Pony on a rocking chair. Great originals, or examples of non-standard motivation

The art of management lies not only in the ability to manage, but also to reward for a job well done. Classic textbooks on personnel management, along with traditional material motivation, contain many other methods, such as gratitude, awards, vocational training etc.
However, in practice, managers, in pursuit of maximum efficiency, go beyond generally accepted measures and come up with new non-standard ways of motivation: original offices, relaxation capsules, time off due to a broken heart, changing job titles and much, much more.

Motivation in Japanese: time off due to a broken heart and half-day weekends on sales days

Motivation in Japanese companies is very different from motivation in European and Russian organizations.
For example, the owner of the all-female marketing company Hime & Company included time off work due to a broken heart in her incentive program. This know-how was introduced after a survey among staff who suffer greatly due to a break with their “halves”, and as a result, cannot concentrate on work.
When parting with a loved one, employees under the age of 24 have the right to 1 day of leave, between the ages of 25 and 29 - 2 days, and after 30 - 3. An employee just needs to call the office and tell about the drama of the heart, how she is immediately given a day off, during which they can completely immerse themselves in their experiences, suffer, and then begin work with renewed vigor.
By the way, according to a study conducted by the SuperJob.ru portal, Russian women take time off because of a breakup you won't motivate. On the contrary, when a relationship breaks down, they plunge headlong into work, and sometimes achieve colossal career success.

And in another Japanese company, employee loyalty is increased during spring and autumn sales by giving them half-day days off. If previously Japanese women ran to stores secretly from their bosses, and handed over their things to storage lockers at the station, now they boldly leave work on an official day off.
Both European and Russian employees would be happy with such motivation.

Unusual job titles

The founder of The Walt Disney Company, Walt Disney, excelled in personnel management. He was convinced that job satisfaction depended not only on the level of salary, but also on the prestige of the position and divisions, where the employee works. Thus, during his leadership, hotel laundries and line workers on the territory of company-owned amusement parks were renamed textile services. Since then, these divisions have become on a par with marketing and customer services, but getting into them is much easier. As a result, they have become popular among young people who want to start a career in the company.
In the 90s, employees of textile services began to take part in optimizing the company's activities. They began to voice their proposals for improving the organization of work.
Thus, Disney achieved a reduction in the employee turnover rate.

Another outstanding person Steve Jobs, renamed his consultant positions in his Fifth Avenue office in New York City to "genius" positions. It is unlikely that an employee with such a position will want to quit.

It must be said that among Russian entrepreneurs There are those who show ingenuity. Artemy Lebedev, in order to improve the image of the position of “cafe administrator,” renamed it “cafe hostess.”

Intracorporate world

The franchise network of the Masterfibr company, which has 33 branches in Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic states, has introduced its own corporate currency to increase motivation. In addition to the fixed salary, weekly incentives in corporate currency called “kenga” have also been introduced. Incentives are distributed as follows: each employee receives $10 in kanga equivalent. He sends this money to the piggy bank of the employee who, in his opinion, worked best this week. You can't keep this money for yourself. The employee who collects the most kenga receives a special prize - gold coin. Once he collects 50 of these gold coins, he can exchange them for a free trip to Australia. Ordinary coins can be exchanged for a subscription to a swimming pool or sports club.
I see another advantage in this method of motivation - the manager receives a certain assessment of the work of each employee, based on the distribution of money.

And in one of the chain stores mobile phones and accessories, sales consultants received 1 sq.cm of living space for each phone sold. The action lasted several months. During this time, the leader earned 20 sq.m. based on the results of the promotion. However, due to the fact that there are no apartments with such an area, he was given a certificate for a similar amount.

Microsoft has its own shopping mall“The Commons”, entrance to which is open only to company employees. Like any other shopping center, there are boutiques here fashion brands, bank branches, cafes.

The Russian organization SKB Kontur organized for its employees kindergarten. Average age employees are 27 years old, and 40% of them are married. This way, young parents don't have to stand in line to provide places in kindergarten, and return to work after maternity leave it goes away less painfully.

Marry or divorce?

While most Western companies are banning office romances, food company Nihon Shoken encourages marriage between employees. And it even gives each newlywed a monthly bonus of $10. Of course, you can’t buy an apartment with this money, but it’s quite possible to treat yourself to sweets (or something like that)!

But one English company, as an incentive, covers the costs of divorcing their spouse.

Intra-corporate competitions

To improve the team spirit of their employees, many companies hold competitions based on interests: sports or creative. MTS practices the “Champions League”, and MacDonald’s practices the “Voice of McDonald’s”.

Nayada annually holds its own Oscar, where it recognizes the best qualities of its employees. The management operates on the principle: “It is not a person for the nomination, but a nomination for the person.” Having understood who can be rewarded and for what, top management comes up with appropriate ceremonial titles.

But employees of the American bank Wells Fargo organized a real choir more than 60 years ago. Its composition is constantly updated. It should be noted that the bank choir is popular. They often perform at major school sporting events and universities.
All members of the choir join it voluntarily at will. Some of them have been singing for more than 25 years.

