Ask God for good. How to pray so that God not only hears, but also helps

There is no special prayer for a miracle to happen. Because your spiritual path is unique and distinctive, your way of praying for a miracle will be unique and distinctive too! Develop the habit of praying every day. At the same time, you must understand what it means to pray passionately, persistently, clearly, with positivity and praise.


Pray passionately, positively and with praise

    Pray passionately. As you pray, allow yourself to be moved by God's power and grace. Pray with an open and receptive heart. Don't suppress your emotions, let them out! If you are moved to tears, allow yourself to cry. If you feel the need to scream, scream! If the spirit calls you to sing, sing a psalm! Let the emotions wash over you. Express your feelings to God and don't hold back. Pray for your miracle with blind, passionate faith.

    Pray with positivity. Believe in God and that God will answer your prayers. Save positive attitude throughout the prayer. Avoid negative phrases like: “I know that the chances of failure are small...” and negative thoughts. If you do not believe in God's capabilities, you pray with doubt in your soul. Confess your fears and doubts to God. Allow your passionate and blind faith in God to lift the burden of doubt from your heart. Focus on what God is able to do. Take comfort in knowing that God is loving and all-powerful.

  1. Pray with praise. Get creative! Find a meaningful way to personally thank God. Praise God in prayer, thoughts and deeds. Say “thank you” to God through prayer songs, grateful thoughts, or good deeds. Praise God for his guidance and wisdom. Thank God for calming your fears, freeing you from self-doubt and giving you hope. Praise God for his faithfulness and devotion to you. Sing his praises when your life is at its peak or at its lowest point. Be grateful to God for everything you do.

    • Thank God for what he has done in other people's lives.
  • Let go and trust.
  • Believe in God.
  • This is a personal and unique process. Your spiritual path is different from others. The way you pray for a miracle to happen will be different from the way your friend prays for the same thing. Find what suits you best! There is no wrong way.
  • Know that the Lord will receive your prayer and you will receive what you need.
  • Believe in miracles.
  • Don't be discouraged if what you ask for doesn't happen immediately or exactly the way you wanted it. God knows what's best for you.
  • Be very patient as miracles are truly worth the wait.
  • Always remember that God is with you, even in difficult times.
  • Stay close to God all the time, not just when you are praying for a miracle.

Glory to Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters!

I congratulate you on Holy Communion, on the sanctification of your souls and your bodies.

Today we listened to an interesting Gospel (Luke, XVII: 12-19), where we see that 10 lepers asked Jesus for help and they received it. We see that only one out of ten came to Jesus to give thanks. And we see that it was not a Jew, it was a Samaritan. And when we read history, we see that the Jews had an advantage over other peoples in their thoughts and in their traditions. Including the Samaritans. The Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel constantly emphasizes to the Jews that look, the Samaritan is helping. So today - look, the Samaritan was healed and came to give thanks. Jesus Christ shows us with this Gospel that He does not choose whom to heal. He did not ask which of these ten were Jews, which were Samaritans, or who might even be of some other nationality. He told them: “Go and show yourself to the priest.”

The Lord thereby shows that He does not pay attention to what color your skin is, what your nationality is, etc. - He helps everyone. That is, for God there is no such thing that some are better and others are worse. And Jesus constantly emphasized this, because the Jewish people, some of them to some extent, had such pride in themselves that did not bring them closer to God, but, on the contrary, alienated them. They thought they were the best. Jesus came and said, “No, you are no better. You are no better if you don't love God. You are no better if you do not do the works of God. You are no better if you do not keep the commandments of the Lord.”

Today, dear brothers and sisters, something similar is happening: one of the religious movements thinks that it is better than the other. Christians are better than Muslims, Muslims are better than Jews, Jews are better than Hare Krishnas or Buddhists. Such a distortion occurs. With God everyone is equal, in the eyes of God they are all equal. The value of our faith depends on how we keep the commandments each in our religion, in our traditions and how we live. If we ask the Lord: “Help me,” being a Muslim, and the Lord helps, then we need to thank Him. If we ask God as Christians: “God, help us to be healed,” then we must thank God when this happens. And not like some people in our society, and perhaps we are also the same to some extent, when we ask: “God, help, help,” we pray, we pray, we pray, the Lord helps us, and we We even forget to thank God for helping us. And then we somehow forget about it, because the black angel comes and says: “Yes, this naturally had to happen like that. It's a simple matter. Why did you even pray to God when it was an easy matter, everything was already fine.”

