Gosha Kutsenko brought out his two-year-old daughter Evgenia. Gosha Kutsenko: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Evgeny Kutsenko Gosha's daughter

According to rumors, the event will take place in the summer. Happy spouses already know the gender of the unborn baby. Kutsenko and his wife told their relatives, who told reporters that Gosha would have a long-awaited boy.


Before that, the artist had daughters. Pauline Gaucher gave birth to the first heiress in 1996 ex-lover, famous actress Maria Poroshina. Then Kutsenko tied the knot with his current wife, fashion model Irina Skrinichenko. The couple's first child, daughter Eugene, was born in 2014.

It is noteworthy that Kutsenko was not scheduled with Poroshina. He decided to go to the registry office only at the age of 45. And then, before the marriage, Gosha and his wife Irina Skrinichenko tested their feelings for about ten years. In 2012, the lovers got married.

"It was necessary to somehow officially register our relationship. Then, we just had a round date - a decade life together. And also my 45th birthday at the same time. I got married 20 times in the movies, but never in my life. And I already had a wild inferiority complex in this regard ... - Gosha admitted in an interview. “That’s why I insisted that we sign.”

He prefers to treat this round date philosophically. "IN Lately instead of business, communication, some kind of movement somewhere, I think and go home. Numbers make us realists. And there's nothing you can do about it! 50… This natural number between 51 and 49. 50 is me. Moscow region and 50 states of America. I am 50 shades of grey. And I am the same age as Philip Kirkorov!" - stated Gosha.

Gosha (Yuri) Kutsenko - actor, singer, director, producer, screenwriter and just talented person. Received the status of Honored Artist Russian Federation. A comprehensively developed and charismatic person, but still more known as a movie actor. He is equally good at playing both a bandit and a quiet nerd. Very outgoing, loves to be the center of attention and almost always grabs the attention of the public where he is. He is ready to work for the sake of art for free, supports young filmmakers with his presence, but categorically refuses to act in an uninteresting scenario.

Height, weight, age. How old is Gosha Kutsenko

From his very youth, Yuri Kutsenko, better known under the name Gosh, was in the public eye of women, because he is a tall, well-built, charismatic man. What is Kutsenko's height, weight, age? It is easy to calculate how old Gosha Kutsenko is, knowing that he was born on May 20, 1967. The actor has grown up to 184 centimeters, average weight, about 83 kilograms, in his 50 years he looks great. His business card- his nose, with a hump. Such a flaw, which, however, many consider a highlight and a sign of masculinity, Gosha Kutsenko earned in his youth. Being engaged in free wrestling, he always fell with his nose into the carpet.

Biography and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko

Gosha Kutsenko was born in picturesque Ukraine, in the city on the Dnieper River Zaporozhye. I went to school here, but over time, the family changed their place of residence to Lviv due to the transfer of his father to work. Already here Gosha graduated from school and at the same time studied at sports section wrestling, where he earned his trademark nose. After graduating from school, he entered the Lviv Polytechnic University, which he failed to finish - he was taken into the army. After serving, Kutsenko did not return to Lvov, as his father was again transferred on duty, this time to Moscow. Since then, Ukraine has become for Gosha Kutsenko a country where he only comes to visit, to festivals or to shoot. In general, he recalls the years of his youth and life in Ukraine with great warmth, says he was absolutely happy in childhood, notes the generosity of the region: mulberries and cherries on the edge of the road, the Dnieper and summer bathing.

So, having been demobilized, Gosha Kutsenko moved to the huge city of Moscow, where his dad was transferred in 1988 with a promotion to the post of Deputy Minister of the Radio Industry of the Soviet Union. In Moscow, Gosha is trying to continue his studies in higher education. educational institution, enters the Moscow University of Technology. For two years he regularly attends lectures, but gradually realizes that he is interested in a different path and finally leaves the university in order to become an artist. This news shocked his parents, who were absolutely not connected with creativity. Gosha's mother later admitted that they thought that her son would become a diplomat or a writer, he speaks excellent English.

