Will the Unified State Exam be cancelled? Will the Unified State Exam be cancelled: what's new in the field of education

On Thursday, June 2, the second mandatory certificate exam starts in Russia high school- basic level mathematics. Although the Unified State Exam celebrates its 15th anniversary this year, passions around it do not subside. The Parliament of Karelia has submitted to the State Duma another bill to abolish the Unified Exams from 2017. Karelian deputies believe that it is “harmful and destroys the education system.” The Duma factions of the LDPR and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation have similar proposals for the return of Soviet tickets. But education industry experts believe that nothing needs to be canceled. The exam is already slowly evolving to the previous system. Can the Unified State Exam be cancelled? - Lenta.ru looked into it.

“Not so long ago, Karelia became famous for the fact that graduates of secondary schools Unified State Examination schools they passed very poorly and the percentage of Fs was prohibitive,” explained Alexander Gavrilov, deputy chairman of the Karelian Legislative Assembly committee on education, culture, sports and youth affairs. “After that, there was talk that it should be cancelled.”

As a Karelian deputy complains, the pursuit of good grades has led to the fact that teachers began to coach schoolchildren to take tests rather than teach. Children do not gain real knowledge. To receive a certificate of completion of secondary school, children only need to pass mathematics and Russian. At the same time, the minimum certification threshold for a three is very low. Even a fifth grader can cope with the tasks. The kids have lost their motivation to study.

Karelian politicians propose returning to the usual tests With different levels difficulties. A year ago, the Parliament of Karelia already came up with a similar law. Then the State Duma rejected the proposal. Probably, the same fate awaits the new initiative. By the way, a similar bill prepared by the LDPR faction has already been under consideration in the State Duma since January.

The first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education, representative of the Communist Party faction Oleg Smolin recalls that the bill “On Education for All” has also been pending in the secretariat of the parliament for a long time. One of its main options is the transfer of the Unified Exam to a voluntary regime. Those who want to choose certification using “Soviet” tickets, the rest take tests. But literature, along with mathematics, according to the authors’ plans, must be passed without fail. Because it is humanitarian subjects that are “a powerful spiritual and moral means of education.” “We need to change the very ideology of the exam,” Smolin explained to Lenta.ru. - Instead of terrible commissions, metal detectors, document checks, escorts almost to the toilets, we must be given the right to choose. We give an example of how Alexander Pushkin was examined. He read his poems. And we believe: if you write well, choose an essay, if you speak well, pass the exam orally.” Those who prefer to hold out for admission to a university will have to take exams the same way: the institute's admissions committees.

At the same time, Smolin is confident that there are no obstacles to the abolition of the mandatory Unified State Exam. All we need is political will. According to him, there is already a pilot region where the technology has been tested. In the Republic of Crimea, since 2014, graduates take the Unified Exam at will. The Ministry of Education and Science says that it is possible that the benefit will be extended into 2017. “Well, if it’s possible there, why not extend it to the whole of Russia, why are other schoolchildren worse than the Crimeans?” - Oleg Smolin is indignant.

Experts from the educational industry note that the “anti-legal” initiatives of deputies are rather a PR move before the upcoming elections to the federal parliament. “The reality is that whatever this exam is, after 15 years they have already become accustomed to it. Jumping from branch to branch, from one form of passing an exam to another with such a range is unhealthy and unhealthy,” Elena Kosareva, deputy director of the Institute of Industry Management (IOM) of RANEPA, notes skeptically. “It’s always tension, always unclear conditions and always, in the end , some violations, understatements and reticence.”

Photo: Alexey Malgavko / RIA Novosti

As teachers say, the exam, without revolutionary initiatives, is slowly changing. An essay appeared, in a foreign language - oral answers. The test part, which critics especially criticized and called a “guessing game,” is not present in seven out of fourteen subjects today. Including in the Russian language, mathematics, literature and history. The head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, promised that next year tests will disappear from tasks in physics, chemistry and biology. That is, the Unified State Exam, without revolutionary measures, is gradually returning to the usual tests that were in Soviet times.

