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Tangerines, like other citrus fruits, are widely known for their allergenic properties, and therefore many nursing mothers completely exclude this fruit from the diet, protecting their baby. However, in the winter season, when there is no access to the usual fresh vegetables and fruits, the body, weakened by breastfeeding, especially needs a supply of vitamins and minerals for normal functioning and maintaining immunity. And nothing can replace seasonal fruits in quality. natural source maintaining health.

As a result of the lack or absence of newly received vitamins and microelements during breastfeeding, these substances are washed out with milk in favor of the child, since nature has given priority to the new life over the existing one. And tangerines, in addition great taste, contain a complex of vitamins, pectin, minerals, organic acids, sugars, and fiber. That is why you need to look for the opportunity to consume these fruits even during lactation, and not refuse them without finding out the reasons.

Thanks to ascorbic acid, B vitamins and microelements, tangerines are effective means maintain immunity, help resist attacks from bacteria and viruses, have a beneficial effect on activity of cardio-vascular system and the functioning of metabolic processes.

A positive sign that tangerines can be gradually introduced during breastfeeding is the absence of allergic manifestations to citruses in both parents. And also the use of tangerines without negative consequences during pregnancy. A nursing mother is recommended to try tangerines when the baby reaches 3-4 months, after the new baby’s digestive system has started and adjusted.

Start with 1-2 cloves of tangerine, and do not eat other unusual foods, so that you can accurately track the baby’s body’s reaction. Allergies can be expressed by external skin rashes, redness, changes in the child’s behavior, diarrhea, runny nose, which are quite rare, but acute reactions are possible that require immediate medical attention. If even minor rashes appear, do not eat tangerines for 2-4 weeks. After consultation with the supervising physician, the experiment can be repeated.

In the absence of any negative reaction in infants and nursing mothers to the appearance of tangerines on the menu, you can gradually increase the amount of citrus consumed daily, one slice at a time. The norm for breastfeeding can be considered 1-2 medium tangerines, eaten per day in several doses. You should not overeat on the same fruits, even if the baby has a good reaction, as this can lead to an excess of specific vitamins to the detriment of other substances, or lead to a malfunction of the digestive system, including in the nursing mother.

The ideal option for breastfeeding is a gradual increase in dietary diversity, in the form of a variety of fruits, vegetables and other foods consumed throughout the day. different combinations- salads, mixes, snacks, in small portions. Of course, for many reasons, it is difficult to ensure the constant availability of a wide menu of products, but you need to remember that a rich diet for a nursing mother is the key to good health for the child for life.

Tell your friends about it.

From the first days of a child’s life, the mother takes responsibility for her nutrition and chooses only healthy foods. Many dishes can provoke allergies in a baby and are excluded from the diet.
Tangerines are at risk when breastfeeding. Nevertheless, this fruit contains a huge amount of useful substances. We will tell you further whether it is worth adding it to your diet.

Benefits of fruits

What do tangerines give our body:

High concentration of vitamin C.

Regular consumption accelerates the absorption of iron, which strengthens bones and teeth.

Contains B vitamins: maintains healthy skin and hair, keeps the body in good shape, helps fight insomnia, increases serotonin levels, which is especially important when feeding.

Contains glucose, fructose, ascorbic and malic acid, rutin and thiamine.

Phytoncides protect the body from fungi.

Pectin removes harmful substances and toxins.

Zero waste fruit

Tangerines differ from other citrus fruits not only in shape, but also in taste.

They can be sweet or sour, but in any case they have a soft, pleasant taste.

The fruit contains a large number of microelements and will be useful for both mother and child.

You can use not only the pulp, but also the peel.

How and why citrus is used:

Fresh juice will help solve digestive problems. In addition, it is a dietary, fortified drink.

Eating fruit during a cold guarantees a speedy recovery for both mother and child.

A decoction of seeds and peels can alleviate the condition of bronchitis.

If a nursing woman is worried about nausea, it is recommended to chew tangerine peel instead of pharmaceutical medicines.

The presence of allergy sufferers in the family does not mean that you should completely give up tangerines.

In this case, it should be remembered that the likelihood of an allergy in a child is slightly higher.

If there are more of them, it will be difficult to determine which specific allergy arose.


Despite all the benefits of citrus, not everyone can eat it.

There are a number of conditions under which tangerines cannot be eaten:

Chronic gastritis with high acidity.

Stomach or duodenal ulcer.

Colitis, cholecystitis.

Hepatitis, exacerbation of nephritis.

How to choose juicy and ripe tangerines

Tangerines differ in taste depending on the variety.

To buy something that suits your taste, you should know some of the characteristics of a particular type.

Most often on store shelves you can find:

Israeli. The fruits have a thin peel and a uniform orange color. They taste sweet.

Abkhazian. They are characterized by a light orange color. The fruit is very juicy, sweet and sour in taste. They are considered the most useful and environmentally friendly, as they are not processed in any way.

Turkish. It is a sour fruit with a light orange skin. The most budget-friendly ones.

Spanish. A medium-sized, very sweet fruit with a bright orange color. A fresh tangerine with a sprig can sit at home for several days.

Moroccan. Distinguished by the presence of a dent. The small-sized fruit has a reddish tint, thin skin and a sweet taste.

To avoid stomach problems, it is recommended that a nursing mother choose sweet varieties.

Look for tangerines that are bright orange in color. Medium size.

You can get the maximum benefit for yourself and your child only from ripe citrus.