From childhood, parents hired a teacher for their son, so the boy already owned a first grader. foreign language. But what the son chose acting skills was perceived ambiguously, the father even tried to influence the fact that Gosha was not accepted into the theater school. But Kutsenko took the examination board with his originality. Then he had a clear Ukrainian accent and a speech impediment, he could not pronounce the letter "r". Just when I entered the Moscow Art Theater, it happened interesting story, at the audition of Oleg Tabakov, the guy’s accent and burr were terribly touched, he asked his name several times, which sounded like “Yuri”, but the student got out, Once again answering “Gosh!”, That’s exactly what his mother used to block up in childhood. Subsequently, Kutsenko, with the help of tutors, got rid of both burr and Ukrainian accent.

Filmography: films starring Gosha Kutsenko

During the years of study, he made his film debut, in 1991 in an episode of the film "The Man from the Alpha Team", in the same year there was also the main role in "The Mummy from the Suitcase".

After graduating from the theater in 1992, the actor was not bombarded with theater offers, no one wanted to work with novice actors. Periodically, he played on a small stage, acted in films, but all in episodes. In 1995 he worked on television in music program but also abandoned it. It would seem that you can put your hands down, which the actor did. For more than a month he was locked up, having fun with a computer and games, eating only what his friends would bring. Creatively meager were the 90s for Gosha Kutsenko, until 2000 he taught at the Institute of Cinematography (VGIK).

The real popularity of the actor began with the film "Antikiller". Director Yegor Konchalovsky entrusted Gosha leading role who served former employee criminal investigation. The film had big success, subsequently filmed a sequel, and Kutsenko began to be invited to the main roles. The filmography began to be actively replenished with works such as “Loneliness of Blood”, “Connoisseurs are investigating”, “Special Forces”, “The Fourth Wish”, the sensational Night and Day Watch, the second part of “Mom, Do not Cry!”, “Hunting for Manchurian Deer”, "Turkish Gambit", all parts of "Love-Carrot", "Inhabited Island", "Moms", "Game of Truth", in several parts of the film almanac "Yolki" and many others interesting films. Kutsenko not only starred, but also produced films, took part in writing scripts, and became a co-owner of a film production company.

Gosha Kutsenko was not limited to one work in the cinema. In the stagnant times of the 90s, the actor took up music in order to somehow entertain himself. He was the lead singer of a rock band with the strange name "Lamb 97". In 2004, the team underwent some changes, both in composition and in the name. The guys performed more for pleasure, although they went on tour in Russia and their native Ukraine. Gosha Kutsenko recorded his first album as a singer only in 2010, the second in 2014.

The biography and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko has undergone many changes. There have been troubled times and times of success, but there has never been much information about the actor's personal life, he does not like to advertise the personal. Only two love stories of Gosha Kutsenko are known, and both reached marriage. Only in the first case to the civil one, with Maria Poroshina, and in the second case, to the official one, with the model Irina Skrinichenko. From these unions, Gosha has three daughters.

Family and children of Gosha Kutsenko

Gosha Kutsenko's parents wondered where such a craving for acting antics came from. After all, his parents had serious specialties, absolutely not related to creativity. The actor's mother, Svetlana Vasilievna, worked in a hospital in an x-ray room. And his father - Georgy Pavlovich - headed the ministry in Ukraine, then went on promotion, became a deputy minister in the union. With such professions for the son, they also saw the future somewhere in the governing bodies, the diplomatic corps. They named their son in honor of cosmonaut Gagarin Yuri. The only member of the family who is connected with creativity was Gosha's grandmother, who sang in the opera in her youth. He probably inherited the makings of singing from her.

The family had very close and warm relations, the parents loved their only son. And he repaid them in the same way, later the actor’s mother often praised Gosha, saying that one could only dream of such a son. The upbringing was such that the family and children of Gosha Kutsenko were always the most important thing in life.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Polina

The first child, desired and born in love, was the daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Polina. She was born in civil marriage with Maria Poroshina, on February 22, 1996, five years later, the parents parted. Nevertheless, acting genes made themselves felt, Polina also decided to become an actress, although her mother persistently dissuaded her from this future. She was trained at the Moscow Art Theater, wanted to enter GITIS, but did not pass the second round. So far, Polina Yuryevna Kutsenko is still an aspiring actress, studying at the Shchukin Theater Institute, but managed to star in a couple of films.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Evgenia

