Ecological fairy tale "a fairy tale about Queen Nature." Ecological fairy tales Instructive stories on ecology for children

Goals and objectives:

1) development of cognitive interest in nature;

2) fostering a caring, humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth;

3) development of moral qualities of the individual: a sense of responsibility, a sense of camaraderie, readiness to help friends;

4) attracting attention to Russian folk art: proverbs, riddles, sayings.

Preparatory work:

1. drawing competition;

2. exhibition of books about nature;

3. making scenery for a fairy tale.

Leading: Dear Guys! Today we will watch a fairy tale. But, although this is a fairy tale, its theme is very serious - the relationship between man and the world around us. What's happened the world? Yes, this is everything that is around us: forest, air, water, animals, plants and, of course, people. And if we want to be healthy and have friends, then we ourselves must treat the world around us with care and respect. So, our fairy tale begins!

1 buffoon.

Get ready, good people!

The show will be here!

2 buffoons.

Hello, dear guests,

And you too, dear owners!

1 buffoon.

Good health and good luck to you,

Patience and joy to boot!

Would you like to listen to a fairy tale?

And where to listen, there to see.

And our fairy tale is not simple...

2 buffoons.

There is a hint in it, even though the fairy tale is a lie,

Look and you will understand.

Leading: So, let's go! So we arrived outside the city, into the forest.

Poems are heard in the background of music.

Hello forest,

Dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

What are you making noise about?

On a dark, stormy night,

What do you whisper to us at dawn?

All in dew, like in silver?

Who is languishing in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, don’t hide:

You see we are ours.

The music sounds scary

Leading: This forest is unusual, mysterious. What can you not find here! And a swamp, and a dense thicket, and whole thickets of fly agarics. And it’s already getting dark. It's getting scary. But there are no cowards among us? Oh, what's that there?

(Music plays, Vodyanoy dances with frogs)

Water: So, are you turning your back on me? Are you afraid? But once upon a time I was an ordinary boy. Then all the inhabitants of this pond were afraid of me. I could scare the frog with the first pebble!

(frogs jump from Vodyanoy in different directions)

Water: And what a cool fish jammer he invented! Even the fry floated up! That's right, belly up. Well, the little forest creatures barely escaped from under the wheels of my moped. But one day it all ended. I rode my iron horse here to the pond, washed the moped, poured mud and gasoline into the water, as always... I looked, and it was no longer like a pond, but a real swamp, and I myself found myself at the bottom, turning green, membranes between my fingers grown, it’s scary to look at yourself. Now I’m freezing here in the dampness, scaring passers-by. Yearning. Maybe you guys can help me? I really want to turn back into a boy! (Frogs laugh)

Leading: How can I disenchant you? Tell me!

Water: Eh, I need to solve one riddle.

Leading: Well, guys, let's help Vodyanoy?

Water: Thank you! It's a really tricky riddle. Well, okay, there’s no other way out anyway... The rebus needs to be solved.

(2 boys guess the puzzle. The merman disappears behind the screen, then

another boy appears and says)

Thank you guys! Now I will remember for the rest of my life how to treat nature, and I advise you not to forget, so as not to end up in my place.

Leading: What other unusual encounters does the fairytale forest promise us? It’s so mysterious and quiet around...

(Music plays, Baba Yaga appears, dancing with frogs)

Leading: So that's the meeting! This is such a scary story!

Baba Yaga: I don’t understand what I did so bad?

Leading: What happened to you, grandma?

Baba Yaga: What kind of grandmother am I to you? I'm a girl, only enchanted. And it happened like this. Well, I loved it... slightly lying... in short, boasting. I’ll pick flowers in the forest, fill my room with them, and brag to the girls that it was my fans who sent them to me. Or, for example, our entire class was studying in a circle of young cosmonauts, and I announced that I had been accepted into the corps of real cosmonauts. And that I'm preparing to fly to the moon. So I still fly, but not in a rocket to the moon, but in a mortar. And I really want to go back home, and not rush through the deep forest at night. How I miss my soft bed!

Frogs: But how will you return? Even your mother won’t recognize you. Who do you look like?

Baba Yaga: I won’t pick any more flowers, or praise... I won’t deceive. Just break the spell.

Leading: Well, guys, let's try to help her? What is required of us?

Baba Yaga: I will tell you riddles, and you must guess them.

1. The reel is rolling,

Not a beast, not a bird,

Not stone, not water,

You'll never guess. (Moon)

2. The path less traveled

Sprinkled with peas. (Sky and stars)

3. The dress got lost

The buttons remain. (Rowan)

4. Soft, not fluffy,

Green, not grass. (Moss)

5. Not a beast, not a bird,

And the nose is like a knitting needle. (Mosquito)

6. A bull is sitting, he has six legs -

And all without hooves. (Bug)

(Baba Yaga disappears behind the screen, another girl appears and speaks)

Baba Yaga: Hooray! Finally the spell is broken and I can return home! Thank you, I will try not to get into horror movies anymore.

Leading: Uff, guys! Let's take a little rest. We've been traveling through the forest for a long time, learning from horror films how not to behave in the forest. But what do we know about the forest and its plants?

(Uncle Au appears)

Uncle Au: Oh oh oh! I was tormented by a cough, and I chafed my leg, and my head hurt, and my temperature rose.

Leading: So what should we do? Who will help us? A! Here is the Forest Pharmacy. What is it written here?

(reads riddles)

1) There is a little curl in the forest,

White shirt,

Golden in the middle

Who is she? (Chamomile)

2) Thin stem near the path

At the end of his earring.

There are leaves on the ground

Small bursts.

He is like a good friend to us,

Treats wounds of legs and arms. (Plantain)

3) It burns, not fire;

She's evil, but she heals people.

Who is this? (Nettle)

4) The top of the leaf is smooth,

But with a flannelette lining. (Coltsfoot)

5) Who lives in spring

With a yellow head?

The sun shines brightly

Head turns white

The wind blows

The fluff is tearing off her (Dandelion)

6) On a green cord

White bells. (Lily of the valley)

Leading: Helped Uncle Au medicinal herbs. Now that we’ve taken a break, we can hit the road. Maybe someone else needs our help.

(Pine cones fly from behind the screen, music sounds. Leshy appears)

Leading: Who else is this?

Goblin: I am Leshy Leshevich. True, not real, but enchanted. Now I will begin to lure you into the thicket, to confuse the tracks. Scary?

Leading: What are you doing, Leshy! The guys here are not shy, are they? Tell me what do you need from us?

Goblin: Here's the thing. I was once a tourist. He loved to go to the forest and organized picnics. But the forest didn’t like me. You see, the boogers didn’t like the fact that I scattered bottle jars everywhere, destroyed anthills and knocked over mushrooms. One day a forest fire almost started when I forgot to put out the fire. The animals ran away as fast as they could... So they bewitched me. Now I myself collect cans from tourists and put out forgotten fires. Do you think it's good to live in the dirt? Help me, guys, get out of the forest - break the spell. After all, I can’t appear in the city like this.

Leading: What needs to be done?

Goblin: Solve the crossword puzzle. It is for those who are very attentive.

Leading: Well, we don’t need to be attentive. Which one of you guys wants to help Leshy?

(2 people complete the task, Leshy goes behind the screen, another boy comes and speaks)

Goblin: Hurray! I'm broken! Thank you! If only you knew how tired I am of everything: the skin in tatters, and the gossiping owls, and the garbage in the forest. And now I will protect nature. Without forests, we will all begin to suffocate... Bye, guys! Happy Stay!

Leading: Our journey through the fairytale forest has come to an end. What did its unusual inhabitants teach us?

(Children answer)

INriding: That's good. Let's always remember this.

(All participants in the fairy tale come out and read poetry)

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just don't forget,

That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly.

The animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.

Don't break oak branches,

Never forget

Remove trash from the grass

There is no need to pick flowers in vain!

Do not shoot with a slingshot:

You didn't come to kill!

Let the butterflies fly

Well, who are they bothering?

There's no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, hit with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest,

Here the owner is the oak and the elk.

Take care of their peace,

After all, they are not our enemies!

Help the forest animals

Prepare feeders for them.

And then any animal -

Whether it's a weasel or a ferret,

forest hedgehog, River fish -

He will say: “You are my friend!

Thank you!".

1 Frog: We hope that none of you guys want to turn into Leshy, Vodyany or Baba Yaga.

2 Frog: We want to give you a goodbye song.

(Song plays)


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Little travelers

A forget-me-not lived on the bank of the river and she had children - small seeds and nuts. When the seeds were ripe, the forget-me-not said to them:

Dear children! Now you have become adults. It's time for you to get ready for the journey. Go in search of happiness. Be brave and resourceful, look for new places and settle there.

The seed box opened and the seeds spilled out onto the ground. At this time it blew strong wind, he picked up one seed, carried it with him, and then dropped it into the river water. The water picked up the forget-me-not seed, and it, like a small light boat, floated down the river. The cheerful streams of the river carried it further and further, and finally the current washed the seed to the shore. A river wave carried the forget-me-not seed onto the damp, soft ground.

The seed looked around and, to be honest, was a little upset: “The land, of course, is good - wet, black earth. There’s just too much trash around.”

In the spring, in the place where the seed fell, an elegant forget-me-not blossomed. Bumblebees from afar noticed her bright yellow heart, surrounded by blue petals, and flew to her for sweet nectar.

One day, girlfriends Tanya and Vera came to the river bank. They saw a pretty blue flower. Tanya wanted to tear it down, but Vera held her friend back:

No need, let it grow! Let's better help him, remove the garbage and make a small flower bed around the flower. Let's come here and admire the forget-me-nots! - Let's! – Tanya was delighted.

The girls collected cans, bottles, pieces of cardboard and other garbage, put it in a hole away from the forget-me-not and covered it with grass and leaves. And the flower bed around the flower was decorated with river pebbles.

How beautiful! – they admired their work.

The girls began to come to the forget-me-not every day. So that no one would break their favorite flower, they made a small fence of dry twigs around the flowerbed.

Several years passed, the forget-me-nots grew luxuriantly and, with their tenacious roots, secured the soil on the river bank. The soil stopped crumbling, and even noisy summer showers could no longer erode the steep bank.

Well, what happened to the other forget-me-not seeds?

They lay by the water for a long time and waited in the wings. One day a hunter with a dog appeared by the river. The dog ran, breathing heavily and sticking out its tongue, it was very thirsty! She went down to the river and began noisily lapping up the water. One seed remembered its mother’s words about how important it is to be resourceful, jumped high and grabbed onto the thick reddish hair of the dog.

The dog got drunk and hurried after its owner, and the seed rode on it. The dog ran for a long time through the bushes and swamps, and when he returned home with his owner, before entering the house, he shook himself thoroughly, and the seed fell on the flower bed near the porch. It took root here, and in the spring a forget-me-not blossomed in the garden bed.

The owner began to take care of the flower - water it and fertilize the ground, and a year later a whole family of tender blue forget-me-nots grew up near the porch. They generously treated bees and bumblebees with sweet juice, and insects pollinated forget-me-nots and at the same time fruit trees - apple, cherry and plum trees.

