How to eat bananas the right way. What fruits can be eaten for weight loss and at what time - a list of the most useful with fat burning properties

Of course, you have heard that you need to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Let's talk about the best time to eat fruits and which ones to give preference to.


Start your morning with citrus fruits. Drink fruit juice (orange or pineapple) or eat kiwi 20 minutes before breakfast. The hairy fruit contains 5 times more vitamin C than an orange. Having enjoyed it, you will satisfy the daily need of the body for this vitamin.


Dessert is glucose. Grape - ambulance for a weary brain. But "emergency" measures can be avoided. Feed yourself glucose in the afternoon. A sprig of grapes about 200 g) or a handful of raisins will be enough to keep the creativity alive. Berry dessert also has a positive effect on muscle tone, which means that by the end of the day you will not feel tired.


Before and after a hearty meal. Apples always cause a copious secretion of juice in the stomach, so nutritionists advise, especially for those who are always in a hurry, to eat one apple before and after dinner. It doesn’t matter which variety you choose, the main thing is how you should chew the fruit. The stomach will thank you for the apple "support".


You can't imagine a better lunch. Rumors that bananas are getting better are greatly exaggerated. But these words should not be taken as an excuse to eat bananas in bunches. Ideally, eat one fruit a day. Easily digestible carbohydrates contained in bananas will quickly restore strength after physical and mental stress.


3 hours before bed. Especially useful for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and suffer from intestinal lethargy. You eat every day (1-2 pieces fresh or dried - no more), and you will forget about the problems.

The fact that fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins, essential and beneficial minerals is known to everyone. Therefore, children from a young age are trying to introduce puree from juicy fruits into complementary foods. You can get a lot of benefit from eating these foods if you eat them in the right way. Everyone should know when it is better to eat fruits, in what form they should be in order to preserve all the necessary substances.

When is the best time to eat fruit: before or after meals?

  • If a person is healthy, does not suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, then fruits and berries are good to eat in between the main meals - after an hour after breakfast, lunch and dinner. All the food absorbed during this time will be completely digested, the acidity in the stomach will remain high, so tasty, juicy fruits will be well processed and will not cause discomfort.
  • If a person has low acidity of the stomach, digestion is sluggish, it is better to eat fruits before meals - stand for half an hour, and only then eat. Fruits contain acids that will speed up digestion, provoke additional secretion of gastric juice, which contributes to the absorption of food.
  • If a person has a high acidity of the stomach, sour apples, currants, cherries should be used with extreme caution. If you still really want to, then you should eat them 30 minutes after lunch, dinner. Otherwise, fruit acids will add to the level of acidity in the stomach, which will aggravate gastritis or ulcers.

By the time of use, only melon is an exception. When can you eat it? This melon culture is rich in fiber. It slows down the digestion of the pulp. - only 34 kilocalories. But that doesn't mean you can eat it whenever you want. Doctors advise eating melon 1.5 hours after a meal. It is better to eat fruit, as well as melon, in small portions. In Asia, they like to serve dried meat with pieces of melon. It is eaten after the first, fatty dishes, hearty pilaf. If you taste a piece of melon, the heaviness in the stomach will disappear after 10-15 minutes, as if they drank enzymes for better digestion.

Fruit before meals

We eat juicy fruits before meals, about 30 minutes, then all the vitamins are well absorbed, enter the blood, saturate the body. The secretion of gastric juice is provoked by fruit juices, which help food to be digested well. Light carbohydrates fill the stomach, do not cause hunger after 10-30 minutes. After eating a banana or an apple, you will want less buns. If you eat fruits before meals, you can lose weight.

How long after a meal can you eat fruit?

If you decide to eat an apple, a banana after the main meal, you need to know how foods are digested. It takes about five hours to digest meat, eggs, three hours for cereals, lighter food does not stay in the stomach for more than two hours. Depending on what you eat, you need to think about when to eat juicy fruits.

  1. You can get the maximum benefit from eating fruits if you adhere to the following rules:
  2. It is not advisable to eat fruits immediately after the main meal. In a stomach full of food, sugar will trigger the fermentation process.
  3. So that all the necessary substances can be absorbed into the blood, and digestion does not cause discomfort, the pause between eating fruits, berries and other foods should be at least 30 minutes. During this time, the fruits have time to be digested.
  4. What time of day is best to eat fruit? For this meal, it is good to find time before lunch.
  5. You should not combine fruits with hard-to-digest foods.

