Agutin's eldest daughter Polina Vorobyova is going to marry a Frenchman. Leonid Agutin accidentally met a daughter from his first marriage in London - Maybe the reason is that the child was hidden from everyone

Both daughters of Leonid Agutin do not live with him - Polina, the eldest from her first marriage, now lives with her mother and stepfather in France, but youngest daughter from Anzhelika Varum works and studies in the USA. Therefore, photos with them rarely appear on his blog. However, the birthday a special case, and in honor of the holiday of the eldest daughter, the singer shared her photo with his subscribers. So, a picture of Polina appeared on the artist’s blog, who turned 22 on March 12.

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“Polenka, daughter, happy birthday! 22 years old. You are already quite an adult girl! But once you, quite a baby, taught me to be an adult, just by the very fact of your existence. You are my joy and pride. My tomorrow! I really believe in you and I am happy that I have you. And, given that God has not deprived you of your mind, I wish you health, good luck and love! May the warmth of your kindness warm your loved ones and those who suffer on your way, returning to you with a vengeance! Leonid wrote to his daughter on her birthday.

Leonid Agutin is an artist who does not need our introductions. During his long career, he managed to prove himself as a talented singer, musician, composer and even a poet.

In his personal collection there is a huge variety of various awards. Such successes inspire respect, and therefore we decided to choose Leonid Agutin as the hero of our today's article.

Early years, childhood and the family of Leonid Agutin

Leonid Nikolaevich Agutin was born on July 16, 1968 in Moscow. His mother was a school teacher, and his father, Nikolai Petrovich, was a famous musician in the USSR. IN different years he collaborated with such projects as VIA "Blue Guitars", worked as an administrator with the groups "Pesnyary", "Singing Hearts", "Merry Fellows". Currently, Nikolai Petrovich is a music critic.

Perhaps it was the profession of his father that to a large extent had an important influence on the formation of the interests and creative views of Leonid Agutin. Already with early years he was seriously fond of music and diligently worked on the implementation of all creative plans. He dreamed of becoming an artist, and therefore, over the years, he studied at a music school, the Moscow Jazz School at the Moskvorechye Palace of Culture, as well as in some other educational institutions.

After graduation high school our today's hero served for two years in the border troops, where he served on the border with Finland. It is noteworthy that even during his stay in the military, Leonid Agutin often gave concerts in front of company commanders and colleagues. Thanks to this, he earned the respect of soldiers and representatives of the commanding staff.

In 1988, our today's hero returned home to Moscow. However, a few months later he left again. This time the departure was associated with a series of musical performances in which the future famous performer took part. In the period from 1989 to 1992, Agutin traveled a lot around the countries of the former Soviet Union, speaking as an opening act for some other musicians.

In 1992, the young musician left concert activity for a while and decided to take up his education again. During this period, Leonid Agutin submitted documents to the Moscow state institute culture, where he later began to study as a "Director of theatrical mass performances."

Around the same period, Leonid Agutin became the winner of the Yalta-92 competition for young performers. As part of this festival, he was presented with the song "Barefoot Boy", which became his first real hit.

Agutin - barefoot boy

A year later (in 1993), our today's hero also won international competition in Jurmala, which strengthened Agutin's success as a solo artist.

Star Trek singer Leonid Agutin

In 1994, the Moscow musician presented to the public his debut album "Barefoot Boy", which immediately after the release became a real hit. The success of the first record raised Leonid Agutin to unprecedented heights and instantly made him one of the most popular performers on the Russian pop scene. In the same 1994, our today's hero received the award "Song of the Year", "Singer of the Year" and "Album of the Year". In the same period, on all radio stations of the CIS, his main hit of that time, the compositions “Hop Hey La-La-Lei”, sounded with might and main.

In the spring of 1995, Leonid Agutin twice successfully performed at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. His concerts were sold out. Not all musical performers of the 1990s could boast of such an achievement at that time.

In December of the same year, Agutin released another solo album. Subsequently, the talented musician repeatedly delighted his fans with bright musical compositions and new studio albums. At the moment, Leonid's discography includes fifteen music records. In terms of the number of various prizes and nominations, Agutin is one of the most successful artists on Russian stage. According to this indicator, only Philip Kirkorov and Valery Meladze can compare with him.