This year we will have a rich harvest! – the hostess was happy. – Bees, butterflies and bumblebees love my garden!

And now it’s time to talk about the third forget-me-not seed.

Uncle Ant noticed him and decided to take him to the forest anthill. Do you think that ants will eat the whole forget-me-not seed? Don't worry! The forget-me-not seed has a treat for the ants - sweet pulp. The ants will taste only it, and the seed will remain untouched.

This is how a forget-me-not seed turned out to be in the forest near an anthill. In the spring it sprouted and soon, next to the ant house, a beautiful blue forget-me-not blossomed.

Katya and ladybug

This story happened to a girl Katya.

On a summer afternoon, Katya took off her shoes and ran through a flowering meadow.

The grass in the meadow was tall, fresh and pleasantly tickled the girl’s bare feet. And the meadow flowers smelled of mint and honey. Katya wanted to lie on the soft grass and admire the clouds floating in the sky. Having crushed the stems, she lay down on the grass and immediately felt that someone was crawling along her palm. It was a small ladybug with a red, lacquered back, decorated with five black dots.

Katya began to examine the red bug and suddenly heard a quiet, pleasant voice that said:

Girl, please don't crush the grass! If you want to run and frolic, then it’s better to run along the paths.

Oh, who is this? – Katya asked in surprise. -Who is talking to me?

It's me, ladybug! – the same voice answered her.

Do ladybugs talk? – the girl was even more surprised.

Yes, I can talk. But I only talk to children, and adults don’t hear me! – answered the ladybug.

It's clear! – Katya drawled. - But tell me why you can’t run on the grass, because there’s so much of it! – the girl asked, looking around the wide meadow.

When you run on grass, its stems break, the ground becomes too hard, it does not allow air and water to reach the roots, and the plants die. In addition, the meadow is the home of many insects. You are so big, and we are small. When you ran through the meadow, the insects were very worried, an alarm sounded everywhere: “Attention, danger! Save yourself, whoever can!” - explained the ladybug.

Sorry, please,” said the girl, “I understand everything, and I will only run along the paths.”

And then Katya noticed beautiful butterfly. She fluttered merrily over the flowers, and then sat down on a blade of grass, folded her wings and... disappeared.

Where did the butterfly go? – the girl was surprised.

No! No! – Katya screamed and added: “I want to be a friend.”

Well, that’s right,” the ladybug noted, “butterflies have a transparent proboscis, and through it, as if through a straw, they drink flower nectar. And, flying from flower to flower, butterflies carry pollen and pollinate plants. Believe me, Katya, flowers really need butterflies, bees and bumblebees - after all, these are pollinating insects.

Here comes the bumblebee! - said the girl, noticing a large striped bumblebee on the pink head of the clover. You can't touch him! He might bite!

Certainly! – Ladybug agreed. – Bumblebees and bees have a sharp poisonous sting.

“And here’s another bumblebee, only smaller,” the girl exclaimed.

No, Katyusha. This is not a bumblebee, but a wasp fly. It is colored in the same way as wasps and bumblebees, but it does not bite at all, and it does not have a sting. But the birds take her for an evil wasp and fly past.

Wow! What a cunning fly! – Katya was surprised.

Yes, all insects are very cunning,” the ladybug said proudly.

At this time, grasshoppers chirped cheerfully and loudly in the tall grass.

Who is that chirping? – Katya asked.

These are grasshoppers,” explained the ladybug.

I'd love to see a grasshopper!

As if hearing the girl’s words, the grasshopper jumped high in the air, and its emerald back sparkled brightly. Katya extended her hand, and the grasshopper immediately fell into the thick grass. It was impossible to see him in the green thickets.

And the grasshopper is also a cunning one! You won't find it in green grass, like black cat in a dark room,” the girl laughed.

Do you see the dragonfly? – the ladybug asked Katya. – What can you say about her?

Very beautiful dragonfly! – the girl responded.

Not only beautiful, but also useful! After all, dragonflies catch mosquitoes and flies right in the air.

Katya talked for a long time with the ladybug. She was carried away by the conversation and did not notice how evening had come.

Katya, where are you? – the girl heard her mother’s voice.

She carefully placed the ladybug on the daisy and politely said goodbye to her:

Thank you, sweet ladybug! I learned a lot of new and interesting things.

Come to the meadow more often, and I will tell you something more about its inhabitants,” the ladybug promised her.
The Adventures of Poplar Fluff

Summer came and white fluff flew from the poplars. And it’s like a snowstorm all around, fluffs are swirling like snowflakes. Some fluffs fall near the poplar; others, bolder, sit on the branches of other trees and fly into open windows.

High on a branch sat a small white Poplar Fluff. And she was very afraid to leave her house. But suddenly a strong wind blew and tore Pushinka from the branch and carried her far from the poplar. Pushinka flies, flies and sees many trees and a green lawn below. She landed on the lawn, and a birch tree grew nearby. She saw Pushinka and said:

Who is this little guy?

It's me, Poplar Fluff. The wind brought me here.

How small you are, smaller than one of my leaves,” said Birch and began to laugh at Pushinka. Pushinka looked at Berezka and proudly said:

Although I am small, I will grow up to be a big, slender poplar.

Birch laughed at these words, and Poplar Fluff put out a green sprout into the ground and began to grow quickly, and one day she heard a voice nearby:

Oh guys, look what this is?

“This is little Topolek,” answered another voice. Fluffy opened her eyes and saw the children crowded around her.

“Let’s take care of him,” one of the guys suggested.

Poplar Fluff grew quickly, adding a meter per year, or even more. Now she has already overtaken Birch and risen higher than all the trees. And she turned into Silver Poplar. Poplar warmed his silvery crown in the sun and looked down at Berezka and the children playing on the lawn.

Tale of the Rainbow

There lived a Rainbow, bright and beautiful. If clouds covered the sky and rain fell on the ground, Rainbow hid and waited for the clouds to part and a piece of the sun to peek out. Then the Rainbow jumped out into the clear expanse of heaven and hung in an arc, sparkling with its rays of color. And the Rainbow had seven of these rays: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. People saw the Rainbow in the sky and rejoiced at it. And the children sang songs:

Rainbow-Rainbow, Rainbow-Arc!

Bring us, Rainbow, bread and milk!

Hurry up, Rainbow, open the sun to us;

The rain and bad weather will go away.

Rainbow loved these children's songs. Having heard them, she immediately responded. Colored rays not only decorated the sky, but were also reflected in the water, multiplied in large puddles and raindrops, on wet window panes... Everyone was happy about the Rainbow...

Except for one evil wizard of the Black Mountains. He hated Rainbow for her cheerful disposition. He got angry and even closed his eyes when she appeared in the sky after the rain. The evil wizard of the Black Mountains decided to destroy the Rainbow and went for help to the ancient Fairy of the Dungeon.

- Tell me, ancient one, how to get rid of the hated Rainbow? I'm really tired of her shining rays.

“Steal from her,” the ancient Fairy of the Dungeon creaked, “just one ray, and the Rainbow will die, because she is alive only when her seven flower-rays are together, in one family.”

The evil wizard of the Black Mountains rejoiced.

- Is it really that simple? At least now I’ll snatch any ray from her arc.

“Don’t rush,” the Fairy muttered dully, “it’s not so easy to pick out a color.”

It is necessary in the early morning dawn, when the Rainbow is still sleeping in a serene sleep, quietly creep up to her and, like the Firebird’s feather, pluck out her ray. And then wrap it around your hand and rush away from these places. It's better to go to the North, where short summer and few thunderstorms. With these words, the ancient Fairy of the Dungeon approached the rock and, hitting it with her stick, suddenly disappeared. And the evil wizard of the Black Mountains crept up quietly and unnoticed to the bushes, where the beautiful Rainbow was sleeping among the flowers at dawn. She had colorful dreams. She could not even imagine what kind of trouble hung over her. The evil wizard of the Black Mountains crawled up to Rainbow and extended his clawed paw. Rainbow didn't even have time to scream before he tore out a blue ray from her train and, wrapping it tightly around his fist, began to run.

“Oh, I think I’m dying...” Rainbow just managed to say and immediately scattered sparkling tears on the grass.

- And the Evil Wizard of the Black Mountains rushed to the North. A large black crow carried him into the distance, and he held the Blue Ray tightly in his hand. The evil wizard smiled fiercely, urging the crow on, and was in such a hurry that he did not even notice how the iridescent streaks of the Northern Lights sparkled ahead.

And the Blue Ray, seeing blue among the many colors of the Northern Lights, shouted with all his might:

- My brother, Blue color, save me, return me to my Rainbow!

The blue color heard these words and immediately came to the aid of his brother. He approached the evil wizard, snatched the ray from his hands and passed it to the fast silvery clouds. And just in time, because the Rainbow, which had crumbled into small sparkling teardrops, began to dry out.

“Farewell,” she whispered to her friends, “farewell and tell the children that I will no longer come to their calls and songs.”

A miracle happened: the Rainbow came to life.

- Look! - the children exclaimed joyfully when they saw a dancing Rainbow in the sky. - This is our Rainbow! And we've been waiting for her.

- Look! - the adults said. - The rainbow is shining! But it didn't seem to rain? What is it for? For the harvest? To joy? Good...


Once upon a time there lived a brother and sister – Volodya and Natasha. Volodya, although younger than his sister, is braver. And Natasha is such a coward! She was afraid of everything: mice, frogs, worms and the cross spider, which weaved its web in the attic.

In the summer, children were playing hide and seek near the house, when suddenly the sky darkened, frowned, lightning flashed, large heavy drops first fell to the ground, and then pouring rain poured down.

The children hid from the rain on the veranda and began to watch as foamy streams ran along the paths, large air bubbles jumped through the puddles, and the wet leaves became even brighter and greener.

Soon the rain subsided, the sky brightened, the sun came out, and hundreds of small rainbows began to play in the raindrops.

The children put on their rubber boots and went for a walk. They ran through puddles, and when they touched wet tree branches, they brought down a whole waterfall of sparkling streams on each other.

The garden smelled strongly of dill. Earthworms crawled onto the soft, damp black soil. After all, the rain flooded their underground houses, and the worms felt damp and uncomfortable in them.

Volodya picked up the worm, put it on his palm and began to examine it, and then wanted to show the worm to his sister. But she recoiled in fear and shouted:

Volodka! Stop this crap now! How can you pick up worms, they are so disgusting - slippery, cold, wet.

The girl burst into tears and ran home.

Volodya did not want to offend or scare his sister at all; he threw the worm to the ground and ran after Natasha.

The earthworm named Vermi felt hurt and offended.

“What stupid children! – thought Vermi. “They don’t even realize how much benefit we bring to their garden.”

Grumbling dissatisfiedly, Vermi crawled to the zucchini patch, where earthworms from all over the garden were gathering to chat under the large fleecy leaves.

What are you so excited about, Vermi? – his friends asked him carefully.

You can’t even imagine how the children hurt me! You work, try, loosen the soil - and no gratitude!

Vermi talked about how Natasha called him disgusting and disgusting.