We remember situations when we see that we have a very simple task ahead of us and we think: “Why pray for the Lord to help? It will happen by itself.” And then it happens that in the process we can barely cope, for the Lord shows: “Without Me you are nothing. My strength is in your weaknesses.” When we are weak, we cry out with all our souls and ask: “God, help.” Just like these lepers asked Jesus: “Jesus, save us, help us.” It doesn’t matter how they asked, but they asked, and the Lord took pity on them and helped.

We can take this Gospel as an example and draw the following conclusion: when we ask God for help, and the Lord helps us, we should always give thanks. When we ask God for help, and the Lord does not help us, somehow does not solve the situation, we should still thank God. We must remember that Scripture says that “in every step of life consider the ways of the Lord.” We must analyze, dear brothers and sisters, our lives. So I lived this day today, I was at work. What happened to me during the day? Such a situation was, such, aha, and how miraculously it was resolved. After analyzing, we see that it could not be solved just like that - the Lord helped, blessed his angels. I blessed the people through whom this situation was resolved. But if we are preoccupied with the bustle of this life and all sorts of work issues, we may not see this situation. We see that the day went well, and that’s good - we didn’t thank God. If we haven't done this, the next day will be worse. For the Lord helps us and He is waiting for us to show free choice and say: “Thank you, Lord, for helping me.”

We remember that the Scripture says: “so that every breath glorifies God.” So that we constantly glorify God. Whether it is difficult or easy for us, we must praise God.

And most importantly, when we ask the Lord to help us, do not forget to thank God. Thank God for being so merciful. To thank us that He loves us such sinners, that He blesses us, that He hears our prayers. Thanking is the most important thing.

But there's still one here important point, dear brothers and sisters, - when we ask God to help us with something, and He helps us, we understand that He hears us and our faith is not in vain. We see how Jesus said to the Samaritan: “Go, your faith has saved you.” Because the Samaritan believed that this man would help him.

We believe that the Lord will help us, and we ask Him. If we did not believe, we would not ask, and we would not receive help then. The Lord said: “According to your faith it will be done for you.”

That is, dear brothers and sisters, we see various aspects here, we can talk a lot about it, but the most important thing is to thank God. The most important thing is to ask the Lord to strengthen our faith. And it strengthens when we ask, and the Lord helps us. And we really see such moments in our lives.

They ask us: “Do you believe in God? - Of course, I believe. - Why do you believe in Him? - Yes, because I see how He works miracles every minute, every day in my life. Why shouldn't I believe in Him? I know He exists. I don’t need to see Him physically, I know He is manifesting physically in my life.”

If we tune ourselves in this way, ask the Lord and thank Him, then the Lord will always be with us.

God bless you!

Question from the site:

I have a question about prayer. If a person prays for a long time and does not receive what he asks for, then, as far as I know, there are two reasonseither the time has not yet come and the person has not worked hard enough or did not understand something, or what is being asked is not useful to the person. How do you understand whether you need to continue begging the Lord, because there are many cases when the Lord did give what you asked for, but as punishment for resisting His Will and continuing to beg? How to distinguish fervent prayer from begging that is contrary to the Lord and His Providence?

Priest's answer:

In our time, demons, and even some church ministers who call to pray not for the Kingdom of Heaven, but for rich sponsors, have fooled the Orthodox heads so much that church people no longer understand WHAT prayer is, WHAT one should ask for and what one cannot ask for in prayer. ...

But I won't bore you with short letter patristic teaching on prayer, I will only say that the Fathers of the Church teach: Asking God for earthly things is the same as asking a king (president)mud!

Therefore, if you ask for SALVATION in your prayers, then your prayer will NEVER turn into sin.

And if the Lord fulfills this request of ours, then a Christian does not need anything more.

Here is the answer to your question.

BEGGING SINNLYThis is when we pray and ask God for dirt, i.e. worldly goods.

RESCUE PRAYERThis is a prayer for SALVATION!

What you cannot ask God for in prayer and what you need to pray for according to the teachings of the Church of Christ.

And if you ask anything in My name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

(John 14:13-14).

So do not worry and say, “What shall we eat?” or what to drink? or what to wear? Because the pagans are looking for all this, and because your Heavenly Father knows that you need all this.

