Children's fairy tales online. Literary reading lesson African fairy tale "lazy woman" umk "harmony" African fairy tale "lazy woman" what is it about

In one family there grew up a girl named Dogbe. She had many brothers and sisters. All children helped their parents with work in the field and at home. Only Dogbe did not know how to do anything and did not want to learn anything. So she grew up lazy.

She grew up and turned into a very beautiful girl. One young man fell in love with Dogbe for her beauty and came to woo her. But Dogbe’s parents refused him, saying that he would not be happy with such a wife. After all, she won’t even be able to prepare akassa for him - Dogbe’s hands are completely inept.

The young man left, and the offended Dogbe began to cry bitterly. She cried all day and went to bed in tears. And the next morning she began to ask her mother to help her - she wanted to be hard-working and skillful.

Learn to cook first, daughter. At least here's the acassa. It's not at all difficult to prepare. Take corn, fill it with water for a day, then the ceilings. Fill the resulting flour with water again. The bran will float to the top, remove it from the rest of the flour, and set the dough to cook. While it is cooking, add water to it and stir all the time. If the dough floats to the top, it means it is cooked. You can make bread out of it.

Then wrap them in leaves and take them to the market.

The next day, as soon as Dogbe woke up, she took money from her father, bought corn and began to prepare bread, as her mother taught her. And then she took it to the market to sell.

She did this every day and earned a lot of money.

One day, the young man who was wooing Dogbe went to the market and bought several loaves of bread there. He liked them. He began to ask who made such delicious bread, and was very happy when he found out that it was Dogbe bread. Soon he married Dogba.

The young couple were very happy, and the husband could not be happier with his hardworking wife.

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Shestakova Anna Innokentievna

teacher primary classes

LESSON SUMMARY literary reading

Topic: “Tales of the Peoples of the World”
4th grade
Goals and objectives:
- Introducing children to the national costumes and traditions of different peoples. - Strengthening expressive reading skills. - Systematization of knowledge about the creativity of different peoples. - Development of creative activity. - Fostering a sense of friendship, camaraderie, respect for people of other nationalities and their culture.
Lesson plan:
1. Organizing time 2. Announcing the topic of the lesson - First stop - Africa - Second stop - England - Physical education moment– Lithuania – Third stop – Georgia – Fourth stop – Armenia – Fifth stop – Russia 3. Lesson summary 4. Final song
– globe – map – map with the image of national castes – map with the names of countries – map with the names of fairy tales – children’s drawings – map with sayings – handouts for teams

1. Let's
Let's welcome our guests. Are you ready for the lesson? Begin!
2. Today
You and I are going on a journey. Our path is not short. We will visit different countries and even different continents. And our guide will be the fairy tales that we studied in class. Now you can name these tales yourself.
3. Teacher
shows objects, and children guess which fairy tales they are from. - Apple - " Golden Apple» – Carpet – “Blue Carpet” – Bottle – “The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle” – Recipe – “Lazy Girl”
– Network – “Seven-Year-Old Daughter” What fairy tales? Who is their author? Are these Russian folk tales? - These are fairy tales of the peoples of the world. - Are fairy tales interesting? Instructive? Is there a difference?
CONCLUSION: all fairy tales teach kindness, patience, not to be greedy, etc., regardless of

the nationality of this people.

4. Let's go
on a journey with the help of a magic globe. To visit the country you need to remember magic words:
“I’ll spin, I’ll spin! Where will I end up?

First stop.
To guess the name of the country, you need to know the fairy tale. 1 student speaks. He retells the fairy tale "The Lazy Girl". What folk tale is this? (African). - Guys, Africa is not a country, but an entire continent. This is the hottest continent. It rarely rains there. Huge deserts stretch far away (shown on the map). If it's as hot as you think, do they need warm clothes? (No). Right. That's why their national costume looks like this (image of the national costume). Do you know what kind of dishes the people of Africa use? These are vessels made from gourds. It is cleaned, dried in the sun and the calabash is ready (show). Let's go back to the fairy tale. What is it about? About hard work. This good quality? it doesn't matter who wrote the story. There is a lot in it that is instructive for any person on planet Earth. Did you like the fairy tale? It's time to know the honor.
5. Magic globe. “I’ll spin around, I’ll spin around. Where will I end up?

Second stop.
Guess the fairy tale. 1 student speaks. Retells the fairy tale "The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle." Where does this fairy tale come from? (^From England). This means you and I are in England (showing on the map). Do you know that in England they especially value politeness and accuracy in everything. From behavior at the table to asking for help on the street. Favorite drink – tea with milk (showing a costume for the national English dance). You know a lot of proverbs and sayings. England, like any other country, has its own proverbs and sayings. They are not even much different from ours. Why do you think? I will read an English proverb, and you choose a Russian proverb to go with it. – Work with your left hand – (work carelessly) – When the pigs fly – (when the crayfish hangs on the mountain) – Kill two birds with one stone – (kill two birds with one stone) – Better one bird in your hands than two in the bushes – (better a tit in hands than a pie in the sky) - You are doing great. Try to make up proverbs - one English and one Russian (work in teams; each team makes up proverbs).
– Good things are never superfluous – ^ You can’t spoil porridge with butter – At seven o’clock it’s raining, and at eleven – it’s clear – Seven Fridays in a week – A fly in the balm – A fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey – Lighting a fire under yourself – ^ Dig a hole for yourself – Plowing sand - pounding water in a mortar - How do you like England? Before we continue our journey, let's take a rest. Tourists also need rest. True, for vacation we need to move to Lithuania.
6. Magic globe. “I’ll spin around, I’ll spin around. Where will I end up?

