Presentation on the theme of the animal world of the pillars reserve. Krasnoyarsk pillars. Area and location

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Historical reference

State nature reserve"Pillars" was created on June 30, 1925 by a resolution of the Yenisei provincial executive committee.

From historical background it is known that revolutionaries gathered on the poles at the beginning of the last century, sang revolutionary songs, and the gendarmes could not do anything with them, since they could not climb the poles

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Purpose of creation

The purpose of the reserve is to protect natural complexes picturesque rocky massif of the Stolby tract. In total, there are about a hundred Pillars on the territory of the reserve, some of them rise up to a hundred meters above the ground. For millions of years, rains and winds, frost and sun have carved bizarre figures out of wild stone. People gave them names: "Grandfather", "Lion's Gate", "Gemini", and others

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  • Twins
  • lion gate
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    Area and location

    The reserve is located in the Yemelyanovsky district near the city of Krasnoyarsk on the northwestern spurs of the Eastern Sayan (Kuysum mountains), between 55°-56° northern latitude and 92°-93° east longitude and occupies an area of ​​47.156 thousand ha. The border of the reserve runs in the east along the river. Bazaikha, in the southwest - along p. Big Inzhul, Mana, in the west - along the Sliznevaya river, in the north - along the river. Laletin.

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    The flora of the reserve includes 1037 species of higher vascular plants, of which 260 species are bryophytes, more than 150 species are classified as specially protected. Pine forests (41%) and fir forests (28%) prevail among 8 forest-forming species. Most of the stands were selectively cut in the 1940s and 1950s.

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    The fauna of the reserve is not rich. A total of 45 species of mammals and 70 species of birds have been noted. Wild boar, roe deer, elk, forest and stone marten, weasel, badger, squirrel, fox, hare. Of the birds - gray heron, black kite, kestrel, tawny owl, hobby falcon, roller, saker falcon. Acclimatized raccoon dog.

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    Landscapes and relief

    The relief of the territory of the reserve is almost all mountainous, on flat areas, located mostly in the strip sea ​​coast south of the Kronotsky Peninsula, accounts for no more than 10% of the territory.

    Abstract on the topic:

    Stolby (reserve)


    • 1 Flora and fauna
    • 2 Tourism
    • 3 Research History
    • Notes


    State Nature Reserve "Stolby"- located on the northwestern spurs of the Eastern Sayan, bordering on the Central Siberian Plateau.

    The natural boundaries of the protected area are the right tributaries of the river. Yenisei: in the northeast - the Bazaikha river, in the south and southwest - the Mana and Bolshaya Sliznevka rivers. From the northeast, the territory borders on the city of Krasnoyarsk. The reserve was founded in 1925 on the initiative of the city residents to preserve natural complexes around the picturesque syenite remnants - "pillars". At present, its area is 47,219 hectares.

    Submitted to the Fund List world heritage UNESCO, waiting for their turn.

    1. Flora and fauna

    "First Pillar"

    The flora of the reserve includes about 740 vascular plants and 260 moss species. prevails fir taiga, typical for the middle mountains of the Eastern Sayan Mountains.

    290 species of vertebrates have been identified on the territory of the reserve. The fauna has a pronounced taiga appearance ( forest voles, sable, musk deer, hazel grouse, etc.) with the inclusion of forest-steppe species (Siberian roe deer, steppe polecat, long-tailed ground squirrel, etc.).

    Species listed in the Red Book of Russia:

    • Plants: bulbous calypso, real and large-flowered slippers, May palmate root, hood flower nest, helmet-bearing orchid, pinnate feather grass;
    • Birds: osprey, golden eagle, saker falcon, peregrine falcon, etc.

    2. Tourism

    The main attraction of the reserve are the rocks. The common name for all rocks is “Pillars”, although all rocks and even some stones have their own names. There are directly "Pillars" - rocks open to tourists, and "Wild Pillars" - rocks located in the depths of the reserve, access to which is limited.

    Residents of Krasnoyarsk have been visiting Stolby for more than 150 years for active recreation and sports. During this time, stolbism arose and formed.

    Places visited by tourists can be divided into three regions.

    • Funpark "Bobrovy Log", a chairlift that starts in the valley of the Bazaikha River, runs along the ski slope and ends at the top of the ridge, from where a magnificent panorama of the reserve and many rocks opens. The Takmak rock complex, the largest in the reserve, is located in the immediate vicinity.

