Tower of Babel legend for children. Tower of Babel. Tower of Babel in literature

Scientists from all over the world for a long time believed that the story of how the Tower of Babel was built was a legend about human arrogance, and nothing more. And so it was until archaeologists who came from Europe discovered the exact location of the ancient ruins of Babylon. For many centuries, lifeless hills with steep slopes and flat tops have risen a hundred kilometers from Baghdad. locals thought that these were natural details of the relief. No one guessed that under their feet was the greatest city and the great Tower of Babel. In 1899, an archaeologist from Germany, Robert Koldewey, went down here, who went down in history as the man who unearthed Babylon.

Tower of Babel - history

The descendants of Noah were one people and spoke the same language. They lived in the valley of Shinar between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris.

They decided to build themselves a city and a high tower - to the very heavens. Cooked a large number of bricks - self-made, from baked clay, and actively began to build. But the Lord considered their intention to be pride and got angry - he made people speak completely different languages, ceased to understand each other at all. So the tower and the city remained unfinished, and the punished descendants of Noah began to settle in different lands while forming different peoples.

The unfinished city was called Babylon, which, according to the Bible, means "mixing": in that place the Lord mixed the languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the whole world, and from that place he was all over the earth.

The Tower of Babel, resembling a pillar, is considered a real personification of human pride, and its long construction (mass pandemonium) is a symbol of chaos and crowds. It turns out that the legend is not a legend at all, and the Tower of Babel really existed in

In chapter 11 we find a biblical tradition dedicated to the construction of the Tower of Babel / Pandemic of Babel.

Biblical tradition of the Tower of Babel.

Tower of Babel. Hendrick III van Cleve, 1563

After the Great Flood, only members of his family managed to escape. Accordingly, mankind in the years after the Flood was represented by one people speaking the same language. Humanity settled on the earth, but they had a common language. When Noah and his family left the Ark, God commanded them:

"Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth."

However, the descendants of Noah moved east and decided to build a city and a tower

"before being scattered over the face of the whole earth."

The descendants of Noah decided to build the city of Babylon ("gate of the gods") and a tower to heaven. With a tower to heaven, these people wanted to exalt themselves, or, as the Bible says, "make a name for themselves." Surprisingly, the phrases "Tower of Babel" and "Babylon Pandemonium" are not mentioned in the Bible. In the Bible, we meet only "the city and the tower." According to the Bible, the city of Babylon was named "Babel" from the Hebrew word bala, that is mix and confuse.

The tower was supposed to exalt man, but not God, so the Lord was angry. God interrupted the construction of the Tower of Babel by creating different languages so that the builders could not communicate. People, having ceased to understand each other, left Babylon and scattered across the Earth.

The story of the Tower of Babel is a biblical version of the emergence of different languages.

Interesting fact: Chapter 10 of Genesis tells about the descendants of Noah, about 70 of them are mentioned. Interestingly, there are also about 70 separate language groups on Earth.

The story of the Tower of Babel in biblical and apocryphal texts.

The story of the Tower of Babel appears in several texts:

Genesis. Beginning of chapter 11:

1 The whole earth had one language and one speech.

2 Moving out from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there.

3 And they said to one another, Let us make bricks and burn them with fire. And they became bricks instead of stones, and earthen tar instead of lime.

4 And they said, Let us build ourselves a city and a tower as high as the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, before we are scattered over the face of all the earth.

5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men were building.

6 And the Lord said, Behold, there is one people, and they all have one language; and this is what they began to do, and they will not lag behind what they have planned to do;

7 Let us go down and confuse their language there, so that one does not understand the speech of the other.

8 And the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth; and they stopped building the city [and the tower].

9 Therefore a name was given to her: Babylon, for there the Lord confounded the language of all the earth, and from there the Lord scattered them over all the earth.

Book of Jubilees. Chapter 10

Gives the most detailed description tower construction.