“Due to my duty, I have to work with both school graduates and students,” says Dmitry Trynov, co-chairman of the central council of the interregional trade union of higher education workers “University Solidarity”, teacher at the Ural Federal University. - I know what the Unified State Exam in social studies looks like. Completely normal technology. And I think she is objectively able to assess the level of knowledge. If a child does not know a subject and has not studied anything at all, it is impossible to “train” him in a year. But another thing is that the level of teaching in schools now leaves much to be desired. And I don’t think that the Unified State Examination is to blame for this. A student who has an “excellent” grade in social studies based on the results of work in quarters, independently, without the help of a tutor, will not be able to pass the Unified State Exam with 80-90 points. That is, “excellent”. At best, he will get 65-70. That is, the students’ grade is higher than their readiness for the Unified State Exam. It is not the exam that needs to be reformed, but the training system itself in schools. Most of them cannot train students properly.”

Andrei Demidov, a school history teacher in St. Petersburg and co-chairman of the independent trade union “Teacher,” agrees with him. According to him, modern schools now do not have the resources to give quality education, which can be checked using the Unified State Exam. “We are experiencing a severe shortage of qualified personnel ready for innovation,” Demidov told Lente.ru. - Schools are subject to mergers and “optimizations,” endless inspections and conflicting instructions. Therefore, they are simply not able to teach well. The Unified State Examination is only a mirror, capturing the deep crisis in the field of education.”

True, teachers are afraid that, armed with public requests, educational officials, instead of improving the educational process, will find it easier to ruin the very idea of ​​the Unified Exam. Now this is, in fact, happening.

“Already today, the exam is rolling back and losing the gains for which it was created,” worries Dmitry Trynov from Ural University. - The only advantage of the Unified State Exam was that it gave applicants from different regions countries equal opportunities upon admission to educational institutions. But now elite universities, including Moscow State University, graduate School economy and others, practically defended their right to accept applicants not according to Unified State Exam results, and introduce your own additional exams. This system of loopholes discredits the very idea of ​​independent assessment of the quality of knowledge.”

The changes that await the Russian Federation will affect many areas of the life of an ordinary citizen: these are reforms in the political, economic and social life. They will not pass by the sphere of education. The changes regarding the Unified State Exam that will take place by 2017 will be numerous and varied.

In this article you will find out whether the Unified State Exam will be cancelled, what reforms await graduates and much more.

Major reforms of the Unified State Exam
They plan to make several adjustments to the education sector at once, but almost all of them relate to the Unified State Examination (USE). The transformations will be varied, but we will list those of them, the implementation of which by 2017 there is no doubt.

  1. Number of exams. Currently, only two exams are required. In 2017 there will be three of them - the third is chosen at the request of the graduate. And by 2018 their number will reach four, under exactly the same conditions.
  2. Number of graduating classes. Not only will the number of exams increase, but also the graduation classes after which these exams must be taken. If now the Unified State Exam is taken after the 9th and 11th grades, then by 2017, fourth-graders will also graduate from taking the Unified State Exam.
  3. Mandatory and optional exams. Russian language and mathematics remain compulsory exams, as before. The number of selective exams has increased due to the fact that in previous years the number of graduates wishing to take exact and natural science disciplines, such as biology, chemistry, physics and others, has significantly decreased.

Advantages of innovations in this area
Of course, many parents and schoolchildren are sounding the alarm in connection with the tightening of the rules for the Unified State Examination, but this is an urgent need that must be implemented by 2017. More recently, the news reported that more and more schoolchildren are giving up even trying to enter higher education institutions for fear of failing the Unified State Exam. How will the apparent tightening of the rules help improve the situation in the future? These are the changes for the better that the Ministry of Education expects from the ongoing reforms:

  1. Smooth entry into the updated system. Changes will occur gradually, which will give students the opportunity to prepare both morally and mentally. In 2016, the points received on the Unified State Exam do not yet affect the final score of the certificate, but in 2017, the certificate will become completely dependent on the points received on the unified state exam.
  2. New prospects for the vocational education system. Passing even three exams on the Unified State Examination, as will be the case in 2017, a graduate finds himself limited in the future as an applicant, and he will have a rather small range of choice of specialties for admission. But step-by-step reforms will lead to the fact that in 2019 it is planned to approve the final required number of exams - 6. Thus, the graduate will have a wide field of choice for further admission.
  3. Increase in the number of certifications. As we have already said, if previously the Unified State Exam was taken only after the 9th and 11th grades as the final exam for incomplete and completed secondary education, then after 2017 the state exam will also be taken after primary school. This will make it possible to keep students’ knowledge under control, evaluate them systematically, and also teach students responsibility and order. In addition, if exams are taken repeatedly, they will no longer seem like an incredibly scary event in the lives of schoolchildren and will become a habit.

