Monument on the Borodino field description. The main monument to Russian soldiers, heroes of the Battle of Borodino on the Raevsky battery. Orthodox festival and reconstruction of battles

The monument was founded in August 1837, on the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, by the Tsarevich, Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich, the future Emperor Alexander II. The grand opening of the monument took place two years later, in the presence of Emperor Nicholas I, members royal family, suites, numerous representatives of the Russian aristocracy, guests from abroad and large group participants in the Battle of Borodino. For three days, the maneuvers of the 150,000-strong troops under the command of Nicholas I continued, reproducing episodes of the “battle of the giants”.
Shortly before that, in July 1839, at the foot of the monument, the remains of Prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration were buried, transferred here by decree of the emperor from the village of Sima, Yuryev-Polsky district, Vladimir province. The commander, who died from a wound received in the battle of Borodino, was originally buried in the estate of his relatives, the princes Golitsyn. The famous partisan poet Denis Vasilyevich Davydov, who had been Bagration's adjutant for six years, petitioned the emperor for the burial of the remains of the hero on the Borodino field.
The height of the monument together with the cross is 27.5 meters. Its edges contain information about the strength of both armies on the day of the battle, about the "twenty languages" of Napoleon's army, about the Russian generals who died on the memorable day of August 26, 1812. There are also expressive texts about the retreat of the Russian army to Moscow, about the entry of the French into the capital and Russian troops into Paris.
In 1932, the monument was destroyed as having neither historical nor artistic value. He shared the fate of the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior and many other monuments national history and culture. As a result of the barbaric action, the crypt with the ashes of Bagration was damaged. In 1987, more than half a century later, the monument and headstone on the grave of Bagration were recreated in former forms and materials - in cast iron and bronze with gilding - according to the surviving drawings of the architect Anthony Adamini. According to his designs, in the early 1840s, similar monuments were erected in Smolensk, Maloyaroslavets and Krasny, that is, on the sites of the most significant battles of 1812.

The third grave of Bagration...

On August 18, 1987, a small funeral procession appeared on the deserted Borodino field that weekday: a platoon of soldiers, several brass band musicians and four officers carrying a coffin. So they buried the legendary commander who fought against the Napoleonic troops, Prince Bagration. Buried for the third time.

His first grave was in the village of Sima on the outskirts of the present Vladimir region, where the general died on September 12, 1812 from a wound received in the battle of Borodino. Later, on the personal instructions of Emperor Nicholas I, it was decided to transfer the remains of the brave commander to the Borodino field. There the burial took place twice, with an interval of 148 years.

“Wonder-hero” is good only for scrap...

The first of the Borodino burials of Bagration took place in 1839. Sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich, together with a huge retinue and a 120,000-strong army, attended the opening ceremony of the monument near the crypt, where the remains of the “miracle hero of the Russian army” were solemnly transferred from Sima.

No one then even imagined that this grave would be destroyed. But that is exactly what happened almost a hundred years later, in 1932.

In the young Land of Soviets, Prince Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration was "demoted" from national heroes Russia and turned into "some kind of tsarist general." And this is not just a contemptuous phrase, at that time it was actually a synonym for the terrible word “counter-revolutionary”! And the majestic monument over the grave of the commander turned for officials “from proletarian culture” into an ordinary structure made of cast iron, which should be sent for remelting - in order to fulfill the plan for the delivery of scrap metal ...

With the help of explosives, the main monument of the Borodino memorial on the former Raevsky battery was turned into a pile of rubble. At the same time, the nearby crypt of Bagration was destroyed powerful explosion, and the remains of the hero-general were mercilessly thrown out of there. The resulting pit at the site of the destroyed burial was bashfully leveled with sand.

However, it soon became clear that the “scrap metal collectors” were in a hurry. Literally a few years later - on the 125th anniversary of Borodin - Infantry General Bagration was “rehabilitated” in the Soviet Union! So for the anniversary celebrations, on the instructions of the authorities, it was necessary to hastily put on that sandy wasteland a simple obelisk with a false inscription: they say, the commander, the hero of the Patriotic War Bagration, rests here.

This "props" flaunted on the Borodino field for half a century. In the mid-1980s, when another “round” date of a grandiose battle loomed ahead, it was decided to recreate the blown up monument on the Raevsky battery in its original form. And bury Bagration under it for real, so that everything becomes as before.

