Damn cancer: seven stars who have been waging an unequal battle with cancer for many years. Alexander Belyaev (III) Alexander Belyaev NTV professor

We've heard the word "cancer" too often over the past month. In August, actress Vera Glagoleva, singer Lyudmila Ryumina and violinist Dmitry Kogan passed away. At the same time, Ryumina’s fans had no idea about her terrible diagnosis. On Monday, news came that Stella Baranovskaya had died, who had already talked on “Live” about how she was fighting cancer with unconventional methods. Professor Alexander Belyaev, from whom we have been getting weather forecasts for many years, is also undergoing surgery. Exclusive interview Belyaeva - in " Live".

More recently, Stella Baranovskaya was publicly accused of inventing her illness, and all she needs is money and fame at any cost. It’s sad, but the girl proved her innocence with her death. Now social networks are full of photos of Stella, and her friends, TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, singer Zara, Anastasia Stotskaya, Katya Gordon, say goodbye to her, posting posts full of grief and promising to take care of her little son: 6-year-old Danya in Lately lived in the family of singer Zara, who never dared to tell the boy that his mother was no more.

Stella was the heroine of “Live” last December and talked about how she learned about the disease and her struggle with the disease. Today, Stella’s friend, three-time world champion in kickboxing Alexander Lipovoy, came to the program studio and called on everyone who did not believe in the actress’s illness to repent and help her son in order to compensate for their guilt towards her.

Konstantin Titov, an oncologist surgeon, was on the December program and encouraged the girl to undergo traditional treatment. Today he also attended the program to once again try to bring some sense to those who, pursuing false hopes, refuse traditional treatment. “Let the viewer not get the impression that all the good oncology is in the USA, Israel and Germany. We have excellent oncology centers. There is nothing in foreign clinics that they would not do in Russia,” Konstantin said.

Actor Alexander Kuznetsov also came to the studio. He talked about how he himself struggled with the disease. Having undergone many traditional medicine procedures - surgery, hormone therapy, radiation therapy - the actor began to look for additional treatment methods. His search led him to Brazil to a healer whom people nicknamed “John from God.” According to the artist, just two trips to John, during which he performed various unconventional spiritual and physical operations, helped Alexander significantly improve his health. “These are not mutually exclusive things. I believe that you cannot refuse what comes into your hands,” Alexander Kuznetsov emphasized. “If there is an opportunity to get help, you need to be as open to this help as possible.”

Professor Alexander Belyaev will undergo surgery this week. “Live” presented his exclusive interview, in which the TV presenter told Andrei Malakhov about how six years ago he was diagnosed terrible diagnosis- lungs' cancer. This news shocked the professor. “I even quit smoking! And not because it was dangerous to health. I just couldn’t smoke,” said Alexander. “I am now one hundred percent sure that what the doctors say must be followed. How to go to the dentist is not less than once every six months, so you need to check everything, especially as you age.”

In a conversation with Andrei Malakhov, Professor Belyaev also shared details about how his life and attitude towards it changed after the diagnosis, spoke about his attitude towards doctors and their art, about the weather and optimism, about children, their education and treatment. Watch the exclusive interview on “Live”!

20 years ago, a weather forecast appeared on NTV for the first time. The producers did not want to do like everyone else. Then Professor Alexander Belyaev entered the frame. He is truly a great scientist - a candidate of geographical sciences, the author of many scientific works. He thought that he would only temporarily plug the hole in the ether. But one day he became the most recognizable weather forecaster.

In 2017, the professor suddenly disappeared. Alexander Vadimovich struggled with oncology. Surgery, chemotherapy, rehabilitation. And then the professor returned.

Alexander Belyaev: "Can not be bad weather, sometimes you feel unwell. Contact your doctors immediately, don’t blame it on the weather. It's not about the weather, it's about you. Disease is a definite condition. God grant that people avoid this. But if this happens, it’s okay, and on this side there is life, there are joyful moments.”

The busiest people are, of course, pensioners. Every day you need to have time to see, hear, try everything that you have been putting off all your life. Alexander Vadimovich left his native scientific institute for a well-deserved rest three years ago. I was finally thinking about putting together a brand catalogue. But so far I have not sorted out my entire collection, which I began collecting at the age of eight, by the way, with my first earned rubles.