Fresh fruits and berries are an excellent choice for a healthy, tasty diet. If you don't have fresh on hand, you can use frozen ones. But canned foods do not bring the necessary benefits.

Almost everyone knows that fruits are simply crammed with vitamins and various microelements. But does everyone eat fruit?
Remember your friends. Some of them do not eat apples, referring to heartburn. Others avoid eating tangerines and lemons, while saying that they have enough of their own acid even without citrus fruits.
I love apples. And then until recently, I tried to limit myself in eating them. Also referring to heartburn.

And not so long ago I learned an interesting thing. It turns out that we just do not know how to eat fruit! And almost everyone makes the same mistakes. Don't believe? Let's check! But first, a little history.
American anthropologist Alan Walker once made a discovery. It turns out that early human ancestors ate only fruits. Not only did they not eat meat, but even seeds and grass! And if so, then we must eat fruits in large quantities - it is genetically inherent in us!
But when? Do you think for dessert? But no!

When should you eat fruit?

Fruit should be eaten on an empty stomach. Only then will they be useful. So why not have breakfast in the morning? That's right. In the morning you need to drink only water or an infusion of herbs.
Well, okay, I agree with this, since I myself always start the morning with a glass of water. But what about the proverb that says that you need to eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with friends, and give dinner to the enemy?
But it is believed that if you eat a hearty meal in the morning, then the energy accumulated during the night will be used by the body to process food.
Therefore, in the morning, if you feel hungry, you can only eat fruits, and preferably juicy ones.

And you can have breakfast no earlier than half an hour later. And then if it were berries. And if you ate, for example, bananas, then breakfast is postponed for another half an hour.

Why not eat fruit for dessert?

The fact is that when fruits are mixed in the stomach with other food, then the whole mixture begins to turn sour, to ferment. This is where heartburn, and bloating, and flatulence come from.
Interesting information I learned about the melon. I don’t know about you, but earlier on holidays, after a hearty meal, a fragrant melon appeared on the table.

And then ... many toiled with their stomachs, sinning on saltpeter and all sorts of chemicals.
But it turns out that melon cannot be mixed with anything! You must first eat a melon and only after 40-50 minutes start the main meal!
Many do not eat sour fruits and berries.

They say, they say, their acid is enough. But almost all fruits have alkaline bases. And when such fruits enter the stomach, an alkaline reaction occurs. Of course, if the fruit has not been mixed with other products before.

Fruit is best eaten raw.

And all sorts of compotes, jelly, pies with apples are not only not useful, but also harmful. I am struggling with this point, but so far it is not very successful. I learned that even pasteurized juices, which I love, turn into acid before they reach the stomach.
It is better to replace juices with fresh fruits, so that there is something to chew on. After all, fruits have such a necessary fiber for us.
And if you decide to drink juice, then you need to drink it slowly, as if savoring it.

How long after a meal can you eat fruit?

1. After the salad - after 2 hours.
2. After dinner without meat - after 3 hours.
3. After meat with raw vegetables - after 4 hours.
4. If the food consisted of the wrong combinations, for example, at a feast, then there is fruit only after 8 hours.

How many fruits can you eat per day?

The body itself will prompt the norm. Two apples are enough for one person, and even a kilogram is not enough for another! For example, if I have any fruits at home, then I will not rest until I destroy everything!
Having learned such Interesting Facts about fruits, we can draw the following conclusion:
1. Fruits are eaten separately from other food.
2. Fruits are eaten before meals on an empty stomach, and not vice versa.
3. Fruits are eaten raw.
4. Fruits are eaten, observing the interval between meals.
5. Fruit is the best breakfast.
If you follow these rules, then eating fruits will bring not only benefits, but also help to reduce weight. And also fill the body with energy, which we often lack.

Imagine, the name of this exotic fruit is literally translated from Arabic sounds like a finger. But really, this fruit looks like a finger 🙂

In general, bananas are very healthy. They contain so many valuable substances:

  • inulin (this is food for good microbes in our body);
  • magnesium, potassium, manganese and other mineral compounds;
  • vitamins of groups B and C;
  • pectin;
  • antioxidants;
  • etc.

In addition, these yellow fruits are excellent "fuel" for the body. They help to recharge your energy before training and quickly recover after it. Therefore, you can eat bananas half an hour before sports or immediately after training.

Bananas also improve mood - they stimulate the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin. And these overseas fruits take pride of place in the list of aphrodisiac products. They produce the production of the hormone of love - oxytocin 😉 Whoever lacks it, eat more of these fruits.