To avoid making a mistake with your choice, learn a few rules:

The color should be uniform and the pores clear.

Stains and cracks indicate improper storage, injury and serve as a favorable environment for the development of bacteria and fungi.

The peel should be elastic and dense.

Click on the tangerine. If juice begins to come out from the pores, then the fruit is ripe.

Sour varieties are lighter in weight than sweet ones.

Fruits Bad quality differ in appearance and feel. Do not buy tangerines if:

A soft, hollow fruit indicates that it has already begun to dry out.

Damp smell a clear sign that the fruit is spoiled.

Greenish tint to the skin, too heavy weight- the fruit is unripe.

Uneven color, spots - the tangerine has begun to deteriorate.

The most healthy fruits– seasonal. The best time for Russians to indulge in sunny fruits is in winter.

At this time, they grow naturally, are not treated with chemicals, and therefore will bring greatest benefit mother and child.

Citrus fruits are one of the favorite treats of adults and children. Much has been written about their benefits. However, it is a known fact that citrus fruits are the strongest allergens. Are tangerines allowed during breastfeeding, and is there a norm for them? daily consumption?

Period breastfeeding- an extremely important and responsible stage in the life of a young mother. Not only does it depend on what a woman eats emotional condition baby, but also his health. It is extremely important for mom to this period eat healthy food enriched with vitamins and microelements.

Tangerines are the most winter fruit, the aroma and taste of which is associated with a magical holiday. Tangerines have a huge number of varieties and hybrids, differing both in size and color of the fruit, and in taste characteristics.

One of the most popular varieties are clementines, grown in North Africa and characterized by sweetness and juiciness. Abkhazian and Moroccan fruits are no less popular. But can you eat them while breastfeeding?

Composition and benefits

  • Mandarin is a source of vitamin C, which improves immunity. In addition, vitamin C has been proven to have a beneficial effect on slowing down the aging process of cells. It helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and bone tissues of the human body.
  • Vitamin B, also found in citrus fruits, has a positive effect on the condition nervous system, promotes the production of the happiness hormone.
  • Pectin cleanses the body of toxins and harmful substances, and phytoncides prevent the development of fungi.
  • The composition includes natural sugars - fructose and glucose, as well as citric, malic and ascorbic acid.
  • Citrus is rich in vitamins, thiamine and rutin.

Fruits consist of water, carbohydrates and dietary fiber. The content of proteins and fats in them is minimal. Calorie content - 38 kcal.

Harm and consequences

You can meet a lot positive feedback from those women who ate tangerines both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. However, each organism is completely individual. And if in one case the feeding was successful, then in another the consequences could be sad.

Mandarin is contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • gastrointestinal ulcer;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • other stomach and intestinal diseases;
  • hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • tendency to allergies.

How to introduce it into the diet of a nursing woman

When answering the question whether a nursing mother can eat tangerines, an important criterion should be taken into account: tangerines should not be consumed until the baby reaches 3 months of age. Until this age, a baby’s stomach is absolutely not adapted to digest citrus fruits. Some experts advise starting to use them when the baby is 5 months old.

Tangerines should be administered in small portions during breastfeeding. Eat a small slice of the fruit, always in the first half of the day. Observe the baby's reaction after feeding for three days. Avoid eating any new foods during this period. Your task is to identify an allergic reaction in your baby specifically to citrus fruits. If your baby develops a red rash or colic, consult a specialist.

If after three days the baby does not show any negative consequences, you can eat 2 small slices of tangerine and continue observation. If the baby’s reaction is normal, continue to increase the dose by 1 slice once every three days.

Remember that a nursing mother should eat tangerines with caution. The maximum consumption rate for a normal child reaction is no more than 1 medium fruit per 3 days.

Minimum Negative consequences observed in those breastfed babies whose mothers ate no more than 2-3 medium fruits per week. The fact is that there is a concept of a so-called cumulative allergic reaction. A child’s body can accumulate certain substances and when there is an excess of them, an allergic reaction begins, which manifests itself as itching, rash, redness or disorders of the digestive system.

How to choose

A nursing mother should choose tangerines with special care. We buy the “right” fruits:

  • Healthy fruits have a uniform bright color, there are no black spots on the peel.
  • Pores are clear. When pressed, juice sprays out of them.
  • Tangerines should be dense and heavy. If the peel is too soft, the tangerine is not fresh.
  • The fruit has a pleasant fresh aroma. If you smell dampness, it means the rotting process has begun.
  • Bright orange fruits tend to be sweeter than light orange fruits.

Healthy dishes

In addition to fresh fruits, a woman’s menu during breastfeeding can include equally healthy dishes and drinks:

  • Diabetic decoction of tangerine peels perfectly lowers blood glucose levels.
  • A decoction of dry peels helps to cure even chronic bronchial diseases.
  • Freshly squeezed juice fully replaces fresh fruits and will have a beneficial effect on digestive system, including the intestines. For an adult it is enough to drink 1 tbsp. juice per day.

Tangerine and strawberry sorbet: video recipe

In conclusion, I would like to note that refusing to eat tangerines during breastfeeding is not entirely the right solution. The child's body should become familiar with citrus fruits through mother's milk. This way the absorption process is easier than if you start feeding your child fruit directly. It is not only possible, but also necessary to eat tangerines while breastfeeding, subject to daily norms. And the benefits of orange fruits for the human body are priceless.

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