Mushroom places in the Yaroslavl region. Are there mushrooms in the Yaroslavl region? Let's go for porcini mushroom Basic rules for collecting

Summer this year has been rainy, office workers are sighing, but mushroom pickers are rejoicing - you can go into the forest with big baskets! Mushrooms of incredible size are already being sold by the roadsides - caps as wide as five feet.

Where are they so huge? - I ask one of the sellers.

Slyly narrowing his eye, the mustachioed man wonders whether he can reveal such a secret to me.

From Nekrasovsky district! - still admits. - Take it, don’t be afraid, 150 rubles for a bunch.

Here's another thing - I'll type it myself!

Now the Yaroslavl forests are full of boletus, boletus, and chanterelles have begun to grow. You just need to hurry, because, according to experts, the first mushroom wave will soon pass.

First growth edible mushrooms usually begins in mid-June and lasts two weeks. The second wave will begin from mid-July until the fall. At this time, white, russula, and boletus will already appear,” said Associate Professor of the Department of Medicine and Biology of Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University. K. D. Ushinsky, mycologist Olga Lazareva. - For a good mushroom harvest, two conditions are necessary: favorable weather, humid and warm, and the preservation of myceliums from autumn. Mushrooms now began to grow in May, which means both conditions coincided. According to forecasts, there will be a lot of mushrooms this year.


The most dangerous mushrooms in Yaroslavl forests

Death cap

It grows mainly in the Pereslavl and Rostov regions and along river banks.

Panther fly agaric

The most toxic of the fly agarics. But to be poisoned, for example, by red fly agarics, you need to eat at least half a bucket. And gray-pink fly agaric mushrooms are generally considered edible.

However, you can also be poisoned by edible mushrooms if you eat old ones - many harmful substances accumulate in the overgrown mushrooms.


Mushroom places V Yaroslavl region

Rybinsk direction

Where: Tikhmenevo, Markhachevo, Shestikhino, Omlyakovo, Kobostovo.

Travel by train to Rybinsk.

Lyubimskoe direction

Where: Ermakovo, Sloboda, Zakobyakino (almost all forests).

Directions: by train to Danilov, and then transfer to the train to Bui.

Rostov direction

Where: Reka station, Silnitsy, platform 187 km (everywhere, just get off the train and go deeper into the forest).

Directions: by train to Rostov, Alexandrov or Balakirevo.

Nekouz direction

Where: Dubrova, Ostrogi, Vereteya (the forest behind these villages and the forests next to the Rybinsk Reservoir).

Tutaevskoe direction

Where: Mitinskoye, Mikhailovskoye (in the forests behind the villages).

Directions: by minibus to Tutaev.


Where: in the forest belts behind the village.

Travel: by bus to Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Danilovskoe direction

Where: Putyatino, Mikhaltsevo, Kozlovo, Dogadtsevo.

Directions: by train from Yaroslavl-Glavny to Danilov.


Where: all forests and forest plantations located north of the city.

Directions: by train to Nerekhta.

Bolsheselskoe direction

Where: Meshkovo, Afanasovo, Mikhaltsevo, Varegovo (along the route mushroom forests).

Directions: by bus to Varegov.

Gavrilov-Yamskoe direction

Where: Strokovo, Lakhost, Kotovo (from the bus stop, walk forward along the road for one kilometer, then cross the bridge to the left).

Directions: by bus to Gavrilov-Yam, then change to a bus to Lakhosti.

Kostroma direction

Where: Lyutovo (from the railway to the right).

Directions: by train to Kostroma.


What to do in case of poisoning

Head of the emergency department of the Rostov Central District Hospital Alexander Semenushkov:

Before the team arrives, you need to place the patient on the bed and try to artificially induce vomiting.

Give more warm, slightly salted water to drink.

You can cleanse the intestines with an enema, or give castor oil to drink.

You should not drink alcohol - alcohol dilates blood vessels and promotes the penetration of toxic substances into the blood.

What to do if you get lost in the forest

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Yaroslavl region:

Don’t panic, listen to see if you can hear screams, car noise, barking dogs, a running tractor, or a passing train.