In June 2014, on the 23rd, Gosha Kutsenko had a second daughter, and the first was married to Irina Skrinikova. Obviously, the second daughter of Gosha Kutsenko, Evgenia, will follow in his footsteps, because everyone close to the Kutsenko family notes the incredible artistry of the baby. She is very similar to her father, not only in appearance, but also in character. You definitely can’t blame Kutsenko for superstition, he was not afraid to show small child to the public, even shot a one and a half year old Zhenya in his video. He admitted that it was very difficult, especially to dress the child in a spacesuit.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Svetlana

In June 2017, namely on the 7th, Gosha Kutsenko became father of many children, his wife gave a girl to the 50th anniversary of the actor. About interesting position wife Irina became known back in May, just at the anniversary of the actor, which was held in the form theatrical production. True, then everyone prophesied and waited for a son. But on the opening day of the Kinotavr festival, which Gosha, however, did not miss, the actor in social networks shared his joy. The name of the third daughter of Gosha Kutsenko is Svetlana. She was born in Moscow while dad was working at the Kinotavr festival.

Ex-wife of Gosha Kutsenko - Maria Poroshina

As a third-year student at the Moscow Art Theater, Gosha met a girl who was just taking the entrance exams. This girl became not only a student of the aforementioned studio school, but also Kutsenko's first wife, albeit a civilian one. Now already ex-wife Goshi Kutsenko-Maria Poroshina, a colleague, also a recognizable actress, the star of numerous melodramas. The couple did not live in marriage for long, five years, but managed to give birth to their daughter Polina. We parted as good friends. According to the actor, the times were like that, the 90s, even the Soviet Union fell apart, what to say Gosha Kutsenko, succumbed to temptations.

Gosha Kutsenko's wife - Irina Skrinichenko

For the second time, Gosha Kutsenko officially tied the knot, that is, marriage with a stamp in his passport took place for the first time. It happened in 2012, after ten years of dating, in a modest and quiet environment, one might even say secretly. Of those present, only the mother of the bride was, but Wedding Dress and the groom's suit were as expected. Gosha Kutsenko's wife, Irina Skrinichenko, is an actress and fashion model, thirteen years younger than her chosen one. After two years of already married life, she gave her husband a daughter, Eugene, and after another three, a daughter, Svetlana.

Instagram and Wikipedia Gosha Kutsenko

What can Instagram and Wikipedia Gosha Kutsenko tell fans of creativity? In fact, everything that the actor considered necessary to make public. It must be said that Kutsenko does not like to talk about his personal life, he often laughs it off, nevertheless, he communicates with his Instagram subscribers, posting new photos from filming and rest, and sharing joy, such as the birth of his third daughter. Wikipedia will tell only a few words about the biography of the actor, but it will give full information about the work of Kutsenko, both acting and producing, directing and musical.

Three children: a daughter from his first marriage and two daughters from his second. one year old Svetlana and four years Evgenia the actor devotes a lot of time and even plans to spend the summer with them, but he doesn’t forget about 22-year-old Polina either. He gave an interview to one of the Russian publications, in which he said that he wanted to marry his daughter as soon as possible and have grandchildren.

Kutsenko said that eldest daughter followed in his footsteps creative activity and now chooses between career and family. The star father does not intend to put pressure on his daughter, but still hopes that Polina's boyfriend will soon make her an offer: “Polina is an artist, she plays in many places, cuts with might and main. But she is also a wonderful housewife. Now, by the way, she chooses where it is better for her to rush - to the household or to her career. For young girls, this is usually what happens: either work or family. Polina is dating a guy, he is a director by profession. But for some reason, he doesn’t make an offer yet, he is holding on. But I'm waiting for this, I want to finally save my daughter as soon as possible. By the way, I'm ready for grandchildren. Not only to their own, but also to strangers.

Polina Kutsenko with her father

Unlike many fathers, Gosha fully approves of his daughter's chosen one, but believes that pushing him to marry would be wrong: “I believe that a man should make this mistake on his own. He is Ossetian, but there is nothing wrong with that. For example, I am the same man as he is, I look at life the same way. My daughter's boyfriend is a good, progressive young man, I like it very much!

By the way, Kutsenko himself is also at a crossroads: he has the opportunity to spend the summer either on the set of his own film, or outside the city with younger children. “Either I will put my own film into production and spend the whole summer in hell working on set, or I will stay in heaven with my children. I'll take loans from the bank and sit and do nothing. I have two fresh daughters, I will hang out with them unemployed. And then, in August, I will begin hard serial work in the Ambulance project. Here are the plans. I spend every free moment with my children and family. We live in the suburbs, in the forest, I specially took my girls away from Moscow. We even have a swimming pool at home, but I don’t fill it with water, I store various preservations there. It's just that we have three more pools not far from the house, which are located in the sanatorium. Everything is arranged there for children, various teachers are engaged in swimming with them, ”the actor said in an interview with the Sobesednik publication.