Alexander Belyaev: “I was walking on Gogolevsky Boulevard, a woman approached me and offered to act in a movie. And she took me to the Arbatskaya metro station. It was closed at that time, and all sorts of closed exhibitions were held there, which were filmed and sent abroad. There was an exhibition of children's toys there. And for two days we wore makeup and were filmed. What was our game? We walked around holding hands and looked at these toys. We paid 280 rubles for this, and my mother took me to " Child's world“. I remember now, she bought me 10 soldiers, including stamps.”

Stamps are a kind of window to the world; his love for geography began with them. As a boy, he could sit for hours reading maps and books about distant travels. Afterwards, the Moscow State University graduate was able to see the world himself.

A small cottage half an hour from Moscow Alexander Vadimovich spends most of his time in this warm and cozy house. There are clocks without a chime, old samovars and a lot of cute rugs - everything is just as his wife, the artist Nina Belyaeva, came up with.

Alexander Belyaev: “There are no such people and there never will be. She always told the truth, because of this, perhaps, things weren’t very good between her and my mother. simple relationships. That’s why Nina said: “You and I live together for so long, we don’t live so long, it’s absolutely impossible.”

A year ago, after a long battle with leukemia, Nina Fedorovna passed away. They were together with Alexander Vadimovich for more than 50 years.

Alexander Belyaev: “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that everything here is just pancakes, la-la-la. No. There were quarrels. It's mostly my fault, I'm hot-tempered, she's not. She hid everything within herself. She was very sick, and only now I understand how much she suffered. Of course, it would be nice to leave together. But since it is written by God that we must continue to live, then we must continue to live. I must tell you that a person, finding himself in such critical situation, suddenly remembers how much needs to be done, how much has not been done.”

Belyaev admitted that even one trip a week to Ostankino exhausts him terribly: “After that, I lie horizontally for two days, I come to my senses. But nevertheless, I try not to miss it. This is one of the ways, if you want, to get out of that depression with your health.”

Despite his fatigue from illness, Alexander Belyaev, as before, does not trust anyone to write texts for his broadcasts. But he tries not to watch his own episodes. For the first time he saw himself on camera, he was dissatisfied.

Alexander Belyaev: “It was a state of shock. And I asked: “Is that me?” This made an indelible impression on me. Under his influence, I simply swore off watching myself on TV. Because this is not me, this is some creature, even unpleasant for me, who wants to please, who smiles all the time, who says pleasant things. I’m not at all what I try to appear on screen.”

In the studio, Professor Belyaev does not grumble; he often records weather forecasts in one take and skillfully hides his fatigue from the cameras. He will turn 70 at the beginning of January 2019.

Alexander Belyaev: “I’m dreading the approach of this date. This is some kind of nightmare. I got it from my wife; she never liked anniversaries or celebrations. She saw this as a reduction to some level. Even when we had a wedding, she was not in a white dress, but in a red one. For me, this is the torment of hell, because, frankly, I wish I was at least 25.”

Deputy Director of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Belyaev has been extra years tells us about the weather on the NTV channel, but still treats this activity as a hobby - even the image of a “good old friend” was once invented by himself: “he insisted on leaving the usual elements of his wardrobe as much as possible.” The hydrologist admits that he still cannot understand why water flows in the river: “I have read lectures on this topic, but I cannot understand such a “perpetuum mobile” with my heart.” And he begins his travels in a very unique way: “I get off the plane and the first thing I do is sniff the air.” During an expedition through the Gobi Desert he helped discover the new kind spiders, later named in his honor “Gonofusius Belyaeviy”. He is passionate about television: “I put TVs in all the rooms and when I come home, I turn them all on at once - I keep my finger on the pulse.” Member of the Snob project since December 2008.



The city where I live is my birthday.

Where he was born


Who was born to

Mom is a cultural worker.