What ingratitude! – the earthworms were indignant. - After all, we not only loosen and fertilize the earth, but through the dug by us underground passages water and air flow to the roots of plants. Without us, plants will grow worse and may even dry out completely.

And do you know what the young and determined worm suggested?

Let's all crawl into the neighboring garden together. A real gardener lives there, Uncle Pasha, he knows our worth and won’t let us be offended!

The worms dug underground tunnels and through them entered the neighboring garden.

At first, people did not notice the absence of worms, but the flowers in the flowerbed and the vegetables in the beds immediately sensed trouble. Their roots began to suffocate without air, and their stems began to wither without water.

I don’t understand what happened to my garden? – Polya’s grandmother sighed. – The ground has become too hard, all the plants are drying up.

At the end of summer, dad began digging up the garden and was surprised to notice that there was not a single earthworm in the clods of black soil.

Where have our underground helpers gone? - he thought sadly - Maybe earthworms crawled to the neighbors?

Dad, why did you call worms helpers, are they useful? – Natasha was surprised.

Of course they are useful! Through the passages dug by earthworms, air and water get to the roots of flowers and herbs. They make the soil soft and fertile!

Dad went to consult with the gardener Uncle Pasha and brought from him a huge lump of black soil in which earthworms lived. Vermi and his friends returned to Grandma Paulie's garden and began helping her grow plants. Natasha and Volodya began to treat earthworms with care and respect, and Vermi and his comrades forgot past grievances.

Christmas tree trouble

It was a long time ago, no one remembers how the wind blew this spruce seed onto the forest clearing. It lay there, lay there, swelled, put out a root, and a sprout upward. Many years have passed since then. Where the seed fell, a slender, beautiful Christmas tree grew. And how good she was, she was also sweet and polite to everyone. Everyone loved the Christmas tree and looked after her. The Gentle Wind blew away the dust particles and combed her hair. Light Rain washed his face. The birds sang songs to her, and the forest doctor Woodpecker treated her.

But one day everything changed. A forester passed by the Christmas tree, stopped and admired it:

Oh how good! This is the most beautiful Christmas tree in my entire forest!

And then the Christmas tree became proud and put on airs. She no longer thanked either the Wind, or the Rain, or the Birds, or the Woodpecker, or anyone. She looked down on everyone, mockingly.

How small, ugly and rude you all are next to me. And I'm beautiful!

The wind gently swayed the branches, wanted to comb the Christmas tree, but she got angry:

Don't you dare blow, you'll mess up my hair! I don't like being blown on!

“I just wanted to blow off the dust so you could be even more beautiful,” he replied. Tender Wind.

Get away from me! - muttered the proud Christmas tree.

The Wind got offended and flew away to other trees. The rain wanted to splash on the Christmas tree, and she made a noise:

Don't you dare drip! I don't like it when people drip on me! You'll wet my whole dress.

“I will wash your needles, and they will be even greener and more beautiful,” answered Rain.

Don’t touch me, the Christmas tree grumbled.

The Rain got offended and calmed down. A woodpecker saw carp beetles on the Christmas tree, sat on the trunk and started chiseling the bark to get the worms.

Don't you dare hammer! “I don’t like being pounded,” cried Yelochka. - You will ruin my slender trunk.

I want you to have no harmful boogers on you! - answered the helpful Woodpecker.

The Woodpecker was offended and fluttered to other trees. And so Elochka was left alone, proud and pleased with herself. All day long she admired herself. But without care, she began to lose her attractiveness. And then the caries crawled in. Gluttonous, they crawled under the bark and sharpened the trunk. Wormholes appeared everywhere. The Christmas tree has faded, rotted, and rotted. She was alarmed, poor thing, and made a noise

Hey Woodpecker, forest orderly, save me from the worms! But the Woodpecker did not hear her weak voice and did not fly

Rain, Rain, wash me! And I didn’t hear the rain.

Hey Wind! Blow on me!

The wind passing by blew slightly. And trouble happened: the Christmas tree swayed and broke. It broke, cracked and fell to the ground. This is how this story about the arrogant Christmas tree ended.


For a long time, a cheerful and generous fontanel lived at the bottom of the ravine. He watered the roots of grasses, bushes and trees with clean, cold water. A large silver willow spread a shady tent over the spring.

In spring, bird cherry trees grew white along the slopes of the ravine. Among her lacy fragrant tassels, nightingales, warblers and finches built their nests.

In summer, forbs covered the ravine with a colorful carpet. Butterflies, bumblebees, and bees circled above the flowers.

On fine days, Artyom and his grandfather went to the spring to get water. The boy helped his grandfather go down the narrow path to the spring and get water. While grandfather was resting under an old willow tree, Artyom was playing near a stream that flowed over the pebbles at the bottom of the ravine.

One day Artyom went to fetch water alone and met at the spring with the guys from the neighboring house - Andrey and Petya. They chased each other and knocked down the flower heads with flexible rods. Artyom also broke the willow twig and joined the boys.

When the boys got tired of the noisy running around, they began throwing branches and stones into the spring. Artyom didn’t like the new fun, he didn’t want to offend the kind, cheerful spring, but Andryusha and Petya were a whole year older than Artyom, and he had long dreamed of making friends with them.

At first, the spring easily dealt with the stones and fragments of branches that the boys threw at it. But the more garbage there was, the more difficult it was for the poor spring: it either froze completely, covered with large stones, or barely oozed, trying to break through the cracks between them.

When Andrei and Petya went home, Artyom sat down on the grass and suddenly noticed that large dragonflies with transparent shiny wings and bright butterflies were flocking to him from all sides.

What's wrong with them? – thought the boy. -What do they want?

Butterflies and dragonflies began to dance around Artyom. There were more and more insects, they fluttered faster and faster, almost touching the boy’s face with their wings.

Artyom felt dizzy and he closed his eyes tightly. And when he opened them a few moments later, he realized that he was in an unfamiliar place.

Sands spread all around, there was not a bush or tree anywhere, and sultry air poured onto the ground from the pale blue sky. Artyom felt hot and very thirsty. He wandered along the sand in search of water and found himself near a deep ravine.

The ravine seemed familiar to the boy, but the cheerful spring did not gurgle at its bottom. The bird cherry and willow dried up, the slope of the ravine, like deep wrinkles, was cut by landslides, because the roots of grass and trees no longer held the soil together. No bird voices were heard, no dragonflies, bumblebees, or butterflies were visible.

Where did the spring go? What happened to the ravine? – thought Artyom.

Suddenly, through his sleep, the boy heard his grandfather’s alarmed voice:

Artyomka! Where are you?

The grandfather listened carefully to his grandson and suggested:

Well, if you don’t want what you dreamed about to happen, let’s go clean the spring of debris.

Grandfather and Artyom opened the way for the spring, and it began to gurgle cheerfully again, sparkle in the sun with transparent streams and began to generously water everyone: people, animals, birds, trees, and grass.

Why is the earth's dress green?

What's the greenest thing on earth? — a little girl once asked her mother.

“Grass and trees, daughter,” mother answered.

- Why did they choose green color, and not some other?

This time my mother thought for a moment and then said:

— The Creator asked the sorceress Nature to sew a dress in the color of faith and hope for his beloved Earth, and Nature gave the Earth a green dress. Since then, a green carpet of fragrant herbs, plants and trees gives birth to hope and faith in a person’s heart, making it purer.

- But by autumn the grass dries out and the leaves fall off.

Mom thought again for a long time, and then asked:

“Did you sleep sweetly in your soft bed today, daughter?”

The girl looked at her mother in surprise:

- Flowers and herbs sleep in the fields and forests under a soft fluffy blanket just as sweetly as you do in your crib. Trees rest to gain new strength and delight the hearts of people with new hopes. And so that we don’t forget during the long winter that the Earth has a green dress, and don’t lose our hopes, the Christmas tree and the pine tree are our joy and turn green in winter.

How a starling chose his home

The children made birdhouses and hung them in the old park. In the spring, the starlings arrived and were delighted - people had given them excellent apartments. Soon, in one of the birdhouses lived a large and Friendly family starlings. Dad, mom and four kids. Caring parents spent days flying around the park, catching caterpillars and midges and bringing them to the voracious children. And the curious starlings took turns peeking out of the round window and looking around in surprise. An extraordinary, alluring world opened up to them. The spring breeze rustled the green leaves of birch and maple trees and swayed the white caps of lush inflorescences of viburnum and rowan.

When the chicks grew up and fledged, their parents began to teach them to fly. The three little birdlings turned out to be brave and capable. They quickly mastered the science of aeronautics. The fourth did not dare to get out of the house.

The starling mother decided to lure the baby out with cunning. She brought a large, delicious caterpillar and showed the delicacy to the little bird. The chick reached for a treat, and the mother moved away from him. Then the hungry son, clinging to the window with his paws, leaned out, could not resist and began to fall. He squeaked in fear, but suddenly his wings opened, and the baby, making a circle, landed on his paws. Mom immediately flew up to her son and rewarded him for his courage with a tasty caterpillar.

And everything would be fine, but just at that time the boy Ilyusha appeared on the path with his four-legged pet - the spaniel Garik.

The dog noticed a chick on the ground, barked, ran up to the birdling and touched it with his paw. Ilyusha screamed loudly, rushed to Garik and took him by the collar. The chick froze and closed his eyes in fear.

What to do? - thought the boy. - We need to help the chick somehow!

Ilyusha took the little bird in his arms and carried it home. At home, dad carefully examined the chick and said:

The baby's wing is damaged. Now we need to treat the squirrel. I warned you, son, not to take Garik with you to the park in the spring.

Several weeks passed and the little bird, who was named Gosha, recovered and got used to people.

He lived in the house all year, and the following spring people released Gosha into the wild. The starling sat on a branch and looked around.

Where will I live now? - he thought. “I’ll fly into the forest and find a suitable house for myself.”

In the forest, the starling noticed two cheerful finches who were carrying twigs and dry blades of grass in their beaks and were making a nest for themselves.

Dear finches! - he turned to the birds. – Can you tell me how I can find a place to live?

If you want, live in our house, and we’ll build a new one for ourselves,” the birds kindly answered.

Gosha thanked the finches and took their nest. But it turned out to be too cramped and uncomfortable for such large bird like a starling.

No! Your house, unfortunately, does not suit me! - said Gosha, said goodbye to the finches and flew on.

In a pine forest, he saw a smart woodpecker in a colorful vest and a red cap, which was hollowing out a hollow with its strong beak.

How not to be! Eat! - answered the woodpecker. “On that pine tree over there is my old hollow.” If you like it, you can live in it.

The starling said: “Thank you!” and flew to the pine tree that the woodpecker pointed at. Gosha looked into the hollow and saw that it was already occupied by a friendly pair of tits.

Nothing to do! And the squirrel flew on.

In a swamp near the river, a gray duck offered Gosha her nest, but it did not suit the starling either - after all, starlings do not build nests on the ground.

The day was already approaching evening when Gosha returned to the house where Ilyusha lived and sat down on a branch under the window. The boy noticed the starling, opened the window, and Gosha flew into the room.