“Behold, the sons of men have become evil through the vile design that they will build themselves a city and a tower in the land of Sinaar, for they migrated from Ararat to the east to Sinaar.” For in his days they built a city and a tower, saying, "We will go up it to heaven." And they began to build in the fourth week, and burned with fire (bricks), and bricks served them instead of stone, and the cement with which they strengthened the gaps was asphalt from the sea and from water sources in the country of Shinar. And they built it for forty-three years. And the Lord our God said to us: “Behold, this is one people, and they began to do this! And now I will not depart from them! Behold, we will come down and confuse their languages ​​so that they do not understand one another and are scattered into countries and peoples, and may their plan never come true until the day of judgment!” And the Lord came down, and we went down with Him, to see the city and the tower that the sons of men were building; and He dissolved every word of their language, and no one understood the word of another. And so they refused to build a city and a tower. For this reason, the whole country of Sinaar was named Babel (Babylon). For thus has God dissolved all the tongues of the sons of men; and from there they scattered to their cities according to their languages ​​and peoples. And God sent strong wind on their tower and threw it to the ground. And here she stood between the land of Asshur and Babylon in the land of Sinar; and called her the name of the ruins.

The Greek Apocalypse of Baruch. Chapter 3

And I asked the Angel: "Please, sir, tell me who these people are?"

And he said: “These are the ones who gave the advice to build the tower.

They themselves, whom you see, drove out many men and women to make bricks.

One woman who made bricks, when the time came for her to give birth, they did not allow her to leave, but while making bricks, she gave birth and carried her child in a towel, and made bricks.

And when Yahweh appeared to them, he changed their tongues when the tower reached a height of three hundred and sixty-three cubits.

And taking a drill, they began to try to bore through the sky, saying: "Let's see, clay sky, copper or iron."

Seeing this, God did not allow them, but struck them with blindness and multilingualism and left them as you see them.

The story of the construction of the Tower of Babel from the point of view of Christian morality.

The story of the Tower of Babel highlights the sharp contrast between man's view of his own achievements and God's view of those achievements. The Tower of Babel was supposed to be the first grandiose building project of mankind, but it did not.

According to the Bible, for building people used brick instead of stone and pitch instead of mortar - they used "man-made" and not natural "God-given" materials. People did not trust in the Lord in their building, and therefore they failed. The Tower of Babel was created by people to draw attention to their abilities and achievements, and not to give glory to God.

However, the history of the construction of the Tower of Babel also teaches us that unity is our strength. However, this power is not always for the benefit of man. The book of Genesis says:

... And the Lord said: behold, one people, and one language for all; and this is what they began to do, and they will not lag behind what they have planned to do.

By this God indicates that when people are united in their goals, they can perform impossible feats, noble and ignoble.

The Bible teaches that there is strength in unity, but one must be careful: unity of purpose in worldly affairs can ultimately be destructive. Division and one's own point of view in worldly affairs are sometimes preferable to great universal deeds for the glory of idolatry and apostasy. For this reason, God sometimes intervenes in human affairs to prevent further human arrogance. God frustrates the plans of people so that they do not transgress the limits of God.

The story of the Tower of Babel is also interesting in the sense that here the Lord for the first time speaks of himself in the plural, referring to the Trinity:

... let us go down and confuse their language there ...

The story of the Tower of Babel continues the theme of the competition between man and God, begun in. Josephus explains the construction of the tower as an arrogant act of defiance against God by the presumptuous tyrant Nimrod. The Bible does not explicitly state that Nimrod ordered the construction of the Tower of Babel, but many other sources link its construction to Nimrod.

Some researchers, historians and biblical scholars have an alternative point of view on the significance of the episode of the construction of the Tower of Babel. They see God's punishment not as a punishment for pride, but as God's understanding of the necessity of cultural differences. These scholars present Babylon as the cradle of all civilizations.

What do scientists say about the Tower of Babel?

One possible approach to the history of the Babylonian pandemonium is a literal approach. If we admit that the Tower of Babel is historical fact, then one would expect that some remains or ruins of the Tower of Babel exist and will be found. However, the remains of the Tower have not been found by archaeologists.

However, perhaps the story still has a historical background. Many scholars, including biblical scholars, compare the Tower of Babel with the ancient structures of Mesopotamia - ziggurats. Ziggurats also served for religious ceremonies. The Jews who fell into the Babylonian captivity were undoubtedly aware of these structures.

A candidate for the Tower of Babel is the Etemenanki ziggurat in Babylon. It was a ziggurat dedicated to Marduk, the patron god of Babylon, the supreme deity of the Babylonian pantheon. It is known that this, the highest, ziggurat was located in Babylon. Probably the tower was over 90 meters. The time of construction is unknown, but it is known for certain that in the 18th century BC. the tower already existed. The tower (ziggurat) was destroyed, or rather, dismantled by Alexander the Great in order to reconstruct it. However, the plans were not destined to come true due to the death of Alexander. The ruins of the ziggurat were discovered by the German scientist R. Koldewey in 1897-1898.