Polina Kutsenko with her father

Recall that Gosha Kutsenko was married twice. The first wife was the actress Maria Poroshina, who gave birth to the actor's daughter Polina. The couple lived together for about five years, after which they broke up, but remained good friends. The second wife was a model Irina Skrinichenko, which gave Kutsenko two daughters: Evgenia in 2014 and Svetlana in 2017.

Gosha Kutsenko is a fairly well-known film actor. He appeared in a large number of films in which he plays courageous heroes. The man also tried himself in directing. He made several films that became a new word in Russian cinematography.

The actor plays the guitar well. He often performs in nightclubs, striking with his possession musical instrument and vocal data.

The man was in a relationship with beautiful women twice. Only the last beloved managed to drag the man down the aisle. He is raising two little daughters. The actor does not forget the eldest daughter Polina, who is already an adult.

Height, weight, age. How old is Gosha Kutsenko

After the release of the first movie with the participation of the star, many movie lovers became interested in the artist. At present, it is not a secret of information about his height, weight, age. How old is Gosha Kutsenko is reliably known. Currently, the artist has crossed the 50-year milestone. But many fans believe that a man looks several years younger than his biological age.

Gosha Kutsenko, a photo in his youth and now which allows you to see a courageous person, has a height of 184 centimeters. The star weighs about 80 kg. He often visits gyms, where he maintains his physical form.

Biography and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko

The biography and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko are amazing and attractive. They are able to interest any person.

A baby was born in the Kutsenko family in the late 60s of the last century. He was named at birth Yuri. Thus, the boy's parents honored the first man on the planet Earth who traveled in space, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Father - Georgy Pavlovich led the industry that produces radio components in the Zaporozhye region. Mother - Svetlana Vasilievna Kutsenko worked in the hospital as a radiologist.

At the age of 5, our hero moves with his parents to another Ukrainian city. It is Lvov who considers the guy to be his own. During his school years, Yura studied well. He especially liked mathematics. But the guy did not like literature, since it was necessary to pronounce poems, and this showed quite clearly a speech defect. Kutsenko could not pronounce the sound of r.

Yuri attended a music school, he learned to play the guitar quite well. And the guy did not dare to sing yet.

Having received a school certificate, our hero becomes a student at the Polytechnic Institute in his native Lviv on the first attempt. But he could not finish his education, as he was called to armed forces Soviet Union. For 2 years, the young man was a signalman. Although he was offered to become a military man, the future actor refused.

In the late 80s, the star of Russian cinema moved with his family to the capital of the Soviet Union. In the early 90s, the guy studies at the Moscow Art Theater School. The selection committee was captivated by the identity of the artist. He withstood all difficulties with honor. In order not to show his burriness, the guy uses his home name. It is called Gosha. Oleg Tabakov enrolls our hero in the number of students. The future star soon corrected all speech defects. He became one of the best students on the course.

After graduating from the theater institute, he gets a job in one of the capital's theaters. Talented Actor played many different roles. He quickly got fans.

Filmography: films starring Gosha Kutsenko

Kutsenko began acting in films back in student years. His debut film was The Man from the Alpha Team. Many years have passed since then. The artist is invited by the best film directors. His characters are courageous. The best works Gosha, according to his fans, are works in "Countess de Monsoro", "Antikiller", "Special Forces", "Turkish Gambit" and many others. Kutsenko sometimes appears in a humorous perspective. The actor showed his talent in Love-Carrots, where pop singer Kristina Orbakaite became his partner. Despite Kutsenko's statements that he stops acting in films, his filmography is still being replenished. Recently, movie lovers could see the work of Gosha in the "Vacation of the President." And now he is filming in the Balkan Frontier.

The actor dubbed several foreign films. He gave his voice to courageous characters. Potanya speaks in the voice of the artist in the cartoon “Three heroes. Horse move."

Our hero tried himself as a director. He made two films: "If you love" and "Doctor", which were appreciated by critics and viewers. The artist wrote scripts for several films.