Funeral ceremony of Bagration. Photo from the archive of I.F. Laptev.
“There was no ashes in the coffin! “

The second Borodino burial of the remarkable commander took place on August 18, 1987, and it was furnished much more modestly than the first, “imperial” one.

Colonel Ivan Laptev took part in the burial held on the eve of the 175th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. Ivan Fedorovich, in his letter sent a few years ago to the editors of MK, spoke about some of the details of that “closed” ceremony:

“... It was I who was instructed to rebury Bagration. At that time I was a colonel, head of the political department of the division and served near the village of Borodino. On August 16, the commander of the division, Major General S. M. Khodkin, called me to his place and ordered me to prepare everything for the funeral. To this, I objected to him that the ceremony for the reburial of such a commander as Bagration was, should be headed by at least the Minister of Defense. But an order is an order! I studied the article of the Charter “Giving military honors at burial” and prepared everything necessary ... During the reburial, I managed to see the contents of the coffin - it was completely empty.”

So is the present grave of the hero, which has been located in the very center of the Borodino memorial for almost a quarter of a century, also a props?

As follows from the letter, Laptev tried to find out where the remains of the Russian hero could have gone in 1932. He tracked down several local old-timers, and they said that after the explosion of the monument and the grave, Bagration's bones were lying right next to the road. “As I was told by the inhabitants of the surrounding villages - Borodino, Gorok, Semenovsky, these same bones dark night picked up good people: some nun and an old man. They buried the remains of the legendary commander ... These people soon died, taking with them the secret - the burial place of Prince Peter Ivanovich ... "

Monument on the site of Raevsky's battery.
“We removed 4 buttons and small fragments of bones from the garbage”

Does this mean that the commander's coffin, lowered into the crypt in the summer of 1987, is really empty?

Archaeologist Yevgeny Morev, who in the mid-1980s spent several seasons excavating at the site of the blown up monument, helped the correspondent of “MK” to understand the mysteries of the current grave of Bagration.

I also heard the story about the nun who buried the bones of Bagration that survived the explosion, - Evgeny Ivanovich confirmed. - However, about the fact that an empty coffin was allegedly placed in the restored crypt, the respected author of the letter is mistaken ... In 1985, while working on the former Raevsky battery, I discovered the ruins of the Bagrationov crypt, littered with earth and all kinds of garbage. Here they managed to find fragments of the remains of the glorious general. Several soldiers from a neighboring military unit were assigned to help me. These young guys were imbued with the responsibility of the work entrusted to them and acted very carefully. They sorted through the soil from the excavation literally with their fingertips ... As a result, in two months of painstaking work, we removed 4 buttons, shreds of old uniform fabric, fragments of epaulettes, scraps of leather belts from the garbage ... And most importantly - fragments of bones: small pieces of the skull, ribs, hands, vertebrae... All our finds would fit in two palms of an adult.

Morev transported the collected remains to the capital, hoping to conduct their examination there. But there was no money for such work in the estimate. Even transport the ashes legendary hero battles with Napoleon had the most primitive way: in a backpack placed on the luggage rack of a commuter train.

Then the Borodino finds lay for a long time in Yevgeny Ivanovich's study, waiting in the wings. Alas! In those years, no one was eager to study the remains of the Russian general. Everyone simply dismissed the persistent enthusiast-archaeologist, and after several months of fruitless attempts, Morev took (still in a backpack, by a suburban electric train) Bagration's ashes to Borodino.

When the general was reburied on the Borodino field, the remains we found were sewn up in a silk bag, which was placed in the coffin. Of course, this bag turned out to be very small, and therefore it is not surprising that Ivan Fyodorovich Laptev could simply not notice it. In addition, another capsule-sleeve was placed in the grave, in which a copy of the act on the excavations and findings was sealed.

The very procedure for burying the long-suffering ashes of the Russian hero-general was carried out “in working order”. In addition to the soldiers brought by Colonel Laptev, only employees of the Borodino Museum and builders involved in the restoration of the crypt and monument were present at the funeral.

Much more magnificent was the opening of the main monument, which took place a couple of weeks later and was timed to coincide with the 175th anniversary of the battle. Crowds of people, ceremonial ranks of troops, fireworks ... "Multi-star" generals, leaders of the region and district specially arrived in Borodino. Even one of the secretaries of the Central Committee of the CPSU honored the event with his presence.