Disadvantages of the Unified State Exam
It would be foolish to say that the unified state exam as a way of objectively assessing acquired knowledge does not have a lot of its shortcomings. These include:

  • similar tasks;
  • job leak.

Nevertheless, many years of practice show that shortcomings can be dealt with, errors can be corrected, and emerging issues can be resolved. So today the Unified State Examination system is the most acceptable option for modern graduates as a way of independently assessing knowledge and automatically combating possible corruption.

If we have already talked so much about reforms, then it is simply necessary to touch upon not only the issue of the number of Unified State Exam subjects, but also the quality of their delivery. For example, subjects such as mathematics and Russian will not be particularly affected by the changes. Although in relation to the Russian language a proposal has long been put forward to add oral part to the exam. This nuance is planned in order to reveal an objective picture of students’ knowledge. It is likely that this proposal will soon move from the discussion stage to the implementation stage.

But the structure of the English language test is subject to a complete revision - until now, the test for this subject included two levels of difficulty. History will be a compulsory subject for the Unified State Examination. In addition, oral delivery of other humanitarian subjects is offered - history, literature, etc. From 2017, it is also possible to introduce a larger number of technical and exact subjects, for example, physics, into the list of compulsory ones.

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There will be no cancellation of the Unified State Exam in the next 2 years. It is likely that there will be a serious reform of up to 5 subjects, and the exam itself will consist of two parts: oral and written, since it is difficult to draw objective conclusions solely on the second.

When will the Unified State Exam be canceled in Russia? All news.

It is still premature to talk about a radical change in the vector of assessing children’s knowledge in the Russian Federation. Thus, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Gennady Onishchenko commented on the initiative to abolish the Unified State Exam (USE).

Information about the cancellation of the state exam appeared against the backdrop of the fact that in Lately he was very often criticized, not only by students, but also by teachers (members of the general education system of the Russian Federation). The criticism mainly concerns the fact that the people who have to take this exam are subject to excessive demands, and in addition, the tasks are completely unsolvable, which is due to the ill-conceived nature of the general education system. Some members of the government even began to think that the absence of examinations for Russian schoolchildren would be an excellent way out of this situation, however, the information that the Unified State Examination 2018 will be canceled has not been officially confirmed by any member of government to date, so there is no need to worry (or be happy) about this not particularly worth it.

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Olga Vasilyeva, in response to the proposal of the head of the Academy of Sciences, Alexander Sergeev, to cancel the Unified State Exam, said that the Unified State Exam system strengthens the unified educational space in Russia and allows applicants to enter universities for equal conditions. She, in turn, urged not to touch on this topic now.

The general opinion of opponents of the Unified State Exam was formulated by a professor at the Russian State University, who is an honored teacher of Russia - S. Rukshin. This statement has been sent for consideration by the President of Russia.

In conclusion, it must be said that now the authorities plan to introduce the Unified State Examination for fourth-grade students, and explains this fact the fact that schoolchildren should get used to exams from the early grades, which will allow them to avoid stressful worries in the future.

“This essentially monstrous experiment on schoolchildren, which began back in 2002, completely failed. Children simply do not have time to adapt to the Unified State Examination procedure. The only thing that remains is the square-nested form of assessing knowledge - tick the boxes in answers to tests,” said one of the authors of the document, Yaroslav Nilov.

In 2013-2014, the Internet and the media were filled with rumors that the Unified State Exam, adopted throughout Russia, would finally be canceled and switch to the examination model typical of the Soviet era. Changes were expected in 2018. But will they? Will the Unified State Exam be cancelled? What surprise will the government give to graduates this time?