“Dad,” Ilyusha called his father. – Our Gosha is back!

- If the starling returned, it means he did not find a suitable house in the forest. We'll have to make a birdhouse for Gosha! - said dad.

The next day, Ilyusha and his dad made a beautiful little house with a round window for the starling and tied it to an old tall birch tree.

Who decorates the earth

A long time ago, our Earth was a deserted and hot celestial body; there was no vegetation, no water, or those beautiful colors that decorate it so much. And then one day God decided to revive the earth, he scattered a countless number of seeds of life all over the earth and asked the Sun to warm them with his warmth and light, and the Water to give them life-giving moisture.

The sun began to warm the Earth and water, but the seeds did not sprout. It turned out that they did not want to grow gray, because only gray monochromatic soil spread around them, and there were no other colors. Then God commanded a multi-colored Rainbow-arc to rise above the earth and decorate it.

Since then, the Rainbow Arc appears every time the sun shines through the rain. She stands above the ground and looks to see if the Earth is beautifully decorated.

And suddenly Rainbow Arc sees black fire wounds, gray trampled spots, torn holes. Someone tore, burned, and trampled the multi-colored dress of the Earth.
“Oh,” said Dandelion, “why are you sitting on me?” I am so small and fragile, and my leg is very thin and can break.
“No,” said the bee, “yours.” thin leg It won’t break, it’s just designed to hold you and me. After all, a bee must sit on every flower.
“Why do you need to sit on me, I’m small, and look how much space there is around,” Dandelion was surprised. “I’m just growing and enjoying the sun and don’t want anyone to bother me.”
“Silly,” the bee said affectionately, “listen to what I tell you.” Every spring, after a long winter, flowers bloom; and we, the bees, fly from flower to flower to collect juicy, tasty nectar. Then we take this nectar to our hive, where honey is made from the nectar.
“Now I understand everything,” said Dandelion, “thank you for explaining this to me, now I will tell about this to all the Dandelions that will appear in this clearing.”
Clouds are helpers
Merry Cloud, once floating over a vegetable garden where cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, onions, dill and potatoes grew, noticed that the vegetables were very sad. Their tops drooped, and their roots became completely dry.
- What happened to you? - she asked anxiously.
The sad vegetables replied that they withered and stopped growing because there had been no rain for a long time, which they so needed.
- Maybe I can help you? - Cloud asked boldly.
“You’re still so small,” answered the large pumpkin, which was considered the main one in the garden. If only a huge cloud would fly in, thunder and heavy rain would pour down,” she said thoughtfully.
“I’ll gather my girlfriends and help the vegetables,” the cloud decided, flying away.
She flew to Veterok and asked him to blow hard to collect all the small clouds into one big one and help the rain to fall. Crazy Breeze happily helped, and by evening the big cloud swelled stronger and stronger, and finally burst. Cheerful drops of rain poured onto the ground and watered everything around. And the surprised vegetables raised their tops high, as if they did not want to miss a single drop of rain.
- Thank you, Tuchka! And you, Veterok! - the vegetables said in unison. - Now we will definitely grow up and give joy to all people!

Adventures of a leaf
Hello! My name is Leaf! I was born in the spring, when the buds begin to swell and bloom. The scales of my house - the buds - opened, and I saw how beautiful the world is. The sun touched every leaf, every blade of grass with its gentle rays. And they smiled back. Then it began to rain, and my bright green outfit was covered with drops, like multi-colored beads.
How fun and carefree the summer flew by! Birds chirped all day long on the branches of my mother Birch, and at night the warm breeze told me about their travels.
Time flew quickly, and I began to notice that the sun was not shining so brightly and was no longer warm. The wind blew strong and cold. The birds began to prepare for the long journey.
One morning I woke up and saw that my dress had turned yellow. At first I wanted to cry, but Mother Berezka calmed me down. She said that autumn has come, and therefore everything around is changing.
And at night a strong wind tore me from the branch and spun me in the air. By morning the wind died down and I fell to the ground. There were already many other leaves lying here. We were cold. But soon white flakes, like cotton wool, began to fall from the sky. They covered us with a fluffy blanket. I felt warm and calm. I felt myself falling asleep and was in a hurry to say goodbye to you. Goodbye!

“Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with my grandmother...”

(modern ecological fairy tale)

At the edge of the forest, in a bast hut, there lived, as they say, one grandmother. As a child, she did yoga, and that’s why she was nicknamed Yoga. And when she grew old, they began to call her Baba Yoga, and those who did not know her before simply called her Baba Yaga.
And so her life turned out that she had neither children nor grandchildren, but only a small gray goat. Grandmother Yaga spent all her natural kindness on him - she spoiled him, in a word. Either he will bring the most delicious cabbage from the garden, then he will bring the best carrots, or he will even let a little goat into the garden - eat, dear one, whatever your heart desires.
They went on year after year. And, of course, as always happens with those who are pampered, our little gray goat turned into a big gray goat. And since he never learned to work, he was as useless as a milk goat. I lay on the sofa all day, ate cabbage, and listened to rap. Yes, he was so addicted to this turnip that it’s impossible to say in a fairy tale or describe with a pen. And then he began to compose himself: he lies and screams at the top of his goat throat:
- I am a gray goat, I am a thunderstorm in vegetable gardens,
A lot of people respect me.
And if someone throws a stone at me,
Then after that he is fully responsible for the goat.
To tell the truth, no one threw a stone at him - who wants to mess with such a goat. He came up with it this way, for rhyme and for his own courage. And then he believed it himself. And our goat became so brave that he wanted to go for a walk in the forest - to see the animals, and to show off himself, so cool.
Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. Our goat took a long time to get ready: either the outfit didn’t suit him, it wasn’t fashionable, they say, or he wasn’t in the mood. Grandmother Yaga was completely off her feet, looking for super-fashionable new things for her beloved goat:
“I’m tired, poor thing, but there’s nothing you can do about it - as they say: “love is evil, and you’ll love a goat.”
But finally, I got it together. Spring has already arrived. He walks through the forest, yelling his praises, and then who do you think comes out to meet him? Well, of course, a wolf. By the way, please note, it’s also gray. He walks and sings his song:
- There are no adversities in my life,
There is no twist in it,
I've been studying for a whole year
Pistils, stamens.
La la la la. La-la-la.
Pistils, poke-butts!
Suddenly the wolf saw the goat and froze in place. From enormous indignation. And our goat stands, neither alive nor dead from fear - it’s no joke, for the first time I met a real wolf face to face. He even dropped his baseball cap with metal horns. He instantly forgot all his rapping, he’s shaking all over, all he can say is:
- Be-e-e-yes!
“What are you doing?” the wolf growls at him, “why did you come here, I ask you?!” May you never set foot here again!
- I, uh, I didn’t know...
- Take your foot off, how many times do I have to tell you!
- I won’t do this anymore.
- Take your foot off! Otherwise I’ll hurt you now!
- What did I do? What the hell, it’s the goat’s fault! By the way, I am not your scapegoat.
- What did you do? But you can’t see it yourself, you’re a hornless goat! I almost stepped on a flower. This is a snowdrop - a primrose. Now they are the only ones left in this clearing - they have trampled all the others like you.
The goat looked at his feet - and it was true: wonderful, delicate flowers were growing in the clearing. And his hooves have several at once. And they are marvelously, indescribably beautiful. He stands and is afraid to move - his shoes are also metal, heavy and clumsy.
Meanwhile, the wolf approached our goat, so that not a single flower was touched, grabbed the goat and... moved it to another, safe place. As soon as the wolf lowered him to the ground, like a goat from the joy of being saved, he gave such a rush that only the wind whistled behind his ears.
And what remained of him was a baseball cap with horns and newfangled boots. The wolf put them in the botanical museum so that everyone would look, but they themselves would not become such goats.
And since then the goat has never set foot in the forest, abandoned the turnips, and began to read smart books about nature in order to be able to distinguish rare flowers from ordinary ones. Who knows, maybe he’ll even become a human!
This is where the fairy tale ends, whoever understood everything is well done,
Well, don’t be a little goat, take care of the spring forest.


Once upon a time there was a beauty Autumn. She loved to dress up trees in red, yellow, and orange outfits. She loved to listen to the fallen leaves rustling under her feet, she loved when people came to visit her in the forest for mushrooms, for vegetables in the garden, for fruit in the garden.
But it became more and more sad Autumn. She knew that her sister Winter would soon come, cover everything with snow, bind the rivers with ice, strike with severe frost: So she gathered Autumn all animals - birds, fish, insects - and ordered bears, hedgehogs, badgers to hide in warm dens and holes; change the fur coats of hares and squirrels to warm, inconspicuous ones; birds - those who are afraid of cold and hunger - fly to warmer climes, and fish, frogs and other aquatic inhabitants bury themselves deeper in the sand and silt and sleep there until spring.
Everyone obeyed Autumn. And when the clouds thickened, the snow began to fall, the wind rose and the frost began to get stronger, it was no longer scary, because everyone was ready for winter.

1. Collection of environmental fairy tales

2. Card index of environmental fairy tales for children. (methodical piggy bank)

3. Eco chest

Little travelers

A forget-me-not lived on the bank of the river and she had children - small seeds and nuts. When the seeds were ripe, the forget-me-not said to them:

Dear children! Now you have become adults. It's time for you to get ready for the journey. Go in search of happiness. Be brave and resourceful, look for new places and settle there.

The seed box opened and the seeds spilled out onto the ground. At this time, a strong wind blew, he picked up one seed, carried it with him, and then dropped it into the river water. The water picked up the forget-me-not seed, and it, like a small light boat, floated down the river. The cheerful streams of the river carried it further and further, and finally the current washed the seed to the shore. A river wave carried the forget-me-not seed onto the damp, soft ground.

“This is the right place!” - thought the seed. “You can safely put down roots here.”

The seed looked around and, to be honest, was a little upset: “The land, of course, is good - wet, black earth. There’s just too much trash around.”

But there is nothing to do! And the seed took root here.

In the spring, in the place where the seed fell, an elegant forget-me-not blossomed. Bumblebees from afar noticed her bright yellow heart, surrounded by blue petals, and flew to her for sweet nectar.

One day, girlfriends Tanya and Vera came to the river bank. They saw a pretty blue flower. Tanya wanted to tear it down, but Vera held her friend back:

No need, let it grow! Let's better help him, remove the garbage and make a small flower bed around the flower. Let's come here and admire the forget-me-nots! - Let's! - Tanya was delighted.

The girls collected cans, bottles, pieces of cardboard and other garbage, put it in a hole away from the forget-me-not and covered it with grass and leaves. And the flower bed around the flower was decorated with river pebbles.

How beautiful! - they admired their work.

The girls began to come to the forget-me-not every day. So that no one would break their favorite flower, they made a small fence of dry twigs around the flowerbed.

Several years passed, the forget-me-nots grew luxuriantly and, with their tenacious roots, secured the soil on the river bank. The soil stopped crumbling, and even noisy summer showers could no longer erode the steep bank.

Well, what happened to the other forget-me-not seeds?