What are the best bananas to eat when losing weight

Undoubtedly, a banana is useful. The article "" will help you get to know him better. If you eat 1 medium banana per day (about 100 grams), this will not increase your daily calorie intake so much. Its energy value is 96 kcal. Carbohydrates here are 21 g, proteins - 1.5 g, and fats - 0.5 g.

Because bananas are 90% carbs, they are considered a fruit that raises blood sugar levels. Especially ripe fruits. However, the GI index of bananas, depending on ripeness, is in the range of 42-62. This classifies them as low or medium on the glycemic index ( 1 ).

Let's take a look at what is better to eat when losing weight. After all, they have different degrees of maturity.

Unripe bananas (1-3)

Such fruits do have some advantages. They include a reduced sugar content compared to their ripe counterparts. Unripe fruits are an excellent source of prebiotic fibers. They help feed the good bacteria in your gut and improve digestion.

Due to the higher content of resistant starch, green fruits leave a feeling of fullness for a longer time.

One downside to eating them is that they are hard to digest. digestive system and can cause flatulence.

To mask the slightly bitter taste of unripe bananas, add them to smoothies with other fruits and vegetables. They go well in cocktails with yogurt and cinnamon, raspberries, nuts or honey.

Ripe bananas (4-7)

Ripe fruit contains a high concentration of all dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B and many antioxidants. Plus, ripe fruits are easier on our digestive system.

But an overripe banana with dark spots indicates that it contains a specific extracellular protein. It is called TNF or tumor necrosis factor. This is a substance that has an anti-cancer effect, that is, it fights against abnormal formations. TNF also helps to strengthen the immune system.

If you've bought a whole bunch of ripe fruits and they're starting to go bad, put them in the fridge to save. nutrients. Make a puree out of them and smear instead of butter on sandwiches or add to pastries for. You can also freeze them for use in chilled summer smoothies.

But the size of the fruit does not really matter. This does not affect their usefulness in any way.

Is it possible to eat bananas in the evening

Often interested in losing weight - is it possible to burst bananas in the evening. And then immediately "experts" from all sides swoop in with their advice. " What do you, in no case do not eat, there are terrible carbohydrates. At night, they settle in the cells of your body. And in the morning you wake up overgrown with extra pounds". Or this suggestion: Forget bananas. Just get better from them. Better eat».

Well, what can I say - after such "arguments" you really stop eating bananas. But only such drastic measures are not always justified. The thing is, each of us has a different body.

Some people can eat a banana at night and fall asleep peacefully. For others, eating this exotic fruit can cause increased vigor, smoothly turning into hunger. This is especially true for people with severe spikes in blood sugar levels.

There is another argument against bananas in the evening. These exotic fruits have a strong diuretic effect. And potassium is to blame. Therefore, if you eat this fruit before going to bed, you can run to the toilet all night.


Many people who are going to lose weight with a diet often ask themselves what is allowed to eat in the evening and what fruits can be eaten while losing weight? As a rule, in an effort to make their figure attractive, women try to choose low-calorie foods, while not limiting the use of fruits. On the one hand, fruits contribute to weight loss, because they contain a lot of minerals, vitamins, fiber, which have a positive effect on the human body, on the other hand, not all fruits are useful, because. they differ from each other in properties and composition.

What fruits help you lose weight

Fruits are a real source of energy, minerals and vitamins. These products are especially useful for losing weight. They can remove toxins, ensure the smooth functioning of the digestive tract, activate the production of gallbladder secretion, and contribute to the natural cleansing of the body. healthy fruits for weight loss are characterized by low calorie content and a high percentage of fat breakdown.

A diet that has a large number of berries and fruits, is considered the most useful. To normalize weight, you need to know exactly which fruits to eat and which ones to avoid in your diet. Bananas, dates, raisins should not be eaten in large quantities. And if you add pineapple, pears, kiwi, grapefruit to the usual menu, then this will cause positive result. An effective group that is often used for weight loss is citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines). In addition, you can eat the following fruits for weight loss and fat removal:

  • apricots;
  • apples;
  • grenades;
  • passion fruit;
  • peaches;
  • persimmon.

What fruits are best to eat when losing weight

For many people who decide to stick to a diet, the question remains, which fruits are better to eat when losing weight? To get rid of hated kilograms, nutritionists advise choosing foods with a small amount of sugar. As a rule, sweetness in fruits is measured by the content of fructose. Fruit sugar, due to the presence of fibers, is absorbed more slowly in the body. At the same time, people on a diet should consume less sweet dates, bananas, prunes, raisins and persimmons.