Information about the possible cancellation of the Unified State Exam in 2019 has been reported several times in the media. To determine how true this is and what graduates of 2019 can expect, you need to understand the official position of the Ministry of Education and the country’s government.

The latest news regarding the Unified State Exam, whether it will be canceled or not, is for schoolchildren and their parents. Deputies from the LDPR promised to introduce a bill to the State Duma aimed at abolishing the Unified State Exam (USE), this information was provided by the press service of the faction.

“It is proposed to cancel the Unified State Exam as a graduation and entrance exam educational organizations higher education. It is proposed to replace the Unified State Exam with state exams, which will be taken by students educational programs basic general and secondary general education,” according to the explanatory note.

The Unified State Exam is being canceled in Russia. News for 04/11/2018 News today 04/11/2018

The online publication "Saratov24" is registered in Federal service for supervision in the field of communications, information technology and mass communications (Roskomnadzor) January 20, 2015. Certificate of registration El No. FS77-60521

What kind of logic can these subhumans talk about? On the “Direct” channel they don’t know the multiplication table, they work with a calculator under strain... And here they talk about logic. And these ignoramuses undertake to analyze something and teach others.

AND last option is physics, in favor of which proposals were very often put forward by the majority of deputies of the State Duma. The opinion of experts regarding this particular discipline is ambiguous, because not all schoolchildren are able to thoroughly master physics (some of them have a humanitarian mindset), and the subject is useful only to representatives of engineering and technical universities.

At the Ministry of Education Russian Federation stated that at the moment they do not see an alternative to the Unified State Exam. This means that the chances of canceling the Unified State Exam are significantly reduced. The Ministry of Education and Science emphasizes that the Unified State Exam allows residents of the country from different regions to enter any university, regardless of their place of residence. On the one hand, this is true. On the other hand, corruption does occur during the Unified State Examination. This means that universities that select students based on Unified State Exam scores may give preference to those who actually know less, but received more points through a bribe. Another controversial point is the form of the Unified State Examination (test). After all, if you don’t know, you can guess or guess “approximately.” But if you need to demonstrate a solution or write an essay, everything is much clearer and more transparent.

The Unified State Exam (USE) may be canceled in Russia. This initiative was made by Russian State Duma deputy Boris Chernyshov. According to him, in the very near future a corresponding bill will be submitted to the lower house of the Russian parliament.

The Unified State Exam (USE) system strengthens the unified educational space in Russia, thanks to it, the admission of schoolchildren to universities has become more transparent, said the head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, Olga Vasilyeva, commenting on the proposal to cancel the Unified State Exam.

When preparing for the final knowledge test, schoolchildren and their parents pay special attention to what form the test will take and how to prepare for it. the best way. Many people start preparing several years in advance, considering question forms, assignment structure and all other important parameters. Such people are rightly interested in the question of whether the Unified State Examination will be replaced by another form of examination, even more so. that doubts about this are being expressed more and more often.

IN State Duma Russia on the abolition of the Unified State Exam. LDPR parliamentarians propose returning to traditional final exams. In their opinion, this will only improve the educational process, since it is the knowledge, and not the financial situation of parents, that will be tested.

On March 16, 2018, the lower house of the Russian parliament was a bill has been introduced about the abolition of the Unified State Examination (USE), so at the moment we are talking about cancellation terms early. This post will be updated over time, so keep checking back. latest news– they will be added to the bottom of the article with their own subtitle.

The early period for the Unified State Examination (USE) 2018 continues. April 2, 2018 will be held Unified State Exam early period in physics, biology and English language(written part). 50 people are planning to take part in the physics exam.

Reasons for canceling the Unified State Exam in Russia. News for this hour.

When preparing for the final test of knowledge, schoolchildren and their parents pay special attention to what form the test will take and how to best prepare for it. Many people start preparing several years in advance, considering question forms, assignment structure and all other important parameters. Such people are rightly interested in the question of whether the Unified State Exam will be replaced by another form of examination, especially since doubts about this are being expressed more and more often.

Information about the possible cancellation of the Unified State Exam in 2019 has been reported several times in the media. To determine how true this is and what graduates of 2019 can expect, you need to understand the official position of the Ministry of Education and the country’s government.