Physical education moment.
- And in Lithuania, the favorite national game is called “Fire, Water”. All participants stand in a circle and choose a leader. The presenter says “fire” - everyone begins to squat; “water” - everyone runs in a circle (the presenter tries to confuse the players by calling the same team in a row). It turns out that we can even play games from different nations. It doesn't matter who invented it. We are interested in it - we played it. I think that now, somewhere on the other side of the planet, someone is also playing hide and seek or tag... Have you rested? Let's hit the road!
7. Magic globe. “I’ll spin around, I’ll spin around. Where will I end up?

Third stop.
A student retells a fairy tale. What kind of fairy tale is this? (“Blue Carpet”). Where is she from? (^From Georgia); (show on map, show of national costume). It turns out there is strict order at the Georgian table. The table is led cheerfully and colorfully. The head of the table is the toastmaster, who is elected according to seniority or wit and resourcefulness. Laughter, jokes, quotes from popular works of Georgian poets always decorate festive table. Do we have such a tradition? Yes, weddings, banquets. So, the traditions of the Georgian people are also interesting to us? We are not having a feast, but creating good mood we can. Each team is given a poem. We need to correct the mistakes. An angry boar was sitting on a branch The steamboat was languishing in a cage The nightingale was sharpening its fangs The porcupine was beeping The cat was teaching physics
Masha caught her tail Pinocchio sewed his pants The tailor ate all the pancakes The hedgehog was set for dinner The siskin was moving its mustache The cancer was flying under the clouds The table was chasing mice The teapot was jumping in the yard The boy was gurgling on the fire - Was it fun in Georgia? Let's move on!
8. Magic globe. “I’ll spin around, I’ll spin around. Where will I end up?

Fourth stop.
A student retells a fairy tale. Two students stage it. What kind of fairy tale is this? Who is its author? We are in Armenia (showing on the map, showing the national costume). – competition – Armenian game
9. Magic globe. “I’ll spin around, I’ll spin around. Where will I end up?

Fifth stop.
A student retells a fairy tale. What is the name of this fairy tale? Who is its author? We end our journey in Russia (showing on the map, showing the national costume). Our country is rich in various traditions, and the most important wealth is our great, powerful language. The teacher gives each team a sheet with the outline of a person. - We don’t know where this person lives, how old he is, what nationality he is. - Now think about what qualities a person living on planet Earth should have (kind, strong, brave, smiling, honest, loyal, etc.).

CONCLUSION: if people have all these qualities, then on Earth

Wars and quarrels will disappear. People will not suffer, hate each other

regardless of nationality, skin color.

10. Let's
Let's get back to fairy tales. What fairy tales did we remember in class today?
Game: “Collect a book”
- teams are given children’s drawings for fairy tales, the name of the fairy tales, and the names of the countries.
11. What
Did we remember today in class? What new did you learn? Let's conclude by singing a song about the friendship of people all over the world (the children sing the song “Wider Circle”).

Once upon a time, a grandmother and granddaughter lived. My grandmother grew so old that she could no longer work. And the granddaughter was very lazy. Grandmother grew older and weaker every year. Now she has lived until spring and thinks: “We need to drink and eat, people are sowing, and we need to sow something.” And she tells her granddaughter about this.

“No, grandma,” the granddaughter answered. - You’ve already become old, you’ll die by the fall, and then, you see, you’ll find a kind person and will take me into his family. What do we need bread for?

So they didn’t sow anything.

Autumn has come. People are harvesting grain from the fields. The old woman did not die, and no one took in her granddaughter. They began to starve.

One day a neighbor came in, saw that the grandmother and granddaughter had absolutely nothing to eat, and said:

If only they would come and take some millet from me... The neighbor left. Grandmother says to her granddaughter:

Go, granddaughter, bring some millet! And the granddaughter answers:

Is it necessary, grandma? Maybe her millet is bad...

The grandmother and granddaughter starved all winter and almost died. But as soon as spring came, my granddaughter went out into the field to work.

Why work? - the neighbors laughed at her. - Your grandmother is already old, she won’t live long. And someone will take you in to raise you. What do you need bread for?

“No, really,” answered the granddaughter. - I got it now. No wonder the old people say: if you are going on a summer migration, first sow the field.

In one family there grew up a girl named Dogbe. She had many brothers and sisters. All children helped their parents with work in the field and at home. Only Dogbe did not know how to do anything and did not want to learn anything. So she grew up lazy.