During most of its creative career the artist collaborated with another famous performer- Angelica Varum. Their relationship developed so rapidly that it is now very difficult to say what was at the beginning - their love union or creative cooperation.

Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin "How not to think about you"

One way or another, in a duet with his wife Anzhelika Varum, our today's hero recorded a huge number of real hits. In addition, over the years, the artist also collaborated with Vladimir Presnyakov, the Inveterate Scammers group, as well as Grammy winner Al Di Meola. As a result of cooperation with the last of these musicians, Agutin, a whole album was recorded - "Cosmopolitan Life", which was presented in stores in the UK, USA, Canada, Austria and Russia. As a result, sales of the album exceeded 900,000 copies.

In 2008, Leonid Agutin was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Leonid Agutin today

In the following years, he fruitfully worked in several creative directions at once. He composed music, performed songs, and also released a collection of his own poems in 2009, called Notebook 69.

Last on this moment the artist's studio album - "The Secret of the Glued Pages" - was released in 2013. In the same period, our today's hero took part in the filming documentary film Russian First channel about his life and destiny. The painting was called “Leonid Agutin. A drop of regret."

Personal life of Leonid Agutin, marriage to Angelica Varum

Over the years, Agutin was tied up love relationship with different women. The first wife of the artist was a woman named Svetlana. Leonid lived with her for about five years, but later divorced.

In the future, our today's hero was also in civil marriage with ballerina Maria Vorobieva. Within this love union their daughter Polina was born.

In 2000, Agutin married for the third time (legally - the second). New wife the artist was the singer Anzhelika Varum. The wedding ceremony took place in Venice. Before that, the marriage was legalized in Russia.

Celebrities have a daughter, Elizabeth, who today lives and studies in Miami, where she also performs as part of an amateur group.

Leonid Agutin is a famous Russian performer, musician, composer, director and song arranger. His compositions became hits back in the 90s, Agutin gave many concerts throughout the country. Many times he became a laureate of awards, and repeatedly collaborated not only with Russian stars but also with foreign ones. He repeatedly participated in various programs, for example, in 2012 he became a participant in the show "Two Stars", which he won.

The musician is a good example of how you can be insanely famous, but at the same time not have a star disease and absolutely adequately evaluate your work. The artist is very fond of the public for his openness, sincerity, intelligence and beautiful family. Today, the artist sits on the jury of the Voice project, which finds talents all over the country, and his wards participants in the show have already become winners more than once.

Their duet once won the hearts of millions of fans, and even today the songs of Agutin and Varum, one of the most beautiful couples on the Russian stage, touch the hearts and souls of many. The song "If You Ever Forgive Me" practically became their anthem. Of course, this is the merit of both of them, but the fact that Leonid Agutin is an insanely talented musician and composer, who became the author of their couple's hits, cannot be denied.

Today, like 20 years ago, the public is interested in everything related to their pet, even height, weight, age. How old is Leonid Agutin is not a difficult question, today the man is 49 years old, his height is 172 cm, and his weight is about 80 kg.

Biography of Leonid Agutin

The singer was born in 1698 in Moscow. Born into a family of musicians, he was destined to become a famous composer and connect his life with music. Already in childhood, Lenya showed interest in creativity and art, and although he still could not play on anything, he was already trying with might and main to press the keys of his father's piano. Agutin went to a music school earlier than usual, already at the age of 6 the boy learned to play the piano at the Moskvorechye jazz school, at the House of Culture. He graduated with honors, the next two years he served in the army in the border troops on the Soviet-Finnish border. Even while in the army, Leonid did not give up his hobby and in the evenings in the supply room he and the guys played the guitar and sang, and sometimes those who knew how to play the musical instruments, performed in front of the main cast during concerts.

After graduating from the institute, Agutin often performed as an opening act for famous bands, so for several years he was traveling all over the country. Then the guy postponed his schedule for several years and entered the Moscow Institute of Art and Culture at the directing department to get higher education. After graduation, Agutin begins to perform solo, and wins the Yalta-92 competition, with one of his most famous songs, Barefoot Boy. This composition became Agutin's first hit, which gave him popularity and love from fans. Two years later, an album of the same name was released, thanks to which Leonid wins in several nominations "Album of the Year" and "Singer of the Year" at once. Over time, only the song “Hop hey lalalei” became more popular than “Barefoot Boy”.