But why didn't they combine both of these ceremonies? Why didn't they begin to bury Bagration simultaneously with the opening of the monument, with a large gathering of people? Employees who then worked at the Borodino Museum explained the situation with purely technical difficulties:

The crypt and the monument on the Raevsky battery are located very close to each other. So the stylobate - the lower part of the monument - literally hangs over the general's grave. It would be impossible to finish full recovery monument until the crypt is walled up. For this reason, the ashes of Bagration had to be buried even before the completion of all construction work.

* * *
Where did the bulk of the remains go? legendary general? Buried by an unknown nun somewhere in the rural cemetery of Borodino?

I have heard other versions as well. But they differ from each other only in some details, - says one of the leading experts State Archive Russian Federation Igor Tikhonov, long years collecting materials about Prince Bagration. - They say, for example, that one of the local residents collected the bones lying around the blown-up crypt, put them in a wooden box and buried them in the neighboring Spaso-Borodino Monastery - southeast of the Spassky Church. In other stories, a certain teacher of a rural school appears, allegedly burying bones in a ravine ... I tried to find some more reliable information on this subject, but to no avail. A purposeful search for this legendary burial is unlikely to succeed - only a lucky chance can help.

So, it remains to be recognized that now all the surviving remains of General Bagration are buried in a crypt on the Borodino field.

The Church of the Savior in the Borodino Monastery is the temple-tomb of General Tuchkov.

In 1835, Emperor Nicholas I ordered the erection of monuments at the battlefields of the Patriotic War, in particular, on the Borodino field. A design competition was announced, in which the sketches of the architect A. Adamini won. The emperor personally approved the final draft and the text of the inscriptions on the monument. In 1839, on the site where the central fortification of the Russian army, called the Raevsky battery, was located, the Main Monument was erected. It is an octahedral thirty-meter stele crowned with a golden dome and symbolizes the memory of the heroism and valor of Russian soldiers.

On the sides of the monument you can read information about the number of both armies on the day of the battle, about the Russian generals who died on August 26, as well as texts telling about the course of the war of 1812. In the early 30s of the 20th century, the monument was recognized as having no historical value and was demolished. It was restored only in 1987 according to the surviving drawings of Adamini.

The main monument of the Borodino field. On the right is the grave of Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration.

EU version 1.0...

The celebration of the centenary of the war of 1812 was truly nationwide. Preparations for the significant event were led by Emperor Nicholas II.

The army played a special role in the celebrations. Everyone military units, who took part in the legendary battle, it was proposed to erect monuments to their ancestors on the Borodino field. It was assumed that the monuments would stand in the places where the military units were located during the battle. A total of 34 monuments were erected. Their authors were professional architects and military engineers who offered the most different forms for monuments.

Monuments on the Borodino field.

Monument to battery companies of the Life Guards of the 1st Artillery Brigade. The artillerymen of the brigade also distinguished themselves during the capture of Paris.

Obelisks, chapels, columns, granite blocks with crosses and double-headed eagles appeared on the Borodino field.

Inscriptions with varying degrees of information content were applied to the monuments. The name of the military unit, its strength, the loss of the formation in the Battle of Borodino, sometimes with a listing of surnames, were also indicated, and words about the moral significance of the immortal feat were also usually added.

In addition to the monuments, memorial plaques were installed in the Spaso-Borodino Monastery. This is how the proposals of 76 military formations selected from 106 applicants were implemented.

Monument to the Life Guards Izmailovsky Regiment. The guardsmen lost more than 20 officers, every second soldier was killed, but Napoleon's cuirassiers were never able to take the Semenov heights, which were defended by the Izmailovsky regiment.

Monument to the Nezhinsky Dragoon Regiment. The other side of the monument is dedicated to the Nizhyn Hussars. The raid of Uvarov's cavalrymen and Platov's Cossacks across enemy rear lines sowed panic, embarrassed Napoleon (he never sent the guards into battle) and delayed the decisive French attack for 2 hours.

But ... Uvarov and Platov were the only generals who did not receive orders from Kutuzov for Borodino. He was probably expecting more...

Monument to the 1st and 19th Chasseur Regiments. Jaegers, the elite of the infantry, the special forces of that time, stood to death on the banks of the Kolocha River.

Monument to the Life Guards Jaeger Regiment and sailors of the Guards crew. The guards crew was part of the engineering troops. Under enemy fire, the sailors dismantled the bridge across the Koloch and did not let the enemy through, but destroyed those who broke through to the right bank.

