White birch under my window, tell me. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. "Birch

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
sprinkles branches
New silver.

It is not for nothing that the poet Sergei Yesenin is called the singer of Russia, since the image of the motherland is the key in his work. Even in those works that describe the mysterious eastern countries, the author always draws a parallel between the overseas beauties and the quiet, silent charm of his native expanses.

The poem "Birch" was written by Sergei Yesenin in 1913, when the poet was barely 18 years old.

Sergei Yesenin, 18 years old, 1913

At this time, he was already living in Moscow, which impressed him with its scale and unimaginable bustle. However, in the work of the poet remained faithful native village Konstantinovo and, dedicating a poem to an ordinary birch, as if mentally returning home to an old rickety hut.

The house where S. A. Yesenin was born. Konstantinovo

It would seem that you can tell about an ordinary tree that grows under your window? However, it is with the birch that Sergei Yesenin has the most vivid and exciting childhood memories. Watching how it changes during the year, either shedding withered foliage, or dressing in a new green outfit, the poet was convinced that it was the birch that is an integral symbol of Russia, worthy of being immortalized in poetry.

The image of a birch in the poem of the same name, which is filled with slight sadness and tenderness, is written out with special grace and skill. Her winter outfit, woven from fluffy snow, is compared by the author with silver, which burns and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow in the morning dawn. The epithets with which Sergei Yesenin awards birch are amazing in their beauty and sophistication. Its branches remind him of tassels of snowy fringe, and the “sleepy silence” that envelops a snow-covered tree gives it a special look, beauty and grandeur.

Why did Sergei Yesenin choose the image of a birch for his poem? There are several answers to this question. Some researchers of his life and work are convinced that the poet was a pagan in his soul, and for him the birch was a symbol of spiritual purity and rebirth.

Sergei Yesenin at the birch. Photo - 1918

Therefore, in one of the most difficult periods of his life, cut off from his native village, where for Yesenin everything was close, simple and understandable, the poet is looking for a foothold in his memories, imagining what his favorite looks like now, covered with a snow blanket. In addition, the author draws a subtle parallel, endowing the birch with the features of a young woman who is not alien to coquetry and love for exquisite outfits. There is nothing surprising in this either, since in Russian folklore birch, like willow, has always been considered a “female” tree. However, if people have always associated willow with grief and suffering, for which it got its name “weeping”, then birch is a symbol of joy, harmony and consolation. Knowing Russian folklore perfectly, Sergei Yesenin remembered folk parables that if you approach a birch tree and tell it about your experiences, then your soul will certainly feel lighter and warmer. Thus, in an ordinary birch, several images were combined at once - the Motherland, the girl, the mother - which are close and understandable to any Russian person. Therefore, it is not surprising that the simple and unpretentious poem "Birch", in which Yesenin's talent is not yet fully manifested, evokes a wide range of feelings, from admiration to slight sadness and melancholy. After all, each reader has his own image of a birch, and it is to him that he “tryes on” the lines of this poem, exciting and light, like silver snowflakes.

However, the author's memories of his native village cause melancholy, as he understands that he will not return to Konstantinovo soon. Therefore, the poem "Birch" can rightly be considered a kind of farewell not only to his native home, but also to childhood, which is not particularly joyful and happy, but, nevertheless, is one of the poet's best periods his life.

Analysis of Yesenin's poem "Birch"
It is not for nothing that the poet Sergei Yesenin is called the singer of Russia, since the image of the motherland is the key in his work. Even in those works that describe the mysterious eastern countries, the author always draws a parallel between the overseas beauties and the quiet, silent charm of his native expanses.

The poem "Birch" was written by Sergei Yesenin in 1913, when the poet was barely 18 years old. At this time, he was already living in Moscow, which impressed him with its scale and unimaginable bustle. However, in his work, the poet remained faithful to his native village of Konstantinovo and, dedicating a poem to an ordinary birch, seemed to be mentally returning home to an old rickety hut.

It would seem that you can tell about an ordinary tree that grows under your window? However, it is with the birch that Sergei Yesenin has the most vivid and exciting childhood memories. Watching how it changes during the year, either shedding withered foliage, or dressing in a new green outfit, the poet was convinced that it was the birch that was an integral symbol of Russia, worthy of being immortalized in poetry.

The image of a birch in the poem of the same name, which is filled with slight sadness and tenderness, is written out with special grace and skill. Her winter outfit, woven from fluffy snow, is compared by the author with silver, which burns and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow in the morning dawn. The epithets with which Sergei Yesenin awards birch are amazing in their beauty and sophistication. Its branches remind him of tassels of snowy fringe, and the “sleepy silence” that envelops a snow-covered tree gives it a special look, beauty and grandeur.