If possible, climb on tall tree and look around. What distinguishes the area where you are (rivers, clearings, mountains, villages, etc.)? Maybe you will see them from above.

If you know for sure that they will be looking for you, stay in place, light a fire - it’s easier to find a person by the smoke.

If you are looking for the road yourself, try not to zigzag, use the sun as your guide. It’s good if you managed to reach a power line, railway, gas pipeline, river - walking along these objects, you will always come out to people.

Serve sound signals You can hit the trees with a stick, the sound from them travels far through the forest.

Leave “notches” along the way: a broken branch, an arrow made of stones, a piece of fabric tied to a bush.

The south of the European part of Russia, namely the Yaroslavl region, is very rich in the variety of mushrooms growing here. Many of their species are listed in the Red Book (steppe morel, fly agaric champignon, brown-red umbrella). Naturally, the local population is interested in the main question - where and how to find mushroom places in the Yaroslavl region.

Silent hunt

"Silent hunt" is a gathering wild mushrooms, which makes this type of active and healthy recreation incredibly popular among local residents, but visiting guests also love to join in this leisure activity.

Are there mushrooms in the Yaroslavl region? Residents of cities and surrounding villages answer that they do, and in large quantities. They spend on quiet hunt“A lot of their time, which allows them to harvest from 10 to 30 kg per year per person. Picking berries is no less popular, but in quantitative terms it is significantly inferior to mushrooms.

Ashukinskaya station

You should cross the rails and move into the thick of the forest. According to the local population, there is a variety of boletus boletuses here. Certainly no one will return to these places with empty baskets. You can stop on the banks of the Vyazi River. The water is crystal clear, so you can swim. Next you need to follow the route to the villages of Martyankovo ​​and Novovoronino.

Sofrino station

You should move in a direction 3-4 kilometers west in the direction of the village of Mitropole.

Zelenogradskaya station

The route should be chosen towards the village of Daryino, 2 kilometers west of the platform.

Sokoloskaya station

You can get from the Shchelkovskaya metro station by bus No. 349 to the final stop Shchelkovo-7. Then you can catch a passing car and go in a southwestern direction. After driving a little, you need to get out and move in the same direction along the forest. This route can also be taken from Yaroslavsky railway station. Take the train to the village of Monino or Fryazevo to Sokoloskaya. The journey will take 40 minutes. Then take a minibus or bus to the village of Krasnoznamensky, then walk 2 kilometers north to

Pushkino station

This area is recognized as the most environmentally friendly area of ​​the Moscow region. On these lands there are many forest areas. Locals they assure that there are mushrooms here a large number of, especially russula and chanterelles. It all depends on perseverance and desire.

Pravda station

You can pick mushrooms on both sides of the railway, 1-2 kilometers away. To the west - towards the village of Stepankovo, to the east - to the village of Nazarovo.

Considering the territorial location of the region, you need to be very careful, since false mushrooms grow in the south, which are poisonous in greater quantities than in the northern part of the country. Collecting forest delicacies is very exciting activity, but it is better if an experienced person in this matter helps you for the first steps in the “quiet hunt”.

Dangerous specimens

Very often, when harvesting in this region, poisonous ones are found; how do they differ from edible ones?

The most dangerous mushrooms of the Yaroslavl region - pale toadstools. Their distinctive feature is the ring under the cap and the thicker base of the stem. Any part of the toadstool contains toxins. The most dangerous are amanitin, falloin, and phalloidin; these substances are not affected by heat treatment and are well preserved when dried.

Memo for lovers of “silent hunting”

How often do inexperienced people, neglecting the simplest rules for collecting and processing mushrooms, pay a high price for it, sometimes with their lives.

When looking for mushrooms in the forest, you must strictly observe precautions when collecting them. It has been noticed that experienced collectors approach this issue much more responsibly and behave more carefully than beginners.

Basic collection rules

The main rules of “silent hunting” are the observance of three main “never”:

    Never collect false mushrooms that you do not know or doubt about them.

    Never collect old, overripe specimens; they accumulate environmental toxins.