A man often participates in various show programs in which he judges contestants.

Engaged in Kutsenko and music. He often performs with his own band. Currently, Gosha has released several music albums.

Twice our hero lost his head from love. The first wife never became official, despite the birth of her daughter. In the second marriage, the actor is still happy. He is raising two little daughters.

Family and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko

The family and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko are topics that the artist can answer endlessly.

The popular film actor has three daughters. The first was given to him by his first lover. And the next two were born in the second marriage of Kutsenko. He loves all daughters. Gosha also has a godson, who was born in the family of one of the artist's friends.

The father held leadership positions. He worked in Ukraine for many years. In 1988, the man began to work in the Soviet government. In the difficult 90s, the star's dad began to do business. But unsuccessful. Recently, a man passed away, he was buried in one of the capital's cemeteries.

Mom contributed to the development of the boy big influence. She has worked in a hospital all her life. Currently, the woman helps raise two little granddaughters, the youngest of whom looks so much like her.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Polina

In the difficult 90s, the artist became a father for the first time. But this did not prompt the official registration of relations with civil wife Maria Poroshina. Shortly after that civil spouses broke up, but the star of the "Turkish Gambit" did not stop participating in the life of the child.

Gosha Kutsenko's daughter, Polina, studied well at school. The girl received an artistic education. She graduated from the Shchukin School. Currently, Polina is actively playing in one of the capital's theaters and acting in films.

Recently, at one of the events, the girl appeared with her father. They performed the song together, showing excellent vocal abilities. But nothing is known about Polina's personal life. She diligently avoids this side of life in her interviews.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Evgenia

In 2014, our hero became a father for the second time. He was anxious and treats the baby, who is so much like his beloved wife. Zhenechka was born in one of the capital's hospitals. The star father himself was present at the birth.

The daughter of Gosha Kutsenko, Evgenia, recently celebrated her fourth birthday. She, according to the actor, will become an actress or a singer. Now the girl is engaged in vocals, dancing. She draws well, tries to read books.

Zhenya helps her mother raise her younger sister. She loves to hang out with her dad and make up funny stories, some of which can be read on her mom's Instagram.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Svetlana

Our hero named his youngest daughter, who was born in mid-2017, in honor of his beloved mother - Sveta. The girl looks like a grandmother. The actor himself assures that sometimes the manner of his mother is manifested in the behavior of his daughter.

The daughter of Gosha Kutsenko, Svetlana, recently celebrated her first birthday. Baby got a large number of gifts. The celebration was attended by many friends of the girl's parents.

The baby loves to play with her sister, grandmother and mother. Who the baby will be is yet to be determined. But it is clear that she will become a good person.

Ex-wife of Gosha Kutsenko - Maria Poroshina

On the set of one of his paintings, the popular film actor met the girl Masha. She immediately attracted the attention of a man. The novel quickly turned into a relationship. At first, the lovers decided to live in a civil marriage, without officially registering the relationship. They worked and rested together, enjoying each other. But after the birth of their daughter, the actors decided to leave.

The ex-wife of Gosha Kutsenko, Maria Poroshina, never prevented her daughter from communicating with her father. She saved from former spouse friendly relations.

The acting fate of the actress was quite successful. She plays a lot and acts in films. Maria recently received a prestigious award for many years of creative work.

Gosha Kutsenko's wife - Irina Skrinichenko

In 2005, at one of the social events, the Turkish Gambit star met a girl who attracted him with her beauty. The artist says that he saw bottomless eyes and disappeared. He was not stopped by a big age difference. Gosha began to look after Ira. And she only after some time responded to his courtship.

In 2012, the lovers officially registered their marriage. The young wife of Gosha Kutsenko, Irina Skrinichenko, is a fairly successful model. She has appeared in several films. Currently, Irina takes care of the house and brings up little daughters. But the girl finds time to participate in fashion shows, leaving her daughters in the care of their grandmother.

Instagram and Wikipedia Gosha Kutsenko

Instagram and Wikipedia Gosha Kutsenko allows you to fully get acquainted with the life and creative path of the actor.

Wikipedia tells in sufficient detail about the youth of our hero. But about childhood, superficial information is given. Here you can find a list of films in which a man has ever starred. The paintings in which he acted as a director, producer are listed. On the page you can learn a little about the personal life of the actor. The artist's wives and children are listed here.

