Pull your husband. How to attract a guy? Practical Tips

A lot of women in modern world suffer from loneliness. Unfortunately, the reality is that often the most beautiful and romantic relationships end, leaving behind an extremely negative aftertaste in the soul and sad memories in the head.

Thus, it may turn out that a woman will continue to live with the installation that her heart is broken, she is destined to be lonely, and she will never meet the same man. Everything would be fine, but these thoughts gnaw, the heart demands love, and going through life alone is completely sad and gives little pleasure.

Every woman, at least a little disappointed in a relationship or insecure, must know how to attract a guy. Life is so short, why spend it alone?

How to attract a man into your life?

Attracting love into your life is a painstaking work that must be done first on yourself, and then on your lifestyle.

First you need to understand the state of self-esteem and life position.

A woman who wants to be loved good man, must love yourself.

For some, this is quite simple, but many may find the role of the “eternal winner” quite difficult. An insecure lady may well repel a man who pays attention to her.

Girls who love themselves, take care of themselves and achieve what they want worthy of admiration of the strong half of humanity.

At the same time, they still need to have time to be weak, fragile and very feminine in order to arouse in men a desire to take care and protect. Consequently, being the woman who will certainly meet a soul mate who is as close to the ideal as possible is quite difficult, since you need to constantly work on yourself and not let even a drop of negativity into your life. Should try to think only positive, because thoughts are material and only positive and will be attracted by positive energy.

Be sure to remain confident that right person is somewhere nearby, that one day he will appear, and it will be very soon. The main thing is to have time to prepare yourself and your attitude to life in time, then it will not be difficult to attract a guy to yourself. Do not forget that once communication has already begun, you should not the following things:

  • reminisce about past relationships
  • compare a new acquaintance with former lovers;
  • whine to him about life's failures and his shortcomings;
  • ask for a compliment with phrases like “Oh, how fat I am”;
  • behave in an absolutely unfeminine manner;
  • expect from a potential chosen one that he will turn out to be the most gentle and caring in the world, ideal.

How to attract a guy to you with the help of Feng Shui

First of all, organize your personal space. Everything that reminds of past disappointments should be excluded. These can be gifts from former passions or other things that are associated with them.

Each of these items has a special energy that can prevent you from attracting a new loved one, therefore, no matter how beautiful they are, you need to get rid of them. Also, you should not keep in a conspicuous place any images of sad girls, like your own. own photos radiating pessimism. All this can block love energy.

The wall opposite the bed should be decorated with a picture that will delight and charge every morning. positive attitude for the day to come.

It will have a very positive effect on attracting love into life. advantage of yellow, peach and pink shades in the interior, as well as the absence of objects with sharp corners.

The presence of a kind of “corner of love” is obligatory in the house, in which cute and romantic items such as souvenirs, glasses, hearts, candles, etc. will be located.

Quite often, happy married couples began to form, whose acquaintance took place on the Internet. In the modern world, you can attract a guy to yourself in social network. You should learn some tricks to fall in love with him from the first correspondence.

For example, you can’t talk too much about yourself, you should ask him about interests, hobbies ...

It is very important for a man to be interested in him, and also for a woman to respect what he likes and what he likes to do. You should unobtrusively support him in love for something, perhaps even hint that you could sometimes do it together.

In fact, it is much easier to please during correspondence, because you can hide your excitement and not lower your eyes, embarrassed by his interested look. In addition, there is a little time to think about what speech phrase to use, in real life this is sometimes very lacking, but you really want to interest the interlocutor with your chic vocabulary and erudition. By the way, men experience deep sympathy for the well-read and smart ladies, but you should not compete with them and prove your superiority in mind or anything else.

Try not to rush to write an answer at the same second, men like a short agonizing wait. No wonder they say that girls tend to be late! If you have been corresponding for some time, for example, for several days, you can even disappear for a day or a couple of days, let him miss your messages.