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

(Matt. 6:31-33).

Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial.

(1 Cor. 10:23).

We do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings that cannot be expressed.

(Rom. 8:26).

You should approach prayer in such a mood that you desire only the Divine will, and not your own... For that which you know for sure is pleasing to God, such as virtue, for example, seek and ask in order to Most of all, to please God and serve Him alone better, and not for any other purpose, even spiritual.

Venerable Nicodemus the Holy Mountain (1749-1809).

In prayer, look not for earthly blessings, but for heavenly ones.

Venerable Isaac of Optina (Antimonov) (1810-1894).

While praying, I often asked myself for what seemed good to me, and persisted in my request, foolishly forcing God’s will and not allowing God to arrange it better, which He Himself recognizes as useful, but, having received what I asked, subsequently I was extremely grieved, why did I ask for it to be fulfilled? my will was better, because things turned out to be different for me than I thought.

Do not pray for your wishes to be fulfilled, because they do not in any case agree with by God's will, but pray better, as taught, saying: Thy will be done (Matthew 6:10) in me.

Ask God not for something pleasant, but for something useful. If you ask for the first, God will not give it, and even if you receive it, it will be lost.

Pray, firstly, for cleansing from passions, secondly, for deliverance from ignorance and, thirdly, for salvation from all temptation and abandonment.

Venerable Nile of Sinai (IV-V centuries).

He who asks for something insignificant from the King humiliates him.

If someone asks the king for a small amount of dirt, he will not only dishonor himself by the insignificance of the request, as having shown great foolishness, but he will also insult the king with his request. This is what the one who asks for something earthly in prayer does.

Do not ask God for what He Himself gives us without our asking, according to His providence, which gives not only to His own and beloved, but also to strangers the knowledge of Him.

Venerable Isaac the Syrian (VII century).

If you ask God for something of your own, then ask not in such a way that you will certainly receive from Him, but presenting it together to Him and His will... You, as a person, often consider it useful for yourself, which is often useless for you.

Venerable Ephraim the Syrian (IV century).

Do not be daring, even if you have acquired purity.

Venerable John Climacus. (VI-VII century).

When you pray to God, do not say: Lord, take this from me and give me that. But say: Lord, my God, You know what saves me. Help me and do not allow me to sin before You and perish in my sins, for I, a sinner, am weak. Do not betray me to my enemies, for I have come running to you. Deliver me, O Lord, for You are my strength and my hope. Glory and thanksgiving to you forever. Amen.

Venerable Isaiah (IV century).

Whoever wants to serve God correctly should not ask God for anything, such as tears or anything else, in accordance with his dream; must ask God to give him what is good for his soul; a person does not know what exactly is good for his soul.

Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) (1807-1867).

You should never ask the Lord for anything earthly. He knows better than we what is useful to us. Always pray like this: “I surrender, Lord, myself, my children and all my relatives and neighbors to your holy will.”

Rev. Seraphim Vyritsky (1865-1949).

1) We must ask for everything that concerns the glory of His name and our benefit, both physical and temporary, as well as spiritual and eternal, what is commanded, promised in His Holy Word and what His holy will wants, revealed in the same Holy Scripture...

2) We must ask for spiritual benefits in a proper manner and expect without any doubt, as necessary for our true bliss...

3) Temporary benefits, for example, health, continuation of life, well-being and other things, should not just be asked, but with the addition of this: if His holy will pleases, it is useful for us who ask.

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk (1724-1783).

When praying, wait for what you want, but do not predetermine that the Lord will determine it, but submit this to His will, with complete humility, accept from the Lord whatever it pleases Him to send to you. The lack of such submission distorts the prayer and deprives it of its power: for without it the prayer will have the following meaning: whether you like it or not, Lord, grant it.

Saint Theophan, the Recluse of Vyshensky. (1815-1894).

God helps where His help is needed, where people cannot do anything humanly.

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets (1924-1994).

"Orthodox village" leaflet from the Church of the Nativity of Christ in the village of Mityakinskaya.

How to ask God for help? Esoteric recommendations

98% of people ask God, but remain unheard. Or maybe, of course, they are heard, but Higher power for some reason they remain deaf to their requests.


How should you ask God, how should you pray with a request in order to be heard by God and to be helped?

There are always laws and principles. God created these Laws and He himself will not break them.

The first thing you need to understand is that God is not a genie or gold fish, which fulfills all desires.