“Over the years, she hasn’t changed at all, still as energetic and loving life. She still works in the opera studio at the Conservatory. It is absolutely impossible to force a mother to sit idle; if, say, you bring her to the dacha, within a day she will get bored without her work. Unfortunately, due to my busy schedule, we only see each other about once a month.”

Father - Vadim Mikhailovich Korostelev.

“I worked in the automotive industry. IN last years- one of the leaders of the Bryansk Automobile Plant.”

Where and what did you study?

Studied at Moscow school No. 58.

“We still meet every year as a class, and despite the fact that we are all already approaching retirement age, within our team we are still the same as we were. Even the manner of calling each other by last name remained. Only the outer shell has changed.”

Graduated from the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University with a degree in land hydrology. Studied graduate school at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“The passion comes from the time when boys first play soldiers, imagining that they are participating in real battles, then they discover mysterious islands. And there’s no way without a map. A map is a real model of the Earth. Well, I became so interested in these maps that after graduating from school I went to the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University...”


Military specialty - weather forecaster-meteorologist.

Where and how did you work?

After graduating from Moscow State University, he worked as an assigned worker at the Soyuzvodokanalproekt design and survey institute, then at IGRAN. Since 1987 - Deputy Director of IGRAN for scientific issues, head of the laboratory for experimental studies of geosystems.

“At the institute they consider me strict, some employees are even afraid.”

Participated in the creation of the Mercator Group, an analytical group that produces information graphics ( virtual cards weather) for the Meteo-TV holding.

“Having returned [from a scientific trip to the USA], Dima [Oreshkin] and I decided to create... a group that would... engage in the popularization of geographical knowledge through the media. Since then, TV news broadcasts have appeared computer cards made at our institute."

Since 1997, he has been providing weather forecasts on the NTV channel.

“...The only thing I came up with for myself was clothes: I insisted on leaving the usual elements of my wardrobe as much as possible... There were also small problems with the text... And here they met me halfway and allowed me to edit the text to suit myself . Then I began to check how the maps were built and also began to change and improve...”

“... for me it’s more of a hobby. I’m not a professional meteorologist, I just voice the weather forecast in the “box.”

Academic degrees and titles

Candidate of Geographical Sciences.

“Rivers, lakes, swamps - this is my specialty. And the essence of the work was that 70 percent of the territory globe has not been studied hydrologically, so I proposed certain methods for studying water resources.”

“...my son introduced me to Discovery. This is such a wonderful, unusual, such a real movie! You could say, from the mouth of a crocodile!.. And I’m incredibly interested, because this is a different path.”


“Your home, your family, your son.”

Public affairs

He was a member of the jury of the Moscow Premiere film festival in 2005.

“My wife was delighted that I watched all seven films there. Before this film festival, it seemed to me that Russian cinema had disappeared; even the mere mention of it made me feel nauseous.”

Important life events

First created and invented

“I’ll brag: one species of spider is named after me. We were on an expedition to the Gobi. With my help, a zoologist discovered an unknown spider. Now in the New York Zoological Museum there is a sign on the exhibit: “Gonofusius Belyaevius.” "Named after the Russian geographer."

Successful projects

For more than 20 years, he has been constantly forecasting weather on the NTV channel.

“I want the TV viewer to smile, look at me, ... relax, take off the burden of the day. ... It’s important to me... not to leave the viewer feeling hopeless. It’s as if I’m telling him: “Don’t be upset, life goes on, everything will be fine in the end.” And if he smiles after my final remark: “See you,” I will consider that I played my role well.”

Failed projects

"Which began in bad days and then they ended.”

Known for

“Still, to a wide circle of people I am better known as a TV presenter.”

I'm interested

watch TV

“I put TVs in all the rooms and when I come home, I turn them all on at once. I don’t sit and watch, I go about my business, but I keep my finger on the pulse. This is the thread that connects me to the world. This was the case before I got into this “box”. Now I know what and how it’s done there, but I’m still interested in everything.”

collect stamps

“This is my second hobby after television. When I was a child, I looked at a stamp of a country, then I looked into the atlas to find out where this country was, then I started reading about it... And I became a geographer.”