The ziggurat of Etemenanki in Babylon.

astronomical version.

There is another explanation (pseudo-scientific?) for the Babylonian pandemonium, this time in terms of astronomical phenomena. It is known that at the estimated time of construction of the Tower of Babel, disturbances in Jupiter's atmosphere affected the motion of Mercury, pushing it closer to the Sun. In its new orbit, Mercury made close contact with the Earth. Their magnetospheres touched each other, which caused a surge of electromagnetic energy towards the Earth. Perhaps this phenomenon influenced the thinking of people on Earth. This version takes place, since it has been proven that with the defeat electric shock the person may lose speech and memory. If a similar electromagnetic surge was observed in Babylon, then this could be the reason for the confusion of languages ​​​​and the Babylonian Pandemonium.

Who is the author of the story about the construction of the Tower of Babel?

The tradition of attributing the authorship of Genesis, and indeed of the entire Pentateuch, to Moses; however, at the end of the 19th century, a different hypothesis was put forward ( documentary hypothesis) about the existence of four primary sources, named sources J, E, P and D. According to this version, the story of the Tower of Babel came to us from the source J (Yahvist).

Phraseologism Tower of Babel.

What does the phraseologism Tower of Babel mean?

Definition 1.

Tower of Babel - high building, building.

Definition 2.

The Tower of Babel is a grandiose project, the implementation of which is problematic.

Definition 3.

The Tower of Babel is an idea that will perish due to excessive pride and arrogance.

Phraseologism Babylonian pandemonium.

Babylonian pandemonium value 1.

The word pandemonium means building a pillar (Church Slavonic name for a tower).

Expression Babel means confusion, disorderly, fussy, disordered activity, which is not capable of leading to positive results.

Babylonian pandemonium value 2.

Phraseologism Babylonian pandemonium - means a many-voiced noise, turmoil, din, a chaotic crowd of people.

Plots about the Tower of Babel in culture.


The story of the construction of the Tower of Babel is reflected in many paintings. For example, the Tower of Babel is the subject of three paintings by Pieter Brueghel the Elder. The first painting was created after Brueghel's visit to Rome and was a miniature on ivory. Unfortunately, this picture has not come down to us. Two other paintings, painted in 1563, have survived.

These paintings are called "Tower of Babel" and "Small Tower of Babel"

Small Tower of Babel
Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563 (Rotterdam)
Tower of Babel. Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563 (Vienna)

The images of the Tower of Babel by Brueghel deliberately resemble the Roman Colosseum, which for a long time was seen by Christians as a symbol of pride.

Lucas van Valckenborch, a contemporary of Brueghel, also depicted the Tower of Babel in his canvases.

Tower of Babel. Lucas van Valckenborch, 1595
Tower of Babel. Lucas van Valckenborch, 1594

The story of the Tower of Babel is common in Christian iconography.

Tower of Babel in Literature.

The story of the Tower of Babel has received wide comprehension in world literature. He was addressed by Franz Kafka in the parable "The Coat of Arms of the City", Thomas Mann in the novel "Joseph and His Brothers", Andrei Platonov in the story "The Foundation Pit", Ray Bradberry in the dystopian novel "451 degrees Fahrenheit", Clive Lewis in the novel "The Abominable power”, Victor Pelevin in the novel “Generation P”, Neil Stevenson in the novel “Avalanche”, etc.

Tower of Babel in music.

The most famous interpretations of the story about the construction of the Tower of Babel in music is A. Rubinstein's oratorio "The Tower of Babel". The Tower of Babel is often mentioned in popular music (Elton John, Bobby McFerrin, Bad Religion, Aquarium, Kipelov, etc.)


tower of babel

There are many people on earth. Everyone had one language, and everyone understood each other. And the people decided to build a city and a tower as high as the sky, visible from everywhere. They wanted to be called by one name, so as not to be scattered over the face of the earth.

People got down to business. They found a plain in the land of Shinar, made bricks and burned them with fire, collected earthen tar instead of lime.

God came down to look at what people were up to, and was alarmed:

Here, one people, and one language for all, and they can do everything. Let's mix their language so that they don't understand each other!

