Why do you dream about the old neighbor? Why neighbors dream - interpretation of the dream from dream books. Returning to the old house

Find out from online dream book, what Neighbors dream about after reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do Neighbors dream and what does it mean:

Neighbors - Seeing your neighbors in a dream means disputes and gossip; if your neighbors are sad or angry, this is a harbinger of serious disagreements with your friends. Talking to a neighbor is a sign of concern.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do Neighbors appear in dreams?

Neighbors - Seeing your neighbors in a dream means that many precious and useful hours will be lost by you in meaningless disputes and gossip. If they look sad or angry, this portends serious disagreements and quarrels.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

See neighbors in a dream:

Neighbors - Seeing in a dream is misfortune; talking to neighbors is gossip.

Unique dream book of Tatyana Radchenko


Neighbors are other people's problems, talking to them is mutual help in business.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about Neighbors?

I dreamed about neighbors - a waste of time. Imagine that your neighbors are going to a resort.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Neighbors from your dream

Neighbors - Dispute, disagreement; gossip, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Neighbors, what does it mean?

Neighbors - These are your doubles. Their character traits indicate yours, which interfere (or help) in life. Seeing neighbors is a sign of concern and scandals.

Ancient French dream book

Why do neighbors dream, interpretation:

If you dreamed about your neighbors, the dream means that a calm old age awaits you, in which your loved ones will bring you joy and comfort.

Feng Shui dream book

Neighbors: interpretation of the image

Seeing a neighbor means thieves. Quarrel with a neighbor - to prosperity in business. If a patient sees how he greets a neighbor, it means a speedy recovery. A woman sees a neighbor in a dream - a sign of gossip.

Esoteric dream book

Neighbors in a dream:

Neighbors - People you know in reality, they want something from you or are discussing you. They are interested in you. New acquaintances, new acquisitions for the house, Appliances, dishes. There may be gifts in the form of household items. Strangers (in an unfamiliar house) - moving to a new place of residence is possible. Good time for an exchange.

Great modern dream book

Neighbors - why do the dreamer dream?

Neighbors - you see one of your neighbors in a dream - you will waste time in disputes for the sake of arguing; someone will want to show off, show off their erudition, and you will have to play along with this person. Your neighbors seem to be angry - you will not fit into the new environment, and your old environment will treat you colder than usual. It’s as if you are talking to your neighbors - you will spend the near future in a state of anxiety.

English dream book

Why see Neighbors in a dream

Neighbors - Most of us have neighbors, and for the most part we manage to live side by side quite happily. However, quarrels in a dream may indicate a hidden problem - swearing because of noise, scattered toys that can be tripped over, a neglected, unkempt garden. Does the dream demonstrate ways to solve a problem with neighbors in real life? Going into a fight can be very satisfying and will undoubtedly lead to catharsis, but it is still not best idea. Or maybe you tried to improve relations with your neighbors, but felt irritated because they always had more and better things than you? Such a dream may indicate a feeling of a lower position, and this feeling should be carefully examined.

According to the dream book, neighbors in a dream are often a reflection of the qualities of the dreamer himself. This feature guides most interpretations, explaining why this or that plot is dreamed of.

Dreams about neighbors help you understand yourself and predict certain events in the future. Moods, conversations, and other plot details help make the prediction more accurate.

Explaining why neighbors dream, Miller’s dream book advises remembering dialogues and facial expressions - in this case they reflect real moods. It is quite possible that the interest of residents of nearby apartments or houses in your person Lately has really increased.

If you dreamed former neighbors, the dream book advises not to rush to close the doors to the past: some old stories will still remind you of themselves. If a new, yet unfamiliar immediate environment appears in a dream, it seems that this is a good period for moving and real estate transactions.

The desire to find out why you dream of a fire in a neighboring apartment is quite justified: dreams of disasters often cause vague anxiety after waking up. The dream book tells the real reason concerns: your authority in the team is not as inflexible as you think. You are not immune from minor tricks and ridicule behind your back.

The dream book also explains why you dream about how the apartment was flooded by neighbors from the top floor. In reality, you are literally drowned by unfavorable circumstances. The need to resist them is reflected even in dreams.