Pets at work

Airbnb, which provides online private home rentals, allows its employees to bring their pets with them to work: dogs and guinea pigs. This is also practiced in the Russian office of the company. Airbnb management believes that this way employees do not miss their pets, and as a result, they can be completely immersed in the work process.

The BBN company not only rewards its employees for success in their work, but also develops programs for “losers” called “Turtle forever” or “Get a skunk”. The manager whose division showed the worst results receives a live turtle, Dasha, for a month, or a photograph of a skunk with the CEO’s autograph. By the way, the turtle should live in the office, so leave it at home for guardianship relatives will not work.

And many many others…

Huffington Post, Google, Zappos, Procter & Gamble and many other companies adapt several offices into bedrooms in their offices. In their opinion, this helps to increase employee productivity and motivation.

The head of the board of Sberbank of Russia, German Gref, invites the best employees to lunch every month.

Employees of the Columbus IT company during working hours can take a 15-minute break in order to contact to professional massage therapist for a back and shoulder massage.

At another company that provides Internet services, disputes over annual salary increases were resolved in a very interesting way: employees throw dice. The number that comes to the employee becomes the percentage of the salary increase. Thus, each employee determines how much interest he will receive: 1% or 6%.

The Yota company has implemented the Yota Air project - a day of work outside the office. Once a month, the staff works in the fresh air, in a cafe, or wherever there is Wi-Fi and space to fit the whole team.

There is even a company that offers its employees free Botox injections and solariums as motivation. So even this company invites its employees to visit Gym, yoga lessons for parents with children, plastic surgery, screening for cancer.

The German publishing house Random House has introduced a sabbatical leave program for employees who have been working in the company for more than 10 years. The publishers of the American magazine Newsweek introduced a similar system. Any employee who has worked for the company for 15 years has the right to go on sabbatical leave for six months, during which he will receive 50% of his salary.

Ukrainian companies provide their employees with ATVs for use, reward them with barrels of beer and gifts Swiss watches.

The leader among sales managers at the end of the year at Fosters for 6 months may not comply with the business dress code and not answer calls from his superiors after 18:00.

The Seventh Continent chain of stores has introduced a bonus for taking care of your own health. Employees who have never taken sick leave or vacation at their own expense for two years are rewarded with cash rewards.

But the Bashkir automobile company provides its best employees with privileges in the form of the right to lifelong employment in this company and extraordinary access to any top manager of the organization.

The most piquant

Oddly enough, the pedantic English and Germans distinguished themselves in coming up with “piquant” ways to motivate staff.

The English company Onebestway hosts weekly “naked Fridays”, when all employees take off their clothes, and along with them all their inhibitions. The idea was not received with enthusiasm at first, but at the moment all employees, with the exception of a woman and a man who refuse to take off their underwear, work in the office every Friday completely naked.

And the German insurance company Munich Re in 2007 encouraged its employees with an interesting corporate event, or rather an orgy with the invitation of priestesses of love. The event took place at the spa. All the girls had ribbons tied on their hands: the waitresses had red ones, and the guests had yellow ones. The former could only be approached for drinks, but for everything else, the girls with yellow ribbons could be contacted.


When developing a motivational system, the main thing is not to go too far. Any motivation must correspond to the interests and needs of the company's employees.
Does your company practice non-standard motivational programs?

Warning. This is not an instruction manual. Come up with your own non-standard motivation, while I was reading I came up with several (2) interesting motivations, I’m sure you can do more!

1. One of the companies that provides Internet services has stopped all disputes about the annual salary increase using dice. Employees roll dice for luck: the increase in salary can be from 1 to 6%, depending on who gets what number appears on the dice!

2. One Russian company has created a kindergarten that solves a whole range of problems: employees do not need to stand in line for places in state kindergartens, the loyalty of specialists increases, and the return of young mothers to work before the end of maternity leave is much more painless. Average age of an employee — 27 years old, 40% of specialists are married, the company employs 59 married couples. Many have small children (and many of those who do not yet have children plan to have them in the near future), approximately 40 employees take parental leave annually. The corporate kindergarten has become an example of the implementation of employee initiative, which is fully consistent company values.

3. Naked Fridays. The management of the English company Onebestway turned to psychologist David Taylor with a request to raise the morale of their despondent employees. Taylor proposed introducing “naked Fridays” - one day a week, throwing off clothes, and inhibitions along with it. At first, the employees accepted the idea, to put it mildly, without enthusiasm, but, in the end, almost everyone completely undressed - except for one man, who covered up a loincloth, and a woman who could not be persuaded to remove her underwear.

4. Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg's company has been headquartered in Palo Alto since 2009. When designing the interior, the opinions of all employees were taken into account, who took part in many issues - from construction planning to finishing. The highlight of the office is that the management is based in its very center and is open to communication with every interested employee. There is a basketball court in the courtyard, and employees can move around the office area on skateboards.

5. Many global companies, following the headliners, are adopting the experience of creating original and employee-oriented offices. For example, employees of one of the architectural bureaus in Madrid work in the forest near the city. Their office is a streamlined pipe lying on the ground, the interior is decorated in shades of green.