Unsweetened grapefruit, kiwi, apple, pineapple are considered useful for losing weight. They speed up the metabolism well, remove fluid, break down fat, enrich the body with vitamins, and improve the digestion process. The list of dietary fruits can be continued with oranges, lemons and berries. They can replace one of the main meals.

low calorie fruits for weight loss

The huge variety of store-bought products can confuse anyone. It must be understood that dietary fruits are not all, therefore, only those that contain a small amount of calories should be included in the diet. Low calorie fruits for weight loss:

A simple group of carbohydrates is called a monosaccharide or fructose. By appearance- These are hard transparent sweet crystals that dissolve well in water. Fructose with the help of enzymes can release alcohol, acids (lactic, acetic). Given organic compound sweeter than glucose. It is absorbed by the body better and faster. Fructose is needed by a person, because. it is a fast carbon. You can not abuse this substance, because. it is capable of:

  • cause severe allergies;
  • impair glucose tolerance and insulin resistance;
  • cause a false feeling of hunger;
  • increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (safe dose - no more than 40 grams per day).
  • apple - 7 g;
  • orange - 6 g;
  • raspberries (250 g) - 3 g;
  • a slice of watermelon - 12 g;
  • kiwi - 3 g;
  • pineapple - 7 g;
  • pear - 11 g;
  • strawberries - 4 g;
  • a bunch of grapes (250 g) - 7 g;
  • a bunch of cherries - 8 g;
  • banana - 9 g;
  • peach - 5 g;
  • a slice of melon - 22 g;
  • nectarine - 5 g.

What time of day is best to eat fruit?

If you are going to follow the method of losing weight, you need to know what time of the day is best to eat fruit. Many experts advise eating berries and fruits on an empty stomach an hour before dinner. The morning should start with citrus fruits: before breakfast, you can eat a tangerine, half a grapefruit, or drink a glass of orange juice. Apples should be eaten after lunch. All other fruits can be taken a few minutes before the next meal.

Is it possible to eat fruit when losing weight before bed? Plums are of great benefit to the body in the evening, especially for those who suffer from intestinal obstruction. Sweet fruits should be excluded from the diet. It is harmful to eat fruits together with other dishes, as this will lead to poor digestion, bloating and gas in the stomach. Pears should be eaten with caution by people with gastrointestinal diseases. On an empty stomach, they should not be eaten either, preferably an hour after eating.

What fruits can you eat in the evening when losing weight

When following a diet, you often want to eat in the evening. In order not to gain excess weight, you should know what fruits you can eat in the evening when losing weight. As a rule, all citrus fruits are ideal for a late dinner. Although, in addition to grapefruits, oranges and tangerines, there are other fruits that you can safely enjoy even after 7 pm. Allowed fruits for the night when losing weight:

  • Kiwi (100 grams of the product contains only 50 kcal). The fruit is rich in ascorbic acid and beneficial trace elements, is hypoallergenic. The secret of kiwifruit is that it contains soluble plant fibers that dampen the feeling of hunger.
  • Mango (100 grams of the product contains only 67 kcal). Its main advantage is cholesterol lowering and laxative effect.
  • Pineapple (100 grams of the product contains only 47 kcal). The pulp contains bromelain, which breaks down fats well and actively produces gastric juice.

What fruits should not be eaten while losing weight

There are fruits that will not reduce, but only help to gain weight. Having considered what fruits you can eat when losing weight, we will find out their well-known antipodes. The first product that should be discarded while dieting is grapes. It contains a huge amount of fructose, calories, it has a high glycemic index. In addition, grapes can cause a feeling of fermentation in the intestines. What fruits should not be eaten when losing weight:

  • bananas;
  • watermelon;
  • dried fruits;
  • avocado;
  • persimmon.

What fruits can get better

Dried fruits are considered the most high-calorie among all fruits. A high content of carbohydrates appears in them due to the general loss of moisture, so losing weight people should not get involved in them. But dried fruits can be eaten instead of sugar or sweets, several pieces a day. Here is a small list of what fruits can get better:

  • Grapes are a sweet berry, the juice of which contains a lot of glucose, does not satisfy hunger and is not able to saturate the body.
  • Avocado is a southern exotic fruit that tastes like a pumpkin or a tart pear. It is considered high in calories.
  • Bananas. They contain a large percentage of carbohydrates and starch. Overuse this product can cause weight gain.

Video: what fruits can you eat on a diet

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