If you dreamed that your neighbors above you were flooded, nevertheless, you successfully eliminate the flood and its consequences, beware of unreliable companies. Nowadays you can easily get into bad story being under the influence of others.

The dream book offers a slightly different interpretation if your neighbors often flood you in a dream. Regular repetition of this plot indicates a lack of feeling of security. The causes of psychological discomfort should be sought at work, in the family, or among one’s own phobias.


When you happen to quarrel with your neighbors in a dream, soon after waking up you are likely to encounter an unexpected problem or hear news that means difficulties in moving things forward.

The sorceress Medea believes that neighbors in a dream are you yourself in reality. A dream about a quarrel with them symbolizes an internal conflict with oneself or difficulties in making an important decision.

Death next door

If you dreamed of a funeral in a neighboring apartment, the dream book hastens to reassure you that such dreams in most cases are neutral in nature. Only sometimes is death a harbinger of prosperity or the end of a relationship.

The French dream book explains in its own way what the deceased neighbor dreams about. If the dreamed deceased is alive and well in reality, the dreamer will experience a long favorable period of stability and peace.

If you dreamed of a dead neighbor who actually died, this image should be interpreted somewhat differently. A deceased person in night dreams may be a harbinger of unexpected help and support. At the same time, it is possible that she is trying to warn of impending danger.

Erotic fantasies

A man living nearby often becomes the object of secret desires and forbidden fantasies, which are sometimes reflected in dreams. Whether you give them the go-ahead or keep them to yourself is up to you.

Why you dream of a naked neighbor depends on the attractiveness of his nakedness. If a man who is unattractive in real life appears naked and handsome in a dream, the dream should be considered a good sign. A disgusting sight may be a harbinger of ruin or disease of the pebblehead.

In most cases, sex with someone from your inner circle is interpreted as a favorable symbol. The plot indicates that the sleeper has an interest in life, aspirations, dreams, a craving for the new and forbidden. So positive attitude is one of the components of success.

Personal life

It is very interesting to find out what a pregnant neighbor dreams about. The interpretation depends on the personality of the dreamer: for men it is good sign, a harbinger of wealth and problem solving. Unmarried girl who sees something like this in a dream, in reality risks finding herself in an interesting position.

A wedding on your street, seen in a dream, foreshadows the fulfillment of desires, the dream book explains. Even if the holiday is not yours, but just your neighbors’, you can sincerely rejoice with them - you will be no less lucky in real life.

If you dream about a Neighbor and you want to find out why you dream about a Neighbor, then first of all you need to turn to the meaning of the word Neighbor:

The one who occupies the seat closest to someone is next to S. in the compartment.

A person who lives nearby, next to someone S. in the apartment. Don't buy a house, buy a neighbor (last).

NEIGHBORS - the name of serfs in Moldova. See Vecina, Tsarane.

Neighbor - interpretation of sleep

The Neighbor is dreaming - changes await you in your personal life. In a dream, a Neighbor means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

For a woman, a dream in which a Neighbor is present means that she will be shown unambiguous signs of attention. For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house.

If there are people present in the dream where the Neighbor is dreaming, then perhaps soon you will participate in a wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party. If you dream of a Neighbor together with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend.

Dear visitors of our dream book website, for everyone we provide free online interpretations dreams V individually. To do this, you need to describe your dream in as much detail as possible in the form below. Do not forget to indicate the smallest details of the dream - the extent and accuracy of the interpretation of what the Neighbor is dreaming about depends on them. It is necessary to indicate your name and address Email, to which we will send an interpretation (Your E-mail is not used anywhere and is not displayed on the site). We will be happy to help you!

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Why do neighbors dream? You will spend a lot of time and personal emotions trying to prove that you are right to people who obviously disagree. However, in a dream, such an image can also hint at completely different circumstances. They'll give you a hint. popular dream books and specific examples.

Mr Miller's opinion

Miller’s dream book is convinced: seeing your own neighbors in a dream means that in the near future you will constantly argue, swear and conflict with everyone.

Did you dream that your neighbors were angry, irritated or sad? Disagreements will occur under the roof of your home or at work.