And about everything else - in order.

How to ask God for help so that your prayers are heard

This is actually a very important question! It was asked by Tatyana: Please tell me how to correctly ask God and your Guardian Angel, because many people forgive and ask all their lives, but not all of their requests and prayers are fulfilled. Why does God hear some prayers and help them fulfill them, sometimes almost instantly, while heaven remains indifferent to other prayers? And if there are any rules - what is the correct way to ask to be heard?

Very, very correct questions! Indeed, not all prayers are fulfilled exactly as people ask, and there are reasons for this. Indeed, there are rules that must be taken into account when you ask the Higher Powers for something. I will try to answer in detail, although we have already talked about a lot of things in other articles. I will provide links in the text.

How to correctly ask God to hear you and help you

I repeat once again - God and the Higher Powers are not a goldfish or a genie out of a bottle, and serving people is not their task, fulfilling all the desires of those who ask (this would be terrible and destructive for humanity)! The Higher Powers realize the Plans of the Creator, the Will of God. Mother Teresa said it best, in my opinion:

I asked for strength - and God sent me trials to strengthen me.
I asked for wisdom - and God sent me problems to puzzle over.
I asked for courage - and God sent me danger.
I asked for love - and God sent the unfortunate ones who need my help.
I asked for blessings - and God gave me opportunities.
I didn't get anything I wanted, but I got everything I needed!
God heard my prayers...

But this does not mean that God and the Higher Powers will not help people achieve their goals and dreams. Of course they will!

It should also be noted that it is not always the Light Forces, God, who help a person fulfill his desires. It all depends on the desires (goals) and motives of the person. If the goals are worthy and the motives are pure, the Forces of Light will help. If the goals are dark, destructive, or the motives are negative, evil, selfish (revenge, deception, harm) - a person can receive help, but only from dark forces. And he will have to pay for such help with his soul and fate (slavery), and plus he will still have to answer for his sins (the suffering he experiences).

When and why will God not help a person with his requests?

1. When a person turns to God and asks for something unworthy: evil for someone, undeserved benefits for oneself, etc.

2. If a person is not sincere in his thoughts and prayers. For example, a person asking God for something promises Him something in his prayers. God helps him, but the man is not going to fulfill his promises to God.

3. If a person bargains with God, like in a market, and sets conditions for Him. For example: “If you God do this to me, or give me this, then, so be it, I will be a good girl or boy.”. It is useless to bargain with God; this is a disgusting approach to using God for one’s petty selfish interests. All requests must be sincere and pure, and come from the very depths of your Spiritual Heart.

4. If a person blatantly lies, he promises and does not do it, and so on many times. For example, a man comes to church, asks God for something and promises that he will not slander, will work, etc. And as soon as he leaves the church, he immediately forgets about his promises, immediately swears at those going to the meeting, throws dirt, and doesn’t even intend to work. There are more than enough examples like this.

5. When, for example, you ask for another person, but he does not deserve this help from God. This does not mean that you don’t need to pray for him, but it means that the decision to help or not to help this person always remains with God, He knows best.

6. If a person asks for the wrong thing, i.e. his requests are directed in the wrong direction, contrary to the Will of God. For example, you ask God to help you enroll in law school, but you have karmic tasks in the field of education, and you need to enroll in pedagogy. Or you want to go to Japan and ask the Higher Powers about it, and They have prepared a destiny for you with moving to Germany, for example. In this case, no matter how much you ask for something “of your own,” you will encounter obstacles until you realize that you are trying to go in the wrong direction. Here, of course, it is advisable to get help Spiritual Healer, in working with which you can find out your karmic tasks, and adjust your plans in accordance with the Will of the Higher Powers.

7. When you want something, ask God for it, but you have not fulfilled the prerequisites for it. For example, a person asks to be healed of some illness, but he himself is not going to change. Just as he was embittered and offended by the whole world, he continues to be angry and offended, but at the same time he asks for healing from cancer, the cause of which is the grievances he has accumulated. Until he realizes the cause of the disease and begins to work on himself, fulfilling all the conditions, he will not receive any special help.

8. The most arrogant option. When a person asks for something, but he himself is not going to do anything for it. His “Give” directed to God is of no interest to anyone: give me a prince (and the little girl herself is not well-groomed), give me money (but I won’t work), give beautiful body(but I don’t want to play sports), etc. Billions of such “Give” are sent to God every day, but hardworking Heaven will never listen to such insolent and lazy people.