Tough (if you are under 22 years old do not read)

6. Orgies for excellent employees. The German insurance company Munich Re decided to reward especially distinguished employees by organizing an orgy for them with the participation of professional priestesses of love. The event was an outdoor event and took place in one of the spas in Budapest in 2007. According to eyewitnesses, everything was organized with traditional German pedantry: all the girls from the service staff had ribbons of two colors tied on their wrists - red meant waitresses - they should only be contacted for drinks and snacks. The rest of the pleasures for the insurance sellers were provided by girls with yellow ribbons. After each client, the girl was given a special stamp on her hand, so that she could figure out how much she had already “earned.”

7. Employees of Invention Land, located in Pittsburgh, create about 2 thousand inventions per year and issue a new license every 3 days. There is an opinion that the originality of the office, roughly divided into 15 spaces, helps the team tune in to creativity. Each zone represents the scenery in the style of fantasy stories. You can work on a pirate ship, in a dollhouse, and even in a toy auto track. The unusual office opened in 2006. Company founder George Davison intended it to be a constant source of inspiration and motivation so that employees could regularly create new products.

8. Manufacturing company software Asana has developed a culinary approach to employee motivation. The owners hired qualified chefs to prepare food for employees that develops their creativity. The menu should not only be tasty, but also healthy, stimulate brain activity, and eliminate drowsiness. Also, the company’s office always has chocolate in stock, which is known to be a good antidepressant and helps creative thinking.

9. Another one interesting example"the power of words" was the empire of Steve Jobs. The consultants of his company, that is, creative and smart people, held a position with the modest title of “genius.” This idea had a double benefit: the manager himself emphasized that only direct people worked on his staff, who, in turn, were very proud of their status and worked well in order to justify the trust placed in them.

10. Walt Disney understood the importance of a non-standard approach to motivation back in the middle of the last century. His department had hotels at amusement parks, where, in addition to prestigious managerial positions, there were also technical departments, in particular laundries, in which there was a high turnover of personnel due to the lack of prestige of the work and difficult working conditions. But the founder of the Walt Disney Company was famous for his ingenuity in motivating staff and found a way out of the situation. Laundries received the proud name “textile services”. Thus, they became an entire division of the company, as a result of which employees felt their importance, and all negative aspects faded into the background.

11. The franchise network of the Masterfibr company, which has 33 branches in Russia, Ukraine and the Baltics, has introduced its own corporate currency - “kenga” - to increase motivation. The employee who collects the most kenga receives a special prize - a gold coin. Once he collects 50 of these gold coins, he can exchange them for a free trip to Australia. Ordinary coins can be exchanged for swimming pool or sports club memberships.

12. Japan General Estate Co offered a cash reward of $3 thousand for the manager who establishes the warmest relationship with the team. Conflicts have been eliminated, the general atmosphere has improved, and the cost is quite affordable.

13. In one of the chains of mobile phone and accessories stores, sales consultants received 1 sq. cm of living space for each phone sold. The action lasted several months. During this time, the leader earned 20 sq.m. based on the results of the promotion. However, due to the fact that there are no apartments with such an area, he was given a certificate for a similar amount.

Best job in the world.

14. Perhaps the most colorful example of non-standard motivation was from the tourism department of the state of Queensland, Australia. It thundered throughout the world in 2009. In order to attract attention to tourism in Australia and find an employee, they organized a competition. All applicants were invited to compete for the position of caretaker of Hamilton Island - “The best job in the world,” as the advertisements said. Not a dusty job, life on a beautiful island and a salary of $150,000 for six months! To win, you had to make the most creative video about why you deserve this job. Of course, there were those interested all over the world. A Russian woman even made it to the finals of the competition. But the vacant position went to the Englishman. He worked there for six months and became so famous that he continued his work, changing his position from “observer” to “tourist ambassador”. By the way, now the Australian Tourism Department is again announcing a competition for the most better job, only this time there are 6 positions: partygoer, photographer, taster, traveler, ranger, conservationist. Each will receive $100,000 for six months of work.

15. The management of the Perekrestok supermarket group came up with an unexpected reward for the best employees. They can easily be “expelled” from their homes, although they will be provided with a better position in another place. It looks illogical from the point of view of the work of a separate department, which is losing valuable personnel, but, understanding the prospects, the employee, even in his position, will do everything to be noticed and promoted. His work productivity exceeds all expectations.

More details about the service

Why explore the structure of motivation

Why does one employee always do everything possible to complete an urgent and important task, while another always has a lot of excuses for not getting the job done? Why is training an incentive and opportunity for one employee, while for another it is an additional burden and a waste of time? How to motivate employees with completely different needs? And how to identify these needs if they change periodically? These and many other questions are answered by research on employee motivation. Studying the structure of motivation allows you to find out what the motives and needs of the organization's employees are. Based on this information, you can develop the most effective system of remuneration and non-material incentives, most effectively assign employees to jobs, create a training plan that is most suitable for employees, allocate a personnel reserve, and help line managers build communication more effectively. The trick is that each person perceives any external influences on him (reward, order, advice, punishment) only through the prism of his own values, motives and needs. This is what distinguishes human resources from all other resources of an organization. One employee will perceive an urgent task at the end of the working day as a sign of trust from his superiors and an opportunity to prove himself, while another will perceive it as an unpaid burden and bullying. And so with any managerial influence. To predict a person’s reaction to a particular situation, you need to know the structure of his motivation.