Interpretation of sleep according to Medea's dream book

What do neighbors dream about most often? In a dream, they warn of anxiety and scandals. The dream book reminds us: in dreams, neighbors are often the personification of the dreamer’s personality or his individual character traits. Take a good look at what exactly the neighbors were doing. Perhaps you are repeating their dream mistakes, which clearly distances you from success.

Interpretation from the dream book of spouses Winter

This dream book states that neighbors in a dream indicate the remoteness of a certain event. If you are thinking about something or planning something, then the neighbors in your dream are hinting: this will happen very, very soon.

Why do you dream that you were making trouble and arguing with your neighbors? The usual life will be darkened by a series of misunderstandings and bad problems. If in a dream you talked quite friendly, or even had fun together, then certain circumstances, although they will cause a couple of unpleasant minutes, will not disrupt your plans.

Did you happen to see that you have new neighbors? Soon your life will change dramatically. This is a sign of a sudden move, travel and other events related exclusively to home and family.

Neighbors in women's dream book

Why do neighbors dream? Women's dream book believes that a scandal with loved ones is coming. If you dreamed that your neighbors were happy and smiling, then your well-being is not in danger.

In a dream, did you make peace with your neighbors after a long feud? In reality, a truce with enemies is also coming. Seeing that you are making a scandal and quarreling with your neighbors means that a conflict with a person you dislike is inevitable.

Why do neighbors in the house, entrance, street, dacha dream?

First, you need to take into account that neighbors in a particular place of residence tell you where to expect changes or troubles.

Neighbors in a dream are as significant characters as relatives. Therefore, sometimes it is quite difficult to correctly interpret an image. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of real relationships, possible similarities or differences in characters and opinions, the desire to acquire this or that quality, take the relationship in a different direction, etc.

Sometimes neighbors in a dream are just a reflection of real circumstances and the need to do something in reality. For example, if you dreamed of a neighbor next door, then perhaps you pay little attention to comfort own home. And if you had to make your husband jealous of your neighbor, then you will certainly quarrel with her in reality, but for a different reason.

I dreamed about former neighbors, deceased

Why do you dream about deceased neighbors? You may have forgotten something very important, and now you have to start all over again the work that was almost completed.

Did you dream that you met a deceased neighbor? Do something that your loved ones will appreciate. Seeing former neighbors in a dream means a calm and prosperous old age in the circle of people who are close to you.

What does it mean if neighbors are fighting?

If you dreamed that you had a row with your neighbors, then you have done something wrong and are now tormented by remorse. In addition, the dream guarantees a fateful meeting.

If in a dream it comes to a fight with your neighbors, then forget about a quiet life. You have to go through a series of endless conflicts and scandals. Moreover, to a large extent they will happen through your own fault.

If you regularly dream about arguing with neighbors, then there is internal disharmony. Until you understand yourself, you should not think about good things.

Neighbors in a dream - even more variations

Dream relationships with neighbors indicate a real relationship with a certain person. Moreover, this is not necessarily a real neighbor or neighbor, but only a person who is similar in external or internal qualities. Or it is a hint of a certain situation associated with them.

  • new neighbors – acquisition, relocation, changes
  • strangers - change of residence
  • acquaintances - disputes, disagreements
  • talking to neighbors - gossip, anxiety
  • beat - changes in business
  • kissing - lack of love, kindness
  • visiting - expenses
  • communicate - trouble
  • dead - consolation
  • seeing in a coffin is danger
  • in beautiful clothes - wealth
  • sad - disagreements with relatives
  • sick - surprise
  • banging on the door - persistence
  • they call - news
  • spying - intrigue
  • eavesdrop - find out someone else's secret
  • wink - strange conversation

Did you dream that your neighbors were secretly peeking at your door? Someone is clearly watching you and is interested in your affairs.

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According to the dream book, neighbors in a dream are often a reflection of the qualities of the dreamer himself. This feature guides most interpretations, explaining why this or that plot is dreamed of.

Dreams about neighbors help you understand yourself and predict certain events in the future. Moods, conversations, and other plot details help make the prediction more accurate.

Explaining why neighbors dream, Miller’s dream book advises remembering dialogues and facial expressions - in this case they reflect real moods. It is quite possible that the interest of residents of nearby apartments or houses in your person has really increased recently.

