Submarine Los Angeles characteristics. US Los Angeles class nuclear submarine. An excerpt characterizing the Los Angeles-class submarines

The Los Angeles class of atomic killers began in 1906, when a family of immigrants from Russian Empire– Abraham, Rachel and their six-year-old son Chaim. The kid turned out to be no slouch - when he grew up, he entered the Naval Academy and became a four-star admiral in the US Navy. In total, Hyman Rickover served in the Navy for 63 years and would have served more if he had not been caught taking a bribe of 67 thousand dollars (Rickover himself denied it to the end, declaring that this “nonsense” had no influence on his decisions).

In 1979, after a major accident at nuclear power plant Three Mile Island Hyman Rickover, as an expert, was called to testify before Congress. The question sounded prosaic: “One hundred nuclear submarines of the US Navy are moving in the depths of the oceans - and not a single accident with the reactor core in 20 years. And here the one standing on the shore fell apart new nuclear power plant. Maybe Admiral Rickover knows something Magic word»?

The elderly admiral's answer was simple: there are no secrets, you just need to work with people. Personally communicate with each specialist, immediately remove fools from working with the reactor and kick them out of the fleet. All high ranks who, for some reason, interfere with the training of personnel in accordance with these principles and sabotage the implementation of my instructions, declare a merciless war and also expel them from the fleet. Ruthlessly “gnaw” contractors and engineers. Safety and reliability are the main areas of work, otherwise even the most powerful and modern submarines will be sunk in batches in peacetime.

Admiral Rickover's principles (safety and reliability above all) formed the basis of the Los Angeles project - the largest series in the history of the nuclear submarine fleet, consisting of 62 multi-purpose nuclear submarines. The purpose of the “Los Angeles” (or “Moose” - the nickname of the boats in the Soviet fleet) is to fight enemy surface ships and submarines, cover aircraft carrier groups and deployment areas of strategic submarine missile carriers. Covert mining, reconnaissance, special operations.

If we take as a basis only the tabular characteristics: “speed”, “immersion depth”, “number of torpedo tubes”, then against the background of domestic “Typhoons”, “Anteev” and “Pike”, “Los Angeles” looks like a mediocre trough. A single-hull steel coffin divided into three compartments - any hole would be fatal to it. For comparison, the durable hull of the domestic multi-purpose nuclear submarine Project 971 “Shchuka-B” is divided into six sealed compartments. And the giant Project 941 Akula missile carrier has 19 of them!

There are only four torpedo tubes located at an angle to the center plane of the hull. As a result, the “Moose” cannot fire at full speed - otherwise the torpedo will simply be broken by the incoming stream of water. For comparison, the Shchuka-B has 8 bow-mounted tubes and is capable of using its own over the entire range of operating depths and speeds.
The working depth of the Los Angeles is only 250 meters. A quarter of a kilometer – is that really not enough? For comparison, the working depth of the Shchuka-B is 500 meters, the maximum is 600!

Canonical image of the Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine

Boat speed. Surprisingly, things are not so bad for the American here – in a submerged position, the “Moose” is capable of accelerating to 35 knots. The result is more than worthy, only six knots less than the incredible Soviet Lyra (Project 705). And this is without the use of titanium cases and scary reactors with metal coolants!

On the other hand, high maximum speed has never been the most important parameter of a submarine - already at 25 knots of acoustics the boats stop hearing anything due to the noise of the incoming water and the submarine becomes “deaf”, and at 30 knots the boat rumbles so much that it can be heard at the other end of the ocean. High speed- a useful, but not very important quality.

The main weapon of any submarine is stealth. This parameter contains the whole meaning of the existence of the submarine fleet. Stealth is determined primarily by the submarine's own noise level. The noise level of the Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines did not just meet international standards. The Los Angeles-class submarine itself set world standards.
There were several reasons for the exceptional low noise of the Elks:

Single-hull design. The area of ​​the wetted surface decreased, and, as a result, the noise from friction with the water when the boat moved.

The quality of the screws. By the way, the manufacturing quality of the third-generation Soviet nuclear submarine propellers also increased (and their noise decreased) after the detective story with the purchase of high-precision metal-cutting machines from Toshiba. Having learned about the secret deal between the USSR and Japan, America threw such a scandal that poor Toshiba almost lost access to the American market. Late! “Pike-B” with new propellers have already entered the vastness of the World Ocean.

Some specific points, such as rational placement of equipment inside the boat, depreciation of turbines and power equipment. The reactor circuits have greater degree natural circulation of the coolant - this made it possible to abandon high-capacity pumps, and, consequently, reduce the noise of the Los Angeles.

It is not enough for a submarine to be fast and secretive - to successfully complete its missions, it is necessary to have a specific understanding of the surrounding environment, learn to navigate the water column, find and identify surface and underwater targets. For a long time, the only means of external detection were a periscope and a hydroacoustic post with an analyzer in the form of an acoustic sailor’s ear. Well, there’s also a gyrocompass that shows where the North is under this damn water.

In Los Angeles everything is much more interesting. American engineers played all-in - they removed all equipment from the bow of the boat, including torpedo tubes. As a result, the entire bow of the hull is occupied by a spherical antenna of the AN/BQS-13 hydroacoustic station with a diameter of 4.6 meters. Also, the submarine’s hydroacoustic complex includes a conformal side-scan antenna consisting of 102 hydrophones, an active high-frequency sonar for detecting natural obstacles (underwater rocks, ice fields on the water surface, mines, etc.), as well as two towed passive antennas of 790 and 930 meters (including cable length).