The location of the command post of M. Kutuzov near the village of Gorki was fixed with a monument to the commander. At the fork that leads to the Spaso-Borodino Monastery, a monument "Grateful Russia - to its defenders" was erected. This is a grandiose obelisk, which is a multi-tiered pyramid. It is made up of gun barrels, which are crowned with the coats of arms of cities that donated funds to perpetuate the memory of the heroes.

Monument to Kutuzov.

At the place where Napoleon's command post was located, the French erected a monument to the "Dead great army". This was done by special permission of the Russian emperor. The architect Beswilwalde made the monument in the form of a granite obelisk, from the top of which a bronze eagle soars towards the positions of the Russian troops. A dedication to the fallen soldiers of Napoleon's army is engraved on the front face. In addition, for the centenary of the battle, the ancient fortifications were restored for the first time: Maslovsky flashes, Shevardinsky redoubt and southern Bagration's flash.

AUX MORTS DE LA GRANDE ARMEE - To the dead of the great army. The monument was erected near the Shevardino redoubt, where Napoleon's command post was.

By the way, sole President France, who visited this monument is Valerie Giscard d "Estaing. This happened in 1975, as evidenced by a small plate.

It is interesting that Valerie Giscard d "Estaing visited the Borodino field for the second time - in 2012. Vladimir Putin personally invited the ex-president to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Great Battle.

Monument at the Shevardinsky redoubt. The battle of Shevardino, which took place 2 days before the Battle of Borodino, gave the Russian army the opportunity to complete the construction of fortifications, and made it possible to more accurately determine the strength of the enemy.

During the Great Patriotic War, the fate of Russia was again decided on the Borodino field. The enemy was rushing towards Moscow. In the course of fierce battles, the troops of Red Aramia managed to significantly delay the superior enemy forces.

The field keeps the memory of the heroes of this war. In twelve mass graves located in different parts memorial complex, are the remains Soviet soldiers. Not far from the Main Monument, the legendary T-34, a memory of the glorious soldiers of the 5th Army, stands in the eternal parking lot. Peculiar memorial objects are the preserved fortifications of the Mozhaisk defense line: trenches, communication passages and pillboxes.

Pillbox on the slope of Kurgan height.

"Monument on the Borodino field" report about the unusual appearance of history, which is located to the west of Mozhaisk, is described in this article.

"Monument on the Borodino field" message

The Borodino field is known to every person who is at least a little interested in Russian history. Sometime in 1812, 2 armies met here in mortal combat - Napoleon's army and the Russian army. The previously invincible detachments of the French emperor received a worthy rebuff, and Borodino became the beginning of the end of his army. Today, the Borodino field is a memorial complex with a large number of monuments (over 300), which immortalized the feat of people defending the Fatherland.

But the "highlight" of the Borodino field is a monument on the Raevsky battery to the heroes of the Battle of Borodino. It was a cast-iron octagonal column topped with a cross with a scaly cupola. On the edges of the inscription: “Grateful Fatherland to those who put their lives on the field of honor. Russian generals: killed - 3, wounded - 12. Warriors - up to 15,000 killed; up to 30,000 wounded. Retreated with honor in order to more accurately win.

The monument on the Borodino field in honor of what was opened?

It was laid in 1837, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. The initiator of the creation of the monument was the crown prince, Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich, future Emperor Alexander II.

The monument was solemnly opened in 1839 in the presence of Nicholas I and members of the royal family, their retinue and the Russian aristocracy. For 3 days, the 150,000-strong army under the command of the emperor performed maneuvers that reproduced the scenes of the Battle of Borodino.

The history of the monument on the Borodino field says that before its opening, namely in 1839, the machines of Prince Bagration Pyotr Ivanovich were buried at the foot. He was a commander and died from a wound received in the battle on the Borodino field. First, he was buried in the family estate of the princes Golitsyn. His adjutant Davydov petitioned the emperor for the reburial of the remains of the commander near the great monument.

Description of the monument on the Borodino field

The cast-iron monument, together with the cross, was 27.5 m high. As we mentioned above, the sides of the monument contain information about those killed in the battle of Borodino, about the size of each army. The author of the drawings was Anthony Adamini, who decorated the monument with bronze and gilding ornaments.

In 1932 it was destroyed, as it had neither historical nor artistic value. The crypt with Prince Bagration, who was buried at its foot, also suffered. Only in 1987, the monument and tombstone of the prince were recreated in the same materials and forms.

We hope that the story about the monument on the Borodino field helped you prepare for the lesson. And you can leave your message about the monument on the Borodino field through the comment form below.