If you dreamed about former neighbors, the dream book advises not to rush to close the doors to the past: some old stories will still remind you of themselves. If a new, yet unfamiliar immediate environment appears in a dream, it seems that this is a good period for moving and real estate transactions.

The desire to find out why you dream of a fire in a neighboring apartment is quite justified: dreams of disasters often cause vague anxiety after waking up. The dream book suggests the real cause of concern: your authority in the team is not as inflexible as you think. You are not immune from minor tricks and ridicule behind your back.

The dream book also explains why you dream about how the apartment was flooded by neighbors from the top floor. In reality, you are literally drowned by unfavorable circumstances. The need to resist them is reflected even in dreams.

If you dreamed that your neighbors above you were flooded, nevertheless, you successfully eliminate the flood and its consequences, beware of unreliable companies. Currently, you can easily get into a bad story by being under the influence of others.

The dream book offers a slightly different interpretation if your neighbors often flood you in a dream. Regular repetition of this plot indicates a lack of feeling of security. The causes of psychological discomfort should be sought at work, in the family, or among one’s own phobias.


When you happen to quarrel with your neighbors in a dream, soon after waking up you are likely to encounter an unexpected problem or hear news that means difficulties in moving things forward.

The sorceress Medea believes that the neighbors in a dream are you yourself in reality. A dream about a quarrel with them symbolizes an internal conflict with oneself or difficulties in making an important decision.

Death next door

If you dreamed of a funeral in a neighboring apartment, the dream book hastens to reassure you that such dreams in most cases are neutral in nature. Only sometimes is death a harbinger of prosperity or the end of a relationship.

The French dream book explains in its own way what the deceased neighbor dreams about. If the dreamed deceased is alive and well in reality, the dreamer will experience a long favorable period of stability and peace.

If you dreamed of a dead neighbor who actually died, this image should be interpreted somewhat differently. A deceased person in night dreams may be a harbinger of unexpected help and support. At the same time, it is possible that she is trying to warn of impending danger.

Erotic fantasies

A man living nearby often becomes the object of secret desires and forbidden fantasies, which are sometimes reflected in dreams. Whether you give them the go-ahead or keep them to yourself is up to you.

Why you dream of a naked neighbor depends on the attractiveness of his nakedness. If a man who is unattractive in real life appears naked and handsome in a dream, the dream should be considered a good sign. A disgusting sight may be a harbinger of ruin or disease of the pebblehead.

In most cases, sex with someone from your inner circle is interpreted as a favorable symbol. The plot indicates that the sleeper has an interest in life, aspirations, dreams, a craving for the new and forbidden. Such a positive attitude is one of the components of success.

Personal life

It is very interesting to find out what a pregnant neighbor dreams about. The interpretation depends on the personality of the dreamer: for men this is a good sign, a harbinger of wealth and solutions to problems. An unmarried girl who sees something like this in a dream risks finding herself in an interesting position in reality.

A wedding on your street, seen in a dream, foreshadows the fulfillment of desires, the dream book explains. Even if the holiday is not yours, but just your neighbors’, you can sincerely rejoice with them - you will be no less lucky in real life.

Women's dream book

Why does a woman dream about Neighbors, what is this dream about?

Neighbors - Seeing your neighbors in a dream means that you will lose many precious and useful hours in meaningless disputes and gossip. If your neighbors look sad or angry, this portends serious disagreements in your circle, this is the interpretation of what this dream means.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do Neighbors appear in dreams?

Seeing Neighbors in a dream - Seeing your neighbors in a dream means disputes and gossip; if your neighbors are sad or angry, this is a harbinger of serious disagreements with your friends. Talking to a neighbor is a sign of anxiety.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Neighbors - Dispute, disagreement; gossip, in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream means.

French dream book

Why do you dream about and how to interpret Neighbors in the dream book?

Neighbors - If you dreamed about your neighbors, the dream means that a calm old age awaits you, in which your loved ones will bring you joy and comfort.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about Neighbors in the dream book:

Neighbors - Seeing your neighbors in a dream means that many precious and useful hours will be lost in meaningless disputes and gossip. If they look sad or angry, this foretells serious disagreements in your circle.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of Neighbors, why?

Neighbors - To see in a dream is misfortune; talking to them is gossip.