Other means of collecting information include: equipment for measuring the speed of sound at various depths(completely necessary remedy For precise definition distance to target), AN/BPS-15 radar and AN/WLR-9 electronic reconnaissance system (for surface work), general overview periscope (type 8) and attack periscope (type 15).
However, no cool sensors and sonars did not help the San Francisco nuclear submarine - on January 8, 2005, a boat traveling at 30 knots (≈55 km/h) crashed into an underwater rock. One sailor was killed, 23 more were injured, and the luxurious antenna in the bow was smashed to pieces.

USS San Francisco (SSN-711) after colliding with an underwater obstacle

The weakness of the Los Angeles torpedo armament is to some extent compensated for by a wide range of ammunition - in total on board the boat there are 26 remotely controlled Mk.48 torpedoes (caliber 533 mm, weight ≈ 1600 kg), SUB-Harpoon anti-ship missiles, SUBROC anti-submarine missile torpedoes, cruise missiles "Tomahawk" and "smart" mines "Captor".

To increase combat effectiveness, 12 more vertical launch silos for storing and launching Tomahawks began to be installed in the bow of each Los Angeles, starting with the 32nd boat. In addition, some submarines are equipped with a Dry Deck Shelter container for storing combat swimmers’ equipment.
Modernization was carried out not “for show”, but based on reality combat experience– “Los Angeles” aircraft are regularly used to strike coastal targets. "Moose" are covered in blood up to their horns - on the list of destroyed targets are Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya...

USS Greeneville (SSN-772) with Dry Deck Shelter attached to her hull

The last 23 boats were built according to the modified "Improved Los Angeles" project. Submarines of this type were specially adapted for operations in high latitudes under the Arctic ice dome. The boats' wheelhouse rudders were removed and replaced with retractable rudders in the bow. The screw was enclosed in a profiled ring nozzle, which further reduced the noise level. The radio-electronic “stuffing” of the boat has undergone partial modernization.
The last boat of the Los Angeles series, called Cheyenne, was built in 1996. At the time when the last boats of the series were completed, the first 17 units, having served their due period, were already being scrapped. The Elks still form the backbone of the US submarine fleet; as of 2013, 42 submarines of this type are still in service.

Returning to our initial conversation - what did the Americans end up with - a worthless tin "tub" with understated characteristics or a highly effective underwater combat system?

Purely from a reliability point of view, the Los Angeles has set a record that has not yet been broken by anyone - during 37 years of active operation on 62 boats of this type, not a single serious accident involving damage to the reactor core was recorded. The Hyman Rickover tradition is still alive today.

As for the combat characteristics, the creators of the “Moose” can be praised a little. The Americans managed to build a generally successful ship with an emphasis on the most important characteristics (stealth and detection means). The boat was undoubtedly the best in the world in 1976, but by the mid-1980s, with the advent of the first multi-purpose nuclear submarines of Project 971 “Pike-B” in the USSR Navy, the American submarine fleet again found itself in a “catch-up” position. Realizing that the Los was somewhat inferior to the Pike-B, the United States began developing the SeaWolf project, a formidable submarine cruiser priced at $3 billion apiece (they completed the construction of three SeaWolfs in total).

In general, a conversation about Los Angeles-class boats is not so much a conversation about technology, but a conversation about the crews of these submarines. Man is the measure of everything. It is thanks to the preparation and careful maintenance of equipment that American sailors In 37 years we managed not to lose a single boat of this type.

Post scriptum. In April 1984, retired Admiral Hyman Rickover received a cool gift for his 84th birthday—a 7,000-ton Los Angeles-class submarine attack ship named in his honor.

The city of Los Angeles is not only palm trees, beaches and " Hollywood", this is also the name of multi-purpose US nuclear submarines.

American submarine class « Los Angeles » during " cold war"was the forefront among the world's submarines, and even now the leadership of the US Navy does not reduce its activity in improving them. Over the past twenty years, 62 modern submarines of the "Los Angeles». They became the most quantitative series submarines. At first glance, the number may not seem very large, but Submarine The product is one-piece and quite expensive. The ratio of fighter price and modern submarine, the same as the modest runabout and limousine. Atomic P US class submarinesLos Angeles» - the most numerous nuclear-powered ships in the world.

Development of the project began in the late 60s. In those years, the USSR Armed Forces rapidly expanded its submarine fleet, it became a global force and increasingly pushed back the Americans in world waters. Strengthening the Soviet country was a challenge that the US Navy could not help but respond to. They were worried about the rapid development nuclear submarines And . By using Soviet submarines The USSR fleet could block communications and thereby isolate the United States and turn the country into an island. The Americans decided to respond with quality and quantity. New US nuclear submarines were supposed to become silent champions long years. The USSR did not have technologies similar to the American ones at that time. Besides, New episode was designed for advanced weapons - cruise missiles of the " Tomahawk».

nuclear submarine

Los Angeles class

USS Los Angeles"

US nuclear submarine " USS Los Angeles"

nuclear submarine USS Dallas

nuclear submarine " USS Honolulu"

nuclear submarine " USS Tucson"

US nuclear submarine " USS Providence" at periscope depth

Construction of modern submarines deployed at two shipyards " Newport News shipbuilding"in Norfolk and " Electric Boat». First submarine entitled Los Angeles was launched on November 12, 1976. Nine years later it was built twentieth submarine "Honolulu"(SSN 718). nuclear submarine equipped with various types of torpedoes designed to combat submarines And surface ships, and also armed themselves anti-ship missiles like " Harpoon».