“I am a philatelist. I collect everything related to our country and especially to the post-Soviet space. I have a serious collection, most likely one of the most complete in the world on this topic. …. When I retire, I’ll start describing my collection.”

Play chess. In his youth, he studied in a chess club at the Palace of Pioneers on the Lenin Hills.

“Nowadays, I play chess as part of MK projects (mainly in the World Chess Giveaway Championship).”

I love


“I am an omnivore: I like different music, depending on my mood. I love classics, lighter genres (The Beatles, Rolling Stones), our folk music (Ivan Kupala, Lyapis Trubetskoy), national music, preferably exotic, such as Chinese, Japanese, Indian and even Tibetan. I love all kinds of natural noises (sea, forest, seagulls screaming). And sometimes I even listen to so-called pop music!”


“And when I discovered karaoke, I talked about it on every corner and infected the whole institute with it. Now in the evenings some of our employees stay here and we eat... What? Yes, anything. I especially love folk songs..."

be the center of attention

“...I'm weak in this area. I like to be the center of attention, I’m trying to fight it, but so far nothing has worked.”

shop online

“...very comfortable, but still scary. Two months ago, for example, I bought a washing machine.”

Well, I don't like it

jackets, ties and other “official” clothing

“I wear things that make me comfortable. Can you imagine how uncomfortable it is for a man to wear a jacket, and even a tie? Everything is tight. I wouldn’t even be happy to wear a vest, but the microphone can easily be attached to it and hidden.”

culinary delights

“...culinary delights irritate me. ...food is by no means the main process in life. I went through a period of being passionate about cooking in my younger years, until I was 35. I did all sorts of things! And then I thought: “Oh my God, what am I wasting my time on?” And I began to treat it more calmly.”


“I catch myself thinking that there is more and more pessimism in this regard, and less and less optimism. ...And now I can’t drink vodka at all. Although at one time I tried almost everything connected with the word “vodka”... Nowadays I sometimes want red wine. ...I begin to imagine: well, I’ll drink 200 grams, by inertia I’ll want more, then I’ll sleep, and wake up feeling out of place. It’s better not to drink at all.”


“...I am a very conservative person, lazy, I don’t like change. I’ve been living with the same wife for many years, I work at the same institute, I conduct a weather forecast on the same channel...”

stay home in silence

“When such an abnormal person like me is left alone at home, he absolutely needs something to play and speak. Therefore, as soon as I cross the threshold, I automatically turn on the receiver or TV. And when I move around the house, this sound relay accompanies me.”

I love it when people congratulate

“I love all congratulations, except birthdays.”


“An idiot’s dream is to retire and deal only with his own brands.”


Wife Nina, architect and artist.

“In fact, I found my wife at the dacha; we had a dacha romance from the age of 8. ... Nina was the daughter of the director of a sanatorium-forest school, located 200 meters from our village of Maksimovka.”

“We got married in 1973, it was a very loud wedding. We lived in a communal apartment on Gogolevsky Boulevard... the neighbors vacated the apartment so as not to interfere with the fun. Every day the composition of the guests changed: first my friends, then the Ninins, then the general ones. The wedding left very fond memories. But not a single photograph was taken..."

Son Ilya, geographer.

“Geography is the most familial of all sciences. ...my son became infected with this profession. Today he is preparing maps that are shown in NTV newscasts. So we have, one might say, a family run.”

And generally speaking

"I'm in real life and on television - these are two completely different people. In life, he’s hot, emotional, and not always in the right direction.”

“Nature shows that we are united! From this point of view, what, my God, is the collapse Soviet Union! This is nonsense, children's games in the sandbox, when we try to win each other's bucket, scoop or whatever... Everything in the world must be arranged rationally, otherwise we will never achieve the ideal and perfection in nature, in our lives. ...life always shows us the direction...”

“I don’t spend any time on vacation, I don’t have one. When I retire, then I’ll rest.”

69-year-old weather forecaster on NTV Alexander Belyaev has been battling lung cancer for more than six years. Previously, he was able to hide his illness, but in September 2017, Belyaev even had to resign from NTV. During these six months he underwent four courses of chemotherapy and, apparently, the disease had subsided. True, during this time Belyaev lost as much as 10 kilograms.