There are other reasons why God does not respond to requests, for example, ingratitude, when a person is always dissatisfied with what he receives and does not at all appreciate what he already has in life. The main reasons are listed, although there are others.

How to correctly ask God to help you! Practical recommendations

1. Ask only for what is worthy! To wish the best for yourself (first of all, your Soul), other people and this world. The evil ones need to desire justice (fair punishment from Above), and not evil.

2. Motives, your thoughts must be pure! Be sincere with yourself, because no one can outwit God. Ask yourself - for what and for whom are you asking something from God? And answer this question honestly. Next, find pure, selfless motives for yourself.

3. Don’t bargain with God and be ready to accept any of His Will! Be prepared to accept any answer from God with gratitude, this will increase your chances of getting what you want. Ask actively, but with inner Humility before the Omnipotence and Wisdom of God.

4. Take action yourself! “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself”. Remember, God helps, but does not do it for you. Ask and do for your part everything that depends on you. The law works like this - the more you yourself took responsibility for your goal, the more help you receive from Above. God doesn't help idle people. They must first want to overcome their laziness and prove that they are worthy of His help.

5. Keep your promises to God! If you promised something to the Higher Powers in your prayers, try with all your might to follow it! Better yet, always write down what you promise so as not to become an empty talker before God. God will help you as much as possible if you fulfill your obligations. The highest protection of God is always a Man of Honor, and not a deceiver!

6. God's favorite requests that you need to know! The best thing you can ask for (which is most encouraged by the Higher Powers): A) The most effective Development for Your soul B) Understand and realize the Will of God C) Know the Truth, learn the Truth D) Realize and atone for your Sins E) Cultivate the worthy personal qualities (become responsible, strong, worthy) F) Understand and realize your Karmic Tasks and your Purpose G) Serve God and Society - bring the greatest benefit to this world. Other.

These are the requests in the implementation of which God will help a person as much as possible!

7. Be grateful for everything you already have in life! For everything good - thank you! For all the trials and lessons in which you became stronger, wiser - thank you! First of all, God helps the grateful! And from those who are not grateful and always dissatisfied, it takes away what they do not value.

8. How to ask? Ask both in writing and orally.

  • Let it be a prayer-request on paper. When you write, it is difficult to deceive yourself.
  • Be sure to write and tell God about your motives - why do you need this?
  • Be sure to give thanks for everything you already have and for the opportunity to ask and receive His help.
  • Be sure to write what you yourself will do for this, and do it.

In fact, this question is very relevant and important for everyone. People often wonder how to ask God for help. Many believers cry out to God for help, praying daily, and never get what they want. This injustice makes us wonder why God hears some requests, but answers the prayers of others with silence?

The human essence is designed in such a way that each person strives for the truth. Therefore, in search of an answer to their question, some believe that they are not following the rules of prayer. To understand why this happens, you need to understand the reasons for the supposed indifference of the Higher Powers.

Most people tend to believe in miracles. And the process of prayer really obeys certain rules. You should not appeal to heaven only when you need something done. The divine plan is not simply the fulfillment of human dreams. However, God helps all those who pray to achieve their goal. Sometimes this is not as obvious as we think.

Prayer alone is not enough to achieve success. Each person must make their own efforts and have good intentions in order to count on God's help.

If a person is driven by destructive and negative motivation (thirst for revenge, deceiving people, selfish or evil thoughts), they will come to his aid, but they will come dark forces. However, not everyone knows that the price for fulfilling their evil plans will be their own soul and fate, crippled by failures.

How to correctly ask for help from God and the Higher Powers?

Most people, turning to God for help, forget about observing a number of rules that must be taken into account in order for the Almighty to hear them. Practical advice for those who turn to God for help:

  1. Ask only for good things and set worthy goals for yourself. Do not wish harm on anyone, it is destructive for your soul. For evil people It is worth asking for a fair trial from Above. But under no circumstances make your situation worse with vindictive thoughts.
  2. Cleanse your thoughts regularly. Always remember that your cunning is visible to the Lord, so when turning to him, you should not be disingenuous by interpreting your motivation differently to yourself. Your motives must be pure and selfless.
  3. Thank God for any decision he makes on your issue.. Accept what is given to them with desire and trepidation. Remember that everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds. Therefore, be humble in your requests and do not bargain.
  4. Be active. Remember that you are asking for help, and not for doing something yourself. You yourself must actively move towards achieving success, and God only guides you and helps you achieve what you want. Don't sit back and do nothing. The more responsible the approach, the more support you will feel. Don’t be lazy and don’t shy away from working on yourself, prove that you are worthy of His mercy.
  5. Always keep your promises to the Lord. Always think before you say anything. And always achieve what you promised to the Almighty. You may want to write down your vows so you don't forget them. Prove to Him that you are a man of your word, and what you say is not an empty phrase. Deceivers may not expect loyalty.
  6. Correctly place emphasis in your petitions. You will achieve the greatest encouragement from our Lord if your requests are worthy. Therefore, always ask Him:
  • Understanding His will;
  • Protecting your soul from adversity and passions;
  • Knowing the true way to correct mistakes,
  • Awareness of sins and their correction;
  • Ask for the bestowal of good qualities;

Do good with your deeds, and God will definitely hear your request.

7.Thank the Higher Powers for everything that has been done for you. This applies not only to positive things and events that happen to you. But also those difficult lessons that fate taught you, as a result of which you gained wisdom and strength to move on. Ungrateful petitioners risk being left without what they already had.

8.Build phrases clearly and clearly. Prayers addressed to Heaven can be submitted either orally or in writing. Thoughts expressed on paper are often the most truthful.

Remember the simple proverb - “The road is conquered by the one who walks”, and take it into your arsenal. Aspiration alone is not enough to achieve everything you want. Therefore, always try to take the initiative.

In order for your requests to be effective and achieve a solution, engage in cleansing of the soul. Read the Bible, the Lives of the Saints and delve into the very essence of their existence. You can go on a trip to the shrines. The special atmosphere of various sacred places has a beneficial effect on the spiritual state.

Observe church fasts and holidays, attend church and do not neglect Holy Communion. You may even be surprised at how light your inner worldview can be when there is no heavy burden on your soul.

Try to follow the basic list of commandments. It is not necessary to suddenly become a strongly religious person. Take your time, act step by step and only at the behest of your heart. There will be no good if everything you do is contrived and artificial.

Find a spiritual mentor for yourself. This helps many people to clear their minds. Especially if you are not a fan of talking about your troubles. different people. One person you choose for this purpose will listen to you patiently and give good advice.

The path to God is not an easy process, but everyone should strive for it. And the sooner you start implementing this plan, the better. Don't carry evil within yourself. Sincerely wish the best for those around you, and also moderate your anger.

Take care of your loved ones by mentioning them in your prayers. Discuss your decisions with them and point out their shortcomings so that when you meet the Lord, he will grant you eternal peace and tranquility. This is the only way you can count on the help and protection of those who protect you always and everywhere.

- this is not a goldfish. It is important to know and understand how to ask God for help, because God and the Higher Powers are not a goldfish or a seller in the market with whom you can bargain. Achieving your own commercial interests is a dirty approach to God.

Situations in which God will not help a person

Heaven will not “answer” your requests and will not help you if:

  • Your thoughts are low and unworthy (wishing harm to someone or asking for help in achieving a goal without your own efforts);
  • Prayers are insincere (especially if a person makes a vow to perform some actions on his part, and after achieving the goal forgets about it);
  • Petitions contain conditions that a person sets to God (it is low to use God’s creation by putting forward one’s own demands on it, since the essence of prayer lies in sincerity);
  • The prayers contain regular lies about correcting or not committing any negative actions (do not give the Creator deliberately false promises);
  • Requests are related to help to unworthy people (the Higher Powers themselves make the decision to help the lost, so it is worth asking for guidance on the true path);
  • Requests are at odds with the plan of the Creator himself (often people wish for a different future for themselves, without taking into account the prepared fate);
  • Requests are not fueled by your sincere desire to achieve success (for example, if a person is sick and asks for healing for himself, but he continues to commit actions detrimental to his health, not realizing the cause of the illness);
  • Prayers come from lazy people who do not want to correct their behavior and consciousness (the requests of inactive people remain unanswered and this is quite fair, since it is impossible to achieve success in anything without making any effort).

There are other reasons why the Divine Powers refuse to help their charges. One of these reasons is when a person does not value what he has already received, demanding a different fate for himself. This is the main reason for the lack of help.

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