Rockets " Tomahawk"on board American submarine like " Los Angeles"were of several types and differed in range of destruction: some with a range of up to 400 km to combat surface ships, others - up to 2000 km with nuclear ammunition. This was a revolution among the world's submarines. For the first time, attack submarines received missiles long range. Moreover, they were launched through four torpedo tubes.

With the advent US submarine « Providence"(SSN 719) submarines like " LOS ANGELES"began to build with separate vertical missile silos" Tomahawk" Shipbuilding engineers managed to place up to twelve launchers on board submarines.

At the end of the 80s, modern submarines of the USSR came very close to American submarines in terms of stealth, diving depth, speed, and even surpassed them in some types of weapons. The advantage dried up, and management decided to modernize nuclear submarines USA class " Los Angeles" Starting with the submarine " San Juan", which became the fortieth in a row, and until the last in the series, completed in 1996, these nuclear-powered ships received a quieter ride due to improved surfaces. Of course, they were equipped with modern electronics. like " Los Angeles» repeatedly participated in operations in Persian Gulf. Some of them will remain in service for 20 years. The most quantitative series of submarines was replaced by a generation

Over the course of twenty years, 62 Los Angeles-class submarines were built, which does not seem like a lot, especially in comparison with the thousands of copies of aircraft and tanks, but a submarine is a one-piece product and very expensive. The price ratio between a fighter jet and a submarine is the same as that of a modest runabout and a luxury limousine. Los Angeles boats are the most popular nuclear powered ships in the world.

Work on the Los Angeles project began in the late sixties. During these years the Soviet navy quickly increased in power. It became a global force and increasingly squeezed Americans around the world. The strengthening of the Soviets was a challenge that Washington could not help but respond to. The United States was most concerned about two things: the beginning of the construction of large aircraft-carrying ships in the Soviet Union and the rapid development of nuclear submarine forces. It was then that our country for the first time overtook the United States in the number of nuclear submarines. Los Angeles-class submarineWith their help Soviet Union in the event of a conflict, it could cut off sea communications and turn the United States into an isolated island. The Americans decided to respond with both quantity and quality. The new US submarines were to become silent champions for many years. The USSR simply did not have technologies similar to the American ones at that time; in addition, the new series was designed for advanced weapons: Tomahawk cruise missiles. The construction of boats began at two shipyards. The first-born of the series, Los Angeles itself was launched on November 12, 1976. Nine years later, the twentieth submarine of this type was built: Ganalulu. The first twenty Los Angeles aircraft had the same weapons, electronics and hydroacoustics.

The boats were equipped different types torpedoes to combat submarines and surface ships, Harpoon anti-ship missiles and, finally, most importantly, ultra-modern Tomahawks. The boat could carry three types of Tomahawks: for firing at ships up to 400 kilometers, for firing at coastal targets up to 2,800 kilometers with a conventional warhead, and a variant with the same range, but with a nuclear warhead. This was a revolution in the development of the fleet. For the first time, multipurpose submarines received long-range nuclear missiles. In the event of a world war, Los Angeles becomes part of the missile attack force. Almost the entire world is in the affected area of ​​several dozen Los Angeles cities. The arsenal of the first boats of this type consisted of 14 torpedoes, 4 harpoons and eight tomahawks. All of them were launched only through 4 torpedo tubes, while two of them had to constantly contain only torpedoes - for the self-defense of the boat. It was obvious that, if necessary, the first Los Angeles would not be able to fire salvos of a large number of missiles, so starting with the Providence boat, these submarines were built with separate, vertical shafts for tomahawks. The designers managed to place as many as 12 launchers on board the new Los Angeles, and this without changing the dimensions and contours of the hull.

At the end of the eighties, the newest Soviet boats came very close to Los Angeles in terms of stealth, and surpassed them in diving depth, speed and some types of weapons. The US advantages have vanished like smoke. It was decided to modernize Los Angeles again. Starting from the fortieth boat "San Juan" until the end of the series, completed in 1996, these nuclear-powered ships were built according to the Los Angeles Improved project, i.e. Improved. Thanks to the use of special coatings, this modification has become even quieter. The submarine is better suited for working under ice. The rudders were moved from the wheelhouse to the bow of the ship. Of course, the new boats were equipped with the latest generation of electronics.

Los Angeles-class submarine

Length 110.3 m

Maximum hull width 10.1 m

Maximum diving depth 450-500 m

Crew 141 people

Surface speed 22 knots

Submerged speed 33 knots

Los Angeles saw action in real combat. Albuquerque, Norfolk and Miami vs Yugoslavia, Pittsburgh and Jefferson City in the Gulf Wars. Boats Augusto and Memphis were used for testing the latest weapons and combat information systems. Most of the later Los Angeles will remain in service for another 20 years. In the near future they will begin to be equipped with cutting-edge missiles. They will radically surpass Tomahawks in accuracy, range and speed. Western sources claim that we're talking about about supersonic cruise missiles with a firing range of 5,000 kilometers. Los Angeles will retire gradually, the most popular nuclear submarine will be replaced by the next generation model: Virginia.

Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines

F. Sagaidakov

Intensifying the arms race, the US military-political leadership is spending large sums on the construction of nuclear submarines. At the end of 1971, the American company Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock developed a project for the Los Angeles multi-purpose nuclear submarine (SSN). It, as the foreign press reports, is intended to solve the following tasks: combating enemy submarines and surface ships; protection of SSBNs and aircraft carrier strike formations; protection of sea and ocean communications; mine laying.
After equipping such boats cruise missiles With a long firing range (with a conventional or nuclear warhead), they will be able to strike coastal targets.
The lead boat was laid down in January 1972, and in November 1976 it entered service. At the beginning of 1983, the US Navy had 20 boats in service and had funds allocated for the construction of 21 more, of which 15 are in various stages of construction. It is noted that the current cost of one submarine is $800 million.
According to the five-year shipbuilding program (fiscal years 1984-1988), it is planned to allocate funds for another 21 submarines (1984 - three, 1985 - four, 1986 - four, 1987 - five, 1988 - five).
When creating Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines, much attention was paid to equipping them with effective weapons. The boat is equipped with four torpedo tubes for firing Mk48 torpedoes, SABROK anti-submarine missiles and Harpoon and Tomahawk anti-ship missiles, as well as for launching Mk30 simulators. They can also be used to lay Mk57 mines.
In 1981, a vertical launch system for the Tomahawk missile launcher was developed for installation on a Los Angeles-class submarine, as well as a modernization project for this boat, which included placing 12 vertical launchers in the area of ​​the bow main ballast tank outside the pressure hull. According to foreign press reports, this should not reduce the effectiveness of the fight against submarines, since the firing will not be carried out from torpedo tubes, and also cause significant changes hull structures and affect driving performance.
On the Los Angeles class boat with hull number SSN719, vertical launchers will be installed in 1985 after its commissioning. Starting from SSN723, all boats will be equipped with 12 vertical launchers during their construction, and on SSN688 - 718 submarines such launchers will be placed during their overhaul.
The Los Angeles nuclear submarine has a single-hull architecture over most of its length and, unlike all previous series, does not have a double-hull design in the area of ​​the auxiliary machinery compartments. The buoyancy reserve is 15 percent. The standard displacement of the Los Angeles is 2400 tons greater than, for example, the Sturgeon, which is explained by the installation of a more powerful nuclear power plant (NPP) and new electronic equipment, increased ammunition, and other factors. Hull structures are made of HY-80/100 steel with a lower yield strength of 70 kg/mm2. The hull is a cylindrical shell ending at the stern and bow with cones with hemispherical tops. The tubes of four torpedo tubes pass through the nose cone at an angle to the centerline plane. The robust housing is divided by transverse bulkheads into three compartments: central, reactor and turbine.
The first compartment is divided into three decks. It houses the central control post on the upper deck, the crew's living quarters on the second, the torpedo tubes and spare torpedoes on the third, and the battery and tanks in the hold. In the aft part there are rooms for auxiliary mechanisms and a tank. The second compartment contains a steam generating unit with an S6G reactor, and the third contains a steam turbine unit and other mechanical equipment.
According to foreign press, much attention when designing the submarine was paid to reducing its noise. The nuclear power plant used is standard in composition for all serial nuclear boats turbo-gear unit, consisting of a steam-producing unit with an S6G reactor and two turbines transmitting rotation to a seven-blade propeller through a gearbox. The reactor was developed by General Electric. Compared to Westinghouse's previously used S5W* series reactors, it can deliver more than twice the power to the shaft and has higher percentage natural circulation of the primary coolant. This makes it possible to increase reliability and reduce noise by eliminating high-capacity pumps, and simplifies electrical equipment and control equipment. Its service life between recharges is about ten years.
The PLA is equipped with an advanced CAMS-11 air composition analysis and control system, which uses a computer-controlled mass spectrometer (programmed for various gas compositions of the intracompartment air), as well as infrared sensor-analyzers of carbon dioxide content. The system, according to its developers, should ensure normal atmospheric composition in the compartments for 90 days. On its basis it was planned to create a CAMS-IV system, which should automatically monitor and manage all means of ventilation and regeneration. The computer regulates the oxygen content in the compartments of the boat, directly influencing the oxygen installation, the operation of the scrubber, temperature regime installations for afterburning hydrogen and carbon monoxide, and also monitors the condition of charcoal filters.
When creating the Los Angeles-class submarine, much attention was paid to the development of highly efficient radio-electronic equipment. These, in particular, include the AN/BQQ-5 hydroacoustic complex, created on the basis of the AN/BQQ-2, which includes a spherical antenna AN/BQS-13 (diameter 4.57 m), a conformal noise direction-finding sonar, a towed antenna placed on the boat hull in a casing (Fig. 2), and other hydroacoustic systems. It is serviced by four operators.
The Los Angeles-class submarine is equipped with a special navigation complex MINI SINS, radar AN/BPS-15, satellite communication station AN/WSC-3, mine detection sonar AN/BQS-15, computer AN/UYK-7, fire control system Mk117 and other radio-electronic equipment.
According to American military experts, further improvement of Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines will follow the path of improving radio-electronic equipment based on a unified command and control system, which will be equipped with both submarines under construction and future ones.
A shipborne multiplex data transmission system AN/USQ-82 (V) is being developed, which will allow combining information coming from weapons and lighting systems, as well as from general ship systems, and transmitting it via a multiplex cable. It is supposed to be installed on Los Angeles-class submarines starting with number SSN751. The foreign press reports that in the late 80s and early 90s it will be improved towards the widespread use of distributed information processing, standard modules and fiber optics, which will significantly increase the reliability of cables and will eliminate data converters from the equipment.