Other very important rule- it is necessary to monitor the absence grammatical errors.

Let him know that he is talking with a literate woman, for whom he will not be ashamed.

Some especially cunning ladies use magic conspiracies in order to easily and quickly attract a guy. If it doesn’t work anymore, then this method can also be effective.

On the Internet you can find a large number of various conspiracies, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with them, after all magic is serious business.

For example, you can try the following method, which requires a ring with a real ruby. This ritual is extremely effective, with its help you can bring into your life enviable groom. At night, you should put three lit candles from the church on the windowsill, pick up a ring and speak a spell:

“Let the good fellows gather for the bright holiday, for the feast of Christ, let them stretch from all sides to my house. As they look on the Great Feast at the sacred crosses, and at the beautiful domes, and at the bright face of the Virgin, so they will look at the servant of God (name of the performer), they will look, but they will not be able to tear themselves away. I will seem to them more beautiful than the red sun, purer than white silver. May my words be strong, how strong is my will, may they be indestructible forever and ever. I’ll throw the key into the water, no one will find it, the conspiracy will not take it away. Let it be so. Amen".

Then wrap the ring in a red cloth and put it in a bag or pocket, no one should see or touch it, otherwise it will lose its power. This talisman will attract a man into your life.

Thus, it turns out that you can attract love, or rather, a loved one, into your life in many ways. The main thing is to remember that for this you need to try, believe in yourself and in the best, and also be sure that there is a readiness to create a family.

Video: How to attract the attention of a man?

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First you need to decide what kind of man you are attracted to? If you attract all men indiscriminately, you will only create the image of a promiscuous woman and turn away all men, and all girlfriends, from you.

First, decide what kind of man you like. What are the features in male image You welcome, and which ones you will never put up with?

So, the person you are interested in is on the horizon ...

You can use special techniques and models that attract men and arouse their sexual interest.

First, it is very important to learn the language of the eyes. The “heart” of the eye is the pupil, which, like a real heart, can tell a lot about a person, about what is going on in his soul. Being in a depressed, gloomy, indifferent state, the pupils of a person are constricted. And vice versa, joy, excitement, erotic interest, of course, is accompanied by dilated pupils.

So, what is needed in order to attract the attention of a man you need ...

1. How to attract a man? - Stand out from the crowd

Today's youth see it differently. Nose rings ripped jeans, too bright makeup, piercings in all places where possible ... Yes, of course, he will definitely pay attention to you, but he will immediately forget. So the first thing men like about opposite field is femininity.

The timbre of the voice, the light gait, the sweet expression on the face, the beautiful clothes… Everything in your image should be feminine.

As many dresses, skirts, sundresses, handkerchiefs, and all sorts of other cute women's trinkets as possible.

Women who choose a masculine, sporty type of clothing are less attracted to men, because their outward appearance reminds them of themselves. The image of such a woman speaks for itself: “I can handle my problems myself, I don’t need anyone’s help.” And, on the contrary, a woman in a skirt, in heeled shoes, just asks for help from the strong half of humanity.

2. How to attract a man? - Love yourself and know your worth

They say correctly: “If you don’t love yourself, so what do you want from others?”. A woman who is self-confident, who knows her own worth, always attracts men. After all, they are natural conquerors. A man must believe that this woman is something special, and only she herself can prove it.

The opinion that men love thin women with large breasts is not correct. Yes, for many of them breasts are a symbol of female sexuality. Although, others, on the contrary, are attracted to cute fat women with sloping hips.

“There is a merchant for any product,” says an old proverb. This is true. the main task- Present yourself correctly.

3. How to attract a man? - be yourself

Do not deceive yourself and others. If you are timid, be so; if you are a leader by nature, do not hide it. A man will feel a lie, and even on a subconscious level, this will push him away from you. By creating an implausible image for yourself, you can attract a man who will take you not for the one you are. And this may not end well.