President's opinion

Since the issue is the most pressing for high school students, they were the first to voice it in the form of a video message during a direct line to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. He considered the question very important and interesting, so he expressed his opinion to a wide circle of listeners. He pointed out that the decision is largely from education experts, and not from his personal point of view. But he personally finds the introduction of the Unified State Exam Russian system education was the right step, since this made it possible to equalize the chances of all applicants during the admission campaign to higher educational institutions.

The scores obtained from the Unified State Exam give the same chance of admission to both schoolchildren from cities and children from the provinces. In addition, he emphasized that there are still many shortcomings in this system that are subject to constant adjustment. The improvement process has been going on for 10 years now, and there is no point in stopping it.

Position of the Ministry of Education and Science

Questions regarding the cancellation of the Unified State Exam in 2019 were also answered by Olga Vasilyeva, who this moment holds the post of Head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. She gave a comprehensive answer in the summer of 2017 during a broadcast on the state television channel. She noted that a lot of time, effort and finances were spent to implement the Unified State Exam system, which were necessary to launch the program.

This approach has several advantages: Single-stage testing, which serves as both a final and an entrance exam, which is an unconditional positive moment for applicants. The number of applicants from the regions of the Russian Federation has increased at universities, which has had a positive impact on general level student preparedness, since talented schoolchildren from different regions can take part in the admissions campaign and receive an education on an equal basis with city graduates.

This approach is universal for different children, since it gives the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge to those who are prone to detail when answering, and to those who are at a loss from the need to explain their train of thought. This form of entrance examination is an ideal platform to eradicate corruption schemes during admission.

Over the years of the Unified State Exam, the system has been improved, identified weak spots eliminated, which brought it closer to the model that will objectively reflect the level of knowledge acquired by the student in various subjects. Unified State Exam in Russia Vasilyeva also mentioned that the introduction of a new examination system to replace the Unified State Exam would require enormous funding and work large quantity specialists in the field of education in the direction in which satisfactory results have already been achieved. There is no expediency in such measures, therefore the abolition installed system there is no talk of it in the coming years.

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science expressed the opinion that the main negative point is the focus of the knowledge acquired over the years of study solely on obtaining the highest score during the exam. This approach leads to a shift in the goal from full-scale acquisition of knowledge at school, which can be applied in the future, to immediate results. She believes that when schoolchildren and teachers get rid of such a preparation scheme, then most of the issues related to the structure and form of the Unified State Exam will be considered in a different plane.

Opponents of the Unified State Examination System Talks that the Unified State Examination will be canceled arose due to frequent speeches by opponents of the existing system, which are a sufficient number of teachers and teachers. They are joined by many representatives of universities, right up to the top officials of Russia in the scientific world and in the field of education. The general opinion of opponents of the Unified State Exam was formulated by a professor at the Russian State University, who is an honored teacher of Russia - S. Rukshin.

This statement has been sent for consideration by the President of Russia. The appeal outlines the main negative aspects of the existing system of testing knowledge after graduation: Graduates often show an inability to understand the overall picture on a certain topic, since education is entirely aimed at developing students’ ability to give single answers to test tasks.

Students do not make any effort to successfully master those parts of the program that are not included in the assignments. Despite gaps in knowledge, they can be highly rated. The structure of the exams themselves is quite complex, which discourages children from enrolling in universities. Statistical data have shown that since the introduction of the Unified State Exam, the number of people wishing to continue their studies at higher educational institutions is steadily declining. Final scores often force graduates to enroll in those educational institutions for which their score is passing.

Such a system leads to the fact that a person does not acquire the specialty that he would like to receive. Written and oral exams allow you to more deeply evaluate not only the student’s knowledge, but also his type of thinking. The number of opponents of the Unified State Exam increases every year, so such appeals become more frequent every year.

Opponents of the Unified State Exam

Despite the fact that there is no talk of canceling this form of final exams in 2019, a number of changes will occur in it: History will be added to the compulsory subjects, since this science is defined as a priority for Russian education. Testing knowledge of the Russian language will be supplemented oral part. The form in which this will be carried out is currently being discussed. Foreign language will also be supplemented by oral or written part. Graduates will have the opportunity to retake the exam if they are not satisfied with the results of the first attempt. The time for retaking is limited to one academic year.