The producers invited me to try my hand again, says Alexander Vadimovich. - I supported the idea, I already missed filming. Now the team will see if I look good enough on camera; after all, the disease leaves its mark.


Belyaev himself is in a militant mood. He is confident that he will be able to return to a full life. It was not easy to get ready for victory: Belyaev’s mother and wife died of cancer. And he, in addition, was also diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

“Everything is going according to plan,” the TV presenter continues. - Now I’m preparing for reconstructive surgery. I have some movement, I’m climbing to the top! The doctors at the Blokhin Cancer Center are very kind to me and constantly monitor my health indicators. But, unfortunately, it is too early to talk about a complete cure. Science is moving forward: if twenty years ago cancer was a death sentence, today you can find a way out of any situation. Firstly, when a person is diagnosed with cancer, he, of course, thinks about the help of specialists in Israel, Germany or Austria. But secondly, it's worth it big money. Why do I say “secondly”? Because there is the Herzen Institute and the Center on Kashirka - our doctors in this area can easily compete with Western ones. Looking for grandmothers, healers of all stripes is simply a waste of time.


The presenter says that during treatment he tried to spend as much time as possible outside of Moscow. Belyaev also said that he persuaded his relatives to also check their health - it worked.

There is a different air outside the city,” said Alexander Vadimovich. - My family worries about me, they go to church. I’m glad that they heeded my persuasion and decided to check their health. Ilya's son showed no signs of cancer. Now I'm waiting for my brother's test results!


Belyaev Alexander Vadimovich (01/05/1949) – Russian TV presenter, the “face” of the weather forecast on the NTV channel. Deputy Director of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Sciences. This is partly why he has the nickname “Professor” in television circles.

“When I hear that the weather is not information, I want to ask, then what is information?! We all depend on the weather, and we definitely want to know what awaits us tomorrow. That is why weather forecasts are simply necessary in news releases."


Alexander Vadimovich Belyaev was born in Moscow on January 5, 1949. His father, Vadim Moses-Fehel Belyaev, worked in the pharmaceutical industry. And mother Nona Borukhovna Alt was a housewife.

As a child, Alexander was fond of theater and even played in school plays. But he decided not to become a professional actor. Entered the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography. In 1972 he received a diploma as a hydrologist.


Alexander Belyaev has always considered and still considers his main place of work Russian Academy Sci. After graduation, he went to work at the Institute of Geography. He made an excellent career there, starting out as a simple engineer. Now he is the Deputy Director for Science of the same Institute. Behind long years he managed to write more than a hundred scientific works, and at the same time defend a doctoral dissertation.

Alexander Belyaev got into television, one might say, by accident. At his Institute, he created the Mercator group, which collaborated with many means mass media, providing weather data. Together with Belyaev, the founding fathers of Mercator were Andrei Skvortsov and political scientist Dmitry Oreshkin.

At first, young people simply shared information about the weather, made analytical reports, made forecasts, and so on. But the leaders of the new NTV channel at that time had a bold idea. They decided to refuse the services of professional announcers, entrusting the broadcast to young and original people. Even for those who do not have television education.

The weather forecast on NTV was no exception in this regard. The channel's management wanted the program to be hosted by a scientist, preferably a specialist in meteorology. By the way, Belyaev himself did not intend to forecast the weather. He acted as a consultant, and even came to castings, looking at potential candidates.

But it so happened that none of the applicants qualified various reasons. Meanwhile, the program was about to go on air. And then Belyaev decided to try it himself. And it worked! Since then, Alexander Vadimovich has been consistently leading the weather forecast on NTV.

“For a weather forecast to be original, you need to conduct it as if you were telling it to a loved one.”

By the way, the famous nickname “Professor” was given to him by Leonid Parfenov. He did this taking into account Belyaev’s scientific achievements. True, the TV presenter is still not officially a professor - he has so far only defended his dissertation for a candidate for Doctor of Science.

And one more fact. Alexander Belyaev is a passionate stamp collector. Moreover, not all of them, but only those associated with the post-Soviet space. They say that his collection of this part is by far the largest in the world.

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