They lay by the water for a long time and waited in the wings. One day a hunter with a dog appeared by the river. The dog ran, breathing heavily and sticking out its tongue, it was very thirsty! She went down to the river and began noisily lapping up the water. One seed remembered its mother’s words about how important it is to be resourceful, jumped high and grabbed onto the thick reddish hair of the dog.

The dog got drunk and hurried after its owner, and the seed rode on it. The dog ran for a long time through the bushes and swamps, and when he returned home with his owner, before entering the house, he shook himself thoroughly, and the seed fell on the flower bed near the porch. It took root here, and in the spring a forget-me-not blossomed in the garden bed.

What a miracle! - the hostess was surprised. - I didn’t plant forget-me-nots here! Apparently the wind brought her to us, she thought. - Well, let it grow and decorate my garden bed.

The owner began to take care of the flower - water it and fertilize the ground, and a year later a whole family of tender blue forget-me-nots grew up near the porch. They generously treated bees and bumblebees with sweet juice, and insects pollinated forget-me-nots and at the same time fruit trees - apple, cherry and plum trees.

This year we will have a rich harvest! - the hostess was happy. - Bees, butterflies and bumblebees love my garden!

And now it’s time to talk about the third forget-me-not seed.

Uncle Ant noticed him and decided to take him to the forest anthill. Do you think that ants will eat the whole forget-me-not seed? Don't worry! The forget-me-not seed has a treat in store for the ants - sweet pulp. The ants will taste only it, and the seed will remain untouched.

This is how a forget-me-not seed turned out to be in the forest near an anthill. In the spring it sprouted and soon, next to the ant house, a beautiful blue forget-me-not blossomed.

Katya and the ladybug

This story happened to a girl Katya.

On a summer afternoon, Katya took off her shoes and ran through a flowering meadow.

The grass in the meadow was tall, fresh and pleasantly tickled the girl’s bare feet. And the meadow flowers smelled of mint and honey. Katya wanted to lie on the soft grass and admire the clouds floating in the sky. Having crushed the stems, she lay down on the grass and immediately felt that someone was crawling along her palm. It was a small ladybug with a red, lacquered back, decorated with five black dots.

Katya began to examine the red bug and suddenly heard a quiet, pleasant voice that said:

Girl, please don't crush the grass! If you want to run and frolic, then it’s better to run along the paths.

Oh, who is this? - Katya asked in surprise. - Who's talking to me?

It's me, ladybug! - the same voice answered her.

Do ladybugs talk? - the girl was even more surprised.

Yes, I can talk. But I only talk to children, and adults don’t hear me! - answered the ladybug.

It's clear! - Katya drawled. - But tell me why you can’t run on the grass, because there’s so much of it! - the girl asked, looking around the wide meadow.

When you run on grass, its stems break, the ground becomes too hard, it does not allow air and water to reach the roots, and the plants die. In addition, the meadow is the home of many insects. You are so big, and we are small. When you ran through the meadow, the insects were very worried, an alarm sounded everywhere: “Attention, danger! Save yourself, whoever can!” - explained the ladybug.

Sorry, please,” said the girl, “I understand everything, and I will only run along the paths.”

And then Katya noticed a beautiful butterfly. She fluttered merrily over the flowers, and then sat down on a blade of grass, folded her wings and... disappeared.

Where did the butterfly go? - the girl was surprised.

She is here, but has become invisible to you. This is how butterflies escape from enemies. I hope, Katyusha, that you are not going to catch butterflies and become an enemy?

No! No! - Katya screamed and added: “I want to be a friend.”

Well, that’s right,” the ladybug noted, “butterflies have a transparent proboscis, and through it, as if through a straw, they drink flower nectar. And, flying from flower to flower, butterflies carry pollen and pollinate plants. Believe me, Katya, flowers really need butterflies, bees and bumblebees - after all, these are pollinating insects.

Here comes the bumblebee! - said the girl, noticing a large striped bumblebee on the pink head of the clover. You can't touch him! He might bite!

Certainly! - Ladybug agreed. - Bumblebees and bees have a sharp poisonous sting.

“And here’s another bumblebee, only smaller,” the girl exclaimed.

No, Katyusha. This is not a bumblebee, but a wasp fly. It is colored in the same way as wasps and bumblebees, but it does not bite at all, and it does not have a sting. But the birds take her for an evil wasp and fly past.

Wow! What a cunning fly! - Katya was surprised.

Yes, all insects are very cunning,” the ladybug said proudly.

At this time, grasshoppers chirped cheerfully and loudly in the tall grass.

Who is that chirping? - Katya asked.

These are grasshoppers,” explained the ladybug.

I'd love to see a grasshopper!

As if hearing the girl’s words, the grasshopper jumped high in the air, and its emerald back sparkled brightly. Katya extended her hand, and the grasshopper immediately fell into the thick grass. It was impossible to see him in the green thickets.

And the grasshopper is also a cunning one! You won’t find him in the green grass, like a black cat in a dark room,” the girl laughed.

Do you see the dragonfly? - the ladybug asked Katya. - What can you say about her?

Very beautiful dragonfly! - the girl responded.

Not only beautiful, but also useful! After all, dragonflies catch mosquitoes and flies right in the air.

Katya talked for a long time with the ladybug. She was carried away by the conversation and did not notice how evening had come.

Katya, where are you? - the girl heard her mother’s voice.

She carefully placed the ladybug on the daisy and politely said goodbye to her:

Thank you, sweet ladybug! I learned a lot of new and interesting things.

Come to the meadow more often, and I will tell you something more about its inhabitants,” the ladybug promised her.

The Adventures of Poplar Fluff

Summer came and white fluff flew from the poplars. And it’s like a snowstorm all around, fluffs are swirling like snowflakes. Some fluffs fall near the poplar; others, bolder, sit on the branches of other trees and fly into open windows.

High on a branch sat a small white Poplar Fluff. And she was very afraid to leave her house. But suddenly a strong wind blew and tore Pushinka from the branch and carried her far from the poplar. Pushinka flies, flies and sees many trees and a green lawn below. She landed on the lawn, and a birch tree grew nearby. She saw Pushinka and said:

Who is this little guy?

It's me, Poplar Fluff. The wind brought me here.

How small you are, smaller than one of my leaves,” said Birch and began to laugh at Pushinka. Pushinka looked at Berezka and proudly said:

Although I am small, I will grow up to be a big, slender poplar.

Birch laughed at these words, and Poplar Fluff put out a green sprout into the ground and began to grow quickly, and one day she heard a voice nearby:

Oh guys, look what this is?

“This is little Topolek,” answered another voice. Fluffy opened her eyes and saw the children crowded around her.

I wonder where he came from here, how he got there? Poplars do not grow near our kindergarten.

“Let’s take care of him,” one of the guys suggested.

Poplar Fluff grew quickly, adding a meter per year, or even more. Now she has already overtaken Birch and risen higher than all the trees. And she turned into Silver Poplar. Poplar warmed his silvery crown in the sun and looked down at Berezka and the children playing on the lawn.

Tale of the Rainbow

There lived a Rainbow, bright and beautiful. If clouds covered the sky and rain fell on the ground, Rainbow hid and waited for the clouds to part and a piece of the sun to peek out. Then the Rainbow jumped out into the clear expanse of heaven and hung in an arc, sparkling with its rays of color. And the Rainbow had seven of these rays: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. People saw the Rainbow in the sky and rejoiced at it. And the children sang songs:

Rainbow-Rainbow, Rainbow-Arc!

Bring us, Rainbow, bread and milk!

Hurry up, Rainbow, open the sun to us;

The rain and bad weather will go away.

Rainbow loved these children's songs. Having heard them, she immediately responded. Colored rays not only decorated the sky, but were also reflected in the water, multiplied in large puddles and raindrops, on wet window glass... Everyone was happy about the Rainbow...

Except for one evil wizard of the Black Mountains. He hated Rainbow for her cheerful disposition. He got angry and even closed his eyes when she appeared in the sky after the rain. The evil wizard of the Black Mountains decided to destroy the Rainbow and went for help to the ancient Fairy of the Dungeon.

- Tell me, ancient one, how to get rid of the hated Rainbow? I'm really tired of her shining rays.

“Steal from her,” the ancient Fairy of the Dungeon creaked, “just one ray, and the Rainbow will die, because she is alive only when her seven flower-rays are together, in one family.”

The evil wizard of the Black Mountains rejoiced.

- Is it really that simple? At least now I’ll snatch any ray from her arc.

“Don’t rush,” the Fairy muttered dully, “it’s not so easy to pick out a color.”

It is necessary in the early morning dawn, when the Rainbow is still sleeping in a serene sleep, quietly creep up to her and, like the Firebird’s feather, pluck out her ray. And then wrap it around your hand and rush away from these places. It's better to go to the North, where the summer is short and there are few thunderstorms. With these words, the ancient Fairy of the Dungeon approached the rock and, hitting it with her stick, suddenly disappeared. And the evil wizard of the Black Mountains crept up quietly and unnoticed to the bushes, where the beautiful Rainbow was sleeping among the flowers at dawn. She had colorful dreams. She could not even imagine what kind of trouble hung over her. The evil wizard of the Black Mountains crawled up to Rainbow and extended his clawed paw. Rainbow didn't even have time to scream before he tore out a blue ray from her train and, wrapping it tightly around his fist, began to run.

“Oh, I think I’m dying...” Rainbow just managed to say and immediately scattered sparkling tears on the grass.

- And the Evil Wizard of the Black Mountains rushed to the North. A large black crow carried him into the distance, and he held the Blue Ray tightly in his hand. The evil wizard smiled fiercely, urging the crow on, and was in such a hurry that he did not even notice how the iridescent streaks of the Northern Lights sparkled ahead.

- What is it? - he shouted. -Where did this barrier come from?

And the Blue Ray, seeing blue among the many colors of the Northern Lights, shouted with all his might:

- My brother, Blue color, save me, return me to my Rainbow!

The blue color heard these words and immediately came to the aid of his brother. He approached the evil wizard, snatched the ray from his hands and passed it to the fast silvery clouds. And just in time, because the Rainbow, which had crumbled into small sparkling teardrops, began to dry out.

“Farewell,” she whispered to her friends, “farewell and tell the children that I will no longer come to their calls and songs.”

- Stop! Stop! — suddenly there was a joyful cry. - Stop, Rainbow, don’t die! I'm here, your Blue Ray is back! - With these words, he jumped to his place among the colored brothers, between the blue and purple flowers.

A miracle happened: the Rainbow came to life.

- Look! - the children exclaimed joyfully when they saw a dancing Rainbow in the sky. - This is our Rainbow! And we've been waiting for her.

- Look! - the adults said. - The rainbow is shining! But it didn't seem to rain? What is it for? For the harvest? To joy? Good...


Once upon a time there lived a brother and sister - Volodya and Natasha. Volodya, although younger than his sister, is braver. And Natasha is such a coward! She was afraid of everything: mice, frogs, worms and the cross spider, which weaved its web in the attic.

In the summer, children were playing hide and seek near the house, when suddenly the sky darkened, frowned, lightning flashed, large heavy drops first fell to the ground, and then pouring rain poured down.