Displacement, t:
- surface 6000
- underwater 6900
Main dimensions, m:
- length 109,7
- width 10,1
- draft 9,9
NPP power, hp 35 000
Submarine speed, knots 32-35
Immersion depth, m 450
Crew, people:
- officers 12
- non-commissioned officers and privates 115
Main performance characteristics of the "LOS ANGELES" type submarine weapons
Characteristics Mk48 torpedo SABROC anti-submarine missile Anti-ship missiles Mines
Harpoon Tomahawk Mk57 Mk67
Weight, kg:






Dimensions, m:






Speed, Mach number 50 knots 1,0 0,85 0,7 - -
Firing range, km 46 50 110 500 - -
Setting depth, m - - - - 300 100

Foreign military review №12 1988

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Los Angeles class

USS Los Angeles (SSN-688), lead project
Main characteristics
Ship type PAYMENT
Project designation 688, 688i (improved)
NATO codification Los Angeles
Speed ​​(surface) up to 17 knots
Speed ​​(underwater) 30 knots (full), 35 knots (maximum, short-term)
Working depth 250-280 m
Maximum immersion depth 450 m
Crew 14 officers, 127 junior ranks
Price ~ $220 million
Surface displacement 6082-6330 t
Displacement underwater 6927-7177 t
Maximum length (according to KVL) 109.7 m
Body width max. 10.1 m
Average draft (according to waterline) 9.4 m
Power point
for project 688i NPP S6G (General Electric), for project 688 NPP S5W (Westinghouse Electric Corp)
two turbines, two Fairbanks-Morse diesel generators
7 blade propeller
mine weapons
4 533-mm TA designed to fire Mk.46, Mk.48 torpedoes, as well as Harpoon missiles (6-8 missiles)
Missile weapons starting with SSN-751 San-Juan

12 vertical silos designed to launch Harpoon and Tomahawk missiles (688i only)

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Los Angeles-class submarines Los Angeles-class submarines


USA- a total of 62 nuclear submarines were built.

Composition of the series

Currently in the US Navy there is 39 submarines type "Los Angeles":