4. How to attract a man? - Be happy and live in harmony with the world

If you are constantly dissatisfied with something, “biting” yourself and others, You are unlikely to attract a man into your world. A happy woman subconsciously "promises" a man to be happy too. And who will refuse this?

5. How to attract a man? - Smile!

The best way to show your interest is a smile. Present it to the man whose attention you want to attract. In return, you will certainly get his smile. Believe me, this is a small, but a victory! Having met his gaze, briefly look away, and after a while look at him again - your gaze, most likely, will already be waiting.

Be loved, love yourself, and in your life, for sure, there will be the one who will make your life even happier and fill it with meaning.

Surely every girl sometimes thinks about how to attract a guy to her. Simple Tips described in this article will help you with this.

How to attract a guy? Define "your" type

All actions should begin with a clear goal setting. What exactly do you want? What kind of relationship? What guy? Imagine his image, character, behavior. So, you can easily calculate "your" type in the future and not be distracted by those who are not to your taste.

Make a list. In the 1st column, enter the qualities that your potential lover must have. In the 2nd - those that you would like to see in it. And in the 3rd, indicate the qualities that you will not tolerate in any case. Constantly check your list.

How to attract a guy? Become confident

If you are internally clamped, feel it and bypass you. Try to find something wonderful, special in yourself. Love yourself, love your body. Then others will start to notice and love you. Think positive! Look for joy in every moment of life!

How to attract a guy? Take action!

If you just sit at home and sob about failed love, it will not change anything. Think about where guys like you might hang out. It makes no sense to look for a connoisseur of high art at a rock party. It is no less futile to spend evenings in a diner waiting for a wealthy gentleman.

But do not visit those places that you are uninteresting and unpleasant. Do not look for your destiny on hockey if you fall asleep from boredom there. Do things you love. It is much more pleasant to meet a like-minded person.

How to attract a guy? Look 100%

Who knows where and when exactly your fate lies in wait for you? Maybe you will meet Him around the corner of the store. But he can also pass by if you are in stretched sportswear and with a "hayloft" on your head.

Try to always support good mood and neat appearance. Dress tastefully. You don't have to make something of yourself that you are not. Don't transform into a vamp if it's not for you. They meet something by clothes, but live with a person. You will quickly get tired of playing any role. And you want to be yourself. But your chosen one may not approve of this. After all, he met someone else.

Therefore, dress with taste and according to the situation. For example, you should not even wear the most beautiful evening dress or wear it to a picnic. Or come to a reputable institution in a tracksuit. Your appearance should always be in place.

First of all, think about the cause of your discord. Look at everything from the side. Don't put all the blame on him or yourself. In a breakup, both are always to blame. Think about whether you really want to be together? How can you avoid similar mistakes in the future? Are you ready to change? If so, then it's worth taking action.

Get yourself in order. Look at the world positively and do not cling to Him. Just offer to talk quietly and discuss further options. Try to understand each other - do not load with claims. The main thing in such a conversation is sincerity and goodwill.

It turns out that just by owning the power of thought and correctly directing it, we can attract the man we like literally like a magnet. There are other tricks… Having learned about them from modern psychological literature, I rushed into battle and began to use magical methods on strangers. What happened?

Method number 1. The power of thought

I am reading.“Imagine that you are having sex with someone you like. by a stranger. See, he will immediately pay attention to you!

I apply. I am sitting in a bathhouse at my fitness center, women in swimsuits are lying around in careless poses. Through the glass I see that a man has entered the spa area. I act at a distance of ten meters, sending the thought: “Come here, here, my sweet!” I mentally take off the remnants of his clothes ... And you won’t believe it, the young man, like a zombie, comes to the door and enters the women’s department. All the ladies, as if on cue, take more picturesque poses, and the man mutters embarrassedly: “Don't worry! I still can't see anything without glasses!

Result. Works! Just think carefully before using such a bold method. And then suddenly the heated object will not get rid of you.

Method #2. The power of the gaze

I am reading.“If you like him, try to keep your eyes on him as often as possible, while mentally sending him love ...”