Why did Sergei Yesenin choose the image of a birch for his poem? There are several answers to this question. Some researchers of his life and work are convinced that the poet was a pagan in his soul, and for him the birch was a symbol of spiritual purity and rebirth. Therefore, in one of the most difficult periods of his life, cut off from his native village, where for Yesenin everything was close, simple and understandable, the poet is looking for a foothold in his memories, imagining what his favorite looks like now, covered with a snow blanket. In addition, the author draws a subtle parallel, endowing the birch with the features of a young woman who is not alien to coquetry and love for exquisite outfits. There is nothing surprising in this either, since in Russian folklore birch, like willow, has always been considered a “female” tree. However, if people have always associated willow with grief and suffering, for which it got its name “weeping”, then birch is a symbol of joy, harmony and consolation. Knowing Russian folklore perfectly, Sergei Yesenin remembered folk parables that if you approach a birch tree and tell it about your experiences, then your soul will certainly feel lighter and warmer. Thus, in an ordinary birch, several images were combined at once - the Motherland, the girl, the mother - which are close and understandable to any Russian person. Therefore, it is not surprising that the simple and unpretentious poem "Birch", in which Yesenin's talent is not yet fully manifested, evokes a wide range of feelings, from admiration to slight sadness and melancholy. After all, each reader has his own image of a birch, and it is to him that he “tryes on” the lines of this poem, exciting and light, like silvery snowflakes.

However, the author's memories of his native village cause melancholy, as he understands that he will not return to Konstantinovo soon. Therefore, the poem "Birch" can rightfully be considered a kind of farewell not only to his native home, but also to childhood, not particularly joyful and happy, but, nevertheless, being one of the best periods of his life for the poet.


White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
sprinkles branches
New silver.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin is the poetic pride of the Russian people. His work is a living spring that can inspire, make you proud and desire to glorify your homeland.

Even as a child, in the Ryazan province, running through the fields, riding a horse, swimming in the Oka, the future poet realized how beautiful the Russian land was. He loved his land, his country and sang it in his works brightly, colorfully, using various expressive means.

The author developed a special relationship with a birch. This character, sung by Sergei Alexandrovich many times, is shown in various works, in different time year, with different moods and a lyrical hero, and the tree itself. Yesenin literally breathed in the soul, and as if humanized the birch, making it a symbol of Russian nature. Yeseninovskaya birch is a symbol of femininity, grace, playfulness.

The history of the creation of the poem "Birch"

The beautiful and lyrical poetic work "Birch" refers to the poetry of the early period of creativity, when a very young Ryazan guy, who was barely nineteen years old, was just beginning to enter the world of literature. He worked at that time under a pseudonym, so for a long time no one guessed that this delightful work belongs to Sergei Alexandrovich.

Simple in imagery, but very impressive poem "Birch" was written by the poet in 1913, then he was eighteen years old and it belongs to his very first works. It was created at the moment when the young man had already left his native and close to the heart corner, but his thoughts and memories constantly returned to their native places.

The first time "Birch" was published in the popular literary magazine"Mirok". This happened on the eve of the revolutionary upheavals in the country, in 1914. At that time, as yet an unknown poet, he worked under the pseudonym Ariston. So far, these were the first Esenin poems, which would later become the standard for describing Russian nature in poetry.


White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.
And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire
A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

The Power of a Poem

Yesenin's poem "Birch" is an example of skillful and skillful verbal drawing. The birch tree itself has always been a symbol of Russia. This is a Russian value, this is a folklore zest, this is a connection with the past and the future. We can say that the work "Birch" is a lyrical hymn to the beauty and wealth of the entire Russian land.

The main topics that Yesenin describes include the following:

Love theme.
The purity and femininity of this Russian tree.

The birch in the poem is like a Russian beauty: she is just as proud and smart. All its splendor can be seen on a frosty day. After all, around this lovely tree there is a bewitching picturesque picture of Russian nature, which is especially good on frosty days.

For Sergei, birch is a symbol of rebirth. Researchers of Yesenin's creativity claimed that he took his talent and strength for writing his new poetic masterpieces precisely in memories from his childhood. Birch in Russian poetry has always been a symbol of a joyful life, it helped a person not only console himself in difficult and sad days for him, but also allowed him to live in harmony with nature. Of course, the brilliant Russian poet knew oral folk art and remembered folklore parables that when it becomes difficult, difficult or disgusting in the soul, then you just have to go to the birch. And this beautiful and tender tree, having listened to all the experiences of a person, will alleviate his suffering. Only after a conversation with a birch, according to strange legends, a person’s soul becomes warm and light.