Monuments of Borodino

In 1835, Emperor Nicholas I ordered the installation of 16 cast-iron monuments at the sites of the most important battles of the Patriotic War of 1812. The monuments were divided into three classes. The monument of the 1st class was to be installed on the Borodino field. The place of installation was not in doubt: Kurgan height, which General Raevsky defended with unparalleled courage.

M. I. Platov, Novocherkassk

Monuments of the second class were planned to be installed in Tarutino, Maloyaroslavets, Krasny, Studenka, Klyastitsy, Smolensk, Polotsk, Chashniki, Kulakovo and Kovno, monuments of the third class - in Saltykovka, Vitebsk, Kobrin, Vyazma. The place of installation of the 16th monument is missing in the documents.

Of the planned 16 monuments, only seven were erected.

General I. S. Dorokhov

The main monument, "a monument of the 1st class", was founded in August 1837, on the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, by the future Emperor Alexander II. The grand opening of the monument took place two years later, on August 26, 1839, on the 25th anniversary of the entry of the Russian army into Paris. The cast-iron octagonal pillar-shaped chapel 27.7 meters high was crowned with a gilded dome and Orthodox cross. The western side (facing the enemy) was decorated with the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands - the patron saint of the Russian army. The texts on the monument were a brief chronicle of the entire Battle of Borodino.

On the edges of the right side:

On the 1st: “Grateful fatherland to those who put their lives on the field of honor. Russian Generals 3 killed, 12 wounded, Russian Warriors 15,000 killed, 30,000 wounded.

On the 2nd: “We retreated with honor in order to win more accurately. 554,000 people invaded Russia, 79,000 people returned.

On the 3rd: “Unlimited love of power amazed Europe and calmed down in the middle of the deserts of the ocean. Moscow is occupied by the enemy on September 2, 1812. Alexander I entered Paris on March 19, 1814.

Monument on the Raevsky Battery

On the opposite side of the image: “France, Italy, Naples, Austria, Bavaria, Wirtemberg, Saxony, Westphalia, Prussia, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Switzerland and the German Union of all languages. Brought into service: infantry - 145,000 people, cavalry - 40,000 people, guns - 1,000.

On the sides of the left side of the monument:

On the 1st: “Kutuzov, Barclay de Tolly, Bagration. The Russians were in the ranks: infantry - 85,000 people, cavalry - 18,000 people, Cossacks - 7,000 people, militias - 10,000 people, 640 guns.

On the 2nd: “The commanders died for the Fatherland: Bagration, Tuchkov 1st, Tuchkov 4th, Count Kutaisov. Glory to everyone else!"

On the 3rd: “Europe mourned the fall of its brave sons on the fields of Borodino. Enemy generals killed 9, wounded 30. Soldiers killed up to 20,000, wounded 40,000.

Monument at the command post of M. I. Kutuzov

Next to the monument, the famous hero of the Battle of Borodino, General Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration, who was mortally wounded in the Battle of Borodino and died in the village of Simy, Vladimir province, was reburied. The reburial was carried out at the request of another hero of 1812 - Denis Davydov, a poet and warrior who served as Bagration's adjutant for about six years.

The opening of the monument was extremely solemn. It was attended by Nicholas I, 150 thousand troops paraded, a salute of 792 shots was fired. Nicholas I himself controlled and approved the plan for the installation of monuments to the heroes of the war of 1812 throughout Russian Empire. 100 years after the battle, in 1912, each regiment collected subscription money and erected a monument to its fellow soldiers, military units that took part in the battle. There are now 34 monuments of Memory and Glory on the Borodino field. And each is crowned with eagles.

Monument to M. B. Barclay de Tolly

Special monuments were marked command posts M. I. Kutuzov and Napoleon. On the grave of General D.P. Neverovsky, a tombstone was erected with the image of the cross of the Order of St. George the Victorious - the highest military award of that time.