In 1995, the artist gathers huge halls, performs and tours a lot, he has two big solo concerts at the Olimpiysky. Today Agutin holds the record for receiving the Golden Gramophone awards.

The biography of Leonid Agutin has developed in the most favorable way, thanks to his desire, and the fact that he never pursued profit. The artist just did what he liked. In 2005, the artist recorded a disc with American jazz musician Eldy Meola, which even received a Grammy award abroad. Alas, this album was not appreciated at home, and Agutin was offended, but in his interview he said then that “he didn’t have tantrums, that he unrecognized genius”, so we can say that the artist never suffered from vanity or star disease.

Personal life of Leonid Agutin

The personal life of Leonid Agutin has always interested the public no less than his creative ideas, songs and performances, because right on the stage it unfolded real story love between him and singer Anzhelika Varum. Today, looking at this couple, it seems that they were always together, and were literally born for each other, but few people know that in his youth the artist was married and lived with his first wife not so little, about 5 years.

Before Angelica and Leonid met, the man was already married twice. One of his marriages was official, and the second - civil and at a distance. For some time he lived with the ballerina Maria Vorobyeva, whom he met in France. A woman gave birth to a daughter from Agutin, but they never got married, perhaps because the artist soon met Varum, and his world just turned upside down. In general, a lot was said about the artist's personal life, often connecting him with different women, including those from show business.

In 2011, the public was simply shocked by a video on the Internet, which clearly shows that the composer is passionately kissing an unfamiliar brunette in the hotel lobby. It was such a daring betrayal that the media were happy to discuss this topic for more long years. Six months later, Agutin gave an interview where he publicly confessed his love for his wife and that the affair on the side was the biggest mistake. Varum herself also said that she had forgiven her husband, since she could not imagine life without him.

Family of Leonid Agutin

It is difficult to say whether the artist would have become what he is now, if not for the family of Leonid Agutin. His father is a famous Soviet composer, musical critic and musician, concert organizer and businessman. At one time, Nikolai Petrovich sang in the Blue Guitars ensemble, was a laureate of many song contests, and then worked as an administrator in the most famous groups in the USSR: Pesnyary, Merry Fellows, Singing Hearts.

The musician's mother, Lyudmila Leonidovna, being young, was engaged in dancing and performed in dance groups. In her adult years, she worked as a teacher, and is an Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation. They met in 1965 in Gorky Park, and have not parted since. When the son was born, the couple decided to name the boy in honor of Lyudmila's father, who died during the war.

Children of Leonid Agutin

The artist has two children. Children of Leonid Agutin - two daughters from different women, today live in different countries. The eldest daughter of the artist, Polina, was born in a civil marriage with a French ballerina. After the singer met Angelica, he broke up with the woman, and Polya lived with her mother and stepfather. The family first lived in Italy and then moved to France, where they live today.

Agutin's youngest daughter, Elizaveta, was born to Angelica Varum. The girl is very similar to her parents, and today she is engaged in music, actively studying vocals, and studying at school. The girl lives in America, in Miami, together with Angelica's parents for a long time. The girl's parents wanted her to get a good education and life, but they themselves do not want to move to America, since their life and work are here.

Daughter of Leonid Agutin - Polina Vorobyova

The daughter of Leonid Agutin, Polina Vorobyeva, was born in 1996 in Paris, and today the girl is already 22 years old. The girl has not seen her for many years stepsister, they met only in 2012, but today they communicate very well.

Polina and her father saw each other very rarely, as they lived in different countries, and it can be said that the girl considers her father to be her stepfather rather than Agutin, but nevertheless, she recently flew to Russia to see her father and congratulate him on his birthday . The girl said that she was dating a Frenchman of Arab origin, Jean, who could not come to Russia, but talked to the musician via Skype. Agutin's daughter plans to get married soon, as the guy proposed to her.