Artistic and expressive means

admiring native nature in order to express all his love and admiration for her, Yesenin uses various artistic and expressive means:

★Epithets: golden fire, white birch, snowy border, sleepy silence.
★Metaphors: the birch is covered with snow, the border has blossomed with tassels, the snowflakes are burning in the fire, it goes around lazily, sprinkles the branches.
★ Comparisons: birch covered with snow "just like silver".
★ Personification: “covered up” is a verb that has a reflexive suffix - sya.

Such use of artistic and expressive means makes it possible to emphasize beautiful image birch, its significance for the entire Russian people. The culmination of the whole work is already reached in the third stanza, where each phrase contains some means of expression. But critics of Yesenin's work pay attention to the second line of this poem, which indicates and limits the space of the poet himself. That is why the image of a birch is so close, understandable and dear.

This poem was included in the very first cycle of Yesenin's lyrics, which was written specifically for children and is of an educational nature. This poem encourages and teaches children to love and admire their native nature, to notice its slightest changes and to be a part of this big and beautiful world. Love to native land- this is the main idea of ​​​​this Esenin work, which is deep in content, but small in volume. The division into stanzas in this work violates the usual traditional construction poetic texts, but behind its deep content, the reader does not even notice this. The parallel rhyming makes it easy to read.

The style and syntax of Yesenin's poetic creation is simple, which makes it easy for any reader to understand its content. There is no heap of consonants or vowels in it, there are no phonetic features that would make it difficult to understand this poem. This makes it possible for even children younger age The plot of this poem is clear. The poet uses two-syllable meter for his text. So, the whole text is written in trochaic, which makes it easy to remember.

Analysis of the poem

It is known that pleasant, warm childhood memories are associated with Yesenin's beautiful birch tree. Also in early childhood the little Ryazan boy Seryozha liked to watch how this tree transforms under any weather conditions. He saw this beautiful tree with green leaves that played merrily in the wind. I watched how it was bare, throwing off its autumn outfit, exposing its snow-white trunk. I watched the birch tremble on autumn wind and the last leaves fell to the ground. And with the advent of winter, a dear birch, dressed in a wonderful silver outfit. It is precisely because birch is native and beloved for the Ryazan poet himself, a particle of his land and soul, that he dedicates his poetic creation to it.

Let us dwell in more detail on the image of a birch, which was created by Evenin with such tenderness and love. In the description of this tree, the sadness and sadness of Sergei Alexandrovich himself can be traced. After all, now he is cut off from his native corner, and his wonderful childhood time will not return again. But in the simplest and most unpretentious story about a birch, the skill of the future great poet, whose name will remain forever in the memory of the people, is also shown. With pleasant and special grace, the poetic master describes the outfit of the Russian beauty. The winter birch dress, according to the poet, is woven from snow. But even Sergei Alexandrovich's snow is unusual! It is fluffy, and silver, and iridescent, and multi-colored. The poet repeatedly emphasizes that it burns and shimmers in a special way, as if it contains all the colors of the rainbow, which are now reflected in the morning dawn.

He describes in detail the poetic and pictorial master of the word and the branches of the tree, which supposedly remind him of brushes of fringe, but only it is snowy, sparkling and charming. All the words that the poet chooses to describe are exquisite, and at the same time simple and understandable to everyone.

In a simple poem, Sergei Yesenin combined several poetic images at once: Motherland, mother, girl. He seemed to dress up his birch in women's exclusive clothes and now rejoices in her coquetry. It seems that the poet himself is at the discovery of something new and mysterious in himself, which he has not yet explored, and therefore he associates love for a woman with a beautiful birch. Researchers of Yesenin's work suggest that it was at this time that the poet fell in love for the first time.

Therefore, such a simple and seemingly so naive, at first glance, poem "White Birch" evokes a huge range of very different feelings: from admiration to melancholic sadness. It is clear that each reader of this poem draws his own image of a birch, to which he then addresses the beautiful lines of Yesenin's work. "Birch" is a farewell message to the native places, to the parental home, to childhood, which was so joyful and carefree.

With this poem, Yesenin opened his way to the world of poetry and literature. The path is short, but so bright and talented.

"Birch" Sergei Yesenin

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
sprinkles branches
New silver.

Analysis of Yesenin's poem "Birch"

It is not for nothing that the poet Sergei Yesenin is called the singer of Russia, since the image of the motherland is the key in his work. Even in those works that describe the mysterious eastern countries, the author always draws a parallel between the overseas beauties and the quiet, silent charm of his native expanses.