Since there is no reason to expect that the Unified State Examination will be canceled in 2019, it is worth considering preparing for the upcoming exams and, if necessary, finding a tutor or suitable aids. The main indicator of the level of education is the fact that when preparing for final tests, excessive efforts are not required from the student: knowledge must already be acquired and organized. It is hoped that all the changes introduced will lead to exactly this result.

For what new minister education and science touched upon a “sore” topic

The Unified State Exam system needs to be improved

In her August speeches, recently appointed Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva, among other issues, expressed dissatisfaction with the current current system preparation and passing of the unified state exam in Russian schools. According to her, the Unified State Exam system needs to be made better, and most importantly, easier for students to understand.

As the Minister of Education noted, over the past few years, in many schools in the country, a forced and bad practice has taken hold, when, to the detriment of the normal course curriculum I had to prepare for the Unified State Exam. Instead of lessons, teachers organized training sessions on organizing the exam, correctly filling out test and examination materials, often creating hassle over the CIMs - after all, God forbid someone spoils them or fills them out incorrectly!

All this took away study time from high school students, disrupted the educational process, and unsettled schoolchildren. School psychologists have noticed that in the end school year Many children are already quite tired, and high school graduates even more so, and here the unhealthy fuss of preparing for the Unified State Exam adds to the excitement.

All these problems, the Minister of Education emphasized, must be solved. It is necessary to eradicate the practice in which the last two years of school are spent only on preparing for the Unified State Exam. The exam should remain an example of passing final tests on equal terms social opportunities for everyone, but at the same time become easier and more familiar in preparation. After all, the big advantage of the Unified State Exam is that the assessment system is as automated as possible: you cannot influence the result in any way.

We were in a hurry...

As Olga Vasilyeva noted, many countries have been preparing to adopt such a system for several decades. Our transformations took place in a very short time - the first trial Unified State Exam students took it in 2011. The “high-speed” reform, naturally, led to many shortcomings. Now the need for a qualitative improvement of what is available is realized.

At the same time, it has been noted more than once that there is no talk of canceling the Unified State Exam, contrary to periodic rumors. This exam is established as one of the federal state education standards, and there are no plans to change it to any other system.

Although among the parents the mood is different. According to the results of a press survey conducted by the Birobidzhan Star among parents, 49 percent of mothers and fathers vote to abolish the Unified State Exam system and return to the old “ticket” system of passing exams with its oral exams and writing tests and dictations. In their opinion, although it was in many ways a “lottery,” it still forced students to more thoroughly and deeply assimilate the material through reading and repetition, working with textbooks and additional literature.

In second place in popularity is the opinion that the Unified State Exam should be left as it is, but the system of preparation for it should be reconsidered. 37 percent of parents agree.

Another six percent of parents are also in favor of basically keeping the Unified State Exam as is, but returning exams in the humanities to their previous form - history, literature, social studies, biology, etc. In their opinion, again, passing such exams through a test does not provide adequate quality training in such subjects. And only eight percent of respondents are completely satisfied with the Unified State Exam as it is now.

Today’s students themselves, according to their parents, are often not in the mood to verbally express their thoughts, express opinions and judgments, operate with facts and draw conclusions in an oral examination response to the teacher.

Although, of course, there are people who have difficulty in any test, but such students are distinguished by brilliant oral answers. And for some, on the contrary, it is easier to write than to say. Moreover, any system that works on the “yes-no” principle deprives the subject of the opportunity to express his own point of view, if he has one. Tests do not take into account individuals. But it is bright individuals who drive progress.” But the word “creacle” (from “creative, i.e. creative”) is used today as a curse word...

Issue certificates to everyone!

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev also agrees that the Unified State Exam needs adjustments. Not long ago, he noted that there were fewer questions on the unified state exam, but improvements were still needed. In particular, the proposal of the member is currently being studied Expert Council under the Russian government, Alexander Saversky, sent to the head of the Ministry of Education and Science. He proposed issuing certificates to schoolchildren regardless of whether they passed the Unified State Exam or not.

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