What is the employee motivation structure

When we talk about the structure of employee motivation, we do not mean a KPI bonus scheme, a social package or praise. By the structure of motivation we understand the totality of a person’s needs and motives – what a particular person wants from his work. The basic structure of human motivation is relatively stable throughout life and can be studied.

Research methodology

To study the structure of staff motivation, we use the typological model of V.I. Gerchikov (TMG), which identifies five basic types of motivation: instrumental, professional, patriotic, masterly and avoidant (lumpenized). Each person is a certain combination of these types. V.I. Gerchikov’s model was developed specifically for analyzing the motivation of Russian workers. It takes into account domestic specifics and has been tested many times at domestic enterprises. We measure the structure of motivation based on the author’s test Motype (Motype) version 4.1, which implements the model of V.I. Gerchikov. The questionnaire includes 23 questions. All questions are closed. Each clue corresponds to one or more types of motivation. Most questions have one or two possible answers. The test allows you to determine the type of motivation of a specific employee for this period time, as well as latent (hidden for now) types that are inherent to the employee and can appear if the situation in the organization changes significantly. The test can be supplemented with a question on employee satisfaction with the level of wages based on the method of sociological wage scales by V.I. Gerchikov.

Research results

The result of the study of the motivation structure is an analytical report containing:

  1. Analysis* of the motivational structure of the organization’s employees in the following sections:
    • work experience in the company;
    • department/position;
    • gender/age;
  2. Analysis of the connection between the motivational structure of workers in mass professions (from 15 people) with their labor indicators:
    • performance;
    • loyalty;
    • involvement, etc.
  3. Employee satisfaction analysis wages in the following sections:
    • work experience in the company;
    • department/position;
    • group/category of employees;
    • gender/age;
  4. Brief interpretation of individual motivational profiles of key employees of the company (5-15 people) - upon request;
  5. Recommendations for improving the personnel management system based on an analysis of the motivation structure by departments and personnel groups:
    • salary;
    • other material and non-material incentives for employees;
    • selection and placement of personnel;
    • Labour Organization;
    • communications and staff training.
* - The analysis includes information on the degree of expression of motivational types in comparison with labor market standards and an assessment of the compliance of the expressed types with the goals and functionality of the corresponding position.

Our experience

The Delphi Project company has a wide statistical base of use official version Motype test, which includes the results of a survey of more than 2,000 people in more than 30 organizations in various industries. The statistical base allows not only to make comparisons with the labor market and individual categories and groups of personnel, but also to carry out more serious research on the connection between the structure of personnel motivation and real work behavior (productivity, loyalty, involvement). For example, research shows that the difference in performance between two workers with very different motivation structures averages 20-25%. The company's leading expert on the typological model of motivation, Alexey Rebrov, is currently the only specialist involved in the development of ideas and methods developed by Professor V.I. Gerchikov, and not just their exploitation. According to the Russian State Library named after. V.I. Lenin, the dissertation of A.V. Rebrov “The influence of the structure of motivation of employees of modern Russian organizations on the effectiveness of their work" (dedicated to the use of TMG in personnel management) in 2011 was among the most popular works in the dissertation hall. Alexey Rebrov is the author of five publications on the practical use of TMG, including a monograph

There are many ways to motivate subordinates to do their work with passion and maximum productivity. It is important to identify the main ones among them and those that are suitable specifically for a particular company, and use them correctly. You need to approach this issue individually and not force the concept into a strictly defined framework.

Any company is created primarily to make a profit, and this is the main goal. No matter how good and profitable the idea is, it can be developed and brought to life by the people working in this company. And they should at least have an interest in their work. And almost immediately the manager is faced with the question of how to motivate employees to maintain and develop this interest. How to best implement the manager’s ideas into the work process, increasing its productivity and, accordingly, profit.

Standard program or individual approach

You can immediately adopt one or another motivational strategy written smart people for a lot of money. But even the most good specialist is not able to take into account the specifics of each enterprise and create a universal program. Each team is unique, each manager has his own point of view on the process of organizing and stimulating staff. But only a good boss organizes this process from the perspective of an individual approach. In a good way, it is advisable to assemble a productive team at the stage of creating an organization. But this, of course, is ideal. In practice, a diverse team rarely fits into the framework of one or another standard strategy.

IN different time Several principles of staff motivation were formulated.

  1. The strategy developed by A. Maslow states that behavior determines human needs. The employer’s task, based on the standards of behavior of each subordinate, is to determine his needs, and only then make decisions on ways to stimulate his employees.
  2. Dr. Shane proposed his theory. He divided the staff into 8 categories, each of which has its own type of motivation. Shane referred to them as “career anchors.”
  3. Frederick Herzberg, forming his system, concluded that salary is not a motivator at all, but serves only as a deterrent. And it stimulates the employee to be responsible, possible career, recognition of his achievements and merits.
  4. The system of V.I. Gerchikov was developed in a different way. She does not strive to make work psychologically comfortable. This model was developed to obtain from staff necessary for the organization behavior.