Instagram Kutsenko fills the gap of Wikipedia. Here you can see pictures of the actor both on stage and in movies, as well as in everyday life. Gosha spends a lot of time with his beloved wife and daughters, as can be seen from the pictures posted on the page. The star talks about her life without hiding anything. Gosha wants everyone to know that he is incredibly happy. Article found on alabanza.ru

Gosha Kutsenko is a fairly well-known film actor. He appeared in a large number of films in which he plays courageous heroes. The man also tried himself in directing. He made several films that became a new word in Russian cinematography.

The actor plays the guitar well. He often performs in nightclubs, striking with his possession of a musical instrument and vocal abilities.

The man was in a relationship with beautiful women twice. Only the last beloved managed to drag the man down the aisle. He is raising two little daughters. The actor does not forget the eldest daughter Polina, who is already an adult.

After the release of the first movie with the participation of the star, many movie lovers became interested in the artist. At present, it is not a secret of information about his height, weight, age. How old is Gosha Kutsenko is reliably known. Currently, the artist has crossed the 50-year milestone. But many fans believe that a man looks several years younger than his biological age.

Gosha Kutsenko, a photo in his youth and now which allows you to see a courageous person, has a height of 184 centimeters. The star weighs about 80 kg. He often visits gyms, where he maintains his physical form.

Biography and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko

The biography and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko are amazing and attractive. They are able to interest any person.

A baby was born in the Kutsenko family in the late 60s of the last century. He was named at birth Yuri. Thus, the boy's parents honored the first man on the planet Earth who traveled in space, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Father - Georgy Pavlovich led the industry that produces radio components in the Zaporozhye region. Mother - Svetlana Vasilievna Kutsenko worked in the hospital as a radiologist.

At the age of 5, our hero moves with his parents to another Ukrainian city. It is Lvov who considers the guy to be his own. During his school years, Yura studied well. He especially liked mathematics. But the guy did not like literature, since it was necessary to pronounce poems, and this showed quite clearly a speech defect. Kutsenko could not pronounce the sound of r.

Yuri attended a music school, he learned to play the guitar quite well. And the guy did not dare to sing yet.

Having received a school certificate, our hero becomes a student at the Polytechnic Institute in his native Lviv on the first attempt. But he could not finish his education, as he was drafted into the armed forces of the Soviet Union. For 2 years, the young man was a signalman. Although he was offered to become a military man, the future actor refused.

In the late 80s, the star of Russian cinema moved with his family to the capital of the Soviet Union. In the early 90s, the guy studies at the Moscow Art Theater School. The selection committee was captivated by the identity of the artist. He withstood all difficulties with honor. In order not to show his burriness, the guy uses his home name. It is called Gosha. Oleg Tabakov enrolls our hero in the number of students. The future star soon corrected all speech defects. He became one of the best students in the course.

After graduating from the theater institute, he gets a job in one of the capital's theaters. The talented actor has played many different roles. He quickly got fans.

Filmography: films starring Gosha Kutsenko

In the cinema, Kutsenko began acting in his student years. His debut film was The Man from the Alpha Team. Many years have passed since then. The artist is invited by the best film directors. His characters are courageous. The best works of Gosha, according to his fans, are the work in "Countess de Monsoro", "Antikiller", "Special Forces", "Turkish Gambit" and many others. Kutsenko sometimes appears in a humorous perspective. The actor showed his talent in Love-Carrots, where pop singer Kristina Orbakaite became his partner. Despite Kutsenko's statements that he stops acting in films, his filmography is still being replenished. Recently, movie lovers could see the work of Gosha in the "Vacation of the President." And now he is filming in the Balkan Frontier.

The actor dubbed several foreign films. He gave his voice to courageous characters. Potanya speaks in the voice of the artist in the cartoon “Three heroes. Horse move."

Our hero tried himself as a director. He made two films: "If you love" and "Doctor", which were appreciated by critics and viewers. The artist wrote scripts for several films.

A man often participates in various show programs in which he judges contestants.

Engaged in Kutsenko and music. He often performs with his own band. Currently, Gosha has released several music albums.

Twice our hero lost his head from love. The first wife never became official, despite the birth of her daughter. In the second marriage, the actor is still happy. He is raising two little daughters.

Family and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko

The family and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko are topics that the artist can answer endlessly.