Name Shipyard Pawned Lowered In service Decommissioned Home port
1. SSN-688 "Los Angeles" NNSB 08.01.1972 06.04.1974 13.11.1976 23.01.2010
2. SSN-689 "Baton Rouge" NNSB 18.11.1972 26.04.1975 25.06.1977 13.01.1995
3. SSN-690 "Philadelphia" GDEB 12.08.1972 19.10.1974 25.06.1977 25.06.2010
4. SSN-691 "Memphis" NNSB 23.06.1973 03.04.1976 17.12.1977 01.04.2011
5. SSN-692 "Omaha" GDEB 27.01.1973 21.02.1976 11.03.1978 05.10.1995
6. SSN-693 "Cincinnati" NNSB 06.04.1974 19.02.1977 11.03.1978 29.07.1996
7. SSN-694 "Groton" GDEB 03.08.1973 09.10.1976 08.07.1978 07.11.1997
8. SSN-695 "Birmingham" NNSB 26.04.1975 29.10.1977 16.12.1978 22.12.1997
9. SSN-696 "New York City" GDEB 15.12.1973 18.06.1977 03.03.1979 30.04.1997
10. SSN-697 Indianapolis GDEB 19.10.1974 30.07.1977 05.01.1980 22.12.1998
11. SSN-698 "Bremerton" GDEB 08.05.1976 22.07.1978 28.03.1981 Pearl Harbor
12. SSN-699 "Jacksonville" GDEB 21.02.1976 18.11.1978 16.05.1981 Pearl Harbor
13. SSN-700 "Dallas" GDEB 09.10.1976 28.04.1979 18.07.1981 Groton
14. SSN-701 "La Jolla" GDEB 16.10.1976 11.08.1979 30.09.1981 03.02.2015
15. SSN-702 "Phoenix" GDEB 30.07.1977 08.12.1979 19.12.1981 29.07.1998
16. SSN-703 "Boston" GDEB 11.08.1978 19.04.1980 30.01.1982 19.11.1999
17. SSN-704 "Baltimore" GDEB 21.05.1979 13.12.1980 24.07.1982 10.07.1998
18. SSN-705 "City of Corpus Christi" GDEB 04.09.1979 25.04.1981 08.01.1983 Guam
19. SSN-706 "Albuquerque" GDEB 27.12.1979 13.03.1982 21.05.1983 Preparation for write-off
20. SSN-707 "Portsmouth" GDEB 08.05.1980 18.09.1982 01.10.1983 10.09.2004
21. SSN-708 "Minneapolis-Saint Paul" GDEB 20.01.1981 19.03.1983 10.03.1984 28.08.2008
22. SSN-709 "Hyman Rickover" GDEB 24.07.1981 27.08.1983 21.07.1984 14.12.2006
23. SSN-710 "Augusta" GDEB 24.07.1981 21.01.1984 19.01.1985 11.02.2009
24. SSN-711 "San Francisco" NNSB 26.05.1977 27.10.1979 24.04.1981 San Diego
25. SSN-712 "Atlanta" NNSB 17.08.1978 16.08.1980 06.03.1982 16.12.1999
26. SSN-713 "Houston" NNSB 29.01.1979 21.03.1981 25.09.1982 Guam
27. SSN-714 "Norfolk" NNSB 01.08.1979 31.10.1981 21.05.1983 11.12.2014
28. SSN-715 "Buffalo" NNSB 25.01.1980 08.05.1982 05.11.1983 Guam
29. SSN-716 "Salt Lake City" NNSB 26.08.1980 16.10.1982 12.05.1984 15.01.2006
30. SSN-717 "Olympia" NNSB 31.03.1981 30.04.1983 17.11.1984 Pearl Harbor
31. SSN-718 "Honolulu" NNSB 10.11.1981 24.09.1983 06.07.1985 02.11.2007
32. SSN-719 "Providence" GDEB 14.10.1982 4.08.1984 27.07.1985 Groton
33. SSN-720 "Pittsburgh" GDEB 15.04.1983 08.12.1984 23.11.1985 Groton
34. SSN-721 "Chicago" NNSB 05.01.1983 13.10.1984 27.09.1986 Pearl Harbor
35. SSN-722 "Key West" NNSB 06.07.1983 20.07.1985 12.09.1987 Pearl Harbor
36. SSN-723 "Oklahoma City" NNSB 04.01.1984 02.11.1985 09.07.1988 Norfolk
37. SSN-724 "Louisville" GDEB 24.09.1984 14.12.1985 08.11.1986 Pearl Harbor
38. SSN-725 "Helena" GDEB 28.03.1985 28.06.1986 11.07.1987 San Diego
39. SSN-750 Newport News NNSB 03.03.1984 15.03.1986 03.06.1989 Norfolk
40. SSN-751 "San Juan" GDEB 09.08.1985 06.12.1986 06.08.1988 Groton
41. SSN-752 "Pasadena" GDEB 20.12.1985 12.09.1987 11.02.1989 Pearl Harbor
42. SSN-753 "Albany" NNSB 22.04.1985 13.06.1987 07.04.1990 Norfolk
43. SSN-754 "Topeka" GDEB 13.05.1986 23.01.1988 21.10.1989 San Diego
44. SSN-755 "Miami" GDEB 24.10.1986 12.11.1988 30.06.1990 08.08.2013
45. SSN-756 "Scranton" NNSB 29.08.1986 03.07.1989 26.01.1991 Norfolk
46. SSN-757 "Alexandria" GDEB 19.06.1987 23.06.1990 29.06.1991 Groton
47. SSN-758 "Asheville" GDEB 09.01.1987 24.02.1990 28.09.1991 San Diego
48. SSN-759 "Jefferson City" NNSB 21.09.1987 17.08.1990 29.02.1992 San Diego
49. SSN-760 Annapolis GDEB 15.06.1988 18.05.1991 11.04.1992 Groton
50. SSN-761 "Springfield" GDEB 29.01.1990 04.01.1992 09.01.1993 Groton
51. SSN-762 Columbus GDEB 09.01.1991 01.08.1992 24.07.1993 Pearl Harbor
52. SSN-763 "Santa Fe" GDEB 09.07.1991 12.12.1992 08.01.1994 Pearl Harbor
53. SSN-764 "Boise" NNSB 25.08.1988 23.03.1991 07.11.1992 Norfolk
54. SSN-765 "Montpellier" NNSB 19.05.1989 23.08.1991 13.03.1993 Norfolk
55. SSN-766 "Charlotte" NNSB 17.08.1990 03.10.1992 16.09.1994 Pearl Harbor
56. SSN-767 "Hampton" NNSB 02.03.1990 03.04.1992 16.11.1993 San Diego
57. SSN-768 "Hartford" GDEB 22.02.1992 04.12.1993 10.12.1994 Groton
58. SSN-769 "Toledo" NNSB 06.05.1991 28.08.1993 24.02.1995 Groton
59. SSN-770 "Tucson" NNSB 15.08.1991 20.03.1994 18.08.1995 Pearl Harbor
60. SSN-771 "Columbia" GDEB 21.04.1993 24.09.1994 09.10.1995 Pearl Harbor
61. SSN-772 "Greenville" NNSB 28.02.1992 17.09.1994 16.02.1996 Pearl Harbor
62. SSN-773 "Cheyenne" NNSB 06.07.1992 16.04.1995 13.09.1996 Pearl Harbor

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  • Encyclopedia of ships / Multi-purpose submarines / Los Angeles.

An excerpt characterizing the Los Angeles-class submarines

At such moments, a feeling similar to the pride of a victim gathered in Princess Marya’s soul. And suddenly, at such moments, in her presence, this father, whom she condemned, either looked for his glasses, feeling near them and not seeing, or forgot what was just happening, or took an unsteady step with weak legs and looked around to see if anyone had seen him weakness, or, worst of all, at dinner, when there were no guests to excite him, he would suddenly doze off, letting go of his napkin, and bend over the plate, his head shaking. “He is old and weak, and I dare to condemn him!” she thought with disgust for herself at such moments.