    Rock "Feathers"

    • "Central Pillars" - an area 7 km from the border of the reserve, which can be reached by public transport covering an area of ​​approximately 5x10 km. Here are unique rocks of their kind: Grandfather, Feathers, Lion Gates, Pillars from I to IV and many others. The most popular passages to the top of the cliff have their own names "Blue Coils", "Chimney". Stolbists say that before the revolution, the Bolsheviks wrote the word “Freedom” on the largest II Pillar (now it is periodically updated by enthusiasts), and due to the difficulty of going to the top, the guardians of the law could not erase this inscription.
    • The "Chinese Wall" is located in the valley of the Bazaikha River, at the foot of Takmak. There are mostly pillars here. In addition to the “Chinese Wall” itself, the Ermak rock and a group of small rocks “Sparrows” - Tsypa, Zhaba, etc., are located in this area.

    In the part of the reserve immediately adjacent to the city, in the Bazaikha valley, there are several ski slopes. The main ones are "Beaver Log" and "Kashtak".

    3. Research history

    "Second Pillar"

    "Pillars" was visited in 1720-1727 by Daniil Gottlieb Messerschmidt. During his 7-year exploration of Siberia, he stopped three times in Krasnoyarsk.

    1733-1734 "Pillars" is visited by Vitus Bering.

    In 1735, "Pillars" were visited by members of the land detachment of the Second Kamchatka Expedition, naturalists, scientists, academician Johann Georg Gmelin and his assistant (future academician) Stepan Petrovich Krasheninnikov (Kamchatsky).

    1771-1773 years. "Pillars" is visited by the largest researcher of Siberia, professor of natural history Peter Simon Pallas. He lived in Krasnoyarsk for about a year, working on the monographs “Journey through different provinces Russian Empire”, “Description of plants of the Russian state”, “Russian-Asian zoogeography”.

    In the 30s of the 19th century, a gold rush began in Siberia. Gold is mined at the Pillars. From the activities of the miners, the name "Roev Creek" remains - from the word " dig».

    1833 An inventory of furs obtained at the Pillars: 67 sables, 43 foxes and up to a thousand skins of other animals.

    In the 70-80s of the XIX century, the teacher of the Krasnoyarsk gymnasium I. T. Savenkov began school excursions to the "Pillars". Savenkov creates a topographic sketch of the environs of Krasnoyarsk, which will later become the starting work for all beginner geologists in Siberia. In 1886 he published a work on the geological structure of the environs of Krasnoyarsk.

    From the late 1940s to early XXI century published 16 collections of scientific papers. The influence of atmospheric pollution and recreational use on taiga ecosystems.

    In 2000, the Living Corner of the Stolby Reserve became the basis of the Roev Ruchey Zoo.


    1. 1 2 State Nature Reserve "Krasnoyarsk Pillars" -
    This abstract is based on an article from the Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed on 07/10/11 20:14:53
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    The reserve "Krasnoyarsk pillars" was founded in 1925. The area of ​​the reserve is ha

    The first stage of the study of the "Pillars" (XVIII century) D.G. Messerschmidt. V. Bering, the town of "Pillars" is visited by members of the land detachment of the Second Kamchatka Expedition, naturalists, naturalists I.G. Gmelin and S.P. Krasheninnikov (Kamchatsky) I.G. Gmelin S.P. Krasheninnikov (Kamchatsky) "Pillars" is visited by the largest researcher of Siberia, professor of natural history P.S. Pallas P.S. Pallas

    Miner Prokhor Seleznev in 1823 summed up the then prevailing opinion about this area: “The rocks are extremely large and wonderfully created. And they are located in a remote desert for 15, or maybe 20 versts. Only it is difficult to get there, the horse will not pass, the foot will not pass, and there are a lot of wild animals. They talk differently about them. Perhaps, the truth is said that even in other lands one cannot see such a thing. And no one can climb these rocks, and what they are is not known.