And God did what He wanted.

People stopped building the city, and God scattered them throughout the earth.

The place is called that Babylon - "the gates of God", for there God appeared and confused the language of the whole earth.

From the Holy Book bible story Old Testament author Pushkar Boris (Ep Veniamin) Nikolaevich

Tower of Babel. 9. In all the ancient cities on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates, strange-shaped structures of great height were erected. They were made up of cubic or rounded blocks piled on top of each other in tiers, tapering upwards, like stepped pyramids.

From the book of the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament author Mileant Alexander

From the book Myth or Reality. Historical and Scientific Arguments for the Bible author Yunak Dmitry Onisimovich

Tower of Babel In Gen. 10.8-12 in question about King Nimrod, "the mighty hunter". “His kingdom at first consisted of: Babylon, Erech, Akkad, Halne in the land of Shinar” (v. 10). “During the excavations, not only the cities of Babylon, Nineveh, but also the city that bore the name of Nimrod were discovered. on the palaces

From the book Ancient Cities and Biblical Archeology. Monograph author Oparin Alexey Anatolievich

Tower of Babel One of the most beloved objects of criticism was a passage in the Bible that tells about the construction of the Tower of Babel. “And they said, Let us build ourselves a city and a tower as high as the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, before we are scattered over the face of all the earth,” Genesis 11:4. But

From the book Gods of the New Millennium [with illustrations] author Alford Alan

From the book School Theology author Kuraev Andrey Vyacheslavovich

THE TOWER OF BABYLON In this perspective, for the biblical narrative, the story of the destruction of the Tower of Babel is quite organic. The image of the Tower of Babel has firmly entered our speech. "Babylonian pandemonium" is called stupidity, senseless and fruitless

From the book New Bible Commentary Part 1 ( Old Testament) author Carson Donald

11:1-9 Tower of Babel This short story brings a depressing conclusion to the historical period on the eve of the era of the patriarchs. Noah's new beginning of the human race was jeopardized by Noah's drunkenness and Ham's indiscretion, and in the "Table of Nations" already

From the book History of Magic and the Occult author Zeligmann Kurt

4. The Tower of Babel “Having correlated the bodies of the earth with the heavens and the higher with the lower, the Chaldeans discovered in the mutual attachments between these parts of the universe (separated from each other only in space, but not in their essence) a harmony that unites them in a kind

From the book Biblical Legends. Legends from the Old Testament. author author unknown

Tower of Babel Tower of BabelMany people appeared on earth. Everyone had one language, and everyone understood each other. And the people decided to build a city and a tower as high as the sky, visible from everywhere. They wanted to be called by one name, so as not to scatter across the face

From the book Biblical Legends author author unknown

Tower of Babel Tower of BabelMany people appeared on earth. Everyone had one language, and everyone understood each other. And the people decided to build a city and a tower as high as the sky, visible from everywhere. They wanted to be called by one name, so as not to scatter over the face of the earth. Friendly

From the book of the Bible. Modern translation (BTI, per. Kulakov) author bible

Tower of Babel There was a time when the whole world spoke the same language, used the same words. 2 Going east, people found a plain in the country of Shinar and settled there. 3 Then they said to each other: “Let us make bricks of clay and burn them in fire.” (So ​​the brick became

From the book of the Bible. New Russian translation (NRT, RSJ, Biblica) author bible

Tower of Babel 1 All over the world there was one language and one dialect. 2 Moving east a, people came out to the plain in Shinar b and settled there. 3 They said to each other: - Let's make bricks and burn them better. They had bricks instead of stone and resin instead of lime

From the book History of World Religions author Gorelov Anatoly Alekseevich

Tower of Babel This legend reflects the motif of the fight against God or the desire of a person to be compared with God, for which God punished with a mixture of languages. Researchers attribute the origin of the legend to the deep impression that the great city made on the ingenuous.