Even with brief review Motivation models show that they all ultimately lead to a personal approach and take into account the importance of the individual.

Certain methods suit different people. For example, holding corporate events with an entertainment or sports focus is most often suitable for young and energetic people. Such a pastime will not be appreciated by family people, especially mothers with small children. They can be offered, as an incentive, trips to Kid `s camp, sanatorium, theater or circus tickets. And they will appreciate it, perhaps even more than monetary incentives.

Attention to the employee, his personality, family life means no less than creating and strengthening the corporate spirit.

Attention to each team member in working moments is also on this plane. Ideas voiced by employees that can help optimize the process should be heard. It is important for a leader not to miss these thoughts. First of all, they can be very efficient. Secondly, if you dismiss the initiative once or twice, then the subordinate will lose ideas and the desire to improve. The entire project may suffer from this. From encouragement with attention, some subordinates simply grow wings, and they begin to work with renewed energy. It is important not to miss the moment and timely praise your colleagues for high-quality tasks, listen carefully to all suggestions, reward them for success, and the team will fulfill their duties with great pleasure.

Work is a second home

A person gives a significant part of his time to his employer. And remembering that it is his responsibility to carry out assigned tasks efficiently and in a timely manner, each subordinate should experience at least some minimal comfort and a desire to come to his senses. workplace, and not run away.

Creating conditions

Comfortable working conditions improve the quality of work for all personnel.

Psychological comfort is ensured by a good atmosphere in the team, which primarily depends on the management.

  • The boss came to the office in a bad mood - he took 20% of his colleagues’ productivity.
  • I didn’t explain the task in detail and specifically - I had to redo everything and spend time and additional resources on it.
  • Gave me tedious work creative person– the result was incorrect.
  • I didn’t listen to my subordinates’ suggestions on how to optimize the process – I wasted time.
  • I reprimanded without properly understanding the issue and received a negative reaction.
  • If you didn’t promote a worthy candidate on time, the team lost a good and important player.

The manager is also responsible for physiological comfort.

  • Convenient workplace location.
  • Lighting of the required brightness and intensity.
  • Constant availability necessary materials, including consumables (stationery).
  • Availability of necessary information.
  • Having a small, but personal space.
  • The relaxation area is an opportunity to take a break from the process for a few minutes and relax.

Many of these requirements are specified in legislative acts, however, they are not always fulfilled by the employer. If you spend a lot of time in a poorly lit and unventilated room (or, conversely, with constant drafts) with a large crowd of people, this will not contribute to the desire to show initiative and a creative approach to completing assigned tasks. And certainly the absence of a normal lunch break will not stimulate subordinates to high productivity and Good work for the good of the company. A full benefits package backed by a decent salary is the leader among motivational strategies.

Monetary motivation

The strongest motivation is good and timely payment.

Few people are able to enthusiastically indulge in, even if they love, low-paid work. Such a person always looks to the outside and strives to improve the material part of his life, or has or is looking for additional employment, which does not contribute to the quality of completing tasks at his main place of work. But here you need to know exactly which of the team members the method of material incentives is suitable for. An employee who does not strive to perform his duties “excellently” will not perform them even for an increased monetary remuneration. Only those who not only know how, but also want to work, achieve results and strive for more can be financially stimulated. To do this, you need, of course, to know your subordinates so that, without offense or misunderstanding, you clearly and conclusively explain to whom the material reward was paid and for what.

  1. Bonus (quarterly, annual, for completed project).
  2. Material aid.
  3. Bonus as part of increasing status and qualifications.
  4. Percentage of salary for overfulfilled volume.
  5. Payment of interest on sales.

There are types of monetary incentives that are not directly related to the work process, but you can configure your staff in the most positive way. These cash payments reflect the employer’s interest in the subordinate’s activities outside the enterprise, his personal life, worries, joys and hopes.

  • Anniversary payments.
  • Cash gifts for the wedding.
  • Financial assistance in the event of the death of a relative.
  • Cash incentive for the birth of a child.

Employee motivation can be expressed not only in monetary terms

Rewarding with gifts that are valuable to a particular employee gives very good results. In this case, it is important to know what each team member does and hobbies in his free time, what interests him.

  1. A gym membership is for those who are passionate about sports and lead an active lifestyle.
  2. Concert tickets or theatrical production, a play or a favorite performer - for a person who follows cultural life.
  3. An avid traveler will appreciate the tour package.
  4. A young glamorous person would be happy to subscribe to a fashion magazine, and a serious business magazine would be welcomed by someone in charge of the company’s finances.
  5. Payment for further training will please a particularly distinguished and capable employee.
  6. A Voluntary Medical Insurance (VHI) policy will be appreciated by every subordinate.

Personal awards do not cancel out collective ones, which contribute to getting to know each other, developing warm relationships, friendship and, ultimately, greater team cohesion and performance.