    Never pick mushrooms near a highway, railways, in the vicinity of polluting factories.

Undoubtedly, for the local population it is a pleasure to pick mushrooms in the Yaroslavl region. 2014 pleased us with an excellent mushroom harvest. Residents of the region should now think about their conservation.

Mushroom pickers are often compared to sappers who cannot make mistakes. But they have an even greater responsibility - they risk not only their own, but the health and lives of their loved ones.

Good day, dear mushroom pickers!

The autumn summer of 2017 has come to an end and the real legitimate autumn has arrived. Online will wait, it’s time to grab baskets and go to the forest to pick mushrooms. Edible, of course. Last year, 2016, there were at least half a dozen of them. Only the lazy didn't type. Some have not yet used up their reserves.

What about this year? Have the mushrooms gone? It seems that the forest is resting and nothing should happen. But no. Collection is full on the move. The start of the season is indicated by the sale of mushrooms in local markets.

So on Sunday morning we decided to take a walk through our mushroom places, of which there are about two dozen in the storehouse. Many lovers of quiet hunting often have a question: where to go to get full baskets, and for sure? Good mushroom places are reluctant to rent out; they are increasingly trying to keep them secret. So where should you go for mushrooms in the vicinity of Yaroslavl?

In this post I will share my places. So, let's go.

The first location is the Yaroslavl region, Nekrasovsky district, the vicinity of the village of Zabolotye. This forest is generally known to many, but not to everyone. During the season there are more than enough people there. So a couple of extra mushroom pickers won’t make a difference.

Read what's new on the website - Mushroom hike: July 2019, first mushrooms

How to get to the mushroom place?

The route is not difficult, you can go without a navigator even for the first time. There are two ways from Yaroslavl:

  • The first one lies through the village of Krasny Profintern. The distance from the Zavolzhsky district to the site is 43 km. The key points are: Red Profintern - turn right to the village of Zabolotye - village of Zabolotye - village of Voroksa - village of Markishevo.
  • The second runs along the Lyubimskaya road past the village of Vyatskoye. The distance is slightly longer, about 53 km. The key points that differ from the first route are: turn right to Krasny Profintern - turn left to Zabolotye.

Read more about the road to Zabolotye and beyond

Route one. After Red Profintern, after 1.5 km we turn right. Next is 9 km of very rough road. Although it is asphalt, it is like a washboard. We go all the way to the village of Zabolotye. We've arrived. Turn right and drive straight past grocery store(there is another road to the right - don’t go there!). We drive through the village of Markishevo to the end. There will be a fork, we go left (right an old house). There are 1.5 - 2 km left to the place. The road is sandy. IN rainy time Large puddles with ruts up to 50-70 cm form. When it is more or less dry, you can drive in a passenger car (puzoter).

Route two. From Yaroslavl to Vyatskoye the road is smooth and in good condition. After turning onto Krasny Profintern, its quality deteriorates, in some places to the point of being washboard. There are few flat and smooth areas.

Map of mushroom places and routes

Both routes are indicated on this map. The first is highlighted in red, the second in blue. Mushroom spots are indicated by brown marks.

What kind of forest is in Zabolotye?

Mostly the fields here are overgrown with young birch trees. There are also large forest. But where mushrooms are 100% found is in small birch copses.

What mushrooms?

All major edible mushrooms can be collected. The most common are boletus, then aspen and then to a lesser extent noble whites. There is corned beef.

It so happened that we went on Sunday. The weather was favorable. It was warm and sunny. It had rained the day before. Naturally we were not alone. There were mass celebrations and a whole parking lot in the forest.

Despite the high density of mushroom pickers, we still collected mushrooms. One basket per brother. True, only boletus mushrooms. But I think the result is good. Thus, the 2017 mushroom season is open to us. Below is a short photo report.

These forest brothers were found during a quiet hunt.

Such specimens are also included in the photo.

There were also single characters.

Wild boar hunting is also carried out in these places. As proof of this, there are wooden hunting towers. And if you follow the road to the end, then the Kostroma spills will be nearby. And this is fishing.