The children hid from the rain on the veranda and began to watch as foamy streams ran along the paths, large air bubbles jumped through the puddles, and the wet leaves became even brighter and greener.

Soon the rain subsided, the sky brightened, the sun came out, and hundreds of small rainbows began to play in the raindrops.

The children put on their rubber boots and went for a walk. They ran through puddles, and when they touched wet tree branches, they brought down a whole waterfall of sparkling streams on each other.

The garden smelled strongly of dill. Earthworms crawled onto the soft, damp black soil. After all, the rain flooded their underground houses, and the worms felt damp and uncomfortable in them.

Volodya picked up the worm, put it on his palm and began to examine it, and then wanted to show the worm to his sister. But she recoiled in fear and shouted:

Volodka! Stop this crap now! How can you pick up worms, they are so disgusting - slippery, cold, wet.

The girl burst into tears and ran home.

Volodya did not want to offend or scare his sister at all; he threw the worm to the ground and ran after Natasha.

The earthworm named Vermi felt hurt and offended.

“What stupid children! - thought Vermi. “They don’t even realize how much benefit we bring to their garden.”

Grumbling dissatisfiedly, Vermi crawled to the zucchini patch, where earthworms from all over the garden were gathering to chat under the large fleecy leaves.

What are you so excited about, Vermi? - his friends asked him carefully.

You can’t even imagine how the children hurt me! You work, try, loosen the soil - and no gratitude!

Vermi talked about how Natasha called him disgusting and disgusting.

What ingratitude! - the earthworms were indignant. - After all, we not only loosen and fertilize the soil, but through the underground passages we have dug, water and air flow to the roots of the plants. Without us, plants will grow worse and may even dry out completely.

And do you know what the young and determined worm suggested?

Let's all crawl into the neighboring garden together. A real gardener lives there, Uncle Pasha, he knows our worth and won’t let us be offended!

The worms dug underground tunnels and through them entered the neighboring garden.

At first, people did not notice the absence of worms, but the flowers in the flowerbed and the vegetables in the beds immediately sensed trouble. Their roots began to suffocate without air, and their stems began to wither without water.

I don’t understand what happened to my garden? - Polya’s grandmother sighed. - The ground has become too hard, all the plants are drying up.

At the end of summer, dad began digging up the garden and was surprised to notice that there was not a single earthworm in the clods of black soil.

Where have our underground helpers gone? - he thought sadly - Maybe the earthworms crawled away to the neighbors?

Dad, why did you call worms helpers, are they useful? - Natasha was surprised.

Of course they are useful! Through the passages dug by earthworms, air and water get to the roots of flowers and herbs. They make the soil soft and fertile!

Dad went to consult with the gardener Uncle Pasha and brought from him a huge lump of black soil in which earthworms lived. Vermi and his friends returned to Grandma Paulie's garden and began helping her grow plants. Natasha and Volodya began to treat earthworms with care and respect, and Vermi and his comrades forgot past grievances.

Christmas tree trouble

It was a long time ago, no one remembers how the wind blew this spruce seed into the forest clearing. It lay there, lay there, swelled, put out a root, and a sprout upward. Many years have passed since then. Where the seed fell, a slender, beautiful Christmas tree grew. And how good she was, she was also sweet and polite to everyone. Everyone loved the Christmas tree and looked after her. The Gentle Wind blew away the dust particles and combed her hair. Light Rain washed his face. The birds sang songs to her, and the forest doctor Woodpecker treated her.

But one day everything changed. A forester passed by the Christmas tree, stopped and admired it:

Oh how good! This is the most beautiful Christmas tree in my entire forest!

And then the Christmas tree became proud and put on airs. She no longer thanked either the Wind, or the Rain, or the Birds, or the Woodpecker, or anyone. She looked down on everyone, mockingly.

How small, ugly and rude you all are next to me. And I'm beautiful!

The wind gently swayed the branches, wanted to comb the Christmas tree, but she got angry:

Don't you dare blow, you'll mess up my hair! I don't like being blown on!

“I just wanted to blow away the dust so that you would be even more beautiful,” replied the Tender Wind.

Get away from me! - muttered the proud Christmas tree.

The Wind got offended and flew away to other trees. The rain wanted to splash on the Christmas tree, and she made a noise:

Don't you dare drip! I don't like it when people drip on me! You'll wet my whole dress.

“I will wash your needles, and they will be even greener and more beautiful,” answered Rain.

Don’t touch me, the Christmas tree grumbled.

The Rain got offended and calmed down. A woodpecker saw carp beetles on the Christmas tree, sat on the trunk and started chiseling the bark to get the worms.

Don't you dare hammer! “I don’t like being pounded,” cried Yolochka. - You will ruin my slender trunk.

I want you to have no harmful boogers on you! - answered the helpful Woodpecker.

The Woodpecker was offended and fluttered to other trees. And so Elochka was left alone, proud and pleased with herself. All day long she admired herself. But without care, she began to lose her attractiveness. And then the caries crawled in. Gluttonous, they crawled under the bark and sharpened the trunk. Wormholes appeared everywhere. The Christmas tree has faded, rotted, and rotted. She was alarmed, poor thing, and made a noise

Hey Woodpecker, forest orderly, save me from the worms! But the Woodpecker did not hear her weak voice and did not fly

Rain, Rain, wash me! And I didn’t hear the rain.

Hey Wind! Blow on me!

The wind passing by blew slightly. And trouble happened: the Christmas tree swayed and broke. It broke, cracked and fell to the ground. This is how this story about the arrogant Christmas tree ended.


For a long time, a cheerful and generous fontanel lived at the bottom of the ravine. He watered the roots of grasses, bushes and trees with clean, cold water. A large silver willow spread a shady tent over the spring.

In spring, bird cherry trees grew white along the slopes of the ravine. Among her lacy fragrant tassels, nightingales, warblers and finches built their nests.

In summer, forbs covered the ravine with a colorful carpet. Butterflies, bumblebees, and bees circled above the flowers.

On fine days, Artyom and his grandfather went to the spring to get water. The boy helped his grandfather go down the narrow path to the spring and get water. While grandfather was resting under an old willow tree, Artyom was playing near a stream that flowed over the pebbles at the bottom of the ravine.

One day Artyom went to fetch water alone and met at the spring with the guys from the neighboring house - Andrey and Petya. They chased each other and knocked down the flower heads with flexible rods. Artyom also broke the willow twig and joined the boys.

When the boys got tired of the noisy running around, they began throwing branches and stones into the spring. Artyom didn’t like the new fun, he didn’t want to offend the kind, cheerful spring, but Andryusha and Petya were a whole year older than Artyom, and he had long dreamed of making friends with them.

At first, the spring easily dealt with the stones and fragments of branches that the boys threw at it. But the more garbage there was, the more difficult it was for the poor spring: it either froze completely, covered with large stones, or barely oozed, trying to break through the cracks between them.

When Andrei and Petya went home, Artyom sat down on the grass and suddenly noticed that large dragonflies with transparent shiny wings and bright butterflies were flocking to him from all sides.

What's wrong with them? - thought the boy. - What do they want?

Butterflies and dragonflies began to dance around Artyom. There were more and more insects, they fluttered faster and faster, almost touching the boy’s face with their wings.

Artyom felt dizzy and he closed his eyes tightly. And when he opened them a few moments later, he realized that he was in an unfamiliar place.

Sands spread all around, there was not a bush or tree anywhere, and sultry air poured onto the ground from the pale blue sky. Artyom felt hot and very thirsty. He wandered along the sand in search of water and found himself near a deep ravine.

The ravine seemed familiar to the boy, but the cheerful spring did not gurgle at its bottom. The bird cherry and willow dried up, the slope of the ravine, like deep wrinkles, was cut by landslides, because the roots of grass and trees no longer held the soil together. No bird voices were heard, no dragonflies, bumblebees, or butterflies were visible.

Where did the spring go? What happened to the ravine? - thought Artyom.

Suddenly, through his sleep, the boy heard his grandfather’s alarmed voice:

Artyomka! Where are you?

I'm here, grandpa! - the boy responded. - I had such a terrible dream! - And Artyom told his grandfather about everything.

The grandfather listened carefully to his grandson and suggested:

Well, if you don’t want what you dreamed about to happen, let’s go clean the spring of debris.

Grandfather and Artyom opened the way for the spring, and it began to gurgle cheerfully again, sparkle in the sun with transparent streams and began to generously water everyone: people, animals, birds, trees, and grass.

Why is the earth's dress green?

What's the greenest thing on earth? — a little girl once asked her mother.

“Grass and trees, daughter,” mother answered.

- Why did they choose green and not some other color?

This time my mother thought for a moment and then said:

— The Creator asked the sorceress Nature to sew a dress in the color of faith and hope for his beloved Earth, and Nature gave the Earth a green dress. Since then, a green carpet of fragrant herbs, plants and trees gives birth to hope and faith in a person’s heart, making it purer.

- But by autumn the grass dries out and the leaves fall off.

Mom thought again for a long time, and then asked:

“Did you sleep sweetly in your soft bed today, daughter?”

The girl looked at her mother in surprise:

“I slept well, but what does my bed have to do with it?”

- Flowers and herbs sleep in the fields and forests under a soft fluffy blanket just as sweetly as you do in your crib. Trees rest to gain new strength and delight the hearts of people with new hopes. And so that we don’t forget during the long winter that the Earth has a green dress, and don’t lose our hopes, the Christmas tree and the pine tree are our joy and turn green in winter.

How a starling chose his home

The children made birdhouses and hung them in the old park. In the spring, the starlings arrived and were delighted - people had given them excellent apartments. Soon, a large and friendly family of starlings lived in one of the birdhouses. Dad, mom and four kids. Caring parents flew around the park all day long, catching caterpillars and midges and bringing them to their voracious children. And the curious starlings took turns peeking out of the round window and looking around in surprise. An extraordinary, alluring world opened up to them. The spring breeze rustled the green leaves of birch and maple trees and swayed the white caps of lush inflorescences of viburnum and rowan.

When the chicks grew up and fledged, their parents began to teach them to fly. The three little birdlings turned out to be brave and capable. They quickly mastered the science of aeronautics. The fourth did not dare to get out of the house.

The starling mother decided to lure the baby out with cunning. She brought a large, delicious caterpillar and showed the delicacy to the little bird. The chick reached for a treat, and the mother moved away from him. Then the hungry son, clinging to the window with his paws, leaned out, could not resist and began to fall. He squeaked in fear, but suddenly his wings opened, and the baby, making a circle, landed on his paws. Mom immediately flew up to her son and rewarded him for his courage with a tasty caterpillar.

And everything would be fine, but just at that time the boy Ilyusha appeared on the path with his four-legged pet - the spaniel Garik.

The dog noticed a chick on the ground, barked, ran up to the birdling and touched it with his paw. Ilyusha screamed loudly, rushed to Garik and took him by the collar. The chick froze and closed his eyes in fear.

What to do? - thought the boy. - We need to help the chick somehow!

Ilyusha took the little bird in his arms and carried it home. At home, dad carefully examined the chick and said:

The baby's wing is damaged. Now we need to treat the squirrel. I warned you, son, not to take Garik with you to the park in the spring.