  • Corporate parties on the occasion of national holidays, and celebration of local victories.
  • Collective field trip.
  • Corporate visits to cultural events.
  • Conducting sports competitions, including in competition with other organizations.
  • Advanced training courses, trainings, lectures, educational games.

Many are embarrassed to admit that simply receiving a certificate, gratitude, or publicly announcing success brings pleasure and joy.

Pride in a clearly completed task, the achieved result, the thirst for glory, the desire to be better than others has not yet been canceled.

A small victory over colleagues, even loved ones and dear ones, warms the soul and heart.

  1. Certificate of honor
  2. Verbal thanks
  3. Entry in the work book
  4. Corporate corporate insignia
  5. Souvenirs with company symbols (pen, notepad, folder)
  6. Photo on the honor board
  7. Lunch with management

All this stimulates vain people, and a drop of vanity can be found in each of us.

Non-standard methods

For young creative team members, management comes up with and selects unconventional incentives and methods of motivation, and at the same time shows all their imagination.

  • You can, like in Japan, do it for the fair half of the office on weekend sales days.
  • There is an opportunity to go further and send the men’s unit on a day off during important games of the hockey and football teams.
  • Or, like Steve Jobs and Walt Disney, rename job titles, and make boring managers braineaters, and cleaners - elves.
  • Remember the well-forgotten past, and organize a kindergarten for the young children of employees, and an extended day group for younger schoolchildren.
  • It would be possible to open your own store, where goods will be purchased using your own currency, which is issued and circulated only within the enterprise.
  • Hotels for pets, when organized, will also please many employees.
  • There is also such a thing - organize the most active and athletic colleagues into a football or hockey team, and the most vocal and musical ones into a choir or orchestra.
  • Introduce days without a dress code, when all employees can come to their workplace in anything, even in a clown costume or even without clothes at all.

The desire of management to have at their disposal a good, efficient, united team capable of implementing all their ideas and taking any conceivable and unattainable peaks can motivate them to any achievement. And there are many ways to increase the incentive to work in a particular team, if only there was a desire.

1. Increasing the importance and prestige of the unit (department, service)

The founder of The Walt Disney Company, Walt Disney, studied this all his life. He was constantly inventing original ways employee motivation. Knowing full well that staff turnover is highest where people do not consider the work prestigious, he not only sought to improve the image of the departments, but also carefully chose their names. Thus, under Disney, hotel laundries, the dirtiest and hardest places to work, on the territory of the company's amusement parks were renamed textile services. This put them on par with the company's prestigious departments, such as marketing and customer service, while remaining the only department that was easy to get into. It's no surprise that laundries soon became one of the most popular places for people starting a corporate career.

In the 1990s, the textile service's workload increased dramatically and its popularity declined again. Then, in order to avoid mass layoffs, the company's management announced that it would encourage any proposals from employees of this division aimed at improving the quality of work and working conditions. The attractiveness of the offer outweighed the severity of the work. Service employees received the privilege to discuss plans for the development of their services and participate in the preparation of the budget. Staff turnover has returned to normal.

2. Not only awards

Rewarding employees for successfully completed work is one of the the best ways maintaining good motivation and interest in high work results.

To thank your staff, you shouldn’t come up with grandiose events, the implementation of which will take up a lot of your time, or limit yourself to bonuses. There are at least ten other ways to thank your employees.

  • 1. Publicly celebrate the merits of employees: their professionalism and reliability deserve praise.
  • 2. Thank employees personally: You can send an email to the employee with words of praise, saying how much we appreciate him.
  • 3. Give unexpected and non-binding gifts.
  • 4. Provide those who have distinguished themselves with free time: a fishing trip in the middle of the week will invigorate and inspire the enthusiast better than a bonus.
  • 5. Entrust well-established employees with responsible, interesting tasks and projects.
  • 6. Provide the best employees with a flexible schedule.
  • 7. From time to time, arrange “no tie” meetings.
  • 8. Give employees freedom to choose how exactly they will achieve their goals.
  • 9. Listen carefully to staff suggestions and involve the best employees in setting goals.
  • 10. Share your plans with the team.
  • 3. Vacation compensation

HR managers note that many employees do not fully use legal holidays and often ignore their right to rest, as defined Labor Code. Instead of the required 28 days of vacation, people are accustomed to resting on average two to three weeks a year.

The Wimm-Bill-Dann company was also convinced that it is quite difficult to force employees to rest using traditional methods. To help people break away from the rigors of work, the company has been providing certain categories of employees with a special “vacation bonus” for more than two years. It is awarded to those who find the strength to take a vacation and be absent from work for the required 28 days.

“We pay compensation when we receive evidence from an employee - he must present a voucher and tickets confirming that this person is going on vacation to relax and not staying in the city,” says the director of the personnel department of the Wimm-Bill company -Dunn” Vera Eliseeva. Managers with irregular working hours are entitled to compensation. “As you know, they tend to work 12 hours a day and without vacations. And if not us, then who will take care of the health and rest of the most necessary employees?” says Vera Eliseeva.

It should be noted that it is quite difficult to prove the motivational effect of such material stimulation of vacation activity, but one thing is indisputable: distracting a workaholic from work is no easier than, for example, involving in the work process an employee suffering from absenteeism - a painful desire to be absent from the workplace.