From the book Difficult Pages of the Bible. Old Testament author Galbiati Enrico

Tower of Babel 66. Anyone who reads the story contained in the book of Genesis 11:1-9 without context is inclined to give it an inaccurate interpretation, seeing in it a conscious attempt by people to enter into a contest with God, by some titanic effort to reach heaven, and Besides -

From the book Lessons scripture. abstraction theory author Zulumkhanov Davud

Tower of Babel In the habitats of biblical families, building stone is a rarity. It is very difficult to build strong and safe dwellings. An incredible number of years the absence of a strong and cheap building material was a big problem. And suddenly: And they said a friend

From the book of Forty Biblical Portraits author Desnitsky Andrey Sergeevich

Tower of Babel Humanity of that time also felt its unity, primarily because it had one mutual language. People understood each other and therefore could take on grandiose projects. Then they decided to build a city with a tower to the sky in order to "make a name for themselves"

The hidden meaning of the warning to the people of the legend of the Tower of Babel

What is the meaning of the warning of the legend and the Tower of Babel.

The legend of the Tower of Babel is a warning to people in many ways in the organization of their lives. But main reason her warnings went unrecognized.
“Once upon a time, all the people of the earth understood each other, speaking the same language: after all, they were all descendants of the Noah clan, who escaped during the flood and found shelter near the Ararat mountains. Gradually, the clan increased, acquired new knowledge and skills. And people conceived to build a city, and in it a high tower to the very heavens, which could be seen from any part of the earth.
By that time, people had learned a lot: they burned bricks, collected stones, laying them in the foundation. Gradually the tower grew, rising higher and higher towards the sky. People rejoiced, seeing how rapidly their creation was growing.
The Lord found out about this and was surprised to see a huge tower that stretched to the sky. God did not like this idea: pride and vanity again manifested themselves among people who decided to ascend to heaven. And he said: “Here is one people, everyone understands each other, everyone speaks the same language. But what are they doing? Proud and stubborn, they want to rise to heaven, to come closer to the Lord himself!“. He did not punish people with death, but punished them in a different way, mixing the language they spoke.

A simple and understandable goal, to build the Tower of Babel "united people on the basis of unanimity. The humanistic sciences did not exist then, and even now they vegetate at the level of the proper and desirable. People, even in one country, ceased to understand each other, because they proclaimed a pluralism of opinions - each has the right to exist for its goal.They hope that there will be one common goal or some person who will unite them with one mind. For several millennia, all the leaders of countries have been competing in the proposal of such goals, many of which have become the cause of protracted conflicts and ongoing wars that sow destruction and death.

Socrates also warned about the difficulty of reproducing humanistic goals and achieving an understanding of the laws of ethics:

.... refusal to perceive the integrity of wisdom and the desire to "divide" it into the property of self-pleasant "wise" - once again confirms the unfortunate circumstance that being a sage is a hopeless adventure: for contemporaries, wisdom is nothing more than a threat to the integrity of their ignorance , and if descendants use it, then in parts - to strengthen their own, in fact - aggravating the "experience" of their predecessors ...

Socrates (479-399 BC)

Ideology and ethics comb thoughts with the overall strategy of humanism in every goal of an individual, organization and even the state. Its methodological significance for a person is the same as fashion. Thanks to the laws of fashion, people began to dress according to style, some kind of image or idea that organizes unity and harmony in every element of clothing. Without submission to fashion, the bad taste and limitations of a person or even an entire country, which was dressed in overalls in padded jackets, are revealed.

Without ideology, people's thoughts are uncombed, they have no organic connection with the world and people. There are political forums and discussion platforms on all TV channels where people demonstrate the lack of moral foundations in their thoughts and show flaws in the words of opponents.

If the program “Fashionable Sentence” were organized according to the same scenarios, then we would have witnessed how the hosts and participants, diverse in clothing, criticize each other for every detail in clothing, extolling the significance of individual elements for fashion. The emergence of such a scenario about the meaning of fashion is even difficult to imagine. Why do we tolerate such nonsense in ideology and ethics on all TV channels in political and moral discussions?

The virtuous qualities of a person - honor, dignity, honesty, nobility and the ability to be grateful, mercy, the desire for justice, the ability to love and be friends, and many others, have somehow been preserved in people for thousands of years. Conflicts, wars, interreligious problems were in all eras and national cultures. But a miracle always happened and people returned again to their human nature - they remembered their natural normative foundations and forgave their recent enemies for the sake of cooperation on the path of virtue.

These are the Basic Foundations of Ethics, which every person intuitively obeys from birth. The proverb: “Truth speaks through the mouth of a child” serves as a reminder of this. Therefore, with an increase in the number of children, the worldly wisdom of parents increases, since the conscious support of virtuous qualities in the family ensures the moral security of children, adults and the elderly. Therefore, it is no coincidence that at all times people evaluated leaders by their ability to organize a virtuous life in their families.