The popular film actor has three daughters. The first was given to him by his first lover. And the next two were born in the second marriage of Kutsenko. He loves all daughters. Gosha also has a godson, who was born in the family of one of the artist's friends.

The father held leadership positions. He worked in Ukraine for many years. In 1988, the man began to work in the Soviet government. In the difficult 90s, the star's dad began to do business. But unsuccessful. Recently, a man passed away, he was buried in one of the capital's cemeteries.

Mom had a great influence on the development of the boy. She has worked in a hospital all her life. Currently, the woman helps raise two little granddaughters, the youngest of whom looks so much like her.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Polina

In the difficult 90s, the artist became a father for the first time. But this did not prompt the official registration of relations with the common-law wife Maria Poroshina. A short time after that, the common-law spouses broke up, but the star of the Turkish Gambit did not stop participating in the life of the child.

Gosha Kutsenko's daughter, Polina, studied well at school. The girl received an artistic education. She graduated from the Shchukin School. Currently, Polina is actively playing in one of the capital's theaters and acting in films.

Recently, at one of the events, the girl appeared with her father. They performed the song together, showing excellent vocal abilities. But nothing is known about Polina's personal life. She diligently avoids this side of life in her interviews.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Evgenia

In 2014, our hero became a father for the second time. He was anxious and treats the baby, who is so much like his beloved wife. Zhenechka was born in one of the capital's hospitals. The star father himself was present at the birth.

The daughter of Gosha Kutsenko, Evgenia, recently celebrated her fourth birthday. She, according to the actor, will become an actress or a singer. Now the girl is engaged in vocals, dancing. She draws well, tries to read books.

Zhenya helps her mother raise her younger sister. She loves to hang out with her dad and make up funny stories, some of which can be read on her mom's Instagram.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Svetlana

Our hero named his youngest daughter, who was born in mid-2017, in honor of his beloved mother - Sveta. The girl looks like a grandmother. The actor himself assures that sometimes the manner of his mother is manifested in the behavior of his daughter.

The daughter of Gosha Kutsenko, Svetlana, recently celebrated her first birthday. The little girl received a large number of gifts. The celebration was attended by many friends of the girl's parents.

The baby loves to play with her sister, grandmother and mother. Who the baby will be is yet to be determined. But it is clear that she will become a good person.

Ex-wife of Gosha Kutsenko - Maria Poroshina

On the set of one of his paintings, the popular film actor met the girl Masha. She immediately attracted the attention of a man. The novel quickly turned into a relationship. At first, the lovers decided to live in a civil marriage, without officially registering the relationship. They worked and rested together, enjoying each other. But after the birth of their daughter, the actors decided to leave.

The ex-wife of Gosha Kutsenko, Maria Poroshina, never prevented her daughter from communicating with her father. She maintained friendly relations with her ex-husband.

The acting fate of the actress was quite successful. She plays a lot and acts in films. Maria recently received a prestigious award for many years of creative work.

Gosha Kutsenko's wife - Irina Skrinichenko

In 2005, at one of the social events, the Turkish Gambit star met a girl who attracted him with her beauty. The artist says that he saw bottomless eyes and disappeared. He was not stopped by a big age difference. Gosha began to look after Ira. And she only after some time responded to his courtship.

In 2012, the lovers officially registered their marriage. The young wife of Gosha Kutsenko, Irina Skrinichenko, is a fairly successful model. She has appeared in several films. Currently, Irina takes care of the house and brings up little daughters. But the girl finds time to participate in fashion shows, leaving her daughters in the care of their grandmother.

Instagram and Wikipedia Gosha Kutsenko

Instagram and Wikipedia Gosha Kutsenko allows you to fully get acquainted with the life and creative path of the actor.

Wikipedia tells in sufficient detail about the youth of our hero. But about childhood, superficial information is given. Here you can find a list of films in which a man has ever starred. The paintings in which he acted as a director, producer are listed. On the page you can learn a little about the personal life of the actor. The artist's wives and children are listed here.

Instagram Kutsenko fills the gap of Wikipedia. Here you can see pictures of the actor both on stage and in movies, as well as in everyday life. Gosha spends a lot of time with his beloved wife and daughters, as can be seen from the pictures posted on the page. The star talks about her life without hiding anything. Gosha wants everyone to know that he is incredibly happy.

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