Daughter of Leonid Agutin - Elizabeth Varum

The daughter of Leonid Agutin, Elizaveta Varum, was born in 1999. Recently, the girl celebrated her coming of age by visiting her parents for a holiday. When Lisa was born, Leonid and Anzhelika had a very busy touring schedule, they were literally at the top of their popularity, and then they could not postpone concerts. Therefore, little Lisa flew overseas to her grandparents.

Leonid's wife repeatedly said in an interview that she misses her daughter very much and feels like a bad mother, but she understands with her mind that her daughter lives much better in the USA, she got used to it, this is her environment, so Lisey herself no longer wants to return to Russia. The girl performs at school at concerts, plays musical instruments and is the soloist of her own group. In the future, they really hope to become famous.

The ex-wife of Leonid Agutin - Svetlana Belykh

The ex-wife of Leonid Agutin - Svetlana Belykh became the first real love future artist. They got married in 1988 when Agutin returned from the army. The musician does not say whether Svetlana was waiting for him all the time of the service, or whether they met after their return and soon got married, but one thing is clear: this marriage was too sudden and therefore not long. Belykh was very jealous, because Leni was just beginning her career. Then the first fans appeared, glory, and the loving Agutin could not control himself, so the wife constantly noticed short intrigues or novels of the young husband.

Tired of his wife's jealousy, Agutin filed for divorce five years later. Today about ex-wife nothing is known about the musician, she is not a public person, and marriage with Agutin has long since sunk into oblivion.

Leonid Agutin's wife - Angelica Varum

The wife of Leonid Agutin is Anzhelika Varum, a famous singer and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. They met when both were already famous. Their love, like a flower, opened right on the stage, in front of the eyes of the public, young people recorded songs in a duet, and when they performed them on stage, goosebumps just ran through the skin. They met for three years, and then Angelica became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. In 2000 they played beautiful wedding in Venice, which was attended by many famous guests.

The Agutin-Varum couple proves that love goes through all obstacles. Jaya, after the public betrayal of the musician, the singer forgave her husband, and continues to look at him with loving eyes. They are the most a beautiful couple modern stage.

Instagram and Wikipedia Leonid Agutin

Leonid Agutin is widely recognized not only among the fans of his generation. But also among young people, as even today remains true to himself. It is disgusting to look at pop stars who, in pursuit of ratings, change their repertoire. And start jumping across the stage in ripped jeans only to reach a younger audience.

Agutin does not need this, he is still famous today with his songs. And the audience causes only good and positive emotions its openness and sincerity. If you want to know more about this artist, welcome to Leonid Agutin's Instagram and Wikipedia, which contain photos of the artist and his family, as well as information about creativity and all albums.

The rich singer spared money for the operation of his own nephew

The rich singer spared money for the operation of his own nephew

On July 16, the country's most famous "barefoot boy" celebrates its anniversary. For 45 years of his life, Leonid AGUTIN wrote dozens of hits and won the love of thousands of fans, but at the same time he always remained closed person. Express Gazeta tried to write a “portrait” of the hero of the day, but his biography revealed a lot of gaps that we tried to fill.

Family Agutinykh-Varum has always been a mystery to journalists. Many still believe that Leonid and Angelica are not husband and wife at all, but just a profitable creative union. The artists themselves, of course, do not confirm this information, and in public they always appear in the form of an ideal married couple. There are many rumors near their relatives: Angelica's father is a once popular composer Yuri Varum has been living in Miami for nine years and does not appear in Russia. In the same place, across the ocean, the daughter of Agutin and Varum, 14-year-old Lisa, also lives in his care. At one time, all the newspapers trumpeted that the girl was taken abroad due to a serious illness. Leonid also has another daughter - the blond beauty Polina. She was born 16 years ago as a result of a fleeting affair between a singer and a ballerina. Maria Vorobieva. The artist hid the girl for a long time, but now she is increasingly seen in the company of her father. And it turned out that Leonid has two younger sisters - Ksyusha and Masha. But first things first.

Oh, where are you, brother?

On the Internet, we accidentally found a letter Maria Agutina to the leadership and members of a major American charitable foundation. In it, the girl literally begged for help:

My son has a terrible disease - congenital heart disease. On the fourth day of his life, Matvey underwent the first of three operations. Now we need a second step. Our doctors recommend waiting until the child grows up. But vice is unpredictable, and deterioration can begin at any moment. My son has shortness of breath, he gets tired quickly. I learned that children with this disease are successfully operated on in the USA. Already, Matvey is ready to be admitted to the Philadelphia Children's Hospital. There was hope that the son would develop normally. But the clinic's bill is huge. I am raising two children alone. Please, help!