Esoteric dream book

Why do Neighbors dream, interpretation of sleep:

Neighbors - People you know in reality, they want something from you or are discussing you. They are interested in you. New acquaintances, new acquisitions for the house, household appliances, dishes. There may be gifts in the form of household items. Strangers (in an unfamiliar house) moving to a new place of residence is possible. Good time for an exchange.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about Neighbors in the dream book?

Neighbors - Seeing in a dream - misfortune - talking to them - gossip

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why do you dream about Neighbors - dream symbolism:

Neighbors, distant relatives - These are your doubles. Their character traits indicate yours, which interfere (or help) in life. Seeing neighbors is a sign of concern and scandals.

Intelligent dream book

Why do Neighbors appear in dreams?

Seeing a dream about a Neighbor - Talking to him is anxiety, this is an interpretation of what you dreamed at night.

Ukrainian dream book

Why do Neighbors dream according to popular belief:

Neighbor - Trouble, gossip, vanity.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about Neighbors in the dream book:

Neighbor - Talking to him is a concern.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about Neighbors, interpretation of the dream:

Neighbor, neighbor - Illness, troubles, gossip, doubts; talking to them is anxiety.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed about Neighbors - what does the dream mean?

You dreamed of Neighbors - A waste of time. Imagine that your neighbors are going to a resort.

English dream book

Why do you dream about Neighbors in a dream?

What do Neighbors mean in a dream - Most of us have neighbors, and for the most part we manage to coexist quite happily side by side. However, quarrels in a dream may indicate a hidden problem - swearing because of noise, scattered toys that can be tripped over, a neglected, unkempt garden. What is the dream about: Does the dream demonstrate ways to solve a problem with neighbors in real life? Getting into a fight can be very satisfying and undoubtedly cathartic, but it's still not a good idea. Or maybe you tried to improve relations with your neighbors, but felt irritated because they always had more and better things than you? Such a dream may indicate a feeling of a lower position, and this feeling should be carefully examined.

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

What does Neighbors mean?

You had a dream about Neighbors - you see one of your neighbors in a dream - you will waste your time in arguments for the sake of arguing; someone will want to show off, show off their erudition, and you will have to play along with this person. Your neighbors seem to be angry - you won’t fit into the new environment, and your old environment will treat you colder than usual. It’s as if you are talking to your neighbors - you will spend the near future in a state of anxiety.

Magic dream book

I dreamed about Neighbors - what does it mean?

What do Neighbors mean in a dream – other people’s problems; talking with them means mutual assistance in business.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Neighbors - I had a dream.

What does a Neighbor mean in a dream – relationships with other people. Neighbors look sad or angry - serious disagreements.

Jewish dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed about Neighbors:

What does a Neighbor mean in a dream - To quarrel with a neighbor - to suddenly abandon your intention.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

what does it mean if neighbors are in a dream

Neighbors in a dream indicate that idle conversations, empty arguments and gossip will steal a lot of your valuable time, which you can spend more profitably. If the neighbors in your dream looked angry or sad, then this promises major disagreements among family and friends.

interpretation of dreams neighbors

Seeing neighbors means losses. Talking to them means big obstacles and gossip.

neighbors in a dream what is this for

Having seen your real neighbors in a dream, you will have to spend many useful and valuable hours on meaningless chatter and gossip. In general, any appearance of neighbors foreshadows gossip, losses and failures in reality.
Being in love with a neighbor means open enmity with him in real life.

neighbors in the dream book

Seeing neighbors in a dream is a sign that important events will follow very soon.
Quarrel with neighbors - small everyday problems.
A calm conversation with your neighbors means that in reality some events will prevent your hopes and plans from coming true, but will not cause much trouble.
New neighbors - get ready for something unusual and unexpected.

interpretation of dreams neighbors

Neighbors in a dream are your doubles. Their character traits serve as an indication of yours, which help/hinder you in life.

interpretation of dreams neighbors

Neighbors in a dream - a loss of time useless work when others are busy with more profitable business.
Sad or angry neighbors mean disagreements in the environment.
A conversation with a neighbor is unnecessary trouble.

neighbors in a dream

If in a dream you see neighbors whom you know in reality, it means that in reality they are discussing you or want something from you. They are very interested in you.
If in a dream you saw unfamiliar neighbors in an unfamiliar house, it is quite possible that you will change your place of residence, also this great time for exchange.

dreamed of neighbors

Conversation with neighbors - expect trouble.
Fussy neighbors are a warning of danger.