In 1811, in Moscow there lived a French doctor who quickly became fashionable, huge in stature, handsome, as amiable as a Frenchman and, as everyone in Moscow said, a doctor of extraordinary skill - Metivier. He was accepted into the houses of high society not as a doctor, but as an equal.
Prince Nikolai Andreich, who laughed at medicine, Lately, on the advice of m lle Bourienne, allowed this doctor to visit him and got used to him. Metivier visited the prince twice a week.
On Nikola’s day, the prince’s name day, all of Moscow was at the entrance of his house, but he did not order to receive anyone; and only a few, a list of which he gave to Princess Marya, he ordered to be called to dinner.
Metivier, who arrived in the morning with congratulations, as a doctor, found it proper to de forcer la consigne [to violate the prohibition], as he told Princess Marya, and went in to see the prince. It so happened that on this birthday morning the old prince was in one of his worst moods. He walked around the house all morning, finding fault with everyone and pretending that he did not understand what they were saying to him and that they did not understand him. Princess Marya firmly knew this state of mind of quiet and preoccupied grumbling, which was usually resolved by an explosion of rage, and as if in front of a loaded, cocked gun, she walked all that morning, waiting for the inevitable shot. The morning before the doctor arrived went well. Having let the doctor pass, Princess Marya sat down with a book in the living room by the door, from which she could hear everything that was happening in the office.
At first she heard one voice of Metivier, then the voice of her father, then both voices spoke together, the door swung open and on the threshold appeared the frightened, beautiful figure of Metivier with his black crest, and the figure of a prince in a cap and robe with a face disfigured by rage and drooping pupils of his eyes.
- Do not understand? - the prince shouted, - but I understand! French spy, Bonaparte's slave, spy, get out of my house - get out, I say - and he slammed the door.
Metivier shrugged his shoulders and approached Mademoiselle Bourienne, who had come running in response to the scream from the next room.
“The prince is not entirely healthy,” la bile et le transport au cerveau. Tranquillisez vous, je repasserai demain, [bile and rush to the brain. Calm down, I’ll come by tomorrow,” said Metivier and, putting his finger to his lips, he hurriedly left.
Outside the door one could hear footsteps in shoes and shouts: “Spies, traitors, traitors everywhere! There is no moment of peace in your home!”
After Metivier left, the old prince called his daughter to him and the full force of his anger fell on her. It was her fault that a spy was allowed in to see him. .After all, he said, he told her to make a list, and those who were not on the list should not be allowed in. Why did they let this scoundrel in! She was the reason for everything. With her he could not have a moment of peace, he could not die in peace, he said.
- No, mother, disperse, disperse, you know that, you know! “I can’t do it anymore,” he said and left the room. And as if afraid that she would not be able to console herself somehow, he returned to her and, trying to assume a calm appearance, added: “And don’t think that I told you this in a moment of my heart, but I am calm, and I have thought it over; and it will be - disperse, look for a place for yourself!... - But he could not stand it and with that embitterment that can only be found in a person who loves, he, apparently suffering himself, shook his fists and shouted to her:
- And at least some fool would marry her! “He slammed the door, called m lle Bourienne to him and fell silent in the office.
At two o'clock the chosen six persons arrived for dinner. The guests—the famous Count Rostopchin, Prince Lopukhin and his nephew, General Chatrov, the prince’s old comrade in arms, and young Pierre and Boris Drubetskoy—were waiting for him in the living room.
The other day, Boris, who came to Moscow on vacation, wished to be introduced to Prince Nikolai Andreevich and managed to gain his favor to such an extent that the prince made an exception for him from all the single young people whom he did not accept.
The prince’s house was not what is called “light,” but it was such a small circle that, although it was unheard of in the city, it was most flattering to be accepted into it. Boris understood this a week ago, when in his presence Rostopchin told the commander-in-chief, who called the count to dinner on St. Nicholas Day, that he could not be:
“On this day I always go to venerate the relics of Prince Nikolai Andreich.
“Oh yes, yes,” answered the commander-in-chief. - What he?..
The small company gathered in the old-fashioned, tall, old-furnished living room before dinner looked like a solemn council of a court of justice. Everyone was silent and if they spoke, they spoke quietly. Prince Nikolai Andreich came out serious and silent. Princess Marya seemed even more quiet and timid than usual. The guests were reluctant to address her because they saw that she had no time for their conversations. Count Rostopchin alone held the thread of the conversation, talking about the latest city and political news.
Lopukhin and the old general occasionally took part in the conversation. Prince Nikolai Andreich listened as the chief judge listened to the report that was being made to him, only occasionally declaring in silence or a short word that he was taking note of what was being reported to him. The tone of the conversation was such that it was clear that no one approved of what was being done in the political world. They talked about events that obviously confirmed that everything was going from bad to worse; but in every story and judgment it was striking how the narrator stopped or was stopped every time at the border where the judgment could relate to the person of the sovereign emperor.
During dinner, the conversation turned to the latest political news, about Napoleon's seizure of the possessions of the Duke of Oldenburg and about the Russian note hostile to Napoleon, sent to all European courts.
“Bonaparte treats Europe like a pirate on a conquered ship,” said Count Rostopchin, repeating a phrase he had already spoken several times. - You are only surprised at the long-suffering or blindness of sovereigns. Now it comes to the Pope, and Bonaparte no longer hesitates to overthrow the head of the Catholic religion, and everyone is silent! One of our sovereigns protested against the seizure of the possessions of the Duke of Oldenburg. And then...” Count Rostopchin fell silent, feeling that he was standing at the point where it was no longer possible to judge.
“They offered other possessions instead of the Duchy of Oldenburg,” said Prince Nikolai Andreich. “Just as I resettled men from Bald Mountains to Bogucharovo and Ryazan, so he did the dukes.”
“Le duc d"Oldenbourg supporte son malheur avec une force de caractere et une resignation admirable, [The Duke of Oldenburg bears his misfortune with remarkable willpower and submission to fate," said Boris, respectfully entering into the conversation. He said this because he was passing through from St. Petersburg had the honor of introducing himself to the Duke. Prince Nikolai Andreich looked at young man as if he wanted to say something to him about this, but decided against it, considering him too young for that.
“I read our protest about the Oldenburg case and was surprised at the poor wording of this note,” said Count Rostopchin, in the careless tone of a man judging a case well known to him.
Pierre looked at Rostopchin with naive surprise, not understanding why he was bothered by the poor edition of the note.
– Doesn’t it matter how the note is written, Count? - he said, - if its content is strong.
“Mon cher, avec nos 500 mille hommes de troupes, il serait facile d"avoir un beau style, [My dear, with our 500 thousand troops it seems easy to express ourselves in a good style,] said Count Rostopchin. Pierre understood why Count Rostopchin was worried about the edition of the note.
“It seems that the scribblers are pretty busy,” said the old prince: “they write everything there in St. Petersburg, not just notes, but they write new laws all the time.” My Andryusha wrote a whole lot of laws for Russia there. Nowadays they write everything! - And he laughed unnaturally.
The conversation fell silent for a minute; The old general drew attention to himself by clearing his throat.
– Did you deign to hear about the latest event at the show in St. Petersburg? How the new French envoy showed himself!
- What? Yes, I heard something; he said something awkwardly in front of His Majesty.
“His Majesty drew his attention to the grenadier division and the ceremonial march,” continued the general, “and it was as if the envoy did not pay any attention and seemed to allow himself to say that in France we do not pay attention to such trifles.” The Emperor did not deign to say anything. At the next review, they say, the sovereign never deigned to address him.
Everyone fell silent: no judgment could be expressed on this fact, which related personally to the sovereign.
- Daring! - said the prince. – Do you know Metivier? I drove him away from me today. He was here, they let me in, no matter how much I asked not to let anyone in,” said the prince, looking angrily at his daughter. And he told his whole conversation with the French doctor and the reasons why he was convinced that Metivier was a spy. Although these reasons were very insufficient and unclear, no one objected.
Champagne was served along with the roast. The guests rose from their seats, congratulating the old prince. Princess Marya also approached him.
He looked at her with a cold, angry gaze and offered her his wrinkled, shaved cheek. The whole expression of his face told her that he had not forgotten the morning conversation, that his decision remained in the same force, and that only thanks to the presence of guests he was not telling her this now.
When they went out into the living room for coffee, the old men sat down together.
Prince Nikolai Andreich became more animated and expressed his thoughts about the upcoming war.
He said that our wars with Bonaparte would be unhappy as long as we sought alliances with the Germans and meddled in European affairs into which the Peace of Tilsit dragged us. We did not have to fight either for Austria or against Austria. Our policy is all in the east, but in relation to Bonaparte there is one thing - weapons on the border and firmness in politics, and he will never dare to cross the Russian border, as in the seventh year.
- And where, prince, are we supposed to fight the French! - said Count Rostopchin. – Can we take up arms against our teachers and gods? Look at our youth, look at our ladies. Our gods are the French, our kingdom of heaven is Paris.
He began to speak louder, obviously so that everyone could hear him. – The costumes are French, the thoughts are French, the feelings are French! You kicked out Metivier, because he is a Frenchman and a scoundrel, and our ladies are crawling after him. Yesterday I was at a party, so out of five ladies, three are Catholics and, with the permission of the pope, on Sunday they sew on canvas. And they themselves sit almost naked, like signs of commercial baths, if I may say so. Eh, look at our youth, Prince, he would take the old club of Peter the Great from the Kunstkamera, and in Russian style he would break off the sides, all the nonsense would fall off!
Everyone fell silent. The old prince looked at Rostopchin with a smile on his face and shook his head approvingly.
“Well, goodbye, your Excellency, don’t get sick,” said Rostopchin, getting up with his characteristic quick movements and extending his hand to the prince.
- Goodbye, my dear, - the harp, I will always listen to it! - said the old prince, holding his hand and offering him a cheek for a kiss. Others also rose with Rostopchin.