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Chapter 2. "The Day of Borodino" M. Yu. Lermontov and "Borodino" In 1837, 25 years were celebrated since the Patriotic War of 1812. In this regard, Lermontov turns to one of the most dramatic and important points of this war - to the Battle of Borodino, which back in 1831

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Heroes of Borodin P. I. Bagration Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration. Brought up in the Suvorov offensive spirit, Bagration during the retreat during the war of 1812 was morally difficult. On August 26, the 1st and 2nd armies under the leadership of Kutuzov entered the battle with the French under

Not far from Mozhaisk is the famous Borodino field. For a Russian person, this place is associated with the Patriotic War of 1812 and the boundless courage of the soldiers who defended native land. As is known from the history of this war, during the retreat of the Russian army, Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov chose the area near the village of Borodino as the most suitable for a large-scale battle. As a matter of urgency, the Russian army fortified its positions. The Battle of Borodino began on August 26. More than 250 thousand people from both sides took part in it. By order of Kutuzov, in the early morning of the next day, after a bloody battle, the Russian troops left their positions. The events of the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) did not bypass this area either. It is known that Mozhaisk was one of the main directions of the offensive of the German troops, so the most fierce battles took place in the vicinity of the city.

Given the historical importance of the Borodino field, in 1961 it was decided to approve the State Borodino military-historical museum-reserve. It includes about 300 attractions that are associated with the events of the two wars. These include the fortifications of the Russian and French armies, churches in the village of Borodino and Staroye Selo, Spaso-Borodino Monastery, monuments at the command posts of Kutuzov and Napoleon, various monuments, pillboxes, trenches, anti-tank ditches, etc.

Making some historical monuments began almost immediately after the events of 1812. In 1820, Margarita Mikhailovna, the widow of General Tuchkov, founded a church on the site of her husband's death. Subsequently, nuns began to settle here. Thus, in 1839, by order of the emperor, Spaso-Borodinsky was formed convent. Its founder Margarita Mikhailovna became the first abbess. In the same 1839, not far from the most important stronghold of the Russian army - the Raevsky battery - on the day of the battle, a memorial monument was consecrated. The grand opening took place in front of a 150,000-strong army, Emperor Nicholas I and 200 participants in the battle of Borodino were present. Not far from this monument, the ashes of the war hero General P.I. Bagration were buried. Subsequently, the royal family bought the nearby lands from the landlords. The manor house in the village of Borodino was rebuilt into a small palace that could accommodate members of the royal family and their retinue. The first museum exhibits were placed in the premises of this house. Over time, interest in the Borodino field did not weaken. He was often visited by military leaders, descendants of the participants in the battle, members of the royal family, just pilgrims. In 1902 on railway station Borodino, the so-called "Museum of 1812" was created. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the battle, another museum exposition was opened near the Raevsky battery. Numerous memorial monuments were gradually erected on the field. For example, the places where the command posts of Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov and Emperor Napoleon were located are marked. Near the walls of the Spaso-Borodino Monastery, a monument "Grateful Russia to its defenders" was erected. Thus, the Borodino Museum-Reserve can be considered one of the oldest, which is based on the battlefield.

The middle of the 20th century turned out to be deplorable for the historical monuments of the Borodino field. In the 30s, monasteries and churches were closed, at the same time the monument near the Raevsky battery was destroyed. Big damage inflicted by the Great Patriotic War Buildings and monuments were badly damaged. Museum exhibits were urgently evacuated. During the retreat, German troops burned the Imperial Palace in the village of Borodino and the house of Mother Superior Maria in the Spaso-Borodino Monastery. After the liberation of Mozhaisk, the objects of the museum are being gradually restored.

In 1961, the State Borodino Military Historical Museum-Reserve was established, it included historical monuments located on the Borodino field and its environs. In 1994, the territory of the museum-reserve was established, its area is 110 square kilometers, and the area of ​​the protected zone is almost 650 square kilometers. Restoration of historical monuments is still underway. In 1994, in the Spaso-Borodino Monastery, on the site of the former foundation, the house of Mother Superior Maria was recreated, now it houses a museum exposition. In 1995, the monument "Grateful Russia - its defender" was restored near the walls of the monastery. By the 200th anniversary of the battle, it is planned to recreate the palace in the village of Borodino.

Currently, the Borodino Museum-Reserve includes 5 expositions. Not far from the Raevsky battery there is a museum building with very interesting exhibits: weapons, uniforms, Napoleon's camp bed, paintings dedicated to the grandiose battle. Exhibition "Leo Tolstoy and battle of Borodino” is located in the former hotel of the Spaso-Borodino Monastery, where Leo Tolstoy stayed in 1867. Its exhibits tell about the history of the creation of the famous work of the writer "War and Peace". Tourists with children will be interested in the Military Art Toy exhibition. Here are a variety of figurines of soldiers (made of tin, porcelain and other materials). The military-historical holidays “Borodin's Day”, “Moscow is behind us. 1941", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier".

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