The poem "Birch" was written by Sergei Yesenin in 1913, when the poet was barely 18 years old. At this time, he was already living in Moscow, which impressed him with its scale and unimaginable bustle. However, in his work, the poet remained faithful to his native village of Konstantinovo and, dedicating a poem to an ordinary birch, seemed to be mentally returning home to an old rickety hut.

It would seem that you can tell about an ordinary tree that grows under your window? However, it is with the birch that Sergei Yesenin has the most vivid and exciting childhood memories. Watching how it changes during the year, either shedding withered foliage, or dressing in a new green outfit, the poet was convinced that it was the birch that is an integral symbol of Russia, worthy of being immortalized in poetry.

The image of a birch in the poem of the same name, which is filled with slight sadness and tenderness, is written out with special grace and skill. Her winter outfit, woven from fluffy snow, is compared by the author with silver, which burns and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow in the morning dawn. The epithets with which Sergei Yesenin awards birch are amazing in their beauty and sophistication. Its branches remind him of tassels of snowy fringe, and the “sleepy silence” that envelops a snow-covered tree gives it a special look, beauty and grandeur.

Why did Sergei Yesenin choose the image of a birch for his poem? There are several answers to this question. Some researchers of his life and work are convinced that the poet was a pagan in his soul, and for him the birch was a symbol of spiritual purity and rebirth. Therefore, in one of the most difficult periods of his life, cut off from his native village, where for Yesenin everything was close, simple and understandable, the poet is looking for a foothold in his memories, imagining what his favorite looks like now, covered with a snow blanket. In addition, the author draws a subtle parallel, endowing the birch with the features of a young woman who is not alien to coquetry and love for exquisite outfits. There is nothing surprising in this either, since in Russian folklore birch, like willow, has always been considered a “female” tree. However, if people have always associated willow with grief and suffering, for which it got its name “weeping”, then birch is a symbol of joy, harmony and consolation. Knowing Russian folklore perfectly, Sergei Yesenin remembered folk parables that if you approach a birch tree and tell it about your experiences, then your soul will certainly feel lighter and warmer. Thus, in an ordinary birch, several images were combined at once - the Motherland, the girl, the mother - which are close and understandable to any Russian person. Therefore, it is not surprising that the simple and unpretentious poem "Birch", in which Yesenin's talent is not yet fully manifested, evokes a wide range of feelings, from admiration to slight sadness and melancholy. After all, each reader has his own image of a birch, and it is to him that he “tryes on” the lines of this poem, exciting and light, like silvery snowflakes.

At the time of writing the poem "White Birch" Sergei Yesenin was only 18 years old, so the lines are filled with romanticism and take us to the episode fairy winter where the poet sees a white birch under the window.

One of the symbols of Russia stands under the window, covered with snow that looks like silver. There is no need for a deep analysis to see the beauty of Yesenin's lines, combined with the simplicity of the rhyme. Yesenin pays tribute to the birch, because this tree has been associated with Russia for many centuries. He is remembered in long road, they rush to him on his return. Unfortunately, mountain ash is more glorified in literature - a symbol of sadness and longing. Sergei Alexandrovich fills this gap.

birch image

In order to understand the lines and feel them, it is necessary to imagine a picture in which, in a frosty winter, a birch tree covered with snow stands under the window. The stove is heated in the house, it is hot, and outside the window is a frosty day. Nature takes pity on the birch and covered it with snow, like silver, which is always associated with purity.

Birch reciprocates, revealing in all its glory:

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

The nobility of nature

The sun casts gold on silver, and there is a frosty silence around, which makes the author of the lines dream. The combination of gold and silver is symbolic, they show the purity and nobility of nature in its original form.

Looking at this picture, one thinks about eternity. What does young Yesenin, who has just moved to Moscow from Konstantinovo, think about? Perhaps his thoughts are occupied by Anna Izryadnova, who in a year will give birth to his child. Perhaps the author dreams of publishing. By the way, it was "Birch" that became Yesenin's first published poem. Published lines in the journal "Mirok" under the pseudonym Ariston. It was "Birch" that opened the way for Yesenin to the pinnacle of poetic glory.

In the last quatrain, the poet shows the eternity of beauty. The dawn, which goes around the earth every day, sprinkles the birch every day with new silver. In winter it is silver, in summer it is rain crystal, but nature does not forget about its children.

The poem "Birch" shows the poet's love for Russian nature and reveals his ability to subtly convey natural beauty in lines. Thanks to such works, we can enjoy the beauty of winter even in the middle of summer and expect the approach of frost with yearning in our hearts.

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
sprinkles branches
New silver.

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