She grew up and turned into a very beautiful girl. One young man fell in love with Dogbe for her beauty and came to woo her. But Dogbe’s parents refused him, saying that he would not be happy with such a wife. After all, she won’t even be able to prepare akassa for him - Dogbe’s hands are completely inept.

The young man left, and the offended Dogbe began to cry bitterly. She cried all day and went to bed in tears. And the next morning she began to ask her mother to help her - she wanted to be hard-working and skillful.

- Learn to cook first, daughter. At least here's the acassa. It's not at all difficult to prepare. Take corn, fill it with water for a day, then the ceilings. Fill the resulting flour with water again. The bran will float to the top, remove it from the rest of the flour, and set the dough to cook. While it is cooking, add water to it and stir all the time. If the dough floats to the top, it means it’s cooked. You can make bread out of it. Then wrap them in leaves and take them to the market.

The next day, as soon as Dogbe woke up, she took money from her father, bought corn and began to prepare bread, as her mother taught her. And then she took it to the market to sell.

African fairy tale "The Lazy Woman".

Targetlesson: learn to find the main idea of ​​a work; improve the skill of correct, expressive, conscious reading; develop students’ oral monologue speech, creative imagination, interest in reading

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

Let books come into homes as friends,

Read all your life, gain your mind.

The book is a faithful friend of children,

Life is more fun with her!

2. Speech warm-up. (presentation)

3. Checking homework.

– What wise thoughts, winged words from Krylov’s fables do you want to read (say)? What fable are they from?

4. Reporting the topic of the lesson

Today we will take a virtual trip to the same continent. But what kind of continent this is, you have to guess for yourself.

What kind of country is this?
She's very hot.
Sun, summer all year round
Sea, palm trees and sand.
The deserts here are hot,
The stars are bright at night.
There are dense forests,
Plants are thorny.
What kind of country is this?
She's very hot.

Guys, what do you know about Africa?

Africa is the hottest continent in the world. In summer the sun always shines there, and in winter it rains. But there are also countries where there is no winter at all, and summer lasts all year round. More than half of Africa's territory is occupied by deserts and savannas. In deserts everything is covered with sand, plants are very rare. It's hot there during the day, but it gets cold at night. Sometimes it blows strong wind and there are sandstorms, during which being in the desert is dangerous for both animals and humans. People travel there on camels; these animals are very hardy and can go without food and water for many days.

The savannah is not as hot as the desert, but the summer there is still dry. But in winter it rains, thanks to which grass, shrubs and trees grow. All this is food for animals, so there are a lot of them in the savannah. These are antelopes, giraffes, zebras, and ostriches are also found there. They are hunted by lions and leopards. There are also larger animals in the savannah, these are elephants and rhinoceroses.

There are many in Africa tropical forests, they are called the jungle. It's warm and humid, there's a lot of grass and tall trees. Between them grow vines, these are climbing plants that cling to branches and trunks and stretch upward towards the sun. In the jungle there are many impenetrable places where plants stand like a solid wall through which neither man nor beast can pass. Therefore, many African animals live right in the trees, for example, monkeys, there are a lot of them in the jungle. Various birds and snakes also live here. Antelopes, wild boars, gazelles hide in dense thickets; they are constantly hunted by predators - leopards, wild cats, panthers.

Africa also has mountains, rivers and lakes. Crocodiles and hippos, many fish and other inhabitants live in the water; animals that live on land also come here to drink.
This continent is inhabited by many different peoples; in total, about one billion people live there. There are 55 countries in Africa.

Have you already guessed which country our work is from?

5. Preparation for perception.

– Find out the title of the next work.

What can you say about it before reading?

What genre does this work belong to?

Prove why this is folk tale?

What folk tales do you know?

6. Updating the studied material.

Game of Changelings

7. Acquaintance with the text is carried out in the form of silent reading.

8. Discussing what you read, rereading and working with the text.

Find in the text an explanation of the African word "akassu".

(Cornbread made from cornmeal.)

– How do the events of the fairy tale begin?

– Why is Dogbe called a lazy person in the fairy tale? Confirm

words of the text. (“Only Dogbe did not know how to do anything and did not want to learn anything.”)

Reading the beginning of the fairy tale, do you sympathize with the heroine or condemn her? Why?

– What event in the fairy tale do you consider the main thing?

– What made Dogbe change?

– Why did the young man fall in love with Dogbe?

– Isn’t it enough to be beautiful?

- How did the fairy tale end?

– What is the main idea fairy tales?


9. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Workbook With. 25 No. 4-5

How do you understand the meaning of proverbs:

Everyone is the smith of his own happiness;

People honor those who love work;

Pick one berry at a time and you’ll fill a box;

What you learn in youth will be useful in old age;

Do you have to go into the water to eat fish?

– Which of these Russian proverbs coincide with the main idea of ​​the African fairy tale?

10. Lesson summary.

Which country's fairy tale did we meet?

What do you remember about this country?

What is the main idea of ​​this fairy tale?

How do you think the fairy tale would have ended if Dogbe had not changed?

11. Reflection. Slide


Students are preparing for a creative retelling: girls - on behalf of Dogbe, boys - on behalf of the groom.

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