reed. Wherein classic reed additionally provides full protection of the second hand, due to the connection of the lower part of the blade with the handle. True, this variety is found only in Poland and Russia.

An ax that has a blade tapering towards the end and having a triangular or dagger shape is called slander. In general, klevets is very similar to minted, but due to the presence of a blade, it has the ability to apply undercutting blows. This type adequately copes with the armor and shields of the enemy, while not getting stuck in them.

Battle axes can be unilateral, and bilateral. On one-sided axes, on the side opposite the blade, called the butt, they usually put a hook or a spike - to deliver additional blows. Bilateral axes, on the contrary, had blades on both sides of the handle, as a rule, of a symmetrical shape. With such axes it is convenient to strike in both directions.

Since the article turns out to be cumbersome, for convenience it was decided to divide it into two parts. In the second part, we will take a closer look at the features of each species separately, as well as their historical changes.

Considering the historical process in its forward movement, we will see that man constantly fought: he fought for cattle and for women, land and money, faith and the Fatherland. It is war that is the constant companion of progress.

Since with the development of civilization the equipment of warriors also developed, the weapons, respectively, also changed rapidly and became more and more perfect and dangerous. Today we will talk about the ax - the weapon of medieval warriors, which has not lost its relevance to this day.

Where does the ax come from

Ax - one of the types of battle axes is distinguished by a special blade in the form of a crescent. Such weapons were common as early as the 1st millennium in Ancient Greece, but from the Iberian Peninsula it quickly spread throughout the mainland and became known not only in Europe, but also in Asia.

At that time, the ax had two blades arranged along the handle like a butterfly. Such a double-sided ax was capable of much in the hands of an experienced warrior, the long handle ended with a point, so it could be both chopped and stabbed.

The two-handed ax was very popular with the infantry, it was intended for attacking horsemen and tearing apart metal armor.

Like a battle ax, ax - destructive weapon of great strength, but lighter and because of the long handle it holds balance better, which gives the warrior the opportunity to maneuver during the battle.

And although there are various types of weapons in our time mass destruction, but the popularity of battle axes has gone uphill again because of their versatility, size and ability to use in extreme conditions.

Distant ancestor of the battle ax

The ancestor of the battle ax was the two-edged labrys, which originated in ancient Greece, and is a symbol of divine power. The functions of this weapon were both combat, and cult, and ceremonial. Since it was very difficult to make such a weapon, it was only available to kings and priests.

To use an ax with two blades arranged in the form of a butterfly on both sides of the shaft in battle, it was required great power and dexterity. A warrior armed with a labrys and covering himself with a shield was invincible and, in the eyes of those around him, was endowed with divine strength and power.

Description of the ax

The ax is a melee weapon from the family of battle axes common in the Middle Ages. Its main difference from an ax is the shape of the blade in the form of a crescent. In addition, the ax had a longer shaft, which made it possible to balance in battle and keep the enemy at close range.

In addition, the ax could not only chop, but also stab.

Therefore, it can be argued that the ax is an ax and a sword, and a spear at the same time.
The first axes consisted of a shaft, blade and counterweight. Sometimes the shaft was strengthened, and its length varied depending on the functions:

  • for infantry it was made from two to two and a half meters;
  • for boarders - sea pirates attacking ships, more than three meters in length and large hooks were still welded to the ax for ease of use;
  • for cavalry - the shaft was prepared less than a meter.

The length of the ax blade also varied from a few centimeters to a meter, and in the lower part of the blade there were protrusions for a more secure attachment to the shaft.

Such weapons were universal: they were used both for attack and for defense, and for pushing warriors from horses, and for robbing rich merchant ships.

Many European armies had special units armed with these axes to protect the flanks.

Viking legendary weapon

Normans, Vikings, Varangians - words that terrified all the peoples who inhabited Europe, since the world did not know more bloodthirsty and powerful warriors then.

Armed with Scandinavian axes, otherwise they were called Danish or heavy battle axes, the Vikings did not know defeat in battle and always took rich booty and led away captive slaves.

The main difference between this weapon was a wide, heavy blade, which could instantly cut a person’s head or chop off limbs.
Mighty warriors masterfully wielded axes for battle, work, and tournaments.

IN Kievan Rus, which has close trade ties with looked like brothers of the Viking axes. Among the foot Russian army, axes and axes were the main type of weapon.

Most Popular Axes

Since the ax was a fairly common weapon in the Middle Ages, its appearance was varied depending on the functions that it had to perform.

Since the 10th century, Scandinavian axes, well known in the Scandinavian Peninsula and northern Europe, have become widespread, but at the same time their appearance has also changed.

Because the Scandinavian ax heavy, and not every warrior will be able to maneuver with an ax in battle, which weighed so much that it was not easy for a weak person to lift it, then he was replaced by halberds and reeds.

And the brodex turned into an executioner's ax, since its wide, heavy blade made it possible to quickly separate the head from the body.

The one-sided ax became a tool of labor, with the help of it, lumberjacks felled hundred-year-old trees and chopped off huge branches. With such a tool, it was easy to turn a log of any size into a beam.

In the 14-15 centuries in Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands, the foot army used halberds - cold weapons with a long, up to 3 meters, shaft, which ended in a sharp pike and a small, light crescent-shaped blade.

Like a weapon mercenaries easily coped with mounted knights, pulling them off their horses with the help of hooks specially mounted on weapons, and completed the job with axes and swords.

Some halberds look like axes, others like chases, and sometimes they look like a cross between a spear and.

Berdysh - special kind an ax impaled on a long, up to two meters, shaft and a curved blade resembling an elongated crescent moon.

The berdysh used by mounted warriors were somewhat smaller and lighter, and small holes were made in them along the entire length of the blade, into which rings were threaded.

When in the 16th century the armor of the knights became lighter, then the berdysh fell out of use, since sabers and swords made of hardened metal easily pierced light chain mail.

The Wallachian battle hatchet was called the Wallachka, after the name of the area from which it came to us. Having a long shaft and a relatively small blade, strongly protruding forward, the wall was both a weapon, a staff, and a tool.

This weapon gained immense popularity among the common people during the time of Vlad the Impaler, and in the 14-15 centuries this hatchet was chosen by shepherds and hunters.

In the 17th century, just such a hunter's ax became a symbol of the struggle of the Serbian people for independence from the Turkish yoke. At the same time, the battle hatchet (the brother of the axe-chasing) became a symbol of peasant uprisings in Rus'.

The history of the development of cold development in the world goes back thousands of years, each country can present its favorite models, but even today in almost every home there is a simple hatchet, which, if necessary, can be turned into a terrible military weapon.


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