But alas, not everything is so simple, although warnings about this were not uncommon ...

Humanistic values ​​and goals at the level of organizations and states have been preserved as a dream of a happy and prosperous life. One can only call people to these values, talk about striving for them…. In all countries of the world, they remain the recommended, desired guidelines. But there are no laws of ethics as the basis for organizing life at the level of society!

The reason is that for thousands of years people have ceased to obey the laws of ethics as a way of organizing people's cooperation. On Noah's Ark, the laws of ethics were binding on everyone, regardless of age, nationality, family affiliation, beliefs, and historical era. These laws are meaningful! They were established through the organization of Noah's relationships. They are not prescribed in simple and complex recommendations. The laws of ethics organize the existence of human culture, which knows how to hide, as Heraclitus said. The Basic Ethics (available for download at the philosophical storm website shows how these laws can be discovered for oneself in order to understand another and not injure him. They are especially important for children, preserving their spiritual health.

The Lord protected people, because the Tower of Babel could turn into a common grave of people. The requirement of unanimity also leads to the physical destruction of all dissidents. Such facts have already become commonplace in modern world history - this is the path to self-destruction of mankind. And then the planet Earth will become a common burial ground for people.

The first test result of response to information. Two thousand years later, people also have strong pride and conceit, arising even from love for their "cockroaches", which are the main motivators in life. How many more years will it take for the blindness of consciousness to disappear and people to see that they were preparing a common burial ground for themselves. The actions of the Lord pushed people to assimilate the culture of design thinking, that is, the sense formation taught by Socrates (identity "word-meaning-meaning"), which Hegel wrote about in his philosophy (thesis-antithesis-synthesis identity). The bottom line is that in all different foreign languages, the process of meaning formation is the same. Foreign languages do not create problems in mutual understanding of people!

The most surprising thing is that Socrates, Hegel and Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov spoke and wrote about the existence of general laws of meaning formation in all languages ​​in their work "Three Calms". It is these laws that make it possible to assimilate a foreign language and preserve the peculiarities of understanding at the level of the mind, all the semantic features of relations, activities and objects.

Another strange thing is that this living essence of the language has remained unaccepted in teaching even the native language. At school, literacy is formed on the basis of the preparation of a living entity into numerous rules, objects that need to be remembered. Try to divide the frog into parts and try to prove to the child that this is an amazingly beautiful tailless amphibian. That's exactly the same way we talk about the great and mighty Russian language, but we show everyone its dissected parts. The meaning of the powerful psychotherapy of the Lord was misunderstood.

Chapter seven of the Basic Ethics is devoted to the description of the living essence of language by M. V. Lomonosov and, of course, by Hegel.

Conclusion. The Lord did not punish people, but in Once again pushed them to the knowledge of themselves and the laws of god-likeness.

The Lord loves people and this was not a punishment.

For proof, let's turn to the Bible, to the "Gospel of John

However, this is not what John the Theologian wanted to say. The entire first verse of John the Evangelist reads as follows: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” That is, God was in the Word. How can it be?

In the original text of the New Testament, in place of the Russian “Word”, there is the ancient Greek ὁΛόγος (logos), which can be translated not only as a “word”, but also as “mind”, “basis”, “affirmation”, “understanding”, “ meaning”, “proof”, “proportion”, etc. Specialists identify in it more than a hundred meanings, among which, logos both as “thought” and as “mind”, that is, some kind of living entity, of divine origin.

This living entity must have the ability to preserve the Mind, accumulate it and pass it on to the next generations of people. This ability is national languages. Interestingly, we use the concept of a dead language, with which some nationality ceased to exist, having reached a certain level of development intelligent civilization. But you rarely meet the meanings of "living language", "language as the basis of the existence of the Mind"

The idea of ​​restoring the relationship of people similar to those during the construction of the Tower of Babel is being developed in digital technologies that will allow creating swarm intelligence based on the Internet and telepathy. It is expected that new opportunities and discoveries will arise. Only they do not think about the effect of unanimity - the blinding of the Mind. The mind is an open system in which there is no monotony. God warned in this legend about the danger. But that's the next topic.

Nikolai Migashkin

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