    In 1851 - the first ascent to the Stolby (First Stolb). In the years of the 19th century. school excursions to Stolby began under the guidance of a teacher of the Krasnoyarsk gymnasium I.T. Savenkov. 19th century)

    The hut at the "Third Pillar" (burned down in 1906)

    Creation of the Reserve On April 10, 1920, the Yenisei Gubernia Committee issued a decree prohibiting logging and breaking stones in the Stolbov area and declared a protective territory in an area of ​​4 square versts around them. In October 1924, the territory of Stolbov was declared a protected area. In 1959, the territory of the reserve was finally determined in the interfluve of the right tributaries of the Yenisei, the Mana and Bazaikha rivers, with an area of ​​472 sq. km.

    "Krasnoyarsk pillars" - rocky remnants m.

    The flora of the reserve includes: 1037 species of higher vascular plants, of which 260 species are bryophytes, more than 150 species are classified as specially protected. 770 species higher plants, of which 114 are among the relic and endemic plants of Siberia (except for Siberia, they are not found anywhere).

    There are four groups of rocks in Stolby. Closest to Krasnoyarsk (3 km from the city) is the Takmak area. Here, on the steep slopes and watersheds of the picturesque river Mokhovaya, the left tributary of the Bazaikha, the rocks “Glagol”, “Responsive”, “Chinese wall”, “Sparrows”, “Ermak”, “Big Takmak”, “Small Takmak”, etc. are located like an amphitheater. "Kaltatsky" district is located one and a half kilometers east of "Takmak". Here are the rocks "Bell", "Sunken Boat" and a few more picturesque cliffs. "Aesthetic" area (13 km from the city), not far from the scientific base of the reserve. All the main "Pillars" are concentrated here: "Savage", "Mitra", "Grandfather", "Baba", "Granddaughter", "Feathers", "Lion's Gate" and others. The highest "Second Pillar". (90 m). The "first pillar" is ten meters lower. the “Wild Pillars” area, where the rocks “Fortress”, “Manskaya Baba”, “Fortress” and a number of other rocks, little known even among the pillars, rise among the taiga.

    The unique properties of the Stolby Reserve are: the presence of rocky massifs and karst territories with caves up to 100 m deep; contact zone of three geographical areas; habitation rare species animals and plants; the place of formation of the ethno-social phenomenon of stolbism; long term follow-up (75 years); border with a million industrial city; methodological basis for testing modern methods research on specially protected natural areas; regional ecological educational and training ground; possibility of observation various forms recreational and technogenic impact on the natural complex.

    It is PROHIBITED on the territory of the park: Destruction of rocks, making inscriptions on them, stripping off moss and lichen, Walking without trails, Conducting professional film and video photography without the permission of the reserve administration, Making fires, using open fire, burning garbage, smoking on the go, Picking berries , mushrooms, nuts, flowers, herbs Cutting, damaging trees and shrubs Being with firearms and sporting weapons, dogs, cats Ruining nests, catching and killing animals Breaking the silence, turning on the radio-audio device

    Anna Chudinova
    Presentation about the reserve "Stolby"

    Presentation on the topic: Reserve« pillars» .

    Reserve« pillars» is a unique piece of nature Krasnoyarsk Territory. This area borders on the plateau Central Siberia is under state protection.

    General area reserve- almost 50 thousand hectares.

    Main unique attraction « Stolbov» are rocks. They reach almost 100 m and are distinguished by a respectable age of several hundred million years. The rock of these rocks - syenite - is a magma similar to granite. Districts today reserve are not only a recreation center, but also a ski resort.

    Thanks to the taiga forests, the air here is very clean. Of interest to tourists and vacationers is the very form of some pillars, which resemble individual characters, animals and birds.

    Total in reserve there are 99 rocks - pillars.

    Krasnoyarsk pillars- one of the most unusual places Russia.

    Among climbers and climbers they are known far beyond the borders of the country.

    Fauna reserve« pillars» has 56 species of mammals, 200 - birds and 22 - fish. Maral live here - the largest subspecies of the red deer and musk deer - a typical inhabitant of the middle taiga, Brown bear, wolf, common lynx, wolverine, fox, badger.

    The most numerous is the family of rodents. Breeds predominate here. forest voles and chipmunks. Altai pika is found on stony placers.

    Of the birds, taiga flycatchers, king warblers, olive and motley thrushes, blue nightingales, whistler crows, bluetails, northern owls and capercaillie are common.

    In the territory reserve it is allowed to walk only along the trails, it is forbidden to drive a vehicle, make fires, pick berries and mushrooms, cut down trees, destroy nests, catch and destroy animals, break the silence, set up tents and stay overnight only in places allowed for this.

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