The amount for the treatment of a tiny Matvey Agutin For ordinary people really unaffordable - $ 156 thousand. But volunteers from all over the world helped Maria and, fortunately, the necessary amount of money was collected on time. In December, the baby underwent surgery. Now the boy is in Moscow and is preparing for the next test - a second surgical intervention.

We called his mother to make sure that the unfortunate child was indeed Leonid Agutin's nephew. Xenia answered the phone:

Masha and Matvey are now at the dacha, - the girl responded affably. He's so much more comfortable with the heat. There Fresh air- expanse. He is quite tiny with us - recently he was eleven months old, and he endured so much ... When Masha was pregnant, the examination showed that the left side of the heart, which is responsible for the large and most important circle of blood circulation, did not form in the child. The doctors said there was no chance. They were tempted to have an abortion. But the sister did not agree. She gave birth and is now fighting with all her might for the life of her son.

- Who helps her with this?

Me and our mom. We all live together in the same apartment. Masha has a daughter from her first marriage, I have a son. Unfortunately, Matvey's father left them as soon as he found out that the child was sick. Masha graduated from the journalism department of Moscow State University, but she can’t work - she needs to take care of the child. She receives a penny from the state: six thousand - an allowance for the first group of disability of her son, and two - as a single mother. It's good that you found good people who helped raise money for the operation in America. We have to fly there again in six months, the doctors again bill for a crazy amount - 300 thousand dollars. So hope only for a charitable foundation.

- Wait, what about your brother?

Lenya something? - Xenia asked me again. You see, we are not that close. We have a common father, but different mothers. Of course, we are still relatives, but it so happened that his father now lives with him, Lenya and his wife support him, help him. You know, dad somehow distanced us. I don't know why. Maybe he is afraid that we will bother Lena with our problems, we will ask for money ...

- Didn't Leonid and Angelica respond to your grief? Matthew is their nephew!

Oh, you just don't know Masha. She is so proud of us! He believes: if people want, they help just like that, without further ado. But one day she called her brother and asked for help. It was during my last trip to America. Matvey was already lying on the operating table, when suddenly his heart began to fail. An additional operation was required to insert a special catheter that expands the wall of the aorta. But the money raised by the fund was not enough for this. Masha dialed Lena, and he transferred 300 thousand rubles to her account. This is only a tenth of the funds that were needed, but thanks for that! We know that brother has enough problems of his own. This money is also not easy for him, so we do not hold grudges against anyone. It is important for us now to raise funds for the final operation, and for our baby to endure it well.

I do not love - do not marry

It's such a rarity! Lisa has not been in Moscow for nine years, Polina, however, stayed with us for a little while and flew home to France. But we managed to have fun: we went to the Depeche Mode concert together - Lenya bought us expensive tickets, 45 thousand rubles each! But it was worth it - the girls were delighted! They are both very musical: Polina has a lot of her own records, Lisa has her own group in Miami - she herself plays, composes, sings. I like the way she does it.

- Lisa has not been in Russia for so many years!

I myself wonder how Angelica persuaded her this time ?! She's almost American. Everything is there for her. They even hardly spoke Russian with Polina - they only chatted in English. But we are against this, therefore, in the family circle, it is fundamental that we only speak our native language with girls. Although Polya is a polyglot! He knows five languages ​​and wants to master the sixth - Japanese. Very capable!

- WITH future profession girls decided?

Polina, I think, will become a linguist or a manager. She's already looking at college. And Lisa is still all about music. She also draws very well. I really like her work - they have character. I look and marvel!

- Do the girls look alike?

They have a lot common interests: books, music, films ... Polina is ahead of her age in development. Those who spoke with her at least once think that she is already well over twenty. Lisa is a little childish. But together they are an explosive mixture! Paulie has a lot of friends, probably already has a young man. And Lisa is still such a child inside! It seems to me that all this love does not even occur to her. But at the same time, Elizabeth is a very brave girl. Leni once had a concert in Miami. He invited Lisa to perform with the team. She replied: "Easy!". She was given time, she went out and worked without any hesitation! I then asked Leni how it all went. The son replied that he was standing backstage and was terribly nervous for her, but at least she had something!