Princess Marya, sitting in the living room and listening to these talk and gossip of the old people, did not understand anything of what she heard; she was only thinking about whether all the guests noticed hostile relationship her father to her. She did not even notice the special attention and courtesies that Drubetskoy, who had been in their house for the third time, showed her throughout this dinner.
Princess Marya, with an absent-minded, questioning look, turned to Pierre, who, the last of the guests, with a hat in his hand and a smile on his face, approached her after the prince had left, and they alone remained in the living room.
-Can we sit still? - he said, throwing his fat body into a chair next to Princess Marya.
“Oh yes,” she said. “Didn’t you notice anything?” said her look.
Pierre was in a pleasant, post-dinner state of mind. He looked ahead and smiled quietly.
“How long have you known this young man, princess?” - he said.
- Which one?
- Drubetsky?
- No, recently...
- What do you like about him?
- Yes, he is a nice young man... Why are you asking me this? - said Princess Marya, continuing to think about her morning conversation with her father.
“Because I made an observation, a young man usually comes from St. Petersburg to Moscow on vacation only for the purpose of marrying a rich bride.
– You made this observation! - said Princess Marya.
“Yes,” Pierre continued with a smile, “and this young man now behaves in such a way that where there are rich brides, there he is.” It’s like I’m reading it from a book. He is now undecided who to attack: you or mademoiselle Julie Karagin. Il est tres assidu aupres d'elle. [He is very attentive to her.]
– Does he go to them?
- Very often. And do you know a new style of grooming? - Pierre said with a cheerful smile, apparently in that cheerful spirit of good-natured ridicule, for which he so often reproached himself in his diary.
“No,” said Princess Marya.
- Now, in order to please Moscow girls - il faut etre melancolique. Et il est tres melancolique aupres de m lle Karagin, [one must be melancholic. And he is very melancholy with m elle Karagin,” said Pierre.

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