Several weeks passed and the little bird, who was named Gosha, recovered and got used to people.

He lived in the house all year, and the following spring people released Gosha into the wild. The starling sat on a branch and looked around.

Where will I live now? - he thought. - I’ll fly into the forest and find a suitable house for myself.

In the forest, the starling noticed two cheerful finches who were carrying twigs and dry blades of grass in their beaks and were making a nest for themselves.

Dear finches! - he turned to the birds. - Can you tell me how I can find a place to live?

If you want, live in our house, and we’ll build a new one for ourselves,” the birds kindly answered.

Gosha thanked the finches and took their nest. But it turned out to be too cramped and uncomfortable for such a large bird as the starling.

No! Your house, unfortunately, does not suit me! - said Gosha, said goodbye to the finches and flew on.

In a pine forest, he saw a smart woodpecker in a colorful vest and a red cap, which was hollowing out a hollow with its strong beak.

Good afternoon, uncle woodpecker! - Gosha turned to him. - Tell me, is there a free house nearby?

How not to be! Eat! - answered the woodpecker. - My past hollow remains on that pine tree. If you like it, you can live in it.

The starling said: “Thank you!” and flew to the pine tree that the woodpecker pointed at. Gosha looked into the hollow and saw that it was already occupied by a friendly pair of tits.

Nothing to do! And the squirrel flew on.

In a swamp near the river, a gray duck offered Gosha her nest, but it did not suit the starling either - after all, starlings do not build nests on the ground.

The day was already approaching evening when Gosha returned to the house where Ilyusha lived and sat down on a branch under the window. The boy noticed the starling, opened the window, and Gosha flew into the room.

“Dad,” Ilyusha called his father. - Our Gosha is back!

If the starling returned, it means he did not find a suitable house in the forest. We'll have to make a birdhouse for Gosha! - said dad.

The next day, Ilyusha and his dad made a beautiful little house with a round window for the starling and tied it to an old tall birch tree.

Gaucher liked the house, he began to live in it and sing loud, cheerful songs in the morning.

Who decorates the earth

A long time ago, our Earth was a deserted and hot celestial body; there was no vegetation, no water, or those beautiful colors that decorate it so much. And then one day God decided to revive the earth, he scattered a countless number of seeds of life all over the earth and asked the Sun to warm them with his warmth and light, and the Water to give them life-giving moisture.

The sun began to warm the Earth and water, but the seeds did not sprout. It turned out that they did not want to grow gray, because only gray monochromatic soil spread around them, and there were no other colors. Then God commanded a multi-colored Rainbow-arc to rise above the earth and decorate it.

Since then, the Rainbow Arc appears every time the sun shines through the rain. She stands above the ground and looks to see if the Earth is beautifully decorated.

Here are clearings in the forest. They look alike, like twin sisters. They are sisters. Everyone has one forest-father, everyone has one mother earth. The Polyana sisters put on colored dresses every spring, show off in them, and ask:

- Am I the whitest in the world?

- All blush?

- Bluer?

The first clearing is all white with daisies.

In the second, sunny meadow, small carnation stars with red sparks in the centers bloomed, and the whole meadow became blush pink. On the third, surrounded by old spruce trees, forget-me-nots bloomed, and the clearing turned blue. The fourth is lilac with bells.

And suddenly Rainbow Arc sees black fire wounds, gray trampled spots, torn holes. Someone tore, burned, and trampled the multi-colored dress of the Earth.

The Rainbow Arc asks the heavenly beauty, the golden sun, the clean rains to help the earth heal its wounds, to sew a new dress for the earth. Then the Sun sends golden smiles to the earth. The sky sends blue smiles to the Earth. The rainbow arc gives the Earth smiles of all colors of joy. And Heavenly Beauty turns all these smiles into flowers and herbs. She walks the Earth and decorates the Earth with flowers.

Multi-colored meadows, meadows and gardens begin to smile at people again. These are the blue smiles of forget-me-nots - for true memory. These are the golden smiles of dandelions - for happiness. Red smiles of carnations are for joy. Lilac smiles of bluebells and meadow geraniums are for love. Every morning the Earth meets people and extends all its smiles to them. Take it people.


In late spring the sun warmed up, and grass began to appear in the clearing. It was green, and its thin leaves stretched towards the sun. Among this grass a small yellow Dandelion was born. He was so tiny that he could barely be distinguished among the grass. And he looked like the sun - the same yellow and with the same rays. One day a bee flew into a clearing and, noticing a Dandelion, landed on it.
“Oh,” said Dandelion, “why are you sitting on me?” I am so small and fragile, and my leg is very thin and can break.
“No,” said the bee, “your thin leg will not break, it is just designed to hold you and me.” After all, a bee must sit on every flower.
“Why do you need to sit on me, I’m small, and look how much space there is around,” Dandelion was surprised. “I’m just growing and enjoying the sun and don’t want anyone to bother me.”
“Silly,” the bee said affectionately, “listen to what I tell you.” Every spring, after a long winter, flowers bloom; and we, the bees, fly from flower to flower to collect juicy, tasty nectar. Then we take this nectar to our hive, where honey is made from the nectar.
“Now I understand everything,” said Dandelion, “thank you for explaining this to me, now I will tell about this to all the Dandelions that will appear in this clearing.”
Clouds are helpers
Merry Cloud, once floating over a vegetable garden where cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, onions, dill and potatoes grew, noticed that the vegetables were very sad. Their tops drooped, and their roots became completely dry.
- What happened to you? - she asked anxiously.
The sad vegetables replied that they withered and stopped growing because there had been no rain for a long time, which they so needed.
- Maybe I can help you? - Cloud asked boldly.
“You’re still so small,” answered the large pumpkin, which was considered the main one in the garden. If only a huge cloud would fly in, thunder and heavy rain would pour down,” she said thoughtfully.
“I’ll gather my girlfriends and help the vegetables,” the cloud decided, flying away.
She flew to Veterok and asked him to blow hard to collect all the small clouds into one big one and help the rain to fall. Crazy Breeze happily helped, and by evening the big cloud swelled stronger and stronger, and finally burst. Cheerful drops of rain poured onto the ground and watered everything around. And the surprised vegetables raised their tops high, as if they did not want to miss a single drop of rain.
- Thank you, Tuchka! And you, Veterok! - the vegetables said in unison. - Now we will definitely grow up and give joy to all people!

Adventures of a leaf

Hello! My name is Leaf! I was born in the spring, when the buds begin to swell and bloom. The scales of my house - the buds - opened, and I saw how beautiful the world is. The sun touched every leaf, every blade of grass with its gentle rays. And they smiled back. Then it began to rain, and my bright green outfit was covered with drops, like multi-colored beads.
How fun and carefree the summer flew by! Birds chirped all day long on the branches of my mother Birch, and at night the warm breeze told me about their travels.
Time flew quickly, and I began to notice that the sun was not shining so brightly and was no longer warm. The wind blew strong and cold. The birds began to prepare for the long journey.
One morning I woke up and saw that my dress had turned yellow. At first I wanted to cry, but Mother Berezka calmed me down. She said that autumn has come, and therefore everything around is changing.
And at night a strong wind tore me from the branch and spun me in the air. By morning the wind died down and I fell to the ground. There were already many other leaves lying here. We were cold. But soon white flakes, like cotton wool, began to fall from the sky. They covered us with a fluffy blanket. I felt warm and calm. I felt myself falling asleep and was in a hurry to say goodbye to you. Goodbye!

“Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with my grandmother...”

(modern ecological fairy tale)
At the edge of the forest, in a bast hut, there lived, as they say, one grandmother. As a child, she did yoga, and that’s why she was nicknamed Yoga. And when she grew old, they began to call her Baba Yoga, and those who did not know her before simply called her Baba Yaga.
And so her life turned out that she had neither children nor grandchildren, but only a small gray goat. Grandma Yaga spent all her natural kindness on him - she spoiled him, in a word. Either he will bring the most delicious cabbage from the garden, then he will bring the best carrots, or even he will let a kid goat into the garden - eat, they say, dear, whatever your heart desires.
They went on year after year. And, of course, as always happens with those who are pampered, our little gray goat turned into a big gray goat. And since he never learned to work, he was as useless as a milk goat. I lay on the sofa all day, ate cabbage, and listened to rap. Yes, he was so addicted to this turnip that it’s impossible to say in a fairy tale or describe with a pen. And then he began to compose himself: he lies and screams at the top of his goat throat:
- I am a gray goat, I am a thunderstorm in vegetable gardens,
A lot of people respect me.
And if someone throws a stone at me,
Then after that he is fully responsible for the goat.
To tell the truth, no one threw a stone at him - who wants to mess with such a goat. He came up with it this way, for rhyme and for his own courage. And then he believed it himself. And our goat became so brave that he wanted to go for a walk in the forest - to see the animals, and to show off himself, so cool.
Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. Our goat took a long time to get ready: either the outfit didn’t suit him, it wasn’t fashionable, they say, or he wasn’t in the mood. Grandmother Yaga was completely off her feet, looking for super-fashionable new things for her beloved goat:
“I’m tired, poor thing, but there’s nothing you can do here - as they say: “love is evil, you’ll love a goat.”
But finally, I got it together. Spring has already arrived. He walks through the forest, yelling his praises, and then who do you think comes out to meet him? Well, of course, a wolf. By the way, please note, it’s also gray. He walks and sings his song:
- There are no adversities in my life,
There is no twist in it,
I've been studying for a whole year
Pistils, stamens.
La la la la. La-la-la.
Pistils, poke-butts!
Suddenly the wolf saw the goat and froze in place. From enormous indignation. And our goat stands there, neither alive nor dead from fear - it’s no joke, for the first time I met a real wolf face to face. He even dropped his baseball cap with metal horns. He instantly forgot all his rapping, he’s shaking all over, all he can say is:
- Be-e-e-yes!
“What are you doing?” the wolf growls at him, “why did you come here, I ask you?!” May you never set foot here again!
- I, uh, I didn’t know...
- Take your foot off, how many times do I have to tell you!
- I won’t do this anymore.
- Take your foot off! Otherwise I’ll hurt you now!
- What did I do? What the hell, it’s the goat’s fault! By the way, I am not your scapegoat.
- What did you do? But you can’t see it yourself, you’re a hornless goat! I almost stepped on a flower. This is a snowdrop - a primrose. They are now only left in this clearing - everyone else like you has been trampled.
The goat looked at his feet - and it was true: wonderful, delicate flowers were growing in the clearing. And his hooves have several at once. And they are marvelously, indescribably beautiful. He stands and is afraid to move - his shoes are also metal, heavy and clumsy.
Meanwhile, the wolf approached our goat, so that not a single flower was touched, grabbed the goat and... moved it to another, safe place. As soon as the wolf lowered him to the ground, like a goat from the joy of being saved, he gave such a rush that only the wind whistled behind his ears.
And what remained of him was a baseball cap with horns and newfangled boots. The wolf put them in the botanical museum so that everyone would look, but they themselves would not become such goats.
And since then the goat has never set foot in the forest, abandoned the turnips, and began to read smart books about nature in order to be able to distinguish rare flowers from ordinary ones. Who knows, maybe he’ll even become a human!
This is where the fairy tale ends, whoever understood everything is well done,
Well, don’t be a little goat, take care of the spring forest.