I apply. Monday. Nine am. Metro. Around are gloomy, dissatisfied faces that are perceived as a gray background. I choose with my eyes a more or less handsome man dressed in a suit. I look at him with interest. He immediately looks up and looks at me half-hostilely. I'm smiling. He begins to fidget and secretly examines himself: is everything all right with the suit? Then his iPhone rings, and he, turning away from me, begins a long, tedious conversation ...

Result. 50 to 50. It seems to me that an interested look should be answered by someone who, like you, is in search. Otherwise, for some reason, the person immediately begins to think that something is wrong with him.

Method number 3. The power of touch

I am reading.“Try to touch a stranger as often as possible! Tactile contact will bring you closer, your excitement will be transferred to him ... "

I apply. Being in the theater, I choose a “victim” for myself - a beautifully aging man, on whose face it is written: “I am noble!” I approach and boldly touch his hand. And I ask if he knows how to get to the buffet. The man is not even surprised by my onslaught, he listens favorably to everything I say, and he himself offers to take me to the buffet.

Result. Touch works! But only if the stranger is, in principle, receptive to tactile contact and uses it himself. There are people for whom a kiss on the cheek is already pornography. But, fortunately, among men there are few! So if you like it, go for it!


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Absolutely any woman or girl wants to see next to her worthy man. Some easily manage to find a faithful and loving half, attract the attention of many men, while others should learn how to attract a man to themselves. This is easy to do, knowing a few secrets.

How to behave to attract men

First of all, be yourself. Behave naturally and naturally, never pretend to be someone you are not. After all, sooner or later the truth will be revealed, a man must accept and love the real you.

Be open to the world and smile. Agree that it is easier to meet a positive and sociable person and start communication.

Love yourself and be a confident woman. The right man easily interested in a girl who knows her own worth, not obsessed with her own complexes and problems. Be proud of yourself and your actions, accept your mistakes and failures, because ideal people does not exist.

Don't make a man the center of your universe. Let him know that you are not indifferent, but within reasonable limits. You should be interesting to him, have your own activities, hobbies.

Know how to properly accept compliments from men. It is best to take them with a light sense of humor, making it clear that you already know your worth. And also take his care, remember that you are fragile and weak woman and always need help and protection.

How to attract a man mentally

Before you mentally attract a man into your life, you need to clearly imagine how you want to see him. Think about his character appearance, special qualities, material condition. Do not forget to remember what you do not accept in a future satellite, this is no less important, for example, negative traits character or bad habits.

For convenience, you can take a pen and write down the necessary characteristics on a piece of paper. So it will be easier for you to visualize your future man. Often imagine your ideal in your imagination, fantasize about your dates, life together because thoughts are always material.

Start communication only with those men who suit you. Avoid meaningless and unnecessary acquaintances. In the process of communication, try to learn more about a man, his life, this will not only flatter him, but also give you the necessary information that will help you quickly determine whether this person is right for you.

How to attract men with scents

Many people know that human skin releases special substances - pheromones. They are the ones who attract the opposite sex. That's why excessive hygiene can prevent you from feeling them. Physically, pheromones are not felt, but on a subconscious level they work great.

There are already fragrances on the market that attract men. These are the so-called "spirits with pheromones". Many perfumers struggle to create the ideal, of course, they are far from the natural smell of the body, but still they can have an effective result.

How to attract a man with stones

Since ancient times, women used special talismans to attract men. The man of your dreams can be found using a certain color of the mineral. Red - attracts the second half, and green awakens passion. new love you can attract if the stone is set in gold, and return the old one with a silver setting.

Each stone has its specific purpose. Turquoise is eternal love And family relationships, sapphire is a symbol of fidelity that protects feelings, carnelian makes love stronger and protects from envious people.

You can always carry a stone with you in your pocket or purse, or you can buy a beautiful piece of jewelry and wear it every day.

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