- Is Liza going to return to Russia?

Hard to tell. She is now in transition. We don't pressure her. We have such a family: everyone chooses what he likes. In any case, this decision will be only hers, - Agutin Sr. assures. - But so far I do not see her desire to come here and live at home. She has everything there: studies, friends, hobbies ...

- Polina also weaned from her homeland?

Her maternal grandparents live here, so Polya comes to Russia much more often. She used to spend every summer at her grandfather's little dacha. Lenya visited her there. She visited us less often, because those grandparents are closer to her - in fact, they raised her. Polina even studied in Moscow for a couple of years, so as not to forget the language. And then she left for Italy - she and her mother lived there, and now they have moved to Nice.

- Leonid never talked about Polina's mother. Do they communicate with her?

Periodically. Masha is now married to an Italian, they have a ten-year-old son. Maria was a ballerina at the Bolshoi Theater, and now she teaches in France. She has a large team, she is very respected there. And with Lenya they did not work out from the very beginning. The son is a peculiar person: in order to live with a woman, he must have strong feelings for her. Once Masha asked what would happen if she became pregnant? Lenya answered honestly: “If I don’t love the way I imagine it, I will never marry! So don't be mad at me, if that. You and I have a close relationship to live as one family, no. You understand it!”. Maria reacted calmly to this: “I feel very good with you, don’t worry - everything is fine!”

Despite this, Masha soon became pregnant. Lenya took her by the arm and took her to her parents. He honestly admitted that he was not ready to marry. The girl's father said: “We love our daughter very much. Someday it had to happen, time is running out. And now the period is quite favorable: the theater is on vacation, the main troupe is on tour. Let Masha give birth. We'll raise this child ourselves somehow!" So everything was fair! Of course, Lenya helped as best he could. Visited my daughter in Italy. Polina loves him very much.

- Girls do not compete? After all, that one, that the second rarely see their father!

No, they manage to do without conflicts. We and Lenya and Angelica are still diplomats. As long as I live with them, I have never heard screams and scandals. Everything is always resolved peacefully. They know how to negotiate.

Mother's surname

For some reason, along with Liza, Angelica's father, Yuri Varum, did not fly from overseas. He has been the official guardian of the girl for many years and usually accompanied her on long trips. Worried that something had happened (at one time there were rumors that Yuri Ignatievich's leg had been taken away due to progressive diabetes), we called Miami.

Don't worry, everything is fine with us, - Varum's wife, Love, reassured us. - Yura feels well. He has a lot of creative plans. Now he is working on a new project. And for Lisa, her mother flew in, and together they went to Moscow. There she has relatives whom she has not seen since childhood. In addition, she needs a passport. She's a Russian citizen.

- They wrote that Yuri Ignatievich had his leg amputated ...

He did get through the operation. But we have good doctors here, so this did not affect his well-being in any way. I do not understand those who gossip that he is completely bad! And with Liza, the situation was the same: we live quietly here, no one touches us, and suddenly I read in the newspaper that our girl has autism! I nearly had a heart attack. You see, we live in the Russian region, everyone here knows us. How can you write such a thing about a child? You should have seen her! Beautiful, healthy, talented ... Or something else I recently read: as if Lisa of some other faith, almost leaned into a sect! And all due to the fact that she has a “strange appearance” - her hair color changes often and her makeup is bright.

But there is no smoke without fire. Where did these rumors come from?

I have no idea. I went to our doctor and took a certificate that Lisa was healthy. The guys came, I gave it to them and asked to sue those who would argue the opposite!

- Maybe the reason is that the child was hidden from everyone?

Maybe. Although even before leaving for Miami, we had journalists at home. They saw that Lisa was absolutely normal child. Now she is a good student, she has the best grades in the class in English language. Can an unhealthy child learn like this? When Lisa was born, Lenya and Angelica did not hire any nannies or governesses. They did not want to let strangers into the house. Yura and I lived outside the city at that time. The girl was brought to us. She was so pretty that we could not resist and kept her, allowing her parents to work as before. While they were on tour, we were engaged in raising Lisa.