Once upon a time there was a beauty Autumn. She loved to dress up trees in red, yellow, and orange outfits. She loved to listen to the fallen leaves rustling under her feet, she loved when people came to visit her in the forest for mushrooms, for vegetables in the garden, for fruit in the garden.
But it became more and more sad Autumn. She knew that her sister Winter would soon come, cover everything with snow, bind the rivers with ice, strike with severe frost: So she gathered Autumn all animals - birds, fish, insects - and ordered bears, hedgehogs, badgers to hide in warm dens and holes; change the fur coats of hares and squirrels to warm, inconspicuous ones; birds - those who are afraid of cold and hunger - fly to warmer climes, and fish, frogs and other aquatic inhabitants bury themselves deeper in the sand and silt and sleep there until spring.
Everyone obeyed Autumn. And when the clouds thickened, the snow began to fall, the wind rose and the frost began to get stronger, it was no longer scary, because everyone was ready for winter.

Tatiana Filatova
Ecological tales for preschoolers


fairy tale

"Wonderful clearing"

Once upon a time in three friends in a fairy forest: the little bunny Ushastik, the little squirrel Ryzhik, and the little fox Sly. They decided to have a picnic in the most beautiful clearing in the forest.

Early in the morning, the friends took everything they needed and walked through the forest in search of a beautiful sunny clearing. But as soon as friends went out to some sunny place, it was sure to be littered with all kinds of garbage.

Friends were very upset. They decided to find out who did all this. Ryzhik shouted: "I can guess who could have done this". Ushastik said: “We need to check everything and make sure our suspicions are true.”. little fox offered: “Let’s split up, explore the forest, find the suspects.”

In addition to forest animals, there lived in the forest fairy-tale heroes : in the depths of the forest - Leshy, at the edge - Baba Yaga, near the ravine - Koschey. They were great hooligans. The goblin considered himself the master and did whatever he wanted. Baba Yaga threatened to poison everyone or turn them into frogs. And Koschey was friends only with his dragon, he loved everything shiny and precious. Every summer all residents fairy forest arranged"Holiday fairy tales» , where they shared their successes in good deeds. So the hooligans decided to put things in order and boast about the cleanliness of their homes, and threw all the garbage into the forest.

The friends went to different sides of the forest, and designated the central clearing as the meeting place. An hour later, Ushastik had already reached Leshy’s house. The goblin continued to put things in order in his home, and various pieces of paper, bags and old rags flew out of the window. Ushastik shouted at window: “Is it possible to throw garbage around?

throughout the forest? I heard an angry response answer: “I am the owner where I want and I leave it. The main thing is cleanliness at home!” The sad little bunny went back.

At this time, Ryzhik climbed through the trees to Baba Yaga’s hut. She was also preparing for holiday: I was throwing out rotten century-old furniture from the hut and decided to buy new, modern furniture in the city. Ryzhik carefully approached the hut and made his grandmother comment: “Grandma, could you put the debris in one pile and not scatter them all over the forest?” Baba Yaga did not even expect this from a small animal. She grabbed her shovel and almost caught the baby squirrel. Ryzhik barely managed to escape through the tall trees.

The sly man, traveling through the forest, reached a steep ravine where Koschey lived with his dragon. Those near the lair had various pieces of broken glass lying around. The little fox did not even dare to come close to the den. But now he knew who had scattered the bottles and flasks throughout the forest.

Three friends met in the central clearing. They told to each other about what they saw. little fox offered: “Let’s invite these hooligans to have a picnic with us in this very littered clearing. Let them understand what they have done." Friends agreed.

They asked the magpie to take invitations to the hooligans.

While they walked to the central clearing, they constantly came across heaps of garbage. The goblin slipped on the bags. Koschey began to climb over a pile of broken furniture, and he almost fell asleep. Baba Yaga even injured her leg on a broken bottle when she began to land on a broom. They even thought that they would never reach the central clearing. Finally they arrived, but they were not very happy about it. Ryzhik, Ushastik and Sly were waiting for guests, but they did not cover the tablecloth.

Leshy got very angry: “The owner has arrived! Why isn’t the table ready!” Koschey shouted: “We walked, we were tired, we were hungry, and you didn’t greet us properly. Where’s the treat!” Sly answered: “Where can we lay out the tablecloth if there is rubbish everywhere, which, by the way, you scattered.” And Ryzhik added: “Well, of course, we can set the table right on the garbage.”... Ushastik said: “Just think, let’s sit on glass pieces”

Then the hooligans realized what they had done, and they began to ask their friends for forgiveness. Sly answered: “You asked for forgiveness - that’s very good, but you need to correct your mistakes.” Baba Yaga quickly swept the papers and packages into piles with her magic broom, Leshy and his forest assistants collected all the broken furniture. And Koschey and his dragon collected all the broken glass throughout the forest and transported it to the glass factory for processing.

After such work, everyone together lit a fire under the night sky, sang and had fun until the morning. And in the morning they invited all the forest inhabitants to a wonderful clean clearing for a holiday fairy tales.

Are all the clearings in your forest clean? Who cares about their beauty?


fairy tale

"Quackie the Defender".

Near the house with a pink roof there was a large strawberry patch. Beautiful ones flew above her colorful butterflies, hardworking bees. Sometimes caterpillars and slugs appeared, with which a frog named Quackie fought. No one wants to be friends with him. Nobody played with him. Everyone insulted him and teased: “You’re disgusting and disgusting, covered in warts and mucus.”. Even the owner of the strawberry patch constantly chased him, thinking that he was eating the berries. Kwaki had to constantly hide under the leaves of the strawberry bushes and quietly be sad.

One day, after another fight with slugs, the butterflies began to tease again Quacks: “Quacks, Quacks are Zamaraki. He eats slugs and caterpillars, but he himself is just as slippery and disgusting.” Bees only added: "Lazy person. He doesn’t do anything except lie under the bushes and rest.” Kwaki couldn't stand it. And he left the strawberry patch into the depths of the garden, into the thickets of nettles. Butterflies and bees did not fly there. And in the depths of the nettles it was quiet and damp.

Slugs and caterpillars from neighboring gardens, who knew the brave Quake, found out about this, and joyfully crawled to the bed with fragrant strawberries. They began to eat the berries. Many half-eaten berries were dropped on the ground. The fallen berries began to deteriorate. Midges and mosquitoes began to flock to the putrid smell. And the owner of the garden could not understand why this was happening. In addition, the beetles ate the strawberry flowers. Whole flocks of caterpillars gnawed leaves. Only now the butterflies and bees realized who they had offended, that the frog was protecting the strawberry patch.

The butterflies found Kwaki in the thickets of nettles in the depths of the garden, and together with the bees they asked him for forgiveness. The little frog returned to the strawberry patch. After a great battle, the slugs, caterpillars and beetles left the strawberries. Even the owner of the strawberry patch, when she noticed Quaki, did not chase him away. Now the hostess knew how necessary the frog had become for strawberries.

And you understand!


fairy tale

"Two birch trees"

Once upon a time there lived two girlfriends, young birch trees, in a city park. One grew near the alley, the other a little to the side, in the depths of the park. The one that stood near the alley always boasted: “I’m in everyone’s sight! Everyone admires me! Everyone cares about me! In winter they even clear the snow around me! And you, my friend, are always on the outskirts, getting stuck in the snowdrifts! The other birch, of course, was offended to hear such words from her friend, but she could not do anything about it.

Every morning a group of guys cleaned up the park: collected garbage, raked leaves in the fall. But then winter came, and the guys cleared the paths in the park. They tried to clear the paths as wide as possible. Even those trees that stood along the alley were cleared of snow. The birch tree standing near the path was very proud of this.

The winter frosts were getting stronger. One morning, a birch tree from the depths of the park noticed that her friend was standing sad, bending almost to the ground. Then she asked her proud girlfriend: “What happened to you, girlfriend? Why aren’t you happy about a clear frosty day?” That to her answered: “I was very cold. My roots don't feel the earth"- and bent even lower over the cleared path. The young birch tree felt sorry for her friend, she began to think about what to do. And the light silvery and fluffy snow fell and fell. And then the birch tree standing in the depths of the park noticed that the breeze was blowing small snowdrifts out of this fluffy snow.

She straightened up, raised her thin branches and shouted to the trees in park: “Dear friends, raise your mighty branches, wave them so that the wind rises. Our wind will blow snow on my little friend.”

At this very time, guys with shovels were walking through the park. The guys saw a bent birch tree and decided to strengthen its trunk with snow. They quickly covered the weak birch tree with snow up to the middle of the trunk. Within a day, the birch tree became cheerful, straightened up and chatted cheerfully with its friend about the coming spring.

When the guys saw the rescued birch tree, they realized what had happened to it. And you?

Ecological fairy tales are intended for children of any age, but they are often studied in high school. They are designed for easier game perception of important global problems environment. An ecological fairy tale about a glacier that is melting, about an endangered animal species or trees being cut down helps to understand the problems not only on an intellectual level. Similar view studying the material makes it possible to feel the problem and join in its study. Ecological tales are also great for helping teachers understand students' level of awareness of local and global issues.

Ecological fairy tales for preschoolers

It is also extremely important to involve preschoolers in the problem already early years. This way, the little ones will understand that trash needs to be thrown away. garbage bins, not on the sidewalk. It is better to plant flowers rather than pick them from flower beds. It is important to plant trees and protect nature.

Ecological tale about a drop

Once upon a time there lived a drop of water that was friends with other drops. They walked constantly, but very slowly. We were never in a hurry. But then the drops were poured into a teapot and put on the stove. Their life quickly changed; because of the heat, the drops began to fuss and rush from side to side. Soon their bodies even changed and they became very light, turning into steam.
The drop felt that in its new state it seemed to have wings. They gave her the opportunity to break away from her other friends and take off. Drop was a little sad to say goodbye to her friends. But on the other hand, it was much more interesting to learn new things and see the world from above. The drop rose high to the heavens. There she found a new one beautiful house, which was called a cloud. She really liked it in heaven. Sometimes planes flew nearby, sometimes the wind blew strongly and she flew quickly. Sometimes she hung over one place for a long time and had time to look at everything. Fields, forests, seas, cities, roads. Everything from above seemed small and beautiful. One day the wind brought a drop to many other drops and the cloud became very crowded. Lightning and thunder even appeared somewhere nearby.
Finally, the cloud could not stand it and broke, the drop felt so heavy that gravity again gained power over it. She began to fly down. She fell to the ground and penetrated deep under it. And there he met the root of a flower and satisfied him, because he was very thirsty.

You can come up with a scenario for an ecological fairy tale yourself. To do this, you need to select the main topics of the subject being studied and figure out which of them the child liked the most. Together you can come up with a hero, a problem, a search for a solution to the problem, and a conclusion in which good will triumph over evil.

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