4. Bonuses for “not getting sick”

Flu shots, bonuses for quitting smoking, preferential medical care and discounts on the purchase of fitness center cards - all these benefits help companies maintain the health of employees, but do not always reduce the number of sick days to a minimum.

To reduce the number of man-hours lost due to illness, the Seventh Continent chain of stores introduced a bonus for caring for own health. The company rewards those who do not get sick with a monetary reward. Four months ago, about two thousand employees of the Seventh Continent, who for two years had never taken sick leave or vacation at their own expense, received a bonus of 14 thousand rubles for the first time. In total, the company spent over 20 million rubles for these purposes.

The experiment turned out to be successful, and they decided to continue it. “We will again pay bonuses to employees who continue to take care of their health and will not be absent from work due to illness over the next three years, but in the amount of 28 thousand rubles. The countdown began in January of this year. As for the first time, the action affects all categories of employees,” said Alexey Andreev, director of the HR department of the Seventh Continent company.

Most companies actively invest in the health of key employees, but, as a rule, the quality of the social package is directly proportional to the employee’s position on the hierarchical ladder. It is generally accepted that the higher the status of subordinates, the greater the return on investment in their health. However, high staff turnover in retail networks forces companies to apply motivation methods to ordinary employees that at first glance seem unnecessary. It is not difficult to calculate that for Seventh Continent, whose revenue in 2004 amounted to $496 million, such additional investments in personnel do not look like waste.

5. Dinner at company expense

You can encourage production leaders in different ways. Some introduce bonuses for outstanding achievements, others - based on the results of work for the year. And at the Nayada company (design, engineering and finishing of office and retail premises) they decided from time to time to thank their employees just like that, seemingly for no reason.

Nayada operates on the principle: “It’s not the person for the nomination, but the nomination for the person.” Having understood who and for what the company wants to reward, management comes up with an appropriate solemn title. According to Nayada HR Director Yulia Pass, most of the nominations are personal and their names are practically not repeated: “Among the latest prizes are awards for the fastest sale in the company’s history, for attracting a key client, for virtuosity in work, for a sincere attitude to business, for the development of new products,” says Yulia Pass.

The nominee is chosen jointly. The results are published in the corporate newspaper, and the winner is awarded a prize. According to the concept, the employee can also choose remuneration at his own discretion - within reasonable limits, of course. For example, employees of the Moscow office are free to choose between going to a restaurant, visiting a beauty salon, or shopping at the company’s partner stores.

“At first we simply listed the best, but then we realized: it is important for people to know what they are being awarded for, and it is not at all necessary to hold competitions like “Best in the Profession.” Much more important is attention, help, support, participation. It seems to me that we see shortcomings very accurately, we quickly notice “irregularities”. But learning to notice the good is more difficult. Our Oscar is a reward for something good,” says Yulia Pass.

6. Corporate yachting

A year ago, the HR department of Croc received an unusual offer. The initiative group, led by several professional surfers and yachtsmen, asked to expand the social package. By that time, the company had already paid for classes at the fitness club for everyone, and for amateurs alpine skiing and snowboarding reimbursed half the cost of the season pass. Fans of water sports were still out of work.

Betting on sports games has been a long-time hobby of the Croc company. And when this rationalization proposal arrived, the HR department was just thinking about what kind of summer views sports diversify the sports package. It didn’t take long to think: “Croc” bought a subscription to the river club.

Over time, it became clear that there were more and more yachting enthusiasts; within a year, about a hundred of the company’s eight hundred employees had already shown interest in water sports. The company accordingly provided them with free lessons, professional trainers and a 50% discount on trips on sports cruising yachts.

Preparations were carried out on a grand scale. Several people even received international skipper certificates. The pinnacle of euphoria was the company's acquisition of its own yacht.

“Having discovered such interest in maritime affairs, we realized that this was a great motivational tool. We have even formed our own professional team, which trains regularly and recently took part in races,” says Marina Kozyritskaya, Deputy General Director for Human Resources at Croc.

They are not going to stop there. Each employee can expand the collection of sports adopted by the company by initiating a new program. The main thing is that the enthusiast finds among his colleagues several associates with whom he will train.

7. Kanga game

Several years ago, entrepreneur Valery Mityakin visited Australia. Going to the land of the kangaroo, he had no idea that this trip would change his life. One day, taking advantage of the invitation of friends, Mityakin visited a factory producing children's playgrounds from a special rubber coating. Having studied these products, Valery was delighted. The material from which the playgrounds were made was elastic, strong, and colorful. After returning to Moscow, Mityakin decided to create a similar business. In 2001, he opened a factory where platforms were also produced using Australian technology. And to pay tribute to the country where he was inspired, he placed the symbol of Australia, a kangaroo, on the logo.

Four years later, the Masterfibr franchise network already included 33 branches in Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic states. And management seriously thought about motivating employees. First, the company introduced bonuses based on annual performance. But such a distant prospect of receiving a bonus did not impress the employees. Then Masterfiber introduced an additional weekly incentive.