Second place is located in the same area. This is a spruce forest on the road to Zabolotye in front of the village of Voroksa. The coordinates for the navigator are: 57.764388, 40.464972.

The spruce forest itself is small, 1.3 km long and 0.3 km wide. They collect whites here and oil them.


These are the mushroom forests near Yaroslavl. In the future I will tell you about my other places. And if you haven’t gone mushroom picking yet, then it’s time to go out of town. After all, a walk through the forest is a great way to relax in nature and also with benefit.

That's all. And we go home to prepare the spoils. A delicious roast awaits ahead. We wish everyone baskets full of mushrooms!

Latest news from the fields

Just recently returned from the forest. On July 18, I walked around my places. What I made a short video about.

If you haven’t gone mushroom picking yet, then it’s time to go on a quiet hunt. Mushroom season 2019 is in full swing. The first wave of whites has already covered the forest edges. Boletuses are also not lagging behind. Lots of both.

If you look at the coat of arms of the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, you will see two goldfish. This is the “royal herring” - the legendary vendace, which from time immemorial was caught in Lake Pleshcheyevo. Times change, but good fishing remains!
Lake Pleshcheyevo, on the shores of which Pereslavl-Zalessky is located, is one of the most beautiful lakes in central Russia, and also went down in history as the cradle of Russian military shipbuilding. It was here that Peter the Great built his “amusing” flotilla - the “great-grandmother” of the imperial fleet. People come here to visit the royal museum - “The Boat of Peter the Great”. However, today the reservoir attracts not only antique lovers, but also fishing fans!

What to catch?

There are 16 species of fish in the lake. Among them are perch, roach, bream, ide, ruffe, pike, burbot and vendace. Vendace is what fishermen from all over Russia go to Lake Pleshcheyevo for (in no other body of water middle zone This fish is not found in Russia). According to historians, this small (up to 35 cm) fish was supplied to the royal table - most often smoked. True, today the chances of catching vendace are very small - it has almost been exterminated by poachers. They say that Lake Pleshcheyevo is bottomless - no matter how much you fish, you won’t catch it all. So fishermen from all over come here for a rich catch.
All year round, the lake offers good fishing for roach and silver bream (a fish of the carp family, which the locals call korzokha), you can catch perch, ruffe and bream, minnows and crucian carp, ide, and less often you can catch small pike and burbot. Maximum depth The lake is 25 meters deep, the water is very clean (the bottom can be seen at a depth of up to 3 meters). There are cold springs in the lake, the water is clean and transparent, which is why all the fish here are silvery and tasty.

Where and when to fish?

As a rule, in summer period fishermen “occupy” the western shore of the lake - from the Gremyach spring to the Vexa river (they usually fish from a boat). In the spring they move to Vexa, where they can catch roaches using fly rods or plug rods - this is where the flocks go to spawn. After spawning, fishing resumes only in June. In winter, Lake Pleshcheyevo becomes a center for ice fishing - it is the closest place to Moscow, where the catch pleases with its scale. The lake freezes on average in late November and early December. The ice thickness reaches 50-85 cm depending on winter conditions. Ice melting ends in May. Perches “hide” at a depth of 16–18 meters; you can catch burbot using a spoon (it does not go deeper than 10 meters). The fishing ban is in effect from November 15 to December 24. Fishing is paid - those who wish can buy a ticket (about 1000 rubles), but for every kilogram of fish “excessive” they will have to pay extra.

Tourism on Lake Pleshcheyevo

Lake Pleshcheyevo is unusually beautiful and deep, but without dips or sudden changes. It lies like a huge mirror in a valley, surrounded by hills and forests. Since 1988, the lake (about 50 km²) and the adjacent territory received the status national park. Today on the shore you can pitch a tent or rent a rowing boat (from 150 rubles per hour), equipped places for recreation (with benches, gazebos and barbecue areas) are available for rent, the “Fisherman’s House” museum is open, and you can also buy fishing gear. Keep in mind that driving to the water itself is prohibited - it is better to leave the car in a parking lot in the city or on the northern side of the lake (from the side of the road to Khmilniki).


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