Neighbors are different. Some can be annoying with their loud music, while without others we cannot imagine any friendly feast. If neighbors bring a lot of emotions into our lives, then the subconscious will project them in dreams. The dream book will explain why neighbors dream.

Sometimes neighbors in a dream are a reflection of the personal qualities of the dreamer himself. Such dreams help you understand yourself.

To give a more accurate prediction, it is necessary to remember the entire dream down to the smallest detail: the conversation, the circumstances of the meeting and other plot events of the vision.

Dream Interpretation: former neighbors

Dream books advise not to start life from scratch. For the dreamer, such a turn of fate can end very badly. Also, the old misdeeds and sins of the sleeper will soon be known to the public.

New people in the neighborhood

But this image marks pleasant forecasts for the future if you are planning to move to another city. Also, all real estate transactions will end very successfully and profitably for you. New acquaintances will bring a lot of benefits and pleasant emotions.

Fire in a neighboring apartment

Usually such dreams do not bring good emotions after waking up. If there is a disaster in a neighboring apartment, then you should prepare for the fact that real life Even your closest friends can betray you. Your authority among those around you can be undermined by one small mistake. You should be extremely careful to avoid mistakes and also to thwart the insidious plans of your enemies.

You've been flooded

This image can be taken literally. Perhaps soon the neighbors on the top floor will be making repairs in your apartment at their own expense through their own fault. Also, a lot of hard work will fall on you, which will bring a lot negative emotions and little benefit to your career.

You should not sign up for dubious events with unfamiliar people. This could end badly for you. There is also no need to invest your savings in unreliable financial projects. If you have dreamed about this image several times, then you need to take care of your own safety.

Conflict situation

Neighbors in a dream are you in reality. If in a dream you had to quarrel with your neighbors, then you need to find inner peace and try to find mutual language with your own “I”. It is difficult for you to make decisions on your own. Also, in the future, you may encounter serious problems that will knock you out of your usual rhythm of life for a long time.


A funeral is an unpleasant sight. Especially if they take place in the next apartment. But often death in dreams marks favorable changes in waking life. Perhaps you have feelings for this person and subconsciously worry about the life and health of the dream object.

If you dreamed that your deceased neighbor was alive, it means that an unfavorable period awaits you in real life. Rarely do the dead come into dreams of the living. It is worth remembering the dialogue with this character, as it can warn about the dangers that await the sleeper.

Sex with a neighbor

Sex with a neighbor may mean that in real life you have feelings for him. Sometimes it can be mutual. This image also marks favorable changes in the dreamer’s life. You will be able to bring your plans to life, and luck will always keep pace with you.

Pregnant neighbor

This is a very interesting image. If this dream a man saw it, it means that in reality wealth and success await him. But for women there is a high probability of remaining alone for the rest of their days. This may be due to the bad character of the sleeping woman.


This joyful event for your neighbors will bring you unimaginable success in life. You will be able to realize all your plans, and your enemies will be forced to admit defeat.

Come for a visit

Large financial expenses await you. But these expenses will not bring any satisfaction. You will regret this for a long time. If the neighbors came to you, then this fate awaits their family. Losses due to your own stupidity and carelessness are also possible.

Interpretation of dreams according to authoritative dream interpreters

Miller's Dream Book

  • A casual conversation with your neighbor indicates that in real life you spend a lot of time on empty talk and gossip. The Dream Interpretation recommends taking care of your career and personal life;
  • But a quarrel or dispute with neighbors means problems in the family. Your household members may have to endure serious illnesses.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

  • A chance meeting with a neighbor - you can lose most of your savings or fall for the tricks of scammers. The Dream Interpretation recommends protecting your savings and not investing in dubious financial projects;
  • Start a conversation. This image warns of betrayal of loved ones. You may also be seriously slandered.

Interpretation of a dream according to Loff's dream book

Any interaction with your neighbors in dreams symbolizes that you spend a lot of time on gossip and empty talk. This time can be spent on work or self-development. If you don't change yourself, then you may regret it in the future.

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