- How did you end up in Miami?

Nobody thought it would happen. We arrived there for new year holidays. There were terrible frosts in Moscow, and in Miami - a real paradise! Lisa was delighted. Then Yura suddenly started having health problems - his legs began to fail. He underwent a complex operation and the doctors forbade him to fly. For six months we could not return to Russia, because pressure drops were very dangerous for Yura. We had to send Liza to kindergarten - well, the child will not stay at home! She turned out to be very capable - after three months she spoke English. And somehow everything turned out by itself: the doctors helped, the climate is good, Lisa got used to it ...

Why doesn't the girl take her father's last name? The first daughter of Leonid - Polina - after all, under his last name.

Who told you this? Love was surprised. - Polina bears the name of her mother - Vorobyova! And Liza lived with us all the time, I took her abroad on vacation. And we decided to leave her the surname Varum, because otherwise we would have eternal problems with paperwork. The same permission to travel abroad from the father would have to be issued every time. This is not at all because we underestimated the name of the Agutins. It just made it easier for us. At one time, the guys thought about giving Liza a double surname, but someone told them that according to the law this could not be done. I didn't get into these things. If only the child was healthy, and what difference does it make what his last name is?

But does she have dual citizenship?

No, she is a Russian citizen. To live in Miami without problems, it is enough to have a green card. With her, you are a full-fledged member of American society: you can study, be treated, and have fun for free. I think that in the near future we will not change anything.

Polina Leonidovna Vorobieva is the illegitimate daughter of singer Leonid Agutin. Previously, no information appeared on the network about the girl, because she was born, while Leonid Agutin was already dating Angelica Varum. The mother of the singer Leonid Agutin revealed the details family life famous son.

IN Lately the personal life of Leonid Agutin is discussed. The public became aware of the second daughter of the singer. Fans immediately became curious if Angelica Varum knew about her husband's illegitimate child, how the singer reacted to provocative information.

Leonid Agutin daughter Polina Leonidovna Vorobyova: the singer has a second family

Leonid Agutin is not too willing to talk about his personal life. Recently, his mother, Lyudmila Shkolnikova, revealed the secrets of her son's family. In his youth, Leonid Agutin was in a classic love triangle.

The singer was in love with two girls at once, and could not decide which of them was his destiny. One of Agutin's lovers is Angelica (Maria) Varum, and the second is Maria Vorobyova. The singer's friends emphasized the comical nature of the situation, allegedly Agutin specifically chose girls with the same names. After some time, the ballerina Maria Vorobyova became pregnant.

But Agutin was in no hurry to legitimize his relationship with the girl. Why, there is no official answer to this question. Even Leonid's mother offers two theories why her son chose Angelica Varum. No one knows whether the feelings between Vorobyeva and Agutin cooled down or the singer needed the protection of his father Varum, which is why Angelica defeated her rival.

However, the marriage of Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin did not break up over the years and did not crack. So the feelings in the relationship play leading role. Soon Varum gave birth to Leonid's daughter. Today, both daughters of Agutin are already quite old. The eldest, from Maria Vorobyeva, Polina is already 14 years old, and the youngest is 12.

Angelica Varum from the very beginning knows about the existence of her husband's illegitimate daughter. Moreover, Leonid often visits eldest daughter, gives her gifts and paternal attention. Both sisters, daughters of Leonid, maintain good family relations.

Leonid Agutin daughter Polina Leonidovna Vorobyova: biography of the singer

Leonid Agutin inherited his musical talent from his father. WITH early childhood Leonid felt that he wanted to become an artist. Music occupied a large place in his life. In his school years, Agutin devoted about thirty percent of his personal time to music lessons. Upon completion of school, Leonid served in the army. But even there he continued to make music.

After the service, Agutin received a non-musical education. He entered the Moscow State University culture, to the "Director of theatrical mass performances".

In 1994, Agutin released his first hit "Barefoot Boy". Popularity quickly flared up around the singer, but just as quickly faded away. For some time, the singer unsuccessfully tried to conquer the audience with his music. A bright streak in the career of a musician came after marrying Angelika Varum.

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