Now every Thursday employees distribute a special bonus fund. It is formed from the corporate currency “kenga”, which received its name from the company symbol. Each employee receives $10 in kenga equivalent and recognizes the best employee from his point of view by sending his contribution to his piggy bank (you cannot keep the “prize money” for yourself). “The criterion is the greatest contribution to the prosperity of the company,” explains Valery Mityakin.

Internal corporate currency can be cashed out. You can exchange it for a pool pass or go to training at the company’s expense. And the one who received the most kangas is given a super trophy, the “golden kanga”. Having collected 50 gold awards, each employee can exchange them for a trip to Australia, the spiritual homeland of Masterfiber.

8. To the office with dogs

Along with those described above, there are also very exotic methods of motivating staff, which, in my opinion, are unlikely to take root in Belarus, but which are very interesting to learn about.

For example, in the Russian Airbnb office, employees can take their dogs with them. It is believed that this improves the psychological state of workers, who no longer miss their pets, and therefore work better. The same company has a relaxed style of dress, but business is encouraged on Fridays. According to the director of Airbnb in Russia, Mikhail Konoplev, changing the uniform stimulates the creative potential of employees

Huffington Post, Google, Zappos, Procter & Gamble believe that having a bedroom in a company office increases employee productivity and motivation.

9. Motivation the Japanese way (time off due to a broken heart and half-day weekends on sales days)

Motivation in Japanese companies is very different from motivation in European and Russian organizations.

For example, the owner of the all-female marketing company Hime & Company included time off work due to a broken heart in her incentive program. This know-how was introduced after a survey among staff who suffer greatly due to a break with their “halves”, and, as a result, cannot concentrate on work.

When parting with a loved one, employees under the age of 24 have the right to 1 day of leave, between the ages of 25 and 29 - 2 days, and after 30 - 3. An employee just needs to call the office and tell about the drama of the heart, and she is immediately granted a day off, during which they can completely immerse themselves in their experiences, suffer, and then begin work with renewed vigor.

By the way, according to a study conducted by the SuperJob.ru portal, Russian women cannot be motivated by taking time off due to a breakup. On the contrary, when a relationship breaks up, they plunge headlong into work and sometimes achieve colossal career success.

And in another Japanese company, employee loyalty is increased during spring and autumn sales by giving them half-day days off. If previously Japanese women ran to stores secretly from their bosses, and handed over their things to storage lockers at the station, now they boldly leave work on an official day off.

Both European and Russian employees would be happy with such motivation.

10. Marry or divorce?

While most Western companies are banning office romances, food company Nihon Shoken encourages marriage between employees. And it even gives each newlywed a monthly bonus of $10. Of course, you can’t buy an apartment with this money, but it’s quite possible to treat yourself to sweets (or something like that).

But one English company, as an incentive, covers the costs of divorcing their spouse.

11. Intra-corporate competitions

To improve the team spirit of their employees, many companies hold competitions based on interests: sports or creative. MTS practices hosting the “Champions League”, and MacDonald’s is the “Voice of McDonald’s”.

But employees of the American bank Wells Fargo organized a real choir more than 60 years ago. Its composition is constantly updated. It should be noted that the bank choir is popular. They often perform at major sporting events at schools and universities.

All members of the choir join it voluntarily of their own free will. Some of them have been singing for more than 25 years.

12. And some more interesting ways to increase motivation

Employees of the Columbus IT company can take a 15-minute break during working hours in order to contact a professional massage therapist for a back and shoulder massage.

At another Internet services company, disputes over annual salary increases were resolved in a very interesting way: employees rolled dice. The number that comes to the employee becomes the percentage of the salary increase. Thus, each employee determines how much interest he will receive: 1% or 6%.

The Yota company has implemented the Yota Air project - a day of work outside the office. Once a month the staff works on fresh air, in a cafe or wherever there is Wi-Fi and space to fit the whole team.

There is even a company that offers its employees free Botox injections and solariums as motivation. So even this company offers its employees to visit the gym, yoga classes for parents with children, plastic surgery, and screening for cancer.

The German publishing house Random House has introduced a sabbatical leave program for employees who have been working in the company for more than 10 years. The publishers of the American magazine Newsweek introduced a similar system. Any employee who has worked for the company for 15 years has the right to go on sabbatical leave for six months, during which he will receive 50% of his salary.

Ukrainian companies provide their employees with ATVs for use, reward them with barrels of beer and present them with Swiss watches.

The leader among sales managers at the end of the year at Fosters for 6 months may not comply with the business dress code and not answer calls from his superiors after 18:00.

The BBN company not only rewards its employees for success in their work, but also develops programs for “losers” called “Turtle forever” or “Get a skunk”. The manager whose division showed the worst results receives a live turtle, Dasha, for a month, or a photograph of a skunk with the CEO’s autograph. By the way, the turtle must live in the office, so leaving it at home in the care of relatives will not work.

Thus, we looked at several very interesting and non-standard ways to increase motivation. As you can see, to stimulate staff, you can turn on your imagination, compare what you come up with with the interests and needs of employees, and you will get new way motivation that you can try to implement in an organization. However, when developing a motivational system, the main thing is not to go too far.

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